How to wash gold at home. Three ways to clean gold and silver at home. How to care for gold jewelry

Gold jewelry fascinate us with their glitter and shine. The jewelry made of noble metal is durable and exquisite. However, over time, they can hang out and turn the raid. But it is not worth upset, with the help of the remedies you can quickly and effectively clean the gold at home. How to do this - read in our article.

Over time, gold jewelry dumps under the influences of skin fat, cosmetics and dust

Screw tools

In jewelry stores you can buy ready-made gold care products. Special fluids, sprays, pastes and wet wipes provide careful metal care and help gently and effectively clean gold. In addition, today in the free sale you can meet an ultrasonic cleaner for precious products, which was previously used only for professional cleansing.

But what to do if there are no specials at hand? People's methods, proven experience and time will be helped. Independently clean the gold is completely simple. Let's look at several recipes, components for which will be found in every home.


Popular way to clean decorations - soaking. The products are placed in a solution that is prepared from the agent available or in the kitchen, leave for a while for exposure, after which it is removed by a soft cloth.


The easiest and most affordable way to clean the gold is to dunk the product in the solution of the cook salt. Divide in a glass of hot water 3 tbsp. l. Cooking salt, put the decoration and leave for the night (8-10 hours). In the morning, rinse the gold in running water and dried with a soft cloth.

The solution of the usual salt is well cope with a light flare on gold jewelry


Clean the gold from a dirty plaque and return the edge of the original gloss with sugar. Dissolve in a glass of warm water 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and soak the product for 3-4 hours. Then rinse and dry the decoration. If necessary, you can increase the soaking time to 6-8 hours.

Dishwashing liquid

Divide in a glass of hot water 1 tsp. Dishwashing fluids (the thick concentrated composition is best fitting), put the decoration and soak for 2-3 hours. With severe pollution, you can leave products in the solution at night. Dirty raid during this time will soften and dissolve. Remove the remnants of the means with water and wipe the decoration with a microfiber cloth. Strong pollution and hard-to-reach places are additionally treated with a soft toothbrush.

With a soap solution and a soft toothbrush, you can quickly clean the gold and return the product shine

This method can be used in the event that you need to quickly clean the gold. Put on the bottom of a small pan or the Turks a piece of cloth (for example, a handkerchief), pour the solution into the container, place the decorations and boil within 2-3 minutes. Wash the remnants of the means, and wipe the products dry.


Clean the gold of the ammonia alcohol can be in several ways.

To eliminate light pollution, dissolve in a glass of cool water 1 tsp. Summer alcohol and soak the decoration for 30 minutes. Then rinse it in clean water and dried with a soft tissue napkin.

To clean the gold from the solar dirt, mix in the glass of water 1 tbsp. l. washing powder (can be replaced with liquid soap or dishwashing agent) and 1 tsp. Summer alcohol. We boil the resulting mixture and place the decoration in a hot solution for 2-3 hours. After the procedure, rinse the product in clean water and wipe dry.

Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide

In a glass of warm water, divert 1 tsp. Soap and 2 tbsp. l. Hydrogen peroxide and soak the gold product for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth dry. For greater efficiency, it can be added to a solution of 1 tsp. ammonia.

If you are planning to clean the gold with ammonia or peroxide, apply only glass, ceramic or plastic dishes for soaking.

Instead of liquid soap for cleaning gold products, you can use shampoo

Soda and foil

Ship the foil bottom of a glass bowl (or other tank for soaking). Dissolve in a glass of hot water 2-3 st. l. Food soda, put the decoration in a bowl and pour the soda solution. Leave to influence night or 8-10 hours. Rinse gold with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

With very strong pollution to the soda solution, you can add 1 tbsp. l. Tools for washing dishes.


You can clean the gold without soaking. Polishing by handwritten materials will eliminate the fatty raid and return the decorations dazzling shine.

Velvet and felt

Gold polishing velvet or felt cloth - old and proven way. Take a small cutout of matter and carefully polish the decoration. Be prepared for the fact that this process can take quite a long time.


The soft stationery eraser (white color) will not only return the products of the shine, but also help clean the gold from a light fly.


For polishing, a table vinegar is used (6-9%). Since the tool is quite aggressive, it needs to be used with caution. Vinegar copes well with darkens on gold jewelry.

Moisten a soft tissue napkin in a table vinegar and carefully process the product. After the procedure, be sure to rinse the decoration with clean water and wipe with a soft dry cloth.


The principle is the same: moisten a piece of fabric in onion juice and polish the golden decoration. At the end of the process, rinse thoroughly and dry the product.

After rubbing onion juice, the decorations made of gold will be blissing even brighter


Non-standard, but a very effective way will be cleaned with gold, and return the shine to sweat decorations. For this method, it is better to use a colorless lipstick. Apply a little lipstick on the fabric and wipe the product. Then polish the gold velvet or flannel cloth.

Beer and egg squirrel

Mix 2-3 tbsp. l. Beer and 1 raw egg squirrel. Moisten a rag in the resulting mixture and soda gold decoration. After the procedure, rinse the product with clean water and dried with a soft cloth.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical methods are used to clean hard-to-reach places, as well as to eliminate strong and old pollution, which have not succumbed to soaking and polishing. Such methods can be cleaned with complex products, such as a ring with an openwork ornament or a decorative weaving earrings. Cut the mechanical cleaning with caution so as not to damage the surface of the jewelry.

For cleaning, you can use a special tool or prepare a homemade cleaning paste. Use only soft and delicate mixes so as not to scratch gold.

Important: Do not use aggressive abrasives for cleaning gold jewelry, such as soda, salt or sandpaper - there is a risk of damaging the surface of the precious metal.

Multicomponent paste

For the preparation of pasta, mix the following ingredients in equal proportions: a pushed chalk, toothpaste without whitening effect, vaseline, warm water and chips of the economic soap.

Equally apply a mixture to the surface of the product and, moving in one direction, clean the decoration using a cotton disk. Then wipe the gold with alcohol or cologne to remove traces of vaseline. Rinse the product in clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

For cleaning of gold suitable for the usual toothpaste without bleaching effect and colored granules

Toothpaste and Vaseline

Toothpaste and dental powder contain substances with light abrasive properties that will help carefully peeling gold. Since their composition also includes foaming substances that soften the effect of abrasives, you do not damage the surface of the product.

Use for cleaning a soft toothbrush and a conventional paste. Toothproof must be pre-stirred with water to consistency thick casher. For easier cleaning to powder, you can add a little petroleum.

Chalk and ammonia alcohol

Clear gold will help usually: grind it into powder and mix with the ammonia alcohol before getting thick mass. Treat the decoration with a tissue napkin or a soft brush, and then rinse and dry the product.

White gold is a gold alloy with silver, palladium or nickel. To give shine, the rain is covered with rhodium. Such gold can not be cleaned with abrasives and brushes, only soft and delicate cleaning methods are suitable for it.

Return glitter with white gold products will help polishing with colorless lipstick

Mix the ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in the ratio of 1: 2, and soak the decoration in the resulting solution for 30 minutes. Then rinse the gold with clean water and dried with a microfiber cloth.

It is not bad to cope with the task of a sugar solution. Divide 2 tbsp. l. Sugar sand spoons in a glass of warm water and soak the product from white gold. Leave to influence night or 8-10 hours.

To clean the matte gold use in several ways.

Soak the decoration in the ammonia alcohol for 2 hours, then rinse and dry.

Use cleaning mortar to get rid of strong and old pollution. Divide 1 tsp. Lime in water to the consistency of the Cashitz, add a pinch of salt and 0.5 h. soda. Give the solution to break for 3-4 days. When the solution is ready, I soam the decoration in it for 3-4 hours. After the procedure, wash and dry the product.

Mattiness with gold products are attached using a special polishing method. Therefore, abrasives and standard cleaning methods do not apply for such decorations.

Be careful when cleaning jewelry with stones - many of them require special care:

  1. Avoid abrasives when cleansing jewelry with opal, turquoise and malachite.
  2. Rubins, topases and grenades are sensitive to high temperatures - do not use hot water.
  3. For amber, pearls, coral and ivory can not be used by ammonia, solvents, acids and alkalis - cleaning such products to trust specialists.
  4. Products with diamonds, topases, rubies and sapphires are easily cleaned by a conventional soap solution.
  5. Precious and semi-precious stones need to be protected from temperature fluctuations, as they can change color.

If the stones are attached to the glue, use only dry cleaning of the jewelry

At home, the following methods are used to clean the gold jewelry with stones.


Clean gold can be alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid (vodka, cologne, alcohol lotion). Moisten a cotton wand in the selected tool and gently wipe the decoration to get rid of the oily plating and other contaminants.


Use to clean the jewelry with purified gasoline (for lighters). Moisten a cotton wand or a small soft brush and treat the golden decoration.

Products with diamonds are recommended per month, as they are quickly covered with a bold. Liquid soaps are suitable for care, dishware and ammonia

If you correctly care for gold, you can avoid sweeping, plaque and the appearance of scratches on your favorite ornaments. Here are some useful recommendations:

  1. Wipe the products with a soft dry cloth if they are exposed to moisture.
  2. Remove gold jewelry in front of sports, domestic affairs, taking a shower or use of cosmetics.
  3. Keep gold jewelry away from sunlight and medicine.
  4. Clean gold as prevention at least 1 time in 2 months.
  5. When buying cleaning products for gold, you always specify whether they can handle stones.
  6. With caution, use ultrasound cleaning at home - some stones can crack.

The threads of gold and silver, which in the old days embroidered clothes, are called repetitive. To obtain, the metal wire was pulled by ticks to the state of the necessary subtleties. Hence, the expression "pull (breed) canber" - "engage in long-shaped work" or "delay the execution of the case".

Remove scale and naughty with an iron soles are the easiest of the cooking salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, slightly appropriate, swipe the iron on the salt litter.

If the first signs of carrying in the form of untidy rods appeared on the favorite things, from them you can get rid of a special typewriter. He quickly and effectively swips the fabric fiber lumpy and returns to things worthy.

Special traps exist to combat mole. In the sticky layer, which they are covered, added females purses, attracting males. Adhesive to the trap, they are departed from the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the population of moths.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the tissue itself. It is applied in a small amount on a small-wedge plot of stuff from the side of 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move to stains.

PVC film tension ceilings are able to withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water to 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and quality of the film). So you can not fear leaks from your neighbors from above.

Not only plates and cups are wellhed in the dishwasher. It is possible to download plastic toys, glass lights of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Fresh lemon suits not only for tea: Clean the contamination from the surface of the acrylic bath, losing the half of the cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave, putting a water container and the lemon slices for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will be just wiped with a sponge.

How to clean gold? Not all people know the exact answer to this question. Meanwhile, jewelry, like any other items, require regular cleaning. Many people wear jewelry for years, without without resorting to their cleansing. However, when comparing such a decoration with a new one, you can notice the differences with the naked eye. It is always very sorry if your favorite decoration has lost its presentability. That is why knowledge, how to clean yellow and white gold, will be useful to many people. We recommend that you read this article to the end, as well as to see the video below, in which we share the detailed instructions for cleaning the alloy described at home.

Why do you even clean gold?

Initially, you need to figure out, and why is it necessary to clean the gold and so it is needed. Among the main reasons for pollution of gold jewels, the following can be distinguished:

  • the use of decorative and cosmetics, as well as creams, lotions;
  • excretation with saline iron skin of a certain amount of skin saline;
  • cassed on the streets of the city;
  • dust on the street and in the house.

Each person easily and quickly can return the presentability and glitter of a yellow or white gold product. An independent cleaning can be performed at home, adhering to the algorithm.

Fact! Gold in pure form will not fade, does not lose its original look, does not age. However, it is very soft, so it is simply not sold. And for giving gold hardness mixed with silver, copper, different metals. This leads to the fact that over time gold loses its attractive shine.

Folk Methods

The folk methods of cleaning gold are reduced to the table, where the algorithm and the exposure time of the means for cleaning is indicated.


Cleaning time

Features of application


Napkin (you can take a soft cloth)

about 5-10 minutes

It is best to take a fabric that is slightly darling (for example, fleece). She needs to graze the golden decoration so that it becomes clean and start to glisten.

However, such a material will not be able to cope with the solar pollution, as well as remove dirt from hard-to-reach places

economy; availability; simplicity; lack of need for liquids; the ability to apply for any products; Cleaning speed.

Soap mortar

depending on the degree of pollution, cleaning can take from 3-4 minutes to 1-2 hours

Allocate two cleaning methods. The first assumes mixing the means for washing dishes or ordinary liquid soap and water. In the compound solution, you need to lower the decorations until they become clean. After that, each decoration must be brushed (you can take a tooth), rinse with water and wipe from moisture

The second method is boiling jewels in a soap solution for 2-3 minutes. In conclusion, the decorations are pushing the brush.

availability; ease; Universality.

Soda with water

no more than 5-10 minutes

In the container put decorations, poured with water and put on fire. Then it should be added to the water soda from the calculation, which requires 1 tablespoon of 200 ml of water. It is necessary to boil 1-2 minutes. Decorations need to be brushed, rinse and dry.

You can also rub soda decorations mixed with vinegar. But this is a fairly risky method, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of gold.

ease; cleaning speed; Efficiency.

Sugar with water

approximately 3-4 hours

You need to take 10 grams of sugar and stir in water. In this solution you need to omit gold. It should be left in this form for 3-4 hours. After that, the product must be washed so that they are not sticky.

easily clean dust and fat; simplicity; reduction of shine; Safety for gold jewelry.

Toothpaste or Tooth Powder

about 5-10 minutes

Both means will equally effectively cope with pollution. You should take the brush and the selected substance and clean the gold. The brush must be as soft as possible not to scratch the product.

simplicity; purification efficiency; efficiency of work; Efficiency.


approximately 2-3 hours depending on the degree of pollution

It is necessary to cut the bulb of medium sized in half. Then you need to graze the golden product with a cut of vegetable. Not flushing juice, you need to leave a gold decoration for 2-3 hours. Now you can wash off the water remnants and dry.

environmental friendliness; harmlessness for material; simplicity; Universality.

Solution from hydrogen peroxide, ammonic alcohol, detergent and water

approximately 10-15 minutes

The solution is suitable for funds in which there are no stones inserts. It is necessary to pour into an enameled or glass container 200 ml of water, 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 30 ml of ammonia alcohol, 5 ml of liquid soap. Stir well. In the resulting composition, gold needs to be left for a while to get rid of any contamination.

high efficiency; removal of any contamination; Cleaning speed.

If necessary, you can put gold jewelry (for example, earrings, rings, bracelet or chain) in foil, and on top pour soda solution. For 10-12 hours, the product is cleaned. It will only remain rinse with water and dry.

Attention! It is important to understand what to clean the jewelry for gold, which darkened, is impossible. Any of the above methods will only aggravate the situation. It is explained by the fact that the jewelry is made of ordinary metals, and at best, it is a metal covered with a thin layer of silver. In any case, cleaning will lead to the removal of this layer and the exposure of the metal. As a result, the decoration will be hopelessly spoiled. You can also clean silver with a gold spraying, the result will also be deplorable.

Decoration with matte surface

Decorations with a matte surface are cleaned very delicately. You can not use brushes, powders or rigid tissue, as it will damage the decoration. It is best to give preference to one of the following cleaning methods:

  1. Lime. 5 grams of the means that are bred by water so that the liquid mass is obtained. It can be added to a solution of 3 grams of soda and a pinch of salt. Such a mixture must be left for it for 3-4 days. After this time, it will remain clean the product, putting it in a cleaner liquid for 3-4 hours. After that, the decoration was washed and dried.
  2. Ammonia solution (25%). In such a solution, it is necessary to lower the product and leave for 2-3 hours. After this time, it is necessary to wash the product under running water and dried with a soft tissue.

Professional methods

Professional methods for cleaning gold - an excellent alternative to folk. They exclude the need to boil, rub or create various solutions. Professional tools are easy to use and reliable. Usually they are sold in the form of pastes or liquids. You need to select them for a specific type of product, for example, for gold smooth ornaments or jewels with stones.

Important! Additionally, you can find napkins with impregnations that are effective for polishing the product. When they choose, it is necessary to take into account the metal for which they can be used. Also pay attention to the possibility of wiping stones and inserts or its absence.

Ultrasound cleaning

Cleaning with ultrasound for a long time was considered a professional cleaning of gold jewelry. But today such a device that can have enough compact dimensions can be bought in a specialized store and operate at home.

Such devices are very comfortable. However, they need to be used with some caution.

It is important to understand that in the process of cleaning the product will be processed by high-frequency sound. And this, in turn, can lead to a climbing stone. If you act inactively, ignoring tips, the jewel of the noble metal may be hopelessly spoiled.

White gold cleansing

Purification of white gold (958 and 999 samples) is somewhat different from the cleaning of an ordinary (375, 500, 583, 585 and 750 samples). White gold is a noble metal, which is created by melting three metal, gold, copper and nickel. And on top, such exquisite decorations are covered with rhodium. It seems the jewel of white gold is incredibly sophisticated and elegant, but cleaning it is still needed.

For these purposes, you need to take a very soft fabric without porcers. And as a tool for cleaning, you can choose the following:

  1. Summer alcohol and water in the same volumes. You can add a little shampoo. In such a solution, it is necessary to put jewelry from white gold for 25-30 minutes. Then the earrings or rings are washed and dried by dry soft rags.
  2. Water and soft soap (you need to choose this, which contains no aggressive substances or chlorine). In such a solution, the gold jewelry is soaked for 20-30 minutes, then wipe with a soft cloth, washed and dried.

And what to do with stones?

What to do with jewels with stones (for example, diamonds, topazami, fianits, pearls) or decorative inserts? Ordinary cleaning methods are not suitable for them. And if the stones are glued to the metal, then it is not recommended to put such products into the water at all.

You can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Alcohol solution. It needs to moisten a soft cloth and carefully clean the product. After that, you need to wipe with a damp cloth and dry.
  2. Cologne. An ordinary wand for the ears is suitable for cleaning. It must be poisoned in cologne and gently clean the stones themselves. For such a cleaning, sharp objects will not suit, as they are able to damage the product.
  3. Petrol. It is recommended to use with high pollution. For cleaning you need to use a toothbrush, which helps to cope with mud.

Attention! You can not use these methods for cleaning jewelry with stones. In most cases, the product will be hopelessly spoiled. But silver is quite possible. Gold and silver cleaning methods are often the same type.

It is important to take into account some recommendations and, if possible, follow them to extend the life of the product. In particular, you should not cook, erase or clean in gold jewelry. You also need to take jewels during sports, taking a bath or soul. All this will eliminate the appearance of scratches or other damage, as well as decorations will not be exposed to various chemical preparations, sweat and simple water.

If cosmetic procedures are planned in domestic or salon conditions, gold jewelry should also be removed. When applying any cosmetics (lotions, creams, tonic) or the use of medical preparations (iodine, ointments, green), jewels should be removed.

Important! It is necessary to store jewels correctly. In particular, it is not recommended to use a cardboard box for these purposes. This is explained by the fact that the cardboard contains sulfur, which leads to the turn of gold.

In addition, many people believe that gold can keep the energy of past owners or even the seller of the store. That is why it is recommended to clean the gold jewelry (even if it is new products purchased in the jewelry store) from the negative and bad energy. Such methods are suitable:

  1. The fire. You need to hold the product on fire 2-3 seconds. You can also put a candle and watch it with a flame for 2-3 minutes, imagining how the fire devours negative energy.
  2. Ash. You need to put the decoration for 1-2 days.
  3. Water. You need to wash products under running water.
  4. Land. You need to bury the Golden object to the ground and leave for a week, after which you dig rins and use. Negative energy will not be.
  5. Salt. You need to pour one third of the salt glass, put the golden decoration from above and fall asleep the jewel with salt to the edges of the glass. A day later, you need to suspend salt in the package, get the decoration and rinse. And the salt must be thrown into the river or bury into the ground.
  6. Church. You can use church candles or holy water to combat someone else's or negative energy.

Such simple recommendations will help protect your favorite decoration from unforeseen damage or other influences. And the above methods will guarantee a slight cleansing of any contamination. Now you know how quickly and efficiently return the shine and the charm of gold jewels with beautiful inserts or without stones.

Updated: 03/11/2019

Gold accessories are proud of their owners. But they will look attractive only if they are kept clean. Over time, golden things are faded, and dirt can be stuffed inside the recesses. We will figure it out how to clean the gold to return the products for the previous attractiveness.

Gold - metal is very beautiful, but too soft. Therefore, the jewelry accessories from pure gold does not happen, alloys with copper, silver, platinum are used. Sometimes cadmium and zinc are added in small quantities. The color of the product depends on the composition of the alloy, the decorations are made of yellow or white gold.

The greater the additives in the alloy, the faster it will take the product, since most metals dumps under the action of oxygen. Deciding than to clean the gold at home, consider the composition of the alloy. White gold requires more careful and delicate circulation.

To clean the gold products should not be used tools containing coarse abrasives, they will be left on the surface of scratches. The most difficult thing to clean the products of a difficult form with jewelry in the form of curls and mesh. Of these "secluded corners" it is difficult to clean the dirt even with the help of a brush. Therefore, solutions that are maximally softened pollution are used.

For soaking products in solutions, we prepare the container in which you can completely immerse rings and earrings. It is better to use glass containers.

Clean yellow gold

Accessories from yellow gold are very popular. They differ soft, beautiful glitter, but over time become dull. Tell than clean the gold at home.

Ammonia solution (ammonia)

This method is used for a long time, but it still remains one of the best, as simple and effective.

Take 100 ml. The usual water of room temperature, we fall asleep a tablespoon of any wash powder (without bleaching additives) and the same amount of ammonia alcohol. Stir until complete dissolution. Lower gold accessories to the solution and withstand 2-5 hours. The products are then rinsed thoroughly in cold running water, slightly wedged with a paper napkin and lay out on dry napkins so that they can dry in the air.

Solution of hydrogen peroxide

This home method is no less popular, acts quickly and efficiently. Pour a glass of hot water into the container, add a tablespoon of gel for washing plates or liquid soap, a teaspoon of ammonia alcohol and 50 ml. Three-percent hydrogen peroxide solution. All mix until complete homogeneity.

In the cooked solution, omit jewelry for 20-30 minutes. Then we rinse in cold running water, wedged with napkins and dried naturally.


A very simple way to clean gold using sugar should be applied provided that the pollution is insignificant.

In the glass of warm water, we stir the tablespoon of sugar to dissolution and lower the gold into the resulting solution for 5-6 hours. Next, act as usual. Jewelry rinse, wet and let dry in natural conditions.

Plate wash liquid

This remedy is perfect for cleaning smooth rings and chains, but it is categorically impossible to apply for decorations with stones.

In a small saucepan, we pour 200 ml. Water and add a tablespoon of gel to washing dishes. Next you need to put a saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil. Lower the product in boiling water and boil at least 10 minutes. Then we rinse the decorations, wet them with napkins and dried.


The usual cook salt will help to bring the brilliance of yellow gold products. The method is most simple. In 150 ml. Boiling water should be stirred 60 gr. Salt. In the hot brine, we lower the gold jewelry for 8-10 hours.

This method takes time, but the products are cleaned high quality and without harm to the metal. Then you need to wash the decorations and dry.


Your earrings and chains will gline like new, if you clean them with foil. The method is extremely simple.

We drag from the inside the tank foil. We pour floor liters boiling water, we fall asleep 50 gr. Soda and stir. Immerse into the decoration container and leave for 10-12 hours. Then we rinse with cold water and wipe the tissue napkin or paper towel.


Quickly brilliance with golden products will help toothpaste. You need to apply a little paste on a soft toothbrush and clean the product. Clean the decoration does not shine like a new one. Then we rinse it and dry it.

Clean white gold

White gold jewelry darker faster than yellow. They require particularly gentle conversion and more often need cleaning.

White gold can not be cleaned even the mild abrasives, including toothpaste. Otherwise, spraying is erased from the products, and they lose their attractiveness.

It is recommended to clean the decorations by ammonic alcohol. If they are strongly contaminated, a dishwashing or liquid soap is added to the alcohol. You can take shampoo or shower gel. Per 100 ml. It will take a spoon of detergent and the same amount of ammonia.

Clean gold jewelry with stones

When choosing a cleaning method, you need to consider the properties of stones that are decorated with jewelry. If it is strong precious stones (diamond, sapphire, emerald, etc.), you can use neutral detergents. Of them prepare a soap solution and clean the products with a soft brush. To return the glitter, the products are soaked in the solution of ammonia alcohol.

Semi-precious stones (turquoise, coral, malachite, etc.) do not differ in hardness, therefore products with them cannot be brushed with abrasive particles and rigid brushes. It is best to pump decorations in soap solution.

The ammonia alcohol cannot be used to clean pendants or earrings with pearls. Pearls can be wiped with a tampon dipped in vodka or medical alcohol.

Professional means

In jewelry salons, you can purchase specially created pastes and solutions for cleansing accessories from precious metals. They are recommended to apply if simpler methods do not give the desired result.

The most popular brands:

  • Alladin - solution for cleaning jewelry made of yellow and white gold;
  • SunnyMetalPolish is a soft cream-paste that does not contain abrasive particles;
  • Talisman is a set for jewelry care, it includes a soft polishing paste, cleaning liquid and cleaning napkins.

These funds are used according to the instructions. As a rule, it is recommended to apply a little solution or paste on a tampon and graze the product to shine. Then you need to wash the praised chains or rings in the ethyl alcohol solution (can be in vodka) and give them to dry in air.

How to save gold jewelry clean?

To less often clean gold products, you need to follow the rules. Be sure to remove the jewelry if planned:

  • perform homework using water and household chemicals;
  • use cosmetic creams and scrubs;
  • do sport;
  • visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool;
  • swim in the sea.

Compliance with these simple rules will help preserve the beautiful golden glitter. And they will have to clean much less frequently.

Gold jewelry with time can be covered with a raid. Dirt is capable of spoiling the appearance of any products, they begin to fill up and look unattractive. Therefore, every person should know how to clean the gold at home.


Before starting cleaning gold jewelry, read the features of this process. Studying the subtleties of cleaning gold jewelry will help you avoid many mistakes that will spoil the appearance of your rings.

In many products there are hard-to-reach places that are quite difficult to clean. These locations include convex patterns, stone inserts, a decorative ornament. The traditional method of cleansing does not capture these areas, so it will be necessary to additionally use a toothbrush during washing with water. Choose dishes, the volume of which allows it entirely to block the jewelry.Examine the features of the stones. Some of them may not tolerate contact with alcohol and other substances.

White gold differs in its composition from the traditional metal. For this reason, you should carefully select the appropriate cleaning method. In the paper, you can only use soft brushes so that the veins do not scratch the metal.

Knowing the fineness of metal processing, you will learn how to carefully care for it and can save the attractiveness of jewelry for a long time.

Popular methods

Jewelry can be made of various types of gold, different in color. The most popular is the yellow metal. To clear this gold, there are professional preparations sold in jewelry salons. You can also clean gold from dirt yourself with the help of available tools.

Select the drug for cleaning decorations should be based on the type of contamination themselves. You can choose several methods:

  • professional cleansing. This method is considered to be the most efficient. During it, special ultrasound systems are used, returning the decoration in the initial state. This procedure can be made once a month;
  • unprofessional cleaning. This method includes folk methods with which you can clean the gold products yourself;

  • specialized drugs. To clean the decorations with your own hands, you can use different types of compositions and acids. In most cases, similar means are served in jewelry salons, pawnshops.

There are several ways that guaranteed to help return the original gold appearance to it glitter. User feedback allocate several funds that show a good result.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many people acquire decorations after Lombard. In these organizations, you can purchase original products at a lower cost. However, many may encounter the fact that the acquired ring or chain has dim color, which gives the product an ugly appearance.

To return the natural shine with its products, you can use hydrogen peroxide by wiping the jewel with your watch disk in it. Also you can combine the drug with a solution of ammonia. Such a mixture quickly removes any type of contaminants.

To restore the rings to the initial state, you will need:

  • mix 50 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
  • in the resulting liquid, put the rings;
  • decorations should be left for 12 hours. To exclude vapor evaporation, cover the capacitance with a lid;
  • then you need to get the products and wipe them with a suede or flannel cloth.

If you want to speed up the procedure, add one glass of water to the mixture and 0.5 spoons of a simple washing powder. Powder can be replaced with dishwashing liquid. Take hot water, and choose dishes from ceramics or glass as a container. In such a solution, decorations must be about five minutes. Then the products are washed and dried.


Cleaning gold from dirt using vinegar is an undesirable method for products in which there are stones inserts. Acetic acid solution can damage the stones, giving them a non-primary appearance.

If you are the owner of a low-sample gold jewelry, refuse a similar method of cleaning, since in such a material there are many impurities in the form of non-ferrous metals, which are affected by an acid that is irreparable damage.

If you decide to choose this method, choose a solution with low vinegar concentration - no more than 3%. Acid will be needed half to dilute with water.


Soda will help remove the stain in a short time. Many methods are designed for a long time reaction. You will need to wait a few hours to make the product again clean. If you urgently need to clean your chain or earrings, it is better to use food soda.

To give the precious metal natural glitter, you will need:

  • fill the tank with one glass of water;
  • place your decorations in it;
  • put a saucepan on the stove and wait for the water boils;
  • put one big spoonful of food soda in boiling water;
  • need to boil decorations for five minutes, after which you can merge water;
  • treat gold-type toothbrush gold.

Some users use dry powder soda, but it does not fit for working with gold products. This is due to the fact that the soda refers to the category of abrasives, which can damage the material, precious inserts.

An acceptable options include only mixing food soda with water to the state of the paste. Other methods are not allowed.


With the help of foil, you can return the gold attractions yourself. You will need simple metallic foil, water and food soda. It is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions when mixing, so as not to damage the metal.

To clean the jewelry with foil you will need to make several actions:

  • dissolve in 0.5 liter of hot water 50 grams of food soda;
  • sit Foil to the bottom of deep dishes;
  • a mixture of soda and water should be poured into the container;
  • lower the gold into the selected container;
  • products must lie in the solution all night;
  • the last stage lies in the washing of gold with water and wiping with a soft towel.


The ammonia allows you to effectively eliminate pollution from metal. To brush gold, you will need:

  • mix one glass of water and a small spoon of ammonia;
  • moisten in this solution a cotton disk and carefully process the product;
  • wash the gold with soapy and rinse with clean water.

There is another way to exploit the ammonia for which you will need to connect the chalk powder with ammonia before the formation of pasta. The resulting mixture needs to wipe the product and rinse with it with soap solution. It is not allowed to use a slicing chalk, as you can scratch a gentle metal.

Summer alcohol can be combined with a washing powder. You will need a small spoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of the washing powder. Stir these ingredients in a glass of water and lower the jewelry. After three hours you can rinse gold under running water.

There is a lightweight method of cleaning the jewelry using an alcohol solution. You will need to dissolve a couple of ammonia droplets in a glass of water and put your decorations for each hour in the formed liquid. Then you can rinse gold with warm water. To remove significant contaminants, you can dilute the mixture with dishwashing tools.

Many users were able to evaluate the following way:

  • pour a glass of water in the bucket and bring to boiling;
  • add one tablespoon of ammonia solution with liquid soap into water;
  • place your jewels for a couple of hours into the liquid;
  • after 2 hours you need to rinse the gold in the water and rub a cloth.

After cleaning, any of the listed ways you need mustard powder. It will give the products a beautiful shine. The tool is recommended to pour on a soft rod and grasp the decoration.


The paste refers to the category of abrasives, so it is necessary to clean with it using the ring and the chain. This method helps to clean the diamonds well. You will need to squeeze a small amount of pasta on a cloth and polish her decoration. It is allowed to use only classic white-colored toothpaste without bleaching effect.

If you decide to use a tooth powder, spread it with lemon juice. After the cleaning process, rinse the rings in water and dried with a paper napkin.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola cleans the surface of gold products well. To use this method, you will only need a drink. Selected decorations are placed in it for 12 hours. After completion of cleaning, you need to wash them with clean water.

For this method, there are several restrictions:

  • you can not apply this option on products with precious stones. Inserts can be painted in an incomprehensible shade due to contact with the drink;
  • gilding under the influence of Coca-Cola can peel from rings and chains.


This is the most affordable method of cleansing jewelry. You will need utensils in which a glass of hot water should be pulled out. Stir full 4 large spoons of salt in water. Decorations should be kept in a solution of 12 hours. The products are then washed with water from under the tap and dried.

Strong pollution

Independent cleaning of gold from pollution - a complex task. Separately consider how to clean the gold from black. If you could not restore products with the help of the previously described methods, refer to mechanical cleaning. This method is considered the most efficient.

Cannot apply abrasive tools: Food soda, toothpaste and other drugs, as they can ruin decorations. Gold is a gentle metal, so it can scatter from contact with abrasives. To return the attractiveness to the darkening metal, you need to apply special types of pastes. Such remedies have a low price and do not harm the coverage.

Use a soft toothbrush or napkin. It will be necessary to apply a paste on darmeted rings or chains and cleaning only in one direction. When you complete the work, wipe the product with an alcohol solution. He will eliminate the film that remained after cleaning.

You will be able to create a paste to clean the mechanical jewelry method. To do this, you will need:

  • mix in identical vaseline shares, shabby soap, warm water, classic teeth cleaning and folded chalk;
  • apply on the decorations the mixture should be using a soft brush;
  • clean strictly in one direction;
  • at the end of the procedure, you will need to be treated with metal with a solution with an alcohol content and wipe with a napkin.

To wash the welded ring from iodine, you can use a teaspoon of hyposphaul, dissolved in a glass of water. In this solution, leave a ring for 15 minutes. Then you should rinse the jewel with water from under the tap and wipe with a dry cloth.

To clean the matte gold, try the following methods:

  • it will be necessary for the dishes in which a little leverage is added, a spoonful of a two-curved salt and a spoon of food salt. Fill into a mixture of a third of a glass of water. Products should be placed in the resulting paste for a couple of minutes. Rinse gold with an alcohol solution and dry well;
  • stir 10 g of chalk, 5 g of lead whitelines and the bowel plate with magnesia. The resulting mixture is required to clean the metal;
  • to implement this method, you will need to mix 80 grams of the moductor and a little ammonia. This solution should be cleaned with contaminated rings, chains or earrings;
  • the drill solution effectively copes with stains on gold rings. Rod moistened in it need to wipe ornaments;
  • some people remove darkening with elasty.

New products

It is easiest to clean the rings with a smooth surface on which there are no stones and other decorative inserts. However, such products are rarely found. Most women wear smooth wedding rings, diluting them more intricate decorations.

Quickly clean up the brilliance, new products can be milded with a soft cloth. If there are no inserts on the ring, soaking in soap solution. New decorations can be cleaned with toothpaste, applying brushes with soft villi. Despite the fact that even in gold 750 samples there are other types of metals to give strength, such material has plasticity. therefore It is necessary to act neatly so that scratches remain on the product.

If you are a supporter of people's methods, you can resort to an onion option. It will be necessary to cut the bulb into two parts and rub the surface of the decoration. With this method, you can remove dirt and fat from jewelry. Such an easy way will help to clean the golden clock and other things.

Old surfaces

On old gold can form spots or oxidative film. To restore nonsense gold, the ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help you.

Mix in 200 grams of warm water several ingredients:

  • a small spoonful of the ammonia;
  • 30 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide;
  • one spoon of liquid soap.

Pour the resulting mixture into a non-metallic container and lower your decorations there for 20 minutes. Then you will need to rinse the jewels in the water from under the tap and thoroughly wipe the suede cloth. Alternatively, you can use flannel cloth.

Purchase gold can be cleaned with the help of ammonia. You will need:

  • 200 grams of water;
  • 0.5 small ammonia spoons at a concentration of 10%;
  • 1 Small spoon for washing dishes.

When you lower old decorations into the resulting liquid, the water immediately acquires a dark shade. Remove them and rinse with water from the tap. Take into account that this method is not suitable for working with products in which there are precious stones.

The solution of food soda is also well cleans the blackened gold. It is impossible to use the powder, as the abrasive drug can scratch your rings and earrings. If you could not return to your old gold an initial appearance, purchase a special paste or foam, which are implemented in jewelry salons. This means will be enough for a long time.

You can return the attraction of decorations with ultrasound. This method is modern and expensive. However, you can effectively remove all stains and blacks with precious metal.

Decorations with stones

Clear products with stones can be cleaned with mechanical methods. When working with precious inserts, act neatly so as not to damage the material. Choosing a suitable way, consider that the alcohol is able to make some types of stones dull.

Moisture - an invalid condition for stones, so Soak ring or earrings with stones in cleaning solutions will not work.To clean such jewelry, you can use a simple cologne. Pulk your cotton wand and wipe the stone. Cologlon is able to degrease the surface and remove contaminants. After this method, you will see that your decorations are brilliant. Gasoline also effectively cleans precious things with stones.

Many people face the situation when diamonds in the rings become dull. Return the initial shine decoration you can at home. With friction and heating, the stones begin to attract dust and fats. Stop this process is impossible if you wear rings constantly, therefore we should examine the ways to help restore the darkened gold with a diamond. Cleaning should be taken carefully so as not to damage the surface of the metal.

To quickly clean the wedding ring, jewelers recommend using alcohol. You will need to dip the decoration into the liquid and wipe it with a soft cloth. Such a method is able to quickly return the gold former attractiveness without harm and consequences.

Many people walk on water treatments in the rings and do not remove them when they are in the water. Chlorine, which is present in the pools, aggressively affects the precious stones, which is why they become dull and darken. He is able to penetrate the spike places, from which the stains are harder to remove everything. Therefore, experts recommend renting jewelry before going to the pool.

Cleaning decorations with precious stones should be produced Once a month. Wipe your wedding ring or bracelet with a soft cloth, checking the condition of the lines and the gold itself. Sometimes a small polishing is required to eliminate small damage and scratches.

White metal

Traditional methods will help you handle black on many decorations. However, not every method will be effective when working with white gold. Such a metal is considered special, as it does not contain copper and nickel. The surface of gold is covered with rhodium, so cleaning a cross or pendant should be neat.

Clean the white gold at home you can independently. To do this, you will need:

  • soft cloth;
  • liquid soap or shampoo;
  • ammonia solution.

With solutions in which these components are present, you can wipe your decorations. To pump products from white gold for the night is prohibited.

White gold can not be cleaned with a tooth powder or paste, salt solutions. You can use the ammonia and shampoo mixture. To do this, you will fit the following method:

  • mix in equal proportions of ammonia and water;
  • add a few drops of shampoo to the liquid;
  • lower to the decoration solution for 30 minutes;
  • then it will be necessary to wash white gold with water and dry.

Shampoo can be replaced with liquid soap. Two pressing dispenser will be required. Divide the soap in one glass of water and place your rings to the resulting mixture. Leave the jewels for 20 minutes, then slip in the water and swipe dry.

Negative energy cleaning

The whole surrounding world consists of energy flows. It is contained not only in the surrounding atmosphere, but also in ourselves, as well as in jewelry. Gold products have a powerful energy, as such material is popular. People wear rings every day, in contact with others. Due to the continuous interconnection of the decoration, they absorb the entire energy from which they face.

If you have received an inheritance decoration or a gift, they contain a large number of foreign energy from which it is necessary to get rid of. The most dangerous are the ancient rings and treasures. The products that were produced from the ancient tombs are in a special category, as they were located several centuries near the remains of a person, absorbing many negatives.

It is easy to understand that your gold needs to be cleaned from the negative. If you have become aware of apathy, poor mood and dilution of forces, you should proceed to action.

To clean the gold products from negativity at home, you can use in several ways. 4 Earth elements perform as the main methods of combating negative energy, but there are other options that work is no less efficient.

With fire

The fire contains a large potential of purification energy. To remove the negative from the ring, you will need to hold the decoration over fire over a few seconds. It is allowed to use incense.

You can also take a burning candle and watch a few minutes on the flame. Your eyes during this time will be able to keep the outline of the fire. Then you need to take the product and imagine how the flame surrounds it and burns the whole negative.

The ash is a derivative of the flame, so it can also be used to clean the precious metal. You will need to put gold and rub it into it.

If you cannot eliminate the negative with such events, contact jewelers for listening.


This method is the easiest. It is concluded in a simple washing of jewelry in water from under the tap.

With the help of land

The earth is well cleaning someone else's energy from the rings. You will need to bury the decoration in the ground for 7 days. When you get the product, it will be cleaned.


For such a way you will need a glass filled with salt by a third. Put gold in dishes and fill the glass to the top. After 24 hours, you can wear a ring, and the salt used is recommended to bury into the ground or throw into the river.

In the method you can use sea or table salt. The saline solution will also cope well with this task. Cleaning Remember that extraction of the subject should be made using a spoon or pencil.

In the church

Most believers are addressed to the Church to solve problems of this kind. You will need a little holy water and church candles. Put the jewelry on the table and make circular rotation of the candle. Move follows against the direction of the clockwise.

The number of rotations will depend on your sensations. When you realize that the negative left the decoration, the cleaning process can be completed.


Working with sound vibrations is considered an unusual way that helps to clean the gold from the negative. You can use in the work of gong, church or simple bells, loud music.

Try to concentrate and imagine how the waves of sound come into gold and clean it from the typed negative.

Light moon or sun

To use this method, you will need to put gold rings or earrings in the place where the straight rays of the sun or the moonlight fall. Decorations should be left for 8 hours. During the process, make sure that you will not interfere with cloudy weather.

If you are working with products in which there are stones inserts, remember that some of them can burn out in the sun. This method will not suit the amethyst, yellow topase and citrine.

In order for the jewelry for a long time to delight their glitter, the rules for the care of gold should be explored. These recommendations will help you preserve the beauty and attractiveness of jewelry for a long time:

  • can not be allowed to contact gold with alkaline or acid substances. These components are contained in almost every detergent, washing powder;
  • if you do not want your gold to sweat, eliminate the contact of the rings with a varnish removal fluid. Many girls make a manicure right in the rings, wondering why gold became black;
  • some cosmetic drugs also contain in themselves the components of mercury, sulfur and chlorine, which adversely affect the precious metal;
  • before working with paint and abrasive means, all decorations should be removed;
  • it is impossible to go to the bath, sauna and solarium in gold;
  • do not store jewelry in a cardboard box. It contains sulfur, which "will help" your products to blame;
  • do not forget to periodically clean gold from pollution. You can do this at home with the help of methods that have been described earlier.

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