Is it possible to knit things in advance for a newborn. When buying things for a newborn to childbirth. It's all about your beliefs

Surely, this question does not give rest to many women who are preparing for the first time to become a mother. One way or another, but since ancient times it was believed that in advance to take care of the acquisition of accessories for the baby - this is bad sign, and our people used to believe in all supernatural.

Prejudice past

Why did it happen? The thing is that in ancient times, it was not always that the birth was successful, and our grandmothers and grandfathers were captured by prejudice and delusions, fearing the evil eye and damage. Naturally, for them, the question of whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, was solved: before the appearance of the baby - no acquisitions. But times are changing, and medicine does not stand still. Modern technologies and equipment provide minimization of adverse detection cases. Naturally, in such conditions today's mothers give a positive answer to the question: "Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance?"

Why should something happen to the child, if, for example, take care of children's toys in advance?

Need to look into the future

In any case, bringing the Karapuz from the maternity hospital, you will be fully engaged in them: there will be no time to run on shopping in search of diapers and dispensers. In addition, it really does not want to be disappointed in children's accessories purchased by the tricks. Do you still doubt whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance? Throw away all fears and prejudices. The period of pregnancy is the optimal time in order to weighing and responsibly approach the choice of attributes required for the Karapus. In addition to this, there is a mandatory list of accessories and accessories that you will need already in the maternity hospital and after discharge from it.

Do not rely entirely on the opinion of others

Even if you are not sure whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, then you should not succumb to ruins, as if it should

First of all, Dad and Mom are responsible for their child, and all decisions them must be accepted independently, without regard to the opinion of others. Remember that the first months of life, the baby will demand an increased attention to himself, and his mother will be distracted by other things. That is why one should not be led to an opinion about whether it is possible to buy things in advance for a newborn. Moreover, what kind of mom will not like the storage ritual, which is based on the concern that has not yet appeared on the light of the crude? Such a shopping trip, no doubt, will cause a lot of positive emotions from the future parent. Why refuse yourself in pleasure?

What should I remember

At the same time, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to buy things in advance for a newborn, requires reservations. Experts do not recommend to engage in the acquisition of children's accessories immediately after pregnancy tests gave a positive result. At least the thoughts should be postponed until the middle of the term. Do not forget that the first trimester is the most peak time for the development of the fetus, and it is better to wait until it starts to be normally formed, eliminating the risks of concern and stress.

If you do not fail to take care of the baby, then deal with the preparatory actions: check the catalogs of children's products, select a color gamut and model, read reviews, think about the interior of the children's room.

Optimal shopping period

So, we found out whether it is worth buying things for a newborn in advance. But when is it best to do it? It is in the second trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time, parents already know who will be born - a boy or a girl. And already at this stage, it will not be superfluous to worry about buying large accessories: a changing table, a children's car seat, a crib and so on. However, this does not mean that it should be sure to purchase all this in the first days of the shopping. To begin with, learn the range offered at different outlets, compare prices, appreciate yourself the advantage of goods for children.

List of essential accessories

If the future mother has a very distant idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is possible or not to buy things for a newborn in advance, then at least she should know without any children's accessories do not do after discharge from the maternity hospital. We list the most basic ones.

Cot for a child

Of course, your baby should have a separate sleeping place, despite the fact that many karapubuses do not want to fall asleep without mom.

Today there is a whole arsenal of a variety of cubs for babies, starting with transformers with removable sides and ending with "tourist" options that allow you to put them in a bag and wear with you that is very convenient. Buying a particular bed of beds for crumbs, pay attention to factors such as the cost of the product, its safety, strength, the presence of sides and wheels. And, of course, do not forget to prepare a sleeping place in advance for your baby. If the dream is meant joint, special preparations are not required. If the child is sleeping separately from his parents, then a soft mattress and bedding should be put in the crib.


Is it worth buying things in advance for newborn children? Of course, yes, if we are talking about a stroller. The choice of this accessory for Karapuz should also be approached seriously. It is in this vehicle that the baby will spend a lot of time, especially in warm and sunny weather. Therefore, to choose the above attribute is recommended based on climatic conditions. Today, the choice of wheelchairs is huge: preference should be given to models with a bedroom on a classic chassis and transformers (portable cradle with a perfectly flat surface).

If you live in a cold climatic zone, then you better buy strollers with insulation and suspension.

Aid kit

And of course, mom and dad should take care of the agent for the baby in advance. There must be wata, green, hydrogen peroxide. Unable to be in the house of antipyretic means (candles, syrups). Do not forget that the kids often suffer from rhinitis, colic, constipation, and for these cases you also need to be preparations.

Personal hygiene products

You still don't give rest questions: "Is it possible to buy things in advance for a newborn baby?" Remember that personal hygiene products are children's shampoos, gels, soaps and so on - must be purchased until the baby appears. Do not forget about towels and bathing caps - they will also need a karapuz with time. Do not do the crumb and without a special bath. In the maternity hospital, the baby will not buy the kid, but the house is another matter. Take care of the desired attribute in advance.

Necessary things for crumbs

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to buy things in advance for newborn children, it becomes inappropriate when it comes to diapers, dispensers, sliders, diapers, socks and elegant suites. These elements of the children's wardrobe will be needed in the maternity hospital.

What to do superstitis

It is possible that there will be superstitious nature among moms, which, in spite of everything, will not want to acquire any accessories for the child before its appearance. Well, everyone has the right to do in his own way. However, there is a very simple way out of the situation. You can make applications for the purchase of concrete things in Runet's virtual stores and agree in advance that the goods brought on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Such a solution to the problem can arrange even the most superstitious woman.

You can act differently: to entrust the purchase of children's goods to your relatives or close people. However, they should help them in this responsible event: Prepare a list of necessary accessories for the baby, and do not be lazy to specify the color, model and brand - this greatly simplifies the search.

But it should be taken into account that the most important purchases, such as a stroller or a crib, it is better to do it yourself or together with your spouse: Naturally, in this case the service delivery service for the seller should be provided.


As a changeless and not focused on mystics, women who are preparing to become mothers should be remembered about one important circumstance: everything that happens to us in this life is a negative or positive - this is the consequence of our thoughts and mood. Positive emotions give rise to joyful events, and negative attracts grief, and sometimes trouble. If you do not have any problems without any pathologies, and there are no problems from a medical point of view, then there are no grounds for fears: you can safely buy things for your other crumbs.

Do I need to cook for a newborn in advance?

AND WHAT DO YOU THINK?????????? Did you buy in advance ???????????

Many women believe that it is in advance to knit or sew for a child, as well as buy the necessary things for the crumbs (led for a newborn) - bad sign. Nothing like this! In the womb, the child feels her mood and reacts to it. Let your baby be sure that he is waiting with joy.
It is better to buy a newborn in advance to buy everything to be ready before your return with your treasure from the hospital. Then you will be able to avoid excess mental tension, which is very harmful for a young mother and baby. Do not trust the preparation of dowry for the newborn your loved ones while you are in the maternity hospital. They can buy not at all what you need. And, besides, you just won't know where it lies. Believe me, the fact that at the right moment will not be dry pants, it can be crazy. The first month of the house is the time when Mom and the baby get used to each other, and mom just need to feel confident and independent. And the inability to find a clean diaper in his own house did not add self-esteem.
But what a pleasure, not in a hurry, collect coming for a newborn! Many future mothers helps to tune in to the baby's wave better than any autotraining. Taking care of the crumb before his appearance, you will already feel your mother. Locating in the apartment everything you need from the bidded for a newborn, you are building life and prevent troubles that can lead to postpartum depression. And the successes in the study of the market of children's goods and the consciousness that everything is ready for the appearance of the baby, they give self-confidence.

Prepare the most necessary of the newborn you need - the rest can be purchased after the birth of crumbs.

Good signs

1. It is possible to buy a crib or stroller. Just she should not be empty before the birth of the baby. Place a doll, dressed in children's clothing, "she" will be wary "place for the future owner or hostess.
2. You can buy, wash and stroke clothes, diapers and bed linen for the baby. Fold these things to where they will be stored, and keep the lockers open until the child appears to the light. It symbolizes light childbirth.
3. As soon as you begin to talk about different badges, I sincerely wish the man of good and just in case, imperceptibly fold the middle and index fingers on the right hand. :-)

What do you need a newborn baby after discharge from the maternity hospital?

A newborn - stroller

Adopted newborn
As a rule, the first point in the list of the newborn the newborn is a stroller. However, the lack of experience makes the choice of "vehicle" difficult. And only if the mammy happens to raise the purchased stroller on the third floor, because it does not enter the elevator or literally dragged her snowy in the snowdrifts, all flaws are found.

The information we suggest will help you make the right choice. The choice of stroller kid.

Dental for a newborn - Car Welding Chair

For a given newborn, choose a model from 0 kg. In this chair, the baby can be taken from the maternity hospital, carrying into the clinic, shops and other places. Houses for you such a chair will be relevant from 1.5-2 months. The child will be choking in it and simply plant it when the crumb is awake. Then he can be near you and accumulate impressions.

Dental for a newborn - Sling
Sling is a digestion in which the child is worn. It can be used from birth. Sling helps mom and baby to be always together. But at the same time, parental hands remain free.
Even before the birth of the kid, you need to fully prepare the room in which it will live. It is best to carry out repair. It is necessary to finish it long before the appearance of a small new one in it, so that the smell of solvents, the paints wipe completely. It is harmful to the child.
Walls are better to dry with light wallpaper of calm color. On the windows hang tight curtains so that the child can be protected from sunlight.
By preparing the room for your baby, think about the time when your crumb will begin to be interested in the world around the world, take things in the handles, explore them. This will happen very soon. Do not hold in the room dangerous item, especially drugs.
The situation should be convenient to maintain purity. Carry things on which dust is going to: carpets, rugs, shelves. Let the room constantly be fresh, spacious - the child needs clean air.
You will need and the table for the baby's swaddling is also led for a newborn. It may be an ordinary writing desk with couches adapted for storing a children's wardrobe. Before swaddling on the table there is a bike blanket and a diaper. Well, if you have a bedside table, which you can put bottles with milk and water, as well as items to the toilet baby. It is worthwhile to get a wide low chair with armrests - it is very convenient to feed the kid in it.

You can not have a separate room for a newborn. In this case, remove the baby light, protected from drafts a corner. There you will post a cot, a changing table, a chair and a bedside table, your newborn. Now everything is at your hand.

Named for a newborn - CotLet it be good and durable, because your wonderful child will sleep in it for about 3-4 years. So it is worth upset on the crib, which will probably not let down.
It should be made of natural wood, made without the use of harmful dyes.
The lumens between the rails should be at least 2.5 cm so that the baby is not stuck in them, and not more than 6 cm so that it does not slip down with the leg down. The woven walls should be tight, so that the child can open them.
The mattress should accurately match the size of the crib and tightly lay down to the walls so that the kid's head is accidentally clamped. It is better to choose a smooth orthopedic mattress. If you are sent to the "inheritance" bed, the mattress will need a new, non-deformed "predecessors".
Prices at a distance of at least 60 cm from the upper rails so that the baby does not get out. This level must be adjustable.
The stern protective, which is tied to the walls of the bed, will save the baby from bruises and protects from drafts.

Well, if the wheels and the clamps are attached to the legs, and then you can alternate the choices.

Named for a newborn - bed

The baby does not need a cotton blanket - he may suffocate under it. Good output Included in the newborn born - all sorts of cotton spices and sleeping bag. The pillow will not need a baby at least another year. Sometimes pediatricians recommend a special orthopedic pad. Buy the oilcloth under the sheet and 2 bedding sets.

Both newborn - for swimming
Children's bath; Kushka, from which you will water the baby when bathing;
2 soft terry towels, terry mittens for swimming;
thermometer for measuring water temperature;
soap wash with baby soap;
Children's shampoo;

The grass: a series, chamomile, oregano, oak bark, Valerian.

Adulted for newborn - cosmetics Comb (brush);
Cream of diarmos;
baby wipes;
Cleaning oil;
Children's manicure scissors with rounded ends;
lip balm (hygienic lipstick);

Cotton flags.

Dental for a newborn - diapers and diapers
If you decide that you will use one-time diapers, at first in the newborn you will need 2-4 packs per size of 3-6 kg or 2-5 kg.
If you prefer reusable diapers, you can buy already ready or sew them yourself. On each diaper takes 90x90 cm Marley. You will need no less than 20 pieces.
Cotton diapers (10 pcs.) The size of 80x130 cm You can use and then when the kid will grow up.
Flannel diaper measuring 80x100 cm - 10 pieces.
Cotton diaper measuring 80x100 cm - 10 pieces.

All products must be wrapped in advance, dry and fly.

Dental for a newborn - dishes Little silver spoon (very beautiful spoons are now sold);
bottle heater;
Bottle Ershik;
Kits bottles with nipples (if you are not going to breastfeed) or one small if your baby is a "natural source." To feed the baby, buy 5-7 bottles with a capacity of 250 ml. Many options: Choose the one convenient to keep. Convenient bottles with interchangeable liners - as the child sucks, the liner is compressed, so the jet of milk does not weaken and the baby does not swallow air.

Follow the nipples to the nasty for a newborn - hold them sterilized in case, if the one you use will give too much a jet.

Other necessary things in the newborn
room thermometer;
bucket for dirty linen;
Basik for washing (baby clothes need to be washed separately from an adult);
changing table or suitable for this table;
changing rug;
Think about buying "Radionani". This is a handy invention that allows you to hear a child if it is in another room.
The newborn-born is the baby's wardrobe. Children's clothing should be sewn from soft, hygroscopic natural fabrics that are easy to wipe, boil and smooth the hot iron. As a rule, these are cotton fabrics. Seams should not be rude.
Purchase things into a 62 cm newborn attached to the newborn (this is enough for you for the first 2-3 months). Choose that clothes that you do not need to wear through the head. Believe me, you appreciate it. Newborns do not experience much delight during dressing up, so try to make this procedure as quickly and pleasant as possible.
Things that Krocha wears in the first year of life have two features: they are small, and they need to escape. Therefore, when buying, proceed from how you are going to do it. If manually, buy anything. But then wash for you will be infinite. If you want to save time (and money), then erase in the washing machine. Then things when buying a newborn, pick up the color scheme. Give the preference of one-picture clothing - the fact is that from a large amount of styrica drawing fad.
Also, try to avoid clothes with a lot of rushes - you will save a lot of time on ironing.
So, in the newborn you will need:
"Envelope" and "Festive Set" to exit the hospital;
10 shirts or dispensers, which can be stem, knitted or cotton velor (these are especially pleasant to the touch);
10 jumpsuit with a fastener on the front buttons;
2 knitted blouses;
2 sleeping shirts;
3 pairs of thin socks;
Warm socks;
3 caps;
woolen hat;
mittens so that the baby does not scratch himself (there is such a habit of newborns);
3-5 breastplates (whirls).
Dentored for a newborn - a first-aid kit for baby
Adopted newborn

The house must be a first-aid kit so that if necessary, you have always been able to provide your needly urgent help.


Medications need to be kept in places inaccessible to children;
Do not store overdue medicines;
Never use medicines, especially antibiotics, prescribed for the treatment of a specific disease, under other circumstances;
In some diseases, antibiotics are needed, but they weaken immunity. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor if the treatment is the only possible;
All medicines apply only in coordination with the doctor.
The first-aid kit should be:
Zelenka (solution of diamond green 1%), methylene blue based on a water basis - for processing navel and diarmions, hydrogen peroxide.
Manganese (permanganate potassium) - for hygienic baths in skin dialls. Manganese crystals necessarily divide in boiled water so that it turns out a solution of gentle pink color. Must be filtering it;
Syrup "Espumizan", Syrup "Sab-Simplex" - are taken with intestinal colic and pain in the abdomen or capsules "Linex";
"Calgel" - ointment to relieve pain in teething;
"Nazivin", "Salin" - drops into the nose from a cold;
"Albucid" - drops for the nose and eye;
"Sinuperet" (drops) - for the treatment of runny nose and cough;
Paracetamol is a children's antipyretic and analgeal;
Aromatic oils: chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, mandarin, neroli, etc.;
Vaseline oil;
cotton swabs;
sterile wool;
2 small belizes;
bactericidal adhesive plate of various shapes and size for cuts, scratches and bruises;
2.5 cm wide bandages and 5 cm for fixing the cold compress on the injury and to impose a bandage on the wound to the inspection by her doctor;
Sterile gauze napkins for dressings;
Pinzets and a set of needles for removing the zoom;
Pipettes are good to use when the crumb need to give a liquid medicine for intake. They are also convenient to walk the kid by water in the first weeks of life;
thermometer for measuring body temperature: mercury, digital or chicken-dummy;
The nose aspirator will need if the baby has a runny nose;
telephone number of emergency care and first aid guide;

Many mammies are wondering - is it possible to buy things before the birth of a child? Promotional weeks of pregnancy, especially when you have already entered the maternity decree and are predominantly your own health, reading useful articles on the Internet and books on pediatrics, I want to spend more actively and with benefit. There is a desire to begin to acquire everything for the future of the newborn. A variety of products for swimming, games and walks, clothes, the crib Mom wants to choose when it has time and relative freedom of movement.

In the third trimester, mom usually appears a lot of free time to make the necessary and useful purchases.

The baby will appear on the light, and you just will not have the opportunity to purchase everything you need. You will be engaged in baby, breastfeeding issues, equipping a new day and life regime, restless nights. Many decide that it is possible to start buying a dowry to the baby before his appearance on the light, although this question remains controversial. There is a belief that it is impossible to do this, otherwise childbirth may endlessly. We will figure it out in folk signs, facts and will try to answer the question if you can buy things in advance for a newborn?

Where did this belief come from?

Sketches that are related to the preliminary purchase of things, furniture and baby accessories is characteristic not only for Slavic peoples. It is both rationalistic Europe, even in the United States. Consider why it is impossible to buy things before the birth of a child. Why even at the later date you can not acquire dowry for the baby?

Religious explanation

Since ancient times it was believed that clothes, free and simply lying at home in anticipation of the birth of her owner, is a "free house" for spirits, especially evil. Outdoor forces can move there and will not allow a new person to appear to take away the clothes, or a newborn can torment diseases, bad dreams, constant fears.

The centuries ago the acquisition of pre-dowry for the baby existed real taboos. Modern esoterics and people close to the transcendent, do not reject the ability to interfere with evil spirits into the life of a newborn. They prefer not to do things against which our believer ancestors were. Previously, even the baby's names were two - one for people, another for God and the Guardian Angel.

If the family complies with the customs of the ancestors, then in this case it is better to obey the instructions of old people

Rational point of view

From a pragmatic point of view in ancient Russia in the peasants, which were always many families, were afraid and poor, it was not customary to acquire new things for the future of the newborn. They were transmitted from familiar, relatives, older children. Only rich people and nobles bought new things or ordered them from Shvent.

Medical point of view

It used to be accepted that the mother she sewed things for her baby, and Dad was making the cradle. This contributed to the strengthening of related ties, brought together future parents among themselves and energetically - with the baby.

For a long time, conducted by a woman behind a needlework, an uncomfortable posture and excessive diligence led to premature birth and serious health problems, so later she had a taboo on advanced training.

It's all about your beliefs

It happens that Mom has a clear belief on this. She is either absolutely sure that nothing can be purchased in advance, or refers to this superstition skeptically and calmly fills the children's room until childbirth. What if you do not have your own opinion on this?

Grandmothers, girlfriends and relatives, usually living away from megacities, prohibit you a "preliminary" campaign. Modern girlfriends, buddies and work colleagues laugh at the ancient prejudices and chase to the store while in the crib still does not shout. How to do a confused future mommy?

Preparation of "dowry" for the baby is still associated with the tension and fatigue of mom

First of all, calm down. Worry and scandal for this regard is unreasonable. You must be healthy morally and physically so that pregnancy and childbirth will end safely, it is much more significant for the baby, the whereabouts of his future clothes and strollers. The comfort and calm of the pregnant women should stand in the first place, and not a question, lying to sprawers and booties in your closet or on the shelf in the store (we recommend reading :). While in the womb, a small emerging person feels and understands, it is much more important for him to feel that he is waiting for his joy and positive.

Abstract from psychological pressure. The opinion of grandmothers, girlfriends and experienced friendships sift through a small sieve in their head. Guided by its own intuition, the decision should be made independently. You need to consult only with the future father of the child. If you are both a social program for the ban of advance shopping and fear to allow a mistake - do not risk and take it all only after delivery. If you do not care - go shopping and gladly choose both essential products and touching trivia!

Pluses of advance shopping

If you tuned to the advance acquisition of the dowry for a newborn, but doubts are still present, we will highlight a few pragmatic advantages:

  • Purchase is much more convenient to purchase. Announced for the crumbs, then it will be bought at all what the mother wants and what really needs a baby. The mother itself will not have a strength or time to go shopping. Sometimes things are purchased unnecessary, unsuitable.
  • Mom is deprived of the right to choose when purchases are performed after childbear. It is more often for shopping grannies and dads, and the new mammy receives what he did not choose. The lack of personal participation worsens the psychological background in the family, aggravates the postpartum depression.

Future mom really want to choose things and equip the baby's room
  • Future mom and dad, visiting the stores together, get a lot of positive emotions and come closer, transmit a positive energy to the baby.

Pluses of purchases after childbirth

In the case when you made a decision not to play with otherworldly forces and planned the acquisition of everything you need for a child for a while after delivery, we can also allocate advantages:

  • joint purchases bring the relatives and teach dad to responsibility;
  • you can take advantage of your giving up nephews, gods and children girlfriends;
  • you can make an order via the Internet while in the maternity hospital, in the 21st century it is quite real and reliably;
  • you will not fall into an awkward situation if the fault of the future crumbs made a mistake on the ultrasound;
  • your apartment will not suffer from the progress of the stroller, the cradle, a playpen.

What things to buy in advance?

What do you need to buy before traveling to the maternity hospital:

  • Crib. It can be a classic wooden playpen or a modern bed with mobile and canopy (more in article :). It is needed a mattress, a set of bed linen and protection, so that the crumb does not beat and not stuck between the rods (we recommend reading :). Purchase is large, at what time it is better to do it? After 30-32 weeks of pregnancy. It will be better to stop on the model with a lowering side so that you can move the child to your bed and do not get up to the crying baby among the night.

The descending side will allow putting the kid very close to mom
  • Stroller. Choose depending on the time of year, you should not buy two at once. If summer on the street and you have good roads, a stroller with small wheels, light and maneuverable transport, so that mom itself can be controlled with it. If the child will have to go for the winter, take a model with large wheels, brakes, protection against rain from water-repellent materials, with a high basket.
  • Clothes for the first days. She needs to be wrapped before you dress the crumb.
  • Pampers for newborns, conventional and disposable diapers, on which you can leave the baby without clothes, without fearing to stain a bed or a sofa (we recommend reading :).

What is desirable to purchase, but you can wait:

  1. Cabinet for baby. It can be small, more often choose a narrow high comedom. He will need you from the first days, do not think that it will be enough to free the place in the closet for adults.
  2. Baby changing table. This innovation allows mom with convenience to change the infant diaper or stepping it (see also :).
  3. Car chair carrying. If you have a car in your family or you often move on wheels, then without a special portable place for a newborn in the car you can not do.
  4. Sling or kangaroo. This is a modern device that is a conventional digestion. It came from Indian traditions and allows mother and child always together, moreover, parental hands remain free.

Car seat will necessarily need, but you can wait a bit

What needs to be done before a trip to the hospital?

Think out all aspects before you go to the baby's light, because then it will not have time to do everything in one evening. As a "dowry" you will need a set for bathing a newborn. Purchase a special bath with a slide, grass and manganese to add to the water, a very soft towel, a children's gentle liquid soap. If you are tuned to the use of pacifiers, then buy several sets, they have a leaning property. Think out what you will sterilize dishes and nipples for the baby.

If it happened so that you have no milk, and the child will eat a mixture, you need to buy a mixture and bottles, sterilizers are sold to them. Buy a washing powder for children's things, means for washing dishes, toys and pacifiers of the same company. As the first first aid kit, you must have hydrogen peroxide, green, cream and powder under the diaper, a gas feed tube. Several rattles, and feel free to go to the hospital!

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychologist

Surely every pregnant woman was heard from relatives or acquaintances that it was impossible to acquire children's things before childbirth. What is behind this opinion and should it listen to him? When to buy things for a newborn?

Pregnancy and childbirth at all times were surrounded by superstitions, signs and rituals. It was they who spawned such a common opinion on the inadmissibility of preparing for the appearance of a baby. However, there are modern, rational arguments for and against the preliminary purchase of things and, before making a decision, it is worth considering them.

During the waiting period, the toddler women become sentimental. They are typical of the tiny childhood things and, of course, to stay at the same time from purchases is very difficult.

By giving tribute to superstitions, future mothers are forced to refuse joys of shopping, which certainly affects the mood, and not the best way. Does this mean? Consider the arguments in favor of purchases and arguments against them.

Arguments for the purchase of things in advance

The advance acquisition of things has a lot of advantages:

  1. With an independent choice, furniture and other necessary accessories, the mood rises, its internal connection with the child is growing, the maternal instinct awakens.
  2. Things will correspond to tastes and preferences of pregnant. This is especially important when it comes to a stroller and a crib. It is very likely that it will have to be managed with them more often than other family members, which means the opinion of the future mother here in the first place.
  3. The young father and other relatives do not have to choose everything you need in a hurry to catch up to return mom with a baby from the maternity hospital. In such a situation, it is difficult to avoid mistakes, and conflicts due to the acquisition of unsuitable things are very likely. Agree, this is not at all in such a joyful period.
  4. The pregnant woman will have the opportunity to wash, stroke and fold the first things to the baby so that they are convenient to use.

Arguments against

But there are arguments against purchases in advance. Here is some of them:

  1. Choosing clothes, a great risk is mistaken with the size. Sometimes the child is born much larger or, on the contrary, less than expected. Pre-determination of the weight of the fetus by ultrasound gives very approximate information. Therefore, you do not need to acquire many things of the same size, better let them be less, but for different weight and growth.
  2. There is a chance that the baby will be another floor. All non-invasive diagnostic methods are sometimes mistaken. It can create inconvenience if you plan to purchase many blue or pink things that emphasize the sexual affiliation of the crumbs.
  3. Large-sized purchases (stroller, bed, changing table, etc.) will take a lot of free space. Of course, this is not a problem if the children is ready, but when the repairs in it only have to be done, it is not necessary to hurry with such acquisitions.

In addition, relatives and friends will surely want to make you gifts for the birth of the baby. Having bought everything in advance, there is a risk of being in a result of several cribs and strollers. In order not to spend more superfluous, before purchases you need to discuss your plans with close people.

What things need to buy in advance?

Opinions about the list of things in the first days of things may differ, but still there are indispensable points in this list.

Immediately after returning from the hospital, you will need:

  1. Crib. It is better to buy it in advance in order to have time to gather and without a rush to prepare everything you need (baby linens, dietary, mobile and other accessories at will).
  2. Clothes for the baby at the first time, including for extracting from the maternity hospital. Surely a lot of things will be presented in loved ones, but still need to have several practical, pre-fertilized and stroking clothes. The same applies to diapers if you want to use them.
  3. Dresser for children's things. This item is very important for the convenience of mom. After all, children's things must be stored somewhere, and so to always be at hand.
  4. Autolo. It is necessary for every family having a car and preparing for the emergence of a child. Some parents believe that the baby can be transported in their hands, but in this case the risk of injury during an accident increases. In addition, the transportation of a child in the car is without illegal and punishable.

Well, if you have been purchased in advance or at least a carriage is chosen. It is desirable to "runk" in the store, make sure that it is easily controlled and not too heavy. If for any reason, you do not want to acquire a carriage before the birth of the baby, many sellers go to buyers, booking purchases when making a prepayment.

Some future mothers prefer to buy other things for a newborn in advance, for example, baby skin care products, a bath, etc. It makes sense if a woman has certain preferences regarding these items and finding the necessary in nearby stores is not easy.

Common superstition

Superstitions concerning the acquisition of a newborn acquired in those days when qualified medical care was not available, and the outcome of birth - unpredictable. Children's and maternal mortality, unfortunately, were very high, so it was considered unreasonable in advance. It also existed that it would be a bad sign.

Our ancestors believed that if children's things are cooked, but not yet used, they can make evil spirits that will prevent the child to be born safely or will affect his health and fate.

There is a more rational explanation of why the advance preparation of children's things was considered a bad admission, complicating the course of pregnancy. Since the future mother most often sewed baby clothes herself, she had to sit in an uncomfortable pose for a long time. The blood circulation of the small pelvis organs was violated, which could lead to and premature childbirth.

In addition, there were usually many children in families. Buying or sewing new clothes to everyone was wasteful. Things just betrayed the junior brothers and sisters.

Do you believe in it?

So is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance or better be guided by the experience of ancestors? The opinion of the future mother should be decisive in this matter. In other words, you need to listen to yourself and do as prompts intuition.

In modern reality, there are no weighty arguments in favor of refusing to purchase children's things in advance. This is just superstition. If you want to make purchases for the baby yourself, do not deprive yourself of pleasure.

Of course, it is better to postpone from shopping at least until the middle of the term. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman is contraindicated with increased physical activity and excessive zeal in stores in stores can negatively affect health.

For those who are inclined to trust the signs, there is a way to take off the unkind omen. So that the bed and the stroller do not stand empty, put in them the pups or soft toys. They will "post" the place for their small owner or hostess.

If you still overcome concern, trust the opinion of relatives, giving them the opportunity to purchase the needed after the birth of crumbs. In the end, the color of the sliders and other little things are not as important as calm pregnant.

Some people still give tribute to traditions and listen to superstitions, hoping to ensure the child a slight appearance on light, happy fate, good health. To continue to believe the signs or prepare for the appearance of the baby in advance - the case of future parents. It will be right that there will be any decision in which pregnant can feel calm and confident.

I like!

For a woman, Shopping itself is something like relaxes, and when it comes to shopping for his future baby - here the future mother opens the second and third breath at the same time.

Each pregnant woman from the beginning of this period begins to worry about all time to buy to the appearance of a child, trying to provide it with everything necessary, and therefore often makesone to buy completely unnecessary things.

But, this kind of shopping cannot be canceled at all, because it is a lot of positive emotions and positive impressions that are so necessary for pregnant women.

When the shopping time comes and what is needed by a baby, and without which he will be able to do? What needs to be considered when buying a set of things for babies? Read these questions below.

Shopping time

Each future mother begins to make purchases for a child at different times. Some prefer to buy everything gradually, and begin to go shopping immediately after the first movements of the fetus. Others are not in a hurry, preferring to buy everything immediately, immediately before childbirth.

And someone is generally too superstitious, and firmly confident that shopping for the baby until it appears to light is categorically bad sign. Of course, this is a personal matter of every future mother when and what to buy for your baby.

Nevertheless, for those who doubt when making purchases for a child, it is worth noting that it is to pull until the very moment of childbirth, and then in a hurry to drive everyone who is near the store and buy everything that will have to hand. This tactic is the most inappropriate for such a moment. Be sure to prepare in advance everything you need to take with you in the hospital, and the kit includes things for a child. When the contractions begin, you will have to go shopping and pharmacies to someone else (husband or mom), and they will buy not at all that you want to see on your child.

Timely assumes the collected set, already starting with the thirtieth week of pregnancy. By this time, it is worthwhile to bypass all the stores, find out the range and price policy of each, and on the thirtieth week to go with a certain goal and shopping. And do not forget to talk to managers - sellers, learn about the promotions or discounts for pregnant women. Often it becomes an extremely pleasant surprise for future mothers and significant savings of their financial budget.

Another option for not lovers of children's shopping: you can trust this responsible event to my mother, my husband, the godfather, and so on, anyone who you trust, almost the same way. The main thing for everyone to make a clear list of things that one or another trusted person must be bought. The shopping list will help not create the same things in the house of excessive litters. Such a list of purchases, such a shopping instruction should be drawn up taking into account the financial position of each participant of this shopping.

What to buy and where?

You do not need to buy a dozen things of the same size. Remember, the babies grow faster than adults, and therefore many things you will not even have time to put on a child how they will become small.

It turns out that the money was thrown in vain. Male various hats become faster - caps and body suites. So be careful when choosing and ordering these things. Two hats are warm, three - four thin and two body suit will be quite enough for the first time.

It is also worth aware of the way that the sliders, which are fastened on the shoulders in the child are not very comfortable when changing diapers, and therefore, while the baby lies better to acquire several sliders on light rubber bands.

Buying diapers need to look at their sizes. You can buy a pair of packs of the first size, then you certainly do not lose. In the consequence, you just need to follow the growth of the child and buy the corresponding size to him.

For the baby there will be enough two blankets - warm and light, one walking warm envelope and a couple of warm suits.

Important purchases include hygiene products. Hypoallergenic funds must be purchased immediately. This fact must be specified on the package, if the strings that this drug does not cause allergies on the package no, do not take it.

For a child up to one and a half years needed its own bath, not hygienically bathe the child in an adult shared bath. Bath choose to your taste, light and beautiful. To date, their choice is just huge. So there should be no problems.

And the stroller is best acquired with his spouse. After all, men are better dealing in all mechanisms. Give him this opportunity to make a comfortable and comfortable gift to your future chad. And, and the bed must be not only comfortable for the child and beautiful for your eyes, but reliable, sufficiently strong and multifunctional. The multifunctionality of the stroller is usually concluded that it can play the role of two strollers at the same time - winter and summer option. The crib should be on the growing child, that is, with the adjustable height of the bottom and the rail.

To the wheelchair do not forget to buy a masked grid. It is important.

Shopping can be done where most convenient to future parents. Strollers and cribs can be bought from hands if they are in good condition. Online stores also provide a huge selection of children's goods. But things for the child are best to buy in stores of specialized and stationary to see the nature of the materials and the desired size of a particular thing.

With a future mother may not worry about buying things at all. After all, most likely, she had all the chambers of the firstborn. They are just worth getting in advance, stretch and stroke, folded into the package for the hospital about thirty-fifth - the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy.

When there is one child in the house, and on the second approach, mom needs to simply collect hygiene objects for a child and for themselves, and do not fuss about more.