Who loves her name. Accurate fortune telling for love: how to find out who loves you truthful fortune telling. She will constantly talk

How to find out who loves you? Are these feelings of her husband or a guy? These issues often arise from girls. There is nothing strange in this. However, and funny little. It is important to realize that a person loves you. It's nice to know that the husband or a guy sincere in his feelings, even if they are not recognized in love. And how to find out who loves you if they do not speak about it? Naturally, directly the question regarding the sincerity of the feelings will not be able to ask. However, everything can be understood by behavior. It, unlike words, can show a lot.

How do the love guys show?

Signs for which you can judge love from a man, there are quite a lot. Main features should be given. So, how to understand what you love?

  1. A man who has serious feelings for you will not go to criticism to your address. At the same time, he will not put in terms of note that, for example, the figure of the girlfriend is better.
  2. How to find out if the guy loves? If so, it will start taking your side in any dispute regardless of whether you are right or not. In addition, he will do everything possible so that you are not upset.
  3. From a loving guy never hear excuses. Even if a man is extremely constrained in his financial capabilities, he will find a way to please the beloved.
  4. What does a loving man choose - view football or a trip with you in the movies? Naturally, the second option will be selected. Even if the film does not particularly like it.
  5. How to find out if a man loves? If your hands freeze in thin gloves, then he will find a way to warm them up. Even if for this you have to give your gloves.
  6. Did you get sick or just in the bad location of the Spirit? A loving guy will not be somewhere far away. He will take care of you or make attempts to laugh. And if you have problems, it will help them solve.
  7. A loving person does not matter what clothes are on you. You bought it on the market or in a corporate store - for him it does not play any role. You are the best. But in the event that you wanted to purchase something in a corporate store, then it will find a way that such an opportunity appeared.
  8. How to find out who loves you? Sincere in his feelings, the guy will not hurry with intimate closeness if you do not want it or fear. And if he holds with you a few nights, it will not cool after that.
  9. Loving guy will never just disappear, says nothing. After all, it is unacceptable for him so that you show excitement.
  10. Your opinion plays a huge role for him. He will not say that you do not understand something. And the decision, without consulting, will not accept.
  11. How to find out if a boy loves? Even at an early age, he will try to make you a pleasant way. Whatever efforts it requires it.
  12. With your beloved is not ashamed to acquaint friends and loved ones. With her it is not to go to the events. However, no need to wait that the guy will show his feelings in public. All his tenderness and love will manifest themselves alone.
  13. The guy who loves, always tries to avoid quarrels with his girlfriend.
  14. If he does not come on a date on time, you can already think about the frivolousness of his feelings to you.
  15. In the event that a man really loves, he will desire children from his beloved. And if she already has a child from the first marriage, he will not be biased to him. He will love him like his own.

How to find out who loves you? These signs will help to figure out the truth of the feelings of their guy, her husband. In addition, with the help of them, you can learn about interest from a simple familiar person like you.

How to understand what a girl loves you?

People lovers are quite often not seen anything. They strongly immerse themselves in their experiences. At the same time, the ability to adequately thinking is lost. How to find out who loves you? In a situation with young people, this question is most complicated. The reason for this is the misunderstanding of a rare guy can immediately determine exactly how the girl belongs to him. However, sometimes it is necessary to just watch her behavior. And the surrounding is not required.

She will constantly talk

Women's love is verbose. Consciousness of a girl who is in love, in full busy thoughts about the guy. She is unable to think about something else. Talking with their girlfriends, the girl constantly raises the same theme. She tries to talk about her beloved. And even if there are reasons forcing her to hide their feelings, she will still talk about the guy liked.

How to find out if a girl loves? Talking with a guy liked, it will show benevolence and attention. She will be interested to listen to what he says. She will remember everything, even the smallest thing. Can I learn about the love of correspondence? Ask a question as to what you talked about a week ago. If she responds instantly, she has feelings for you.

The main signs of true feelings

How to find out who loves you? The following moments can be attributed to important features of serious feelings.

  1. Praise, which girl expresses the guy.
  2. Unwillingness to discuss their intimate secrets.
  3. At that moment, when the guy talks about other girls.
  4. She laughs at his jokes.
  5. It is genuinely interested in the life of a guy.
  6. She has no fear at the time of the discussion of love topics.
  7. It manifests confidence in everything, what the guy says.
  8. She shares the most different trifles with him.

What can be seen in the eyes?

Women's feelings can not be separated from the desire to possess. In the initial stages in the relationship, when neither the guy nor the girl can allow himself a lot, worth seeing. They protrude from the position of the magic mirror, reflecting the true feelings. Without allowing yourself to confess, touch, be all the time next, the girls are just looking and enjoying, dreaming about the guy liked her.

Is it possible to learn about love in the eyes? Should look at:

  1. View duration. Science was proved that on those people who cause sympathy, look at least 7 seconds. For the rest, no more than 2 is spent.
  2. The size of pupils. If they are expanded, this may indicate the presence of sexual desire, which we are capable of calling in a person.
  3. Character view. If the girl quickly assigns his eyes, she is crazy about the guy. Love also speaks a permanent tracking with a look.

Did her behavior changed?

Girl's love is able to work wonders. First of all, the changes occur directly with the representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Lovers are changing instantly and radically. They begin to closely follow the guys liked. They do not launch their appearance. Changes occur within the girl itself. How to find out about feelings? You should pay attention to what it has become. Usually lovers girls:

  1. They rejoice in trifles, and also cease to annoy the fault of serious problems that arise at home or at work.
  2. Lose appetite or stop sleeping.
  3. Ready to make insane deeds. This is usually manifested in changing the image. Sometimes girls are solved and jumping with parachute.
  4. They are so good that most men begin to attract.
  5. Could work at least all day, the main thing is that the favorite is near.
  6. They cease to pay attention to their well-being and forget about their own habits.

Women's actions

If the girl really loves, she will be:

  1. Try to touch the guy. Randomly or specifically - it does not play a special role.
  2. Worry, blush, smile, get lost in words.
  3. Trying to flirt, tele the clothes, sort out the hair, wearing causing dresses, etc.
  4. Trying to repeat gestures, movements.

Girls who prevail can behave with a guy likely aggressively, indifferent. Also, they may evil to make fun or insult. But they also show many exciting love signs.

Are there any feelings after parting?

You were with her for a while, but decided to part. The mutual decision was or not - it does not play any role. But the time passed, and you had a desire to return about her feelings? The easiest way to know about it, asking directly. It should be explained that you were mistaken. We just need to talk. But do not forget about the body language. How to find out if you love? The girl had feelings if:

  • agrees to the conversation;
  • on the invasion of his personal space;
  • allows you to touch personal belongings;
  • shows any signs of interest.

Do not forget that the body can give yourself even with a small caress.


How do you know that the guy loves? Or maybe I want to know about the feelings from the girl? This review covered the main points that would help determine how the person liked belongs to you. You should only show all your attentiveness while communicating with a girl or a guy. If there is love, it will not be possible to hide, what attempts would be made. Remember that everything is in your hands! Therefore, observe the behavior and determine the presence of feelings.

Not every person can calmly wait for his love. Some want to look into the future and find out when they will meet their destiny. Those who have already started a relationship, can turn to exact fortune-love, find out who loves you will help - the truthful fortune telling, with the help of it you can make sure of your partner's honesty. After all, the world is full of deceivers who lie about the sincerity of their feelings for the sake of constant sex or other benefits. For example, some live with women because of money, mercenary purposes. Of course, not everyone do. The world is full of men who actually love their wives and girls. But because of the big cluster of Lgunov, it will never be superfluous to make sure that the thoughts of men focus on you, and not another woman.

Especially often, young girls are resorted to witchcraft and extinguishing, because it is considered the most powerful strong. Women more often men can cope with fortune track independently, without resorting to the help of professional burning.

This truthful divination for love does not require foreign items from you. It will help you know the feelings of the person you like, the future of your relationship. It is not necessary that you are already a pair, it can just be familiar to which you are sympathetic. You need to know his date of birth, and you will not need anything more.

1. First afford all the numbers of the full date of the birth of the chosen one. That is, if it is born 11/22/1991, you should get 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 26 \u003d 2 + 6 \u003d 8.

2. Do the same with your date of birth.

3. Of the larger number less.

4. You will have an unambiguous number that will tell you about the future.

a. 1 - man who really likes, strongly insecure. He is dependent on someone else's opinion, and is able to abandon his dreams only because of the fact that a completely stranger will tell him "you will not cope." For the same reason, he may dramatically cut into communication with someone if you hear "you are a bad pair." Therefore, for a long love, count only if you are ready to help the chosen one to overcome this dependence. In this case, the harmony will bloom between you, and you will feel tenderness for many years to each other.

b. 2 - in front of you alolyub! And, moreover, a person who has a family and relationship puts in the first place. If he falls in love with you, and it will be mutually, your relationship will last long and can grow into creating a family. Of course, such a person will not fall in love with the first oncoming, and for him there is no love at a glance. For him, support is important, sincere care and no secrets from the partner.

c. 3 - not the most pleasant numerological alignment. You have a rival for the heart of a young man. Do not definitely grab the head and go to blame a person in treason or hidden relationships! It is not at all necessary that another woman occupies the place in his heart. It may be work, favorite hobby, vital problems. If a serious relationship is scheduled with a person, discuss this moment, and only then think if his position is satisfied with your position. If you suspect that a man still has a mistress, his behavior has changed a lot and he behaves strangely, read about. Perhaps all the troubles and awkwardness between you are because of the magic of the rainbits.

d. 4 - You have a very similar character and temperament. And this is not always good. Yes, you have the same looks for the future, one of you will not tremble to another nerves, while the second will be silent, but you may encounter such problems: there is a chance that you are both leaders in relationships, and then there will be permanent struggle between you for leadership; It is also likely that, for example, you both do not like to make serious decisions, and then even moving to one apartment can delay for years, not to mention the offer of the engagement. Go for compromises, do not be afraid to make lists of responsibilities, and everything will be fine.

e. 5 - You both got used to feel only today, without looking into the future. This habit of living the moment can play an unpleasant joke with your relationship. Not in all life situations can be taken spontaneous solutions, you need some kind of plan. Think about it, if you actually value the feelings and partner.

f. 6 - you with a young man a lot of general topics for conversations. In addition, you are very pulling to each other physically. But each of you is subconsciously afraid of betrayals, because after an unsuccessful relationship does not fully believe that such harmony is in principle possible. Try not to look for tricks in each action of your partner and finally believe that everything is sincere. After that you will be happy.

g. 7 - you are very pulling to each other physically, this is a fact. But you have different views on romantic relationships and life in general, and may also not coincide the vision of your joint future. It is better to leave it with a "short romantic adventure", and do not wade a serious relationship. Otherwise, one of you will constantly suffer from the frivolousness of the second or lack of attention.

h. 8 - You are primarily friends, not a couple. You can support each other in any situation, give a support and many delight tips, but the tenderness and romance between you are infrequent phenomena. Perhaps you should not spoil such a friendship much a more fragile model of relationships?

i. 9 - At first, you try not to show your negative traits to the partner. In response, he enters the same way. As a result, a very long time you both see each other positive people without flaws, and at some point it may be unpleasant to end. One of you on emotions will show your minuses, and here it will be necessary to conclude: Do you agree to put up with the weaknesses of your beloved?

j. 0 - When you together - I want to break down in the fluff and dust, to put each other slapper and jump out from the apartment in one underwear. When you are far from each other - ready to rush on the first aircraft and to catch up in the embrace of your beloved. These relationships may unpleasantly play on the psyche of both of them both, although it will be not easy to move away from them: you can stay alone for many years, remembering the passion of the past. If you are seriously configured, try to find compromises. But be prepared for a daily battlefield in everyday life. And try not to break down on children, if you decide to start them.

This accurate fortune telling on love is still not the last instance. It is believed that in almost all situations you can come up with the least painful solution to overcome the barriers hand in hand with your beloved person. If you are wonderful interlocutors and friends with a person, but, unlike you, he has no romantic feelings inside, it is possible to schit a little and warm his interest by a spell. But in no case do not use themselves - this is an ancient magic to which it is impossible to contact without proper training and experience.

Listen to the results of divination - this is the gift that the universe gives you so that you can solve conflicts before they appear. This information will help you create a strong union and gain harmony.

This fortune telling may seem a bit unusual: for him, the presence of a young man nearby. No need to worry, it is not a deal with the devil. You just need to light up next to the chosen one, but that the guy is not worried. For example, do it during a joint dinner, or if the light is sharply turned off or blocked the light bulb.

As soon as you hesitate the candle, watch the flame languages. This will answer the question of how to find out who loves you. Divination of this type is very strong, and you need to act carefully.

If the flame candles are high and even, then the feelings between you and your partner are completely mutual. And this is not always in a positive way: if you feel that your passion for the guy subsides, he most likely feels the same thing to you.

The flame is similar to uneven klyaksu - the guy is not fully sincere with you. He may have secrets that you would like to know. It may not be connected with the woman on the side, but try to bring the man to the frank conversation.

If the candle abruptly began to go black smoke - see for fortuneteller or vigorous. This is the first sign of the love spell. Think how the behavior of your chosen one has changed in recent days or weeks.

This truthful divination for love is suitable for free girls who still have not met chosen.

Take a towel and shove a couple of shoes, in which you most often go out. Go out to the street. Try to find the most deserted place - the field, unpopular among the residents of the area. It is desirable that no one has seen you at all. The road is also suitable, but be careful - there should be no car on the horizon.

Remove with yourself right shoes, throw it forward with all my might.

Inspect the shoes. Which way to turn the sock, on the side and is now your future second half.

Towel need to twist. While twist it, ask loudly: "Soon I will meet the pressed?"

Then watch and go home.

Houses post the towel in the bathroom or on the balcony, behind the glass.

In the morning, first do you go to the towel and attach your hand to it. If the towel remained completely dry, then you are not ready for a meeting with the beloved. If for any reasons (someone touched him with wet hands, it rained on the street) wet fabric - very soon you will meet love.

But remember that it is impossible to abuse the fortune tells and conduct them without preparation every day. This is not a way to have fun or quench your curiosity, it is a look into the future. If the instructions for fortifying the candle appear, read ,. Be sure to pay attention to the moon and contraindications for a ritual desired for one or another rite.

Divination for love is a very useful thing. In some cases, she will scratch the waiting for the future spouse, in some - will help to understand problems with an existing young man. But the universe will never dictate us how to do. All the information that she gives us - only a hint to how to make our life better. Whether to follow the advice, decide only you.

The article describes the truthful and accurate fortune telling for love, here I will tell you about how to find out who loves you, what is truthful fortune telling and much more. Examples of fortunenesses using numerology, candles flames, shoe gadgetting. These accurate fortune-laws for love do not require long preparation and some special knowledge, each woman can commit them on their own, without circulation to professional fortuneteller. In one of the rituals, the presence of a man nearby.

About Gadania

Written by: Magica Aida

Initially, rituals were created only to find out what a person who was prepared by fate. A few later appeared conspiracies to see in a dream not just a narrowed, which will appear somewhere, and who is now together, but who is very far away. In any case, those and other rituals will be useful, because they will help you find the answer to the question "How to see a person in a dream that you love?"

To see in a dream of his narrowed girl can go to all, and popular beliefs contribute to this matter. There are several useful tips:

  • To see a person in a dream, who loves it is necessary on Thursday evening, before bedtime, to say three times: "Friday, a favorite in a dream will appear." And immediately go to bed. As practice shows, in a dream, an image of a person, with whom she is destined to meet. It may be someone from a close environment or a completely unfamiliar person. The main thing to try to see it well. Of course, it happens that night nothing at night. It does not mean that no one loves the girl. Most likely, before bedtime, she thought not at all about the narrowed, but about something else, more landed.
  • Also a good ritual with a wooden comb. The tree is considered a symbol of love affection, so it is necessary to buy a wooden comb and habit, before going to sleep. The comb is also needed to cover with a pillow and say: "Durable - the rich quarrel is combed combing."

Many rites and rituals that help to see in a man's dream, which loves, are held on holidays on December 13 (on Andrei) or on the night of January 6-7 (Christmas).

On the evening of December 12, it is necessary to distribute empty pieces of paper for a 12 girlfriends and ask them to write a guy's name. Having written, they must turn them in such a way that the person who asked to do is not see what is written there. Then these pieces need to be collected together, mix and put another empty to get 13 messages.

Rolled sheets of paper lie under the pillow on which the giggling is sleeping. At night, the image of a man who loves. And waking up, you should get a message from the pillow with the name. What kind of name will fall and will call the narrowed that came in a dream and the meeting will take place next year. If a blank sheet falls out, then the meeting will not happen soon.

At Christmas, you can guess in a variety of ways. One of the most proven rituals is as follows. You need to bake two very salted cookies. One to eat myself, and the second put under the pillow with the words: "Dailed-rude, bring the water to get drunk." A person who will bring water and will be those who love.

From traditions to conspiracies

In the life of every person, situations may occur when relationships have to be maintained at a distance. At such moments, I really want to see in a dream not just your narrowed, but lover. True, no matter how much the dreams just do not go, and then the person wakes up irritated and dissatisfied. In order to dreamed exactly the favorite person there is a special plot that always helps.

For its implementation, it is necessary to have a person, a candle and matches. The ritual occurs as follows: you need to light the candle and squeeze the hair on its flame, and it should be signed: "You're smaller about you (human name)." Selling words need loud and clearly three times. But the most important thing about the ritual no one should know anything, otherwise it will be useless.

In order to make a conspiracy stronger on the candle, the new needle can scratch the name and surname of this person, as well as put his photo under it. After the manipulations conducted, the beloved person will surely come in a dream. And it will be possible not only to see, but also to talk. He will give answers to the questions of interest, and the dreams will be able to program him for even stronger love.

And 2 more ways

There are several more ways to see a loved one in a dream. The first way is that the lovers lie to bed at the same time and thought before bed about each other. After all, it is impossible to see in a dream of a man who wakes up. This does not guarantee such an effect as in the conspiracy presented above, but lovers will also be able to establish contact through the same dreams.

The second method is in a simple method called "Water Charge". To charge water to the fulfillment of cherished desire will be able to anyone. And if the need to see a loved one in a dream is too large, then it is worth using this method. There are two variations in water leaders:

  1. In the glass you need to dial ordinary water and speak your desire. Then put it in the bed, as close as possible to the headboard. And waking up at night to drink in small sips. When the water is over, the favorite in a dream will appear.
  2. The second way is to write your desire on paper, put a glass with water on it and leave near the bed.

In order for the effect to be stronger, you can combine the two of these methods.

Any girl is something and dealing with the question: "Who loves me"? Or does anyone love me at all? Agree to know the answers to the above-mentioned questions, it is vital. Why? First of all, because it raises self-esteem. This information is needed in order to competently build relationships with the opposite sex. After all, when you know how a person belongs to you, you can always predict a lot, you can calculate the steps forward, you can roughly understand what it will be to wait for you with this person.

Another side of this issue is a lie. After all, it is very often that you are hanging noodles on your ears, saying that they love to live without you, that you are literally everything for this person! But for some reason you do not tell. You just have a very well developed intuition, and it is she who says you: "Do not believe! Something is wrong here"!

At such moments, I really want to check where the "dog buried"? Does he really love me or really lying? How can this be figured out? Do not hire a detective to you, which will follow your chosen one. In fact, it is already somehow ridiculous, and not cheap it is a lesson. Services of this kind of specialist will take you in a very and very round sum.

Instead of playing in detective stories, instead of throwing money to the wind, and sit and wait from the sea of \u200b\u200bweather, much easier to go to the mogray site. After all, our regulars note that the presented our fortune tells always come true. So, find the right section - divination online for free "Who loves me"? And just find out the whole truth!