Legends about snow and frost. Myth about "Giant Winter. Great catastrophic resettlement of peoples

Battle of God with a ghost

There was a time when the evil God of the underground kingdom and eternal jellows Karachun quarreled with the gods, was overthrown with them from heaven and almost frozen polim. People and the beasts frozen on the go, the birds fell to the ground, as if laying. There was little Karachuan power over the Earth - he wished to reign in the heavenly kingdom. He created the ice and snow of the mighty hero. - The Winter Demon - he breathed in him instead of the soul club of frosty air and sent to beat with the gods.

This demon has a terrible force and cunning! At first he wriggled evil spells on Svara - the sun, and he fell asleep. Then winter was fried the herd of heavenly shepherd Beles. In vain that called to the aid of his assistants - bears: they slept a strong sleep in their bergles under the uplord of winter!

The gods were alarmed and began to gather on the battle. And then the rival Perun came forward.

I caught a winter demon for a mortal duel, "he announced. - While we are fighting, you try to awaken Svarovsky Sleep Sleep. Without sunlight, we do not overcome the villainage of Karachun.

And a terrible fight began. What happened! The lightning spear of Perun crashed into the ice shield and the winter's shield, but the cunning demon released frosty air clubs from the chest, and his weapons had gained strength. It was killed, the battle lasted a whole eternity, and no way could overcome each other, because evil is tireless in his destructive, terrible strength.

And here finally the gods managed to wake the Svarog. He was told about the duel. The gods thought that the sun would immediately incubate the cruel demon with his rays, but the Svarog was thinking. He was mighty and harsh, but fair. After all, the gods themselves dropped Karachun on the ground, because he reimbursed the revenge. And then Svarog his will stopped the duel and judged that from now on Karachun and winter will reign over the world at a certain time of the year, which will call it in winter. And then Spring will come to replace it.

It's unfair, "Perun said sullenly. "A little more - and I would win this terrible hero, threw it from heaven to the ground, and you did not give me to enjoy the victory." What will the gods say? What do people think? Is I a small child for which the father must be traced so that he does not impose bruises and cones? Let me complete the battle!

You will fight with the Day of Winter every year, "Svarog agreed. - Your victory and will be a sign of Victory Spring.

So it was happening since then. And when we hear the first spring thunder, it means that Perun flashes the winter demon who finishes, the most terrible blow, and no strength will make it hello to grog to the ground until the term.

In the personification of the winter, the terrible demon preserved the oldest, fabulous ideas of Slavs about the change of seasons. Then the sudden world cooling inspired people by surprise and radically changed not only the climate on the planet, but also a picture of the world-seed. Over the centuries, people have dressed with a winter cycle, spring, summer and autumn, stopped to frighten the winter and even tried to reconcile with her. Winter began to imagine much more often in the image of cruel beauties, dressed in a snow-white shredding. In November, she drives in the mountains and dollars on Peg's mare. Winter breathes on all the ones with such a candy breathing that even the evil, about which good people are afraid to remember the night (and if someone will definitely definitely, he immediately stipulates his mistake with the words: "Whether be remembered!") Even all the spirits Darkness hurry to hide the foster to a short time somewhere away and deeper from the redist, Belolyitsa Beauty, freezing his kisses in the veins.

Winter servants - blizzards, blizzards, gyms-in-creep. Long retreats are drawn along the trail of Mrs., they ask her the arms, and when it gives them the winter work, spinning over the earth whirlwinds, blizzard, burst. Winter is trying to all around was white-white, snowy-snow!

At the very beginning, it carries winter to all people fun, bright holidays: Christmas, New Year, baptism.

With the image of the winter in Russian folklore, the story of the girl Snow Maiden, winged from the snow and loved only the rain da hail, to whom she rejoices, "like a smaller brother". They led her girlfriends into the forest on the berries, mushrooms, and there they started jumping through a large and hot fire. I did not dare to laggards the Snow Maiden's friends, jumped - and melted, how snow melts under the sun: "Only echo in the forest responded!" All this fairy tale is exactly the echo of our summer, a little sad memories of the last winter and all the joys that she did us so generously. That is why, unlike the evil freezer and a funny carnival, the fairy tales always paint the Snow Maiden with a sad little beauty, full of inexplicable, cool charms. This winter is in her best, favorite people.

Winter assistant, snow and frost village, called Zuzya. This is an old man's old height, with white hair, exactly snow, with a long gray beard. In his hands, he wore the Iron Belav, who knocked on the roads, fighting them with frosty jackets, to freeze which can only winter. Most of the time he wanders over the forest, but sometimes it comes into the village, foreshadowing the cruel strule.

To go to the Study, on the eve of the festival of the wheelchard (December 25 / January 7, modern Christmas), several spoons of festive buns were postponed to a special bowl and left her overnight on the table, so that the Zuzya came to eat and would not harm with his frost people and animals. Later, Zyuzy began to be called by frost-trescut.

There is time, winter is growing, and then wait for her bobes like a cow's death, which in February is especially trying to penetrate the village. Yes, and dear fever dear, evil sisters, especially raging in winter ... And by March, the day before the arrival of the spring - the Red Maiden, the winter in the folk view addresses the ugly old woman, the malicious stepmother, which we dream of how to shoot there, from where she I came: for the mountains - for the sea, in the snow, ice choirs, to enjoy the warmth asleep, awakened and bloomed. Then the feast of the carnival comes when the old woman is hurting with relief from all yards. And in memory of the ancient match of Perun with a winter demon, people build snow fortresses with towers and gates - and destroy them with loud victorious cries. Some Slavic tribes personified the student of the year in the image of the winter and believed: if the old man comes from the forest in the village in the village of a small height, with white that snow with hair and a long gray beard, with a uncoated head, barefoot, in warm white clothes and with an iron beam in her hands - Wait for brutal jellies, which the appearance of the winterman is foreshadowed.

What is happening with nature, I do not know ...
Again ... Crystals ... Srebro ... Pearls ...
That ... Winter gently kissed everything ...
caution ... Walking ... Lace ...


Irina Chichikina

It was so long ago. At the time when the land covered a pure cloudless sun. And the rain only sometimes lowered his cold twilight. Love and peace reigned on Earth.
At that time, there lived on earth a beautiful prince named snow. His eyes were heavenly color, and the silver hair of the prince fell on the shoulders. His castle was woven out of light. And in the garden grew tender, as a touch of wind, roses.
Once the young prince went to the forest to admire the morning gourd. He sat down under the tree and closed his eyes, listening to the bird towers. Suddenly his peace interrupted a beautiful song. The voice sounded like thousands of bells merging into one magical sound.

The prince got up and went to the voice. The song became louder and louder. Finally, he went to the glade, covered with flowers. In the middle sat girl with hair color of the clouds.
Snow came up to her. Embarrassed, the girl stopped singing. She lowered her bright blue eyes, and her white cheeks were covered with a light blush. Prince sat next to her and said:
- You have a magic voice. Please sleep yet.
But instead of the answer, the girl only smiled confusedly, slightly exposing two rows of snow-white teeth.
- Please tell me, what is your name?
- Winter. - Quietly answered the girl, looking into his eyes.
The prince looked at her beautiful face, illuminated by the sun, and understood that he fell in love with this fragile girl. In her voice. In her blue bottomless eyes.




Winter lived in the village with his family. Her village was close to the castle. She loved to come to this glade and collect white roses. Her delicate features of the face and were like the morning rose.
They spoke and talked, not noticing how time flies. The sun is almost a village. Winter suddenly remembered her go home. She said goodbye to the prince and in the same second disappeared in the sheepy forest.
And the prince did not even dare to move until the corner of the sky-blue winter dress disappeared behind the trees. He did not want to go home, and he decided to stay in the glade.


Looking at the darkened sky, on which the first stars have already appeared, he recalled the shine of the girl's eye. The prince decided that in the morning he would go to the village of Winter and would find it at any cost.
The next morning, waking up, the snow, discovered about his first minister.
- Alexy, what are you doing here?
"You didn't come to dinner yesterday, I decided to go to spend you and brought you breakfast." The minister replied, pointing to the tray that was standing on the table.
- To hell, breakfast! Alexy, I get married! Today I will go to the village, I will find the winter and make her an offer!


Alexy turned pale. His eyes were blocked by the unkind light. He approached the tray and poured a white powder into a cup with tea.
- Well. Then you should eat. Drink this tea, he will give you strength in the search.
- Thank you, Alexy. - thanked the prince and made a big sip.
Hot liquid burned her throat. Snow almost dropped a cup, but the minister arrived on time. In anticipation of something Alexy stood and looked at the prince, squeezing a cup in his hands. His expectations were rewarded. After a few moments, the head of the prince bent on the pillow, and he fell asleep with a strong sleep.
- Sleep quietly Your Highness. You will never see your bride again. - With these words of Alexy, smiled gloatingly and left the room.


Some time passed, the prince finally woke up. He was terribly sick of his head. But, remembering his decision, he got up, dressed and ordered to bring his horse. Alexy was not visible anywhere. The prince decided not to look for him and headed for winter searches.
Arriving into the native village of the girl, he began to ask about her. But people only swung their heads.


But suddenly one little boy went to the prince and said softly:
- Angry man arrived in our village a few hours ago. He took the winter with him. And he said that if someone asks about her, then we must answer that we do not know who it is. They rinsed towards the cliff.
- Are you not afraid of? - Snow asked.
The boy did not have time to answer. His mother came running. She tried to explain something to the prince, but he did not listen to her and rocked in the direction indicated.


Having left for the cliff, he saw a hopeless body of winter. Alexia stood over her with a bloody knife in his hands. Snow, having flowning from the horse, went to the body of winter. She was dead. The prince's eyes filled with hatred. Unable to restrain more, he rushed to Alexy. But Alexy came forward hand with a knife, and cold steel stuck in a hot flesh of the Prince.
- Now I will be the king!
Alexy laughed. His laughter forced to strain every cell in the snow body. But he could not do anything. He just felt how he was losing consciousness from uncontiguous pain. Meanwhile, Alexia, in the attack of hysterical laughter, took a step back. It was the last step in his life. Right under it was the abyss. Feeling that he loses the balance, he dropped the knife and tried to grab the roots of the trees. But unsuccessfully. Another instant, and he disappeared.


The Prince enough forces only to burn to winter and kiss her in the first and last time. And after a second, he lay dead next to her and squeezed her cold hand.


For the next morning, the bodies of lovers turned into white dust. In memory of their tragic death, people called this time of the year in winter, and white dust - snow. Until now, when snowing, the hearts of people are filled with joy and looking at this fairy tale, they remember their loved ones.
It is a pity that for the sake of beauty I had to die in love ...
But ... for the sake of love, which only does not happen.
Happiness and love you!

3:1041 3:1051

We recently met with a famous veterinarian to discuss some of the most common Myths about dogs and cold winter weather. Here are the misconceptions and the facts that you need to know when the temperature drops.

Myth 1: Salt will not damage the dog paws.

The owners of dogs say that their pets of their pets receive burns from salt, which roads from snow and ice sprinkle. Therefore, many lapel paw pads of their four-legged vaseline friends. What do you think about it ?

There are a variety of products used to destroy snow and ice. Some such connections can damage concrete, so you can imagine what they can do with your dog's legs.
There are several products on the market that are designed to protect the paw. I have no recommendations, what is better and what worse. Vaseline is safe, but it can be stained by things, for example, a carpet. Wash your dog's paws with a special shampoo after a walk, will be the most effective means of protection against street chemicals. You can also use children's wet wipes.

Myth 2: Shoes for dogs - just a fashionable fad.

Why and when you need to wear a dog shoes? How to choose your dog's shoes?

There are quite a wide variety of styles and quality boots, designed for dogs . Footwear for dogs can help protect dog paws from coarse, chemically processed, cold and hot surfaces. From the inside the shoes should be clean and dry. Suitable boots are selected by trial and error. Some boots require refinement, as they slide.

Myth 3: If on the street it is cold for people, then there is too cold for dogs.

When is it cold or too cold to walk with a dog on the street? What rocks are better adapted to cold?

Many dogs can withstand much colder conditions than a person, but still, you need to adhere to common sense. In dog sledding, breeds are used for extreme cold, and Chihuahua will not be born for this. Dogs with dense bleeds feel more comfortable in cold weather than smooth-haired breeds. If the dog lives on the street, it is important to ensure her shelter from wind and snow.

Myth 4: My dog \u200b\u200bfur, she should not wear a jumpsuit.

D -R black: some dogs, especially smooth-walled rocks, feel more comfortable in a jumpsuit in cold weather. Make sure the clothes are well covered by the body and does not interfere with the movement. Any electric heating always carries the risk of burns, so follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Myth 5: Dog's deployed eyes cannot be dry.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes in dogs? What eye care tips in winter can you give? Dogs need to wash eyes with sharp cold weather?

General signs of dry eyes ( keratoconjunctivitis) Dogs include conjunctivitis, irritation of nervous endings of the eye and mucous membranes. Without timely treatment of the eye (cornea), scars can remain and influence vision.

In the cold months, the air is much land, and some breeds predisposed To the irritation of the eyes. Tears can be used to moisturize the eyes. Some eye diseases can quickly become serious, so consult With a veterinarian to determine the cause and proper eye treatment.

Myth 6: Some breeds of dogs have immunity to winter cold.

Husky, German shepherds and Senbernara can live on the street without any problems during the winter? Does breed dogs are not susceptible to winter cold?

Some breeds of dogs (especially breeds with thick wool), even enjoy cold weather. It is important to see how your dog behaves when it's cold on the street. Symptoms such as chills and desire

Nadezhda Permakov

in the processing of Permikova N. N.

So the long-awaited new 2017 comes! Many sincere wishes were expressed, gifts were sent out, there was time for their favorite classes and hobbies.

Many of my friends and colleagues know my passion legends And they are often sharing with me, and I, in turn, try to share with you these treasures of oral folk creativity. Therefore, 2017 I want to start with publication legendsI heard me quite recently ...

A long time ago, when the land covered the cloudless sun, the adorable Mother Winter lived in a huge high castle. She gladly watched her endless possessions, sitting on her magnificent white throne from a large window. Beautiful woman enjoyed serene calm, reigning around, frozen air, ringing silence and hungry, spread around the castle.

Winter was cold, tough and wayward. And the son was near. Called it Snow. The boy is rolling, inquisitive, mobile, attentive, sensitive and, at the same time, naughty and unoccupied. Very often, without having received the permission of your harsh mother, the boy ran out of the castle to see what is there, far from cold hindered spaces.

Once, when autumn is still given to the right of the rust of winter, the boy went far from the castle and saw the flowers that glowed with their beautiful buds, but clearly crushed out of the cold and therefore closely fell to each other. Boy asked them: "Why are you not hiding from the chairs?" But the flowers only shocked bright heads and answered that they were destined to frozen together with first Frosts to early spring, when new flowers will come to their place, which will have to decorate the Earth again.

Snow It was painfully realizing that such beautiful creatures were forced to die, suffering from frosts. Returning home, he told his mother about what he saw, but winter only answered that such order: many centuries alone plants fall asleep forever to give life to others.

Snow understoodthat he can't do anything to help dying plants. From a serious disappointment, the boy sat on the threshold of a cold castle and cried bitterly. And his tears, piled by the wind, frozen in the cold and fell on the ground with large white flakes that sheltered herbs and flowers with a warm snow-white blanket.

Since then, every winter falls snowwhich saves flowers from jubilate frosts, and in the spring, when frozen tears of the boy melt, from under the cozy blanket wake up first flowersThat your pure bells are bowed to the boy, thanks to him for care, and these flowers are snowdrops.

Publications on the topic:

Today in the morning, October 29, the first snow appeared! The first snowflakes - a little more timid and not bold., Then everything is more and stronger gradually covered.

Purpose: Repetition and consolidation of spring features and simple natural patterns. Tasks: 1. Develop an arbitrary, auditory, visual.

Kubanov studies in the first class "Street, on which I live" Cubanov Topic: "Street, on which I live" goals: - To acquaint children with the history of the name of their streets. - Consider from the lexical point.

Kubanov studies in the first class "Attractions" Kubanov studio "Attractions" Grade 1 Topic: Attractions Objectives: - Acquaintance with the sights of the native city,.

People have long been francated fairy tales and legends about everything wonderful and beautiful, and it is not surprising that there are many beloved flower of all children.

Holiday in the first grade "Thank you, ABC, you!" Holiday "Thank you, ABC, you!" Structure of the event: Slide 1 "Varosik" voice over the scenes: Attention! Attention! The landing is declared.

It was so long ago. At the time when the land covered a pure cloudless sun. And the rain only sometimes lowered his cold twilight. Love and peace reigned on Earth. At that time, there lived on earth a beautiful prince named snow. His eyes were heavenly color, and the silver hair of the prince fell on the shoulders. His castle was woven out of light. And in the garden grew gentle as the touch of the wind of the rose.
Once a young prince went to the forest to admire the morning gourd. He sat down under the tree and closed his eyes, listening to the bird towers. Suddenly his peace interrupted a beautiful song. The voice sounded like thousands of bells merging into one magical sound.
The prince got up and went to the voice. The song became louder and louder. Finally he went to the glade, covered with flowers. In the middle sat girl with hair color of the clouds. Snow came up to her. Embarrassed, the girl stopped singing. She lowered her bright blue eyes, and her white cheeks were covered with a light blush. Prince sat next to her and said:
- You have a magic voice. Please sleep yet.
But instead of the answer, the girl only smiled confusedly, slightly exposing two rows of snow-white teeth.
- Please tell me, what is your name?
Winter. - Quietly answered the girl, looking into his eyes.
The prince looked at her beautiful face, illuminated by the sun, and understood that he fell in love with this fragile girl. In her voice. In her blue bottomless eyes.
Winter lived in the village with his family. Her village was close to the castle. She loved to come to this glade and collect white roses. Her delicate features of the face and were like the morning rose.
They spoke and talked, not noticing how time flies. The sun is almost a village. Winter suddenly remembered her go home. She said goodbye to the prince and in the same second disappeared in the sheepy forest.
And the prince did not even dare to move while the corner of the sky-blue snowflake dresses was disappeared behind the trees. He did not want to go home, and he decided to stay in the glade. Looking at the darkened sky, on which the first stars have already appeared. He looked at them and recalled the shine of the girl's eye. The prince decided that in the morning he would go to the village of winter and would find at any cost. In the castle, he returned to deep at night. And only the moon was his companion.
The next morning, waking up, the snow, discovered about his first minister.
- Alexy, what are you doing here?
"You didn't come yesterday to dinner, I decided to go to spend you and brought you breakfast." The minister replied, pointing to the tray that was standing on the table.
-Yo fucking breakfast! Alexy, I get married! Today I will go to the village, I will find the winter and make her an offer!
Alexy turned pale. His eyes were blocked by the unkind light. He approached the tray and poured a white powder into a cup with tea.
-Well. Then you should eat. Drink this tea, he will give you strength in the search.
- Thank you, Alexy. - thanked the prince and made a big sip.
Hot liquid burned her throat. Snow almost dropped a cup, but the minister arrived on time. In anticipation of something Alexy stood and looked at the prince, squeezing a cup in his hands. His expectations were rewarded. After a few moments, the head of the prince bent on the pillow, and he fell asleep with a strong sleep.
- Sleep quietly Your Highness. You will never see your bride again. With these words, Alexy smiled maliciously and left the room.
For some time the prince passed, finally woke up. He was terribly sick of his head. But, remembering his decision, he got up, dressed and ordered to bring his horse. Alexy was not visible anywhere. The prince decided not to look for him and headed for winter searches.
Arriving into the native village of the girl, he began to ask about her. But people only swung their heads. But suddenly one little boy went to the prince and said softly:
- Angry man arrived in our village a few hours ago. He took the winter with him. And he said that if someone asks about her, then we must answer that we do not know who it is. They rinsed towards the cliff.
- Are you not afraid of? - Snow asked.
The boy did not have time to answer. His mother came running. She tried to explain something to the prince, but he did not listen to her and rocked in the direction indicated.
Having left for the cliff, he saw a hopeless body of winter. Alexia stood over her with a bloody knife in his hands. Snow, having flowning from the horse, went to the body of winter. She was dead. The prince's eyes filled with hatred. Unable to restrain better, he rushed to Alexy. But Alexy came forward hand with a knife, and cold steel stuck in a hot flesh of the Prince.
- Now I will be the king!
Alexy laughed. His laughter forced to strain every cell in the snow body. But he could not do anything. He just felt how he was losing consciousness from uncontiguous pain. Meanwhile, Alexy in the attack of hysterical laughter took a step back. It was the last step in his life. Right under it was the abyss. Feeling that he loses the balance, he dropped the knife and tried to grab the roots of the trees. But unsuccessfully. Another moment and he disappeared.
The prince had enough strength only to burn to winter and kiss her first and last time. And after a second, he lay dead next to her and squeezed her cold hand.
The next morning the bodies of lovers turned into white dust. In memory of their tragic death, people called this time of the year in winter, and white dust - snow. Until now, when snowing, the hearts of people are filled with joy and looking at this fairy tale, they remember their loved ones.