How to put protection from the energy vampire in the family, at work: prayer, conspiracy, stone, charm, amulet, rune, wise. Protection against people - energy vampires, salt, mirror: technique. Conspiracy: nursing a vampire and how strong stroke

Prayers from energy vampires and enemies

Protection against negative. Prayers from energy vampires. These prayers help protect against people causing irritation. They protect from those who constantly provokes to the wrong deeds, from those who constantly say nasty, in general, from people who are called "vampires." These prayers are very ancient, and they are called "apocryphal", that is, they are not included in the Orthodox canon.

Prayer Mikhail Archangel, Grozny Voevod of Heaven Forces

Lord God, the great king is original! They went, Lord, Archangel His Michael to help the slave of God (name) and save the slave of God (name) from the enemies of visible and invisible. Oh, Lord Arkhangel Mikhail, Demons crusher, forbid all enemies to deal with the slave of God (name). Cool them like sheep and crushing them as dust in the face of the wind. About the Lord Great Archangel Mikhail Six-colored, the first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force, the cherub of all saints! Oh Wonderful Archangel Mikhail, the keeper is ineciliable! Give me help in all: resentment, sorrows, sadness, at the crossroads. Give assistance on the river and went to the sea a quiet chapter. Razby, the great Archangel Mikhail, the servant of God (name) from all the tricks of the devilish. We barely hear me (name), a sinful slave of my, who praying to you and calling the name your holy, speeding up help me and hear my prayer. O Great Archangel Mikhail! The win of the strength opposing me, the power of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Angels, the Great Holy Nicholas of the Wonderworker, the Holy Prophet Ilya, the Saints of the Great Martyrs of Nikita and Eustafia and all heavenly forces. O Great Archangel Mikhail! Help me, sinful slave my own (name)! Get rid of me from fire, from the flood, from the sword, from in vain death and from any evil. Protect from the enemy of flattened, from the coward, from the storm and from the evil. Robies, the great Archangel Mikhail, me, the slave of God (name), from evil and all sorts of misfortunes. Always now and died and forever. Amen!

* Lord, God, the great king is original! We went to the slave of yours (name) ArchReart Mikhail, Guardian from enemies visible and invisible. My keeper, ArchReart Mikhail, be me, a sinful slave (name), assistant in the troubles, in the sorces, in the sorrows of empty. Get rid of me, the slave of God (name), from the delights of the devilish. About the great archResting Mikhail, the opponents of my power of the Holy Spirit, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the Holy Angels, teaching the Lord God of Jesus Christ tolerate. Always now and died and forever. Amen!

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer calling the guardian angel!

Angel of Christ! Holy, sent me to preserve the soul and body of my sinful! I am my own laziness, my own bad habits from your preching grace and moved you from myself with all my vessels, lie, slander, envy, condemnation and contempt. Disposableness, brother-hatefulness, maliciousness, sober, adultery, rage, misfortune, arrangement without satiety, drunkenness and multicolate and evil thoughts. How can you, holy angel of Christ, approach me, if I, like a dog is fatigue? What eyes are you growing at me, mired in vitality, the angel of Christ? I ask for an intimate and good one. Protect and save me from the enemy, slander and envious per day and at noon, at night and at midnight and in every hour. Amen.

Prayer protecting enemies

You, Lord, the kingdom of God fell and rose on the third day. In the glory and greatness in heaven ascended, judge the living and the dead on their affairs. You are kind, God, if a sinner comes and shifts, it will be more likely to live in the eyelids. I pray and I, the sinful slave of yours (name), about my laceration. Let go, Lord, sins to me before the soul separated with the body. Move me, your servant (name), Lord, is true. I pray and repent of my evil matters. Save, proud, visit, slower, surfting the sinful slave of yours (name). Get rid of me (name), Lord, from enemies to the house, on the way, in water and at any place. Be a win, Lord, all struggling with me. About the premium -stive Lord, hear me a sinful, blatant to you, who looks at your images of your premiece. I hope for the strength of the life-giving cross and on the preternal mother and on the heavenly strength and the Prophet Far Statement and the Baptist of your John and all saints of your apostles and the prophets and martyrs and reverend fathers and all saints. I accept my repentance and get rid of eternal flour. I hope you! Save me, the slave of God (name), give the mind and memory to remember your multidimed name. You are one, sinless and merciful, the Lord God, and you fame to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayers from energy vampires. Prayer from vampires and enemies

Archangeli Mikhail, Gabriel, Uriel, Rafail are soothing at the door of the Lord, keep the Scepter and Rubber in the hands: "Curse Satan, with the devilish power of fallen into an underground abyss, in the abyss hell. Similar to Damn, Lucifer-Analyfactor, Satan Opina! Yes, the hell will not touch me, the slave of God (name), to my house, nor to the family, either on the day or on the night, nor on the path, nor with rivers and shores, seas, lakes, water sources, at the mountains and hills and sands, on the breakwesters and on the waters. With kosovochi, wilds, forests and swamps, during fields and vegetables, different gardens and estates. The origins and wells and in every building a residential, in the temples of God and prayer houses. " Yes, it is not concealed from the signs and forces of the honest life-giving cross. Amen.

Spells from devil

Prayer from energy vampires - an effective way of protection

Are there vampires in our modern age? Of course, the Count of Dracula and the likes of the gaps became only echoes of past times, and vampirism gained a different form - energy. Prayer from energy vampires is more relevant and modern, because they are around us.

A relative-vampire can live next to you, at work - the boss, and even among friends and friends there may be vampires. Vampirism acquired a hidden shape, put on the mask of friendship and mercy. And sometimes the vampire can be masked under a miserable loser, who is terribly not lucky in life - and only you can help him with your participation. True, due to your personal energy. Consider various ways to protect against this "unclean."

Signs of modern vampire

What is vampirism? This is always a flawed energetic person, and in other words, the disease. A person lacks personal vitality, and he intuitively selects it from others. Energy selection methods set:

  • cause aggression from the donor object;
  • whin of their failures, feeding the sympathy of the donor;
  • constantly to be close to the donor and act on the nerves with its presence;
  • "Pull the soul" from man is not washed, so catalym;
  • whining and bore;
  • deification and reverence of the donor;
  • make a guilt - "without guilt guilt."

The vampire may not guess his singularities, acting instinctively. Unknown vampires include all sick people, people in old age, lonely losers, schizophrenics and people with obviously inadequate behavior.

In an old people, such people were treated with bloodshot - put leeches. Most young ghouls have no obvious diseases, but blood is strongly stuck.

There is another kind of scarlet - envious. Envy is able to eat human soul, exhaust energy. The exit from the situation in such a situation becomes the selection of vitrate in another person. The envious can eat and the energy of the one who envies.

Oddly enough, but in our time there are whole twists of vampires, where they are going to a bunch:

  • nursing homes; clinics and hospitals;
  • city Hall and city administration;
  • prisons and jail;
  • places of mass graves.

In all these and similar places, a very unfavorable atmosphere. After visiting these institutions, there is an unpleasant precipitate, and sometimes the decline of the forces. Try as much as possible there to appear there, and if necessary - put the charm. After visiting the present places, always take the cleansing shower and reset the negative on the candle. From the flame, the candles can be filled with energy, restore their strength.

Energy defense methods

Esoterics believe that it is easy to protect against the vampire personality, if you know about its intentions. As soon as you realize that in front of you, you put a mental barrier between him and you. It can be a wall of brick or concrete, a glass sphere, a mirror dome with a reflective side outside.

It is important to keep emotional equilibrium, not to annoyance and not splash out your emotions: I need to make it too much from you. Even if some Ham in the tram frankly explicit your attitude to you in obscene form, do not react. It will first be difficult to implement, but as the problem is aware of the problem, you can adjust your behavior.

It is very important to cut off the channel outflow channel. It can be done very simple: stop thinking about scrutain and remember it. Imagine that there is a cord or a slog between you and it - and convert it. Clear the hose than you like: you can imagine that it burned. The thought of man is material. Remember this, and direct your thoughts into the right track.

Prayer protection

Protection against energy vampires with prayer is a wonderful charm. Prayers protect a person from negative energies. If you suffered from a vampire actions, read the prayer:

After that, imagine a double-edged knife in your hand and make a movement that imitating the vampire channel wrap. Since you do not know where it is located, chopping the space around him - in a circle.

Protective Sasha

If the energy vampire lives in your home, make protective sachets from herbs. To do this, take a canvas bag or turn the gauze into several layers. Put the following ingredients there:

  • flowers from rosehip;
  • pink petals (white);
  • leaves from ash;
  • dry grass chastard;
  • aspen leaves;
  • husk from garlic;
  • feather from crows;
  • pepper pepper;
  • silver object.

The bag make the red cord and wear with you constantly in the bag. When communicating with the energy vampire, it is necessary to touch Sasha.

However, no protection will help you if you respond to a vampire call. Do not give in to the provocations, do not respond to brands, even do not make comments. Emotional void is the worst punishment for a vampire and the best charm for you.

Vampire protection ritual

In order not to become a victim of ghoul, you need to defense. The ritual is performed very simply, but requires concentration and concentration.

  • white paper sheet;
  • simple white candle and matches;
  • feltaster or feathers handle;
  • metal tray.

The ritual is held at sunset day on any day of the descending moon (see the calendar). You must stay alone, take a shower and wear clothes without fasteners and belts. You should not be some kind of hot objects - rings, chains, earrings, bracelets and hairpins. Hair dissolve, it is better to stay barefoot or in x / b socks.

These preparations are very important, as you will operate with energies. Energy is needed free course, and the incoming items distort its current. The cleanliness of the body is also important: traces of sweat distort the information component of human energy.

Light a white candle from the match, put in the candlestick on a free table (remove all items from it). Put a sheet with a handle in front of you, read a prayer or mantra and draw an equilateral cross.

Now you must represent how all the energy from the space flows into the symbol of the cross. This energy is very powerful, it literally boils and fills the space with its vibrations. This energy may have a color, and maybe absolutely transparent - it does not matter.

When you feel that the cosmos energy filled the cross, say:

Fit the leaf from the match and see how paper burns. At this time, it is necessary to feel how the powerful energy of the universe flows into your heart and fills the force. When paper burns, tell me:

Extinguish the candle and hide. When there is a need, ignite and imagine the strength of the universe that protects you.

Mirror defense

Mirrors have very effective protection. They have the property to reflect negative promises of ill-wishers. The mirror needs to be taught on the chest in the form of a coast. You can order a small round mirror in the workshop and make any rim for him. Only drove a hole in the mirror is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe charm must be integer. Wear a mirror amulet with a reflective side outside.

The principle of action of such an overama is simple: any attempt of a mental or energy attack will be sent back, that is, reflected. The amulet must be hidden under clothing, directly touch with your body.

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Prayer from energy vampires

How often can you meet complaints from people about suddenly poor well-being or that something sharply went wrong. Someone writes off the rapid or unpleasant set of circumstances. But there are those who can blame in such troubles of another person. And call such a culprit energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?

These are people who feed on energetics of other people. They charge the positive energy of other people and can even pick it up completely. The vampire is good, but his victim begins not to carry, the mood falls, the cases are crumbling, and also health can worsen. It is not necessary that a person can do it consciously and specifically.

First, the victim may not even understand why it happened. A typical situation: a person rejoices some event, tells about him. Naturally, the mood is good. The vampire comes here. His mood can be both good and bad. And, having heard the admired victim's stories, seeing the radiance on her face, the vampire one of his presence can immediately spoil the state of affairs. A vampire can be both familiar and someone else's. He may even sincerely rejoice at a person, but at the subconscious level, he still envy him, thereby taking everything good. After some time, the sacrifice can all go bad. And she will not even understand the reason for this.

Why, for example, many women try to hide their pregnancy or their kids to Christening - they are afraid of the evil eye from such people. Those may and admire sincerely, but they still take a good aura in children. And then children become restless, or pregnancy can occur hard.

Prayer from energy vampires

Those who will seriously believe in energy vampires can even read prayers, thanks to which they protect themselves and their energy. Basically, such protection take believers.

Prayer is a text that is designed to defend a person from a bad evil eye; From a person who causes negative feelings. You can find it both in the Bible, and contacting the father in the church.

In the words of prayer should be an appeal to God, where a person asks him to help him and defend himself. All prayers are usually long. Therefore, it will be difficult to remember it. To be always ready - write it down and wear it with you.

If it happened so that you feel someone else's energy, which causes you the harm and the prayer "Our Father" will protect you, the main thing to read it with faith and wearing always a native cross. Read more about prayers in the article: Prayers from negativity

Energy Vampire Protection

How else can you protect yourself if you suddenly meet with such people?

  1. The first is, of course, try not to communicate with them. But it will be difficult if the vampire is your colleague or relative. Therefore, if this option is impossible, there are several more paths.
  2. Try to meet with such a person not to show emotions, do not share good news so that it does not smooth.
  3. When talking with him, imagine the wall behind which your thoughts and emotions. The vampire will be difficult through it to pass. And as soon as it starts to try, immediately stop chatting.
  4. You can also submit a mirror. You are one way, and the vampire is different. All his bad energy reflection gets back to the host.
  5. Never complain to such a person.
  6. Some pose a pleasant picture in the head, thanks to which the vampire will not be able to make his evil eye.
  7. Do not be afraid of the vampire. He, as a rule, chooses people weaker and vulnerable to themselves.

Carrying from energy vampires

And what thing can be a good faith in such matters?

  • Trees have good energy. Some suggest that hugging it, you can recharge your aura.
  • Famous two fingers crossed behind the back often help from the evil eye.
  • Someone carries a pin with them. Like, she repel all evil. It is necessary to wear it from the wrong side and the pin pin down.
  • In general, any thing can be a faith. The main thing she should have your positive energy and always be with you. Nobody let it. She can be ring, suspension in the form of your zodiac sign. Do not be lazy to sanctify your wagon in the church.

Any person has good and bad days. Someone, however, more, someone has less. But this does not mean that he has a bad aura or chakras. But if you are confident that it is in this, then learn to protect your energy.

  • Try to avoid people with which you are unpleasant.
  • Do not show your irritation and fatigue on people.
  • We share good news only with those who trust.
  • Get yourself charm.
  • Start a pet. All bad energy he will take himself.
  • Corners in their apartment sometimes sprinkle with holy water.
  • Learn to recognize energy vampires.

Vampires live among us. It is a fact. They do not feed blood, but our energy. You can recognize the energy vampire according to the defined features, but it's difficult to get rid of it. Save your state of health and save biopol from the deliberate penetration will help some simple actions and special conspiracies from vampires.

Energy vampire become from birth

The body of each person has an energy membrane - biofield. This is a field structure, permeating every living organism and leaving it. With the help of a biofield, we communicate with the world around the thinner level, our physical and mental health directively depends on its state.

In the destruction of the thin shells of the biofield, the body loses energy, arise "trials", poorly affecting health. In the energy field it is easy to invest negative information, the rituals of damage are based on this, which can destroy it and lead to a slow death of man. It cares, but there is no intelligible diagnosis of doctors or an unexpected chronic disease occurs. This shell uses vampires that feed on the energy of other people, while maintaining their health at the expense of others.

How to become vampires

The formation of a vampire begins from birth. The babies have almost no energy shell, it is formed as growing up, and almost all the kids are vampires towards their mother. They very much need moms and feel calm only in her hands. Her biofield protects the baby from diseases and feeds its missing energy.

With age, the child's body generates its own biofield the necessary magnitude, he gradually ceases to experience addiction from the mother, but this does not happen. In some kids, the energy membrane remains small and weak. They can be distinguished by the following manifestations of energy dependence:

  • by frequent colds;
  • chronic diseases;
  • capriciousness;
  • painful shyness - the baby does not depart from the skirt mom;
  • frequent hysteries without tears, in which the child carefully monitors the reaction of the mother;
  • on frank and methodical whining to achieve its goals.

Such a child can bring parents to the nervous breakdown, but he immediately calms down if the mother came out of himself and began to scream.

Grown, many children can not realize that they are energy goodspir, and remain with this ignorance all life. More observant of them, those who caught the relationship between their good well-being and bad behavior, begin to consciously withdraw mom from themselves to get a portion of additional energy.

The transformation into a vampire ends during puberty, and people who know how to take energy consciously become the most dangerous of them. Among the malicious consumers of someone else's energy, there are many black magicians who enjoy the donor biopole for personal purposes, and not for nutrition. Knowing the conspiracy, how to get rid of the energy vampire, you can safely protect your biofield.

Energy vampire annoys one of his presence annoying and causes antipathy

On the household level, it is easy to highlight the energy vampire. This is a person in the presence of which:

  • reduced good mood;
  • headache or dizziness appears;
  • disputes flare up, fights, quarrels and scandals arise;
  • i want to get out of the room;
  • there is a desire to leave, despite the fact that he did not do anything bad.

One of his presence, such a person annoys and causes antipathy.

The vampire has a careful and chain look, he is watching the behavior of the interlocutor and tries to direct the conversation towards unpleasant events or memories, cause negative emotions.

If there is a relative in the family who often calls on the phone and a long time complains of life, causing a feeling of irritation, then this is a vampire, a monotonous rapid energy. If someone with a regular frequency suits scandals, bringing opponent to hysterics is also an energetic vampire.

The vampire can be found on the street and in transport, at work, away, and at home. They are quite a few, and they all represent a potential threat to our health. It is with force they step on the foot on the bus, scandaling in the yard, insult and always try to call an emotional splash, expanding biopol. At this point, the energy fence occurs, after which the affected person feels devastation and decay of the forces.

Energy defense methods

There are many ways to get rid of the vampire and save your biofield. These include energy protection. The simplest thing is to close the field on yourself. To do this, you need to throw the leg to the leg and cross your hands. Seeing such a pose, the vampire will not even try to do something if he is not a professional. When a collision with a black magician, such protection will not save.

From energetic vampires can be protected with a mirror wall

When talking with a vampire, you can erect an imaginary wall. It should be a mirror (reflective surface to the interlocutor) or glass.

Building mentally a wall, it is necessary to imagine it in every detail. Each little thing is important. The wall can be grown straight out of the floor, build out of transparent bricks, create it directly from the air. There is a good imagination. It must be remembered that the thought is material, and field structures are able to listen and perform mental teams.

Dome or trumpet

How to protect yourself at work, if necessary, tell me the ritual associated with the imagination. It would be strange to sit, thumping my leg when everyone else work, so to protect on the street, in transport and at work there is a way called "Dome", Egg or "Pipe", who, how best to call.

Protection against energy vampires "Dome" is based on the biofield property to perform mental commands. She is put in the morning and shoot in the evening, after work. To perform installation you need:

  1. Stand at the mirror. Close the eyes and mentally imagine how an invisible, but durable dome is formed above the head, which goes out into infinity. If it does not work with the dome, you can imagine a pipe or egg.
  2. When the picture is stable, on top of the dome you need to imagine a waterfall, and then burning fire. Three layers should turn out: a transparent wall, water and flame.
  3. After that, give a mental order of a biopol: "Standing until I do not take off!"

Having installed such protection, you can easily go to work. In the evening, coming home, you must remove the dome with a mental order.

In order not to forget to protect yourself from vampires, you can write a note and attach it to the mirror. Your note is needed to read in the morning, as a reminder: "Put protection!".

The energy dome is supported by its own biopole and takes out some part of the forces, so it must be removed in the evening. For the night, the field structure will be fully recovered.

Such protection works perfectly from damage and the evil eye, saving both from deliberate and accidentally exposure from the outside.

To the question, there is protection in another way, there is an answer - amulets, talismans, charms. You can protect yourself with rituals and conspiractions.

From vampires can be defended by conspiracies

If communication with the vampire is impossible to avoid, then the read conspiracy will help to weaken its impact. It will help when delivering from a conventional vampire, but not from a professional. There are many such conspiractions, they all differ in force of exposure. How to get rid of the energy vampire plot, you can learn from the description of rituals.

On paper

This conspiracy is suitable for those who are forced to communicate with a vampire at work or in everyday life. To fulfill the rite you need to have:

  • brown paper sheet;
  • frying pan;
  • cactus processed.

On a sheet of paper, you need to write the name of the vampire and the words that it uses when communicating (usually insults and knuckle). Put paper on a dry frying pan and burn with the words:

"Do not burn paper, but an offender ZhGU! I can't collect ashes, but I take my energy back! All health, beauty and power return! "

After that, ashes to collect and pour into the pot from Earth and put a cactus with the words:

"I'm not a cactus planting, watering, but I urge to yourself! Save, save and defend! "

Cactus pour a small amount of water.

Pot with a cactus attributed to work (if the vampire is there) or leave at home where communication occurs. This conspiracy from vampires will make them avoid evil conversations. He will also affect the vampire well-being, so it is better not to use it with close people.

Behind the plant must carefully care. When watering each time, repeating the last words of the conspiracy:

"Save! Save! Protections! ".

To protect against vampires will help the conspiracy on the English pin

The closed circuit of the ordinary pin as it is impossible to be suitable for a conspiracy. The metal keeps the information well, and the word, supported by thought, will create a specific barrier for the impact of the vampire.

On the pin they inspire:

"God is all-average advantage, give me protection and charm from all sorts of trouble! Relieve me from enemies in the house, on the way, from any evil! In order for the vampires of vile, in order to have enough strength to rebuff the losselners shameless. In the name of all saints, hind me. Amen".

This is not a canonical prayer, but a plot. Pin pin to the outstands of clothes head down. The energy of force will increase several times, the pin will be a guard.

Protection of fire

If the name of the vampire is definitely known, you can get rid of it with a flame. For the rite you will need three church candles and a photo of a vampire. You can do without a photo, but the power of the rite will decrease.

On the table to lay a piece of black cloth, put candles (you can connect them together), a cup with water and put a photo in front of you. If not, then you need a vampire call. To do this, it is necessary to mentally imagine his appearance in all details and whisper to pronounce words:

"Become next to me."

The flame of the candle is screwed:

"Annoy all the links between us."

Take a photo to the fire so that it began to melt, and then dip in the water with the words:

"Fire is burned, water has taken."

No need to burn the vampire photo completely, it can be dangerous for him. If the one who fulfills the rite has strength, but does not know about it, then burning the photo, it has not only mental, but also physically influence, up to a severe disease.

Guardian angel will always come to the rescue

In a minute, when a person feels the impact of the energy vampire, you can contact my guardian angel with the words:

"Saint, sent to me, I ask you in the name of our Lord, save and save the devilish origin, evil vampires. Amen".

Appeal to angel keeper can be mental, and words - arbitrary. He will always come to the rescue in a difficult moment.

Get rid of binding

Some vampires can create energy channels with their victim. Such a binding is called "harness" or "Pupovina". With its help, the vampire constantly uses someone else's energy, and the "donor" loses strength and ill.

Get rid of the harness on their own difficult, but you can try to remove binding using a ritual rite. For him will be needed:

  • large tailoring scissors;
  • holy water;
  • sunny weather;
  • assistant.

It is necessary to go outside in sunny weather, better at noon, and sit on the chair. During a properly spent rite, a person may feel dizziness, so you need to sit.

The assistant is behind his back and keeps the opened scissors at the ready. It is necessary to read a conspiracy from vampires out loud:

"I spell you, the devil, in the name of the Lord Jesus! We take your black servant for ever. Evil forces from ourselves, I will return the devil! In the name of the Father. In the name of the Son. In the name of the Holy Spirit. "

On the last sentence, the assistant should close the scissors three times, as if cutting off the rope. After that, holy water poured on the head, it can also make an assistant.

This ritual helps not everyone. But it's worth trying it. If the rite is carried out correctly, the vampire suffers physically.

Energy vampires replenish the supply of their vitality at the expense of others

Some of the youth seriously is interested in how to become a vampire in real life with a spell. In no way. Although you can tell each other terrible fairy tales for the night.

With energy vampirism, only one who wants to replenish the margin of their vitality at the expense of others will become a lot of energy vampire. If there is no natural data, then the art of energies you need to learn.

Those who wish to become vampires need to remember that there are many ways to combat them, and not all of them are harmless. Of course, encountered with a real wizard to combat energy vampires, you can regret the rest of your life. And it can be very small.

Protection against witchcraft, energy vampires, sorcerers, love spells and evil eye - Prayers: Options and examples of protective prayers from energy vampires with text in church Slavic language. Useful additional information, comments and explanations for the question: Protection against energy vampires - prayers.

When you want to find on the Internet, ways to protect against energy vampires, for example, the Orthodox prayer from energy vampires, the search will find a strange thing. More than all such protective prayers from energy vampires, you can somehow meet not in serious Christian sites or in the blogs of priests, where they seem to be a priori, by definition. And on the resources that have a very remote attitude towards Christianity (this is a very soft wording). And the more pronounced not Christian, but the occult, the esoteric orientation of the site, the clearer and categorical recommendations are given by the authors to protect against energy vampires with prayers. And some prayers published there are always declared the most protective strong prayer from energy vampires. Detailed recommendations are given, how to read prayer from energy vampires, loud or quiet, how many times, in front of which icon, how much to put candles. Where to put the candles correctly, and where it is wrong and what to do, how to interpret, which means, if during the protective prayer from the energy vampires, the candles go out, crack, smoke in black so on and so on. Everything is so well described as instructions for ritual or ritual. On the contrary, if the site is Christian, there are high-quality theological materials or author of the article about prayer from energy vampires is a priest. It is almost always impossible to find what you want - the strongest prayer from energy vampires, with the instructions: how to read prayer, how many times, in front of what icons, where to put candles, how many candles to light, where to splash holy water and so on. Especially boring to read about protection against energy vampires with prayers that there is no exciting information on the procedure for ritual or advice to protect against the energy vampires prayer in the church. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the question: how to find a protective prayer from energy vampires, from the point of view of a Christian, is not correct. He perverts the essence of the prayer to God. Christians in principle do not believe in energy vampires, sorcerers, negative, damage, evil eye, magic and witchcraft, or rather they do not believe in the possibility of harmful to the Christian by wicked, burning, magical technologies. Therefore, in Christianity, strictly speaking, there are no protective prayers from energy vampires, in the understanding that the word energy vampire is invested by representatives of another religion - the occult. You, asking the question where to find a strong protective prayer from energy vampires, invest in the concept of the energy vampire, not Christian importance, which is already reflected in the formulation of the request. Naturally, according to the search results, you fall, most often for esoteric sites or simply low-quality resources, which published materials for people who believe in witchcraft. On sites for occultists and esoteric. Without giving the meanings that the strongest protective prayers found there will be, most likely, not Christian prayers, and the occult or esoteric spells. To determine the independent Christian Orthodox is a prayer from energy vampires or not a Christian, it is possible to be quite simple, but you need to be able to do this and to have a desire to at least thoughtfully, consciously read the text of the protective prayer, to realize: "What is it actually?". Let it be confused by the fact that in the spell from energy vampires it is used by the author to be used by the Slavic language similar to churchly, and in the text of the spell there are references to God, the Mother of God, saints, martyrs or next to prayer are pictures of icons or photographs of temples. And the authorship of the prayer is attributed to someone from the Orthodox saints. The latter generally should be alert. Our, local esotericists, psychics and occultists consider helpful to mask spells under Christian prayers, issuing them for the Orthodox methods of protection against energy vampires. So they are better perceived not very educated by the "public", people who want to find the most severe protective prayer from energy vampires.

Nevertheless, although Christians do not believe in energy vampires, magic and damage, yet the right good Christian Orthodox protective prayers from energy vampires, the negative, the attitude and the evil is there. It seems a paradox only at first glance. While we do not intersect the essence of church terms. We will not forget that in church understanding the term witchcraft for a Christian can mean not only magical technology, negative, damage, evil eye, vorozhb, magic or wicked, like esoteric and pagan. As well as the miscarios of the evil, the actions of the devil, demons, unclean spirits, unclean strength, demons. The fact that in a broad sense is called Christians: the enemies of a person or evil. Therefore, the Christian witchcraft can be used by Christian, but he is understood in a figurative sense, not as a magical technology. For this reason, the Christian's most strong protective prayers from energy vampires found in their content of esoteric prayers, those that we consider the pagan spells. For example: in the Christian Orthodox Protective Prayer from Energy Vampires, we do not see in the text of the prayer not a single mention of the word energy vampire, sorcerer, but we meet specific instructions on the dangers that Christian considers real. The miscarions of the devil, evil, evil forces, unclean strength, unclean spirits, demons, enemies and evil. At the same time, such protective prayers from energy vampires are often called prayers from witchcraft or from a sorcerer, may be prayers from Magi. The word witchcraft, a sorceress, wicked is really found in the Bible, in the epistles of the apostles, in the writings of the Church's fathers, in old prayer books in Greek. But witchcraft translates from Greek into Russian not with meaning - magical technology or practical magic, but with meaning: fraud, deception, false advice, illusion, temptation, temptation, delusion. What is equally applies to superstitious ideas about energy vampirism.

How to protect yourself from the energy vampire - the question is relevant for each of us. Since, we realize this or not, but in life, we often face real energy vampires, provoking us to choose from negative emotions. After meeting with such a person, you feel empty, and the vampire, having received a caption, will soon come for a new portion.

If you have an invisible attack

There are accurate signs that the energy vampire affects you. So, the attack takes place if:

you feel (even intuitively) that a person affects you psychologically during communication;

you feel with a person not in his plate, you "strains" his presence; You "flash" in a conversation with a man, whatever say, it is not clear why you are nervous, communicating with him you feel broken, even there is a feeling that you caught the cold or too tired.

Vampires can manipulate you, scandaling and provoke to emissions, but you can and you need to fight

Of course, any energy vampire in buddies or friends is not needed. But, since they are different, so far, respectively, it is necessary to defend in each case using various methods.

There are vampires, which are actually very not satisfied with themselves: and the work is not laid, and in the family eternal problems. So the person thinks that if it is all the time to complain "for life," it will win your attention, will get sympathy. In other words, it is applied by the energy of the neighbor.

Is it possible to deal with it? Need to! For example, as soon as you try to involve in an unpleasant conversation, just smile and silent, let's understand what you want to stay aside. Of course, he can continue to talk, but, the main thing is that you are not "turned on" emotionally. After all, it is your emotions and need such people.

Of course, in such situations it is difficult to say no, to burn out. But it is more expensive - to regret. You need to learn to look at everything from the outside - and no vampire will not be terrible. In general, after a neutral reaction, you will leave you alone.

Sometimes, knowing your "sick dots", the Energovampier is talking about what concerns you, but that you are not happy at all. Such conversations, many bring the interlocutor to white river. The exit is here two: either to say that you don't care, you absolutely do not worry, or begin to act to solve your problem. Then the vampire will simply not be caught.

The flow of light as protection against energy vampirism

Developing his imagination, you will help you create a virtual, but very reliable protection against energy vampires. Everything that is needed for this is to imagine that you are standing in the light stream.

Visualize how this light destroys negative programs in your energy field. When you feel that the burnt of the severity in communicating with another person as if it fell from your shoulders, then we can assume that the defense worked.

If you still feel fatigue, it means not to protect yourself, and it is better to stop the conversation - only as can be softer (remember that irritability feeds the vampire) and finding any preposition for this.

While you will imagine that a bright protector is flooded with you, you will distract from whining, and a vampire man complaints. The vampire will feel that it cannot break through the defense, and, it means that he will lose power over you and interest in you. You yourself will see, he will change the topic of conversation.

Reflect the attack of the vampire will help the flow of light - imagine how it literally penetrates your body

You never need to forget that the vampire can break through your energy protection only when you allow him to do it: you regret, give advice when he is bad, empathize (crying, worry).

And at all, think about whether it is better to part with those familiar, friends, after which you are bad and morally, and physically. It is important for you to understand what something bad happens to people is not in response. And you are not at all obliged to give "smart" tips, leaving your own vital energy.

One of the tactics of the fight against vampirism - Escape

Do not even hope that you can re-educate the energy vampire! By the way, the easiest way is to just escape from him. Moreover, not only in the figurative sense of the word.

The vampire needs to try to replay emotionally, and then he himself "scares away"

If you are somehow connected with such a person, for example, at work, it means exclusively to work with it and intersect. As can be less likely to meet with similar people - this is a good output. But in these cases should not be relaxed, you need to prepare well.

We remember that the Energovampier wants to pour you out, scare, cause irritation or other negative emotions. Consequently, you should not give him the opportunity to do it. Exit - to replay such a person emotionally. Of course, he will not "play" in your game, but you yourself will play it imperceptibly for him.

A good result gives a response similar behavior. For example, if a person wants to split you, knock out some details, you will in response to give invented examples from life, and with even more "foul" details.

Energy vampire does not want to absorb such unpleasant details and change the topic. Moreover, he will understand what to complain to you in the hope of getting sympathy will not work. And he will have to switch to someone else.

We laugh and effectively counteract energy "suction cups"

Agree, it's best to win anger and anger of laughter. For example, in the Cabinet of the Terrible Chief, imagine it in a funny look, for example, clown, or in a ridiculous form, say naked and tie. He reads you, boils like a samovar, and you politely look, but they smile to all my mouth: After all, the "king" is naked!

In no case are not angry in response, and if justified, then emotionally light, not including evil, black emotions.

If the Energovampir is your boss, the only way out is imperceptibly laughing.

Even better if you mentally look at everything from the outside. Imagine that you are sitting opposite the chief (another person), but your soul flies somewhere under the ceiling and looks down on what is happening. Such abstraction needs to back up and inner laugh. And after all, it's really fun: a person comes out of himself, angry, scolding you, and does not even suspect that you are "not here", but laugh, a grain over his head.

Think yourself: "Well, when this" big boss "is released for me ... In the meantime, I'm still flying." And so that it was easier to switch to something cheerful, see more of the Kininomedy - it will be useful. Always at the right moment you can easily remember something ridiculous, and the Energovampier will surely feel that you are on your wave, and go back from you.

Similarly, you can also protect against the energy vampires of the house, that is, people from the closest circle of communication. After all, friends, relatives can be energy vampires. The principle of protection is the same.

In addition, remember that often a person does not realize that he tries to deprive you energy, provoking on the scandal. If you are aware of this, you will not be on provocations and you will not be insult, anger or other negative feelings, opening the door to your own energy field.

Conspiracy for neutralization of the energy vampire

With the help of conspiracy, you can also erect an invisible wall aroundAnd it neutralizes a negative energy attack.

Pronouncing the words of conspiracy, you will not allow the energy vampire to influence you

By saying a word about yourself, you must represent how they cut you out from an unpleasant interlocutor.

Say: "The barrier from words reliably protects. Walled words to win me help. Your dark conversation does not concern me. With my words, as a lock, she reliably locks out. " At the same time, you have to do with your fingers to make simple movements: picked in the air, as if the "swelling" checkers, like in the children's game "in Chapayeva". Everything is bad, therefore, will "bounce" from you.

Runes will save your energy

With antiquity, a strong faith for protection against those who "pulls" energy is considered to be clover. And, of course, it is best that his leaflets are real.

At the same time, the pendant in the form of the leaf of clover is also an effective charm. At the same time, the silver product is protection against Energovampira-Women, and the Golden will not affect you a vampire-man.

You can protect against vampires using faiths, such as Runes Tourisas, Teivaz, Touriszaz

Also has long been known for such a way as pinching on clothes on the left side of the pin. It does not matter whether it is visible to a stranger or not.

Pendant that symbolizes your zodiac sign will also be your individual defender. Better, if it is from metal, even subsidiary.

A wubble can be your pet pet, a cat or a dog. It is known that they are capable of "absorbing" negative energy without harm. If there is a meeting with an unpleasant person for you at home, be sure to take a shaggy charm in my hands or suck close, stroke the animal - and you can safely communicate.

Ideal, which will put a barrier to protect against someone else's negative energetics of a person are considered: Tourisaz, Teivaz, Tourisa. You can cut them yourself, for example, on a wooden pendant.

Select the above runes and use for energy protection.

The best protection against energy vampires will have its own strong energy and a positive attitude. Remember the simple truth: darkness can not touch the light. So the negative energy will not be able to penetrate your energy shell if you emit positive.

Video to the topic: "Energy vampires: how to recognize them and secure yourself"

We have already written about how to recognize the energy vampire in their surroundings, and now we will tell you how to protect yourself from Magic.

Most often they act in two ways. The first: Having imagined the moment, they prestee a person in a corner and for a long time, tastefully complain about their misfortunes, pour out the soul, demanding sympathy, consolations. The poor listener is infused, but it is difficult to interrupt the "confession": it will offend the already suffering person. And the sufferer of that is necessary: \u200b\u200bat the same time regretting and evil, you will open up, and your energy is poured ... straight to the vampire.

The method of the second. He is especially loved by vampires chiefs. They cause a subordinate "on the carpet" and randomly report for errors that he may have not committed. After these "sessions", a person feels completely squeezed, but the vampire just flourishes. Vampires prefer to choose a victim from the number of emotional people, those who easily "start" and reacts violently, plant energy.

First of all, stop reacting and on complaints, and on break: the dog barks - the wind is wearing. If you have nowhere to go, listen to all this nonsense, not delight, think about your own, Linding how the rain would have worried. And in order to fully block the vampire, imagine a tin can, which you cover your tormentover or tormenting. The walls of the banks are opaque, and the entire negative, which comes from the vampire, concentrates inside the tiny space. The more he complains. Screaming or angry, the more dense cloud surrounds him, the stronger it squeezes him. Believe me: Very soon the Vampire will lose all interest to you.
And in order to avoid his attacks in the future, take a piece of paper and write on it: "As holy worships tamed Lviv in the desert, so you, Lord, Ukroti (the name of the energy vampire)." Fold the sheet fourly, impose with a red ribbon or the Cross-cross-tier and we carry with you three days, preferably on the body.

Conspiracy from the vampire

Another effective conspiracy to protect against energy vampires needs to be read before going to the carpet to the inadequate boss or enter into a dispute with a Breast-neighbor. You can read on a piece of paper, without learning by heart:

"I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross, out of the hollows, with the door, with the courtyard, at the highest eastern side, on the ocean-blue sea. On the ocean-blue sea there is an island, there is a stone on the island, there is a cathedral on this stone, in this cathedral - the throne. Behind this throne Orel-Batyushka Vladimir, Ilya Muromets and the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. I came to you to ask and chick from the cologitas, from the breakdown, from whining, from the girl-Propoligo, from a man-sorcerer, from a wild eye, from the windmill to protect me, the slave of God (name). "

After that, the energy vampire will be quieter of water below the grass, but even if this does not happen, his screams do not affect you.

Waisheg from the powerful vampires

There is another conspiracy, taking advantage of you to protect yourself from the attacks of lovers to get involved in someone else's energy. On the night of the Wednesday on Clean Thursday (this year it falls on April 28) pour water into a small container and whisper above it so that your breathing concerned the surface:

"Lord, Almighty God, who created everything from nothing! Bless and clean my body, strengthen and save me from enemies visible and invisible. Bless, Lord, this charm for all times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen". Put the water into a secluded place where no one will find it, and go to bed yourself. In the morning on Thursday, you will be able to conspire water, and then do not wipe, let it dry. Since then, Hama and Grabians, specially provoked you to conflict and emissions will forever disappear from your horizon.