What you need to do with a burn of various shapes and degrees. What to do with a burn? Ambulance call

Most often in people with such a disease, the skin hurts like in a burn.

It happens when touching the skin causes real physical pain and it can be skin on the back, on the leg and hand. At first I thought it was only cold items could cause pain, but when the skin began to hurt, then it was sick and from touching with clothes.

But doctors in the local clinic do not pay attention to a similar symptom or pay, but they do not speak out loud.

On the Internet there was information that this condition is called allodynia. This is the pain of the skin from touches. And describe several reasons.

The skin can hurt from neuropathy when the nerves are amazed here the diabetes and lack of vitamins. The skin may root from chronic body fatigue and from migraine. So this is not a major disease, but you can call it by a side effect, but if the skin hurts very much and long, then you need to go to the doctor. Although I have passed several days and passed itself.

And about painful sensations from touching with cold surfaces, it seems to me that cold allergies are so manifested. Honestly I do not know, because I'm afraid of the doctor about such symptoms, we have a peculiar neurologist. On all questions, the answer is one, I have the highest qualification, and herself sits at the same time with the nails dirty. The neuropathologist we have one, the doctor she can and good, but as a person is very rude and indifferent. Where such evils in hospitals are taken.

Urgently to the orthopedist, rheumatologist and, possibly, a dermatologist, if everything is in the skin, and not in the bones and joints. So far, give up hot baths, only shower.

Perhaps you will need a good masseur. Would you in Kiev or in the area, would recommend a great manual trainer (manual therapist). He has already been 35 years of experience, they come to him from all over Ukraine and even from abroad.

You probably know that the vertebrae (nervous endings) are in the back, responsible for the work of the internal organs. If these verteons are clamped, then the organs do not work as needed. Hence pain and discomfort. Manoullger squeezes nerves on the spine.

If a person has leather on his back when touched, he needs to turn to a neuropathologist.

I am sure that this is nervous grazing chances.

Perhaps the back is sharpened and very sensitive to touch.

I have it so when the cold is overwhelmed by my "strong" organism.

It is at first that it is impossible to touch the skin, it becomes very sensitive, even when touched clothes.

Oh and unpleasant this feeling.

But later passes as he is healing from Orz.

I want to pay attention for another two factors: 1) Tan. From a strong rapid tan, the spin burns and it is very painful to touch it - with smear ointment or sour cream, it becomes easier for 2-3 hours. 2) Allergy to clothing. This also happens. Get rid of clothes, takes anti-allergenic.

It may be hematoma, burn, skin inflammation, allergy. But the problem may be more serious. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as it can be the symptoms of various diseases, including diabetes.

Usually it happens when the back burned in the sun. Then the skin is irritated and any touch causes pain. In this case, it is necessary to refrain from solar baths and generally walks under the sun. It is better to smear burns with sour cream or kefir and cover with a towel. And stay at home.

If there are no visible rashes, spots and redness (bruise, furuncul, dermatitis, slimming, burn, etc.), then most likely the problem with the nervous system is osteochondrosis, neuralgia. Contact neurologist.

Hand sores like a burn

For more than a week, the forearm of the left hand hurts. It hurts the skin. There are no rash and redness. Hurts, like in a burn, if you spend your finger or when contact with clothes. What is it?

I went to the dermatologist with a fee, said that he did not see anything, he said, perhaps Dermatosis, wrote the ointment of the skin cap for insane money 🙁 said, come in a week, but you don't have so much and you are not so much ..

Suddenly who met with something like?

It is difficult to say specifically that it is. Most likely, you will help you visiting a neurologist - such things can be caused by both the defeat of the peripheral nerves and the problems in the spine.

Clear, I just thought about the skin, then a dermatologist. And I will come to a neurologist and wait.

But I also go, thanks

I have it on my hands when I drink a lot of intensive. Flu, temperature and need to be on the go.

Oh, not suitable, I do not drink anything

and the neck does not hurt? It may be from the computer, or rather, from the wrong posture during operation, or a lot of people have to use. Most likely, you are to a neurologist or orthopedic.

No, the neck does not hurt. Rather, yes, in a neurologist, how they advise

Thank you, I will make your way to it 🙂

To the neurologist you 🙂

Thank you, I was mistaken with your doctor, see)))

Good day, I wanted to say: or we have similar situations, well, or both need a neurologist.

I have a similar pain near my mouth, I thought since the beginning, well, he can eject some kind, but there was a week 3-4, nothing so appeared, and pain, more precisely, the feeling of burning during touch, intensified.

You could not find out what it could be?

I am very slightly dumb, screwing myself with cancers, tumors, did not find anything in Neta (

No, I did not find out: it's just not to get to a neurologist

You know, I calmed down: the dermatologist did not find anything terrible - this is the main thing. That this is no infection and other rubbish, whose whose one can not.

And neuralgia, it seems to me, not so scary.

You go to the therapist first, still he gives the coupons (we have for kr. Measure), explain. I thought with such how to come to the doctor - will laugh. And since this is often found, it means that they will take into account

You have a typical neuralgia of one of the nerves - elbow, radiation, median, which is more prim than their skin, surface twigs. It occurs more often on the background of the so-called ganglionite of the cervical sympathetic nodes (cold, hypothermia, long-term uncomfortable postures, causing congestive phenomena, etc.). Make the following:

1. Put the mustard pieces on the back surface of the neck (ranging from the hair growth boundary to the "tubercle" in the evenings.

2. Pick up the drug "Lyrics" (pregabalin) by about 75 mg per day for 10 days.

3. Pick up for 10 days any antiviral drug of the interferon group (choose the most inexpensive!).

4. In the morning, rub the back surface of the neck and the sick hand with a "fast-gel" cream.

5. For the prevention of possible exacerbations, vitamins with high content of WIT should be taken. Group V.

Good luck and do not worry!

Thanks a lot!! Supplements and uncomfortable postures are about me.

Why skin hurts when you touch, when touched

We are all confident that I understand perfectly well what a person feel who has something hurts, because, as a rule, we feel the same painful sensations in a similar situation. However, most likely, not every one of us can imagine that it feels a person whose skin has a touch when touched, because this pain syndrome is rare enough. Nevertheless, this pathology exists. In this article, we will tell you about why the skin hurts when you touch when touched.

Why skin hurts when you touch, when touched: Causes

So, this pathology in medicine has its exact definition, namely altomania, and the essence of this disease lies in the soreness of the skin with any absence of any external stimuli, for example, burn or bruise. During certain scientific research, experts concluded that this disease can be divided into several subspecies, where each separately taken group is manifested by certain painful sensations. Next, we will tell about these subspecies in more detail:

Static, mechanical altomania. With this form of this disease, painful sensations arise with a tight touch of skin cover or with a slight click on them.

Heat allodynia. In this situation, humans have painful sensations in the presence of temperature drops;

Dynamic, mechanical altitude. With this form of the disease, painful sensations arise when trying to clean the skin. For example, pain may occur even at the time of wiping the skin with a cotton disk or when washed;

Tactile altomania. With tactile allodynia, painful sensations occur when feeling and conventional touch of skin.

As we have already said, most of us cannot imagine that a person has a person who has skin sores when it becomes curious, how intensively with allodynia there are painful sensations. As for the intensity of pain, in this situation it is difficult to say something definitely, because this factor depends primarily on the sensitivity of the skin itself. So, for example, someone worried about tingling, burning and itching; Sometimes patients are confirmed in the fact that it is often a feeling that something moves on the skin itself.

Perhaps most of us often felt something like that, why the thought immediately arises about the possible presence of this disease and himself. In order to understand if you have signs of allodynia, you can spend one simple experiment. Take a small piece of watts and let him freely fall on the open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. In case you felt any discomfort, then in this situation it is a sign of the presence of such a disease as allodynia.

Another way to check whether this ailment has the attitude towards you, is the following: touch the open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the ice cube; In case there are painful sensations, it is again all the signs of the presence of allodynia.

With regard to the nature of the occurrence of this disease, allodynia develops as a result of the presence of various factors. Next, we will give you a list of reasons, as a result of which allodynics develops:

Previously transferred burns of the first or second degree. By the way, a long stay in the sun also often leads to the fact that in the future the sensitivity of the skin increases and the person appears painful sensations when touched;

Early transferred windmill may also cause allodynia development. Many, probably, asked what a connection here, however, in fact everything is quite logical. In case the windmill proceeded in a difficult form, it is often in such situations, it caused such ailment as a hazing deprived, which in turn leads to the emergence of rash and blisters at certain areas of the skin. It is thanks to these factors, in the future, these skin areas lose their sensitivity, which ultimately leads to the fact that, when touched, a person is experiencing painful sensations;

Migraine is another reason, due to which such a disease occurs as allodynia; And in the event that it was Mignen who caused this ailment, then a person, as a rule, experiences quite intense painful sensations even with elemental hasslement of hair. Also, quite often in this situation, "victims" of allodynia and migraine is not possible to use any decorations, for their "contact" with skin brings enough intensive pain;

Various nervous system diseases can also cause painful sensations when touching the skin. And this is due to the fact that with such diseases, as a rule, a myelin shell is damaged, which in turn covers all our nerve cells. Fibromyalgia is another disease of the nervous system, in which there are painful sensations in touching the skin;

Various diseases of the spine, which lead to damage to the spinal cord and disruption of the functions of nerve endings, are also the cause of increased skin sensitivity;

Surface Touch: Treatment

As you already understood, allodynials can develop against the background of very dangerous diseases, which is why if the symptoms appeared above, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who, after the inspection and commissioning of all necessary analyzes, will identify the diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment. As a rule, in the treatment of altody, the patient is assigned to the adoption of the following drugs:

drug-analgesics to eliminate pain syndrome;

antidepressant drugs that have a relaxing effect, and also help relieve irritation;

sedatives that help to deal with insomnia and which remove nervous tension and nervous excitability;

anticonvulsant overall preparations that remove muscle tension.

In addition to the reception of drugs themselves, the specialist is also appointed passage of rereflexotherapy and physiotherapy courses, accounting. In some cases, classes with a psychotherapist can be appointed.



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Feeling on the skin of the burn without external manifestations

Anyone is a feeling on the skin of the burn without external manifestations if not frightened, it will introduce into bewilderment. Moreover, various education or uncomfortable sensations on the epidermis always signals serious violations in the body. In some cases, they are accompanied by peeling or redness, but it happens that there are no external signs, and there is a feeling of burn.

The only correct decision in such a situation will be a trip to the nearest hospital and consultation at the dermatologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of missing the initial stage of the development of internal disease.


According to medical concepts, the feeling of burns when touched a person will feel in those situations when irritable exposure to external or internal factors are on the upper layers of the epidermis. This state is due to the reaction of receptors, while its nature is classified as an attack.

Feeling burns on legs

Often, patients noted the fact that the feeling of the burn without visible manifestations is intensified in the evening, and the symptoms of symptoms weaken. Against this background, general well-being could worsen, because the body does not have the opportunity to fully relax and recover. Accordingly, disability is lost, irritability and overwork appears. The first stage of depression begins.

Often it can be felt and the feeling of itching, when the patient concerns the hands of the affected skin. But to go for a consultation to the doctor, it causes it only the appearance of visible stains or rashes, the emergence of which, as it seems at first glance, unprecedented.

The reasons

The feeling of burn when touched can be localized in different parts of the body. Talking the therapist about a similar symptom, the doctor will most likely direct the patient for an additional consultation to the dermatologist and other narrow specialists, which will finally be diagnosed and begin therapeutic measures.

But still there are a number of external and internal factors provoking the appearance of a burn feel without external skin damage. Consider them in more detail.


As you can understand, when exposed to such a factor, the cause of burning sensations is the easiest way. All because a person has the opportunity to track the reaction of the epidermis when one or another item is touched.

Suppose if a person bit at any insect, the feeling of the burn will appear almost immediately, especially if it was a bee, an axle or a mosquito. The victim will receive the most irritation in the first minutes or even seconds after what happened, and its condition may worsen if there is an allergy in the insect bites.

Speaking about the thermal factor, it is unlikely that its impact will remain not seen, because such a burn, often accompanied by redness of the skin and the appearance of blisters. However, if the skin stimulus touched only a few seconds, then a person may not be noticed, there will be no hyperemia, and the burning feeling will remain, but will pass a few hours later.


The greatest difficulty in diagnosing the reason for the appearance of a burn feeling without visible signs represent situations where the patient has internal pathologies. Consider in more detail the most likely reasons for the development of such a state.

Injuries and diseases of vessels. If there is such a pathology, the main symptom in the form of a burn sensation will be accompanied by the swelling of the lower extremities. The legs themselves will be cold, but the injured area will differ in high temperature, which is easily felt when touched. It is important to go to the doctor as soon as possible, because such a state is dangerous to health developing serious complications.

Liver disease. The human skin acts as a natural filter to prevent toxic and aggressive ingress. It also contributes to the removal of decomposition products from the body. If there is a burning feel in any part of the body, it is possible that the patient has problems in the liver, because it is responsible for cleansing.

In this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of changes that are completely unrelated to the skin. Among them, doctors note the change in the color of urine, it becomes very dark, and Cal acquires a light shade. Actually, the feeling of burning in violation of the liver work appears against the background of the fact that a large number of bile salts are distinguished into the blood, annoyingly affecting the upper layers of the epidermis.

Diseases of the skin. Of course, when developing epidermis diseases, in most cases there are also visible violations, such as redness, peeling, the appearance of RAS or ulcers, itching. However, in the initial stages of development, these signs may be absent.

Thyroid dysfunction. The feeling of burning is often a sign that the body has occurred in the body. The functioning of the thyroid gland has occurred. Skin covers with such violations are severely baked, hot and wet to the touch. The patient's condition is unsatisfactory, it feels the general weakness, can fall into a depressive state. You can also include a hormonal imbalance, which can also be felt like a burn.

The symptom presented is far from harmless, and should not be underestimated. Doctors also note the fact that the feeling of the burn without visible signs on the skin can act as a signal to develop oncological pathology in the initial stage, diseases of the internal organs, joints, gout, diabetes, failure in the work of the liver, kidney and gallbladder.

That is why it is important to apply for help immediately, as the beginning of felt burning. Doctors will spend thorough differential diagnosis, identify the disease and develop the correct therapy scheme.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the feeling of the burn without visible manifestations. In most cases, this is, of course, external factors. Therefore, the initial actions of the doctors will be aimed at the relief of the true pathological process, which will help the patient to get rid of unpleasant external symptoms and discomfort.

Diagnostics at dermatologist

It is possible that with serious illness, drug or conservative therapy may not help, and then the patient will need surgery. But at the same time, the earlier the surgery will be performed, the higher the chance of a favorable outcome and complete recovery of the patient.

So, if there was a feeling of the burn, the algorithm of action will be approximately the following:

  1. Detection of cause. Without it, you can not do. Accordingly, a person needs to go to the clinic, to pass a visual inspection, pass the necessary biological materials for research, and if necessary, then pass tool diagnosis. Be sure to tell the doctor about all uncomfortable sensations, even minor. This will help him make a clinical picture correctly.
  2. Impact. The principle of therapy always depends on the root cause, therefore, what exactly will need in a particular case, it is impossible to say unambiguously. With minor violations, there will be enough drug therapy, and more serious pathologies are treated surgically.
  3. Physiotherapy. It is necessarily included in the complex treatment of internal reasons that caused the appearance of burn feeling. Such an impact will help cope with some diseases, as well as increase the level of the body's protective function.

It is important to understand that independent diagnosis and treatment can deteriorate significantly, so it is necessary to contact the doctors even with such, at first glance, a minor symptom.

Hurts skin when touched, but no visible lesions

Often hurts the skin when touched - what is it? Why, without visible reasons, without injury and damage, light touch skin leads to non-supportible burning pain? Moreover, it is not felt on one plot: on the back, abdomen, leg, and on the whole body. It greatly worsens the quality of human life.

1 causes of illness

Why does skin hurt? The reasons may be the following:

  1. The effect of radiation or chemical influences.
  2. Allergy to cloth and bed linen.
  3. Herpes virus.
  4. Chickenpox.
  5. Migraine.
  6. AIDS.
  7. Violations in the nervous system.

The last reason may be associated with such a little bit like:

  1. Polynevropathy.
  2. Fibromyalgia.
  3. Demyelinizing diseases.
  4. Pathological processes in the brain.
  5. Organic changes in the spinal cord.

Cause diseases can be the effect of radiation or chemical influences: an ultraviolet burn as a result of a long stay in the sun, under the lamp in the solarium. You can get a first or second burn burn, which causes pain.

Why is the skin hurt when contact with something? It is possible to allergic to cloth and bed linen. It is rare. It is possible due to increased sensitivity to the material from which clothing, bedding is made. Moreover, the allergic reaction can cause natural materials: flax, cotton, wool. Allergic reactions to bed linen are manifested where the body comes into contact with them during sleep.

2 virus herpes.

It is manifested as a joining deprive. In the place of future rash, corresponding to the location of the fibers of an infected nerve, there are suddenly burning pains. They exude the patient from 4 to 12 days. Often pain is enhanced and becomes unbearable at the slightest motion, touch or cooling. This condition in the medical literature is called Tile.

  1. Chickenpox. Rarely this disease can take place without papul. Instead, burning pain appears on the skin.
  2. Migraine. This is a neuro-vascular disease. With frequent occurrences, it provokes pain, changing skin sensitivity.
  3. Violations in the nervous system.
  4. Polyneuropathy. The pain in touching the skin reduces the quality of life, most often the cause of appeal to the doctor. These sensations appear not as a result of irritation of receptors that react to pain incentives (nocipers), but are an answer to nerve endings responsible for tactile sensitivity (somatosensory receptors). The pain appears due to changes in the nerve fibers and their endings suitable for skin cover. Neuropathy cause physical and psychological injuries, changes in the endocrine system, disadvantage and excess of vitamins.

3 etiology of the disease

In the medical practice of one of the most common causes of pain in touching the skin referred to as diabetes (diabetic neuropathy). Pain with polyneuropathy is usually constant, burning, colder or itchy. Sometimes she seems to roll, takes over or penetrates. In this place, skin changes sensitivity. First, the pains are localized on their legs and arms. Further apply to the back, stomach, gradually spilling around the body. This is explained by the fact that longer nerves are amazed first. The phenomenon when the skin itself experiences pain from the most gentle touch, is called allodynia. It is necessary to distinguish it from hyperalgesia, pain hypersensitivity, when the most minor pain effects give birth to intensive pain. Depending on the nature of the impact, it differs:

  • tactile altomania - on touch;
  • static mechanical - pain appears as a result of a touch with a piece of wool, light pressure;
  • dynamic mechanical - reaction to light kneading, barn irritation. For example, when washing, thermal is the pain caused by the temperature drop.

Because of the hyperalgesia and allodynia, a person does not carry a touch of a woolen blanket, and sometimes of ordinary bed linen. A dream is disturbed: the torment is enhanced at night. The exhausting pain provokes depression, which again enhances pain.

Fibromyalgia or fibromyosis is the condition of the body under conditions of constant muscular algehesia of certain areas of the body, the so-called pain points. They are 11. They are located symmetrically on both sides of the body in the neck, a nape, a shoulder belt, elbows, buttocks and knees. Pain in these areas is explained by inflammatory processes. The disease is accompanied by fatigue, sleep impairment, depression. Man is psychologically depressed and depressed. In the mornings and evenings in 70% of the sick movements are stolen. As a result of the studies, it was revealed that the cause of the disease is to increase the sensitivity of the neurons of the head and spinal cord. As a result, a person appears a feeling of pain in the absence of foci of excitement, that is, without visible reasons. Loads, supercooling, immobility exacerbate condition.

Demyelinizing diseases are a group of diseases of the nervous system, when the Melinic shell of nerve fibers is damaged, provoking the appearance of different disorders, among which the disruption of the skin sensitivity and the feeling of pain.

Pathological processes in the brain are sometimes accompanied by pain syndrome. In the middle brain, fixation and analysis of all pulses from the outer and internal medium occurs. Damage to this area leads to a defensive tactile response, which is an exaggerated painful sensitivity on light touch. Causes this stroke or strong cranopy and brain injury. Sometimes a touch pain arises due to the fact that the brain section regulating the assessment of the impacts of different incentives is damaged. As a result, the sick person may unexpectedly respond to a simple touch to the skin.

Diseases of the spinal cord is a group of pathologies that differ in the signs. They cause violations, among which and increased skin sensitivity. The appearance of pain in the skin depends on what kind of spinal cord department there is a pathology. When squeezing the spinal cord, the pain appears in the middle of the back. If the nerves of the cervical, pain appear in their hands appear. In the pathology of the lumbar pain in the lower limbs. Under the defeat of the spinal cord, strong pain in the legs, in the perineum, in the smuggling area. The defeat of the sacrifice department is accompanied by painful sensations of the skin of this part of the body and the bottom of the belly.

4 Do I need to teach the body to pain

The feeling when the skin hurts, plays a protective role in the body. Pain suggests that problems arose in some system. This signal is needed on time and correctly respond.

The skin begins to hurt after visiting the solarium and use of cosmetics? You should refuse visits. "Acquire" to pain the body is dangerous. In the future, the sensitivity of nerve endings can be disturbed, and allodynia will have to be treated.

Pain feelings on the skin of the head - not quite a common phenomenon. They may have different intensity: from weak, to sharply pronounced. They may have different location. The entire surface of the skull, forehead, painting and an ear in ear may be affected. Massage can help with pain skin's skin syndrome, if the cause is in stress, close header or hairstyle. Skin itching can be an allergic response in response to the use of hair care products. To get rid of pain caused by the reasons listed, you just need to eliminate them. If the pain does not stop, you should consult a doctor and report on the occurrence of such a state.

With fibromyalgia, some relief of the patient brings moderate motor activity, massage, short-term leisure or warm bath.

You can refer to the dermatologist and will solve the problem if it refers to its competence. Often pain when skin touching have a neurological origin, so you need to go to a neuropathologist. Most likely, neuralgia of skin branches of any nerve will be revealed. It occurs as a result of inflammation of sympathetic nodes in the spinal canal. Neuralgia may cause a cold with a minor supercooling or a long uncomfortable posture. It is possible that the pain may be a harbinger of more serious illness - intercostal neuralgia or pinching nerve. In order to start the treatment on time and be calm for your health, you can not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Often pain sensations are accompanied by high body temperature. Maybe 2 options:

  1. If the temperature has first rose, and then pain appeared, then the temperature and pain are caused by infection. Toxins are allocated through sweat glands. Sweat can initiate an inflammatory process in ducts. In the receptors that are in deep layers of the skin, the sensitivity is increasing with an inflammatory process, and it becomes painfully touching the skin. This phenomenon usually occurs during staphylococcal infection.
  2. With purulent-inflammatory processes (furuncle, grinding inflammation) first appears pain, localized in one place. Temperature rises slightly later. Symptoms of inflammation, redness and other changes in the skin surface are manifested even later.

In both cases, treatment is carried out by local means.

With a painful sensation caused by sugar diabetes or other endocrine disorders, it is necessary to monitor blood glucose levels and special blood indicators.

While the causes of allodynia are established, therapeutic measures are needed, aimed at relieving pain symptom. To eliminate soreness can be assigned:

  • pearls of local action;
  • to relieve the muscular tension and relaxation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels, drugs that remove cramps are used, conduct coursework treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents;
  • to relax, remove nervousness and irritability are injected with antidepressants;
  • in order to normalize sleep, since insomnia enhances allodynia, increasing the excitability of the nervous system, prescribe sedatives.

In some cases, pain when touching the skin is expressed so unbearable that narcotic substances are administered to its relief. Nevertheless, it can return after 3 injections. Even if the pain will be the same strong, from the administration of drugs should be abandoned so that it does not have addiction.

5 Medical events

The use of physipesis, reflexotherapy, acupuncture, occupations with a psychotherapist are used to facilitate the state.

A new method of healing is widely used - the impairment of subcutaneously appliances corrective by the receipt of nerve signals. Since this disease group is not sufficiently studied, often doctors have to act at their own risk. Some methods of treatment may not only be improved, but over time deteriorate the patient's condition.

If pain skin sensitivity is due to organic or functional impaired brain, it is impossible to eliminate it, as it can lead to inadequate responses to ordinary irritations and circumstances. There are irreversible changes in psyche.

The feeling of pain belongs to the important reactions of the body for danger. Porous feelings are just the top of the iceberg. The pain signals that with one of the organs is not all right. The causes of sensations of skin pain when taking can be extremely serious, so at the very first symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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  • Causes and recommendations for the treatment of severe body skin

bake leather, as if burn, but there is no burn!

1) Groprinosin- 1 Tablet every 8 hours!

2) Erolin-1 Tablet in the morning!

he said that in nursing mothers, with a weakened immunite, such a contact dermatitis appears!

after a week to control, if it does not help, then further to be examined!

but the treatment has not yet started, there is no menotovin in pharmacies! (((

all drugs are not harmful when feeding!

Hello, Elena! I have the same thing, but I am not pregnant. Did you find out what it was? In the same place and I have a bake

hello! No, I scored on it! It was not a hunt to walk, and with a little where, and I feed again! Not all medicines can be taken! And the bake is still! (not much truth, but noticeable! Did you have it for a long time?

no, only a week, but periodically I feel ... when I lie on my back, I sit ... bake ... I think it can because of the sitting work? I have forever spin bent.

Girls are neuralgia. Treatment is very diverse, starting with anneasiating (analgine + ovakoin blocade), to physiotherapy and even in launched cases of surgery. Neuralgia of the shoulder joint is not dangerous not counting the painful pain, treated, but it will go into a chronic shape and spoil your life with painful attacks.

I have the last three to four days the legs so hurt ... It's not nice to touch my leg, such a feeling there is a burn there, but as you do not have anything on my leg ... I don't know anything on my leg ... I don't know what it is ... I don't know what it is ((((

i do not know, I still have it! Not passed, only weaker became! Now the second pregnancy and I'm afraid that somewhere else gets out! Although then did not bake during the ber, but appeared after it fed a long time in the same position! (

girls, I also have it, only on the skin inside the elbows and sometimes on the skin of the knees, the feeling is exactly the same when you leaving or as if the finalgon was anointed, very unpleasant

doctors can not say that it is, the skin is perfectly smooth, no rash, it started after transferred bronchitis

randomly found than it is removed such a burning, Serrata tablets, they are harmless unlike other anti-inflammatory, this enzyme has a resolution

act begins in a week of reception (normal dosage 3 table per day)

what is bad, removes fully burning while you drink, and for a week or two after the course, after the last course I would still have 2 months, now I will burn again, I started drinking, also standards if you drink a supporting dose 2 Table

still walked, then on one hand, then on the second

I apologize, the topic was discussed for a long time. But I have 5 days more terribly hand. The inner side of the forearm. Outside there is nothing. I can not understand, you need to do something or go through itself. Girls, how did it all end, what did you do? I'm at a loss.

hello))) ... how many years the topic and I worried about me so far ... Here after the birth as it started quietly quieter and now I'm crying hunting sometimes ... a feeling of burning. And I can't walk the same thing))

Good day. I am so with my feet. Did you find how to get rid of it?

Hello, and I have a hip. That stops burning, it starts again. I worry that it will be constantly so. How are you? Passed?

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2014-09-01 13:29:13

Natalia asks:

Hello, please tell me what I have: the first day I just hurt the throat and was red, on the second day the throat became loose and such a feeling that the skin was peeling with all the mucous meam, like the burn, even visible in some places the throat slices of the skin of the leather (sorry I do not know How to put it on). On the third day, the right side of the oral cavity (guy and packed) also became loose and painful

Replies Imshchenetskaya Maria Leonidovna:

Good day. You need an inspection of the Laura or dentist, perhaps you have stomatitis, pharyngitis, an allergic manifestation, a symptom of an infectious disease or much more. Good luck to you

2014-05-16 14:55:10

Asks Natalia:

Hello. Help please understand.
I am 32 years.
Since February of this year, I am constantly sick. Cough, runny nose, sneezing, weakness. Raised several times from February to May temperatures up to 37.8.
Therapist puts permanently ORVI. And once he was diagnosed with laryngo-tracheitis (end of March) flowing, day - two go more or less in good condition and in a new circle. From February to May I got sick about 5 times.
In February, made a fluorography - everything is fine, passed to the dispensarization. (blood and urine tests normally).
Since February and still constant coupling.

In April, joined the listed symptoms of conjuctivit (ophthalmologist said it was allergic) and herpes on the lip.

To all of the above, I am in constant stress almost a year already (different family serious problems).
On the May holidays, I began to feel very bad again. All the symptoms aggravated, plus the strongest nasal congestion (allergic rhinitis - diagnosis of Laura Doctor)
He applied to a familiar doctor. She heard wheezing and trembled me from bronchopalum (in the analysis of blood before that, leukocytes were increased, I do not know the remaining indicators). After 5 droppers, my skin from the nape and the loin began to hurt me very much. No damage to the skin, rashes too. Patiently when touched. Like a sunburn. He applied to the doctor infectiousist, he said to pass a number of analyzes.
I passed, and the ability to turn to those doctors to show no results, they are on vacation.
Here are the results, list those that are high
Alat 273 UR / L
AsaT 184 U / L
anti - HSV (1 and 2 types) IgG 19.3 ind. POS.
anti EBV IgG - EBNA (poison. Bel) 122 U / ml
anti EBV IgG - VCA (caps. Bel) 416 U / ml

leukocytes 16.48 thousand / μl
neutrophils segmentaat. 74%
neutrophils (total number) 80%
lymphocytes 11%
neutrophils, ABS 13,18 thousand / μl
monocytes, ABS 1.32 thousand / μl

Thanks a lot in advance. I hope that I understood everything. Really looking forward to the answer.

Replies Sukhov Yuri Aleksandrovich:

Hello, Natalia.
Your anxiety, alas, is very justified.
Signs of the bacterial inflammatory process, long-term fever of unclear genesis, secondary immunodeficiency, it is also necessary to exclude Vg and activation of herpetic infection. Consultation of a competent infectiousness is urgently shown and, possibly, stationary treatment - contact.
From uv., Yu Sukhov.

2015-07-24 23:08:13

Asks Rustem:

Hello. Dung spots vitiligo on his back. Pinch strong. Robed as napkins when you run somewhere more stronger. Attached potato juice. What to do tell me. And can these burns on the background of vitiligo bring not give God to skin cancer? I have more than 10 years. Approximately 30% of the skin in stains. The disease has greatly progressed over the past 3 years since there were strong stresses. What can be done with these burns?

Replies Gathering Vera Yuryevna:

Hello, Rustem! It is advisable to show the affected skin dermatologist. But if there is no such possibility, I recommend on the affected areas of the skin to apply Baneocin powder and soling the jelly before healing. If you do not regularly expose affected areas of the skin with solar radiation, chemical toxic substances - everything will heal and the skin cancer you will never have. It is advisable to refer to the dermatonologist to the prophylactic examination (1-2 times a year).

2014-10-27 01:12:33

Asks Ulyana:

Hello! Tell me, please, what to do! The other day very burned under the tropical sun in Thailand. I discovered when it came to the room, a larger wrinkle at the right eye in the lower eyelid (it can be seen when the eye turns out), there is one day, there is no such day on the left eye. With you, while only the balm "Rescuer", I smear two days, but the wrist does not pass. Looks like an old woman. Does the skin restore? Is it restored at all the skin around the eyes after sunburn (suspect it is he who)? I am 27 years old, it is very sad to see this, I don't want to walk like an old woman. The skin there is a bit rigid. I understand that myself is to blame, but what to do now? And on the right side of the face - on the temple - there was a punching pin, it does not hurt, but the ear hurts under it. The bump has clear boundaries, stands out under the skin, was slightly different in color, but today less. At first, just on the temple heavily Bila Vienna, I did not pay attention, I thought because of the heat, and on the trail. The day jumped out swelling. He drank "Cetirizin", because with him only he. What could it be? Do you continue to drink pills? With all this, there is no temperature, no heat, condition as usual. Thank you very much in advance!

Replies Gathering Vera Yuryevna:

Hello Ulyana! From your words, you have sunburn on your face and education on a temple that does not hurt, but the ear hurts. For the treatment of sunny burn, first of all need to be hidden from the sun, the cooling rod can be placed on a cold chamomile beam, tea. Very well removes inflammation Panthenol Spray. The skin after sunburn is restored completely if it is repeatedly sunbathing, properly care for the skin (regular cleansing and moisturizing, protection against ultraviolet). Regarding your education on the temple, it is difficult to judge without a photo. You can send a photo, registered on the site http://telederm.com.ua/, where and get detailed advice.

2014-01-28 08:34:16

Asks Andrei:

Hello, Doctor.

Please read my questions until the end, since a unambiguous answer to them is unlikely to be found, and Roblem remains. At the same time, it is necessary to decide how to behave with the surrounding in everyday life and antimony.
The problem is already about 15 months, no answer is found. Therefore, I am trying to analyze against the background of the combination of information.
Dates I bring risk.
So: the beginning of September 2012. Not protected by P.A. with a colleague at work. After 2 weeks, analyzes for all STIs - PCR, as well as HIV, Syphilis (did not know about seroconversion timing) - all negatively, except for Gardnernel. Therefore, the phobias of speech could not be. Gardnerwell has prolelcel secinidox + dasolik 10 days + antifungal. Where, in a month, the risks began to notice the heat-like states and throat pain. Relevant to stress. Strengthened urethritis began. Sent to the urologist.
After 2.5 months. Urologist -Theless course of antibiotics -Yunidox Soluteab 10 days and preparations of prostate treatment. Prostate released. Hoping to get rid of the cause.
Repeated STIs all negatively.
On 3 months: T to 37.5 rose sharply, right submandibular, front-first, rear l / y were inflated. Pain in the kidneys, spleen, liver. Pain in groin, under. mice. There was a strong itching at brushes and legs below the knees, scratched as a mosquito bites - very much. Small bright red dots appeared, as bursting the vessels. Then they became some color of the moles and did not pass.
On the body there were small balls, which found in a light pain. Easy swelling of the face. They began to no longer arms and legs, how to served, swallow and scratch. Lasted sharp 3-4 weeks.
Pain in the throat is constantly, white flare in the language and VN. Toron cheeks. Some kind of rash on VN. Side of the cheek. The burning sword. In the language traces of teeth on the sides, - sharp pits. Poking tank almost 11 months: Nasopharynk twice: Golden Stafіlokok and Streptokok Pomeovo 10 in 5 Both. Blood sterile, intestinal dysbiosis. Constantly sweat. There was a weight loss 92-80. Now 86 kg.
Burn life burning like burn, very often. Baked lymph nodes under. Mouses, shoulders, back.
After the acute phase of the tests: by 3.5 months CMV PCR: one laboratory scraping urethra hidden carriage. Other, Blue-PCR scraping, saliva, blood for CMV negatively.
Common anali of blood is 3.5 months: a slight increase in hemoglobig, red blood cells and lymphocytes.
By 6.5 months VEB PCR blood is negative, anti z nuclear 13 transference exceeding the threshold, m capsid negative. Revubotors are negative, treatment of two courses of ENT - without a result.
Easy is normal.
Now - 15 months. ELISA 13 months HIV negative, Blot HIV.11 months. Negative. Trepomemnaya a \\ t deliberately. Partner: 12 months from the connection of HIV negatively. I have hepatitis B, s, well. Selezinka liver - enlarged. The pain in the knees (was and at the very beginning, but the antibodies to the chlamydia trachoma tick are negative a, m, J. Never sick.
Empty legs and hands, especially at night, sweating. Pain liver, spleen. Eyes, Sand Feeling. Were redness for a long time and now.
The most worried about - neuropathy. Friends of legs and more hands, itching hands and feet feet. Pain in the liver and spleen, constant throat pain. T - in the afternoon to 37.2. In the evening it falls to the norm.
Infectiousons (not alone) are sent to Laura and therapist. Those to the neuropathologist. The course of treatment of tonsillitis did not give results. HIV Center - excluded their definitely. Sedatives do not give effect.
Why write .. it is clearly not phobia. During this time, found the same people whose risks are similar, many protected vaginal, unprotected, in the role of transmitting.
Some contact with HIV infected, some of the HIV protected with negative checks. After all, people do not in vain check themselves and their partners.
There are people with experience about 5 years. Lose eyesight, problems with a muscular engineering machine.
The immunogram gives a drop of CD 4. There are so many such ... Symptoms are very similar,

- Given the specificity of the neuropathy that it can still give it? The most important question
- Which specialist can I contact yet?
- So, as was the sharp stage, this is something, with which the body has encountered for the first time, or the activation of WEB and CMV can also give acute stage. Herpesa 6.7.8 Donetsk do not.
- So, against the background of normal immunity, any herpes must pass, scares some new type of virus. All I know, this is about 15 people, the problem did not solve up to 7 years of experience. On the resources of the Internet, they communicate in the branches of fobs. In this regard, theoretically assuming a new kind of HIV (sorry for the fobby) that it was supposed to be found in theory: PCR or immunoblot.
Although many did both blot, and PCR DNA, RNA - everything is negative.
I repeat, unfortunately, people with this symptomatics, the transmission paths a lot. Doctors redirect to each other. Infectiousists, stating the absence of anti m and PCR on herpes, they say no.
- Were in your practice such cases with the problem found.
Thanks for the answer. Walk no longer to someone for the past 17 months.

Replies Vasquez Estarto Eduardovich:

Hello Andrey!
There is such a phenomenon as the Internet, which not only gives us to communicate with you now, but also prevents physicians and disorient patients. Patients begin to reflect and think "professionally", respectively, at certain stages of medical appointments, they or do partially or do not fulfill medical recommendations as prescribed by adding their or what they learned somewhere - and the process is delayed (and 3 and 5 years).
In your letter, we impose your reasoning, and doctors do not always have the opportunity and desire to spend individual lessons - this is not our task, maybe therefore, sometimes I send to other specialists.
Only for example (from the context of your questions): "... since against the background of normal immunity, any herpes should pass, scares some new type of virus." I don't think so, but I don't have the slightest desire to prove to you or some other patient, but I am pleased to discuss this with my colleagues.
Tip: Forget about all your "medical knowledge" and start with a conventional precinct therapist, trusting him, strictly fulfilling his prescriptions. without rechecking. Otherwise, the process will progress more and more: there is a violation of your immune status with the attraction of a lymphatic system, the cause of which could be any infection (from insignificant to serious). Finding the agent at the moment I would not, I do not consider it necessary from a practical point of view.

2012-12-29 23:41:24

Svetlana asks:

Good day!
Tell me please! All started with the fact that 1.5 years ago I painted me together with the sister of the core paint that left the big burns from both on my head, at the very first wash after the painting washed off the shock of the hair, like me and my sister, but we did not have anything thinking that Everything will heal, after painted 2 times the loss itself everything went on until the moment when the skin of the head did not begin to hurt much and we lost 70% of the hair, in the day there were 200-300 hair countdown in both. Turning to the leather was prescribed Aleran and Pantovigar tablets for 3 months, the results were zero. The skin of the head continued to root a lot and the hair is very falling out, after they turned to a trichologist, the doctor said that this Seboria and it can be cured in 26 years. Having done tests.: Here are the results on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle: hormones
Testeron Follicular Phase 0.52
LG 5.35
FSH 4.79
Progesterone 0.61
Serum iron 30.3
OZHSS 56.1.
Ferritin 73.1.
t3 shared 1.07
t4 total 8.20
tSH 1.20
Tireoglobulin 28.0
General blood analysis
hemoglobin 144.
erythrocytes 5.00
hematokritis 42.2.
Medium Obsem Erythrocytes 84
The average hemoglobin content in Erythrocyte 28.8
Average HV concentration in red blood cells 341
477 ++ platelets
leukocytes 6.2.
Neutrophila segmented% 56
Eosinophils% 2.
Basophiles% 0.
Monocytes% 6.
Lymphocytes% 35.
Color indicator 0.86
Myelocytes 0.
Metamielocytes 0.
neutrophils Ragged 1.
Plasma cells 0.
These are all the analyzes that the doctor told me, and advised to use the system of systems 4 (2 months) - I use systems 4 every day he reduced hair loss now drops out 150-200 hair per day, but the problem has not been exhausted with my sister, After the course, the doctor said that he was dinking the causes of all this and pointed to nervous strokes, but I and my sister had no one, tell me a fire that in this case to do ??? I have already lost any faith in hair restoration. What funds can I help me ?? I ask you help (

Replies Kovalenko Julia Aleksandrovna:

Hello Svetlana! I am sure that you and my sister need the help of a literate dermatologist, a little trichologist. Yes, and time passed enough. The results of analyzes are free to engage in the one who appointed them, and, it means that he expects answers from them to his questions. The allergic component is obvious. With such a long condition, you can seek a professor. Find an intelligent doctor and take patience. Outdoor therapy for you the main, but not the only one.

2011-12-01 18:18:57

Asks Ilona:

Hello. I am 26.
I sometimes sniffed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tailbone (pain stupid) from the 1st course of the university somewhere, it manifested itself during how I sit on a chair and I sit for a long time, for example at work, on study. It so happened that they were operated on, acute paraproktitis this year. For a month after the operation, I did not sit, only lay or stood. When everything was normalized, the place of excision into the intestinal lumen and on the Pope everything began to sit. But now the pain in the field of the tailbone intensified and began to manifest itself not only when I sit down somewhere or, and at the tension of the buttocks or coup in bed. It was at the proctologist, he said that it was possible pain intensified because of the operated paraprojectite and said that it was Coc Coffin. Assigned diodynamics and a magnet with Novocaine to do 10 days. He did the pain intensified on the 3rd day of the procedures and continued until he finished making the procedures and in additions on the last procedure, the speaker made small skin burns ((( There will be a lifetime, then more, then less, but it will be hurt. Advise me what I have to do and is it for life?

Thank you for your responses.

Replies Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Ilona! If the proctologist already advised you and no proctological pathology sees you (that is, the phenomena of paraproatitis regressed and the wound completely heal, there are no damage to the tailbone and epithelial cockerel), then you should consult a neurologist. Before consulting a neurologist, make X-ray of lumbosacker-cockerel in 2 projections. Neurologist will advise you therapy, which will reduce pain and discomfort in this area.

2011-07-14 18:03:11

Asks Victor:

Hello, I would like to ask. From the moment of the risky contact, almost 2 months passed. During this time, twice handed over HIV tests. After a week and 1.5 months after contact. So far, everything is negative. But I kill symptoms that appeared in a couple of weeks after contact
1. The weakness that appeared sharply. The day three slept as a pregnant woman, 12-15 hours a day.
2. Sharp sweating, not at night. And in the afternoon, it lasted it a couple of days.
3. Pain and crunch in the joints. The pain seems to have passed, but the crunch is still.
4. Pain in the head and dizziness. I have never had such attacks of such attacks. :(
5. Pain in the neck, as if she caught. As if the pinclet nerves or joints, I do not know what's there. Plus easy pain under the mouse.
6. A couple of days hurt the throat.
7. There are some red stains on the body, but I noticed that they arise after I am dealt with the synthetic and slightly rose as soon as they dried immediately.
8. In the mouth, at various intervals, some sores popped out ... such as the wound, this happened before, but still ... these sores passed by themselves within 2 days. Now everything seems fine.
9. Rash on the neck Itchies neck and in your hands ahead of the elbows ... I do not know what is called this place. I have this since childhood, but still this time this thing is like a long time does not pass, familiar disassembly say that this is a burn ... and really neck I have burned very burnt now, just repeating the contours of foxballs
10. Hurt the belly at times, and diarrhea was, but was within 2 days
11. The skin has become some kind of gentle, as the scratch remains red traces, but all familiar say that it is normal, maybe I just began to see what I have not seen before.
12. Kidney hurried, which also did not watch before
Such symptoms as the temperature for a week did not observe more, the increase in liftos, too, herpes, too, no, cough or cold, I also do not observe, no, there is no yes chikhna and everything.
Now some more information that hope will help you give a more reliable answer.
In the last 3-4 years, I live in a state of constant stress, constant scandals in the family, a calmed head at work constantly threatening the dismissal, there were some other panic fears, uncertainty, threats to my address, it constantly seemed that something was conceived against me, and you need It was constantly on guard, soon I solved all the problems and sort of how could calm down, but then the death of one of the relatives, stress followed. Then, for some circumstances, a dream mode was shot, first changed the day at night, then there was a moment when I had to sleep all night, and at 6 am to fall asleep for a couple of hours, and not to sleep again, the dream was distilled off, then he could sleep at 4 pm and wake up in 8 pm to dinner. With all, at the same time, he began to suspect HIV and at my constancy it was a sentence, I had a real risk. And I began to look for the symptoms and here it all started, horror, the fear and the more I thought about it, the stronger everything was manifested, the appetite disappeared, woke up with some kind of heavy head, and with the body as if elephants were walked More Toring Tsygan with dance. Over time, she resigned with his diagnosis, and gradually began to leave, stopped touching the nodes, swallowed saliva without stopping to check the sore pain, stopped nervous it seems like the symptoms began to move away, the chair normally had a head, the head was like less hurt, the throat passed. During the active symptoms and the highest point of my depressive state, everything was trying to catch up with the temperature, because it had to rise, but above 36.7 I did not raise her, no matter how nervous. In general, I now feel good, but it seems like a present weakness, and maybe it seems to me. In general, I was my diagnosed, although there is a little hope. Compiled a scenario of his funeral, and the list of cases who need to have time to do. In general, if you do not find HIV but fucking exactly :)
And I also have a thyroid stage 2, and the familiar doctor endocrinologist categorically banned nervous and calmly wait for 3 months and repeat the tests.
And even before, as I had to break the neck and the body I slept under the air conditioner, and I often sat under it. The computer is under it. Condishn worked as direct pressure and the temperature was about 19-22 degrees. Maybe this also gave his effect on everything that happened to me. I measured myself again the temperature 36.4 now. By the way, the year as arrived from abroad and this is my first summer in your hometown, the temperature here reaches 45 gr. In general, help me understand my situation, in principle, I am ready for the worst, but the little barely living hope is still there. Thanks in advance for the answer.

Anyone is a feeling on the skin of the burn without external manifestations if not frightened, it will introduce into bewilderment. Moreover, various education or uncomfortable sensations on the epidermis always signals serious violations in the body. In some cases, they are accompanied by peeling or redness, but it happens that there are no external signs, and there is a feeling of burn.
The only correct decision in such a situation will be a trip to the nearest hospital and consultation at the dermatologist. Otherwise, there is a risk of missing the initial stage of the development of the disease.

According to medical concepts, the feeling of burns when touched a person will feel in those situations when irritable exposure to external or internal factors are on the upper layers of the epidermis. This state is due to the reaction of the skin receptors, while its nature is classified as an attack.

Often, patients noted the fact that the feeling of the burn without visible manifestations is intensified in the evening, and the symptoms of symptoms weaken. Against this background, general well-being could worsen, because the body does not have the opportunity to fully relax and recover. Accordingly, disability is lost, irritability and overwork appears.

Often it can be felt and the feeling of itching, when the patient concerns the hands of the affected skin. But to go for a consultation to the doctor, it causes it only the appearance of visible stains or rashes, the emergence of which, as it seems at first glance, unprecedented.

The reasons

The feeling of burn when touched can be localized in different parts of the body. With the appearance of such a symptom, the doctor will most likely direct the patient for an additional consultation to the dermatologist and other narrow specialists, which will finally be diagnosed and start the therapeutic measures.

There are a number of external and internal factors provoking the appearance of a burn feeling without external skin damage. Consider them in more detail.


When exposed to such a factor, the cause of burn sensations is the easiest way. All because a person has the opportunity to track the reaction of the epidermis when one or another item is touched.
Suppose if a person bit at any insect, the feeling of the burn will appear almost immediately, especially if it was a bee, an axle or a mosquito. The victim will receive the most irritation in the first minutes or even seconds after what happened, and its condition may worsen if there is an allergy in the insect bites.

Speaking about the thermal factor, it is unlikely that its impact will remain unnoticed, because such a burn, often accompanied by redness of the skin and the appearance of blisters. However, if the skin stimulus touched only a few seconds, then a person may not be noticed, there will be no hyperemia, and the burning feeling will remain, but will pass a few hours later.


The greatest difficulty in diagnosing the reason for the appearance of a burn feeling without visible signs represent situations where the patient has internal pathologies. Consider in more detail the most likely reasons for the development of such a state.

The symptom presented is far from harmless, and should not be underestimated. Doctors also note the fact that the feeling of the burn without visible signs on the skin can act as a signal to develop oncological pathology in the initial stage, diseases of the internal organs, joints, gout, diabetes, failure in the work of the liver, kidney and gallbladder. That is why it is important to apply for help immediately, as the beginning of felt burning. Doctors will spend thorough differential diagnosis, identify the disease and develop the correct therapy scheme.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the feeling of the burn without visible manifestations. In most cases, this is the impact of external and internal factors. Therefore, the initial actions of the doctors will be aimed at the relief of the true pathological process, which will help the patient to get rid of unpleasant external symptoms and discomfort.

It is possible that with serious illness, drug or conservative therapy may not help, and then the patient will need surgery. But at the same time, the earlier the operation will be performed, the higher the chance of a favorable outcome and complete recovery of the patient.
So, if there was a feeling of the burn, the algorithm of action will be approximately the following:

  1. Detection of cause. Without it, you can not do. Accordingly, a person needs to go to the clinic, to pass a visual inspection, pass the necessary biological materials for research, and if necessary, then pass tool diagnosis. Be sure to tell the doctor about all uncomfortable sensations, even minor. This will help him make a clinical picture correctly.
  2. Impact. The principle of therapy always depends on the root cause, therefore, what exactly will need in a particular case, it is impossible to say unambiguously. With some violations, there will be enough medication therapy, but for the treatment of others, the operation may be required.
  3. Physiotherapy. It is necessarily included in the complex treatment of internal reasons that caused the appearance of burn feeling. Such an impact will help to cope with some diseases, as well as increase the level of the body's protective reaction.

It is important to understand that independent diagnosis and treatment can deteriorate significantly, so it is necessary to contact the doctors even with such, at first glance, a minor symptom.


  1. Collective of authors (L. A. Aleksanyan, L. S. Biryukova, A. L. Vertkin, A. V. Glazunov, L. M. Gumin, V. G. Moskvich, E. A. Prokhorovich, S. I. Rapoport , A. V. Topolyansky, Kh. M. Torshchoeva, L. G. Turbinin), Directory of the therapist. Publishing house "Eksmo", 2008, ISBN 978-5-699-30442-4.
  2. Directory of a practical doctor, edited by A. I. Vorobyeva, Moscow, Medicine, 1992, ISBN 5-225-02641-9
  3. Big Medical Encyclopedia - Chief Editor: Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS) and AMN USSR (RAMS) B.V. Petrovsky. - Moscow, Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia" 1989

Traumatic skin damage as a result of exposure to high temperatures or contact with chemicals leads to burns. Almost every person on his own experience came across burns that had different degrees and appeared during a long stay in the sun, non-compliance with electrical instruments or negligence, which is more characteristic of children.

Light burns can be treated at home, resorting both to folk methods and to pharmacy for non-prescription drugs. It is important to remember that only burns 1 or 2 degrees can be treated. If burning damage is strong enough or damaged most of the skin, then treatment at home is not permissible and can not only harm human health, but also lead to difficult consequences. Consider briefly basic types and degrees of burns, as well as first aid and means to help restore the skin after burning at home.

Recipes of traditional medicine and drugs for the treatment of burns, which will be mentioned in this article can be used only with light burns (1 and 2 degree) of the skin. If the respiratory tract burns, mucous membranes, or the percentage of burn damage occupies more than 40% of the skin and have 3rd and more stage, then the only way out will be immediate appeal to the doctor or emergency medical care.

Types of burns

You can get a burn in several ways, which is why there are several kinds of burning skin damage.

  • Thermal (thermal) burns - appear as a result of the impact on the skin of a man of fire, steam, hot liquids or items.
  • Electric burns - occur when contact with electrical devices or lightning.
  • Chemical burns are close contact with chemicals that have a local irritant property.
  • Radi burns - appear after a long contact with ultraviolet rays (sun rays, solarium).

In independence from the origin of the burn, with the injury obtained, the integrity and irritation of the skin occurs, which causes a strong pain, redness of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, followed by the formation of blisters (2 degree).

The degree of burns

There are a lot of reasons that can cause skin burns, but before you begin to treat, you need to set as far as strong burns. All burns, regardless of the cause of their appearance, shared on the burn first, second and third degree.

First degree burn

Minor skin damage to high temperatures refers to the first degree burns. Such a burn on the skin causes only redness and pain. The first degree burn does not require human hospitalization and is successfully treated at home.

Burning a second degree

Burns of the second degree penetrate deeper into the skin. This type of burning damage is characterized not only to redness of the skin, but also the appearance of blisters, which inside are filled with transparent liquid. Most often, burns 2 degrees appear when scalding with boiling water, long stay in the sun or in contact with chemicals. If the 2nd degree burn is extensive, then in the human body there is a large loss of fluid.

After such burns on the skin can remain scars or scars. Important: if the burn is 2 degrees more than a person than a person's palm or is on the face, it is necessary to seek a doctor, it will help to avoid cosmetic problems in the future. Treatment of burns of the 2nd degree is carried out at home and is successfully treated with pharmaceutical preparations in combination with the means of traditional medicine.

Third-degree burn

The burns of the third degree are quite dangerous. When they obtained, the skin destruction occurs, subcutaneous fabrics and nerve endings are affected. It is possible to obtain such burns as a result of contact with chemicals, oil substances, from electrical devices or lightning. The condition of the victim with a 3rd degree of burns can be both medium-heavy and heavy. Treatment only stationary. Usually after receiving the burns of the 3rd degree, the person needs to transplant skin.

In the case when the burn damages 20% - 40% of human leather, deep injury, there is a violation of the internal organs, the condition of the victim is severe, then it makes sense to talk about the 4th degree of burns that often end with a fatal outcome.

First assistance in burns

After receiving the burn, the first predetermined care for the victim, which will help to minimize the consequences and facilitate the state of the person. It is important to remember that the first assistance was rendered, further treatment and recovery process often depends. Therefore, it is very important to behave correctly upon receipt of the burn. One of the important in the provision of first aid with burns is considered calm and lack of panic. Only "assembled" and a person confident can hold prefigure medical events. So, the first assistance in burns is the following actions:

1. How can one quickly stop the contact of the victim with a source of high temperatures. If a person is under electric shock, then it is impossible to touch the person or the source itself. You need to use any insulated subject and eliminate current. In the case when after stopping contact with a high temperature, further destruction of the tissues occurs, you need to impose cold (ice, snow, cold water) on the burned surface), but not more than 10 to 15 minutes.

2. Given that the victim person feels strong pain, you can give any anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Ketanov and others).

3. A damaged skin area after anesthesia must be processed and superposed a gauze sterile bandage. A good result can be obtained using a special dressing material "Combixin" or "Diodept", which can be used when burns varying degrees.

4. Processing chemical or thermal burns can be flowing water. Burns with alkali - a weak solution of citric acid. If a person has received a chemical skin burn, treatment at home is carried out depending on the substance that caused damage to the skin.

Usually, when chemical burns require professional medical care, but if the burn is small, you can rinse with a strong jet of cold water. In the case when the burn is caused by negated lime, it is strictly forbidden to cool the surface of the body with water, since such substances when contacting with water, reverse effects and further burn the skin. Also, when first aid after a chemical burn, it is prohibited to independently apply any external drugs. Since the reaction of the chemical in combination with the medicinal composition may be the most different and not always favorable.

Upon receipt of strong burns, after providing first aid, it is necessary to wait for an ambulance and be sure to tell a duty team about their actions. If the burns are minor and damaged face or mucous membranes, then you can do without the help of a doctor. The exceptions are children.

What can not do with burns

Incorrectly or non-timely rendered first assistance in burns may result in complications that will affect the treatment process and increase recovery period. When burns are strictly prohibited:

  • lubricate the skin after burns with vegetable oil;
  • apply means containing alcohol;
  • open independently "Blisters";
  • clean the wound from remnants of clothes;
  • use Urim.

When burns, it is recommended to put cold on the damaged place, but you need to remember that no more than 10 to 15 minutes. If the amount of time is increased, intimidation of nerve endings may occur with the subsequent development of skin necrosis.

Complications after burns

Silent skin burns do not cause any complications, but if a blister appeared at the place of damage, which indicates 2 degree of burn, there is a risk of infection with subsequent suppuration and inflammation of the blister. The presence of the inflammatory process can cause an increase in body temperature, the total weakness of the body and other ailments. After the burning of the burn on a damaged place can remain a scar or scar.

With burns 3 degrees of complications, much more serious and can be negatively displayed at the work of internal organs and systems.

Pharmacy preparations from skin burns

The main in the treatment of burns is considered to reduce pain syndrome, accelerate healing and disinfection of the skin. The pharmacological industry provides a large amount of drugs for treating burns 1 and 2 degrees. Such drugs are produced in the form of ointment, cream or aerosol for outdoor use. Each of the drugs for the treatment of burns has a different composition and mechanism of action, therefore, before applying any means, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for the medicine or consult with your doctor. Consider the most effective drugs from burns that have antiseptic, wound-healing, regenerating action.

  • Betadine is an antimicrobial drug, which consists of pose - iodine. It is widely used to treat burns 1 and 2 degrees. Apply the ointment on the skin you need a thin layer 2 - 3 times a day.
  • Levomecol is an effective drug that has a bactericidal, anesthetic property. The use of levomecolt during burns allows you to relieve pain, speed up the healing, quickly restore the skin after burns.
  • SalkoSeril - Biogenic regeneration stimulator Frequently used when skin burns. Apply 1 - 2 times a day, only after the wound from the burn ceases to mock.
  • Panthenol is a popular remedy for burns, which contains decantenol and vitamins of Group B. The use of panthenol allows to improve tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply in the form of an aerosol or cream. This drug should always be in a home first aid kit, especially in the house where there are children.
  • Amphovizol - aerosol. The combined drug for the treatment of burns, which contains propolis, anesthesine, menthol and vitamin D. This drug has antitogogo, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, painkillers and cooling effect, accelerates skin healing. It is recommended to apply with thermal and solar burns 1 or 2 degrees.

  • Olazol - wound-healing, anti-shogin. The preparation contains sea buckthorn oil. Released in the form of an aerosol for local application. It has anesthetic, antibacterial effect, reduces the exudation, speeds up the process of epithelization of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Caripzim - a preparation of vegetable origin, which has a wide range of indications, including applied during burns. The preparation includes vitamin complexes, amino acids, carbohydrates and other substances. Application Caripzim - Treatment from burns allows you to remove inflammation, accelerate healing, restore the skin after injury. Released in bottles. Caripasima can carry out the treatment of burns of 2 degrees at home, but before use you need to get acquainted with the instructions for the drug.

Each of us at least once in life had to be born. Whether it is hot coffee, steam from the kettle or a hot iron. The suffering of burnt leather is heavy. Especially difficult to carry their children. And how often it happens that there is no necessary drugs at hand.

But it's not a problem! Small burns can be treated with home .

Signs of light burns that can be treated at home - when still need to consult a doctor?

Burns are four degrees of gravity:

For your information: 70% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe body is a critical value, if the burn is exceeded, the burn is considered fatal.

There is a simplified burning system for burning area.

It is known that the size of the palm of a person is equal 1% of the whole area of \u200b\u200bhis body . So, applying palm, you can measure the skin lesion area.

And there is a rule of 9%. It says that on:

  • Head
  • Chest
  • Stomach
  • Each hand
  • Each hip.
  • Skin shins and foot - 9% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  • On the back - 18% .
  • On genitals - 1% .

With extensive burns it is more convenient to use the rule of palm, and with small - the rule of nine.

Folk remedies can treat minor burns. For example - boiling water or ferry, since they rarely reach 2 severity.

The main signs of minor burns is:

  • Redness
  • Euchness
  • Sharp pain
  • Burning in the epicenter of the burn
  • The emergence of the blister

If you notice charring or damage to the lower layers of the skin, consult a doctor immediately!

12 best home remedies with small first-help burns

Burn is characterized high temperature destructive effect . The skin acts, for example, the fire that warms the human tissue to the level above the allowed, after which this fabric begins to "break".

To prevent much damage to need to stop the heat penetrating the human body . Those. If the top layer of the skin is damaged, then it is necessary that the heat does not struck the layers following it. For this purpose, cold water or cold compresses attached to the affected area are perfect until blister.

The second burn problem is dehydration. Damaged tissue loses its moisture. The broken shells of skin cells do not hold the cytoplasm - because blisters are obtained.

Consequently, the next necessary condition for the treatment of the burn is Moisturizing damaged surface . But it is necessary to do this after the sharp pain subsided, and the risk of damageing the underlying fabrics decreased.

  • Milk is perfect for moisture. It calms the skin, gently eating her. This cosmetic agent was adopted by the ancient Egyptians led by their wonderful Queen Cleopater.
  • Yoghurt also has moisturizing properties. In addition, it contains live lactobacilli, which are well restored by the skin.
  • Sour cream is another sour milk product that will support damaged skin. Also our grandmothers advised after tanning to flash sour cream, so as not to get out. 20% of the fat content of this product or even 15% will protect your skin from painful sensations.
  • Potatoes or potato starch . Many people know that if after burning to attach to a damaged skin area for a potato slice, then the burned place may not hurt. This is due to the magic property of starch and potato juice, which saturates the skin moisture. You can attach a compress from grated potato pulp, wrapped in a piece of gauze. The cooling and toning effect of this folk agent has a beneficial effect on the place of skin lesion.

Along with cooling and moisture, healthy burns will be and antiseptic properties of some products.

  • Honey is the most valuable anti-inflammatory and natural antimicrobial agent. To obtain a healing effect, it is necessary to attach a compress from honey or thin layer to smear the surface of the burn. Damaged skin can pinch a bit, but this discomfort will soon pass and the wound will start tightened.
  • Aloe juice. In almost every house there is this plant. To reduce pain and accelerate healing, you need to either squeeze the juice for gauze and attach it to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, or apply half the aloe sheet, having previously cut it in half.
  • Black tea Contains many tanning substances that toning and antiseptically act on damaged skin. You can attach both a wet sachet with welding and a rag moocked in tea.
  • Many vegetable oils have strong wound-healing properties. For example - oil sprouts wheat As a well-known folk remedy for stretch marks, from burns, wounds and abrasion. It helps and at the first wrinkles. It is necessary to regularly smear the thin layer of this oil damaged skin and after some time the burn will quickly cease to disturb you.
  • Almond oil It has the same restoring properties. But it has a lighter consistency and therefore it absorbs faster. Most of the reducing properties causes vitamin E, which enters all these vegetable oils. This vitamin effectively regenerates the skin, besides, makes it softer, velvety and tender.
  • Vitamin E. possesses and sea buckthorn oil . If a thin layer is lubricated to lubricate the seedlings of the skin or make a bunch of sea buckthorn oil, then the burned area of \u200b\u200bthe skin will be restored much faster.
  • Another effective means is carrot juice because he is also rich in vitamins. Mainly vitamin A, which also has regenerating properties, and therefore, the carrot juice is helping to restore. If immediately after the burn, immerse the damaged plot into carrot juice or make a march with it, then the pain subsides.

From minor burns can be effective not only pharmacy drugs, but also home . Know what and how to properly use is not to resort to the use of medicines with light skin burns.

Be healthy!

Website site provides reference information. When anxious symptoms occur in burns, the defeat of a large skin area and a significant deterioration of general well-being consult a doctor!