Mimic wrinkles: what they can tell about you. What they say horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead three lines vertical through the entire forehead

To avoid the emergence of wrinkles, unfortunately, it is impossible, and with time they will cover the face of each of us. However, having spent prevention on time, you can prevent their occurrence at an early stage.

What is the point of wrinkles on the face

Did you know that, perhaps, metaphysical causes are the basis of many diseases? For example, there are often problems with pancreas, deprived of people often observed.

Wrinkles have a certain meaning, so they are formed due to the vital activity of the body and the behavior of the human person (regular physiological movements of the muscles of the face).

  1. Headaches. The fact that the person has a predisposition to the headaches, they say wrinkles over the bridge.
  2. A tendency to alcoholism It is possible to determine by a large number of transverse wrinkles located on the forehead.
  3. Tagged with stomach Demonstrate wrinkle, running vertically in the center of the forehead.
  4. The organs of the urogenital system. Semicircular wrinkles under the eyes sign about problems with the bladder. Folds near the eyes are an external manifestation of depression.
  5. On violations in the work of the gastrointestinal Treat nasolabial folds. If the right fold is deeper than the left, then it is worth paying attention to the bustling bubble. Also should look at the length. If the wrinkle comes to the chin - it is desirable to check the body for gastritis, colitis or ulcers.
  6. Genitals. Wrinkles over the upper lip (vertical and shallow) - indicate the failures in the functioning of the genitals. Vertical wrinkles descended from the corners of the mouth, demonstrate the initial problems with the pancreas or the rapid appearance of low acidity gastritis.
  7. Bladder. When the skin on the cheekbones becomes a flabby, there is a lot of wrinkles, it is possible that this indicates the pathology of the bladder.
  8. Problems in blood circulation. One on the chin (horizontal wrinkle) signals a bad blood circulation in the pelvis area.

Believe in this or not, the case of every person, but when ending the mirror, you will notice a wrinkled face, do not be lazy, check the thyroid gland.

The meaning of some types of facial wrinkles

Consider in more detail some types of wrinkles on the face, the value of which is represented in pictures.

On the forehead : Horizontal solid, horizontal intermittent

In a woman, such wrinkles reveal their male character. These ladies skillfully use the ability to defend their own interests.

In other cases, the emergence of such wrinkles is characteristic of people with difficult character. They are difficult for their career success. Because of the tendency to constant conflicts, such personalities are very emotional.

Between Brovia

If the line is single, then the person belongs to the risk group and maybe it indicates an accident.

Nasolabial folds

If they are balanced and go along the lines of the pitch, then before you a person from the middle layer of the population with a stable earnings. Straight wrinkles coming from the most nostrils is a sign of need. So your interlocutor knows what the battle for life and heavy diseases is.

Goose legs

A sign of good, positive and open people, which sometimes amazed with their naivety and kindness - these are wrinkles "goose paws".

Wrinkles "goose paws"

Wrinkles on the face defining

In life situations, we used to attribute to those or other expressions from which wrinkles are formed over time. Their meaning can be viewed in the following pictures.

For example, the underlying lower lip on the background of a large top may indicate female frigidity and male impotence.

Horizontal wrinkles near the eyebrows demonstrate a deep mind. But if they are shifted almost to the hair growth line, then the person is proud, cruel and arrogant.

Deep horizontal wrinkles, more similar to folds, will tell about the lazyness of the interlocutor, the reluctance to lead an active lifestyle.

In smart, but those prone to the proudness of people, often you can see perpendicular wrinkles on the face.

Meaning (practice with pictures in definition) and the essence of the character of the interlocutor will help to solve horizontal parallel and barely noticeable folds. This is a sign of honest people.

Two clear straight lines between the eyebrows will be given balanced and stable people.

Wrinkles will talk about health

Loosen health causes not only the body, but also leaves footprints on the face, where the skin is very thin. Sick people often emerge unexpected early wrinkles on the face.

The value (with accompanying pictures) of such changes is the following diseases:

  • early mimic wrinkles arise not only from dry skin, but also with the emergence of problems with the tract and thyroid gland;
  • the cause of horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area becomes headaches;
  • vertical wrinkle, located on the nose - a sign of frequent depression and liver problems;
  • deep nasolabial folds -ol teeth;
  • the mesh around the eyes demonstrates the shortage of vitamins;
  • the folds formed on the cheeks signals the disease of blood circulation, violation of the hormonal background and the tendency to hypertension.

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face (the meaning with pictures is shown below) As a visible sign of age-related changes, they are formed from childhood and appear gradually. First, the skin loses its elasticity, then it becomes rough, then wrinkles appear on the forehead, follow in the corners of the eyes, etc.

Excessive dry skin

It is manifested by a feeling of depressions, peelings, dim color and a fine-resistant structure. At a young age, the skin is tender, but with age, due to problems with the lipid balance, it begins to fade, which, in the end, leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

To determine dry skin, it is enough to spend a small test: Press the face with your finger. If the traces do not pass, then you have this type and the following information for you.

For normal operation, it is necessary to ensure the skin of good moistening. To restore moisture level, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. The specified volume contributes to replenishing losses and removes harmful toxins.

Age-related skin changes

The birth of wrinkles arises in 10, and in 20 years - they are called Mimic. The cause becomes frequent reduction of facial muscles. To prevent, do not build in vain grimaces, do not frown and do not cort the face.

According to statistics about 15-20 years, the so-called "goose paws" begin to appear

From 25 years old wrinkles appear on cheeks In the area of \u200b\u200b"Snash". Closer to 40 they become longer and passed into nasolabial folds.

In 30, there is a "syllable folds". They urgent any person, since the face becomes sad.

In 40 years above the upper lip And the chin appears so-called Martushkina wrinkles.

Work of mimic muscles

The voltage or weakening of one of the mimic muscles eventually affects the face in the form of changes in the skin. Moreover, wrinkles are formed perpendicular to these muscles.

The elimination of mimic wrinkles will help both cosmetic procedures and cosmetic, as well as folk remedies.

In cosmetology, the acupuncture of Botox has long been used - a procedure, during which the introduction of the paralysis muscle of the injection occurs. After it, wrinkles are smoothed, and the Mimic muscles have been in a weakened state for a long time.

As for cosmetics, in some of them there are a toxin of botulism that affects the facial muscles and nerve endings.

Common diseases

The appearance of wrinkles can provoke the following diseases and factors:

  • passive smoking;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • infections;
  • long stay in the wind;
  • frequent use of powder and face wash;
  • high dryness (humidity) of air;
  • fanatical suffering sunbathing baths.

Prevention of early wrinkles

The main enemy of the skin - the scorching sun and strong windTherefore, to protect before going out, it is necessary to apply special cream with UV filters on the face. It is also worth mentioning that the early appearance of wrinkles contributes to limitless and uncontrolled love for the sun.

Good and affordable prevention is wearing sunglasses. Accessory protects the skin around the eyes, saves from ultraviolet and prevents the occurrence of mimic wrinkles on the face. In pictures, their meaning is demonstrated by the result of constant seaming of the eyes.

A detrimental effect on the state of the skin is provided by the most common habit of people - smoking. Nicotine is able to reduce collagen generation and destroy Vitamin C. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity.

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And the last, but very important advice: The skin must be moisturized and nourished with cosmetic products. Daily leaving procedures contribute to the active formulation of collagen. However, for delicate skin around the eye, a special means should be purchased.

Compliance with the above rules, as well as a healthy lifestyle, will prevent the emergence of early wrinkles.

Useful video about what wrinkles on the face:

Every year, science goes to a new level, improving the ability. And in whatever direction it has developed, the main thing is that the research is aimed - this is a person. More and more people begin to be interested in physiognomy. This branch of scientific research is aimed, in particular, to receive a response to the question of what wrinkles are talking about on the forehead.

In fact, every part of the body, each and excavation can tell everything about their owner. The main thing is to learn the body language and understand what it says to us. Having studied the forehead and how he became with age, it is possible to calculate character traits, health status and much more. It all depends on the number and location of the resulting folds.


With age, man's wrinkles appear on the face. On the forehead they look like straight and intersecting lines. If there are many small folds, then their owner has a harsh temper and there are health problems. One vertical wrinkle crossing three horizontal indicates that their owner is a happy and successful person, he has a magnificent career and everything is in order in the family. Long-livers and lucky people have a fairly interesting location of the lines, they fold in the rhombus. And this is not all what wrinkles are talking about forehead.

Horizontal wrinkles

Horizontal folds in the forehead area are usually happy people, very respected in the circle of their friends and popular among the opposite sex. If two such wrinkles are two, the fate clearly loves these people, they differ from the other enhanced luck. In addition, they are well developed intelligence and always high level of intelligence. If a person has three horizontal folds on his forehead, then it means that he is artistic, positive, with great creative potential.

If wrinkles are located in the form of a zigzag, then their owner is not very well versed in business issues and, most likely, with any attempts to start his business fail. People with nervous character become possessors of short horizontal wrinkles. If the ends of the folds have chances, then such a person is difficult to share a personal space with others, and it will be quite difficult to get along with him.

If wrinkles are located on the outer corners of the eyes, then this is a clear sign of tricks in character. People who have well-developed business abilities often have similar wrinkles on the forehead.

What do vertical folds say

If a large vertical wrist is located in the center of his forehead, then it speaks of a large number of vital trouble and weak health. It is believed that such people are uncomfortable feeling themselves in the team, prone to conflict, it is difficult to get along with them. In addition, it is quite difficult for them to establish their own life.

If a person has a family with such a wrinkle, then we can safely say that with its second half he lives not very peaceful. They have permanent quarrels, perhaps a person survived the divorce.

If a person is business and he has formed a vertical wrist, it means that it has reached certain heights in doing business. If he had angular wrinkles over his eyebrows, it means that a person survived a lot of concerns and constantly worries about something. That's what the wrinkles on the forehead are located vertically.

Parallel wrinkles between eyebrows

Strong leadership qualities are manifested by the owner of parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows. Such people are very successful, they are able to achieve heights in the creative and political spheres. Often their ability to quickly learn them on the path of teaching, where they convey their knowledge to others.

If these wrinkles are twisted, then a person has an unhealthy psyche. You encountered a person prone to criminal actions and violence. He is very tough and better to behave carefully, because he does not always know his actions. It is also worth noting that the vertical folds between the eyebrows may appear due to the experience of infarction. They also often indicate problems with digestion.

Seriously examining the question of what wrinkles are talking about forehead, it is worth noting that the interpretations of each small part of the details are very detailed and with a deep study you can make a complete psychological portrait. Also, using them, you can find out hidden human diseases, and perhaps it will save him life, as the earlier it is to determine the presence of a problem, the easier it will be solved.

Why wrinkles appear

The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is mainly due to the elasticity of the skin, the age factor, as well as the feature of the cell structure. But these are not all reasons. The contaminated atmosphere, air temperature changes and other natural factors can affect. Genetics and various diseases also have its influence. Wrinkles may appear due to bad habits, irregular nutrition, poor skin care. Psychology, Mimic, stress and other factors can also cause a change in the structure of the face of the face.

Chinese technique

One of what the wrinkles are talking about forehead are diseases. Ancient Chinese used wrinkles for the diagnosis of human health still in the third century BC. With their help, they determined the state of the internal organs, this practice was preserved to this day. They also defined the hidden and obvious human abilities.

So, the upper part, namely forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, could tell about intelligence and conditions in which a person has grown. From the eyebrows to the nose, the folds pointed to the strength of the Spirit and the ability to control their emotions and actions in emergency situations. The lower part of the person was considered exclusively in the elderly, with her help it was possible to know how successful man was successful and what his affection appeared.


Avoiding the appearance of age wrinkles is not possible to almost no one, except the term of their occurrence is slightly delayed with the help of cosmetics. But if they arise ahead of time, this is an explicit manifestation of a tendency to various diseases. After 25 years, many men and women are interested in what deep wrinkles are talking about forehead.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the top of the forehead

Studying lines on the face, you can learn about the set of diseases that their owner himself does not even suspect. For example, wrinkles between eyebrows indicate the liver condition. For the bladder, folds are answered on the top of the forehead. For the intestines they say wrinkles in the center of the forehead.

In the presence of longitudinal, small wrinkles, it can be said that he is inclined to the neurotic states, depressions and he can have problems with sleep. Any folds between the eyebrows speak of improper metabolism, when they appear it is better to examine the liver condition.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the bottom of the forehead

But what will be told wrinkles on the forehead, located crossbar, - a person often has headaches. The frequency of their appearance can be calculated in the depths of the folds. If they are intermittent, then the nervous and vegetative system of their owner is weak, but it is a very intelligent and intellectually developed person.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate arrhythmia and stomach problems. The problems with the spine can tell the longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows. Most often, they indicate the presence of a cervical osteochondrosis.

Character of man and wrinkles on the forehead: what they say, photo

Over time, wrinkles appear on the face of each person, and, if you carefully consider their depth, location and shape, you can say a lot about their owner. For example, determine its behavior in society or learn important features of its character. If the folds look like out of one point, this is a clear sign of a complex nature.

Such a person will not hurry in affairs, he will most likely solve all the problems than the fulfillment of duties to someone else. At the same time, if an emergency and very serious situation arises, he will be able to quickly make a decision.

Persistent character is observed in people with the same folds. They firmly strive for targets, never relying on the help and support of others. This is what the wrinkles are talking on the forehead, similar to each other. People with a line in the center of his forehead have a strong will and courage. They are able to calm all around their determination and responsibility.

Wrinkles in the form of an arc give a born strategist and diplomat. Intermittent folds talk about well-developed logic, decisiveness and intolerance to lies. Such personalities are perfectly dealt with people, next to them only proven friends. Good-natured and decent people are solid horizontal folds, they are excellent friends and always help others.

The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process, inevitable. Their occurrence is due to age-related changes, hormonal failures, stressful situations. Both men and women are concerned about how to get rid of them, but few people think that wrinkles can become a signal of adverse changes in the body, signaling serious malfunctions. In this article, disassembled what may mean what to testify the folds on the forehead.

Because of what the folds on the forehead are formed

Wrinkles are transverse and longitudinal folds on the forehead, which occur under the influence of many external and internal factors. The following impacts can be caused by the appearance:

  1. Adverse Environment Conditions: Increased air temperature, its pollution, insufficient air humidity. That is why in the period of heat it is recommended to use protective creams, install household moisturizers at home.
  2. Genetics - the most common problem is due to the structure of muscle tissue. In this case, wrinkles appear at an early age.
  3. Diseases of various nature. Special influence on the state of the skin is provided by viral diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, which violate the main metabolic processes.
  4. Changes in nutrition, lack of vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fats.
  5. Addiction to harmful habits. Scientists have proven that smoking, alcohol use contribute to premature aging.
  6. Mimic individual features, for example, the habit of wrinkling the nose, frown eyebrows.
  7. Incorrect skin care procedures, the use of poor-quality, unsuitable cosmetics.
  8. Stressful situations, intense exterior, sleep disorders, heavy working schedule.

Note! A healthy lifestyle is of great importance in the preservation of the natural condition of the skin, since the main cause of changes is non-compliance with the principles of nutrition, sleep, lack of pure fresh air.

When wrinkles are diagnosed

The diagnosis of facial muscles on the presence of wrinkles has appeared long ago. The first mention refers to an ancient China, in which the "Treatise of the Yellow Emperor about the internal" was released. Much later, Hippocrates, Aristotle used this information in the exercise of medical practice, based on the location of wrinkles on the face. Scientists argued that the location of the folds could also talk about the character of a person, its predispositions.

Modern medical practice also uses knowledge gained by predecessors. In addition, studies allowed to obtain the dependence of the number of wrinkles, their species from possible diseases, pathologies. This largely determines further treatment.

What are wrinkles on the forehead

In order to competently solve the problem, it is necessary to find out, wrinkles on the forehead about what they say. From this, the measures for diagnosis, treatment, prevention are dependent. To say about the state of health solely by the location of the skin, only a specialized doctor is capable of. Each species speaks of a separate disease or problem. What wrinkles on the forehead mean and what information do you carry?

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

A deep horizontal trace can be a sign of problems in the field of nervous system, deficiency of sleep, frequent stressful situations. The most frequent location is eyebrow, Visbrovier. This type of wrinkle indicates often for depressive predisposition, neurotic disorders.

The number of folds can also say a lot. Their large amounts can designate violations in the work of the spine, as a result of which a person often experiences headaches, dizziness, malaise.

Vertical wrinkle value on the forehead

The cross-deep layer, the fold symbolize the problems in the field of digestion, the gastrointestinal tract. Representatives of this category should pay special attention to the principles of proper nutrition. The main condition is the regularity of food intake. Experts recommend excluding fatty, acute food rich in harmful fats and carbohydrates from diet.

Important! Another reason - violations in the field of cardiovascular system. At the same time, problems of cardiac rhythm, arrhythmia are observed. The way out of this situation is simple to contact your cardiologist, to pass a comprehensive medical examination.

The appearance of vertical wrinkles may be caused by the transfer of severe diseases, heart attack. To find out the exact reason whether it is an omen of the disease or the usual manifestation of age-related changes, a specialist is capable of. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead are easily amenable to cosmetology treatment.

Wrinkles on the forehead in men

For the appearance of wrinkles, both men and women, of all ages, regardless of the lifestyle, are prone. But girls pay more time to care for themselves, conduct home treatments. Wrinkles on the face of men speak more about the habits and character, rather than about diseases and pathologies. What can I understand:

  1. The horizontal wrinkle, located along the entire width of the forehead, speaks of the high intellectual abilities of a man, its purposefulness, obtaining the desired results. Such a man is stubborn, brings goals and tasks to the end, achieves success in endeavors.
  2. Two wrinkles horizontal personify harmony with them and the outside world. Men with such a symbol are characterized by the success in the career sphere, in terms of relationships. The clarity of the lines speaks of initiative, at the same time constancy, especially in terms of family life.
  3. Many horizontal wrinkles, solid or intermittent, is an intellect sign. A man is characterized by improved memory, a tendency to analysis and analytics, approaches problems without standard, finds a solution. In addition, representatives differ in hard work.

You should know! Along with high intelligence, representatives of this category have a subtle mental organization, susceptible to stress, experiences.

  1. Wavy wrinkles having a curved shape, a different location, talk about ordinary age-related changes. They are inherent in age after fifty years, they appear even with a calm and measured lifestyle.
  2. A lot of small wrinkles warns a man, tells him about the inclination for mental illness, exposure to stressful situations, excessive experiences. Avoiding the problem is not a way out. It is necessary to refer to the specialist so that the current stressful state has passed into the depressive, to get rid of which will be more difficult.
  3. The absence of wrinkles is also a symptom, can speak both about the positive and negative qualities of a man, the state of its body. Representatives of this category young look on the backdrop of peers, but often in thinking lacks wisdom, knowledge, skills.

Important! The best way to find out whether the folds are missing for any information to their representative, to contact a specialist.


The diagnosis of folds implies a teaching that allows you to independently analyze and identify some compliance. For this it is required to follow the instructions:

  • Relaxing the face conditionally into three parts - zones. The appearance of wrinkles in each of the zones speaks of any character line;
  • The first zone, located on the eyebrows to the hair growth line, speaks of mental abilities, intelligence;
  • The second, beginning with the tip of the nose, and ending at the boundary of the first, symbolizes the power of the Spirit, a tendency to self-control;
  • The third, from the tip of the chin to the tip of the nose, personifies the achievements and successes, both in personal life and in the career.

Diagnosis will allow you to identify the problem, pick up prophylactic measures.

Prevention measures

From wrinkles it is quite difficult to get rid of completely, especially in the started state. Cosmetic procedures do not give a complete result, only smoothed, apply the apparent effect. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using preventive measures:

  1. Normalize the power mode, make the diet is full, rich. The daily menu should include natural vegetable products rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients. It is also required to ensure a sufficient level of water consumption.
  2. It is recommended to rent a biochemical blood test in order to identify what element is lacking the body, choose a vitamin complex.
  3. Carry out home care, including daily cleansing, peelings, masks, moisturizing and feeding procedures.
  4. Use protective creams, respectively, weather. In the summer, sunscreen, in winter - nutritious.

The appearance of wrinkles does not always talk about diseases, it is often only a warning. It is required to revise the daily routine, to make adjustments, to join a healthy lifestyle.


Creation of metoposcopy (from Greek. "Metopon", which means "forehead") is usually attributed to the Italian Jeronimo, or Jerolamo Cardano (1501-1576), known as Jerome Kardan. To conclude that the character of a person can be read on the lines of his forehead, he used knowledge on astrology in combination with observations over several hundreds of persons.

Cardana physiognomy in pictures

Cardan was a famous doctor, physicist, mathematician and astrologer; Among his numerous achievements were the first clinical description of the rapid title and the first systematic work on probabilistic mathematics.

In 1570, he lost the right to publish labor, because it was imprisoned on charges of heresy. The end of his life can be considered the execution of his own prophecy: they say that he brought himself to death to depletion to prove the truth of his horoscope.

Cardano theory about reading the character of a person on the lines of forehead

Jerome Cardan (a) illustrated his Book on Metoscopy with almost 800 engravings, giving interpretations of various lines combinations. Character of man on the lines of forehead:

1. Peaceful and successful person.

2. Visigar, cruel man.

3. Exalted, religious nature.

4. The violent death is predetermined to this person.

5. The weakweight, weakly accuracy type.

6. Successful warrior.

7. Remover.

8. He is written in his head.

We read the character of a person on the lines of forehead

Divide the forehead with the help of seven equivalent parallel lines: the distance between the lines varies depending on the height of the forehead. These lines will allow you to establish the effect of planets and interpret it.

Planetary lines of forehead - communication with character

1. Saturn line. If it is straight and well-fired - caution, intelligence, susceptibility, insight.

2. Line of Jupiter. If direct and distinct - honesty, generosity, success; If it is longer than the Saturn line, is wealth.

3. Line Mars. If deep - courage, ambitions, stamina; If brooded - passion for disputes, indulgence with its weaknesses.

4. Line of the sun. If direct and well-defined-ambitions, earthly success; If brooded - egoism, greed; curved - malice, ill-witness; Crossed another line - honesty, nobility, wealth.

5. Line Venus. If distinct - happiness in love: if brooded is a series of novels.

6. Mercury line. If curved up - luck; If sidier is divided - humor, eloquence.

7. Line of the Moon. If clear - travel, imagination, intuition; If broken - temperament; If you crossed another line - good luck in wartime.

What does the shape of the lines on the forehead

Wavy line - travel by sea. If the book is lowered at both ends - travels on the ground: if it turns up at both ends - traveling through the air.

A straight line, curved at one end - weak health.

Slightly inclined line - happiness.

One horizontal line - success in wars.

One diagonal line - adventure.

Two horizontal lines at a considerable distance from each other - happiness, luck.

Three horizontal lines located at the top of the forehead - softness, peacefulness, financial instability.

Three horizontal lines located at the bottom of the forehead - aggressiveness.

Three horizontal lines at a considerable distance from each other - intelligence, kindness, religiosity.

Three horizontal lines, cut vertical line - longevity.

The line, close to the scalp, if completed - intelligence, if broken - irritability.

Line above the left eyebrus - imagination. Line over the right eyebrow - ambitions. If long - success; If brooded - selfishness.

Vertical lines between eyebrows. One line is a dedication; Two lines - variability; Three lines - practicality, sense of duty; Four lines are an active, wide range of activities.

Mimic lines or wrinkles are often formed on the forehead, allowing you to judge the character of a person. Vertical folds on the forehead speak also about the state of the nervous system. From this article you will learn how to determine the character of a person on wriggles on the forehead.

  • The forehead is smooth, without wrinkles - on the one hand, a sign of carelessness and a funny character, and on the other (if there are no other facial indicators, it says about confusion in the concepts of good and evil.
  • The forehead, randomly elected deep wrinkles, is a sign of mediocre mind and laziness.
  • Chaotic shallow wrinkles, divergent in all directions, is a sign of eccentricity, identity.
  • Deep zigzag folds on the forehead - traces of failure, in affairs.
  • Deep zigzag wrinkles on a low bony Luba - a sign of viciousness and recklessness.
  • The deep irregular form of wrinkles, located in different directions, is evidence of impulsiveness, sharpness, failure, rudeness.
  • Horizontal wrinkles, located at the bottom of the forehead, close to the eyebrows - evidence of a deep mind. Horizontal wrinkles, located in the upper part of the forehead, close to the hair, - Certificate of Pride, Cravigoard. Untime-free horizontal parallel grooves - a sign of a calm mind, honesty.
  • Single horizontal wrist, separating the forehead on the upper and lower parts, - evidence of the great independence of a person, moral and spiritual, the ability to balance your own look with the opinion of others. Such people have objective views and judgments. It is also evidence of literary talent, hard work and loneliness.

What are the wrinkles on the forehead of the man

A variety of parallel wrinkles covering the entire forehead, talking about the emotionality of a person, its perseverance. He is materialist. A narrow upper lip points to his distortion to others. Middle of the ears who have grown with the neck, emphasize his stubbornness. He is a wonderful analyst, fanatic in work. Recharge it in any difficult. Very assembled and found in difficult situations. It has a good sense of humor. Does not throw words to the wind. Look driver, but does not like to repair the car. Maybe a diplomat.

Let's determine the character on wriggles on the forehead in this case. This is a man with a great power of will. Very talented, deep in its inner content. When conversation, three parallel deep lines are visible, crossing the entire forehead, which speaks of its straightness and purity of the soul. The line running from the nose is emphasized by his stubbornness. He is very patient, maximally assembled in extreme situations, found and decisive. Symmetric lines over eyebrows on both sides of the forehead speak of his selflessness. He does not know how to adapt. He usually is born. In marriage it happens twice.

Such a location of wrinkles on the forehead talks about the difficult fate of man. He is talented, has an analytical warehouse of the mind. The nervous system is unbalanced. The lower lip is big and complete, which emphasizes a sharp mind, extraordinary kindness. He likes a joke, is not able to offend the neighbors.

Such lines on the forehead say that a man is stubborn, his character is difficult. He is very inquisitive, has a developed intuition and a gift of a psychologist. Can understand everyone, enter his position. The upper lip is narrow, which speaks of his incredulsion, caution in communicating with unfamiliar.

Thin lips indicate a complex and unpredictable character. Deeply planted eyes emphasize rigidity in fundamental issues. He is constantly at risk, walks on a knife blade. By nature, kind, loves nature. Due to excessive kindness, it goes into unpleasant situations. It has an analytical warehouse of the mind.

This arrangement of wrinkles on the forehead speaks of the trick of man. He is diplomatic, success in professional activity reaches in the second half of life. Thin upper lip speaks of his caution and incredulsity to people. He grumbled, often dissatisfied with life, it is difficult to please him.

This person is persistent, the lines on the forehead are located in the form of steps. Nose speaks of his extraordinary ability to work. This man is talented, diluted, not inclined to boasting, does not like to be the center of attention. Maybe a musician or artist.

Such lines indicate a balanced character of a person. The second straight line says that the different children are born. The top line indicates that it can be in two marriages. He loves his family, gladly helps his wife on the housework. Nose with a small humpkin indicates increased sexuality. This person is able to own emotions, inquisitive, spends a lot of time at the TV.

What are the wrinkles on the forehead

How to determine the character of a person by wriggles on the forehead, if one is the only line on the forehead, passes from the nose up and slightly right? It suggests that a person has deep analytical thinking, good memory. He can be a wonderful politician, but will never become an actor or artist. Sobly, incredulous, carefully selects friends. The company is very cheerful, loves to drink. Extremely hardworking.

Symmetric lines converged in the center of the forehead are rare. The character of such a person is calm. It is somewhat closed, it is characterized by an analytical warehouse of the mind. The ability to manage emotions allows him to become a senior worker, politician. Inquisitive, loves to travel, make new useful dating. A good family man, as a rule, he is born by the different children, whom he loves himself.

A short perpendicular line on the nose says that a person is very stubborn. This is confirmed and accrete with the neck of the urine. Meticulous, in some cases hindering. Wavy lines combined with several intermittent saying that this person had to retrain, and it was associated with many difficulties. Beautiful interlocutor loves disputes. It has abilities for languages, but not always develops them. Easily conquers authority.

Determine the character of wriggles on the forehead. Many wavy lines on the forehead talking about punctuality, that this person is too straight and stubborn. Talented, very sensitive. Most fully can express yourself in the field of art, become an artist or sculptor. Chistopoten, unnecessary squeaming. Prefers to do everything in the house with your own hands. Family devoted, such people are bred extremely rarely.

The line passing through the entire forehead means that this person is unusually bold in decisions and actions, loves risk. Very talented. Able to take the right decision. Sexy. In the morning it cannot be awaited - the reaction can be unpredictable. Middle of the ears who have grown with the neck, emphasize his stubbornness. Beautiful mechanic, skillfully drives the car. Soloman. If the person dislikes, he constantly pods him. The stupidity of the surrounding it annoys.

What does a wrinkled forehead

In people of smart, capable and normal ones, 5 or 6 unlucky wrinkles can usually happen. In people, although smart, but undergoing severe trials and confused, with the originally elected paths, wrinkles on the forehead in many places are interrupted and not evenly, which indicates the dullness of mental abilities and the fragility of beliefs. People in the sublime, gifted speakers and great artists are only 3-4 longitudinal lines intersected by one line from top to bottom. Lack of wrinkles or barely noticeable wrinkles on the forehead - a sign of the undeveloped mind and inability to serious thinking.

Seven parallel lines on the forehead indicate kindness, calculation, incredulsion. This is a person with a subtle psychology, caring, before doing something, everything thinks out.

A long wrinkle on the forehead framing the left eyebrow indicates a debris, a great sense of humor. The top line at the hair speaks of talent. Such a person can be a director, playwright, he has a well-developed fantasy. But he is very angry. The middle line intersecting the entire forehead indicates its sociability and extraordinary sociability. He loves to be in the thick of events, willingly makes new acquaintances. Not very balanced, especially "December". Always achieves desirable, success accompanies him.

The broken line over the left eyebrow speaks of the analytical warehouse of the mind. This person is in no hurry with the conclusions, he dare and decisive in difficult issues. May be the head of the big enterprise. In the work of the fan, before difficulties does not retreat, stubbornly goes to the goal. The second line, curved in the middle, speaks of his physical strength and endurance. "Winter" man can be a high-class athlete. It usually happens high, loves to travel. Most of the time spends at work.

The transverse line in the middle of the forehead, fastened down, indicates the extraordinary perseverance and stubbornness of man. Two wrinkles on the forehead above the eyebrows indicate its proud and irreconcilable. He likes to argue, in the dispute must be defeated. Impatient, quick-tempered, unbalanced. Can not agree with the defeat. It has a sharp mind and a philosophical warehouse of thinking. Selfish. Capacked to accurate sciences. Prone to change places. Perfectly oriented in unfamiliar area. Reliable, never betrayed, knows how to keep a secret. Kind, loves dogs.

Two lines over the nose point to the courage of a person, a strong will. His whole life takes place in the work. Able to stand up for itself, his interests. Materialist. Stalling tolerances, which in his life there is a lot of life. Very hardy physically, can work at high temperature. His various children are born.

What do curved wrinkles on the forehead mean

Curved lines over eyebrows talk about the extraordinary tricks of a person. He is stubborn and selflessly. Does not tolerate injustice, which brings him a lot of trouble. Odnolyuba and jealous. Very clean, squealing. Lysset in youth. Very curious. Materialist. He loves to make fun of people who are not impressed by him.

How to determine the character of a person on wriggles on his forehead? Many curved lines on the forehead says about complex character. Such a person is difficult to converge with people, not like-minded people in each society. Eternal wrestler for justice. It does not know how to adapt, crush before the bosses. Several lines above the eyebrows indicate that in extreme situations it is difficult for him to navigate, it is not assembled, may allow mistakes. Early lies. Not a careerist. Possesses literary abilities.

The perpendicular line coming from the nose says that this person is persistent in achieving the goal. Short connecting lines indicate talent in the field of arts, especially on a musical field. May be a pop actor. Loves to travel, easy to rise. In personal life is not too lucky, marriage comes several times.

Two deep, curved transverse wrinkles, supplemented with two short in the upper part of the forehead, speak of an outstanding musical talent of man. He is proud and very wound. All his life is devoted to his beloved business. He is born mostly boys, girls rarely.

The curved line over eyebrows speaks about the unstable nervous system of man. He is a bad diplomat, outstanding, stubborn. Straightforward, which brings him a lot of trouble. Hardworking, calculating. Perfectly moving on the service staircase.

The curved wrinkle over the bridge speaks of the extraordinary pride of man, his selflessness, egoism. He is stubborn, asserts in achieving the goal. Election in friendship. Very punctual, never let down. He is very worried about the dishonesty loved ones. Very honest, a wonderful leader, possesses organizational abilities. On professional field reaches great heights.

Such an asymmetrical location of the lines is talking about the prime character of a person, but not only in achieving the goal. In this, he is irreconcilable, stubborn and persistent. Two short wrinkles at the top talk about his pride. He does not know how to adapt, often fails due to the fact that it cannot put up with injustice. He has many friends, a wonderful narrator. It has a gift speaker. The ears pressed against the head point to his perseverance in achieving the goal.

Lines crossing the entire forehead and descending to the nose, talk about the closedness of a person. He is stubborn, very patient, not subject to nervous breakdowns. Break and decisive in action. In extreme situations, the most assembled and calm. Obligatory, any business brings to the end. Soloman.

This person has one central wrinkle passes through the entire forehead. The rest disagree from it. The nature of such a person is not simple. He is jealous, heter, persistent in achieving the goal, stubbornly on trifles. Wheel. Very talented, but it is difficult to implement your talent.

This person has a deep analytical thinking, fair, persistent. Lines focused on one side of the forehead, emphasize his dedication. Not inclined to believe prejudice, not subject to influence. Friends choose himself, honors moral foundations. Reaches great success due to hard work. Mandatory, never violates this word.

How to find out the character by wriggles on the forehead

So, we determine the character of wriggles on the forehead. The line that comes from the nose to the eyebrows indicates that this person is very kind not only for loved ones, but to everyone who he faces. His nose says that he does not seek material taste and can be content with what is. His various children are born. Talented, can engage in an artistic photo. In family life experiences great difficulties.

Such lines on the forehead are inherent in a woman good-natured, but in moderation is stubborn. She loves to sleep in the morning. It has good memory. Four lines crossing the forehead mean that it acquires one specialty, and works completely on another. The nose emphasizes her kindness. The upper lines on the forehead are an unfinished triangle, which speaks of her loneliness. Despite the fact that in life she has to be not easy, she stubbornly goes to the goal. Lained prejudice.

The line coming from the nose and continued above the eyebrows speaks of human spirituality, about his predisposition to stress. He can dedicate the life of worship. Very separately, loves animals. Unfortunately, no one causing evil. Philosopher by nature, respectfully refers to women, which emphasizes the form of his nose. Chin with a straw indicates increased sexuality. He is emotional. The ears struggling with the neck of the neck indicate stubbornness.

The line crossing the entire forehead, the longitudinal wrist on the forehead, speaks of the analytical warehouse of the mind. Many interrupted lines indicate emergency kindness. Such a person can be a doctor, a psychologist. He takes care of loved ones. Obligatory will never let down. Short lines over eyebrows, one of which is bent, emphasize his talent in the field of mathematics. Maybe a teacher of mathematics at school, as he loves children. Not a careerist, sincerely rejoices to professional success colleagues.

Longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, which are close to the eyebrows, talk about the man's talent in the field of art. He is a wonderful companion, an interesting person. It has a sharp mind, does not tolerate lies, it is impossible to spend it. In minutes of hot tempering, there is a cut in statements. Does not like bore. The company has fun, a good storytellor of jokes.

The lines on the forehead in the form of a fountain say that this is a very careful person, reinsurer. He is very squeaming. Does not like long-range business trips. It has acute smell, does not tolerate unpleasant odors. Caprisen, it is difficult for him to please. Wife has to be not easy with him. It does not marry for a long time, demanding in choosing a friend. Grilling, selfish.

The straight line passing through the entire forehead says the human skill to navigate in extreme conditions. He is not afraid of difficulties, ready for everything. Talented, most often fully implements itself in the field of science, design and modeling. He is fond of historical literature, playing chess well. The character is complex, stubborn (especially at the "December"). In the team leader. Friends choose carefully.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person on wriggles on the forehead.