What to do with a burn: step-by-step instruction. What you need to do with the burn of various shapes and the degree of ointment from burns, fistula, non-healing wounds on the basis of firing ghivitsa

How to provide first medical care for burning at home.

Burn - This is damage to human body tissue due to external influence.
Burn 1 degree - Redness of the skin, a small swelling is possible.
Loose 2 degree - The appearance on the skin of blisters filled with liquid. They may not appear immediately.
Burn 3 degree - Skin sacrifice, it becomes dark.
Burn 4 degree - Damage not only the skin. but also lying deeper tissues.

What is the first prefigure help with any burn at home?

What to do first of all when they died?
First, delete the damaging factor. A person usually makes it instinctively, but if he has lost consciousness from painful shock, it should help those surrounding.
First aid for burns 1 and 2 degrees can be provided at home. In more complex cases it is necessary to hospitalize the patient.

The burns are thermal, chemical, electric.

First help with a chemical burn.

The first thing to be done is to wash the chemical from the skin surface.
First help with a burn alkali.
If the damaging factor is alkali, it is necessary to rinse it with a weak solution of acetic acid to neutralize.
First aid with an acid burn.
If a person has dug an acid, then the burned place should be washed with soap or soda solution.

First aid for burning boiling water.

If a person got a thermal burn, i.e. Dung iron, boiling water, ferry, boiling hot oil or fat, it is necessary to cool the damaged area - to keep an exhaled place under running cold water for a few minutes, so that the destructive effect of heat has stopped. With severe damage, 3-4 degrees do cold bulls.
Then, in order to remove pain and reduce skin damage to a minimum, medicinal drugs or folk remedies should be applied to the skin.

Effective folk remedies for first aid with boiling water burns.

Most often in folk medicine as first aid with a burn boiling water: grated raw potatoes, raw eggs, soda, toothpaste. The effectiveness of these funds speak numerous positive reviews of the readers of the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhe". Reviews of the treatment of burns with these funds are made in separate articles.

If you died with boiling water, the first ambulance will be helped.

The best first aid with a non-burning burn with boiling water at home - immediately substitute an exhaled place for a crane with cold water, hold minutes 6-8. Then quickly fall asleep salt. True, strongly bakes, you have to endure. But after 20 minutes everything passes. The tool is very strange - how can I paint salt on the wound? But very effective, there are numerous readers' reviews about it. (Council from the newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2005, №18, p. 8).
How to apply salt and soda, and how they act, you can read in the article "Salt and soda from burns"

Egg, like first aid with thermal burns.

There is such a folk remedy: slightly beat the fresh egg and apply to the damaged skin area. To smear the burn with raw eggs often, not letting dry until the pain is stopped. Only after that the damaged place can be labeled. The pain passes quickly, and the skin remains without blisters and wounds. (Recipe from the newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2013, No. 23, p. 32).
If there is no time to sit and smear the burn, the raw egg is poured into a small towel, and the towel is tied to damaged skin. Pain and burning pass immediately. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhzh" 2007, No. 10, p. 30).

Numerous examples are talking about the effectiveness of this fund, if you apply it immediately, the reviews can be read in the article. "Eggs from burns"

If the goose fat is bought

This is a very effective peer remedy for burns. It is enough to acknowledge the burn with a thin layer of goose fat, as a few minutes the pain sweeps, and the traces of damage gradually disappear.
Example The child died greatly with the soup. Parents quickly washed off the remains of soup with cold water, got a goose fat from the freezer and smeared damaged skin. The skin was very hot, so frozen fat at lubrication quickly melted. Every three hours, fat washed carefully with a napkin and applied fresh fat. Within two days, there is no trace from the burn.
Goose fat from burns at home to prepare simply: you need to boil a piece of greasy housing. Cool broth in the refrigerator. Collected from the surface of the broth frozen fat, folded into the jar and remove into the freezer, and from the broth cook soup. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhe" 2013, No. 12, p. 31).

Starch and grated potatoes with skin burns.

Feedback on the treatment of burns from boiling water with grated potatoes.

What if you burned boiling water? We must quickly cool the hand under the jet of cold water, rub the well washed raw potatoes along with the skin and attach to the burned skin. After 30 minutes, the compress is changed. This potato compress relieves burning and pain, after the burn is not formed red and blisters. The compress is made 3-4 times in a row every 30 minutes (or as the compress heated), with weak skin lesion, just once. Flowing potatoes can be used several times used to cool in the freezer. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozzh" 2012, №11, p. 31; 2011, №6, p. 39).

What else can you smear the burn for rapid skin restoration?
Folk remedies as first aid with thermal burns.

Toothpaste from burn.

What to do if they died with boiling water, and at hand there are no pharmacy ointments and products with which you can provide first help with a burn: potatoes, soda, goose fat, starch? In hiking and home conditions, you can ange the burn with a toothpaste with a thick layer. Preferably mint. After 2-3 minutes, the pain will go away, and after 2-3 hours, the paste dries up, the white crust is formed, a washing that you will not find neither blisters or redness. (Recipe from the newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2010, No. 2, p. 31, 2008, No. 5, p. 31-320, Zozhe 2004, No. 20, p. 25).

The zinc ointment will save from blisters with boiling water burns.

If you died with boiling water, you need to lubricate zinc ointment immediately, then the pain will quickly subside, and the blisters are not formed - it is repeated repeatedly. (Recipe from the newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2014, No. 24, p. 33).

First aid to adult with a ferry burn. Feedback.

The man fell under a rush of the couple, and burned the whole back. Under hand turned out to be fresh pork bile. The back was able to cure quickly and without consequences. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2003, No. 7, p. 27).

Feedback on the treatment of burns from boiling water with cold water.

Cold water is the most efficient and affordable remedy for thermal burn at home. In total, it is necessary to instantly substitute for a stream of cold water instantly. If the child died in clothes, then undress it right under the jet of water - and the clothes will not stick, and there will be no wound. Only help with a burn should be rendered as quickly as possible. If such a place is burned, that it does not substitute it under a stream of water - then overlap wet napkins or snow on the body.
The woman burned heavily boiling water. Sun down immediately of the baked hand in a bucket with water, the pain disappeared. Pulled out a hand - hurts. He lasted this 15 minutes until the pain was at all. Then he tied up and went to work. When in the evening I took off the bandage - no traces left. Cold water removes heat, and burn does not develop. (Feedback from the newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2006, №11, p. 8-9.)

First aid for burning boiling water - lime water.

What to do if they died with a boiling water or steam: take a few pebbles of lime (for whitening), to put on with water and give to settle. Strapped water straighten through 3-4 layers of gauze and add as much over the volume of vegetable oil. The mixture is good enough to form a foam. Here is this foam and lubricate the burn with a sterile flip. No need to tie. Lime dries, oil softens. Therefore, bubbles from the burn will not appear, and the wound will quickly heal. Lime water is desirable to always store in the refrigerator in case of emergency, it will remain only to add oils and mix quickly. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhzh" 2008, №18 p. 30).

First help with thermal burn.

Anoint thermal burn bile.

Natural bile is a unique remedy for burns. If you died, it is enough to lubricate a damaged place of pork, beef or medical bile - the skin is restored in front of the eyes.

The damage to boiling water, ferry, hot water, hot kitchenware - common household injury. In the fifth of cases, children suffer - an electric kettle boils on the table, the child pulls the cord and overturns it. What to do with burns, what is the first help? Timely actions will help to avoid long-term treatment.

Types of burns

First degree. Redness of the skin, sometimes swelling, small blisters - this happens if it is overly in the sun.

Second degree. Defeat forms large transparent blisters.

Third degree. The skin is dead, penetrates muscle and nervous fabrics, blisters with muddy content. As a rule, skin transplant is required.

Fourth degree. Skin coats are charred, thermal impact reaches bones.

At home assist in burns 1 and 2 degrees. In all other cases, as quickly as possible to contact the specialized burn center, traumatological or resuscitation department of the hospital.

With burns 1 and 2 degrees, the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is in charge. It is easy to determine the palm of the palm, which is approximately one percent of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire skin. If burning with palm or more, be sure to consult a doctor, especially when the skin peels.

First aid is needed, the challenge "ambulance" even with a burn of 1 or 2 degrees. If, after a day or two, the swelling appeared, the redness increased, the temperature rose to prevent the penetration of infection, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthermal lesion is 10-15% of the skin or more, diagnose the burn disease.

First assistance in burns at home

As soon as possible, remove wet hot clothes, because boiling water continues to burn. Especially quickly acting in the case of synthetic tissue. Cut clothes until she sticks to the skin.

Clean clothes carefully, so as not to burst blisters. They are forbidden to calculate, so as not to put into the wound infection.

Place a foaming place under cold water or in a cold water container. Cool relieves pain and slows burns. To reduce the swelling, to keep the burned area up.

When providing first aid for cooling, it is also possible to use sheets moistened with cold water, towels.

After 15-20 minutes, the burn place to dry, close not a tight sterile bandage.

The defeat of the first degree to rub cologne, vodka. You should not apply or green - if you have to consult a doctor, it will be harder to determine the degree of thermal defeat.

Do not apply oil to the burned place, fat - the film prevents the heat assignment.

Pharmacy for burns

With a burn with boiling water 1 or 2 degrees, the first help is provided by Panthenol, Olazolem, Mazhut Maze "SolkoSeril".

Panthenol is used to treat damage to the skin - thermal burns, including solar, as well as abrasion ,.

"Olazol" anesthesia, slows down the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, improves and accelerates healing.

Gel or Ointment "SalkoSeril" is used to assist after burns with boiling water, treatment of thermal lesions, as well as after burning in the sun.

Most convenient means from burns in aerosol packaging.

Anti-spare gel napkins are cooled, painted and localize the defeat, destroy the microbes, they are easily removed when replaced.

When first aid is prohibited, it is forbidden to stick the burn to the leukoplasty - then it hurts it.

For anesthesia, take analgin.

If the skin peers, the place to be treated with an antiseptic alcohol solution, close the wound with a sterile bandage or gel napkin.

What to do with a burn


  • Dissolve in water to pale pink color.

To burn a bandage, periodically moisturize it with a cooked solution. Replace gauze once a day.

Terrible raw potatoes Helps when coaling with boiling water:

  • Place Cashitz, to handle the affected place, fasten the bandage.

Replace as soon as the mass is heated.

Potato starch Heals burns:

  • sprinkle a scalded plot with a thick layer, cover with cotton, not tightly bandage.

Leaf fresh cabbage Provides first help with thermal burn:

  • Attach the sheet to the affected area.

After a few minutes, the pains disappear or significantly decrease, after half an hour they are fully passing. Cabbage sheet is effective in injuries and stretching.

Aloe vera Helps cure burns.

  • Cut from the leaf of the skin, fasten on the affected area for 12 hours.
  • Grind the sheet into Cashitz, put on the affected place, secure the sterile bandage.

Folk remedies

Timely proper treatment does not leave the leather track, quickly heals.

Propolis and St. John's wig To get rid of burns:

  1. Cool in the freezer 20g, graze, pour a glass of medical alcohol.
  2. Insist 10 days, mix every day, after expiring to strain.
  3. Pour 500ml unrefined sunflower oil 4c.l. Flowers of the jifted.
  4. Leave in the sun for 14 days, once a day to mix.
  5. Mix with a cooked tincture of propolis.

Apply to gauze, fasten the bandage on the wound, change the bandage every 4 hours.

Onion For the treatment of burns:

  • Finely cut the bulb, mix with 20 blossomed flowers.
  • Pour the glass of unrefined sunflower oil.
  • Boil on slow heat for 20 minutes, strain.

Lubricate thermal wound as often as possible. Store ointment from burns in a dark cool place.

Changed: 07/26/2019


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It is important to know: what can and can not do with burns

Whatever the reasons for the occurrence of the burn, this injury is always very painful and unpleasant, and with strong burns may occur pain and death.

Burn boiling water or ferry

This common kind of burn can be easily obtained in the kitchen, preparing coffee or tea. First of all, in this case, you need to place the injured hand or other part of the body under the crane and open water, after which it is to close the affected area with a wet bandage.

If there is only redness, it is enough to lubricate your hand or leg with a special pharmacy gel from burns, apply spray - any cooling agent with anesthesia.

It is impossible. The first thing that comes to mind when getting a burn is to lubricate the affected area with cream or ointment. Do not do this. It is not necessary to smear the skin sour cream, butter - you can only be infected. If the burn is strong - you can not pierce bubbles, apply ice or snow.

Wash in a solution of vinegar or citric acid, if the alkali is to blame. Then you need to close the wound with a sterile bandage.

It is impossible. The compresses in this case will not help and are generally contraindicated, if you do not want to exacerbate the situation.

If you notice burning and pain on the skin after a long time was in the sun, you should attach a wet cold bandage to the affected places, it is recommended to take a cold shower or a cool water bath.

Help and gels from burns from the pharmacy - reduce redness and take itching.

It is impossible. Forget about the cooling of the affected area with ice - it can provide skin necrosis or, at least, contributes to the emergence of scars on the scene of the burn.

You can not use soap, rub the skin with a washcloth, use a scrub - it is even more injured by the skin. Alcohol (even more dry skin), vaseline, fat creams and ointments (block pores) also banned.

Also for a while should be excluded from the diet of coffee, tea and alcohol - they contribute to dehydration. With sunny burns, it is possible only in closed clothes.

The burn shock comes at first after receiving deep burns. This is a life-threatening condition. With it, patients complain of severe pain, their nervous system is very annoyed, blood is thickened, its volume decreases, the pressure decreases, and the tissue may die in the burn site. It comes with a significant burn - if 30% of the body is burned in adults and 5-10% in children. If burns are deep, shock occurs with the defeat of 10% of the body of an adult. Shock lasts up to two days, if the situation is serious - three days. The burn shock is the beginning of the burn disease and can lead to death.

There are four stages of the burn shock. At first, the victim is distinguished by nervous excited behavior, capable of inadequate actions, complains of thirst, nausea.

In the second stage of the patient in consciousness, but already inhibited. His skin is dry and cold. Increased temperature, nausea, thirst.

If the victim survives, the second stage of burn disease develops - the body poisoning to toxins.

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What you can not do with burns

What you can not do with burns: errors when providing first aid

Do not lubricate a burn with oil

It is believed that thermal burn must certainly be lubricated with sunflower, sea buckthorn or olive oil. Doctors are united in the opinion that such an action does not treat burns, and does not facilitate the state. As a result, a fatty film is formed on a damaged place, which aggravates the healing process. Therefore, refrain from the processing of the wound by any oil. This also applies to dairy products: kefir, sour cream, ripples, as well as animal fats.

Do not handle burns from medicinal herbs

Whatever therapeutic properties have a medicinal plant, when they burn their application is unacceptable. Doctors do not recommend trusting folk methods with strong lesions of the skin. If skin damage to acid or alkali occurred, the effect of alcohol tincture or decoction can increase the area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

Do not use antibacterial ointment

In the first minutes after the burning burn, the use of ointments, creams unreasonably. If the composition of these drugs present fat, then it is an action identical with oils: the wound is covered with a layer of fat, which does not let the air. As a result, the burn heals the longer or mocking areas appear.

Do not use alcohol solutions

Doctors warn that the use of alcohols on an open wound leads to a strong damage to tissue. Refrain from burning with alcohol-containing solutions, vodka and even hydrogen peroxide. These manipulations are carried out with open wounds, cuts, but not with burns.

Do not pierce bubbles

After burning at a damaged place, bubbles filled with sucrosites are often formed. To avoid infection and exacerbation of the situation, in no case do not pierce them. After some time, this bubble will gradually decrease.

Do not sprink a burn wound with powdered substances

Try not to trust folk methods in the treatment of burns. Some people in a burn with a hot object begins to sprinkle with rhana soda, starch, flour, talc, children's supresses or other powders. Doctors do not recommend using these funds when providing first aid and consider them ineffective.

How to process burns: first aid for household injury

First of all, try to stop contact with the hot subject that caused the burn. Then damaged plot placed under the crane or in the pelvis with cold water. The duration of the cooling process is at least 15 minutes. It will help stop the process of tissue destruction. Then impose a wet bandage on the sore, and to ensure peace of the victim. After a couple of days, when the wound will begin to heal, you can use the essential oils of a tea tree or calendula. These funds will prevent the formation of scars and scars.
If found that damage is large or acquires a blue shade, then immediately contact medical care.

Remember that compliance with safety equipment will prevent burns and save your health.

With a burn, boiling water at home is the most important thing, this is a quick response to the situation. It is the ability to adequately react and render the right first assistance after burning the skin with boiling water determines in the future, how much burning defeat will be deep and what area it will spread.

In most cases, such burns are favorable and cause severe consequences. In easy cases, they pass on their own in a couple of days.

What to do with boiling water burn?

With a minor degree of burn, you need to focus on the overall condition of the victim. If a person, having brewed boiling water, is able to adequately perceive what is happening, the first thing to be done is to cool the burn surface with water of the cool temperature.

Keep the scene under water should be ten-twenty minutes. With this action, you do not allow the spread of the wound surface and facilitate the condition of the victim. The third and fourth degrees of burns are serious defeats, so medical care is needed immediately.

What can not be done?

It is not necessary to calculate or cut through the resulting bubbles, it can entail an infection on damaged skin tissues.

It is impossible to pour out the burned places with starch, lubricate them with vegetable oil and catch with alcohol, iodine and other bubble substances, since their impact slows down the healing process and enhances pain.

If burns are too deep can not be attempted to independently clean the wound from fragments of clothing or other contaminants.

First aid for burns boiling water

Events of first aid for burns boiling water should be urgent in fact. The timeliness of their provision will define the severity of the process and its consequences. You should not succumb to panic, whom this trouble would not have happened.

Only a clear sequence of actions can help in the fight against the prevention of severe complications. It consists of such events:

  1. Immediately take off the clothes on which boiling water was hit to eliminate her to the skin and avoid burning, it was produced.
  2. Pose the skin area with a burn under the stream of cool water from under the tap or in a water container. This will make it possible to remove pain and avoid the spread of the burn.
  3. It is advisable to handle the burn place m. If it was not in a home first aid kit, then you should pass to the pharmacy and buy.
  4. If there is no possibility to execute the previous item, then it is worth tearing away the wound sterile bandage. As a last resort, use another material, just definition it with a hot iron.
  5. With large or deep burns, accompanied by pronounced pain syndrome, the reception of painkillers is shown.

After providing first aid, it is necessary to estimate the degree of skin lesion, this will make it possible to understand how to treat burns with boiling water at home, and choose special ointments and other means from blister.

Estimation of the degree of burn

Official medicine divides burns with boiling water to 4 degrees. Consider each of them:

  1. The first degree burn is characterized by a small redness and swelling at the place of the defeat, sometimes small blisters can be formed.
  2. To burn 2 degrees, the redness and occurrence of edema is also characteristic, this is also a superficial burning defeat, but with a second degree, blisters are almost always formed, and a subtle scope is formed.
  3. Burning 3 degrees are characterized by a deep lesion, which can reach the muscles, is always present, and blisters are instantly burst.
  4. Logging 4 degrees comes to bone, surface fabrics and skin are subject to necrosis. With such a burn, you can diagnose charring and blackening body tissues.

So, if the degree of burn is 1 or 2, you can do the treatment at home. But at the same time, the burning of the burn should be no more than 1% of the body area (approximately no more than the palm area of \u200b\u200bthe victim).

With the damage to the brush, foot, faces, genitals, even at the first and second degrees of the burn, it is better to consult a doctor, since problems can arise with the scarring of these parts of the body. If the degree of burn is higher, it is necessary to call "ambulance", the faster, the better.

Ointment of burns with boiling water with blisters

Medicinal preparations impede the deep spread of burns into the layers of the skin, remove the swelling and pain. Of the boiling water and ointments of the proven with boiling water and ointments, you can allocate:

  1. - perfectly forms and restores damaged mucosal shells and skin, and also has metabolic and regenerating actions on damaged tissues. He relieves very well the pain and a feeling of burning.
  2. One of the modern ointments of burns with boiling water is Sulfargin. It contains silver ions, perfectly copes with wounds of various character, quickly and painlessly.
  3. - It is used by imposing ointment on a gauze bandage, and only then directly to burn. Such a bandage must change once every 20 hours - during this time, swelling swells from the scene is noticeably and purulent masses are removed (if they occur).
  4. For more than 30 years, specialized centers are used. This spray contains an antiseptic and anesthetics, helps to cope with the effects of burn injury faster.

These funds are intended for the treatment of burns 1 and 2 degrees. With strong burns, the therapy holds exclusively the doctor. He does:

  • anesthesia;
  • antiseptic processing of the skin around the burn zone;
  • removal of dead epithelium and remnants of clothing;
  • cutting bubbles of large sizes for their emptying and acceleration of wound healing;
  • imposing bandages with bactericidal ointment, which should be changed every 2-3 days to full
  • healing (do it can be at home).

With severe burns, antisoke therapy is carried out, and, if necessary, surgical treatment, which includes excision of necrotic sites, closing the skin defect and plastic.

How to treat burn boiling water at home

Dear medical drugs are not suitable. In such cases, good folk remedies from burns with boiling water.

  1. Summer with Aloe: Take several Aloe leaves, grind them and squeeze juice. Moch the gauze or bandage and attach to the burn place. You can use the plant, without pressing the juice - just cutting the sheet along and applied to the wound.
  2. Necessary beat chicken eggAnd apply to the affected area. First there will be a burning distance, after a minute it will become easier. The method is valued for the fact that even if there is no burn, wounds and blisters after its use.
  3. Carrot juice. You need to finely grasp carrots or grind it in a blender. Share a mass on a gauze napkin and attach to a damaged area. You need to change the compress every 2 hours. Carrots will highlight juice. It is very important that he falls on the burned area.
  4. Sulfur and propolis. 100 grams of butter cream oil, vegetable unrefined, porous porous fat (interior), beeswax and 10 more grams of propolis, put on a weak fire. I sulfur wrap in gauze and put in the brew. After 15 minutes, remove from the fire, strain. Lubricate burn four times a day.
  5. Plantain. Freshly picked leaves are something that helps to treat burned skin areas. Before using the leaves, they must be rinsed with boiling water and cool.
  6. Zarvari tea (black or green) and then cooled it. Cold welding to apply to the spot of the burn and on top of passing it with a marry bandage, moistened in welding. Do this compress 7-8 times a day.

Treatment at home by folk methods is carried out only with the first degree burns, since the self-examination of more serious lesions of the skin is fraught with complications that will lead to an uglybar.

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The burn is called damage to the tissues of the body, as a result of the effects of high temperature. In addition to thermal, burns are also electrical, chemical and radiation.

Thermal, or thermal burns relate to the most common, especially in the younger age group - in small children the overwhelming majority of burns occur as a result of spanning boiling water.

There are several classifications of burns, the classification of A.A. was adopted in our country Vishnevsky, separating damage to extent, depending on the depth of tissue damage. Knowledge classification allows you to quickly navigate in the situation and not mistaken when first aid. So, in Vishnevsky distinguish 4 degrees of burns:

  1. Stage of erythema, or redness;
  2. The stage of bubbles;
  3. Skin necrosis stage;
  4. The stage of necrosis of the skin and tissues (fatty tissue, muscles, tendons, and sometimes bones), also called charring stages.

The first two stages refer to a mild, third and fourth - to the burns of severe, or deep burns. This division is conditionally, as it does not take into account the area of \u200b\u200bdefeat and special anatomical zones (they include face, eyes, groin, joints), nevertheless, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe severity of the defeat and how first aid activities should be taken, it gives.

First aid for light burns

Light burns do not require hospitalization, as a rule, sufficiently home treatment, but only if the first aid was rendered correctly.

So, with such lesions, after stopping the impact of the traumatic factor, it is necessary:

  1. Free the burn place from clothes if it is. At the same time it is unacceptable to pull clothes, because You can even more damage the skin (if necessary, cloth should be cut);
  2. Place an exhaled place under flow cold water for 10-20 minutes or attach a cold compress. It is unacceptable to use ice for cooling ice, because The burning of tissues may be added to the burn;
  3. Treat the affected place by antiseptic. You can use anti-harm tools, it is allowed to process the burned surface with alcohol. It is impossible to use iodine, a solution of mangarteed potassium, as well as oil, fat ointments and creams - what prevents air exchange;
  4. To impose a non-sterile armband on a damaged skin area, you should not use wool, because Its fibers are quite difficult to remove with a wound surface;
  5. With intensive pain, an annexic remedy will give a victim. You can use paracetamol, aspirin (it is undesirable to children), nimesil, nurofen, etc.

As a rule, these first-aid measures for burns are easily enough. Slap such damage for 10-14 days, the main task in their treatment is to prevent additional injury to the affected area and the enhancement of infection.

First assistance in severe burns

In the case of thermal lesions of the III and IV degree, as well as burns of II, affecting extensive areas of skin or anatomically significant areas, assistance is in the hospital, so it is necessary to cause an ambulance victim as soon as possible. In anticipation of the doctor's arrival and after eliminating the damaging factor, the first aid measures for severe burns are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make sure that there are no sections of smoldering clothes. No need to remove scraps of clothing with damaged skin;
  2. Close the burned surface as sterile, or at least a clean loosely adjacent bandage;
  3. With deep damage, it is impossible to immerse the injured area of \u200b\u200bthe body under water, you should also not use ice. Instead, it should be moistened with cold water bandage;
  4. To drink injured by warm tea or warm salted alkaline water (for its preparation in 1 liter of water, stir 1-2 g of drinking soda and 3 g of salt);
  5. The victim is placed in such a way that the burned part of the body is above the level of the heart.

Use the drugs of local destination, even such as Panthenol, in this case should not, processing RAS will be made in the hospital.

First Aid with Electric Burns

The first aid for electrical burns is to be isolated by the impact of the damaging agent, after which it is necessary to check the presence of a pulse and breathing. If they are missing, it is necessary to start resuscitation activities - a closed heart massage, the breath of the mouth-in-mouth or mouth-in-nose. As soon as possible, you should call an ambulance, continuing resuscitation measures before stabilizing the pulse and respiration or before the doctor's arrival.

Surface damage to the skin, obtained during electric burn, are processed in the same way as the burning burn.

First aid for chemical burns

Chemical burn is caused by the effect on the skin or mucous membrane of acids, alkalis and other caustic substances. Despite the fact that damaging agents may be different, first aid for burns of this type begins equally: the damaged area must be placed under the flow water for 10-20 minutes. This is true for all chemical burns, with the exception of burns with negated lime and sulfuric acid.

After washing with water, the scene is processed by a weak alkali solution, such as soda (1 teaspoon on a glass of water) or soap solution (soap is desirable to take economic, without additives). The burns with sulfuric acid should be treated with a weakly alkaline solution, without pre-washing with water.

Alkaline burns after washing are treated with a weakly acidic solution - a solution of vinegar or citric acid is suitable.

The burns caused by the negro lime are treated at once with oil or fat - and this is the only case when bold ointments are used when providing first aid.

It should be borne in mind that burns alkalis are more dangerous, since it is not formed with a clear boundary between the damaged area and a healthy cloth. This is the so-called collicration necrosis, which tends to spread even after the end of the impact of the damaging agent.