Day of the educator and all preschool workers. The day of the educator and all preschool workers in Russia when celebrating the day of the educator

The day of the educator is a professional holiday of kindergarten workers: educators, their assistants, nannies and all personnel. On this day, matrees are held in preschool institutions, on which children congratulate educators and give them gifts made by their own hands. Kindergarten workers are awarded diplomas and premiums.

In 2020, the tutor's day is celebrated on September 27. Initially, he was a public celebration, and since 2009 it takes place at the official level. The day of the educator is a young holiday and is celebrated only 18 times.

The essence of the holiday is to draw public attention to children's preschool institutions.


Shower for Cinderella
Before children, there are a large number of shoes and offer to choose a pair that belongs to the tutor. After that, the teacher is trying on the proposed shoes. The participant wins whose pair of shoes will be in size.

Draw a portrait
Before holding the competition, pupils tie their eyes and distribute drawing accessories: paper, pencils, paints, markers. Children blindly try to draw portrait portrait. The participant wins, whose drawing will be the most similar to the original.

Beads for the teacher
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and offer in turn to call compliments for the tutor: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team wins, in whose box will get a larger amount of beads.

About the profession of the teacher

Educators and preschool workers teach children. They laid the basic concepts about the world around the world, put skills to work, perfection, concentration of attention and thinking.

Career begins after receiving pedagogical higher or secondary special education. Preschool teacher should be a versatile developed person, strive for self-improvement. It requires high moral qualities, excerpt, a favorable attitude towards people, goodwill, willingness to help.

The educator is a creative profession. She obliges to find unique approaches in training, contribute to the understanding of the material.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, the day of the educator, as in Russia, falls on September 27. In Belarus and Kazakhstan, the holiday is celebrated in this date, but at the official level in the calendar it is not fixed.

In many countries, the tutor's day is combined with the teacher's day. In the UK, Lithuania and Germany, it is celebrated on October 5th. In the US, the holiday falls on Tuesday of the first full week of May. In Poland on October 14, in the Czech Republic - March 28, in Spain - January 29th.

Teacher's Day is a professional celebration of education workers. In Russia, he falls on October 5th.


    According to a simple manual,
    Fine that there is a holiday and educators.
    Those who raise the word, not cry and belt.
    And I sincerely congratulate you on this day.
    I wish that in all matters you are lucky to be undoubtedly
    So that happiness settled in your home certainly.

    Happy educators' wonderful
    You congratulations from me!
    Let every day like a ray clear
    Comes, joy of ringing.

    Let parents and children
    You respect your hard work.
    Let the Sun of Happiness shine brightly,
    Successes new name!

What is the day of the educator and all preschool workers in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
September 27 Mon.September 27 W.September 27th

The day of the educator and all preschool workers is a Russian national holiday, which appeared in 2004 on the initiative of various Russian pedagogical publications. Date of celebration - September 27. In this significant day, various solemn events are taken.

The goal of the holiday is to need to pay attention to kindergartens and other preschool institutions, or rather the work of workers in this industry. Preschool age - an extremely responsible period in the life of every child. During this period, the identity and bookmark of the child's health occurs. Therefore, it is very important that there was a wise, responsible, careful and patient educator next to the baby, listening to the inner world of the pupil. Therefore, it is important that people for whom the upbringing of children are trying to work in this area.

Work in the world is not difficult -
Rip out other people's children.
And you are busy all day:
Learn, play, dive, dress.

Noise, Sports the defortion.
And not always listens,
But the balodtvo will not pass here -
Find for each approach.

You are an educator at least where!
You love the guys very much.
And we want to congratulate you
For all "Thank you" talk!

Congratulations on this holiday
Everyone who, without sorry forces,
Our kids helps
Learn the beautiful world.

We wish you health
And patience, and good,
Happiness, and good luck,
And spiritual heat!

Be the educator is a real vocation. And let your work are not easy at all, but you perform it on "excellent." In your professional holiday, you want to thank you for warmth, care and attention to our children. Sincerely wish you good health, well-being, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Not every person will find
The right approach to the child
And the tutor is given
Always with children to be at the same time!

And adults and kids
Wish you from all soul
Smiles, laughter and good,
Let them be a generous life!

Let only a joy will be labor
Let you respect you and honor,
Health for you all enough
And the forces work adds!

Educator is not work,
Not measured life.
This is a service without calculation,
In it, calling - to love.

Podskaya caress to calm down
Hooligan to pacify
Drachunov put in the corner
And obedient praise.

All wear, shore, build,
Take a walk and feed
And your big soul
Without a balance to divide.

For a sensitive heart, for your care,
For the kindness of view, warmth hands
Thank you for sure, because your job
It is difficult and serious, the most huge work.

We wish it all wonderful in life
Dreams were performed, revenues grew.
Health, good luck, interesting things,
Sorrow, anxiety, so that past passed.

Without your hands,
Without sensible heat
Would be very sad
All of our defense.

You are affectionate attention
Kids surround
And all day before the evening
We teach something.

And if suddenly parents
Delay in the way
With the child you will stay,
You will not be able to leave.

Thank you very much,
Bow you and honor.
Congratulations on the holiday!
Let you all lucky.

All kindergarten workers
Congratulations from the soul!
Let your salary grow,
As if in groups of kids.

Let them bring joy,
We know, your work is not simple,
But you got from God
To bring them into the world big!

Let your parents appreciate you
Will be with you for one!
Let the work await
And in the family will be warm!

Bring up other people's children
Not everyone is given.
That there is no profession important
It is known to everyone for a long time!

Fight kids in kindergarten
And know that they are waiting for them
Care, joy, good look,
Comfort, warmth, comfort!

And love our kids
Kindergarten workers.
Congratulate you from all my heart
We are all happy today!

Want you to wish you happiness
In the profession of success
To live in joy and misfortune.
Good, smiles, laughter!

For hard work
Daily care,
For responsibility in labor
And the well-groomed children
For patience and affection,
All read fairy tales
We say Thank you,
We wish the strength and smiles!

Let me congratulate people to us now
One of the professions, so important for us.
For all the "second moms" for children-preschool!
Yes, yes, this is exactly what they say about you.
You are our relatives, so be healthy,
And all that was invested, let it be the basis
In characters, the fate of those children.
They are the Lacmus profession all.
You don't have to blush for them,
Guys make it better let you manage.
In your heart, each of them remains.

"The Day of the educator and all preschool workers" is a professional holiday in Russia. Traditionally celebrate on September 27.

The day of the educator was established in 2004. Establishing a holiday at the official level was initiated by several pedagogical publications: the newspaper "Kindergarten on all sides", the newspaper "Pre-school education", the magazine "Obruch". The creation of a new holiday was supported by educators of kindergartens, authors of pre-school programs. Today, the "day of the educator" is celebrated at the official level in the territory of all Russia. Date September 27 is timed to the historical event. It was then that the first kindergarten in St. Petersburg was opened. It happened in 1863 on Vasilyevsky Island.

"The Day of the educator and all preschool workers" is a necessary professional holiday. Educators are taken in the development of skills, abilities, knowledge, psychology of children are not less participation than teachers of schools and other educational institutions. It is the educators, in addition to parents, become our first teachers.

Pre-school education is very important, and from the professionalism of a person working with children in the earliest stages of development, often depends on how they will manifest themselves in the future. The holiday helps to draw public attention to the main problems, and, of course, the main merits of educators of kindergartens and pre-school institutions.

Many of us have passed a kindergarten, and in our memory this time remained as a beautiful part of life, which has played a significant role in subsequent fate. If you have relatives, friends who are familiar who work with children in preschool institutions, do not forget to congratulate them with a national holiday - the daily teacher.

Congratulations on the Day of the educator and all preschool workers pictures

Scenario for Teacher's Day - Educator Day in Children's GardenW.

1: The one who became a teacher will understand, what happiness to be useful people, to teach His Majesty - the people!

To carry him a gift of wisdom and knowledge, and kindness of his heart light -

There is no recognition on Earth responsible, coming and happier there. (A. Kookin)

2: There are many different professions in the world, and each has its own charm.

But there is no noble, you need and wonderful. Than that I work for!

3. And if praise is awarded the poet, Ile the artist, the doctor,

I am glad, because I recently ravenly raised them!

4. I am proud of cosmonauts of our country. And everyone's glad to take off to the stars.

I know my moon will certainly be sent to kindergarten.

5: You say - Mine, you say - Construction, you say - Space:

All this is serious, but still the garden will remain a kindergarten, and we never live without him.

6. After all, every geologist and every botanist, and even a scientist among many books

I could not appear without upbringing, and it was the kindergarten at the start of them.

7. Therefore, we all found this thing. And we hardly find the best share.

We were here on your own will and then we sing today.

Song on the melody "I can't otherwise"

1. In the garden in the morning I go again, in the bag of crafts hiding.

Everything for work I will find, I can not otherwise.

Scissors, Threads, Buttons, Glue, Bandage, Valerian, Plock.

Those soothing, this is the truth. I am a teacher and a shepherd.

2. They sat down to dinner - I my mother, I went to sleep - I was nanny.

All regret and understand everyone - my heart is not a stone.

The evening has come - I go home, silently fatigue hiding.

Business and at home I will find - I can not otherwise.

3. I look at the dreams at night, if my son is not crying.

In the morning, the family dinner will cook - I can't otherwise.

So I worry the day after day, the cross is carried out, as a banner.

Our kindergarten is my second home - my heart is not a stone.

Dialogue at 7 am

Vedas: Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock:

Mom: Daughter, daughter, breakfast ready.

Head: Mom, I'm still a little bit.

Mom: But then I will not wake you up, woke up? Get up, in the garden it's time.

Head: Oh, I don't want to go there!

Mom (Tikhonechko): "Daughter, you need - you are the head of the kindergarten! "

Vedas: Here on the clock 8.30 in the morning, the nurse is already on the phone.

Medic: We have a problem number 1: We have diphtheria, we have quarantine.

Head: you need to run back in the garden, nurse quickly all together to collect.

Chlorine and soap, brushes, water. SES to us will begin - the trouble will happen.

Ved: 9.15 - Phone calls: on MO from the southwest Performance to the Central District.

Head: Again the problem - everyone needs to collect, quickly decide what to see.

Ved: 10.00 - as a locomotive, in the door runs out of breath, Zaughz:

Zavorosis: - No heating, check the basements! Pipes, plumbing I did not get!

Head: Again the problem. Call in Focus, maybe at least something will help.

12.15 - I am writing a tabel, you need to pass it, very hurry.

At 13.00 we have a pedsovet, you need to give people a good advice.

And at 14.30 run in Gorono, there I, of course, I get for everything, but I will capture documents there.

Ved: 17.00

Head: I go to the office, there is my cooled, forgotten lunch.

Only I can not eat it, I quickly run on the meeting.

Parents will come a lot of guests, they are worried that they are waiting for their children.

I will tell you in detail, I'll show you a group of kindergarten.

Ved: 18.15 - the phone calls,

Head: Tomorrow the Central District will come to visit us.

Ved: 19.00

Head: That's the watchman went away, he found a better job.

What should I do? What do i do? New guard where to get?

As long as a person found a place, late in the evening I have already reached the house.

Just closed eyes from me, Mamochkin I heard me:

Mom: Daughter, Get up, It's time to the garden, the whole deforest is already in the kindergarten.

Head: No! I will not go there! Better die, drowned, shot!

Mom (Tikhonechko): Daughter, it is necessary - you are the head of the kindergarten!

Vedas We are educators, we are committed to love for your profession.

We have a task - all our knowledge will be sent to raising children.

And our head will tell about our successes in this difficult work.

The head congratulates the team, handed out the certificates of distinguished teachers.

Vedas Thanks for such a gift ... And we give you the stage.

1st Vedas: no matter how difficult for you, but our pedagogical team is always next to you.

2nd Vedas We confirm the "anthem of a preschool worker."

Performed on the motive "The main thing, guys, the heart is not aging."

1. The main thing, the girl, the heart is not becoming old, the song of the preschooler until the end of resid.

We chose a difficult path, but this path is thorny. Only optimists can overcome.

Chorus: And with the hot flame of young hearts. Think, daring and creating.

And with this mood, everyone will always be ahead.

2. The main thing, the girl, the heart is not to grow old, to be in the soul romantic, know, look, burn.

And under the scarlet sail of rapid childhood, together with the defense, to fly through the year.

Veda: Who came up with judge about the age of the years?

Well, if you are full of vigor, if you love white light,

If the world you filled with paints where there is no black color,

If you do not miss your caress and dreamy, like a poet,

If you strive for a new one, and you do not entail peace

The educator then from God you, stay always.

Vedas: And what do you think, who is more difficult in life: an educator or her husband?

The question is, of course, the interesting thing is not as good. This song is dedicated to the husbands of educators.

Sing on the motive of the song "The steering wheel".

1. If you decide to fall in love today, you are about good luck, my friend, did not dream.

If you decided to seriously marry, you did not choose the tutor.

Chorus: Hey, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel-la la.

2. It will be a lot of whatever element, socks, wash the floors and wash.

And at night you, not knowing peace, you will repeat the script in a dream.

Vedas: Someday for such a hard life, all husbands of educators will put a monument. Thanks to our husbands for their patience, for the fact that they love us and take those that we are.

You are good faces leading to knowledge, giving joy, bearing light.

Hope you happy, greater recognition, and new finds, and new victories!

Staging the fairy tale "Teremok" to the new way

Vedas: It stands in the field of teremok -terok, it is not low, not high, not high

Who lives in Teremchka? Who lives in a low.

And they live in them kids, kids like candy: the view is wonderful, diligent affairs,

They love to work, and then they will have fun. Near the adults always, whatever the trouble would be in the house.

It goes on the nanny field, nanny-supper. She approached the teremchoe, asked:


Children: We are kids - candy, and who are you?

Nanny: And I nanny-supper! I will be baptized, in a quiet hour to sleep,

Lullaby to sing, watching the guys ...

(Laskovo sings lulling) Bai-Bay Bai Bai. Sleep, baby, fall asleep!

Vedas: Go to us live. With a nanny, the question is resolved. The case became with the cook

How do you feed the kids, who will cook?

Cook : Who - who lives in Teremchka? Who lives in low?

Children: We are kids - candy. I nanny - sleeping.Together: And who are you?

Cook: And I cook - culinary. Kitchen I am a great gift! Soup, borschy, salads, porridge and lagman

Pizza, Ravioli, Pilaf - whole cauldron.

From nothing candy quickly watcher. Kids all favorite tasty feed

Vedas: We really need such a person! Stay and you live to us.

What will the cook now be cooking? A specialist is needed that everything can get.

Zavorosis: Who does it live in the terchemok? Who lives in low?

Answers: We are kids - candy. I nanny - sleeping. And I cook cook

Chorus: And who are you?

Zaughz: And I zehoz, I will solve any question. I all captured, the bills are paid.

In any case, I can enlub the nose and this minute I'll settle the question (inspecting around)

Teremok I will finish your, the furniture is cool will deliver!

Vedas: We need a person, they will not part with him forever.

Only children need suddenly the best mentor, friend.

Teacher: Who does it live in the terchemok?

Educator: Who - who lives in low?

All: Children - candy, nanny - sleeping, cook - Culinary, Zaughz - I will solve any question

Together: And who are you?

Teacher and teacher: We are pedagogical legs.

All with children we have time. Lepim, we write and play.

Educator: I am an educator, an observer for children. I will take them in the morning and spend

I will play in the salting, jumping on the rope. Babies of all I will come, and take a hop

Their leisure is organized. I love all the children.

Vedas: without such specialists in a kindergarten can not do

Come to work to us, boils then life

Your work should be sent to everything in time and by plan.

Need urgently such a specialist ..

Methodist: Who - who lives in Teremchka? Who - who lives in low?

All: Children - candy, nanny - sleeping, cook - Culinary, Zaughz - I will solve any question, teachers - fast legs.

Together: And who are you?

Methodist: And I will observe a methodologist for the educational process

I make graphs. I consider working hours.

For work I observe - if something suddenly not so fast, I fix everything, I don't do anything without me, as you are cute

Vedas: Well with you agree. We will be friends with you \u003d to go in friendship.


Together: And who are you?

Bratka: And we are your best helpers.

Where to raise, patch, where to stroke, wash.

Vedas: come in, we will be happy - your help to all the reward.

Watchman: Who does it live in the terchemok? Who - who lives in low?

All: Children - candy, nanny - sleeping, cook - Culinary, Zaughz - I will solve any question, teachers - fast legs, Methodist - Observation

Together: And who are you?

Watchman: I "Security" - guard, without me, you just "pit"

I will drain yours to store and go around the ward!

Vedas: We are also very necessary for us, go to us in Terem live.

Our teremok is scarked. Will be friendly everything in it live!

Competitive and game program for employees Dow "Everything about everything"

Vedas: Good evening, dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you on our cognitive - game program: "Everything about everything"! Today you are waiting for fun and jokes! Miss you will not be a minute! So! Let's start with the warm-up! The master pronounces the phrase after which the audiences must say the choir "We do not argue ! ", If they agree with the statement, or"Sporim - Sparim ! ", If you do not agree.

In the fall, it is rained - waiting for spring us ahead. The whole day of the meli blizzard - birds from the south flew.

The sheet of maple falls down - the lily of the white blooming. Apples in the garden loose - in the grove of the nightingale sank.

We salted the cabbage - and the rink was poured with water. The field is fog. In the garden - only Byrian.

And the holidays are waiting for everyone. Victory Day here like here. Days are getting longer. It will be colder soon.

The puddles began to freeze. Birds began to fly away. Without candy, it is difficult for us very much. Soon fall, by the way. I deceived you now. You are mistaken many times.

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle edible - incredible: for each correct answer - a step forward.

Each participant calls the bell, if he knows the answer.

Who first called, he answers.

Elevator for unclean strength (pipe).

Character burst from laughter (bubble).

The personification of the family, which Pinocchio poked the nose (focus).

Winnie's friend - fluff, which remained with the tail (IA).

Commander of 33rd Bogatyer (Chernomor).

Cave Lock - Spell (SIM - SIM, OPEN!)

Detail of a female dress in which lakes and swans are placed (sleeve).

The radar of the king is Liegehogs, which is tired of the root cases (Cockerel).

Parquance labyrinth for a tiny - Havroshchi (cow).

The award for the feat, which is given to the attachment of the kings (Pollum).

Reliable orientation tool in fabulous situations (tangle).

The most friendly communal apartment (teremok).

Seven desires on one leg (seven-fiscuit).

Ungrateful listener Songs (Fox).

The name of the Great English Region (Robin - Bobin Barabek).

The highest achievement of a fabulous catering (tablecloth is self-banned).

Traditional dish of Enica - Banikov (dumplings).

The most round fabulous hero (kolobok).

Fluffy owner boots (cat).

Residences of Yaga Baba (Hut on Courish Legs).

All in motion:

All in motion lives! Who flies, and who goes, gesture should be shown! I will help you.

Who flies - waving hand! Who swims - note the wave!

Who just goes - clap! Who crawls - Fur!

Heavy Colorad Beetle ... Candidate of Medical Sciences ...

Horse fast-fast sea ... buzzing bee ...

Beautiful white moth ... Fluffy little ferret ...

Long rainworm ... Puzzled, Little Hamster ...

Air - white jellyfish ... poet or composer muse ...

Spotted Snack Snake ... He, she, you and me ...

Winged Bird Ostrich ... Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

How many fairy tales sounded?

They lived - Grandfather da Baba were, there was no ice hut, but Lubyana. They lived in her thirty years and three years. They lived, did not exist, and everything was fine, but God did not give the kids. So the old woman says the old man: "Stay-ka you, an old man, to a goldfish. Will fish, say, yes, they have scarce with her egg, and not simple, but golden. " And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window of the village wait for him alone. Waiting - comes from the morning to night. Looks at sea, even the eyes are painted.

And the old man at that time does not joke: the hands, his feet is spinning rope. The teeth are sharp in the heart of the heart stuck and the testicle has hesitated. And the old woman in the hut smiles yes Ivan - the fool waited. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.

So winter has passed, spring has come. It became a sunshine and wanted the old woman to drink a key water. She went to the well, buried the water, but the trouble was stupid. Feed a bucket on the bottom of the well. Crying the old woman, with tears bitten. Look - a puddle. Give it, thinks the old woman, drinking from this puddle. And then the mouse is running and the voice is praised by human: "Do not drink, old, you will become a goat". The old woman was not listened and got drunk from the puddle. Suddenly thunder rushed, climbed the lightning, and turned the old woman in the frog. Sits myself yes doubling. And at that time, Ivan-Durak returned from hunting. Look - the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, aimed ... The frog prayed here: "Do not goubi me, Ivanushka, I will fit you." So it came out, there are frogs.

Brought Ivanka a frog into the palace to the king-father. And he ordered the sovereign immediately to prepare three boilers: with water, ice, with water, and with pair milk. A frog was bought in three boilers and became a written beauty that neither in a fairy tale say no feather!

Here and the wedding played. And the deubsions were not forced to wait long. They arranged for their children a great set: in scales, like fever, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man has the blue sea and to this day goes: go to the right - the song turns out, left - the fairy tale says the one that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of good men and old people a lesson.

Answers: "Fox and hare" or "Zayushkina Hut"; "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; "Snow Maiden"; "Ryaba chicken"; "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes"; "Fly Tsokotukha"; "Baba Yaga"; "Tale of sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka"; "Moroz Ivanovich"; "Princess Frog"; "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"; "Ruslan and Ludmila".

Host: And now I propose to coach intellectuals.Sold out anagram and logarithms:

1. Easy breathing in my shadow You often praise me in summer,

But let me stop my and the whole forest you dumped with me. (Lipa-Saw)

2. I am lying on the ground nailed to the gland, but let the letters stop in the pan I will climb. (Spala-noodles)

3. Along the wedge of Mitch night, I and days. And with the end, I will read the tiger from the relatives. (current-cat)

4. Geography with me is studying in school children,

Let the letters of the letters other and find me in the buffet. (Atlas Salad)

5. The famous dish when you put "M", fly, buzzing I will be bored to everyone. (ear, fly)

All the opposite Players are invited to try to draw or paint something, but left hand, and who is left-handed right.

Draw SunnyTeams take part in this relay game, each of which is built into the column "one by one". The start in front of each team is gymnastic sticks in the number of players. Ahead of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put the hoop. The task of the participants of the relay is alternately, on the signal, running out with sticks, decompose them with rays around his hoop - "draw the sun". The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

Sculptors Plasticine or clay is issued to participants. The presenter shows or calls some letter, and players should make the subject as quickly as possible, the name of which begins with this letter.

Cheerful quiz

1 When a person happens in a room without a head? (When it gives it out of the window)

2 What end day and night? (Soft sign)

3 What needs to be done so that four guys stay in one boot? (Remove from each boot)

4 crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Can it be? (The dog sits on his own tail)

5 In which month, the talkative Masha says the least? (in February, he is the shortest)

6 When the horse is bought, what happens to? (wet)

7 in humans - one, near the crows - two, at the bear - not one. What is it? (letter "O")

8 What belongs to you, but the other use them more often than you? (name)

9 In which year, people eat more ordinary? (in high)

10 Can the ostrich call himself a bird? (No, because he does not know how to say)

11 What stones in the sea are not? (dry)

12 What disease on earth nobody sick? (nautical)

13 What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (lessons)

14 What hand is better to stir tea? (tea is better stirred by a spoon)

15 What gets bigger if you put it upside down? (number 6)

Congratulations to Gnomitics

Under the light melody, the movements of the dance "Letka-Yaka" are performed and advocated guests in the age order. The most "older gnome" in the hands of a gift.)

The 7th Gnome: In more often, the dense of the thick Tatlinsky boron lived the gnomes with their family, they were digging without parsing.

1st Gnome: They have long been known to everyone. Their account is exactly seven.

2nd gnome (presents the first): the eldest is the wisest gnome, he cares about

To have tools from brothers at the right moments.

The 3rd Gnome (Represents the Second): Smaller's brother - Gnome is serious, businesslike and curious.

The 4th Gnome (Represents the Third): The Third Gnome - That Merchant, he will laugh at least like.

The 5th gnome (presents the fourth): And the fourth is the dreamer, different trees.

6th gnome (presents the fifth): the fifth gnome - interesting, taking, pompous.

The 7th Gnome (Represents the Sixth): The Gnome Sixth - the hard worker, looking for Zlato here and there.

The 1st Gnome (presents the seventh): so that every gram can count the seventh without progress.

2nd Gnome: We got your telegram yesterday, 50 deep mines were exposed for a day.

3rd Dwarf: how much gold found, everyone brought everything with him. (Shows a gift with chocolates)

4th Gnome: For the jubilee there is a mystery. What is there? .. - This is a chocolate!

(Remove gift packaging, and there chocolates.)

5th gnome: Alpen Gold Her name, our hands are the staircase.

6th Gnome: Jubilee, you look, here are exactly three steps.

7th Gnome: Eat with Walnut, there is a raisin, there is just a chocolate.

We hope that you will get you glad.

1-GNOM: Milk chocolate Hold we in your hands, it will help you with good luck to achieve in affairs. (Hand)

2-GNOM: Chocolate with raisins is happy to give, so that his highlight could surprise everyone. (Hand.)

3-gnome: here you have a nut in the glaze, so that strong and healthy you have always been

And then your nature, years will not trouble! (Hand)

4. We congratulate you on the event of considerable, we celebrate your anniversary today,

We wish you a great health, and a lot in the life of sincere friends.

5. Anniversary - a special date where you bring a mental outcome,

What a mistake may be once ... What is expensive, probably saved.

6. We congratulate you on all my heart and want us to wish you happiness.

Let the homemade will never be at your climate.

7. We do not hand the birthdaynica neither headrooms nor the rings

All: Surely warmer take greetings from friendly hearts.

7th Gnome: We offer everyone to pour, so that the gifts wash.

Congratulations to educators in verse

Children are the joy of the state, real wealth.

They should raise them like hope for the country.

There is a pre-school economy, kindergarten - childish happiness.

There goes the guys all the lessons of being.

How to behave and eat, so that health is not broken.

As a sporty look, all diseases will overcome.

Learn to draw and, of course, dance.

Easy when hunting, in general, they need care.

For children, the second mom is a teacher of the garden.

He knows a lot of her needlewoman herself.

Children's world to take it, a real whiff.

Patient with the guys entertains their game.

Day after day, learning is going on, something like an adventure.

Children are happy, blooming, in kindergarten Gorn go.

Today the holiday in kindergarten is an educator in sight.

Congratulations gets, about your worldly dreams ...

Let dream of dreams, the country's educators!

Toast for educators

I sincerely congratulate you, the most important wish,

So that all children were happy - on the whole earth, on the entire planet.

It depends on you a lot - fate to the school threshold,

And your role in it is so important, the soul grows in your hands.

For teachers of children - second fathers and mothers

Today I say toast, and let's say standing in full growth: "For educators"!


So that we do not bother, we will answer in rhyme. Is everything clear, a defortion? The game begins!

And we will present well we are a big aquarium.

It will fit here with scuba ...diver!

And then sleeps, snoring, premium blue ...whale!

Responding to snoring, runs sideways ...crab!

And on the bottom in the sand, it is welcome with tentacles ...octopus.

Next to him to break the electric brother ...skat.

Do not fall on the hook, here lives marine ...bull.

Looking for the best places of five

Nearly only sailed with a flat body ...flounder.

And for her, how the burden rushes burning ...jellyfish.

In the shell sails without fear among the fish ...turtle.

Someone jaw flashed Black Sea ...shark.

Here at the bottom, well, as a toy, lies wonderful

Near the stone, like a pennum, and behind him ...konk.

There is no one smart, affectionate ...dolphin!

They play with him, as if in the cabin, long-tailed ... mermaids.

Someone shakes head ... What? Mermaids do not happen? But I, friends, dreamed ... And the end is the end.

Song Robbers:

1. We are steep teachers, love children to train ...

Does your hands take to your feet, and you all go to all here? ..

La-la, Lya-la, right away to all of you, Lya-la, O-la-la, Eh-Ma! ..

2. Soon the long road falls for the cordon,

There will be a lot of money and recognition wagon!

Lya-la, La-la, and recognition of the car, La-la, La-la, Eh-Ma! ..

3. We will listen to orchestrants, congratulations from friends,

In the meantime, she goes - we have something puff

Lya-la, O-la-la, while it goes - we have a pour, O-la-la, La-la, Eh-Ma! ..

Gadlock: Yes, I'm not a fortune teller! Just a hat I have a magic - Floral! The fragrance of flowers is drunk - tell you everything! To whom the hat is on his head, still read all the thoughts! Do you understand? The essence of the problem is such, your drunk head! So that I think to guess - you need to call the numbers!Question I: Who were you before you learned our Evgeny Mikhailovna? (put on a hat of the 3rd guests (in turn) and asks to call the figure from1 to five) I see a lot of thoughts, they confused something like!For men and for women in case of repeat, numbers:

1. Monk-hermit 1. Marking of a stray circus 1. humorist

2. Pesssimist 2. Waitress in the Tavern 2. Creek Shuler

3. ENUUKH 3. Angel 3. Chief of the tribe

4. Begging 4. Supplement 4. Traveler

5. Sharmanwoman 5. Delicious bun 5. Soldier

Question II: What is your character? Oh, now we will find out!

2. Against women Well, very weak 2. Scandalous 2. Naivety I am surrounded

3. I'm just Angel 3. Against Men Well, very weak 3. You can not say something bad about my character

4. My character has not yet formed 4. I am almost a child 4. Wow what a fortune-telling!

5. My character depends on the circumstances 5. Exceptional 5. Contliminate

Question III: What is good? What in yourself I love about and say! Yeah!

1. Ability to choose friends 1. All 1. Luxury hair

2. The ability to sit on two chairs at once 2. Gourmet manners 2. Legs

3. All 3. You tire me with my presence 3. The desire to notice the efficiency of others

4. Fantastic generosity 4. And face, and clothing, and thoughts, and soul! 4. Rare wit

Question IV: Motto of your life? So everyone was thinking well, the brains strained ... Oh rushed, the birthplace ... "My thoughts are my horses!"

1. All - or nothing! 1. After me - at least a flood 1. I came, I saw, won

2. Through thorns - to the stars! 2. My hut with the edge 2. Take everything from life

3. Catch the moment! 3. Time - Money 3. Not wonder

4. No day without love! 4. What is done, all for the better 4. The goal justifies the funds

Question v: For what gave your half aim? What is expensive to you, but not expensive to me!

1. For nothing 1. Performance 1. For the same talent, like ... (name)

2. For the bottle of Martini 2. You, fortune teller, do not understand! 2. For extraordinary love

3. For worldwide glory 3. For eternal youth 3. For the success of the company

4. For slim legs 4. For the happiness of the jubilee. For the villa by the sea5 . for clean conscience 5. For the ability to become a star on this anniversary 5. For respecting people

On September 27, a new national holiday is celebrated in Russia - the day of the educator and all preschool workers.

He was established in 2004. Several All-Russian pedagogical publications were served as the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a holiday ("Kindergarten from all sides", "Pre-school education", "Obruch" magazine). They conducted a survey about the need for such a day in the holiday calendar. The proposal was supported by the authors of most of the main pre-school programs, pedagogues of kindergartens and many parents.

For the year before the institution of the first all-Russian celebration of the day of the educator and all preschool workers, in the fall of 2003 in St. Petersburg, the celebration of the Educator Day in honor of the 140th anniversary of the first in the city of kindergarten was held. After that, a letter was sent to all regions of the country with a proposal to make a national holiday.

The date of the day of the educator and all preschool workers is dedicated to the opening of the first kindergarten in St. Petersburg. It was opened on Vasilyevsky Island in the fall of 1863.

The goal of the holiday is to help society to pay more attention to the kindergarten and preschool childhood as a whole. On this day, solemn events dedicated to the Day of Employees of Preschool Educational Institutions are held.

Initially, the holiday was public, folk, amateur. But soon he was celebrated in all regions of the Russian Federation. And now the celebration of the "day of the educator and all preschool workers" takes place at the official level.

Preschool age is a particularly important and responsible period in the child's life. The goal of pre-school education and pre-school education is to give every small child the basic education and the basis of culture. To understand the baby, to teach it something, you need to know how much, know, understand. During the training, the main techniques of instruments and social behaviors occur. With the help of his educators, preschoolers will know the secrets of the surrounding world, learn to love and take care of their homeland.

Each tutor should be a psychologist who helps a small person to direct his inner energy in the right direction. Many inclinations and abilities of the child, on the basis of which he then forms his future - this is the result of the competent work of a good educator.

Congratulations on the Day of the Preschool

With our educator
Calm and warm.
With our educator
We were very lucky:
No kind of character
And there is no generous soul.
Happiness to you and joy
Kids wish!

Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot of things.
So it is necessary that someone
And you came with us!

Who feeds porridge from a spoon
Who is a fairy tale reveal,
Who will put on us boots,
Who knows poems and songs?

Who comes, who will tell
Who is a girlfriend and buddy,
Who will show us focuses?
Well, of course, the educator!

Congratulations to the laundry

Whiteness so sparkles
Towel and bathrobe.
Pure is striking
Our favorite kindergarten.
Find out the secret of speedy
Need tiny sorts
Because sheets
It's clear not to find.

Congratulations nurse

With a dawn clear, to dark
In our kindergarten she.
Who will bring me lunch
And will the dishes save?
We, of course, helped
On the tables we covered
And studied not to crumble
And the sand does not apply.
Our group is not painted.
Pure and light around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?
Say her now thanks
For care and comfort
And for the time
Dedicated to us your work!

Congratulations to Methodistus

So that kids are correct to raise
It is necessary to know a lot.
Know psychology
And know physiology.

Be dock in pedagogy
Rhetoric and logic.
But the main thing is to be a methodologist
Kids love to love.

Music worker

"Fa" from "Salt" do not distinguish
Dan not every talent,
But this does not bother us,
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

In mom's day and in the father's holiday,
In christmas il in the new year
Even violent squad
Famously singing sings.

Congratulations from parents

Our defense has become older
And dreams to come back in the first class,
Why are our caregivers sadly
And tears drop out of gentle eyes?

For the kids opened the cherished door,
They will spin everything like chicks from the nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Do not regret our strength and labor for them.

Children tenderness and generous caress,
From the troubles obscured, with all the heart loving,
On the victory of good you read them fairy tales,
To live with hope and faith in yourself.

You are heartfelt, help all,
I give so much caress to our children,
They meet in kindergarten native
Educator is the best in the world!

And on all you have enough good words,
You know how to give warmth and joy!
For patience, mentality and love -
You parents are our gratitude!

The second moms you became our children.
And honestly, do not cry the soul:
No better educators in the world
Than those stand here in front of me.
Bow you low, our teachers,
For all love, patience, warmth,
For the fact that the children were soft, and strict,
For what they were given kindness.
For all of them are ready to school,
For learning here to be friends,
For the fact that we were you and in joy, and in the mountain,
Ready to thank you a hundred times.
Thank you for revealed
Talents, hobby our kids.
Managed to develop them even more -
We are very grateful to you for it.
So let your strength increase
And the fruitful will be fruitful.
After all, new kids grow up
And with impressive meetings are waiting with you!

Congratulations to health workers

In winter cold, summer heat
Disporing infection Any.
Give up to the evening in the morning
Aibolites - Masters.

Boldly in kindergarten send
We are our own guys
Since we all firmly know
Their health will protect.

Our children are fidgets
Delivered you hassle:
Then the knee is spinned,
That breaks a little forehead.
You did not sit without affairs:
Out, rinse your nose.
Good luck you knew
All their abrasions are treated.
Do not forget these children
And we are gratitude from us.
The best doctor in the world
The one that gives people joy!

Congratulations to Zavorozu
Who starts seriously
All farming? Our zehoz!
In whose hands is always skillful
Any business argues?
She is always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks,
Very difficult task,
To get something.
Talent is needed and luck
It's a kindergarten find.

You always had a getter in the garden in the garden:
All needs knew and solved, as they could.
About it we, of course, did not forget
Although almost nothing helped.
Take you today thanks,
Without you could not be such a kindergarten.
So let and then you brings joy
Work is many, many years in a row!

Congratulations to Prachet

About you today we did not forget
And our gratitude is expressing
For cleaning sheets were
In cribs where kids rested.
For the fact that whiteness was amazed
The guys of our miracle towels.
After all, only you knew the secrets
And so many years ironed, washed,
What you can look out!

Congratulations to Cooks

We looked carelessly for a long time,
After all, here before twilight in the morning
Favorite our chod fed
Kindergarten Kitchen Masters.

Now we are in the trance, as it is difficult for us,
When and than feeding children.
We are very sorry that it is impossible
We take our kitchen to school.

Our children grew up, fastened,
Without a doubt, this merit is yours.
Were delicious soups, cutlets
And, of course, the crumbly porridge.
You got up very, very early
And hurried to the kitchen stove.
It turned out all of you for glory
Do not prepare anywhere else!
Cooks We will tell everyone "Thank you."
Appreciate your such hard work.
Don't forget how much dishes wash
You had to feed the kids here!

Congratulations nurse

Your hands are priceless,
And striking the shower latitude.
All children in the group have become native to you,
About them care was important to you.
As a mother, like a grandmother, warm his warmed,
They were taught to adults to help.
Each every time you always looked after
So that it was fed to remove the bed.
From all parents a huge "thank you,"
We appreciate your such hard work,
For the fact that the group was so beautiful
What's here in the garden, you created a comfort!

Songs educators

Waltz educators

There are many different professions in the world,
And each there is a charm of its own.
But no nobleness, need and wonderful
Than that I work for!


How much sensitivity, tenderness in you.
Educators, teachers,
Waltz sounds this only for you.

And if the poet is awarded praise,
Il are famous for artist, doctor,
Then I am glad, because recently
I love them!


I am proud of cosmonauts of our country.
And everyone's glad to take off to the stars.
I know my moon certainly
It will be sent to kindergarten.


Anthem preschool worker

On the motive "most importantly guys, heart not age."
The main thing, the girl, the heart is not age,
Song of the preschooler to end.
Hard way elected -
But this path is thorny
Only optimists can overcome.


And with the hot flame of young hearts.
Think, daring and creating.
And with this mood every one
It will always be ahead.

Song educators

You tell me - Mine,
You say - construction,
You say - space:
All this is serious, but -
But still kindergarten,
Sadik will remain
And we never live without him.

After all, every geologist
And every botany,
And even a scientist
The medium of a set of books
Could not appear
Without upbringing
And it is the kindergarten at the start of them.

Therefore, we are all
Found this business.
And the best share
We are unlikely to find.
We were here
According to their own will
And this is why we sing today.

We are educators,
We are required
Love for your profession.
We have a task -
All our knowledge -
To raise children.