How to teach kittens to a cat tray. We teach the kitten to the tray: quickly and reliably. What to take filler

Your children's dream finally came true - a cute fluffy lushroom appeared in the house! One task remained unresolved: how to teach a kitten to the tray? It is this question that we will deal with, told about the easiest and most effective ways that allow rail a neat and clean pet.

Cats from nature are very loved by purity, so in most cases the owners do not have any particular difficulties in effectively and quickly teach the kitten to go to the toilet in the same place. Of course, in this very place must stand a special trayIn which your pet will cope. Especially this question is relevant when you start the animal in the apartment where there is no opportunity to release it to the street or led every time to the courtyard in the toilet.

At home cats, there is no need to visit the street at all, they are perfectly getting used to the atmosphere of the house and adapt to almost any conditions. It should be borne in mind that even the cats are walking in themselves in the urban apartment, choosing your favorite sites for sleeping, games and rest. But as for the toilet, it is necessary to correct their behavior a bit, because the baby should know where to go in case of needSo that the owners are happy and satisfied. By the way, intimidate and scolding an animal if it first guessed the natural need in the wrong place, it is not worth it. To clearly assimilate how to accustom a kitten to go to the tray, zoologists recommend adhere to two simple recommendations:

  • firstly, it is necessary to provide round-the-clock access of the kitten to the toilet (hold the door of the toilet or bathroom, where the tray is always open);
  • and secondlyThe tray should be clean and convenient for the animal and it is desirable to be in a secluded place that the kitten chopped independently.

Some owners teach their pet immediately to the toilet, which is very convenient in terms of hygiene. However, this should have a very decent experience of interaction with animals and a real "pedagogical" talent. A similar practice is suitable for an adult cat, so we will talk a little later about the teaching a home cat to the toilet a little later. But what to do, if your home has just settled a wonderful meowing baby, we will tell right now.

How to teach a street kitten to go to the toilet: a simple solution of a spicy task

We all dreamed at least once in life to shelter the unfortunate street kitten. However, not everyone brought this noble thing to the end. We dedicate this section to those who were not afraid of temporary difficulties and presented a street kittenf. To begin with, it should be understood that the cat's cub Little child resembles his behavior: He can also be capricious and protest, he also requires your attention and care. Therefore, so that you don't have to remove the "Faithful Crime" traces, asking why I could not immediately commit a kitten to the toilet, you should understand some rules that will help you prepare yourself and an animal to jointly accommodate in a comfortable, And most importantly - in a clean setting.

Let's remember school and present the whole process of learning an animal in the form of a task. So, the task: You almost appeared both the kitten and the tray in which he later must learn to go to the toilet. Initial data: You live in an urban apartment, an animal does not go to the street, and you do not plan to release it. The task: How to teach a cat to the tray, without more effort and problems?

The solution of the problem consists of several steps

How to teach a cat / cat to a tray for 1 day?

Some newcomers are dreaming of how to teach a cat / cat to a tray for 1 day. In principle, this is possible if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. Extension tray with filler in the prominent place. Ideally, the feline toilet be between his bowl and place where the kitten sleeps either play. On the way, he will pass by the tray and be sure to be interested. Over time, you will move the tray closer to the bathroom or to the place where you plan to equip a feline toilet.
  2. Limit the space by which the kitten will move. At least at first, so that he looks less in the corners and more often was near the tray.
  3. If your miracle is still shit where one should not, Take a piece of paper and blot it with a feline urine (after your cat pissed). It is this "sketching bait" should be placed in the tray so that the animal can navigate where his toilet. If the kitten went large, do the same with his excrement. Do not forget to pre-wear rubber gloves, and after - wash your hands with soap.

Some pet owners believe that to teach a cat to the toilet - it is a rather strange and incredibly troublesome occupation. However, in such a delicate question, you should navigate only for your patience and the individual features of your kitty. For instance , It is worth considering the age of the animal. A very small kitten should not pass to the toilet - he can simply fall into it. To begin with, the cat should be passed to the tray, and then gradually move it to the toilet so that the animal moves to its ultimate goal without any particular obstacles and psychological injuries. After the filler tray is near the toilet, the bed of newspaper or plywood, and then set the cat toilet on them. Daily increase the height of the tray until it reaches the toilet, and then transfer to it and the tray itself. Over time, the animal will get used to the toilet "at the height", and you can hide the tray and provide the cat's opportunity to go to the toilet.

In this article, you will learn how to accustom a kitten to a tray yourself. Step-by-step instructions for those who only bought a kitten, is it worth using means for teaching, answers to all questions on this topic.

How to teach a kitten to the toilet

  • Limit the movement of the kitten around the house. Try to keep it where you yourself are most of the time. This will give the opportunity to observe the behavior of the baby and respond in a timely manner if necessary.
  • Take the kitten in the tray, give him the opportunity to sniff everything around to get acquainted. It is not scary if the baby immediately does not use the tray for its intended purpose.
  • Squeeze the kitten in the tray after the toddler rises and immediately after sleep.
  • Show how to row. Put the kitten in the tray and wait a bit. If the kid himself does not make the rowing movements with his legs, show him how to do it - crush it with a paw filler.
  • Watch your pet carefully. As soon as you see that the kitten is sitting in order to go to the toilet, begins to scratch and heat the legs - without fuss and harsh movements, transfer it to the tray. Once the cat will make the "his" business praise him and intend.
  • Praise and encourage. For each successful hike in the tray, praise your baby, gently smooth him and talk to him. Even if, do not think angry and scold it!

Once, scattering and scaring the kitten you can bring off the desire to go to the toilet for a long time. And the place itself is treated.

What to do if the kitten reluctantly uses the tray

  • Make sure the tray is suitable for a kitten. It should not be too big and with high sides. Closed and automatic models are convenient for the owners - kids they can scare away. Read about.
  • Attract the kitten by the smell. Get out the napkin (odorless) the place of measurement and put it in the tray. The smell will tell the baby that he should do in the tray.
  • Clean the tray regularly. All representatives of the feline world are terrible cleanly. Does the toilet match the high demands of accuracy? Not only the filler and tray should be clean - follow the hygiene place where the toilet is worth it.
  • Position the feline toilet in a quiet and secluded place. Cat is striving for pricing. The best place is in the corner of the room. The kitten will feel more protected and calm. Make sure that there is no washing machine, a rattling sewer tube or, so that the baby does not scare from the toilet bowl. Frightened kitten may refuse to go to the tray in the future.
  • Change the brand or. Experiment with different stamps and types of filler - find the one that the pet likes. Start with wood types, try corn, silicohel or mineral. Toilet format "Clean legs" can first not like the kittens - they simply do not understand what to do in it! Brush a few paper leaves on the part and let the baby playing with pieces of paper - they are so charming Sheburtshat, you can be from happiness ... What do we actually need!

If the kitten chose an inappropriate place to make his needs - move my bowls with water and food. Natural instincts will not allow the kid to be practiced at the food site.

Useful video

Means for teaching tray

In pet stores and veterinary pharmacies are widely represented so-called "smart sprays", whose tasks or or on the contrary, quickly attract it to the pot. "", "My place", "Teaching to the toilet" - the Life of the Little Kitten's owner will make much easier.

Best tools

  1. MS.KISS "teaches a tray" - a zoogigenic spray, you can buy in Ukraine for 53 UAH., In Russia for 150 rubles. Pros - a comfortable bottle with an ergonomic pulverizer, high efficiency, democratic cost. Minus is a specific fragrance.
  2. Himol "Teaching to the toilet" - bio-spray teaching to the toilet, sold in Russia for 120 rubles, in Ukraine you can order through online stores. Pros - easily sprayed, attracts cat attention to the tray. Minus - caustic resistant smell.
  3. API-San "Teaching to the Toilet" is a smart spray, the cost in Russia is 240 rubles, in Ukraine for 78 UAH. It has high efficiency. Minus - sharp smell.
  4. Stoppalle "Teaching to the Tray" - a hygienic spray to facilitate addiction to the tray. You can buy in Russia for 130 rubles, in Ukraine for 47 UAH. The agent is distinguished by a pleasant smell and effectiveness. From minuses, users note that the tool is not effective enough for the teaching of adult animals.
Remember! The kitten may not go to the toilet before the transference to the toilet until several days. Best patience and do not scold the baby.

Homemade teaching means to tray

  1. Mountain lavender. It is believed that the fragrance of lavender attracts kittens. Several lavender sachets or a filler with a lavender smell - good helpers for purchasing the desired skill.
  2. Cat mint. Pinching of dry mint, full of a tray, will attract the attention of a small pet and facilitates the process of teaching
  3. Watering kitten. Waterfront with a paper napkin of a kitten's puddle and put it in the tray. The smell of my own urine is guaranteed to tell the baby, for which you need a toilet.


How to teach a cat to go to the toilet to the street

If you live in a private house, you can teach the cat to go to the toilet to the street.

To do this, you need to gradually move the tray closer to the entrance door.

Over time, the tray will be behind the door and the need for it will disappear. To do this, you will need to blame for the kitten, and as soon as he comes in the tray, you need to take it into place where he can go to the toilet outside the tray. In order for the baby to be clear what they want from him - put a little filler from the land tray.

Is it possible to teach a cat to go to the toilet

Buy a big tray

Your kitten will quickly grow up, and if one day the tray will be enough to him, the pet can go home to look for a toilet for a better way. At the same time, the height of the side should be such that the animal can get into it on its own.

Note that trays are closed and open

Both models have its pros and cons. On the one hand, the closed tray gives an animal sense of privacy. On the other hand, the walls hold odors and the cat may refuse to use not clean enough, in his opinion, tray. In addition, a large animal in such a tray is not very conveniently unfolded and digging traces of its livelihoods.

Tom Thai /

Open trays are also different types: with a grid, without a grid, with high and low sides. The tray with high edges is good for an adult animal that loves too vigorously rummage in the filler and scatter it in all directions. A small kitten at the breakdown stage will not be easy to climb such a tray.

But the low tray with the grid may be quite by the way. The filler in this model is poured under the removable part and does not come into contact with the paws. Perhaps your kitten will not immediately object to the grid immediately, and if it turns out that it is vital to rummage in the filler, the top part can be removed or temporarily.

However, with such trays you can do and without fillers. You just need to pour urine every time and rinse the pot.

There are also special overlays on the toilet, which are good to everyone, except one: they are not suitable for small kittens, pregnant cats and old or sick animals. But if you really like the idea of \u200b\u200bteaching an animal to the toilet and not mess with the filler, you can try such a lining when the kitten is growing.

Many of these linings are systems of gradual teaching to the toilet: they use rings of various diameters that are cleaned as an attachment of the animal. In some of them (for example, in this), you can initially pour a filler. Which system is suitable for your pet depends on its preferences.

Finally, there are fully automatic feline toilets that take care of themselves and therefore very comfortable and hygienic. But there is such a miracle of technology quite expensive. It is likely that it scares or simply do not like your pet.

Take care of the spare tray

This happens infrequently, but nevertheless be prepared for the fact that some cats prefer to urinate in one tray, and to be practiced in a large one. If you live in a house or apartment with several floors, the cat should be available on each.

And of course, if you have a few, each should have its own tray.

Choose a suitable place

The feline toilet's place should be easily accessible, comfortable and rather quiet. It is better not to put the tray in the farthest corner of the house: in case of emergency need, the kitten may not have time to reach him.

And do not put the tray next to the bowls for feed and water. Cats are not shifted where they eat and drink.

What should be the filler

Choose a filler without dust, lumps and smell

Today, in almost every pet store you can buy mineral, wood, corn, silica gel and even paper fillers with a color indicator. In general, they all cope with their function, so the final choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner and the animal. But at the stage of teaching the pot you should pay attention to some important points.

It is recommended to use a filler from which there is no or almost no dust, as it can cause the kitten an unpleasant feeling when inhaled. It is also not recommended to start a teaching to the toilet with a commercial mineral filler, because your pet is almost certainly trying to taste it, and it can cause strong constipation.

Try to buy products widespread stamps. Perhaps your favorite will get used to a certain type of granules and refuses to use the toilet, if suddenly the store does not turn out to be the most filler.

The silica gel filler may also not please anything to you nor the kitten, since when he ordered it is quite loudly rustled. Small corn filler adhesions sometimes even to dry paws and spread throughout the house.

It is better not to buy a filling with the smell, since a strong fonder can scare the animal and it will start looking for an alternative place toilet.

Therefore, as a first filler, it is better to buy pressed wood sawdust, and later, if you want, try other options.

If your kitten is just starting to hit the toilet, it makes sense to leave a little wet filler or excrement in the tray as a reminder of where toilet in the house.

As soon as the animal gets accustomed, it will be necessary to clean everything, because the dirty pot can cause puddles and a heap in unsuitable places. It is enough 1-2 times a day with a scoop to clean the filler from the tray and pour a new plus to its place once a week to wash the capacitance with warm water with a soft detergent without a strong smell.

If you have a double tray, regularly remove feces from it. If possible, wash the grid after each use of the toilet. Well, follow the purity of the filler.

The nozzle on the toilet must at first clean and wash the same way as the usual tray. If you use a system of teaching to the toilet bowl with rings, there will be nothing to clean soon. The diameter of her rings gradually increases and eventually the animal will learn how to use the toilet without nozzle.

How to teach a kitten to the tray

Put the kitten in the tray

Give the baby to get used to the smell and look around. Let the kitten sit for a start to sit or lie in the tray for a few minutes. Nothing terrible, if immediately after that the pet does not use the toilet.

Squeeze the kitten in the tray every time after eating, sleep, games or if a lot of time has passed since the past departure. Also immediately transplant the animal in the tray, if it crouches with obvious intentions elsewhere. Try to play with a kitten next to the pot: after jumping and kwwyrkov, a pet probably wants to ease.

Be patient: some kittens understand why you need a tray, almost instantly, others need a little more attention and reminders.

Watch out for feeding time

Typically, kittens need to easily facilitate approximately 20 minutes after meals. If at the same time, you can predict and sit the time in the tray.

Show the kitten what to do

If your pet has never seen the tray, you will have to visually demonstrate to him what to do with this subject. Of course, you do not need to use a tray in front of a shocked cat - it's enough to show that you can dig. To do this, put the kitten in the tray and crush the filler with your finger.

In no case try to teach the kitten to dig, holding it behind the paws. From this he is only scared and the next time will bypass the tray.

Praise and do not punish

Schedule and affectionately talking with a kitten every time he shows interest in the tray or enjoys it correctly. Do not shout, do not poke the animal with a muzzle and do not beat him for misses: by this you only achieve the fact that the toilet will be associated with the punishment and the pet will cope in secret hard-to-reach corners.

If the kitten left a surprise in the wrong place, put the bunch in the tray. It will remind the baby to where to go to the toilet, and the smell will be associated with the pot.

Thoroughly flush the place of misses

So that the accident does not become a pattern, you will remove all traces of hooligan as soon as possible. Needless it is necessary, otherwise the kitten will consider this place with its constant toilet.

Put a bowl with food and water in the wrong place

If the kitten has chosen for a toilet, a place absolutely not intended for this, rearrange food and water there. Instincts do not allow cats to be practiced next to food and a waterproof, and your stubborn loves will be forced to abandon his dubious ventiy.

Question: How to teach the kitten to the tray, asks every person who at least once in his life started at home this fluffy creation.

The most relevant of all this question sounds for those who have encountered a problem for the first time.

As a rule, kittens are taken at that time when they have already formed the habit of walking into the tray.

However, if the homeless little kitten found on the street or simply brought to an apartment at an early age, he may not know what a tray is and how to use it.

At what age start?

The question of how many months to teach the kitten to the tray is studied quite a long time.

After the research conducted, it was found that each animal has a time period at the beginning of life when the acquired experience is absorbed very easily and for a long time. This period is called critical.

  • The perfect period is to properly teach the kitten to KakAn in the tray - starting with the second and seventh week inclusive.

At this time, the cat begins to form a character, they best remember everything that happens to them, and acquire the necessary skills.

Therefore, to train the kitten to use the tray is the most favorable period.

Selection of place and tray

Where to install a feline tray?

Put a feline toilet better next to the human. The tray should be located in a place where it will not interfere with anyone, and where no one will interfere with even a monthly kitten.

If, in the first days of his appearance, the kitten considers any corner with his tray, it is not worth angry at him.

In this situation, it is better to watch him and remember where he does it most often.

This means that your pet has selected the place suitable for its toilet itself, and you just need to put the tray there.

If the place chosen by the kitten does not fit your preferences, then after it is purified, you can put bowls, filling them with food, milk or water.

Thus, you will travel a kitten from walking to the toilet in this place, as cats are very clean on their nature and never go to the toilet where food is worth.

Closed type: pros and cons

The closed tray is a box that can have a door. There are also closed trays without doors.

In such trays, as a rule, there is a special part, where the filler falls asleep.

Externally, they can radically differ in form and sizes - to have a kind of house, furniture and so on.

The significant advantage of closed trays should include the absence of unpleasant odors.

Coal filters that are within such feline toilets allow you to eliminate all the occurrence of unpleasant flavors.

Thanks to the triangular or rectangular form, such a tray can be conveniently placed in any part of the house or apartment, including in any suitable corner.

In addition to functional advantages, closed trays also have a pleasant appearance, which will benefit any part of your home.

However, they have a greater value and are not always convenient for cats due to the presence of the door or a small review.

Some cats simply ignore such a type of toilet.

Open Type: Property

Open-type tray can be any waterproof boxes with a special filler. Such a container can be bought in any pet store or make it yourself.

The advantage of this type of tray for forgetful owners is its open upper part, which constantly reminds you that it must be cleaned.

However, the unpleasant odor from such a container will be spread much more efficient than that of closed.

Also, the open-type tray can be more convenient for the cat, as it allows you to see the surrounding environment and not worry about possible danger.

Choosing an outdoor tray need to remember the height of the side. They should be so that the cat will not spread the filler during the injection.


A sufficiently large number of materials can be used as a filler for the tray.

Previously, the main means were a ribbon newspaper or sand. However, now the choice of fillers is quite wide. Among the most popular are the following.

One of the most inexpensive wood filler is.

Its base are wood sawdust, which under high pressure are formed into granules.

This filler is environmentally friendly, allows you to get rid of unpleasant flavors. It is necessary to change it at least once a week.

Otherwise, swollen granules will get squeezed on the sawdust, and the pet will take them down all over the apartment.

Another type of modern fillers is a commercial, which contains clay.

Such a filler likes cats with its crumbly structure, but it should not be applied to kittens, as they can swallow it.

Special means

In order to accustom kittens to the toilet in the right place and teach them not to walk in unnecessary, there are special means.

The famous fact that cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits.

Puting a few crusts of orange or mandarin in the loved kitten, the result will not make himself wait a long time, and soon the kitten will bypass the scene with the sideline.

Try the crusts of orange or lemon. Unlike orange smell, lavender fragrance attracts animal catfish.

In this regard, a few drops of the tray left near the tray will contribute to the more rapid addition of the kitten to the goal in the toilet in the place you need.

There are also special sprays and aerosols that fulfill the above functions and significantly simplify the life of the owner of a small kitten.

You can purchase such drugs in any veterinary pharmacy.

Feline toilet size

When choosing a cat tray, it is important to determine the desired size. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the size of the cat itself.

For example, very large in itself, so the tray for it should also have the appropriate size.

The main criterion is freedom, the cat should not feel shy, being in the tray. Especially if the closed tray, the cat should have the opportunity to turn around.

But I don't forget about yourself. The size of the apartment and the free space in it is also worth considering that the pet and his owner can be comfortable.

How to teach a kitten to a tray in the apartment

You can accustom to a tray kitten of any breed, and the British, and Scottish, and Fold, and Siamese, and Persian, and even Sphinx.

Age is also not a hindrance. You can learn both 1 month and 2,3,4 and even 5 month old kitten without any problems.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to ban a kitten, which is 1,2,3 or 4 months moving around the house, allocation of a certain territory for it, where it will be easier for him to remember the situation. Moreover, it should be a place where you are often in time to respond to his behavior on time.
  2. Next, you should put the kitten in the tray so that he carefully sniffed and remembered.
  3. At the end of the food intake, a kitten, it must be attributed again to the tray and its paws to make a few swear movements, showing how to act.
  4. If you see that your pet is to get ready to go to the toilet elsewhere, larded the floor and sitting on it, it should be raised and put on the tray. After you can stroke it as praise.
  5. Praise the kitten follows every timely campaign in the tray.

How to teach a street kitten to the tray

It is the opinion that street cats teach to the tray for a long time, and sometimes not really real. However, if you try, it is impossible to implement.

In fact, everything is much easier. Most often, the street kitten simply does not like the tray itself or his filler, so he does not want to go there.

In this case, the change may be repeated, it can solve the problem.

On the street, the cat gets used to walking in the toilet to the ground or sand, so it is better to select a filler like the structure on them.

In addition, it is impossible to forget about the advice described above. You must follow and train a cat to the right behavior.

How to teach a kitten to the toilet?

To accustom a kitten to the toilet in the apartment can be at any age. Each kitten has its own characteristics and character, so the duration of learning may vary. But usually this procedure does not require more than a month.

The training system is to install the tray near the toilet and gradually, once a few days raise it to the level of the toilet.

Thus, the cat will get used to his unusual height and remember this place.

First, it is not necessary to raise the level too often.

The kitten must be used to the new location of the tray.

Only after he remembers its location, you can first raise the tray a little higher.

To facilitate memorization, special sprays are also used. Scold a kitten for improper behavior is prohibited. You can only praise for the correct actions.

Next, you should raise the tray daily to a height of about five centimeters. However, you need to take into account the features of your cat, and it is possible to do it less often.

The toilet cover is desirable to keep open so that the cat has an interest and addictive to this object.

Raising the tray on the necessary height, you can begin to deal with the cat directly to the toilet.

To do this, it is possible to put a filling filler from the pan under the rim, which has the smell of a cat.

Also, special aerosols on the toilet can be sprayed as attracting attention, and Ideally put a tray in the toilet.

All these actions may seem sufficiently uncomfortable, but the results will show that it was not in vain.

After the cat understands what they want from her, you follow a few days to hold the pan on the toilet, for better memorization, after which it can be removed.

Taking the cat to go to the toilet, you can not forget about some rules:

  • the toilet door does not need to close so that the cat always has access to the toilet;
  • the toilet cover must also be opened;
  • in order to protect ourselves from bacteria and microbes, the seat must be periodically handled by special means.

How to teach an adult cat to tray

Often you can hear that adult cats are not leaving for training, and to teach them to the tray is quite problematic.

There is a deal of truth in it. But, as a rule, at unworthy cat behavior there are reasons that can solve the problem.

Metty corners cats may in case of alarming sensations, the cause of which is a married period or an unpleasant smell for it. Also, cats can shift in the wrong places in case of certain diseases.

Therefore, if you encountered such a problem, then first of all include a cat to inspect the veterinarian.

If no pathologies are detected, you need to thoroughly wash the floors, eliminate all suspicious smells.

In the process of teaching an adult cat to go to the tray, all indoor plants fall asleep on top of gravel, and, if possible, cover the edges of the pots with adhesive tape.

Then your flowers and bushes will be in preservation, and the instinct cat will not make the need for the need for them.

When training cats, and in the particular kittens, you need to know also, what should not do. For example, you can never scold a kitten and expose it to physical violence.

Cats are very angled animals and can take revenge for such actions in the most unexpected way.

You also need to remember the intolerance to cats of castors of citrus. Therefore, you do not need to buy fillers with such odors and use the cleaning agents with the smell or lemon.

After reading this article it was possible to make sure that the kitten and even adult cat to the tray or the toilet in the apartment can be quickly and easily. The learning process in private homes is not different from the above.

Now you know how to teach a kitten to a tray in the apartment, and easily be able to apply these knowledge for your pet.

If the kitten was born in your house at your cat, who herself cares about him, raises and watches cleanliness, then the question is not relevant. Mom cat itself perfectly cope with the participation of the offspring. There are even cases when the cat itself does not have a very carefully observing rules, it greatly trains kittens.

I lived with my cat named Brungilda - the person is pretty panted, as they say, "with character." I knew perfectly well to walk in the tray. But it cost me a little relax, for example, do not immediately wash her toilet or just rinse, and not thoroughly rinse - and her lordship considered himself to be pressed at the tray, and next to him. After all, the tray is not purely clean.

But when she had a kitten (his appearance on the light and the first days - a separate epic, somehow I'll tell you), she won it so that past the tray, this creature did not miss the whole life. At the same time they went cats in a tray without filler, with a grid. So the belly was still, at least "knee" already in the tray, she did not occur to her that "deeds" can be made elsewhere.

If the kitten appeared in your infancy randomly or with his mother's cat happened misfortune, so you have to do a feline baby, then the teaching to the tray makes sense to start as soon as the kitten can independently leave the "nest" intended for him - a box, litter .

A kitten, bought or presented to tray from the first minutes of life in the apartment, regardless of age - at least a month (and before the kids will not even give the toddlers even the most rigid breeder), even three, at least six months.

How to teach monthly kittens to the tray?

If kittens turned month and forced to replace them with a cat's mother, then it's time to teach them to the tray.

Simplify training, it is possible, bound by the sphere of movement of kittens. Usually use the children's playpen or simply cut the part of the room. The square should be such that the "nest" for sleep, tray, bowls with food and water fit, and there was still a little meta to play.

Features of the physiology of kittens are such that they cope with the need almost immediately after eating. So proceed to teaching. Kitten feed. When he was flooded, immediately plant him in the tray, slightly roll off his paw filler if the tray with the filler (read about what filler is better for kittens) or just scraper the bottom of the tray. Then you can tease the tummy gently: usually the cat after meals loses kittens, at the same time stimulating digestion. Most often, "result" is observed literally in a few minutes. If the kitten did, the fact that the baby is expected from him, helping to bury and let go, pre-standing.

It is not worth raping the kitten in the tray longer than a few minutes. Does not want - let him run to play. And we observe. As soon as the quiet, sat down - grab and in the tray. If you did not have time, and the kitten did the puddle in the wrong place, it is impossible to scold.

We wash the napkin to the puddle, put the napkin into the tray, plant the baby and put the "bad smell" with his paw. Then stroit and let go. We leave the napkin with the smell in the tray, and the "scene crime" is thoroughly closed. Now you can relax for a couple of hours until the next feeding.

Usually enough for several days so that the kittens understand what is required of them. Although the troubles will happen even for quite a long time: the kitten in the game, as well as a child, may not be forgotten and do not have time to reach their toilet. But it will be only some cases. As soon as you saw that the kitten purposefully goes to the tray to make their affairs, you can relax: errors will happen more and less.

How to teach a kitten to the tray if he still walks everywhere in the toilet?

It happens like this: they took a kitten, without thinking good of their capabilities. As a result, the toddler spent the first days in the new house alone: \u200b\u200beverything at work, and in the evening the owners are simply no time, and there is no strength to practice. And when they spun - the kitten was already used to shit where it fell. Is it possible to help in such a situation?

Attempt number 1 - Limit space. It is important that the baby practically does not have another possibility: or in the tray, or in the nest. Cell helps here, no matter how severely sounded. You can mitigate the punishment mode, only at the moment when the owners have the opportunity to engage tightly. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the graph set out in the previous section, that is, to plant the time after meals. And releasing - when will make "cases."

While the small intruder languishes in captivity, carefully climb all the places chosen as toilet. So simply does not happen that the cat goes every time in a different place. Instinct tells her to choose some of the most convenient for this purpose of secluded corners. It is advisable not only to wash, but also make these places inaccessible: to put something on them, put. You can use special sprays for teaching.

Attempt number 2. - change the place of residence. If the first method did not help (and he, with a consistent and patient application, works almost always), it remains only to transfer someone kitten. In a new place, new rules are learned much easier. Optimally, if the house already has an adult cat or a cat, loyal to other animals. So learning will be even more efficient. Some wonderful way of old-timers can be perfectly explained by the newcomer of the rules of residence.

How to teach a kitten to a tray with filler

If the kitten came to you from a good breeder or just from a caring owner, it is already accustomed to walk in a tray with a certain filler

Your task - before buying to clarify exactly which tray was used in the "native" house of the baby: the size, the height of the side (maybe it was?) - and buy exactly the same. The only difference in color is insignificant - the colors of the cat differ badly.

Also find out the name of the filler, which was at the breeder. You need exactly the same. Subsequently, it will be possible to experiment with the filler and even remove at all. However, at the stage of teaching, it is better not to risk: Faced with another odor or type of filler, the kitten can be confused and not understand why this subject is here.

So for sure to explain the kitten's purpose of the tray, an experienced breeder will definitely give a slightly used filler. It has to scatter on the surface of the tray to make his smell quite native.

How to teach a kitten to a tray without filler

The filler often annoys the owners by constantly scattered, cats spread it on the paws across the apartment. In addition, the filler must be constantly buying, which may be expensive. That is why many people have a desire to teach the kitten to go to the tray without filler.

For this, special trays are sold, in which the lattice is attached at some distance from the bottom. So the paws of the kitten will remain dry.

The tray without filler is better to use if you have the ability to wash the tray quite often: optimally - after each use. Otherwise, the smells across the entire apartment will not be the most pleasant, and the kitten may refuse to use the re-unbearable tray.

As an option, some owners are poured between the bottom and grille, the wood filler that absorbs the urine and absorbs odors.

Another nuance of using a tray without filler - many cats are digging so hard that literally turn the lattice, engaging her claws. So choose a sufficiently heavy tray so as not to turn over and check the reliability of the lattice fastening.

And to teach the tray without filler is completely simple. The procedure is simple to disgrace. Just to start in the tray with a grid pour filler - a little less than the kitten is used. And gradually reduce the amount of filler, reducing it no.

However, there is a risk that the kitten will still refuse to go to the tray without filler. Then the output one is to return to the proven version. It is better to regularly sweep the filler around the tray than to remove the "puddles" and "heaps" throughout the apartment.