How to admit the girl that she. "How to tell a girl what I like her? Recognition in love girlfriend in your own words

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The beginning of this relationship is impossible to imagine without recognition in their feelings.

In order not to look stupid, it is better to first forgive the soil and find out how it belongs to.

Is it possible to make her confess the first

When the guy is first recognized, it is more natural, some young people doubt the love of their beloved and want to push them to make a confession first.
For men, the fear of refusal is also particularly characteristic.

To push it to admission, it is important to take into account its character. Modest and calm can be confused in a noisy setting or embarrassed alone.

The best way to prepare the soil for recognition is to organize a romantic date in a beautiful and peaceful place. For example, it can be dinner with candlelight at home or in a restaurant.

During a date, you can make conversations about how well live when you can be 100% confident in someone's love and loyalty, that in our materialistic world real relations are so rare. Girls, Sentimental Nature and easily surrender.

Or whether to admit

Sometimes the guy doubts that he likes the girl.

Understand whether it makes sense to admit, easy. It is necessary to estimate all its actions in relation to.

How does she look at you, talking to you, whether she distinguishes you or communicates like someone else, whether she has time to communicate with you, whether it has any signs of attention (for example, doing gifts), Does the compliments make whether they received some hints on possible rapprochement and relationships.

What to do after recognition

Recognition in love is a situation that can be somewhat embarrassed by both. If you are already meeting or communicate with it more closely than a friend or girlfriend, after recognition you can hug or kiss it, and even better - give some gift. If the relationship already exists, the guy and the girl are confident in mutual sympathy and confess to love easily.

If you have not met yet, but just friends or even familiar, then after admission you can look into her eyes. If you find an embarrassment and reluctance to give an answer right away, just give some romantic gift and ask for this topic.

The main thing is that during the recognition you were completely confident in what you are saying, and looked straight into her eyes. Girls love self-confident guys.

It must be said that the situation of recognition in love itself can push it to make response, even if she really does not feel. First, far from people know how to speak directly, but, secondly, women's love unlike male reveals gradually. And if she is experiencing to at least strong sympathy, then you may have a chance.

If she resolutely refused, should not be upset. Your person will never refuse. Just you showed this girl badly. After the failure, collect the will in the fist and wish her happiness. Do not lose your own dignity and do not persuade her. Even if you achieve relations persistence, they still will not bring joy, it will not appreciate you.

If they refused, this does not mean that something is wrong with you. Something is wrong with her. For example, she already has a guy, she has some problems in life or she is simply not ready for a relationship. If she says that she is good and easy with you, but there is no serious feelings yet, you can offer to communicate or even meet.

The girl falls in love with the intellectual level and her love is heated on slow fire. She will still love you. The question is whether you want to meet with it so to wait.

How to say that I like her unexpected way

  • If you are leaning together with your beloved, it will be unexpected to write a confession right on the board. For example, it can be something like "Masha, I see a whole space in your eyes."
  • If you are bold and lover - your classmate or classmate, you can reach the board to answer the object and start with public recognition in love. Everyone will laugh, and the teacher may not understand, but here the girl should evaluate such an madness. You can say: "Of course, we all know that Pushkin is a great poet (or that the theorem is so proved in such a way), but I can not think about it, because I think about Masha. Now, when I told it and it became easier for me, you can talk about the subject. "
  • You can confess love in love and for a walk. It is better to start from the conversation, and then smoothly bring the topic to relationships, and at a certain point it is loudly scolding to the whole street "I love you." The girl can grab into the hands. Passers-by, of course, will begin to turn around, but the girl should rise in the mood.
  • Verified Dedovsky way to recognize in love in verses is the best. Write romantic poems or at least quitty. It will appreciate it, even if you are not a great poet.

Recognition should be beautiful. For example, you can say your lover that the world seemed black and white to meet with her, and she opened a whole palette or that the butterflies in your head only from her.

We use social networks

Recognition in love should not be everyday life, and in the social network it can be done spectacular. If you are not afraid, you can make video recognition and lay it out on the social network. Here are some tips on how to say that I like it in contact:

  • If you are not sure of the response feelings, you can go on from afar and ask her about her boyfriend's ideal and relationships. If the ideal is like you, you can safely tell her that your ideal is like her. A simpler confession way is to put a romantic picture or a romantic song on its page.
  • It is difficult to confess to love, and it is better not to hurry until emotional contact arises and constantly communication will not appear. At least friendly.
  • If you are already meeting and do not want to confess in love personally, then communication in contact will be the perfect occasion. Since the relationship is already there, you will not be afraid of failure. And here you can write on the wall of the girl "I love you", but you can simply give the appropriate gift, for example, a cat with a heart.
  • But it is better to write a message. Do not start a dialogue with recognition. You can start with common topics, and then carefully bring the girl to the frank conversation and write something like "native when I went home yesterday after a meeting with you, I suddenly realized that I was flying. Probably, this is love. "

It's easy to confess to love. Speak from the soul, confident and beautiful. Any guy wants to know how to tell the girl that I like her, words should not be chosen. No need to invent anything artificially. Just be sincere.

It is believed that guys should be initiated in relations, but not everyone knows how to properly admit the girl in his sympathy, how to make these first difficult steps. Answer to the question "How to hint a girl, what do I like her?" The following effective tips will be:

  1. Try to prove to her that you feel in a special way. In a noisy company, find the opportunity to retire for conversation. In her presence do not pay much attention to other girls. Be polite, tactful and respectable.
  2. Speaking of compliments: about her attractive appearance, smile, beautiful figure. Let it be uncomfortable words, but coming from the heart.
  3. Do not forget to give flowers and gifts, not only on holidays, but without any reason. It is always nice.

Recognition should only be done after a trust relationship will arise between you. It is reasonable to prepare a girl at this point: for a while, before admitting, it is advisable to hint at how much you like it. By her reaction, you can understand your attitude towards you.

The girl will definitely be understood, you are prettier or not. She can use women's tactics and hint to you about it, for example, a body tongue - a look, gestures, touches. About the fact that you are not disseminated to her, you will understand more time with you at her wish. If the girl appeals to you for advice or help, it also shows sympathy: she is weak and defenseless and expects support for a strong man.

What should I talk at the time of recognition?

Talk about feelings is preferably alone. Because in a personal conversation with the help of emotions and intonation, you can make accents in the most significant moments to emphasize your sincerity. The surrounding environment should also have a pleasant conversation. Be collapse to get to the main one. Explain how you are glad that I got acquainted with her and that you really appreciate your friendship. Next, I should tell the girl what she likes you. Moreover, you should make it clear that you do not require a momentary answer. Logical conclusion can be an invitation for a date.

Too beautiful phrases of romantic films in life look ridiculous. Be open and stay yourself. Then you can count on reciprocity.

Sometimes young people lack courage to recognize an eye on the eye. In this case, you should think about whether this girl really do you really? After all, in order for the relationship to be formed, in some situations they will have to make concessions, compromises, partly sacrificing their interests. If you find it difficult to make a small effort on yourself, so that your relationships develop on whether to continue them? In addition, a written explanation for a girl can calculate the manifestation of insecurity in your feelings for her. And then this will definitely affect her decision. However, the choice of a method of recognition may depend on the characteristics of the character and worldview of the girl. If it is an extraordinary person, then the original message is what you need.

If a personal conversation is not possible for various reasons, use social networks or SMS. This method of explanation is appropriate when you are separated by a long distance, and the conversation is already explicitly called. Your message must be competent. If you are not strong in Russian, contact special applications. The girl will definitely appreciate your attention to the details and made efforts. After all, all this speaks respectfulness to her. And in the correspondence it is not recommended to use slang and ambiguous phrases.

How to write a message to a girl who likes, in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte

  1. For recognition in sympathy, you should choose a convenient time. If you know for sure that the girl is busy, do not write a message immediately. The optimal option is the evening.
  2. The words of the message need to be thought out in advance. It should be concise, understandable, but memorable.
  3. If nothing really happens to come up with, you can resort to the masterpieces of world classics, the main thing is that the text is not large. Everything needs to be observed in everything.
  4. You can not restrict ourselves to the phrase "you are very nice to me." This is not enough to report on the seriousness of intentions. Recognition should contain a compliment, emphasizing the advantages of the girl, as well as the proposal to continue relations, such as a date.
  5. In reinforcement, you can send a postcard, your joint photo or a whole photo collage.
  6. The original message can be done using a video. The video message must be previously recorded on the camera. His scenario must be thought out to the smallest detail: your clothes, hairstyle, facial expression, words, "scenery". Perfect option - Park, river. You can attract friends to record flashmob, for example, in the form of a pulsating heart.

The Internet gives a lot of examples, which SMS should be written to express sympathy. Here are some of the most successful:

  1. "You are very cute and fun. I am easy to communicate with you. "
  2. "It can be seen that you love sports: you have a cool figure."
  3. "You have very beautiful silky hair. So I want to touch them. "
  4. "You have unusual eyes. When I look at them, I can not lie. "
  5. "I am very often thinking about you, about us. It seems to me that we will be an excellent pair. "
  6. "They say, the angels live in heaven and rarely descend to Earth. I was lucky because I met my angel. "

Many men of different ages face the same problem - a beautiful, intelligent and very cute girl who causes a feeling of deep sympathy. But how to tell her about it? How to make a lady believe in the sincerity of the feelings with her sharing? "How to hint a girl, what do I like her?" - This question is asked hardly more often than thinking of the method, how to make an offer to your beloved woman.

What to do in such cases? How to understand whether time has time for recognition? How to behave in order not to get to see.

How to start a familiarity?

Imagine a simple situation: you are walking down the street, you go in public transport ... or make purchases in the store. And here you see her - the girl of his dreams. Well, or just very pretty and cute. What to do? How to be? It is logical that the best solution will come and speak with her, but how to do it?

Or, suppose it is a colleague on work, a classmate or a classmate, a common acquaintance ... In short, you see with enviable regularity, but what to do next - it is not clear.

Why don't many men have difficulty communicating with the girls cute? Causes can be different. However, the most common are:

  • Excessive shower;
  • Experienced negative experience;
  • Diffidence;
  • Fear of failure or ridicule;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • The popularity of a sympathetic girl;
  • The difference of social layers;
  • The inability to approach the girl, because the lady is not alone.

Many items from the list above one way or another testify to self-esteem. In order to cope with uncertainty, a long work is needed. It will not be superfluous to visit a male psychologist or psychotherapist, but it is unlikely that a pretty girl will wait for a long time.

Therefore, you can use the tips below.

  • If you feel a strong constraint, it is still worth trying to push the moment when the girl will remain alone, or at least in the distance from all the others. But it is not necessary to obsessively pursue it at a distance - it will cause excessive tension and much faster will be a reason for ridicule, if not the girl itself, then her surroundings.
  • Often, it is simply not possible to wait for the chance to catch the girl alone. A good alternative will be waiting when the smallest number of people around it will be around it, and offer her for a long time to move away. And aside from people to make a conversation with her.

But what if you are not familiar and met for the first time? Output one - to overcome your constraint and approach. But how to start acquaintance? There are many recommended phrases that are replete with the Internet. It is not necessary for your mom's son-in-law? ", And" called from the Heavenly Office, the angel disappeared, but I won't say anyone that I saw you "and many others. Do not use them.

Why such categoricalness? Everything is simple. If you, applying to a pretty girl, is not initially confident in yourself and braving - this is immediately noticeable. No need to seem to those who are not. It is very noticeable, from here, it is often quite aggressive and mocking answers. It happens that the girl who thought a second ago something like "what a nice young man" after such a phrase continues the thought is very impartial.

Therefore, the rule is first - be yourself. Yes, perhaps you are shy, you blush, pale and stutter. More sincerity and openness from the first minutes are more chances for success.

The rule is the second - say what you think and feel. No confused phrases. If the girl struck her beauty - and say "the girl, you are very beautiful, can I meet you?" First, in this case, there are only two answers, or not. Secondly, the girl will be very pleased to hear the sincere compliment. Thirdly, even if she responds with refusal, remember: negative experience is also experience. Thus, you will learn at least to overcome your constraint, which will help to help in the future. And the more such approaches you will make, the less stress will be with each subsequent.

Suppose the girl agrees to meet and leave his phone number - offered her not to postpone and sit in a cafe or stroll. Even if there is no time for it, so you will show your interest.

You should not call or write immediately - the abundance of attention from a unconscious person may not just alert, but also push. Wait at least until the evening.

You can and need to ask common questions that will learn about the mood of the girl, some events of her life, interests and hobbies.

It is impossible to ask questions for sexual topics, rude, use extreme expression, put pressure on the addresses, be too annoying.

Observing these simple rules, you have every chance of first and subsequent dates.

What should not speak during dating?

Pickup community is replete with various ways of dating. Let's be honest - perhaps once, these phrases brought now and were interesting to someone, but now they cause only a grin.

  • "I see that you are bored without me. Now I am entertaining you ";
  • "I know you love hot guys - here I am";
  • "Someone here said you are alone - I am ready to destroy your loneliness";
  • "What do you do with me with your beauty - I'm fighting, wounded in my heart!";
  • "You are created for love, and I am ready to give it to you";
  • "Seeing you, I felt something that I never felt! You must leave the phone number, or I will die in place! ";
  • "I heard, one angel ran out of Paradise - I will not tell anyone where you, if you agree to give me your number";
  • "I love hot stuff like you - but you are special!";
  • "I am ready to fall in front of you on your knees, just do not disappear without a trace!".

These and many similar phrases are ready to destroy even a relatively good impression. Especially negatively affects various "I", which is better to avoid in great abundance.

How to understand if the girl likes?

So, you communicate. The girl is definitely very sweet and beautiful. You are interested together. How to understand: Is it just a pleasant pastime, or does she really like it?

The most banal council - listen to yourself. If you regularly return thoughts to a new acquaintance, if you really wonder what happens in her life - then, most likely, you like it. Also, the following signs can also speak about sympathy:

  • She seems the best among all the girls what you know;
  • Similarity of interests and views on life;
  • Easy communication without arising awkwardness;
  • A large number of general topics;
  • It has a positive effect on you;
  • The absence of any annoying factors in behavior, appearance and judgments;
  • Appearing feeling inspiration when communicating, meetings and even one form of this girl;
  • You start to dress much more carefully, use perfume, look better than usual when you know what you see.

If most of them matches or all items - yes, you like it. And it's time to admit to her own feelings.

It may look like many modern "relationships": two like each other, but shy to confess. But life would be easier and more interesting from both!

It's time to admit the girl what she likes

So, if she definitely likes, it's time to say about it. But how? You communicate, walk, you are good together, but what words to choose to tell about your sympathy? "How to say a girl, what do I like her?" - Frequent question.

One of the best ways to tell about the feelings is honest and right to inform "you really like you." But, agrees, not always enough courage for such a statement, and I would like even such a simple recognition to be original and memorable.

You can choose various ways, pick up various phrases. For example:

  • Ask her that she considers the most nice. When she responds, tell her: "And for me the cutest you, because you really like you."
  • Ask, if she likes ... Well, for example, pizza. In any case, we can say that either "I also like pizza, but you like you even more", or "Pizza, of course, is not very, but you are beautiful!" It is not necessary to compare with food, but it is also not worth learning in the search for original comparisons.
  • Create a romantic situation. You can choose a walk in the park, a lake or a pond, a star night or a beautiful place - such a situation, as well as recognition, will be remembered for a long time.
  • Tell her what she's special for you. It may be the phrase "I have never met such girls like you. And maybe for someone you are usual, but for me you are special. I like you very much. "
  • Do it compliments - they must be sincere and go from the soul, from the heart itself. It may be "you are unusually honey, you have such a stunning smile. Like everything in you, and you like you very much. "
  • Share some problem ladies. At the same time, it is not necessary to create it yourself. First, you will show yourself by a person who can always rely on, and secondly, you will be able to tell her that she is extraordinary and you are ready to continue your communication more closely.

In any case, remember: recognition in own feelings should always be sincere and not be voiced for their own mercenary interests. Yes, the answer will not always be mutual, but this is not a reason to be afraid of further relationships. Clean feelings are always very expensive.

However, you can not tell her right about the feelings, but hinting a girl about sympathy, but so that the opportunity to understand the hint was wrong. Create the most romantic atmosphere, and it will begin to understand.

What and how to write, if you say words, no courage?

The girl really likes, but he personally does not personally have any opportunity - too much constraint, fear of being rejected or any other reasons. What to do in this case? It is worth writing about it.

But how to write? What to choose the words? What if she does not understand? The age of technology can approach both mobile messengers and social networks. A special effect will produce a personally written regular paper letter. Write a lady anything you think. Let it seem stupid and ridiculous, but the words coming from the soul always differ from the fictional one. If you write poems - then the time to devote to her strings. If you draw - give her your creation. It is not necessary to send by mail - it is imperceptibly in a bag or pocket, throw yourself in the mailbox yourself - just try so that she turned out to be the recipient.

After all, girls love secrets and adventures - you can send her small messages with prompts, then invite her to a date, where and tell you about your feelings. You can make such messages anonymous - it will warm her interest in his fan. Show fiction and originality - surprise. It is also necessary to remember that the girls love when humor is present in communication. But do not write standard jokes or highly specialized humor. Write her a funny story from my life, and then casually mentioning it with a personal communication with your chosen. It will make an effect on it, be sure.

What exactly to write to her? Avoid template phrases, be interesting and sincere, describe what exactly you like it, why it makes you feel such feelings. Be romantic.

Other ways to hint to the girl what she likes

The girls understand the hints well enough and feel sympathy for their person. Not everything, of course, but most. Therefore, if you lack courage to say or write it straight - hint. There is a huge variety of opportunities. For example:

  • Delicate it with something delicious. It will be fine if you can find out what exactly she loves;
  • Help her - to convey a bag, make a report, prepare a task;
  • Always listen carefully, support the conversation;
  • Just support it;
  • Laugh with her jokes;
  • Help with solving her problems;
  • Talk about her more good, and not only to her, but also in general companies;
  • Emphasize its strengths - "You so wonderfully defended our work - there would be something like this";
  • Interested in her life.

Increased attention to his person in any case will make the girl think about what it is connected with, and, of course, she will think about your sympathy. But do not be too intrusive - if she has the feeling that she is being pursued and not allowed to "breathe" - there can be no less than anything else. Therefore, be there, but do not fool all its existence. There are many ways, explicit and implicit, how to tell the girl that I like her. An even more ways are how to hint the girl that she is pretty. It all depends on the fantasy and what exactly you are willing to do that she learned about it.

It is also worth mentioning a few words about failures and unreserved sympathy. There are such situations when you say to a person "love you" or "I like you very much," and you hear that these feelings of love or sympathy are not mutual. For many, it becomes a strong shock - fear appears that in the future any recognition or communication will end the same way. And with this uncertainty, it is very difficult to fight, especially if first of all remember the experience of negative experience.

Say yourself: "I can". Say: "I am bold, and I have nothing to fear, no one likes anyone." Do not get ready for the worst, always believe in the best.

In the end, on one female individual, the Light Wedge did not go. Wait a little, the feelings will catch. Then look around - you surrounds a lot of beautiful other girls!

The girls are very tied to feelings and emotions, it is very important for them a variety and ease of communication. Surprise, do not lose, and everything will work out!

Many inexperienced guys are wondering: "How to admit to the girl, what do I like her?" Even if newcomers and have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do it, they prefer not to rush and enlist confidence in mutual sympathy. Only after that guys are ready for certain actions, and their lives seem to be divided into two stages: before recognition and after. Although some men, afraid of unforeseen, are not solved for this step, believing that the initiative in the relationship should come from a woman. Therefore, they will never be the first: "I like you!"

Recognition from a female point of view is considered quite different. Girls sympathize with decisive and bold guys. Such recognition always increases women's self-esteem. And who can it certainly, if everything is done unobtrusively and delicately? Musks the question: "How to confess the girl that I like her?" In this article we will give the answer to it. So, proceed.

1. Remove its sympathy for oneself

Just do not ask how to ask: "Do you like me?" After a date, offer to meet again. Or ask how it belongs to stroll, ride a boat, etc. If you like a girl, then she will consent to the next meeting.

2. Make a "hook"

For a re-meeting, you can ask or, on the contrary, borrow some thing, for example, MP3 drive, so that then it was possible to return it. Forget the collection of lyrical poems next to it. Returning for the book, ask her about whether she wants to get this book as a gift. Tell us about your attitude to romance and watch the reaction of the girl.

3. Use humor

He does not oblige anything and is appropriate in almost any situations. You can rarely meet a girl who humor would not like. A smile or laughter she will give a hint of his expectations.

4. Clean!

Show care even in trifles: bring-to file, remove the upper clothes or offer a jacket, if it is cold, etc. It will look like some kind of recognition to the girl what she likes. Next, it is possible two types of reactions from its part: either you will hear thanks, or see irritation.

5. Make a gift

Give her a simple presentation or give us a regular flower. Her reaction will clarify a lot. As if inadvertently touch her. When a girl gives you a careful look, in which the Sea of \u200b\u200btenderness will be read, recognition will not be difficult.

6. Tell us about yourself

This is one of the most efficient ways. Still interested: "How to admit to the girl, what did I like her?" Talk about yourself and encourage her to respond, and there is not far to recognition.

7. Get shared friends

If you enlist them with respect, support or good opinion, you can strongly simplify the communication process.

8. Find common interests.

Thus, you will spend together more time, and it will be easier to communicate.

You got the answer to the question: "How to admit to the girl, what do I like her?" And do not forget: women are very developed intuition, they feel when they cause sympathy from guys, and, of course, the initiative is waiting. So everything is in your hands!

Want say something to the girl so she melted? Let's figure it out for a start, how and why do it.

As you already heard somewhere - the girls love ears. They like when guys make compliments. But it should be understood that the compliment compliment is retrid. Because it can be said not at all that is suitable in this situation, as well as look unnatural.

I want to say more about the last moment. When you communicate with a girl, try to make your communication with her looks as natural as possible. Guys often try to say what, in their opinion, wants to hear the girl. It is incorrect, as it starts to sound tight and unnaturally. Of course, when you behave unnaturally - it pushes another person.

How to tell girl nice things

Therefore, when you want to tell the girl compliments, so that she melted - try to speak from the soul, and the way you want it. In this case, your sincerity will really appreciate. This article presents a few examples that you can say. But if you want to say sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully what exactly do you like in it most that your heart begins more often. Maybe this is some kind of her sweetheart habit, a speech manner, behavior, or just a feature in appearance. Hold it, tell her, and show how this feature has a positive effect. The more unexpected compliment, the stronger it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say a girl something very pleasant and unexpected. But if you constantly fall asleep with compliments, it will get used and will not perceive them.

What to say to the girl so that she melted - examples

All the phrases below really work. However, use them at the right moment. You can write these suggestions in VC, or just say in real life.

#1 Communication with you makes me think about the theory of kindred souls.

#2 I can not imagine my life without you in it.

#3 How do you always look so attractive?

#4 I feel happy next to you.

#5 You always know how to surprise me.

#6 You are so cute when you smile.

#7 You dreamed of last night.

#8 I'm crazy about your smell.

#9 You are so cool dancing!

#10 When I see your smile, my mood rises to heaven.

#11 And why did I meet you now?

#12 You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

#13 Your eyes are so deep and expressive that you can drown in them.

#14 Your love for me makes the mountains shake every day.

#15 You are very cute when you sleep.

Now you know what to tell the girl to melted.