Create a cat costume. How to sew clothes for cat do it yourself decorate shoes to cat suit

Children's event is a fascinating quest for Mom. In the short time it is necessary to choose a character, consider the image, find a suit and accessories, if necessary, grate the child. One of the popular characters on children's holidays is a cat. This can be either a stylized image of an animal, where the color, the form of the ears, the tail length, fluffy fur coat and accessories depend on taste and the existing creator materials. Either the hero of the beloved cartoon or fairy tale of a child.

Ideas for creating a "cat" costume

Undoubtedly, the outfit must correspond to the aesthetic needs of the mother, but it is important to remember that the chief critic is a child.
Modern children grew not at the time of good Leopold, Sly Basilio, hardworking Matroskin. Therefore, the images of these characters on children's holidays lose relevance.

The current generation has its heroes.

  • Merry cogichik, caramel and compote - the cartooner "Three Cat".
  • Dead supercoth - the animated series "Lady Bag and Supercot".
  • Magnificent cat in boots - Cartoon "Shrek".
  • Ketbo - the animated series "Heroes in masks".

Costume options

The foundation

Play the image is easy. Surely young fashionable in the wardrobe has a red trapezoid dress. If not, my mother will try, and in a couple of hours it will save him.

To do not mess around for a long time with the pattern, any free girl dress is taken, and based on it is created. Sleeves and collar are not needed. The top can be cut on figurine either in a straight line, after processing the oblique bay in the tone of the dress.

Reference! Kosya Beyk can be done by himself. Remove the strips of 4 cm wide diagonally relative to the equity line, fold along in half and shifted.


Big red bow and cute angular ears Will not look at small fashionistas. Attach the components can be on the rim.

For ears there will be needed fur triangles in red tones, as well as white fleece elements of a little less. Details are stacked by face to face, connect on the sewing machine or manually, they are fed by syntheps. Then turned, sewn to the rim.

In the center of the rim is observed by a big bow. So that during the active games he did not fall, a stitch pair sufficiently attach it to the ears.

The foundation

Top - T-shirt in the blue strip or vest. If there are no striped things, you can put color stripes on a white t-shirt.

Bottom - blue pants or jeans. There are some kind of boy for sure.


On the head - without a sailor, like a sailor. If one's own friends or relatives are wandering for one evening. If not, make it not won't work.

From a dense blue cardboard, a rectangle is cut with a height of 6-8 cm, 35 cm wide, gluits a cylinder. The white circle is also glued, the diameter of which is greater than that of the cylinder, by 1.5-2 cm. Anchor image is applied to the front of the resulting Corroser, two satin ribbons are sewn behind, 15 cm long.

To keep the headdress well, you will need a fine gum, for which the holes on the sides of the cylinder are cut. The ears are made in the same way as caramel, and attach to the gum along with the headdress.

Top is a green shirt. Bottom - green pants. If the houses were put on the old bright things that the child would not dress, you can experiment and change the color of special paint for clothes.

If trousers are short - not scary. Cutting them, it will turn out excellent Capri.

Green kitten cap is easy to get from cotton stockings by making a lapse on them. And to the tip to sew pompon from threads for knitting.

It is necessary to fill the cap Sinyprunus so that he holds the form. Or insert inside the cone from the cardboard. Everything, along with the ears, is attached to the gum.

The base of the costume is black turtleneck and trousers, ideally tight.

Under the neck, at the level of the jugular excavation, it is necessary to sew an amulet, which has a ball shape with a diameter of 3-4 cm. It is just done, it is enough to buy a golden foil in any stationery store and minimize it in the desired shape.

Ears and bandage

To create a dressing on the eyes best fit a knitted canvas of black. The edges of the knitwear do not need to be processed when creating holes for the eyes. This greatly simplifies work.

For ears it will be necessary felt of black. 4 identical parts are linked, which are pairwise with each other and are stuffed with a thin layer of synthesis. On the contour, the wire is laughed, which will give the necessary form. After the formation of the ears, they are sewn on the gum

Puss in Boots

For a raincoat, a cut of black fabric is suitablewhich will be fastened under the neck on the button.

Reference! It is better to purchase a large button on a leg with a metal tint. It will look better than the usual, and harmoniously complement the image.

To create a boot of thick paper or tissue, a well-holding form, two truncated cones are cut. A smaller base is attached to the shoes with ribbons or rubber bands. More turns away and the burgundy braid is processed along the edge. The boots themselves should be black.

Adjust the image is needed by a sword. If there was no one in the toys, thick wire, foil, cropped bottom plastic bottle and a large bead for tip will help. In the center of the bottom of the bottle is made a hole in which the wire is inserted. One end turns into a handle, the bead is attached to another.

Attention! No acute items on children's holidays are allowed, so the presence of a tip is necessarily!

After the manufacturer of the sword is completely turning to the foil.


Character ears are hidden under a black hat with burgundy edging. Find a headdress of this plan will not be difficult, but to sew a color braid - work for 10 minutes. One of the parties is neatly attached to Tulle, a large yellow feather is inserted there. Similar accessories are sold in finishing and decor stores

Reference! A good alternative to the purchase of Peru will be self-made. It is necessary to enclose the wire with color scotch or paper and cut the necessary shape.

Loves of babies dressed in blue fitting clothes, so Turtleneck and trousers in these tones will come across.

A white drawing is applied to the breast line with acrylic paints in the form of a mask on the eyes. If the paints did not turn under hand, you can cut the applique of white fabric and gently sew it.

I will pick up a blue knitted hat on your head. There are ears of similar colors. Self the cap must be chosen so that it closes the eyes and nose. After the eyes are ready for eye, white eyebrows and strips on the sides of the head and from above are carefully drawn, just like a young hero.

Important Detail of Costume - Tail

  • For caramel, cortish and compote tail decoration identical. A fur or tissue band with a pile is folded in half, flashed on both sides, slightly stuffed with syntheps. Caramel's tail is better to connect with tights of the girl so that he opposes dresses. For a compote and cortish tails are attached to the belt.
  • . A thin and long tail will be perfectly from a black stocking, which is styling with syntheps, and then attached to the belt.
  • Puss in Boots. From the removable fluffy collar will also get a great tail created by analogy with the fur.

Reference! So that the hero's sword is always with it, you can go to the belt with a hair band.

  • . The tail is sewn from the blue knitwear, it is drawn up with light stripes and slightly stuffed. You can sew it to the belt of trousers.

Useful Tips for Creating Cat Costume

  • You can not fill the tail too tightOtherwise, he will lose its mobility and softness.
  • With the ears, the other way around, the more tightly they are packed, the better the form holds.
  • Any character needs gloves. It is desirable that the accessory is in the tone of the costume. Nails are drawn by acrylic paints, or felt triangles are sewn on fingertips;
  • An excellent mustache can draw a pencil for the eyes. - Important attribute of any cat.

Children's events are designed to give joy. If you see that the baby in the image of the favorite hero, with glitter in the eyes and a happy smile, it means that Mom did everything right!

    It is interesting to watch the costumes of the cat here this type (photo below).

    You can choose clothes out of the wardrobe or sew. Adjust a suit with a fate, fur, boa.

    It is enough to make ears on the rim.

    Well, do not forget about the tail.

    The face is applied with makeup (painted nose and mustache).

    Many parents, with the approach of the New Year and children's matinees in gardens and schools, are wondering how to create a carnival outfit for his beloved hell.

    Excellent step-by-step instructions, with patterns and photos, to create cat costume with your own hands You can see by this site..

    The result is such a pretty cat costume. The only thing, do not forget to draw on the face of the girl makeup for this cat costume - a chicken nose and mustache.

    And on here this site. There are still several useful instructions for creating cat costume with your own hands. Even the easiest cat suit looks very original and your baby with pleasure glitter on the matinee in such a dress.

    We also remember to make the costume of cats. We very quickly invented with a friend as we will do it, so that I liked the kids. The only thing we bought is the gray striped slim sweater and the rim with ears. And the rest were infirmized materials. The costume consisted of this blouse, gray tights, a gray skirt, a rim with ears and a tail (who sewed from old trousers, filled the trousers with residues, and at the bottom, so that the tail would be swept into the wire). And one more not a unavailable moment, draw the cat's muffin, did nose and mustache. Children were very happy.

    Cat costume is suitable for any thematic holiday or for the new year. If you do for a child, you can just decorate a black dress tail and dress ears that are often sold with a rim.

    If you want to make a serious suit, you can see in the video:

    I propose to sew such a costume cat:

    Let's start with the ears. You will need a bezel, paper, pieces of felt of black and pink colors.

    We fold a sheet of paper in half and make this pattern:

    By template, cut out ears from the felt of black color:

    Now wrap the ears around the rim and sew them:

    Now, from pink felt, we cut two triangle smaller sizes:

    we glue them with glue:

    Now we make tail. You will need cardboard tubes from toilet paper and from towels, black stocking, fur.

    Wrap a package around the tubes.

    Insert the resulting workpiece into stockings.

    to the tail sew slices of fur:

    Now proceed to a magnificent skirt. It can be made from the fate. We apply the bands from the fabric and tie them to the belt.

    We pick up a blouse and golfs, and the costume will be ready.

    Cat costume is one of the most popular for girls, and it's not entirely difficult to make it. To begin with, you will need to decide, you want to sew a cat costume (this will require a little longer time) or make from undergraduated materials?

    If you decide to sew a costume of the cat, then at first think the details of the costume. Perhaps it will be a vest with a skirt or a vest with shorts.

    The skirt can be sewed from the velvet fabric of black, red or gray, the model is the sun or half. You can also use fatin. Do not forget to attack the tail of the tail, and we make ears from the fabric on your head (attached to the rim).

    This will look like a cat suit from a vest with a vest:

    If you do not know how or do not like to sew, you can make a cat costume easier. To do this, you will need a suit from Velor, consisting of trousers and a jumper. Velur is very fluffy, cat material. Attach the tail of the trousers, stitched from the velor, and on the head - the hoop with ears. You can draw on the face of the baby with a cat's fruit. Here is a suit and ready!

    Cat costume does not have to buy or rent. The most difficult thing is to make sure items yourself: ears and tail and optional - butterfly. In addition, it is necessary to check the wardrobe for those or other things that would be combined with each other.

    For example, you can take white openwork tights, a white skirt, white strawberry and an even turtleneck with jerky shoes.

    The second option can be a jeep skirt and a chimney turtleneck, but white tights with shoes (white or chrn).

    It is important that your butterfly color is the opposite turtleneck.

    I suggest the ears to make the pattern presented below.

    And the tail is a rectangular piece of fabric stitched and filled with cotton. It is better to sew the tail to the top of the skirt.

    Cat costume make quite simple. You can use for this any clothes like trousers (it is better to take straight pants, such as losine) with a turtleneck for example, or a blouse with a skirt, or a dress. Clothes take better black. Next you need to make a tail and ears on your head. The ears can be made of material and attach to hair rim. If you have pieces of fur, then they can be sewed on the sleeves, gates and to the head of the skirt.

    In principle, the cat's costume is an assembly of various elements, some of which you can find at home: tights or leggings of the desired color, gloves, blouse. It will only be possible to separate. Great, if you drucribe your child's face, something like such makeup makeup:

    Here is a good idea of \u200b\u200ba black suit:

    Cat ears are the easiest to plant on the rim, when you can choose two ways:

    • wrap for the rim and hide it under the tissue;
    • either make ears and without a standing material, for example, felt.

    Here is another interesting option, the costume sews from white atlas:

    Parents of young children often suffer about the question - and what cares about my child on a carnival, children's matinee, holiday, new year? And this is a very important question, believe me. If you do something ugly or not fashionable (among children), then simply spoil the mood of your chad. You do not want this? Then the first thing you need to decide on the choice of the most costume, or rather the hero. It is best to do with the child himself. Be sure to ask his opinion on this issue. Now I can offer very beautiful and fashion Costume suit for your daughter. In this video, it is shown - how to make the costume of cats with your own hands. Look necessary. And now there are several examples of such costumes.

New Year partly can be called a children's holiday. After all, who, no matter how children are waiting for him with a big impatience than adults, they believe in Santa Claus, write him letters with their desires and put them under the Christmas tree, in Hope, the good wizard will read and fulfill all their desires. And, of course, every child I want to transform in the New Year, having experienced images of fabulous heroes, magical characters or loved animals. And who, how nor a mother is able to make a child's desire? To make moms easier to sew a fabulous costume, we developed the patterns of New Year's costumes:

Today we offer you another pattern of a carnival costume for a girl - Cat costume. This suit is very popular among girls thanks to the famous film of a cat's cat, the main character of which was desperately struggling for justice, demonstrating unprecedented flexibility and agility.

Our cat costume is created for the girl and therefore the black color is replaced by spotted, however, the image is guessed immediately and from this costume only wins. In addition, in this option to sew the costume is very simple.

So, before you begin to model the pattern of the New Year's costume of the cat, it is necessary to build the pattern of the dresses of the software.

Patterns of children's clothing
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Modeling costume cat

On the pattern of the dressing of the dresses from the point T2 to the left and to the right, set aside 2 cm. Draw a new line of the sides of the passage and back of the costume. From the waist line, set down 5-6 cm, swipe the lines on the edge and back as shown in Fig. 1. Cut the pattern by lines.

The neck of the handle and the back is deepened by 1.5 cm and increase by 3 cm, as shown in Fig. one.

Fig. 1. Pattern of the carnival costume - front and back

Sleeves lanterns. By pattern of sleeves, simulate the sleeve lantern as shown in Fig. 2. The length of the sleeve is equal to the length of the sleeves by measurement + 3 cm. Pattern Class vertically on 4 parts and extend to 3 cm from each other at distances. Spend a new OKAT line as shown in Fig. 2. Slice position at a distance of 2.5 cm from the nose of the sleeve. Kuliski width 1 cm.

Fig.2. Pattern Sleeves Carnival Cat Suit

Skirt modeling. Fatine skirt with assembly on the upper edge and ruffles at the bottom. To get sufficient volume, it is necessary to carve out at least 5 lanes of a width of a width of 5 waist rates, the length of the bands is determined by the measurement. At the bottom of each band, damage the roller with a width of 3 cm. When sewing, refer to the sewing instructions for the Skirt American

How to carve carnival costume cats

From spotted knitwear to carve:

Before - 1 Detail with a fold

Back - 1 Detail with a fold

From black fabric carve out:

Lantern sleeve - 2 details

Skirt - 5 layers of the fate of the desired width and length.

Additionally, pick up the fire strips of 3 cm wide and the length of the nose length of the skirt, multiplied by 1.8.

Gaiters and wrappers: Measure the baby's shore girth and length from the top of the leg before the foot. Draw a rectangle - the pattern of the goths is ready. Call 2 details. Similarly, draw the pattern of the vioraner. Call 2 details.

The pattern of the ears is given in Fig. 3. The ears are attached to the rim, which can be bought in the store (they can be seed or glued with super-glue). The rim can also be covered with black cloth.

Fig. 3. Pattern of Carnival Costume Easy

For the tail, pick up a strip of black tissue from a knitwear with a width of about 9 cm and about 35-45 cm long (depending on the growth of the child). Additionally, you will need a black knitting gum that you need to buy in the shop of fittings.

How to sew a carnival costume

Still side and shoulder seams on details from Spotted knitwear on overlock. The neck cutout is treated with incorrect seam, adjust and pour a double needle.

Send the batteries on the bottom of the sleeves and shoot. To the sleeves, cut snacks or rubber veins. To in a rummer in the stem, adjust the length of the gum. Still seams of sleeves. Put the sleeves in the armor.

Ruffle strips Seam in the center and run down on the bottom of each layer of the fate. Skirt layers Still each separately. Fold the layers on the upper point and sweep. Seam the skirt on the upper point, notice to the top of the suit, dampen.

Tail. Tail detail Fold in half along, step up on a long and one short side, twisted, type syntheps, sustain to the back costume.

Gaitra and sleeves. Clear 8 stripes of knitted gum - 4 for the hetero and 4 for the violations (the gum should be slightly "in the tension"). Pass on the bottom and the top of the gutter and wrappers, slightly stretching gum. Details of the gtering and handbounds fold along half, beg.

Ears. Clean 2 details of the pubs of spotted fabric and 4 details of the eaves from black fabric. Strengthen the black details of the thermotalkan. Details made of motley fabrics are adjusted by contours and pour into parts from black tissue. Then fold the details of each easter in pairwise face to face, hold on two top sides and lower, leaving a non-intersectable portion for turning. Remove the details and squeeze the open areas manually. Test ears to the rim manually. Decorate the rim in addition to the bows.

Carnival cats cat ready. Meet holidays and have fun from the soul!

A black cat is a mystical creature, not in vain with it is connected so much a variety. Therefore, choosing an image for a party to Halloween, it is worth considering this character. Especially since the costume of cats on Halloween is enough to do at home.


Before proceeding to the manufacture of a suit, it is worth thinking about how your character will be. Photos of various options for images will allow you to learn ideas for creating a suit and makeup.

Perhaps it will be a cat-cat - a character of comics and Hollywood films. This heroin is brazed, sexy, extremely clever and inventive. Another option is a pretty homemade favorite that does not save the world, but it gives its masters a lot of positive emotions. Or maybe you should get along with a cat's witch's girlfriend? This character is seductive, but very cunning.

Basis of costume

Depending on the created image, the base of the costume is selected. So, the cat's costume cat is a fitting overalls of a brilliant material. However, it can be replaced by tight trousers and a suitable top.

A homemade cat or witch girlfriend may well be dressed in a dress or a skirt with a blouse. So, the main requirement for the costume is a color, as the cat we have black, then the clothes need to pick up the appropriate shade.

However, the black color can be slightly and "diluted." Especially if the image of homemade kitty is created. In this case, you can use a white manica and gloves.


So, make the costume of cats on Halloween is quite possible from ordinary clothes, which is in the wardrobe. But that clothes become similar to a carnival costume, it is necessary to add it details, namely:

  • ears;
  • tail.

We'll figure it out how to make these details with your own hands. If the image of a woman's cat is created, then you need to sew not just the ears, but a special hatching mask with eye slits.

To sew this detail of the costume, you will need knitted material, you can take an old T-shirt or buy in the shop Tricotin or other suitable fabric. The main thing is that it is well stretched, but the loops on the cuts were not crawled.

The pattern of the cap is very simple, you need to cut two rectangle from paper, and on the top long side from the angle to the angle to draw a smooth concave line. On the front side to portray eye cuts in the form of oval. The main difficulty in making patterns is to correctly determine the width. The size of the pattern will depend on the girth of the head and on the degree of tensile tissue, therefore it is necessary to determine with the size of the caps. It will be necessary to cover the head of the knitwear head and mark the desired width.

The cut cap is stitched over the side and upper semicircular side. Then you need to cut hole holes. Consider that when tensioning the fabric, the holes will significantly increase in size.

If the image of a homemade favorite is created, then the black cat suit for the girl can be added to another option of ears. For their manufacture, it will take hair hoop, as well as a felt or other dense material of black and pink colors. You should carve out the double item from the black material and, wrapped around the hoop around it, fix threads. Sew on the outer edge of the looping seam. Cut out of a pink material single detail smaller, put on a finished black part to imitate the inner side of the ear.

The tail for suit can be built in different ways. The easiest option is to cut a strip of artificial fur and sew to a skirt or trousers. But you can go and more complex by creating a bulk fluffy tail. This will require bushings from paper towels or toilet paper. Insert these parts into a black oscillation golf (you can cut off a piece from old pantyhose), sew, and then turn the fur or fluffy yarn "grass".

Adult suit will complement shoes on heels, appropriate makeup, as well as manicure with sharp marigolds (you can use overhead nails). If a dress is chosen as the basis, then you should wear black openwork stockings or tights. The neck can be decorated with velvet or satin butterfly tie.

Children's option suit

If a children's option is created by a cat suit, then the ears and the tail can be made in the same way as described above. But the base of the suit for girls can be different.

The easiest way, put on the baby legs and a T-shirt, by the way, you can not take black clothes, but with a leopard print. Complete suit lush skirt. With the manufacture of a skirt, even the most inexperienced seamstress will cope. For the manufacture of the skirt, the fatin of black color will be required. It is cut by strips with a width of 20 cm, the length of the bands is determined by the length of the skirt. In addition, a wide elastic rubber band will need, its length should be equal to the waist girth of the girl plus a few centimeters per battery.

Fire strips are harvested on a thread, tightened one of the short sides. Stretching the gum, sew the fatin to it in several layers, so that it turned out a lush "pack." The ends of the gum can be sewn, then the skirt will have to wear through the head, or sew a fastener.

Cat's ears for a children's costume can be made not only from the hoop, but also from the cap. You need to take a simple black knitted hat and sew two magnificent pompons, which will be depicted ears.

It remains to draw the girl aquagrim's speech on the nose and the "mustache", and the pretty black kitten is ready for the holiday.

Cat cat suit - excellent choice. It is a strong, sexy and always recognizable image. Despite the many interpretations, the feline jumpsuit is still relevant. Probably the most popular cat's appearance of all time is the image created by Michelle Pfaiffer in the film Tim Berton "Batman returns." However, the sexy cat Holly Berry and Ann Hathaway image in the film "Dark Knight: Revival Go after him. Below is a detailed instruction on creating all these images of women cats with appropriate make-up.


Part 1

Create image of a woman cat Michel Pfeiffer

    Get black vinyl overalls. This is an important detail of a cat-cat suit, and the image of Michel Pfeiffer is no exception. Try to find jumpsuit with long lightning front, high collar and long sleeves. Such overalls are sold in costume stores, it can also be bought on eBay.

    • If you do not have time or money to acquire a vinyl overalls, you can use anything similar from your wardrobe. For example, narrow leather leggings or even fitting black jeans.
    • Tight black turtleneck is suitable for top.
  1. Swallow white stripes throughout the jumpsuit. After all, you are trying to recreate the suit Michel Pfeiffer, which was covered with white stripes. At first you will need to draw lines on a white chalk suit.

    • You can cover with white lines all jumpsuit, only bottom or only top. Focus on the image of a cat cat, which are trying to recreate. Take a needle with a white thread and start scatching.
    • If your time is extremely limited, you can do the strips of white chalk or paint into some paint.
  2. Buy or make a cat mask. Black leather mask with cat ears, probably the most important element of the image of Michelle Pfaiffer. For greater similarities, it will be best to buy such a headdress online on Amazon or eBay. On these sites, complete sets are often sold, which include a mask, gloves and cat claws. But if you are constrained in the means, such a headpiece can make it easily at home. Here's how:

    Make gloves with claws. Claws should be worthy. You only need to get black gloves with a length of elbow, it would be better from a brilliant material, but any. Scissors cut sharp triangles on each finger.

    • You will need false black nails. The longer and sharper, the better. The tips of the overhead nails should look out of the triangular gaps that you left on gloves. Ta da yes dat!
    • On sale there are gloves already with glued nails, but making them yourself, you can remove gloves, leaving only claws.
  3. Dress black boots to the knees. For the usefulness of the image you will need black boots with a very high heel. Personally polish them before putting on: a woman - a cat will never dress in fragile boots.

    Part 2

    Create image of a woman-cat Holly Berry
    1. Arm yourself with black leather pants or leggings. The image of Holly Berry is somewhat different from the previous one, so the jumpsuit is completely optional. It is better that the pants are leather or from the material with the effect of humidity. Such can be found in the costume store.

      • Although the pants must be slugging from above, but they must expand the book. Such such wears in the film Holly Berry.
      • White chalk, draw on the trousers with lightning-shaped curves and cut them out with scissors to achieve the effect of torn.
      • Do not try to be neat: you need to create an impression as if you were attacked by the Horde of Cats!
    2. Remove the leather (or looking like a skin) bra or bust. This costume should be open enough! For greater similarity, it is desirable that the top is leather, but if you do not find anything suitable, silk is quite suitable.

      • If you have time until the day when you need to wear a suit, why not try to get a flat belly - the best accessory to it!
      • If you do not want to bare your body strongly or if you have to be on the street, a good alternative will wear a black leaf rims. Add a few rhine to it and cut out in several places to achieve the effect, which scratched you claws.
    3. There are two black straps around the waist. Holly Berry belt Cross - the crossover was fastened on the waist, connecting a bra with leggings. It will be difficult to make a copy of such a costume, but you can use two straps and cross them on your chest. Ideally, the belts should be from the canvas, black or khaki color, but in the extreme case they will fit any.

      Buy or make a cat's cat headdress. As in the case of Michelle Pfaiffer, the image of a feline anti-heroine Holly Berry is supplemented with a neat headdress - half-mask with ears. This cat is a cat matte-black, without white stripes on a suit. Ideal it would be necessary to buy an analogue of such a mask on the Internet, but, of course, you can try to make the same one with the help of the above councils.

      Shoes need to pick up a black with an open nose. If you want to create an image, if possible, close to the kinium man, you need to pick up black shoes with an open nose and heel of medium height. However, any black shoes are suitable, as the pants are omitted to the step and are not laid in it.

      Find the whip and gloves. Accessories for this suit consist of black gloves on the elbow and leather whip. You can buy twice in a specialized costume store or on the Internet. In the extreme case, you can paint the rope in black.

    Part 3.

    Create an image of a woman's cat Ann Hathereii

      Get a black jumpsuit. The latest version of the cat's woman was created by Ann Hathaway in the film "Dark Knight: Revival". This image is most likely the easiest of all women cats. But this fact does not deny his supersecuality!

      • The basis of the costume is a black jumpsuit with long sleeves and a lightning front. If possible, try to buy a matte-black overalls, although the brilliant vinyl will also fit.
      • If you fail to get such a jumpsuit, tight black leggings and zipper jackets or the turtleneck will also completely come out.
    1. Take a thick black strap around the waist. It will imitate the helpful cat's cat belt. However, if you manage to get a real holster belt, it will be very cool!

      Buy or make a black mask and feline ears. Ann Hathaway, unlike other women cats, does not wear a cat headlife, pleaseing the simple black mask and a rim with cat ears, allowing her hair freely hang out behind. In this form, this version of the woman's cat is similar to the image created in a series of films "Batman" Julie Newmar in the 1960s. Any simple black mask (which closes your eyes) is suitable for this suit combined with a rim with cat ears.

      Put on black gloves. For this suit, any long black gloves will be suitable, however try to get those that will cover your hands above the elbow.