Thanksgiving in America: Holiday History. Thanksgiving in the USA: History and traditions of the holiday What is the day of Thanksgiving

Each country has its own traditions and reasons for celebrating especially important events in history. For the Americans, thanksgiving Day became an embodiment of several ideas at once: thanks to God for giving people, neighbor - for his love, friendship and support, and the ancestors who have passed a long thorny path, who formed the state as we see it to this day .

Today we will learn the most interesting facts and traditions of Thanksgiving Day in 2018, which will help you to become more erudite and loyal to someone else's culture.

What is the day of Thanksgiving

By the way, Americans and Canadians celebrate this celebration at different times. So, among citizens of the United States to say "thanks" adopted in November, namely on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month, and in Canadians - in the second Monday of October.

Thus, in 2018, the United States will celebrate the long-awaited holiday on November 22, and in neighboring Canada - October 8.

history of the holiday

It should be noted that Thanksgiving is one of the most ancient holidays of American culture. For the first time, he was noted in 1641, the colonists sailing to the territory of America. The ship with new settlers approached the shores yet an unknown continent at the end of autumn.

Diseases and hunger, which happened to the passengers of the ship, strongly sued the health of some and took the lives of others. Therefore, people who arrived at the new land were exhausted and fell into despair at the form of a completely unkivated continent.

The first winter in America for them was especially harsh. Of the few number of arrivals, quite a few people left, who absolutely did not understand how to properly grow a crop on the rocky earth of the new continent. Then the Indians came to the rescue - the local population, who taught them to properly cultivate various cultures, build houses and to be treated with local plants.

The first day of thanksgiving, which traditionally celebrates at the end of the autumn, when the entire harvest is sleeping, and the crust is broken from the supplies, the locals celebrated together with colonializers at one table.

Now the holiday has lost their former sense. From now on Thanksgiving is family celebrationwhich is designed to unite people of all generations for the sake of common memory and thanks to each other for the care, love and respect.

Thanksgiving traditions

The US citizens are made to hold a holiday in a circle of relatives and closest friends. On this day, Americans are usually going to a family festive dinner, which is arranged in the house of the highest representatives of the family.

At the same time, on the table, there are no compulsory dishes such as baked turkey in crank sauce and pumpkin pie, it does not go on Thanksgiving and without sweet potatoes. According to historians, the same spruce and the first migrants on the feast with the Indians. There is a celebration and their traditional drink - apple cider.

By the way, before proceeding to the meal, all family members, as a rule, thank God and each other for all the good, what happened to them in the last year.

Another tradition of thanksgiving is - "pardon" turkey. This ceremony is usually held on the lawn at the White House on the eve of the celebration. On it, as usual, in addition to the president of the United States, there are two more turkeys: the main conviction of the celebration is "National Turkey" and her doubleler - "Vice-Turkey" (in case the first bird will happen to something). During the ceremony, the American leader in tradition reads a decree on the pardon of the main turkey of the country (its deputy, as a rule, is also alive), and then happy to be sent to the zoo, where she lives until the natural death dies.

By the way, the "National Turkey" and "Vice-Turkey" choose ordinary Americans. For this, the White House holds a special vote every year, during which wishes are invited to choose the best bird from 30 feathered candidates.

In addition, on the eve of Thanksgiving Day, it is customary to do good deeds. In particular, there is very popular among the benefactors distribution of free lunches: thus need to see the feeling of the holiday. And sometimes the plates with food homeless and the poor gives the president himself.

Also traditional in this festive November day are costume parades. So, the parade organized by the Maceis Department Store in New York is especially popular. This grand procession passes from the Central Park to the 34th street (Manhattan), where the famous Macy's, which has long become one of the attractions of the city. At the same time, the participants in the parade, among which are usually a lot of celebrities, carry huge inflatable figures of characters of popular cartoons and comic characters. A huge crowds of local residents and tourists are always going to look at this action.

In addition, on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month in the United States, as a rule, a festive football match is held. Therefore, many American men spend some of the day of thanksgiving in front of the TV, the pain for your favorite team.

It is worth noting the fact that the day of Thanksgiving usually opens a New Year's period, when Americans begin to actively prepare for Christmas and the New Year. The fact is that immediately after the holiday in the United States comes "Black Friday" and the pre-Organ sales will start.

Thanksgiving is celebrated only in two countries - the United States and Canada, however, a celebration is known for the whole world. And the Americans have a special attitude towards him: they like this holiday so much that the actions of many films filmed in Hollywood and TV shows at least partially occur the day when it is decided to thank God and loved ones for all the good.

What is the day of Thanksgiving

By the way, Americans and Canadians celebrate this celebration at different times. So, among citizens of the United States to say "thanks" adopted in November, namely on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month, and in Canadians - in the second Monday of October.

Thus, in 2018, the United States will celebrate the long-awaited holiday on November 22, and in neighboring Canada - October 8.

history of the holiday

The occurrence of the holiday is associated with the group of English Protestants-Puritan, which fleeing in September 1620 from religious persecution in their homeland sailed on MayFlower to the new light. After two months of swimming, their ship moored to the east coast of America (New England).

They went on the territory of the current state of Massachusetts, where it was decided to break the first camp. However, the new light was not merciful to migrants: difficulties in search of food, a harsh local climate, unknown diseases - all this served as a deterioration of life conditions. More than half of the colonists are seriously ill and died on the new continent already in the first winter from hunger and needs.

The remaining in Living Puritans created the Plymouth colony, the oldest village of the British in America, and little-lined friendly relations with local aborigines. The American Indians played a decisive role in their survival, with joy responded to the requests of new neighbors, helped to establish life and lead the economy.

Thanks to the Indians, the immigrants learned to handle the land, cultivate the pumpkin, sow beans and corn, hunt on wild turbines. By the way, the recipe for the famous maple syrup strangers got just from the Indians.

A suddenly rich harvest in the fall of 1621 became the colonists award for efforts. And since the first settlers were deeply religious Christians, they decided to gratitude to the Lord for his grace. An Indians of the tribe were invited to celebrate, which helped them to stay alive.

For a long time, thanksgiving was an unofficial holiday in New England and was celebrated from the case.

After the proclamation of the independence of the United States in 1776, the young country had to hurry to turn their own traditions and holidays. Thanksgiving in the United States became a public holiday in 1789 with the easy hand of the first president of George Washington. They were signed a decree on celebrating the Day of Thanksgiving on November 26th of each year.

And yet, national recognition and love holiday found only in 1864, when on this day Abraham Lincoln called on the troops of the North and the South to end with military actions and, dividing the shared table and food, to come to a peaceful solution to the issue. A year later, the civil war was an end, and celebrated Thanksgiving Day was decided on the last Thursday of every November. In 1941, this date was legally approved.

Thanksgiving traditions

The US citizens are made to hold a holiday in a circle of relatives and closest friends. On this day, Americans are usually going to a family festive dinner, which is arranged in the house of the highest representatives of the family.

At the same time, on the table, there are no compulsory dishes such as baked turkey in crank sauce and pumpkin pie, it does not go on Thanksgiving and without sweet potatoes. According to historians, the same spruce and the first migrants on the feast with the Indians. There is a celebration and their traditional drink - apple cider.

By the way, before proceeding to the meal, all family members, as a rule, thank God and each other for all the good, what happened to them in the last year.

Another tradition of thanksgiving is - "pardon" turkey. This ceremony is usually held on the lawn at the White House on the eve of the celebration. On it, as usual, in addition to the president of the United States, there are two more turkeys: the main conviction of the celebration is "National Turkey" and her doubleler - "Vice-Turkey" (in case the first bird will happen to something). During the ceremony, the American leader in tradition reads a decree on the pardon of the main turkey of the country (its deputy, as a rule, is also alive), and then happy to be sent to the zoo, where she lives until the natural death dies.

By the way, the "National Turkey" and "Vice-Turkey" choose ordinary Americans. For this, the White House holds a special vote every year, during which wishes are invited to choose the best bird from 30 feathered candidates.

In addition, on the eve of Thanksgiving Day, it is customary to do good deeds. In particular, there is very popular among the benefactors distribution of free lunches: thus need to see the feeling of the holiday. And sometimes the plates with food homeless and the poor gives the president himself.

Also traditional in this festive November day are costume parades. So, the parade organized by the Maceis Department Store in New York is especially popular. This grand procession passes from the Central Park to the 34th street (Manhattan), where the famous Macy's, which has long become one of the attractions of the city. At the same time, the participants in the parade, among which are usually a lot of celebrities, carry huge inflatable figures of characters of popular cartoons and comic characters. A huge crowds of local residents and tourists are always going to look at this action.

In addition, on the fourth Thursday of the last autumn month in the United States, as a rule, a festive football match is held. Therefore, many American men spend some of the day of thanksgiving in front of the TV, the pain for your favorite team.

It is worth noting the fact that the day of Thanksgiving usually opens a New Year's period, when Americans begin to actively prepare for Christmas and the New Year. The fact is that immediately after the holiday in the United States comes "Black Friday" and the pre-Organ sales will start.

We want to acquaint you more often with the traditions of those countries in which the English language is native. And let's start with Thanksgiving Day. This year, Thanksgiving in the United States celebrate November 22 - let's get to him! Find out what is true, and what is not: Thanksgiving celebrates your day in Canada, the turkey was not always on the tables of Americans, and Macy's parade appeared a few years ago.

When mentioning Thanksgiving Day, many have associations with the Maiflower ship and pilgrims in ridiculous caps. Today we learn more about this holiday and its traditions.

Thanksgiving Day in English

Let's look at the lesson from CrashCourse and find out why our school ideas about the day of Thanksgiving in the United States are not quite true - the first colonists ratified not for the freedom of religious views, but for burning pockets with money.

Word / phraseTransfer
pluckybrave, decisive
to Strike A Blow for Smthto defend something to support anything
barren Landearth, unsuitable for cultivation
pasty.pale, unhealthy (about the color of the face)
persecution.persecution (usually political or religious reasons)
to settleset up
chastity.chastity, impossible
a GOLDSMITH.zolotar (jeweler working with gold)
to Starve.die with hunger
gruesome.horrible, scary
to dwindleshrink, decrease
to Hit Upon Somethingthink about something
the Headright Systemland made, assigned to the families of settlers
a Slave.slave
loatchSome.nasty, repulsive
tax Revenue.state revenues from tax collection
a Landowner.landowner
overwhelminglymostly, mainly
to Outnumberoutnumber
pestilenceplague, Mor.
a widow.widow
a Framework.code of Rules and Laws
a TRIBE.tribe
to Wipe Out.destroy
to Subsumeset to any category
affectionaffection, location
superfluity.excessive abundance
to Outweightexist to be more important
eminent.outstanding, revered
in subjectionin submission
to Banishexit, send to the link
indigenous.native, Local (about the population)

A small green territory, which was stated in the video, this canada. This country celebrates Thanksgiving. We learn why so:

Word / phraseTransfer
corned Beef.beefs of Solonina.
a Biscuit (AME)bun
mushy Peas.pea mash
to thrivesucceed, flourish
statutory.established by law

Want to know more about American and British traditions? Sign up for a free introductory lesson to.

Thanksgiving Day Traditions in the USA

Americans adore this holiday and comply with many thanksgiving traditions. Let's learn about the main from the following video:

Word / phraseTransfer
the (American) Civil WarCivil War in America (1861-1865)
the Second Course.second course)
to Digest.digest
to Stick Aroundstay

The first parade from the Macy's department store network, which mentioned in the video took place in 1924. The NBC television channel broadcasts a three-hour view in New York since 1952, but many families with children come to Manhattan to look at this colorful spectacle. Giant inflatable balls fly to the music of the orchestras in the form of cartoon characters - they reach the height of six-storey buildings.

Want to visit the Macy's virtual excursion from the 20s of the last century to zero current? At the bottom of the site presents its interactive history.

Let's look at the studio, where you develop the design of the balls for the parade:

How long was the first Macy's parade and how many people were present on it, learn from the following video:

Word / phraseTransfer
roaring 20'sstormy, rampant 20s
a, illegally selling alcoholic beverages during the dry law in the US
considerably.significantly, many
an Estimate.counting, preliminary assessment
to claimdeclare
sMASHING SUCCESS.stunning success

If you want to make Thanksgiving for Thanksgiving a festive turkey or another traditional dish, use the recipes from the following video:

Word / phraseTransfer
no-Fuss (here)easy cooking
to Rinsewash
a roasting rackroast grille
to Pat Dry.wipe dry
to Melt.melt
a Garlic Clove.cover garlic
freshly Cracked Pepper.freshly ground pepper
to RUB.rub
to Pour.pour
to roast.fry in the oven
a Roasting Pan.bastard
chicken Stockchicken bouillon
to Strain.filter
gravy.meat gravy
to thicken.thicken
a Bay Leaf.bay leaf
a Dash of Smthpinch of something, a drop of something
to Simmercook / keep on low heat
a Breast.breast
a Platter.big flat plate or dish
a Cranberry.cranberry
orange Zestzestra Orange
a CINNAMON STICK.cornish stick
to sprinkleto sprinkle
to Stir.mix
veggie Stuffing.vegetarian casserole
a leek.leek
a Celery Stalk.celery stem
a Sheet Pan.bastard
to Toss.shake, stir
Brussels sprouts
sliced.sliced \u200b\u200bslices
to Drizzle.sprinkle
to season.slend
a Hazelnut.hazelnut
cornstarch.corn starch
a Pinch of Salta pinch of salt
heavy Creamfat cream
a Walnut.walnut

If you lack holidays in the fall and you decided to celebrate Thanksgiving, do not forget to decorate your home:

Word / phraseTransfer
a Sign.plate, signboard
canvas.canvas, cloth
a Centerpiece.central element
burlapburlap, jut fabric
a Mason jacket with screw lid
a LACE RIBBON.lacy tape
a Table Runner.narrow tablecloth
a Pumpkin.pumpkin
a Spray Paint.caller with paint
a Place Cardcard with a guest name, pointing his place at the table
chalk.a piece of chalk
a Napkin.napkin
trimneat, cute, elegant
a Garland.garland

And the last tradition-related thanksgiving is a big sale, known as Black Friday.

Word / phraseTransfer
to Fight Backrepulse
to Tackle One's Christmas Christmas Listdeal with a list of christmas gifts (buy gifts)
to See Redget angry, ribbon
fierce.fierce, cruel
the Savviest Business Tacticsthe most reasonable / competent business solutions

Thanksgiving in American advertising

Word / phraseTransfer
to ordererorder
a Bore.boring occupation
Word / phraseTransfer
to Cluck.caching (about sound published by chicken)
to Gobble.kuldyk (about sound published turkey)
an Expression On One's Faceexpression on the face
an Eagle.eagle
graceful.elegant, graceful

Thanksgiving in Canada and the United States are celebrated with a scope. This is a big family holiday, in which families are going together, eat turkey, watch football matches and Macy's parade. If we forgot something to tell about the celebration of Thanksgiving Day in the US, write in the comments - we will be happy to additions!

In the air, smelled in winter. This means that very soon we will start preparing for the new year and Christmas. But when will the moment comes, allowing you to choose the New Year tree without a remorse, are tangerines and wait for the New Year's Miracle? In the US, there is a date after which preparation for the holiday season is considered officially open. it Thanksgiving DayWhen gathering at the festive table, it is customary to tell his gratitude. And for whom and for what - let's understand.

Thanksgiving Day History

As we remember from the lessons of history, the first migrants from England arrived to the shores of America in 1620. They landed on the continent in November and founded the colony. But the first winter was a Surva to new residents, many of them died. Next year, local Indians teach these white people how to properly grow a crop on a new land. When it was time to collect a harvest, the first governor of the colonists offered to spend the day of gratitude to the Lord. Of course, the Indians who helped the immigrants were called on this holiday. This day and became the first celebration of Thanksgiving Day.

After receiving independence from England, the first president of the country George Washington He offered to celebrate Thanksgiving every year on November 26. Over time, this holiday secured their own day - the last Thursday of November. On this topic, the US Congress even accepted Bill in 1941. And since since the day of Thanksgiving became one of the largest US events. This year he falls on November 26..

Useful words in English

Colonist - Colonist, settler
American Indian - American Indian
Thanksgiving Day - Thanksgiving Day
Harvest - Vintage, Harvest
Feast - feast
Meal - Eating, Food
Thursday - Thursday
Tradition - Tradition
To celebrate - celebrate

Thanksgiving Day celebration

Nowadays, thanksgiving - one of the three most important US holidays (the rest of two is Christmas and Independence Day, which is celebrated on July 4). Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it is celebrated with a special scope. The whole country is dying: stores and all government agencies are closed for this holiday. Many Americans receive the day off and the next day after the holiday.

Religious people are attended by the Church. Less religious remains at home, watch the parade and prepare a special American food. On the table must be turkey. This is the main dish of Thanksgiving. By the way, the turkey is served not just so, and under cranberry sauce. Each family often has its own secret recipe for such a sauce. On the American tradition on the table you can find potato mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, green beans.

On Thanksgiving Day The average American eats about 4000 calories. As we remember, 2000 calories - more than enough person per day. So it is not surprising that after such a number of food, people with difficulty move and seek to be in a kind of overeating. Americans this condition is called "Food COMA". This topic, by the way, is devoted to a rather large number of jokes for Thanksgiving.

All day, Americans remember why they are grateful this year. So do not be surprised if you find long lists on social networks on the pages of your foreign friends on this day, telling about who and for what they are grateful.

Useful words in English

Sauce - sauce
Cranberry Sauce - Cranberry Sauce
Stuffing - turkey filling
Turkey - Turkey
Gravy - gravy
Dinner - dinner
Pumpkin Pie - Pumpkin Pie
Leftovers - Food residues
To CARVE - cut turkey

Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Like any holiday, Thanksgiving has its own traditions that are inherent only to Him.

Useful words

Soup Kitchen - Free Dining
Parade - Parade
To Worship - worship, read
Charity - Charity
To Give Thanks - Tax
Gobble - the sound that gives the turkey; gobble

Thanksgiving turkey

Let's talk to you about the main heroine of the festive table. It is believed that the weight of the middle turkey on the day of thanksgiving for the holiday is 8-9 kilograms. Therefore, small families sometimes buy only turkey breasts. Of course, it may not be easy to bake such a big bird in the oven. So sometimes you need help when cooking such American food.

That is why it works on the holiday telephone hotlinewhere you will help you not to burn the idea. It is believed that this line has been working for about 30 years. At the other end of the wire there are a little more than 50 people who advise what to do in a critical "turkey" situation. Such an emergency line works in November and December. According to the site, these months they respond more than 100,000 questions about the preparation of the main dish. Your question can be answered in Spanish, and in English. Moreover, a couple of strong sex representatives work on the support line. Probably, they believe that only a man can explain to another man, how to bake turkey.

For vegetarians, there is also its own turkey, though it consists of tofu. And she is called Tofurky(Tofu + Turkey). Of course, it does not look like a real bird. Tofurky can take different types of sausages to minced meat. But on Thanksgiving, you usually buy something that is very similar to the chunks of a meat roll with a filling. Only in this meat roll there is no meat. On the Internet and culinary journals there are a lot of recipes for various dishes for vegetarians, which can try to replace the old-good turkey.

Useful words

Hotline - Telephone "Hot Line"
Recipe - Recipe
Frozen Turkey - Frozen Turkey
To Defrost - Displays
To roast - bake
Giblets - Potroach
Pop-Up Thermometer is a small thermometer that is laid turkey. Little part of this thermometer will fly out (Pop Up) when the meat inside the turkey will reach the desired temperature

Pop-Up Thermometer

For us, unfortunately, this holiday is familiar with only television shows and films. Let's see how the gloomy of Thanksgiving Day penetrates and see how this day our good friends from various TV shows are celebrated.

Series "American Family" ("Modern Family")

Series "Friends" ("Friends")

The series "How I Met Your Mother" ("How I Met Your Mother")

Schutikova Anna

By tradition, every fourth Thursday of November, the Americans have praised God for a rich harvest. Over time, the holiday has lost its religious roots and turned into a family celebration.

Thanksgiving, or in English Thanksgiving Day, is associated with the history of the first migrants from England, who sailed to the shores of America in 1620 and founded in the current state of Massachusetts Plymouth colony.

More than half of the arrivals could not survive the winter and died, and the survivors with the help of local Indians took up agriculture. Having received a rich harvest, in the fall of 1621, the colonists invited the leader's leaders and the Indians of the tribe to dinner, which helped them survive. This was the first celebration of Thanksgiving Day.

After a century, one of the founding fathers and the first US president George Washington offered to celebrate Thanksgiving annually on November 26. The following US presidents changed each other changed the date when, in their opinion, it followed the whole country to celebrate this day, and in 1941 the current order of the celebration was approved - every fourth Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving is a day when people can thank that they have. Families and friends are going together at the festive table, to which traditionally prepare stuffed turkey, potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

There is also a tradition in the White House - "Pardon of Turkey" on the eve of the holiday. For this ceremony, several birds are taken, whose candidates are then set to vote on the site of the White House, they also choose names.

In addition, US presidents are distributed often on the eve of the holiday dinner for homeless or elderly.

Among the inhabitants of New York has already become a tradition, on the day of Thanksgiving from an early morning to come to the whole family on Manhattan to see the famous parade of inflatable figures of the network of Masisis department stores. More than two million people are going along the path of his follows to greet the participating in the parade and enjoy an amazing spectacle. Parads pass in some cities and towns. On this day, the opening of the Christmas shopping season is also noted. After thanksgiving in the USA.

Most USA, enterprises, schools, universities, colleges and other organizations are closed on this day. Many offices and enterprises allow employees to have a long four-day weekend.

Thanksgiving is considered one of the busiest periods for traveling.

In recent years, Thanksgiving in Ukraine is gaining increasing popularity. Earlier, this holiday in our country was celebrated mainly in the Protestant environment, and he began to acquire a national scale after the revolution of dignity.

On September 23, in Kiev, the second time marked Thanksgiving holiday, which was visited by more than 100 thousand people. Residents and guests of the capital gathered at the Maidan to thank God for their country, for the family, for the harvest.

In 2017, the legendary motivational speaker Nick Vuychich was invited to this action in Kiev - a man without hands and feet. Then his speech gathered several hundred thousand guests on Khreshchatyka, and thanks to the live broadcast, the event could see millions of viewers around the world.