How to set up a relationship with a girl. How to establish a fading relationship with your loved one? New relationship - new life

Unfortunately, none of the relationship do not cost without quarrels and misunderstanding, so sooner or later every couple is experiencing an unpleasant feeling of distance from each other, resentment and even anger. After such emotions, establish relationships, especially with a girl, is very difficult.

A quarrel may occur for any reason, both serious and not very, but if the relationship is both of the road, then you need to restore them. And often the first step makes a strong half of humanity. But not everyone knows how to establish relationships with a girl in such a way that the quarrel really remains in the past, and the relationship did not suffer.

How to establish relationships with your girlfriend?

If a quarrel happened, and the young man wants to restore the relationship, he should remember several rules that will help you do.

Rule first and very important: to blame - apologize: It is not necessary to build proud hedgehog and impass, when you yourself know well that wines in a quarrel entirely and completely yours. Apology in such a situation is not a manifestation of weakness, but on the contrary. In order to recognize your mistakes, you need courage.

Rule Second: Do not leave misunderstandannia: If you really want to establish relationships with a girl after a quarrel, then you need to find out what exactly this quarrel happened. Perhaps you have different views on some questions, and you need to look for a compromise? Be sure to discuss it, come to some common denominator, and thus you are insurfrant of yourself for the future from the quarrel at least on this particular occasion.

Rule Third: Give the girl to cool down: It is not five minutes after she left, slamming the door, to start it to be called, bombarding messages or, worse, run behind her and grab your hands. Man needs time to cool and think. And only then decide what to do.

Rule fourth: Do not set and enhance yourself as a man. Be calm and intelligent, do not arrange scandals and hysterics, otherwise you will only cause disgust.

How to establish relationships with a girl after parting

It happens that the quarrel is so strong that. Or it is just a crisis in a relationship, and people are tired of each other. Do you want to return the past anyway? Try.

Do not be intrusive, do not figure out the relationship, especially often and especially publicly.

God you need to say about your girlfriend someone bad something - never forgive ever.

Try simply to be located next to the right moment - help, support, solve some of its important problem. There is a chance that she will understand what you are needed and important to her.

Yes, of course, when the question arises, how to establish relationships with a girl after parting, everyone immediately remembers about. Indeed, it will not be superfluous, but, again, do not be intrusive.

Unfortunately, it happens that all the tricks and effort are vain, because love just gone. If you see that your attempts to establish relationships leave the girl cold and indifferent, accept. Perhaps the same, real, strong love awaits you ahead.

Build qualitative relationship with a girl today is not easy. Reasons for the mass. One of the most relevant, this is the lack of knowledge. Why not they? Parenting parents do not give skills to building relationships with girls.

It is necessary to try everything for the first time, to get problems, solve them. At first, relationships are building, and then nothing happens. And the question arises: how to establish relationships with a girl? And how to prevent more such problems?

And here is not so simple, as it seems. If you already have a relationship and you passed through some problems - you are lucky! If you are just gonna build relationships with a girl, I advise you to study my others. In this article, I will focus on the situation when the relationship is already there, but they have problems. How does it happen? ..

When does the desire arise to establish relationships with a girl?

Let's consider the most popular scenarios in which you just need to establish relationships with your half.

# 1 script: Your first experience in relationships

Usually, when you have the first relationship, you fall into a new unskilled world. Yes, you have no experience at all, you make the first steps, and a rare case, when such relationships become long and lucky. No, you are not guilty here. Just nobody taught you. I already wrote about this at the beginning of the article. Here I will tell you more ...

Neither in schools, nor in universities, we are not taught how to seduce them and build relationships with them. Someone is just no need. In today's world there is such a thing as "to achieve a girl to get it."

And if you read magazines, newspapers, watch TV and other media, then we will see what recipes offer us. Buy a girl that, buy a girl it. And, perhaps, ... perhaps! She will answer reciprocity. But it's all stupid and not effectively. The benefits of this only businessmen.

What to do?

Learn yourself. Learn from professionals. Thank you for reading mine. I am ready to help you. The first relationship is usually not on always, even if you believe in this. Not always the first time it turns out to choose your ideal. Girls a lot.

And the more you try, the greater the chances to meet exactly those treated with the fate. But the first time it also happens.

  • Read even more literature on the topic ""
  • By study video courses and pass trainings on this topic
  • Talk to people who are already married, who has a family or who just many years in a relationship
  • Analyze your own experience: what gave success, and what not
  • Most importantly: do conclusions

Having done these items, you will already have a clear picture how to act further. You will find out the mistakes that make other guys and you can prevent them. You will change your behavior to more efficient. How I wanted to tell me more about it ...

Scenario # 2: misunderstanding each other

But this problem arises with any relationship with any experience. And its meaning is that both partners in view of their personal complexes cannot in difficult situations go to each other to meet.

They do not understand why each of them can sacrifice something for the other. Or, most likely, just partners do not fit each other.

The solution to the problem will be a frank dialogue on the topic "Do I need to be found further?" Next: Conclusions. If you, a guy, you want to keep your relationship, you need to show the power of the will and patience, go to certain concessions, learn to understand the girl. Here are very important parameters such as:

  • Flexibility
  • Condescension
  • Voli solutions
  • Responsiveness

The girl will also need to try to understand the guy in some situations, and most importantly, to become the best for him! If of course there is love ...

Scenario # 3: Feelings and passion ended

But if there is no love, then feelings and passion will quickly come to no. Global changes are needed here. To preserve relationships and establish them, I recommend going on a journey. Or in a joint trip. Or arrange a romantic dinner with his girlfriend. That neither be new, cool, interesting. What will awaken feelings and passion.

Take advantage of my advice. Your task is to call a lot in the girl. Perhaps you had a lot of pleasant to the appearance of problems. Accent attention on the best memories. But do not live only. Create new adventures for you. Let in the future you will be even more remembered.

Girls love intrigue and riddles. It gives a lot of emotions! And if you add intimate notch. That neither erotic! Sex in an unusual place, striptease for your beloved, if earlier this never did. She will be crazy about your actions!

And if it does not help and you will have a conflict ...

Scenario # 4: Frequent quarrels and conflicts

By misconfiguring, you can have just a complete incompatibility with a girl. It will generate permanent quarrels and conflicts. But here I have rushed. There is no fact that two people do not be together. It's even interesting!

Incompatible always attracts. Simongly, there is no this awareness, there will be problems. Again, it will be necessary to work on your behavior and its effectiveness. Learn more sensitive to the girl and avoid conflicts with her.

Do not try to settle conflicts with gifts. On the contrary: for good behavior, make a lot of attention to the girl and Banish her. And for bad deprive valuable. Yourself, gifts, attention. So you can check how expensive you are for your lover. If not expensive at all, when improving all this, she just leaves you to another ...

Scenario # 5: Your girl decided to go to another

Here you need to make cardinal measures. No emotions, just sound reason. Try to determine why the girl does not want more relationship with you. No need to pour it on questions and borrow it with attention.

It is better to pretend that you do not have anything against and move aside. Perhaps it will surprise the girl. Believe me, any girl awaits her former to run behind her.

Do not think that the new her boyfriend is better than you. Just at the time of the problems in your relationship turned out to be the most successful option, to whom your girlfriend go. And all that. And you sharply fell in her eyes. And here it is worth applying the entire arsenal of our capabilities:

  • We pause in relationships
  • We analyze errors
  • Change your behavior
  • We study materials on this topic

We find a reason for the meeting with your beloved girl and arrange a romantic unusual meeting. It is important here in no case to give negative notes, only positive! And no memories of the past. We live with a new life.

After such a meeting, we communicate some time with a girl easily and friendly. No hints for rapprochement. Let her understand that we have changed that they became better. That there are no former problems and disadvantages. And the girl pulls us again! But it is not necessary to quickly rejoice ...

New relationships - new life

It often happens so that after the return of the girl or when the relationship is settled, the problems arise again. This is happening if the guy poorly learned the lessons of past years. Relationship is not simple, and they need to be built with the mind. Especially the second time.

Your girl will appreciate your changes if you realize them in life. And not once to show her again interesting and cool, and then everything will go like in the old days. And here you need fruitful work on yourself. Change yourself, become better!

Develop a sense of humor and positive thinking. Remember: Thoughts are material. Thoughts as you want, whatever your life is carried out. Fill life with bright colors, whatever your girlfriend was boring with you. Fantasize and give your favorite mass of emotions every day.

But be both strict when that requires the situation. Do not let the girl manipulate you. Do not let her go beyond your relationship and damage it to you. If you think about why she does, know: you yourself allow it to do. Otherwise, she would not go to it. This also includes care to another guy from you.

Know: everything depends only on you! AND establish relationships with a girlOf course, you are in power. And I will help you in this. Be sure to sign on my newsletter, in which I tell how to establish relationships with a girl.

Each fairy tale should end with something good, but in real life it happens otherwise. The cooling of the relationship is a cunning beast that is slowly selected to a happy pair, spreading its influence on them. There are quarrels, conflicts, reproaches, and your soup is no longer so tasty as before.

And now the girl begins to conceive about the factors that led to the cooling of relations, but which she tried not to notice, because of the female pointiness. Any resentment, distrust and jealousy signals to the fact that the crack went. The earlier the girl will begin to pay attention to these signals, the easier it will be to correct the situation.

A person, in a state of tension and emotional pressure, cannot put himself in place of another or adequately understand what he is told. Each word in such a situation is perceived as a direct threat.

It is necessary to understand where the root that day on a day feeds your relationship with cold and misunderstanding.

Causes of cooling relationships

  • Life experience. Often, people with different life experiences can not get along, because they look at the world with different "heights".
  • Views, tastes, priorities. All these factors that form a person as a person also affect the relationship, because each of us wants the thoughts of his beloved person to coincide with our.
  • Sex. How not to twist, and sex is an essential part of the relationship that affects both partners. And if the girl seems to be that everything is fine, it does not mean that the guy is pleased.
  • Needs. Each of us wants something. This is a natural and integral part of a person. But in most cases, it is difficult to understand what you want from life or from your partner, which leads to disagreements and misunderstanding.
  • Confidence. Inability or unwillingness to establish strong trusting relationships can destroy all feelings to the very foundation.
  • Psychological injuries of childhood. Childhood ever ends, and problems will develop into adults and bring even more discomfort to our lives.

Armed with these knowledge, you can understand what exactly influenced your relationship and you can build a plan for further action.

Methods, methods and principles of establishing relationships

Most often, the establishment of relationships is a long and time-consuming process, because it is always easy to destroy than to build. Therefore, before you begin to do something, you should be patient.

You need to configure yourself in advance for what will have to give up.

There are eight "golden" components of good and strong relationships.


Each girl is a future mother, and not only children, but also of their family. It must be treated with a young man with understanding and attention, because absolutely every guy wants to feel surrounded by fragile female tenderness.


A woman in the eyes of a man is, first of all, a gentle creature, requiring a stray relationship, but not every girl behaves accordingly. The concept of "Lady" has long been an overweight of time, which creates a lot of problems in relationships. The real woman never satisfies scenes and hysterics, constrains himself even when it is hurt and hurt.


A man would be better to live alone than with a girl who constantly forces him to feel defective or stupid. Therefore, each girl should take care of male pride, raise his self-esteem and never humiliate himself in his presence. Live on the principle - you are the best of each other.


Each boy: big, and small, requires proper respect. This trait of the character is inherent in every man, because they are miners and defenders. Do not bother to praise if he really deserved it.


Changing a man is very bad impossible goal. If the girl is not ready to take a guy as he is, she should give up relationships with him. Men are not ready to change, even for the sake of great love.


In the first pair, sex brings you both pleasure, because you just can't satisfy each other, but it's time for you when you start to get tired. Then then it is necessary to think about how to shake and refresh intimate relationships.

Personal space

Each man needs a personal space. Even a few hours behind the computer helps a man to distract from problems and make it possible to remove from thoughts. Girls can be offended by how much they want, but at this time the guy does not want to see even the beloved. He must be granted to himself. It gives men a feeling of freedom.


We all have the right to love. Therefore, love your man, all sorts of demonstrating his feelings and stay feminine. After all, women's love should always remain gentle, affectionate, but strong.

Build relationship with the guy who you like ...

One desire is little, you need to stock up and patience, because most often it is a long process.

Install contact with a guy who likes, quite not easy. Most often the problem is that the girl blinded by feelings begins to behave stupid and even defiantly, which carries the opposite effect.

In such a situation, the girl should remain, not to replay, but simply and carelessly support the conversation, demonstrating ease and confidence. After all, every man wants to see next to him an interesting, confident and optimistic lady.

There is a practice of unusual dating, when the couple is found in the place, which will provide them with unforgettable feelings and charges with bright emotions. In this case, the guy will not be able to forget you, even if he wants. You will always be associated with something unusual.

In a conversation, it is necessary to maintain his hobbies. If you plan a relationship, you should immediately determine if you are ready to put up with those or other quirks of your chosen one.

It is extremely important not to argue with guys. Opponent in the eyes of the guy becomes an enemy object that needs to be eliminated. It is better to agree to inflate a quarrel.

A positive girl is easier to attract attention. Sour mines for a long time not in fashion! Smile and you will certainly notice.

How to make a quarrel after a quarrel? We restore the relationship

It is extremely important to recognize its wrong. The stubborn people do not like anyone, especially when you want an understanding, and your favorite builds an innocent sacrifice from himself, although the whole porridge has brewed. Dear girls, learn to admit your wrong! In the men's world, this is not an act of humiliation, but the manifestation of power, for which they will only give you to respect.

Usually, men have only two times for a quarrel: When they infringe on their freedom or self-esteem.

If the quarrel occurred in the first reason, then it is necessary to give him what he wants. If the girl gives up and give a guy personal space, after a few weeks it will feel as far as loved and valid. As if men, they do not fight for freedom, they still can not live without a beloved woman.

If the quarrel occurred because of the insult of a man of a woman, then in this case the best politics will be apologized and encouraging. Such a resentment for a long time in the head of the man, so you need to be careful with words.

How to restore relationships after parting?

Before thinking about this issue, you should ask yourself a question: is it worth it? If the relationship did not work out for the first time, perhaps there were reasons. Do you need to disturb old wounds and remember the past, if everything is so tempting ahead?

If the feelings still boil the blood for the second time, then it is necessary to determine whether your desire to restore the relationship?

Without recipringe, it is unlikely that something will come out, unless of course come to this question with a special cunning. Here you will be helped by books on the psychology of men and popular ways of seduction.

No special techniques for recovering relationships in mutual consent are not necessary. Try no longer to allow situations due to which you broke up in the past, experiment, do something new together. Each of you should have the feeling that this is a completely new relationship.

Is it possible to confuse at a distance?

Perhaps this is the most difficult topic, because at a distance everything is harder. Permanent quarrels due to distrust, jealousy or suspicion lead to frequent breaks and after the girl sits with a phone in his hand, wanting to fix everything, because only after the scandal she begins to realize what I got excited.

At first it is worth a break from each other. Just a couple of days to breathe and cool. After that, it is necessary to gently approach the guy with a conciliation conversation, but you should also think about whether to continue the relationship if you are not ready to get rid of suspicion and jealousy?

How to establish relationships after my treason ...

The best medicine in this case is only time. Such wounds are survived at a distance. A man should decide whether to trust a woman. And the woman in turn need to think about the motives of his act.

Apologies are unlikely to help, but always standing. Of all the above cases, this, perhaps the most difficult and long-term restoration, because we are talking about trust. No need to put on the guy with obsessive oaths about eternal love and "I will never do it anymore." Men in this matter do not have an excess of naivety.

Patience and only patience. Demonstrate the guy that you repent, but do not build a sacrifice, because you are to blame. Show you can believe. Do not trust, but to believe! If love was, she will help in reconciliation.

Zodiac sign to help

  • Aries. Aries need to be admixed, but not overdo it in this matter. Excessive courtesy can lead to the development of egoism.
  • Calf. Tales require proper respect, so to be close to them, it is necessary to strive only to perfection.
  • Twins. Gemini love ears. Compliments, promotion and even flattery is your main weapon.
  • Cancer. Cancers need to be trusted with their beloved, after which their wounded nature will certainly want to satisfy all her desires.
  • a lion. Near the lions can withstand only the strongest and hardy women. Lion love is a restrained cold feelings.
  • Virgo. Unpredictable Virgin can behave completely differently. Today they do not like freedom, tomorrow - obligations.
  • Libra. The most calm sign of the zodiac and, perhaps, the most initiative. If the girl seems to be a guy that is the only one, he may immediately call her married.
  • Scorpio. Most often scorpions for a long time look after and make a thorough assessment of the partner.
  • Sagittarius. This sign of the zodiac just like it, but it is difficult to earn love. Such a man should always be a goal.
  • Capricorn. You should not forget about the vane Capricorn's soul, even if it is a two-meter athlete. Sex, but emotional and physical part for Capricorn is always separate.
  • Aquarius. Only an extremely unusual and interesting girl will conquer the heart of Aquarius. The mind in this situation plays a decisive role.
  • Fish. The most selfish sign of the zodiac requires spectacular girls, and for the development of serious relationships also the presence of the mind.

Girls errors in this issue

Girls need to learn to be silent. In the process of establishing relationships, the guy may begin to express its point of view. In order not to break the conflict even more, the girl should be able to retreat from participating in a quarrel.

The insult often makes us speak evil or careless words, but do not take everything to heart. More often, remind yourself why you want to make up and how important is the beloved for you.

And it is very important to remember that the man is easier to find a replacement than to spend time on meaningless disputes and clarifying relationships.

Even if you are beautiful and smart, you don't help with the illusions that the guy is ready for the sake of you.

  1. Dont lie.
  2. Listen and most importantly hear what the guy says.
  3. Do not speak for him, that is, not to think about the answers that the girl did not hear in time.
  4. Look at the mood of the partner, keep optimism.
  5. Pay attention to his interests, the inner world.
  6. Express support.
  7. Wish him.
  8. Be initiative.
  9. Do not concentrate on trifles.

Answers to other frequently asked questions

How to resume relationships with a former guy?

For myself, the girl must decide: is it necessary to restore the lost relationship? Most often in this issue, girls are guided by feelings, and follows common sense. Considerate the reasons for your parting and try to show the young man that you are ready to prevent the previous mistakes and is tuned to move only forward.

How to establish relationships with a guy if he does not want to talk?

The main thing is not to force. Man Himself owner. No guy will not suffer pressure, so the only way out is to wait for a young man himself wants to come to contact. If the resentment from his part is not critical and he really loves you very much, you can press a little on pity.

Sometimes in order to understand how much we really is something in life is truly valuable, it is important, expensive, you need to lose it. As far as I understand, you want to restore the relationship with her at least at the level of friendly, probably hope for something more, still love, because love is and there is a desire to see, hear, touch your loved one to give your emotions , feelings and get their confirmation in response, make compliments, be all the time nearby, that is, to live in interest, goals, have something common, uniting, to do for a person only good for his life to be as happy as much as possible by his ideas, and not Only by our own. You just want this, otherwise why strive to communicate with her again. All this can be done imperceptibly, without demonstrating it clearly, so as not to "sigh" again nascent relationships. However, each person is unique, the girl has his own, not identical to you, nor anyone else, the inner world, their views on life, people caused in many ways by education, their picture of the world and their understanding, how to act, how to treat people And in particular, you probably already understood it. Nothing is known about the reason for your past parting, the quarrel (always in the problems of the pair equal responsibility and role lies on both partners), you still want to be with her, and it is angry, burned out from you. Yes, she now does not show in the expectant degree, the form of attention to you, but it is not the fault of it - it has the right to be not the same as you want, it is her feature and does not mean that you are categorically not pleasant - the girl is always Find a way to show you that it does not suit her. She is just another, understand and accept this fact, learn how to take another person completely, not trying to change his inner world under your expectations. Especially she exactly attracted you to that, liked it. If you still love and value it, you want to return - act very calmly, carefully, creatively. Do not hurry, let it get used to you to re-out, reveal, start trusting you and your efforts will be rewarded to a certain extent, because as far as I understood this is just such a girl for which it is worth trying. Nothing prevents you from openingly talking to her, find out all the time you are interested in, just do not insist if she does not want to answer some questions, does not want to meet. But never give up, do not lower your hands, as they say, if it turns out - you will be happy if not - experienced) You can unobtrusively continue to make it signs of attention, compliments, inviting to meetings. Show a creative girl's approach love romantic, you have a lot of opportunities to conquer her hearts in such ways. Think, remember Maybe she said about what she dreams, which leads her to the delight, where she dreamed of visiting ... Find out and do your steps on rapprochement - let it take all this thanks to you, with you. Believe me, the girl is so easy to bring in delight nothing worthwhile material things, actions, words. Let her have the opportunity to feel a sense of joy from the phenomena of the surrounding world, pleasant surprise, delight from events, adrenaline from the incarnate dreams, drive from the desired desire, satisfaction from its physical, intellectual opportunities, heat and tenderness from relationships, humor and laughter. All this makes our lives happier. Events it with meaning, apart in different colors. It is the joint experience of emotions to unite people, are the magic thread that keeps them throughout life. Make it more often to laugh - laughter makes us happier, gives a discharge of the nervous system, fills with a positive and able to completely reorient it would seem the hopeless situation in positive. Organize an unusual meeting, walk, where you can show your relationship with the words and environmental impact. And there are still special agencies on the organization of holidays - refer, they are thinking out and make this meeting really unforgettable. Show your desire to be together in different ways and then it will definitely emerge to meet, will appreciate, will strive for you exactly as you are now to her and at the sight of you will shine her eyes. Act, everything will turn out and everything will be fine. Never focus on stereotypes, do not try to look good in the eyes of others - be good for yourself. In your hands, dare. If ideas are needed, you want to discuss the situation in more detail, understand the reasons for what is happening - write to the chat, I will help to find ways to solve, prompt ideas to establish relationships. Believe in yourself, think only about good, in a positive line - so it will be. Good luck and love. For the assessment of the answer I will be grateful.

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Discuss with an expert

Someone from the young years, girls do not give a passage, and someone does not work to get acquainted even in 40 years. It happens that the man and externally attractive, and is educated, and well brought up, but the relationship with women does not come further friendly. In 18-20 years, the guy writes off failures to inexperience, insufficiently confident position in life, small earnings. But the years, and with them and dozens of unsuccessful attempts to get acquainted, terrible dates, offensive failures, painful disappointments.

In attempts by self-analysis, self-analysis is lost, in their actions, advantages, opportunities. Soon comes a sense of camshot, resentment on women, hatred, attempts to remove from communicating with the opposite sex, and then with all people. In the fact that there are no relationships with women, a man begins to blame no longer, but the opposite sex. Thoughts that he is uninteresting, unattractive, ridiculous, embarrasses, lead to complete closetness, loss of self-esteem, real failures at work, severe depression.

So what is the reason for bad luck?

Each man between the ages of 17 and 45, which has problems communicating with the female sex, at least once tried to figure out why it is impossible to establish relationships with women. Each many times scrolled in the head of the scene from life, tried to find the moment where he was wrong, did not say so, he said, did not believe himself. But in almost all cases, the answer was not found.

The first thing that comes to any man, the reason in external attractiveness and material supply. Attempts to change style in clothes, conversation, show big generosity in relation to the next chosenall the same do not give results. And when, it would seem, all ways to get acquainted and the advice to make relationships were tried, but nothing turned out, negative psychological processes are launched:

  • fall of self-esteem
  • the emergence of uncertainty, timidity, fear
  • development of a passive position in relation to life

Waiting for failures in every new case of dating, a man becomes aggressive in communication, protects where it is worth opening. Against the background of such a complex of problems, it becomes impossible to build a career, engage in its physical health. It's no secret that the source of many physical ailments are precisely experiencing, psychological problems.

Improved self-esteem - Cause or a consequence of unsuccessful relationships with women?

But not always understated self-esteem is a consequence of unsuccessful attempts to build relationships with women. If a young man has no relationship with girls at a young age, he can transfer this experience into a further life, consciously setting a self-esteem bar below the permissible limit. Becoming an adult, a young man with such experience can specifically choose girls in his opinion "worse." In the consciousness of such a man, the thought is firmly formed that with the best anyway nothing will work. This assessment is purely subjective, because it divides girls to "decent" and "unworthy" it is in its own taste.

Here is a characteristic example of such a situation: a 21-year-old young man convinced himself that he was not lucky with the girls. Despite the so-old age and almost complete lack of dating experience, he decided that uninteresting the opposite sex. Friends gave him a few tips, how and where to meet what words to speak and how to behave. He began to approximately unfamiliar girls on the street, in public places, in the subway and try to meet, but he was all refused. As a result, he decided that she did not like the girls, did not attract them as a man. With each subsequent acquaintance, he has already configured himself in advance for a negative answer. Self-esteem rapidly fell, which was reflected at the end of study, he could not protect the diploma.

In the process of working with a specialist, a young man managed to understand that the problem is that he had a low self-esteem. As a result of several meetings, his self-esteem increased significantly, he was able to find his own approach to girls, not needing in the advice of friends. Soon he had several successful dating, one of which turned into a long relationship.

The root of the problem of adult relationships can be in childhood.

Often the answer to the question why not addrected relationships with women, lies in childhood, in a family atmosphere. Mom is the first woman in the life of any man. It is from the relationship between mother and son, it depends on how the boy will occur, how his personal family life will be.

For example, one man who in 40 years old decided to ask for help from a specialist, told the story of his family life. All his adult life, he tried to find a favorite woman, but could not. He sought to get acquainted with beautiful and successful girls, but the relationship did not make up. The man wondered why I had no relationship in which it would be comfortable? ".

During the cycle consultation, a man managed to understand that he prevented to build relationships and freely communicate with those women that he really liked, approached in temperament, character, interests. The man brought up his grandmother, Mom was engaged in a career and was successful, but her son was not interested. He sincerely loved his mother, but in response only got cold and indifference. The experience of a specialist and the desire to solve the problem helped a man to meet a bright and spectacular woman, and then build relationships with her at the proper level.

How to change attitudes towards women?

Most parents want to raise sons that could achieve a lot in life, could create families and build a successful career. There are several patterning models that can lead to the fact that men do not add up relationships with girls throughout life.

1 model

If the boy is limited in everything, do not allow him to show his own initiative and do a favorite thing. It will be difficult for him to get acquainted with the opposite sex and manifest a major role in the family.

2 model

It will also be difficult to build relations and the boy, the mother of which was very powerful and regularly for anyone scolded the Son for his misdeed, even if he was not to blame them. Such guys are afraid of women, they relate to the opposite sex with caution and try to avoid crisis moments.

Here is another example of the story of one young man. In his 24 years he managed to completely disappoin the girls. Every new girl for dating he chose carefully, appreciating all its qualities, but, closesting, learned that the "perfect pair" is not free. On the first conversation, the guy stated that all decent girls were already busy, he was tired of failures, regarded them as his own failure and superiority of the opponent. He treated the rest of the girls with visible disregard. He tried to get acquainted many times on special sites, but at the first two meetings discovered the incomprehension of interests and stopped the relationship. With those whom he noted as decent, there were no more than 1-2 dates, after which the girl went.

As a result, confident, a successful guy began to experience serious problems with communication, lost interest in work, spent most of the time alone, closed. Gradually, a young man managed to regain confidence confidence, not to surrender, tune in to find a right decision. The communication course with a specialist soon led to real results, the guy invited a colleague on a date. Prolonged communication with this girl has grown into a serious relationship.

Timely help of a specialist is the right way to solve the problem of loneliness.

In the problem of unsuccessful relationships it is very important to find out the reason that prevents being harmonious, loved, happy. Hear a gentle word, feel the warmth of touch, feel necessary, to find the meaning of life - this is worthy of every man. In order for life to do the meaning, and was not an empty existence, it is necessary to find the strength and accept the help of a professional. An experienced specialist will help change the inner world, without breaking the ideology and system of values, and look at it at a different angle. After all, the path to solving a complex problem can be assessed objectively, and then the person will find a way out of the current situation. And I will help you.

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