How to pass admiration. Proven ways: how to express admiration. Admiration for gratitude



I really like me
You are keeping in a dream,
Perfect creation
What will be captivated by my mind!

You are madly good,
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake the mirage of the Okov?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You got me out,
About the consequences did not know

And now without you without you,
Allow you to serve?

I do not get tired of you!

Just delight. And admiration and bliss. Statuses, quotes, poems.

I want to make a compliment
But I will not find any time.
The clock is flying, and the days are running
They are not waiting for me at all.

I want to say a lot
And maybe even hug.
I'm busy, then you're
So do not come true dreams.

Among employees, loving
Can I highlight you.
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you're better than everyone
You will find success everywhere!

Next page →

about love | Recognition | Compliments | girl | wife | Friend | with good morning | Good night | For mood | I miss | Sad

general | in verse | in prose | Funny

I really like me
You are keeping in a dream,
Perfect creation
What will be captivated by my mind!

You are madly good,
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake the mirage of the Okov?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You got me out,
About the consequences did not know

And now without you without you,
Allow you to serve?

They say women very often, how adorable their appearance, like deep eyes. But today I want to note how sincere and beautiful soul of this woman! It is she who inside illuminates, making appearance just dazzling. And let it always be so!

I do not get tired of you!
Let brighter become the sky and words
I want to play to make a compliment,
Wisdom of a woman in the world is not!

Manners, sincerely, deserve admiration!
Ah, this is a wonderful, great moment,
Look at you! As pleasure a lot
But this is the main thing that I ask God!

You are worthy of beautiful words without exception
Naturally glide beauty.
The look is beautiful, it is true, no doubt
Smile sat down to fight me.
Elegant outwardly and a little bit ...
Beauty with unearthly admire
Empty, daily, forever.

Oh, how you are beautiful in the light of the day!

Words and turnover expressing surprise and admiration

And in the evening - irresistible! Salute in honor of beauty, and therefore in your honor! Mother's mother has tried to glory over you! And the body and soul, well, everything is great! And as soon as you manage to look so good in our troubled time? You are a wizard!

I want to make a compliment
But I will not find any time.
The clock is flying, and the days are running
They are not waiting for me at all.

I want to say a lot
And maybe even hug.
I'm busy, then you're
So do not come true dreams.

Among employees, loving
Can I highlight you.
I won't be your talent to praise,
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you're better than everyone
You will find success everywhere!

Next page →

Beautiful words beautiful woman, girl

about love | Recognition | Compliments | girl | wife | Friend | with good morning | Good night | For mood | I miss | Sad

general | in verse | in prose | Funny

I really like me
You are keeping in a dream,
Perfect creation
What will be captivated by my mind!

You are madly good,
For love and for the soul!
What to answer you without words?
How to shake the mirage of the Okov?

Or with honor to wear them, -
That's what I want to ask!
You got me out,
About the consequences did not know

And now without you without you,
Allow you to serve?

They say women very often, how adorable their appearance, like deep eyes. But today I want to note how sincere and beautiful soul of this woman! It is she who inside illuminates, making appearance just dazzling. And let it always be so!

I do not get tired of you!
Let brighter become the sky and words
I want to play to make a compliment,
Wisdom of a woman in the world is not!

Manners, sincerely, deserve admiration!
Ah, this is a wonderful, great moment,
Look at you! As pleasure a lot
But this is the main thing that I ask God!

You are worthy of beautiful words without exception
Naturally glide beauty.
The look is beautiful, it is true, no doubt
Smile sat down to fight me.
Elegant outwardly and a little bit ...
Beauty with unearthly admire
Empty, daily, forever.

Oh, how you are beautiful in the light of the day!

Words of admiration. Are you talking about them often?

And in the evening - irresistible! Salute in honor of beauty, and therefore in your honor! Mother's mother has tried to glory over you! And the body and soul, well, everything is great! And as soon as you manage to look so good in our troubled time? You are a wizard!

I want to make a compliment
But I will not find any time.
The clock is flying, and the days are running
They are not waiting for me at all.

I want to say a lot
And maybe even hug.
I'm busy, then you're
So do not come true dreams.

Among employees, loving
Can I highlight you.
I won't be your talent to praise,
I'll start talking about the main thing:
Understand one thing - you're better than everyone
You will find success everywhere!

Next page →

Words expressing anger:
angled, irritated, fierce, displeased, hung, angry, frantic, hostile, angry, indignant, furious.

Words expressing love:
Gentle, in love, caring, charming, ardent, kind, delightful, passionate, sensitive, soft.

Words expressing surprise:
The amazed, amazed, supplied to a dead end, confused, embarrassed, shocked, puzzled, stunned, in bewilderment, in shock, stunned.

Words expressing confusion:
Confinuous, concerned, disappointed, embarrassed, embarrassed, upset, disgraced, amazed, excited, shy, humiliated, nervous, stunned, timid.

Words expressing fear:
Frightened, agitated, alarmed, concerned, threatening, frightened, terrified, worried, stunned, panic, trembling, intimidated, disturbing, worried.

Words expressing disgust:
Desecrated, disgusting, hostile, repulsive, nauseous.

Words expressing harm:
Horrible, refinery, oppressive, hopeless, gloomy, scary, abandoned, annoying, neglected, unfair, rejected, indignant, spoiled, despicable, disrespectful, humiliated, wounded.

Words expressing humiliation:
A devotee, amazed, stupid, humiliated, fit, stupid, helpless, inadequate, unable, worst, offended, annoying, powerless, underestimated, unsuitable, unworthy, useless.

Words expressing happiness:
Blessed, charming, lively, admiring, enthusiastic, joining, victorious, fabulous, dizzy, satisfied, satisfied, elevated, cheerful, joyful, secured, causing.

Words expressing loneliness:
Abandoned, lonely, bored, orphaned, unhappy, dismissed, empty, excluded, abandoned, left, ignored, left, ignored, isolated, deceived, sad, lost, rejected, despicable, humiliated.

Words expressing sadness:
Sad, depressed, depressed, sad, gloomy, stern, oppressed, sullen, bent, bladder, proper, sad, weightless, pitiful, closed, distressed, sorrowful, concerned, exhausted.

Words expressing utility:
Pleasant, friendly, beneficial, caring, joint, sympathetic, creative, warm, kind, kind, helpful, supportive, useful.

Words characterizing Activity:
Lively, brave, prompt, energetic, active, strong, frisky, brave, inspired, brisk, vigorous, powerful, strong, hot, cheerful, agile, trembling, decisive, alive.

September 7, 2011.

Text: Yana Solovyova

"Expensive pleasure"

It is known that relations are successfully built in those pairs where a man and a woman appreciate each other and know how to admire their half.

The words of modern psychologists regularly sound the words about the importance of expressing admiration and approval in relations. Often it looks like a certain postulate, which is necessary to take note, otherwise with the family sooner or later something is happened. Suppose the husband will stop doing something for you (its previous efforts did not appreciate); will begin to drink (the wife not only does not admire them, but regularly saws); It will take to a colleague (after all, she understood what Macho he), etc. I needed (more precisely - unnecessary) to emphasize! And how many female halves complaints on the lack of attention and compliments from the husband! And this, too, leads to an unbelievable consequences, up to failure in proximity or worse (although what could be worse?). Psychologists say that both sexes are equally needed by admiration from the second half.

All these frightening paintings cause a question - in fact, why is it so important to express their positive emotions to maintain a viable union? This burning question we decided to ask the Communication Expert Valery Bo.

"You are valuable for me" - this is what primarily broadcasts the fact of admiration! - says Valery. - Absolutely every person is very important to understand its significance for the partner, including those people who deny it. Moreover, according to research, even such a rude thing as flattery - works. Moreover, and in cases where a person perfectly understands that this is a manipulation of a partner. He still hopes that in these words there are at least some truth. "

Take and give

And everything would be fine, but only the open expression of emotions is not typical of the Russian mentality. We will speak frankly - not very much we love to praise and encourage. "In our country there was a rather long interval of collectivism, the role of individuality was deliberately understood," says Valery Bo. - You should have been part of the team and in no way stand out. Rather, they could praise a group of people than a separate person. "

There are simple things that our culture is much characteristic than Western. For example, a compliment is a basic tool for expressing admiration, a great help for the development and conservation of relationships. However, we are often confused with flattering, and some people do not speak compliments, as they are afraid to make a deceptive impression, and others do not accept them! Both - the wrong approach. If you do not accept admiration, you are convincing a partner in the fact that you really do not have the qualities for which he praised you. But he was based on something! So the compliments must be taken, you can even with the words: "Yes, I really cool (s)!"

Is it possible to learn how to do good and correct compliments? You can even need! Here are some simple rules from Valery Bo.

1 Actility

A compliment from a flattery is distinguished by a thin face, and it lies in the degree of actuality. After all, flattery is either a strong exaggeration, or something that does not correspond to reality. You should not make a compliment to the quality that the partner clearly does not possess, because he knows about it!

2 timeliness

You need to say a compliment at the moment when you admired the partner, later it may be irrelevant! React to your impulse. It is necessary to express your feeling, not an opinion, because the opinion is the assessment of a person, and the feeling is what you feel.

3 sincerity

Here, as they say, no comment.

Observe in person

Three rules of expression of admiration The question is, of course, is not exhausted.

The thing is that people are unenkyly perceive compliments. The main difference is based in the type of personality: there are people internally reference and externally reference.

Internally, reference people are those who are primarily based on their thoughts and feelings and makes decisions based on them. For externally reference people, opinions and evaluations of others are very important. Of course, both types are combined with us, but some one still prevails. And before making compliments, you should deal with what type your addressee includes.

A simple test will help:

is your man before an important purchase (for example, a car) first polls all friends and will advise with everyone or will it stubbornly understand himself?

Your wife will go to a boutique for a dress and choose what she needs, or she will surely need a friend, and better - a whole group of support on the studs?

"Externally reference people can make compliments on any occasion and practically in unlimited quantities, the form also needs to be very exquisite," Valery Bo notes. - As for the internally reference people, everything is more complicated. They are not inclined to perceive direct compliments, since they themselves know that they are good. Moreover, even cases of conflicts due to unsuccessful compliments are known! For example, my client told her mother-in-law, that she prepared perfectly, and she answered her: "I know it. But you, dear, who gave me right to evaluate? "

We train

Want examples of successful compliments for internally reference people? You are welcome! Suppose your man is engaged in an extreme sport. If you tell him that he is "Ta-Aka cool!", It may not make a proper impression, as he probably guesses it. Better notice: "This is a sport of real men!" It turns out that you do not speak anything directly, but it is absolutely clear to understand what the partner considers a real man.

It is important to make compliments that are not related to circumstances, but to a person personally. You can say: "What class you have a suit!" And it will come out that you admire clothes, not a man. This is a common mistake! It is more correct to put it in this way: "What is your great taste all the same!" These words are already talking about your partner and its abilities.

You can use compliments with "decoding", i.e. with an explanation ("because ..."). "You know, not every person would cope with this businesspecker, like you! I saw others worked, and they had completely different results! " In this case, the compliment is accepted easier and does not look like flattery.

Of course, all these subtleties can be used for compliments outwardly to reference people. Moreover, remember: the greater success you will achieve in the expression of admiration for most people around you, the thinner and effective will be your compliments to those who are truly dear to you!


Observe the measure

And yet, in admiration, as in everything, the measure and feeling of taste is very important. Like any repetitive action, the expression of the same emotions over time ceases to make sense and appreciate. The number of laudatory words should be dosed: better less so better! How to understand when stopping? Since the "saturation degree" of each person is different, then you need to follow the response of a partner to your words, for its emotional response, and not for what he tells you.

It is useful to remember that admiration is to encourage other person's actions. "The most successful relationships are those in which emotional and rational are connected," says Valery. - You can snatch a little and admire the qualities or skills of the partner who are beneficial for you. More precisely, it will be more correct to comply with the balance between delights about the moments favorable and admiring disinterested. Then the partner will have a feeling of completeness of his perception by you! After all, if you make compliments only for his skills and skills, he will think that you appreciate it only for some abilities. If, on the contrary, it will decide that you absolutely do not care what he is engaged in life. "

It is important to look for new forms of strengthening your words. For example, if your partner is a kinesther (a person who perceives information through sensations), then, speaking pleasant words, you can touch him, stroke, hug. To encourage a visual (someone gets more information with vision), it is important to pay attention to what a compliment is made in what atmosphere and how you look. As for the audience (a person who perceives information through the auditory channel), it is useful to "push" long and varied speeches about its dignity. If you are prone to creative, you can even write poems!

Speak to see good

You would be happy to admire the partner, but only your half more often causes a feeling of irritation. Familiar situation?

What to do?

Psychologist Alexander Kichayev helps to deal with this complex issue. "I often ask my clients:" What can you say about your partner? " And they begin to try to remember their partner something bad. And we must think otherwise: "What can I say good about him?" If a person sets up himself in this way, he really begins to see good first! The more we notice the positive features in the partner, the better we feel ourselves! It is necessary to focus on the qualities that you consonant and encourage what you are pleased. "

Admiration is a gingerbread, and criticism is a whip. As you understand, if all the time beat the whip, the partner at least get angry, and how maximum will change the territory. According to the laws of psychology, the ratio of whip and gingerbread should be one to two: one critical replica, two - positive.

"A man came to me who was going to divorce," Kichayev says. - The wife does not want him! In bed, she makes him a favor, and in life criticizes. When I talked to my wife of this person, it turned out that at one time she could marry Borola, who became an oligarch, and in the end for Fedy, and he did not meet her hope. Now she has a complex that she did not put on that. I explained to the client that it is unknown, no matter how much of them happened, because oligarch has already changed five wives, now he has a girl twenty years old! Probably, it would be replaced by a more young rival in a year. And Fedya, her husband reached a lot of things - leads its own business, bought a house, regularly hes against his wife on expensive resorts. She understood that he was wrong, stopped sawing her husband and began to tell him pleasant things. As a result, thanks to these changes, and Fedya became much more successful in business! So a demonstration of the partner's value for you is a very important thing, and it always works positively for both sides. "

Admiration is not just a "duty" compliment, and delight. But not everyone can express him. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but there are some rules and nuances that should be explored.

Why express admiration?

Emotions are an integral part of life. And if you keep them in yourself and not to exercise, then the earthly existence of most people will become boring. And admiration is the highest degree of delight, and it is useful for each of the parties: for the one who expresses him, and for someone who deserves and gets.

The first reason to express admiration is pleasant emotions, and mutual. Try at least once sincerely admire the person, and you will see how he will shine and transformed. And it will be nice to you, so you will also experience response pleasant emotions.

The second reason is to increase self-assessment of someone you address your admiration. Having received an enthusiastic compliment, a person will probably let the spirit feel more confident and believes in his forces, which will definitely benefit. Also, admiration can perform the function of incentive and encouraging further actions and success. The one who sincerely admire, will understand that he is capable of something, and will strive to prove to everyone and he deserves delight and can do something more.

How to admire?

How can I express admiration? To be a pleasant and perceived seriously, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Specifications. Admire not a person as a whole, but with something specific, for example, his achievements, actions, features of character, skills. If this rule does not follow, then the delight can be perceived as an ordinary "duty" compliment or even flattery.
  2. Sincerity. Delight, like other emotions, should be sincere, so to insert the soul into it, relax and just be yourself. Do not pick up pathos words and build complex pompous offers. Just express your thoughts, let's the will of emotions, do not hold back yourself and express everything about what you think, of course, remembering the rules of decency. And then your admiration will definitely be heard and perceived.
  3. Timeliness. It is better to admire in fact, that is, immediately after the commission of any act or the manifestation of the best qualities, so that the person can enjoy the triumph and extend the pleasure. Deciding to remember the past, you risk not achieving the goal or Lytz.
  4. Relevance. The delight should be appropriate, so it is better not to express it in an official situation, in an uncomfortable time or in the period when a person is not in the best arrangement of the Spirit. Express admiration in a comfortable atmosphere or atmosphere, which has enjoyable words and emotions.
  5. Paul man who deserved admiration. A woman can and need to speak pleasant words, and as much as possible, because she loves ears. Guests are welcome, gestures, enthusiastic look. But the man is important facts, so unnecessary epithets can be omitted. Just identify the main reason and delight it and analyze it.
  6. Subordination. It is worth considering and who exactly who you express admiration, because its form directly depends on this. If you want to show the delight of a near person, you can not limit yourself to anything. If you want to express admiration for a familiar or colleague, then be restrained and more polite that your behavior does not seem strange.
  7. Individual approach. Do not use clichés and learned phrases, try to approach the expression of admiration, showing fantasy and considering the features of a person. Feel free to express thoughts and emotions in your own words, sometimes they mean much more than the most beautiful quotes and pathos sustainable expressions.
  8. Confidence. Speak clearly and loudly, but ordinary and calm voice, so that the words of admiration did not sound as an official performance in the public.

Possible reasons for admiration

What exactly can you admire? There are many reasons, and the first is appearance, for example, a figure, eyes, lips, or something else. The second reason is character traits, such as purposefulness, generosity, honesty, courage, care, kindness, sympathy and others. Third possible reason - skills and skills. The fourth reason is concrete actions or actions. The fifth reason is dreams, goals and aspirations. In this case, admiration will be very useful and will be able to become a kind of impetus for the implementation of plans.

Sixth reason for admiration - Achievements: victory in the competition, participation in the conference, receiving a well-deserved award and so on. The seventh reason to admire the person - social status and role in society. You can make an emphasis on the office, help surrounding, respect and authority among colleagues, strong family.

How to supplement verbal expression?

You can express admiration not only with words, but also in other ways. Here is some of them:

  • Surprise. Optionally present a dear gift, it can be symbolic, but donated from the soul and with the most sincere emotions. For example, excellent means of expressing delight will be beautiful flowers, and they are allowed to give even male representatives.
  • Act. You can do something pleasant for a person who deserved your admiration. Invite it to a restaurant, cinema or theater, help or sustain in something.
  • Poem, song. If you have creative abilities and talents, then try to express enthusiasm in poetic form or impose words of admiration for music.
  • Something made by your own hands, for example, drawn picture or handicraft. Let such gifts seem to be banal and in childish directly, but they are able to give pleasant and sincere emotions, especially if in the manufacturing process to put the soul and try to capture the reason to admirable in a surprise.

If you still do not admire anyone, it's time to start doing it. Admiration may not only be pleasant, but also useful for who deserves it and gets. Learn to express him correctly and be sincere.

What words can I express admiration?

    Better Mata still did not come up with anything! Transfer?! 🙂

    Here, where the power of all pronounced feelings. Admiration is not more than expressing anything. Mat is just universal. After all, you can admire the beauty of a person, and some abilities, skills, wisdom, his new image, a frozen car, matters suitable for any occasions!

    But for people who are not labeled, like me, for people intelligent, like me, I offer other options.

    But I ask you to immediately notice, the admiration should not touch the person himself, nor anyone else. Example, you're better than everyone! ... and what, others, worse?! I did not expect this from you! ... What am I so bad?! ...


    Clear! Congratulations! Working with you is just joy!

    Wow !!! Find out! War down! Class! Bravo! Super class!

    Super-duper-ultra-mega-genilate! Delicious!

    Well done! This is what I have long been waiting. Keep it up!

    I am proud that you managed it! I myself could not do better. Wow !!!

    Excellent! Beauty! It touches me to the depths of the soul.

    Cool! Already better. It's like a fairytale. Unforgettably!

    Amazing! It is said great - simple and clear. Bravissimo!

    Very clear. Much better than before. Witty.

    Awesome. Bright, figuratively. Okay!

    Extra-class. Wonderful. Very spectacular.

    Sumptuously! Talented. Amazing.

    Great start. Perfectly! You are gifted.

    Inimitates. I knew that it was forces. Grand!

    You made a lot today. Incomparably. You are on the right track.

    I need you. I am proud of you. I'm just happy.

    You figured it out. With each day you have the best right. Healthy!

    Here I can not do without you! Teach me to do as well. You're a miracle! ...

    Most often, the words of admiration are addressed to children as an incentive to the dual development and women, and knowing that the ladies love ears, then you can admire in verses. It will be very cool!

    Well, in reality, the main thing is not a word, and that emotional charge that you invest in these words.

    stick, super, I like, class, awesome, I'm shocked

    Cool. Blimey. Super. Sumptuously. Delightful. Unrealistic. Or American word: wow.

    Here is the first thing that came to mind:

    1. Amazing.
    2. I am delighted.
    3. I admire it!
    4. It is indescribable!
    5. Super!
    6. Excellent.
    7. 1000 Likes (in modern).
    8. Healthy!
    9. Wonderful.
    10. Amazing.
    11. Elegantly.
    12. Fantastic.
    13. Luxuriously!
  • The joy that visited, for example, as a sign of payment, should be sincere, otherwise the words will duty, and this will notice the person of the interlocutor, it will not express emotions and from his soul will not pour lively delight, and will not be filled Then the soul of other response and mutual joy. Therefore, if admiration is not, it is better not to imitate it, so the hypocrisy will be avoided.

    Usually, when people admire sincerely, their eyes are glittering, the smile floods the face, it happens that the voice droves or disappears at all, since there is no words left, sometimes tears are frozen in the eyes, but, as a rule, they are the outcome of a deep delight. Then these words may sound:

    How beautiful!

    how wonderful!

    What a joy!

    how touching!

    How amazing!

    how great!

    How to excellently!

    What a charm!

    how incendial!

    what kind of irresistible!

    How sweet!

    how brightly!

    We usually demonstrate admiration with the sole purpose - to show respect for the person and his actions, actions, his opinion or his way of thoughts. If you are having admiration for someone, the easiest way to pass it with the following words: Great, grand, super, brilliantly. But these words almost always carry a shade of some podhalimazhazh therefore it is better to use them in relation to loved ones.

    Much more correctly express admiration is incorrectly - one smile or encouraging glance can show the person that they appreciate him, they admire them, they take an example. This is exactly the case when the actions are not more important than words.

    Amazingly, great, stunning, brilliantly, amazing, gorgeous, incredible, tremendously, enchanting, breathtaking, fabulously, charuly, dead, dispassing, impressive, luxurious, full delight, uniquely

    Admiration is expressed in order to show their respect for a person or to show his emotions towards some event or some situation. Admiration can be expressed using the following words and expressions:

    1) It was amazing;

    2) amazingly;

    3) stunning success;

    4) ambitious;

    5) unique;

    6) You were as always on top;

    7) No words to express your delight;

    8) you are an example for imitation;

    10) just luxuriously;

    11) brilliantly;

    13) does not happen better;

    Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
    what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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    Let's truth in the eye: only a fool does not pay due attention to what it breaks off his mouth during conversations. The wise man always carefully selects the words, knowing that this directly affects the attitude around others and their attitude. Do you want people to consider you charming, friendly, unconsciously stretched to you and trusted almost 100%? Then you are directly at.

    We are in website Tattle for thoughtful communication and against any meaningless chatter. Every new day is another chance to make good acquaintances and change your life for the better. Therefore, we painted the importance of several behavioral features and tricks, using which you can in minutes to position people to yourself, even being from nature a rather closed and modest person.

    1. "Hi! You look great!"

    Meeting with friends or passing in the office by colleagues, try not to give them a stormy "hello" or standard questions "How are you?", Abandoned on the go. Replace the usual greeting options on comments about appearance or mood and highlight a couple of minutes to discuss it.

    The thing is that, according to the uncle Carnegie, people it is important to feel their significance. Believe me, your colleague will be pleased to note that you carefully treat it, and this will strengthen your emotional connection. It will be easier for you to understand this if you try to transfer the situation to yourself: the usual greeting you with a lot of probability are forgotten after 5 seconds, but if someone does not know, as well, you look, or, on the contrary, it clarifies, why You are such an alarmed look, you remember this pleasant moment at least all day, and a person who gave you positive emotions, automatically exhibit a lot of glasses in the mind.

    2. "Sorry for the terrible weather"

    We understand, it sounds strange, but the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by science. In a study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science magazine, it is said that people are penetrated by a particularly deep sympathy and confidence in those who begin the conversation, apologizing for which they can not affect and are not responsible. That is, instead of ignoring your late or with annoyance, say that these eternal traffic jams on the roads do not give you life, it is better to apologize. So you recognize someone else's right to be angry or upset and express your sympathy. This can be called "benevolent tactics with the future effect."

    3. "Get acquainted with my friend. By the way, he is beautiful ... "

    This trick helps to praise a person for certain talents without risk to surcharge after that with podliza and the lets. Yes, and the effect of this will be much more, because you do not just demonstrate that you yourself remember about the hobbies of a person and consider it a young man, but at the same time praise him before a third party. Moreover, as a bonus, you are still not familiar with each other of people from painful torture with silence due to the lack of a common topic for conversations. After all, as soon as one of them hears about the lesson of another, he will naturally get the opportunity to ask about it in more detail, and now the ice is already melted.

    4. "I have heard about your fascinating stories ..."

    This item operates in the opposite direction - when you find the place of a person who is introduced to a third party. And of course, it is possible only if you really know a little about a person. Let us give an example: a friend calls you to a party, where there will be a person in love with, or some promising employer. After learning a little more about his life through the Internet or asking someone from his environment, when you meet you, you can grab the initiative and make a veiled compliment, starting a conversation from the words "You just sing perfectly, I heard the recordings, do you do this professionally?" Or "I heard that you just tell the most incredible stories. Share the details of the last adventure? " Significance - everything head.

    5. "I am concerned about this no less than yours ..."

    Strengthening confidence and emotional communication requires the spirit of unity and partnership. Listening to someone's experiences, do not hurry to certainly convince the person in that soon everything will pass. Moreover, being extremely upset, he can hardly listen to these words.

    Instead, try to make sure that the person felt that he was understood and accepted. It is best to help the phrases like "I get acquainted," "I also happened to me too." And "I understand you perfectly." This instantly establishes a connection at which the interlocutor begins to feel that you are at the same time - in the same boat and on the short leg. In addition, you can strengthen these sensations by told about the personal experience, if you really have.

    6. "I am impressed as you ..."

    Maybe you noticed how your colleague is selflessly delayed at work or eat useful food? Or is your friend or the second half know how to judge the conflicts very judgment and always takes responsiveness when it comes to someone's problems? It doesn't matter, the main thing is that you don't have anything alien self-sufficiency, but the people around will consider you the most real sugar. But, of course, you need to use this cunning with the mind, not abusing, and only if you are sure that the compliment you make is appropriate and sincere.

    Fear to ask the Council, in principle, quite inappropriate and unfounded. Research is mentioned that people most often do not decide to apply for help because they are afraid to seem incompetent and stupid. But the reality is such that those who surround, on the contrary, consider people who are not afraid to seek advice, more professional and far-sighted. What is good for you, besides the fact that you will find enough adult and an experienced person? And the fact that, referring to someone for help, you thereby recognize its superiority and significance. Agree, it is also nice to you when you are treated for instructions on a particular occasion.

    8. "I took into your attention and ..."

    This item already applies to gratitude in its pure form - when someone took direct participation in solving your problem or was part of the team when performing some kind of task. Did you make repair with the support of my wife and her satisfaction? Do not skimp, invite it to the restaurant to express your deepest appreciation. Or maybe you worked in a team over a common business in the office? Be so a person with a wide soul, which at the end of the task will treat all the pizza and express its sincere thanks. Remember how you disappointed when you take an active part in some kind of check of your friend, and at the end it is separated by just patting on the shoulder and the short "thank you." Do not be so.

    10. "This is my mistake"

    Boldly drop your ego to the side. According to studies, the recognition of their mistakes and weaknesses has to go to us around much better demonstration of strengths and superiority in something. Paul Zak, author of the book "Trust factor: Science of creating high-performance companies," notes that imperfect people seem to us more attractive due to the availability of their own complexes. And people who prevent themselves in perfect image, on the contrary, do not cause empathy. Therefore, do not be afraid to apologize for your own offense - because of this, no one considers you incompetent or weak, but at the same time you will win the location of people.

    Do you use such features of the behavior and dialogue to conquer the sympathies of others? What other items could you add here?