How to take children at home: a list of interesting things for kids. How to take a child at home or on vacation - a selection of games for inventive parents of the smallest than to take children

Semillets are very fondant nature capable of independently inventing entertainment and new options for their leisure. They draw inspiration literally out of the air, but they also have periods of recession when all classes are bored, and I want something new. Then the mother with dad with their proven time with the ideas of funny children's games will come to the rescue.

What to do with a child of 7 years

We will not immediately make a reservation that we will not consider the TV viewing option. It is too a banal and simple option, which always works, but has certain negative consequences.
Classes for kids older than 7 years should harmoniously combine mobile and quiet activities. Given that 5-6 days a week, the child is located in a sitting position for 4-5 hours, it is worth considering active games. It is wonderful if the energy splash will occur on the street or the playground - you can ride plentifully, shout and releasing literally everything that your heart. Draw a map and go to the goals for treasure or teach a lesson on sports orienteering. In winter and summer, use street occupations for the season.
Quiet games are no less. This leisure has such leisure activities as co-read, board games, quiet walks, creative activities, role-playing games. To a greater extent, these are the options for the time of the house, what we will continue to speak below.

What to take a child in 7 years at home

When the question arises, what to do with the child of seven years at home, do not hurry to plant it behind the blue screen. Think what games will help him not only relax after a rich school day, but also contribute to intellectual development. During this period, it is important to train memory, attention, logical thinking. Of course, it is necessary to repel from the hobbies of the baby and its temperament. We present some decisions, how to entertain the child at 7 years old:

  • Checkers, Chess, Domino, Backgammon
  • Start better with checkers or dominoes are pretty simple to understand the game.
  • The words
  • Follow the list of long words - more than 10 letters. This should not be the names of our own, city names, drugs, etc. Cate time (for example, 10 minutes) and proceed to the formation of new words from the original. At the end, check the results. Whoever ended the stock, loses. More than two people can participate.
  • Another version of this game is oral. You call any words (except for the exceptions that are listed above), each participant in turn utters another word starting to the last letter of the previous one. This is an invaluable way to expand and deepen the vocabulary of the child, train his memory and attention.
  • Cities
  • The essence is the same as in the game "Words" in oral interpretation, only use exclusively the names of cities. You can simultaneously talk about different countries, traditions, dream of travel. In general, not a game, but solid pleasure.
  • Writer
  • Offer the child to write my own book. Let the kid issues the resulting work in a beautiful cover and reads you for the evening tea.
  • Wall newspaper
  • If an important event is nearing or a holiday, you can create a newspaper or a poster with its subject. Use everything - photos, clippings from magazines, appliques, drawings - the flight of creativity is not limited.
  • Board games
  • Shops offer a wide range of games for different ages, including from 1 to 99 years. You understand yourself, it will be interesting not only to the child.
  • Puzzles
  • This is a great way to develop a fine motility of hands. Make a competitive moment - check out the time and appoint a prize. Gradually, you can increase the complexity of the game using smaller parts and large canvas.
  • Reading books
  • The declamination of the work on the roles of different voices will make the usual evening reading an unforgettable and long-awaited point of the day.
  • Creation
  • Implock, drawing, painting, appliqués - Choose what your baby.
  • Needlework
  • Girls can be attached to sewing, knitting, weaving from beads and embroidery, and boys - to work with a designer, burning around the tree, assembling models of cars, ships and other techniques.
  • Help mom
  • If the time for entertainment does not work out, set the children with the game in my mother's helpers: issue props (depending on what needs to be done), make intrigue and soon the whole apartment will glisten. As "leaks", surprise (for example, candy) or notes, with an indication, where need to be crammed, and what prize is in the end.

As you can see, home leisure can be diverse and fascinating. We wish you merry and happy games!

How to take a child in 3 years at home? Many parents quickly find the answer: "Enable cartoons." The baby, of course, will be absorbed by a fascinating activity for a couple of hours, but long viewed TV shows is harmful: this fact has long established psychologists and pediatricians. The children's television is convenient for parents, but little good for the baby.

Offer your son or daughter an interesting occupation. Games and entertainment for a three-year child abound. Does it come to mind anything other than drawing, appliques and modeling? Choose any of the fascinating games, do together with the child, rejoice at the successes. So, no teachings and long explanations, only suggestions, how to take a three-year-old baby.

Home Theater.

The win-win option, regardless of the floor of the child. Prepare a mini-play, select your favorite fairy tales, come up with new ones. Fantasize yourself, support the ideas of a small director.


  • heroes of fairy tales make from cardboard, flasks, girlfriend;
  • sure small animal figures, people who are easily put on their finger;
  • make a big screen for fairy tales. The device will replace a series of chairs covered with cloth;
  • many kids love to turn into fairy-tale heroes. Pick up the play in which you participate two or three characters (change clothes in the next room), make suits for yourself and baby. Show a simple fairy tale dad, grandmother and grandfather: the closest will be delighted.

Treasure Island

What to do:

  • remove a few boxes, handbags, bright boxes;
  • inside each "chest" put a small surprise: candy, an apple, a poupsy, a postcard;
  • tell the baby that you do not have an apartment, and the island of treasure. Offer to find all the handbags and boxes in which the treasure is hidden;
  • put the "chests" not very far so that the child easily find them;
  • exercise develops a small motorcycle of hands, takes at least half an hour of time.

Little assistant

In three years, most children willingly imitate parents. Take advantage of this, offer an "adult" lesson.

Options Weight:

  • to water flowers;
  • wash vegetables for original salad;
  • roll the dough;
  • wear new dresses on dolls before the arrival of guests;
  • decorate the pie;
  • wipe off the dust;
  • sort shirts or socks;
  • clean order on the shelf and so on.

Important! Be sure to praise the baby, tell us about his successes to all at home. Let's satisfy the tasks so that the young assistant is not disappointed in his abilities.

Accurate shooter

Play with the baby. You will need two plastic buckets, paper balls. Together with the child, make the "kernels" of a soft paper, a piece of old wallpaper (take cheaps to be easily fried).


  • with two or three steps to get a paper ball in a basket;
  • think what distance is suitable for the child to get into the target, otherwise disappointments not avoid;
  • after the competition, hand the prize "tank".

Young artist


  • put the paper on the table, offer to draw a picture for home decoration;
  • give your finger paints, show how to make a flower;
  • kids are happy with pleasure;
  • hang the picture on the prominent place;
  • many kids like the drawing that it is often a whole "gallery" appears in the room.

Home orchestra

You will need:

  • jars, vest of different size from plastic;
  • cardboard tubes from food foil or film.

Show how to play drums, explain that you can not just knock, but also reproduce the melodies:

  • pay attention to the young drummer at different height of sounds;
  • so that the drum battle is not annoyed, after 15-20 minutes, offer another interesting occupation, for example, watching cartoons.

Plasticine modeling

Time proven occupation for the children of three years. Buy a set consisting of 10-12 colors and shades. Choose good quality plasticine: Avoid cheap, toxic materials.

Offer to blind heroes of fairy tales, pet, fruit, vegetables. Start with simple figures to avoid disappointments. First, sculpt together, then leaving for a long time, learn to engage yourself. After time, be sure to arrange the exhibition of work.

Tip! Highlight the place, set the plasticine figures for universal ferris. Many kids like to put scenes with the participation of just fought heroes.

Garland for the new year

Offer to decorate the apartment along with the baby. Cut the strips of colored paper width 1-2 cm. If the child knows how to manage with the children's scissors, let him do some of the work itself.

A task: glue from rings of rings. Say a new strip through the finished ring, connect. After 10-15 minutes of work, a small garland will be obtained.

Show models

The game is suitable for kids who wear well and remove clothes. Inconsider the baby more things, let him satisfy the presentation. Choose details simpler: Capes, hats, wigs, skirts, to be easily changed. This game especially like girls.

The most deft

Simple task entertainment baby. Offer to carry around the apartment in a tablespoon. Comfortable subject: Little ball, walnut, tennis ball. Show how to act. After bypassing all rooms, the "most delicious" will receive a prize.

Wind power

The game develops deep breathing, gives fun, good mood. Competition Competition, try to kid also won.


  • bubble;
  • cotton balls;
  • balls from paper.

A task:

  • dial in light more air, blow out objects from the table or blow a large soap bubble;
  • on different days, alternate balls with bubbles: so the game does not get bored. Attract dad, grandmother, praise for progress.


A win-win option for the development of ambitiousness, fantasy, shallow motility. First time buy coloring books with large objects that cause interest in a son or daughter. Choose plots from cartoons, favorite fairy tales.

The young artist copes well with a large area? Go to pictures with medium and small details.

Thick coloring is not needed, the baby will not flip the pages for a long time. Find a suitable picture on the Internet ("Coloring for children print"), then print it on the printer. Let the little artist color the hero.

Find a couple

First option:

  • put on the floor clean shoes, mix boots, shoes, slippers;
  • remove 3-4 baskets or boxes, offer the young hostess / owner to paint shoes: boots - in one basket, slippers - to another and so on;
  • be sure to find a pair before putting shoes in the right place.

Second option:

  • you can just get shoes from the boxes, make confusion;
  • ask the baby carefully decompose everything back to confuse anything;
  • help a little immediately, do not throw a child one before breasting;
  • tell the homemade, what an assistant grows.

Rocking or swing

Good entertainment for little babies. Buy a comfortable rocking model in the form of a horse with a sustainable basis. Swings reliably attach in the doorway. During such entertainment, never leave your son or daughter alone, always follow the behavior to avoid injury.

How to treat children? Learn efficient methods and folk recipes.

On the rules for receiving antibiotics during laryngitis in the child is written page.


Colorful magazines, panoramic books, encyclopedias with bright pictures (taking into account age) cause live interest among children. Choose an interesting material, read with an expression so that the baby is fucked.

Situational games

Babies with pleasure trying on their own roles. Games, developing imagination - what is needed for a three-year-old baby.

You do not know what to take a child at home in 3 years? Offer one of the popular games:

  • mother's daughters;
  • hospital;
  • school;
  • barbershop;
  • score;
  • cafe.

Buy sets of toy tools, make props themselves. Boys and girls playing plastic frying pan and glasses at early age with pleasure. Situational games develop speech, learn to communicate, attention to a stranger.

Children's disco

Turn on your favorite songs, let the baby dance. Talk too. An excellent option if friends or relatives came to visit with a child of similar age.

Obong hand

Simple game especially like girls. Show the baby, how to put the palm and fingers with a pencil. Help cut down the contour, draw the rings on your fingers together, cover the "nails", put on beautiful bracelets.


Prepare cardboard, glue, scissors, multicolored paper, old logs. First, make simple paintings so that the baby will cope with the task. Baby can tear pieces of colored paper with hands, if it is badly controlled with scissors.

Appeal for animals

Offer feed pet and cute little animals. Place the teddy bear, bunny, elephant, everyone who can find in the orphanage. Draw in advance, then cut apples, carrots, cabbage, other vegetables, fruit from cardboard. Make cereals and grass from colored paper. Tell your son or daughter that every beast eats.

If there is a suitable food for animals in the refrigerator, use it before washing, checking whether it is not cold. In the course, explain why it is important to wash your hands, vegetables and fruits.

Now you know a lot of exciting games and entertainment for kids. Sincerely interest the affairs of the child, do not spare the development of skills and skills. Fantasize, imagine yourself at the scene or daughter. Joint games bring together, improve relations in the family, give a good mood.

Video. Even more games and classes for the child 3 years at home:

Beautiful and pleasant to parents business. But sometimes moms and dads are forced to fulfill urgent things, and the child misses, does not know what to do. All children are different, and each kid likes to do something - someone lears the books, someone threatens the saucepans, and someone sit on the spot for 5 minutes - torture, and it is worn up all upside down. How to thorough little fidgets? at home? Let's try to find a fascinating case for any crumbs - calm or restless.

Summer days, and kid at home

It is difficult to stop at home when summer on the street, outside the window is sunny, warm and fun. Of course, rain, thunderstorm, wind or, on the contrary, the scorching is no one causes the desire to go outside. Even the child will understand what is better not to go for a walk. And if there are urgent things or soldered some of the family members, which does not allow you to immediately get out of the house with the baby, the question arises: what to take a child home in the summer? Each parent has an arsenal of what the crumb can be distracted. Although you can always find something new for your child.

Here, for example, arrange a disco for the kid. Children love to move. Turn on cheerful music. There is time - show an example - to dance together with the crumb, it will bring you closer and cheer. If a child is not alone, let the competition arrange - who is better who dances longer. The judge can be anyone - Mom, Dad or the one who is right next to children. Competitions are a great stimulus for grown kids. You can build towers from cubes - who is higher. Or folded puzzles - who is faster, etc. Almost all children love to splash in the water. There will be no question than to take a child at home in the summer if he is healthy. It is enough to pour water into the bath, give toys, and everything - your child will play in the water with pleasure, especially when in the street is heat. It is important not to leave the child for a long time one, you need to follow the security of the swimming process and, of course, control the temperature of the water, because your plans are not included in the child's disease.

Classes for the smallest

It is clear that different games are suitable for children of different ages. For example, there are not so many options for what to take a three-month baby at home. For such a baby, entertainment is suitable with toys suspended in the crib, better if it is bright rattles. The kid will lie, look at the items with interest, touch the handle, then the leg and listen, what sounds are obtained. For kids of this age, this is a favorite occupation. With such kids you need to constantly talk, singing them songs. Even if you are busy, you can tell the baby what you are doing. As you often take a baby to your hands, do not be afraid to spoil - love, caress and heat is not a lot. If the baby is capricious, it doesn't want to stay in the crib, but urgent things are waiting for you, take your crumb. Sling is a solution to the problem. Many duties at home can be done in the company with the baby, putting it into the sling. Variations of such a product set. You can take a little baby and scratch them from different fabrics. Kid also need to develop. These toys can be filled with various croups - buckwheat, beans, barley, etc. The child will touch the handles, and when it will grow up, it will be interesting to mive such homemade little things.

Classes for one year old kids

What to take a one-year-old child at home? The answer is not so simple. Sometimes a child can get carried away by such a thing, the subject that is an adult and will not think. Almost all the kids at this age love to play with saucepants, unbreakable jars and bottles, spoons, cooks and other safe kitchen utensils. If you are busy in the kitchen with your affairs, put the baby nearby, give him several items, let it explore. When it gets tired of considering, opening and closing, replace some objects with others, and the child, if not hungry and does not want to sleep, sit still a little, doing what you gave him. In plastic bottles you can pour some beans, beans or some cereals. The kid will be happy to rattle a homemade toy. You can also offer a baby colorful books, preferably such that they did not rush. Babies love to look at the pictures, but you need to follow that the kid does not take books in the mouth, some mischievous bite or tear off the paper and chew, and can swallow.

You have urgent work related to the computer, and you do not know how to take a one-year-old child at home? Place it next, give a blank sheet, pencils, handle and just follow the little baby to take anything in your mouth. The child will take himself for a while. Many kids love to tear paper. You can give a child an unnecessary magazine or an old book, show how to tear sheets, but watch the baby does not pull anything in your mouth. In addition, babes in a year begin to play with pyramids and cubes. Offer them to your karapuz, show how to build, and when it goes down, leave it to play one. Put the box or box with clothes - and you will be surprised how the baby will go through things with passion, trying to try them out.

What to take a two year old baby at home

A two-year-old child has learned a lot, but it does not always find an occupation independently, especially if he is one in the family. If children are somewhat, then they often find classes. Of course, at any age kids love to Skhodno, so the care is always important and needed. Some kids love to draw on the wallpaper. Such artists offer pencils, felt-colts, crayons and clean paper. Let them show their talent where it will not interfere with anyone. Other children are not indifferent to phones, consoles from the equipment, etc. They are better to give a broken remote or phone, and let his child bearing and takes to undermine the buttons or shive the parents, talking to an imaginary interlocutor. All the same cubes and pyramids are interested in two-year children at least one year old. And the child's clothing will try on himself even more learned than a year ago. Many girls love to help mom on the housework, for example, washing dishes. And here you do not have to think than to take a two-year-old child at home. Just put the chair near the washing and together with your daughter do business. She will simply be delighted with this classes. You can pour water into a cup and give toy dishes or ordinary spoons, unbreakable plates, mugs.

Older children

It is no secret that modern children can watch with interest TV for hours long, and almost with a diaper. Naturally, parents get free time when a child sits in front of the screen. But consider that the viewing of cartoons affects vision, psyche, behavior, so it is not necessary to get involved in this activity. Twenty or twenty five minutes a day - here is a threshold of safe time to view cartoons and children's gears. Leave the TV to the extreme. Look for other ways than to take a three-year-old child at home when you need to do something.

You can ask the baby to bring two bears, three blue plates, etc. Baby will be busy, with a child you will repeat or think colors and an account. In addition, looking for the necessary items, the child will distract and play himself. By turning on the fantasy, you can easily come up with a small child at home. Tell the baby that one of the toys got sick, it needs to be patched, cook, fed, put to sleep. Variants are many. You can go through everything. Ask to the baby to lie down, then tell me that the toy has become better, and now she wanted to eat. Let the child feed his friend and so on.

Evening classes for children

Many specialists in response to the question than to take children in the evening at home will say that you need calm games, reading books, classes without physical activity, so that the child prepared to sleep. But not all parents can boast an obedient and calm child, especially in the evenings. For some reason, at this time, your child seems to turn into a hurricane - he needs to jump, run, squeal. And the more you calm it, the stronger he tries to indulge. How to take children at home? You can give a lot of old magazines and newspapers, let the baby tear them, throws them to the floor, jumps on crumpled sheets (many children like, how they spring), throws the paper in the basket. This method of splash accumulated by the day of emotions is suitable for children who are calm during the day. Like any child to splash in the water. Swimming is another way to pacify fumes and set up for sleep. The water will calm the nervous system, remove fatigue, and the baby will be able to become calmer. And then, listening to a fairy tale or a song, he will fall as strong sleep.

Hyperactive kid in the house

A child with increased activity is visible practically from birth. It begins to crawl early and walk. Everywhere climbs and does not listen to the elders. You can talk about the education of such kids, but we are talking about a friend. What to take at home? The most important thing is that the type of activity is somehow connected with the movements. Even listening to the book to the child needs to be resolved with a toy in his hands, otherwise the baby will simply do not increase in place. Let's cover the task: bounce five times, run three times in the kitchen and back, jump 10 times through the obstacle, for example, through the rope lying on the floor. Bathing for such children is also the opportunity to relax. The most important thing is not to scold and not punish the child. Hyperactive kids are susceptible to praise, and punishments do not act on them. So you can frighten the crumb and lose his trust.

Unusual classes for the baby

When all the familiar affair is tired of the child, I want to offer him something new and fascinating. If you see what you have in the storage room, you can come up with how to take small children at home. There is a large cardboard box from household appliances? Healthy! Mastery tunnel for climbing. You can use old wallpaper and tape for the manufacture of the same tunnel. If the baby does not want to climb himself, show him an example. Baby such an occupation will probably like.
Discovered in a storeroom door from a cabinet or an old shelf? Wonderful! Mastery slide. We put the board, shelf or door to the sofa under the tilt, and that's it. Gorka is ready. Let the kid rides himself or descend the typewriter. Show the child how you can shoot down the cubes, castles, built at the foot of the slide, using the typewriter.

Useful classes for crumbs

What can take children at home so that it pleases and was interesting kids? Here are some options for simple and exciting cases for the development of shallow motility. Take beans, mug, cup and spoon. Let the baby in a spoon try to move all the beans from the cup into the mug. You can pour water into the container with the beans and give a job to the child to catch all the beans with a spoon or a string. Take a small box, rush on top of the hole, ask to fold all the beans through the hole. Instead of the box, you can use a plastic bottle. And if you cut the hole at the bottom, the items omitted through the neck will fall out through it. Such a common person for an adult, how to clean the boiled egg, for a small little man - a fascinating occupation. And if you offer your choice not chicken, but a quail egg, the child's interest will only increase. This is not the entire list of what to take children at home.

Hour fun

Sometimes let yourself become a child for a while. The kid is very evaluated. Will trust you more, see your friend in you. Take all the soft toys, small pillows, paper balls - all that there are no solid parts. You can stand still, run from one to another, catch up with each other, hide in shelter and rushing with these soft objects. Fun will be unforgettable. Finish such entertainment is better than hugs. You can play unusual hide and seek. Search will need to be a toy. The presenter remains one in the room, hides the object that was chosen in advance, and then the second participant is looking for it. Accompany the search for the best words "cold", "warmer", "hot" to facilitate the child's task.

To start a very fun lesson. Children love to run behind bubbles and catch them. And how many laughter and joy at the same time! By the way, the solution for soap bubbles can be cooked independently at home. To do this, you need to take water, boil. Let stand for a while. Take 600 ml of water and 200 ml means for washing dishes. To this mixture, add 100 ml of glycerol, and we are thoroughly mixed and leave so that the solution is blown, about a day. This quantity of soap bubbles is enough for many times to hang babies and do not think than to take children at home.

Children are able to enthibly engage in such things that adult will never have thought. Kids - Framers and fantasies. Show them an example of how to spend time, and when they grow up, they will not watch the TV or play a computer, but will invent what they do on their own. Teach the child to spend your time with benefit!


The dough is quite possible to use plasticine space - wonderful material for modeling! It is easily tall, less dirty, and there will be nothing terrible if the child accidentally swallows a piece. A thin, rolled dough reservoir can be used as a basis for a picture of any girlfriend - buttons, acorns, matches, croup, ropes, threads, seeds, twigs, etc. The kneading test is a fascinating activity for the baby while mom in the kitchen.

Plastic bottle.

To entertain kids, you can make a toy for the development of shallow motility. Take an empty 5 liter plasticatory bottle with a wide throat, and covers from plastic bottles from under lemonade or min. Watering. The child will be happy to take the caps first, and then put them in back. Children are happy to play this game, and then you can still fold the lids in the hand.

We play in Makarochka (from 2 years)

Cook pasta so that they are not small (spirals, bows, shells, etc.) It is better to buy specially multicolored for the game, mix them in a plastic ship. Squeeze dolls, put them plates from the children's dishes and decompose your puzzle on every doll. You can put it on the stove cook, stir carefully. And the boys can be laid out in several small cars - trucks and let the construction materials (logistics, pipes, etc.) can be invented at a construction site. Play under adult supervision. By L. Isakov.

Puppet show

You can arrange with a child, taking unwrapped wooden spoons for him. Color in those heroes that we need, we dress clothes on a rubber. Dolls are ready! And for a wooden hidden handle it is very convenient to keep even the smallest.


Give a child a couple of sheets of thick multicolored cardboard and hole punch. Ask a child to make a lot of holes on cardboard with a hole punch. When the work is finished, hand the baby lace. Pluging it in one of the holes with a nodule, ask to create patterns. It looks like a developing game called "Lacing", but after all, the cloth is completely done by the child himself! Therefore, the game will be perceived completely differently. You can create patterns in different ways using multicolored laces, why not try to "draw" familiar and unfamiliar images and figures. By L. Isakov.

Jars, flaws, tubes, bubbles

One of the favorite children's "toys". Often parents are afraid to give them to children - they never disassemble, it is embarrassing. But a small glass jar, for example, from under baby food, is not very easy to smash. In transparent jars, it is much more interesting to add everything - everything is visible. Small jars can be used to teach a child with cropping, overflowing liquids. Purl with a small child is better in the bath, otherwise everything around will be flooded with water.
A great pleasure to the child delivers to unscrew and twist the covers. Give a one-year-old baby with a purely washed tube from under the cream, and you will take it for 10 minutes. You can pour out a cereal (buckwheat, peas, millet) or seeds, or small nuts. It turns out a great rattle!

Magic bag

Take your old bag, put jars from old creams, powders, and lipsticks (washed), empty boxes, large buttons, handles without rods, old telephone, remote control, notebook, pencil and other nonsense (not acute, not Dirty and not dangerous for the baby). You can decompose into the inner pockets and close the locks and give the child to the confusion. Children with toys are so much not happening as with these "treasures." And if you do not be lazy to shove into empty boxes, any little things, you will have a lot of free time, and the baby will get wonderful entertainment. Little man is interested only for "adults" things! By L. Isakov.

Toys from Kinder Surprise.

Pour in the box a barbell, hide toys from the kinder surprise. The child is watching. Then offer them to find. The baby gladly jumps the cereal and finds hidden toys. This game is carried out only under the supervision of an adult!

Pompons, clubs

Pompons - wonderful little balls! If you broke off from the cap - do not hurry to throw away. You can come up with a lot of fascinating. You can use just like a ball - throw, catch, might such a pleasure. You can play with him in "Cups". We take a few identical cups with one cover the pompon and change the cups in some places. And the baby is trying to find. You can roll with a smooth inclined surface, study color and score on them. Interested in a ball - wonderful! Let him twist him, turns, winds, pulls for a string. Try together to wind the tangle. You can also use in the children's game failed technical devices (regular and cellular phones, calculators). These items like kids are much more than toys.

Large clips

Pour on a sheet of white paper a box of very large colored clips. It turns out that of them you can create various silhouettes and circle them. You can also connect the long chain to carry the car, or connect several cars, beads for mom or grandmother. The occupation is very long and fascinating. The older the child the smaller the clips. My daughter played with them with pleasure! Try it yourself, and then offer your little creator. By L. Isakov.

Containers from Kinder Surprises

For the smallest, months from the 4th: in containers from under the Kindergarten, pour out a variety of cereals: peas, rice, buckwheat, semolina, pasta, rattles with different sounds. So that the baby does not scratch and did not shove the barrage to himself somewhere, you can use polyethylene for Easter eggs. Also cut off, wear, omit in boiling water. Ready! Beautiful, attractive, safely !!!

Lightning, laces, ties, ropes, fasteners

We often buy specifically for exercise of shallow motors. Educational toys, lacing, tablets, which consist of all kinds of lightning, fasteners, tires. Just why buy, if there is a buckle on every belt and shoes, on shoe shoes, on clothes - buttons hooks and zippers, buttons .. Show the purpose of these items on real clothes. In any house there is an old, failed clothes and shoes, which can be cleaned, give the kids for games. Show the baby as weave the pigtails from ribbons, laces and ropes, how to fasten buckles.

Towels, sheets, rags, bags

We train tactile perception. Their kids are very useful to mive and suck. And even nibble. After all, towels and cloths from various fabrics can have a completely different structure. Quite small can play in the "ku-ku" or in a hide and seek to scrape and nibble fabrics of various textures. From a towel or diaper, you can make an improvised bag, cape, under which we put various items, and the baby is trying to learn them. You can make houses from sheets and towels, even hammocks and swings for dolls. Here the kids may themselves learn to knit knots and design.

Crupes, Sol.

The usual cereal hides in itself a huge amount of opportunities for the development of shallow motility, a small column and salt can be used for finger drawing. To do this, you need to pour a barrel to the tray of a smooth layer. First, pour yourself. The main thing is to interest, pass the baby. Spend your finger on the cereal. A bright contrast line will take. Then take the child's finger. Let the kid himself draw a few chaotic lines. When the child is mastered, you can go to drawing patterns. First draws mom, then triggers the baby. You can draw whatever you want to draw: chaotic lines, houses, circles, fences, clouds, spirals, faces. You can study the shape, letters and numbers. Drawing is best practiced in the kitchen and plant a baby so that it will not scatter a tray with a crop in hardly available places where the vacuum cleaner is a big croup (buckwheat-nucleus, peas, beans) can be used to lad out pictures, as well as from matches , buttons and cotton sticks. Accordingly, it is suitable for appliqués. Sleep the croup is the most interesting in transparent dishes.

Most of the time the child spends at home. If he goes to a garden or school, then after these institutions he often can easily take himself. It comes, the hands will wash, he humbles, and you already see that the baby became interested in his toys so that he does not notice the surrounding world. However, it happens on the contrary: he becomes bored at home and he does not know what to do. Toys are already tired, there are no merry moods. He walks, cannuits and pulls you for the elbow so that you play with him.

You need to engage in the child, we are parents. But remember that the occupation must comply with the physiological and mental needs of the child, as well as develop various character qualities in it and preferably skills. Every year of the life of the baby brings all new joys and difficulties. Therefore, games and envelope are better classified by years.

What to take a child in 1 year at home

The correct development of the baby will be ensured if you know what is interesting to make a small one-year-old child. Based on its preferences, you can come up with many games and first developing classes.

What a child loves a year:

  1. Carry soft toys, cars, dolls from one place to another.
  1. Watch on bright things.
  1. Overcome obstacles in the form of furniture (thanks to the developing crawl skill).
  1. Copy the emotions and actions of the surrounding people.
  1. To be on the universal ferris, be the center of attention.
  1. Search for related things, toys, parents.
  1. Throw different items in a basket, box.
  1. Use any items to create buildings. Immediately ferment the construction.
  1. Split in water in all directions.
  1. Put the sand with your fingers.
  1. Pour content from the bag, climb into large boxes.
  1. To be confused.


Based on these children's pranks, you can help the child have fun. It is enough to play out, and you will see how the crumb MiG is revived.

Tazik with water. Not everyone has a private house and the opportunity to put a children's pool in the yard. If it is hot on the street, and you live in the apartment, then build a small pool for crumbs. Pour in the big pelvis of water, throw the clarops and other floating toys. Gently put the baby there. This way will help crumbs easier to survive heat and will give the opportunity to frighten yourself.

Throw subjects to the pipe. Stick to the wall scotching the sleeve from the toilet paper (vertically) and give the child a little toy. Below place the basket or box. He really like them to throw them into the hole.

Cubes in a typewriter. Buy a child (no matter, girl is or a boy) a big truck and cubes. Let them be bright. Show the crumb, how can you load the car and unloaded the cubes from there, build structures and towers from them. Perfect for this purpose dump truck.

Pyramid. Buy a pyramid (than it is more, the better). Teach the crumb to put it right - it will develop logic. You can show that more fun to wear rings and other way - throw them on the cone from the distance.

Tangle thread. If your crumb adores his toys in all the corners of the apartment, organize such a game. Put a large box in the distance, and next to the baby spread out multicolored balls of threads (the ends are better to fasten, so as not to be unwound). Show how fun to throw them in the basket. Tangles can be replaced by Patchwork or small soft toys with hand-made balls.

Matryoshka. If the usual nesting does not have the opportunity to purchase, then buy a toy like it. The child will like to fold the little figures inside.

Shaggy toys. Purchase for crumbs toy pony, horse, doll or another toy with long wool (hair). Show how these hairs you can comb your hair and how nice to touch them, teach tie "tails".

Games with water. So you can play on the balcony, laying the loaf or on the street. Suppose kid cans, dishes, saucepans, water mill and type in some of them water. You will see how the crumb will like to overflow water.

Trackers. Many children love to knock and the louder, the better. They understand that due to their efforts there is a certain sound and it causes great joy. Therefore, satisfy the children's need - buy a ratchet, tambourine, xylophone, baby hammer and give crumbs to roam away. You can fill the iron jar from under the tea with walnuts and give a crier to play with it (under your supervision).

Mini objects. Children at this age are already trying to imitate you, so provide them with small household items - a mini-sponge for washing dishes or a spatula to pick up in a flower pot.

What to take a child in 1.5 years at home

In 1.5 years, children are already intelligent, many know how to walk and try to run. Consider what they love at this age.

What a child loves in a year and a half:

  1. Many talk (poverty).
  1. Run from one room to another and help parents in cleaning.
  1. Dig in bags.
  1. Hand pets or pigeons on the street.
  1. Close up to the back of the sofa, chair.
  1. Mix content.
  1. Play with paper and lick her.
  1. Play with sand.


Pestech. Now is the time to learn simple quatrains, songs, fun. Do it anyhow: on a walk, while swimming, feeding on a chair or when equipping things.

Broom and scoop. If the child exhibits altruism and is called to help you, do not let it. You will notice yourself, with what pleasure the baby can cope with a long mop or broom. With these items, he can play for a very long time. Show how to sweep and give the child to enjoy the game.

Magic bag. Take any small handbag, and even better cosmetic. Fill it with different minor items - kinders, broken clock, hair rubber bands, key chains. Items should be bright and varied, you can even use broken. This handbag must be taken to extreme moments: when someone with a child must be sitting, and you are busy or hysteria. Place your knees and give your supervision the opportunity to sort out small items and feel them, fold in the handbag, pour out and fold again. It will help to take one-two-way children for long hours. Just leave one with small objects.

Construct obstacles. Even at home you can provide crumbling physical exertion. Scatter on the floor of the pillow, lay down soft puffs, can put a big teddy bear. The more size - the better. Give the child the opportunity to climb and fall, break between them. Such overcoming obstacles will like it very much.

Games with paper. Arm yourself with newspapers - the more, the better. Show the child how you can hitch and break.

Personal bag. You can buy a small bag that the child will fill in its toys and transfer them from place to place. Best of all, if it is a small comfortable backpack, to which dolls and cars, and plush bunnies will fit.

Colored shallow. This age is the time to get acquainted with colored crayons or pastels. They can be drawing both on the street and at home. To do this, purchase special paper, cardboard, watman or find an unnecessary dark board. On her, Kroch can draw everything that he wants, and then wash it with a damp cloth.

Repetition of action. Download the cartoon or buy a big colorful book, in which animal actions are depicted: Here the kitten is washing the muzzle with a paw, here the chicken coars the grains. Try to repeat these movements along with the baby.

Grimasi. At 1.5 years old, the kids are already starting to cut grimaces. Show him photos from magazines or pictures from book with different characters. Ask a crumb to repeat the facial expressions and the actions "How does Aunt doing?", "As Shows Superman Handle?".

Sand criteria. Put the sand in a large container and give the crumble toy rakes and blades. Show how the patterns can be drawing on the sand and make small figures when adding water. The child will be interested in watching how the sand breaks through the fingers. For such classes, as you can see, it is not necessary to go to the sandbox.

Engravings. Now mini-engravings are sold for the smallest. All you need is to take a wand and start erase the black surface. Under it, a beautiful drawing sticks out. Which kroch will detect himself.

What to take a child in 2 years at home

In 2 years, the child is increasingly deliberate in the world around the world and trying to cover as much interesting as possible.

What does a child love in two years:

  1. Turn the paper with pencils, handle, markers.
  1. Wake up with the designer.
  1. Consider children on the playground.
  1. "Read" fairy tales together with my mother (often chooses the same thing).
  1. Loves to touch the items, various in shape and texture.
  1. It's more intelligently to play with the pyramid (trying to collect it correctly).
  1. Draw kalyaki-smelly and call them.
  1. Sculpt from the dough.
  1. "Shoot" from pistols.
  1. Roll dolls in the stroller.


Painting. Buy the child big watman and finger or watercolor paints. You can add chalk artist, pastel, pencils, markers and multicolored handles to arsenal. Let the crumb draw a big picture and use any items for this.

First buildings. Buy a designer with large details and start building high towers together. The child will be surprisingly watching the tower becomes the size of it. After the construction, give the child to cut down and offer it to break.

Orthopedic mats. Such mats will become not only an excellent means for the prevention of flatfoot, but also like the baby. Sew it from the tissues of different in the invoice and offer to walk on it with legs. You can pour rice, buckwheat, stones from the street, twigs, beads, buttons, seeds, chestnuts. Show how fun to walk on them with legs.

Joint cooking. In 2 years, children like to sculpt from dough or plasticine. Start preparing pies or buns together. Give a piece of the dough and show how you can sculpt roses from it, figurines, koloboki. The child will appeal to have its own cooked products.

Water gun. If the boy grows in your house, he will love a water gun very much. However, such fun is most suitable for games in the courtyard of a private house. This foliage canopy as ordinary water and tinted with watercolor paints. Invite neighbor friends - together chasing each other with pistols more fun.

Stroller for the girl. The mother's daughter game is gaining momentum. Therefore, grant the girl all the necessary items to care about your ward. It can be a piece of warm fabric as a blanket, which is sewn with you a small pad, a toy stroller in which you can roll a doll.

Homemade snow. Why wait for the winter, if you can enjoy the snow in the summer? Connect only two ingredients: daddy to shave and corn starch. Mix and let the child play - he does not want to move away from such snow.

What to take a child in 3 years at home

Three years - real hurricanes. This is the age of the first crises and active games. Reasonable energy and boils in these babies! Direct the child's energy in a peaceful direction, providing him with games suitable for this age.

What does a child love in three years:

  1. Jump and run.
  1. Hide in fabrics.
  1. Separate under the tables.
  1. Mimic gestures and sounds of animals.
  1. Engage in creativity.
  1. Dress up the mother's outfits and use cosmetics.
  1. Play hide-and-seek.


For fidgets. Your child runs around the house and you can't take it in any way? Offer him not to run, but jump. To do this, buy a big jumper. It is a rubberized animal on which you can sit down and jump. Stay easily for ears or horns. Jump, falling out of him - the child will like it very much. There are cows, horses, pigs, kittens and many others on sale.

Little halabud. To give the game more mysteriousness, you will need a large table and fabric. Cover it with a cloth so that there is no lumen, and there is something soft inside the bed. Crooky will like to hide in such a halabud and hide her toys there. To strengthen the effect, configure chairs and use more fabrics. In this case, you will get not only a small cave, but also worthy moves.

Works of art. The modeling is well developing, like any finger games. Take a blank bottle with a lid and offer a child to create your work of art. It can be filled with pebbles or cereals, while creating beautiful patterns. But the child will like the bottle of bright colors anymore. This will require plasticine. Let the Kroch waken the entire bottle with pieces of plasticine, creating beautiful effects to their taste.

Road traffic. If Kroch adores to play with cars, then let him create a road for them and designate pedestrian crossings. For this, scissors and paper are used. Show the baby, how to cut paper strips and construct the track from them. If you have more fantasy, you can create a pedestrian bridge from the designer and road signs from cardboard and plasticine (for a stand).

Matchbox and house for doll. From match boxes you can come up with a lot of interesting things. Take a box from under the cake - it will be a house for a doll. Cut the door and windows with scissors. Make-up boxes make the necessary furniture or boxes. Your daughter will be in indescribable delight.

Hypersca. Play with a cloth in a hide and hideing the object, while saying "hot" (when the crumb is coming closer to the hidden object) or "cold" (when the baby is removed from it). Then swap roles.

Unusual drawings. Make a kind of baby boots from bubble bags. Put Watman and dig paint in several dishes. The task of the kid is to dip the legs and walk along the Watman, creating masterpieces from the circles.

What to take a child 5 years at home

In 5 years, kids become very intelligent and try to reason at the level of adults. But they are still needed children's games for development.

What does a child love in five years:

  1. Try to read, write and call letters with numbers.
  1. Build large cities from the designer.
  1. To write your fairy tales and try to "read" fairy tale to parents.
  1. Guess riddles.
  1. Blow bubbles.
  1. Do appliques.
  1. "Treat" patient and translate any vital action to the game.
  1. To try on the role of a doctor, policeman, teacher.
  1. Play with the ball or jump on the rope.
  1. Control order in your toys.


Training and game. Try to be not just a game, but fun with learning elements. If you read the book, you definitely show and call letters, numbers, try to read words together. You can create cards with bright letters and hide them into the bag. In turn, get the card and call the letter.

More designer. Now the construction of the child is becoming more and more ambitious. It can be whole high-rise buildings, garages, hospitals, highways, bridges and even elevators. So that it was even more interesting to play the constructor, highlight it more space on the floor, and then add other items to toys - large and small boxes, jars. So Kroch will be able to draw up something new and unusual.

Create appliques. Take a big package for a walk and start collecting everything that can come in handy for applications. It can be twigs, leaves, acorns, small pebbles, flowers. Come home and think up together an interesting composition. PVA or plasticine glue is suitable for attachment.

Play the child. If he calls himself a policeman, let him arrest himself or let him teach him to behave well. If a child wants to play a doctor, then buy him a small hospital, you can put a syringe with water without a needle. Give your baby to fly away you, smear something and write a recipe.

Large bubbles. Buy croches soap bubbles or prepare them yourself (water, shampoo and plastic parts from the handle). Show how interesting to observe soap bubbles from the balcony. There is another exciting game. Pour a few soap bubbles of my own cooking on the board and touch the plastic part from the board surface handle. Start silent bubble. It will be attached to the board and starts to overflow, if it looks at him.

Jumping with a rope. A small child, especially a five-year plan, it is necessary to develop muscle mass. Give him a rope or a small trampoline. So you will immediately kill two hares: give the opportunity to actively spend time and strengthen its health.

Games with friends. If the crumbs have a birthday and he wants to invite friends, offer them a popular game in the cat-mouse.

Paints do it yourself. Create paint paints with a child from a hair gel, sequin, small confetti and wrappers from candy, as well as unnecessary unnecessary eyeshadows. Such paints draw much more interesting than ordinary.

What to take a child for 6 years at home

Since this age is preschool, the child needs to show games to help master the skills needed in the first class.

What a child loves in six years:

  1. Salt hard puzzles and riddles.
  1. Play with your phones and other gadgets.
  1. Represent that the carpet is a river, and the sofa is the mountains. That is, more magic to the usual situation.
  1. Paint.
  1. Collect interesting items on the street.
  1. To decorate room.


Develop logic. Teach the child to make origami paper. Such a puzzle will help him develop both hemispheres of the brain, as well as fantasy. In the extreme case, you can buy a big book with puzzles and solve it with the whole family with cozy winter evenings.

First gadgets. Fully protect the child from virtual reality will not work. Therefore, you can buy a simple phone with a simple phone without a SIM card and teach to use the alarm clock. Tetris, Tamagotchi and other games are also suitable.

First magazines. I will like your child, if you begin to write a children's magazine or a newspaper. It will also satisfy his sense of importance. In magazines and newspapers, many games in which you can play at home and in the team.

Herbarium. Offer a child at home to build a garden of stones or collect herbarium. You can buy a little fountain and offer a child to decorate it at its discretion.

Games on paper. This age is the time of the first games on paper. You can play in the "field of miracles", "words" or "gallows". This will help replenish the crumbling of the vocabulary and will allow us again to repeat all the letters before the school.

"Bombing". Cut the baby from paper green and red circles and sleep the carpet. Turn on cheerful music. The task of the child is to jump along the green circles, without lingering for a long time on any of them. I got on the red - lost, start again.

Cardboard house. Cardboard you have to stock in advance. With the help of a scotch, make one huge box for the child (you can with the windows and the door). Inside, draw the iron or road, arrange the kinders and offer the child to play.

What to take a child for 7 years at home

Here is the child went to school, and there is less on the game. But this does not mean that the baby no longer wants to be frozen.

What does a child love in seven years:

  1. Play boardgames.
  1. Collect collection.
  1. Play "School".
  1. Play paper dolls.
  1. Read books about animals.
  1. To do physical exercises.


The first lotto. Offer Cross Play Lotto. This beautiful game can be played with the whole family, at the same time the schoolboy will repeat the previously studied numbers and will develop attentiveness. Instead of lotto, Domino, checkers or a game in the "corners" fit.

Full collection. If the baby is keen on something, he can start it to collect. Everything is suitable here: stickers, chips, different figures from kinder surprise, candy, cards - whatever.

School game. Many children, coming after lessons, are trying to imagine themselves by teachers and want to teach mom with dad. Such games with change of roles are very helpful. First, they help to relieve stress after school, and secondly, allow you to better assimilate or consolidate the educational material. Let the child get to the textbooks and will lead you a notebook in which the homework will check and put you marks. You give him a board, chalk, rag and get ready to be an obedient student.

Dolls for girls from paper. In ordinary dolls, the girl can no longer be so interesting to play. Offer Go to Paper. Let it cut out models from magazines and on the back signs their names, age and what wishes necessary. With the help of such dolls, you can play the same school, fashion models and beauty contests, as well as draw new dresses for them.

Acquaintance with animals. Give the crumb of large atlas with animals and offer to conduct a study. Let him choose one animal that he most liked and tried to learn how more details as possible.

Active games. At this age, it is good for crumbling a Swedish wall or to build a horizontal bar. Try to gradually teach the baby to the sport, buy him the ball and the first fittings for sports.

River at home. If you live in a private house, build a trench from the foil with high sidebar and fill it with water. Just remember that the foil must be tough. According to such a river, the baby will love to start cardboard boats.

How to take a child 8 years old

In 8 years, the child's body continues to grow and develop, but it is still far from puberty. School takes most of the time. Therefore, it is so important to be able to rest and properly organize years of eight-year-old.

What a child loves to eight years:

  1. Play yourself.
  1. Sport and show great physical activity.
  1. Recognize new.
  1. Compete with peers.
  1. Tell your opinion.
  1. Attract friends to the game.


Shaft. The eight-year knows how to cope with the paper, so he will love to cut snowflakes, garlands or figures. Z. Dadashova amounted to a very interesting book "Magic paper: Tutorial on technology cutout For schoolchildren. " Your child will certainly enjoy making their masterpieces.

First experiments. Purchase a set of young chemist or physics for the child. It will be wonderful unloading for the brain and at the same time will satisfy the child's craving for knowledge. Such sets will help prepare for chemistry and physics in high school and, perhaps, will forever bring love to these subjects.

Table hockey. Since the eight-year-olds already have friends, let the child invite a friend home and buy a table hockey, football or another game in which it will be interesting to play together without leaving home.

Pictures on the sand. You will build a luminous table for drawing sand (information on its creation you will find on the Internet). It is not only fantastic, but also unusual. Turning off the light, you can from sand, pebbles, cereals or beads to create real masterpieces.

Drawing zentanglov. You can purchase a special watercolor paper (you can replace the usual album) and buy liners to provide the child with the opportunity to create an incredible beauty pattern with the styled "Zentngle". For inspiration, everything is suitable: patterns on the carpet, curtains, clothes. Connecting tangles together you can get very beautiful weaving.

How to take a child for 9 years at home

By 9 years, your child not only grown, but also scored well in weight. A little more, and he will enter adolescent age. Ninelets have lightning thinking, clearly express their thoughts, they write perfectly, they say and read.

What a child loves in nine years:

  1. Everywhere to poke your nose: what and how it works, learn, explore.
  1. To understand the first problems and think: why people come so, and not otherwise.
  1. Put out small tasks and solve them.
  1. In all use a creative approach.
  1. Read books on interesting topics.
  1. Circuit your corner.
  1. Listen to the sounds of music.


Music lessons. If your child loves to listen to music, that is, you notice a high interest in this kind of art - certainly not to leave it without attention. Give a child to a music school where hearing will be checked. Later you can buy a violin, piano, a brass instrument - what will appeal more. Then the question "than to do nine-board at home" will decide very easily.

Chess. At this age, children are already loved by complexity, confusing stories and games. Therefore, offer the child to learn how to play chess. This will help not only develop the logic, but also will strengthen the mental activity of the child.

home library. Children's schoolchildren are divided into two categories: Some read with extinguity, others do not like to do it. If your child reads in books and with pleasure you retells them, buy him a bookcase or at least the shelves and make a home library together. Let the Child will put everything on the shelves everything he is expensive and reads in his free time.

Decoupage. The nine-cards are already might and main seeking to restore order and decorate their things. But only the order for a long time is delayed. To take a child, offer him to decapage. In large cities there are shops that sell goods for a hobby. To make stunning items, he can be as independently, and with you.

Pets, Travnik or Aquarium. At this age, the child needs care for younger. Buy aquarium to him, which can be filled with sea water and make beautiful corals and fish. You can try to create a handicraft personnel - beautiful plants behind glass and care for them will surely like your child. For the development of responsibility, buy a kitten or a dog and entail your child's care. Then free time will not pass in boredom.

Fan Raduga. Give the child to paint the fan blades in the brightest colors of the gouache. Next remains to include and admire.

Design umbrella. Find a black umbrella, take acrylic paints or gouache blue-purple gamut and draw with a nine-color on the inside of the starry sky. Here you will see how your child will like to walk in the rain.

What to take a child for 10 years at home

Thirst for knowledge is manifested everywhere - a child asks you, friends and teachers a lot of questions and already know how to independently find answers in literature and other sources of information.

What does a child love in ten years:

  1. To play with friends.
  1. Challenge you and friends.
  1. Play a computer.
  1. Maschery something.
  1. Spend time on the street.


Monopoly. The decade is very difficult to hold at home. Poland begins, the body changes, so the child becomes very active. But what to do if it does not work for a walk? Play monopoly! This game will not only teach the child to count better than everyone, but also will develop financial thinking.

Children's microscope. You can give a ten-year home mini microscope. The child will love to explore various minor items. So you will see with how pleasure will be to share your impressions.

Camera. Do not tear off the baby or phone? Offer him to spend time with benefit and learn how to make beautiful photos. Tell us how to pick up an angle and find a photo processing program on the Internet. If you use gadgets, then only with benefit.

Electronic designer "Expert". This interactive game will give a lot of positive emotions to the child. It is suitable not only for him, but also will hook the attention of parents for a long time. LEDs, transistors, electrical strokes - Your younger child is unlikely to exchange it on a computer.

Classics without leaving home. You can satisfy the activity of the baby at home. To do this, take the insulating tape and makes the numbers on the tile in the form of classics.

Embroidery without needle. Find home bubble fabric with large holes and give the child a lot of multicolored clubs. It will produce a string through holes, creating a beautiful canvas.

Home Bowling. It is easy to arrange a home bowl. You will need a long plylock, sides of the sides of the electrical healers, fir-handed items (kinders are suitable as Kehal) and jumped (can be replaced by a large bead or chestnut).

As you can see, domestic games can come up with a lot, but what is the most interesting: we will tumble away from the computer and you, and your husband, so you also want to join. And such joint games are truly bringing closer.