Cat for a cat for the new year: inspire and make it yourself. How to sew clothes for a cat do it yourself that it is necessary for a modern kitty suit

Almost all the breeds of smooth-haired cats frown in winter, especially if at home has been installed weak heating or not very heat for some other reason. In this case, the owners have to wear their pets.

Also, many people pick out the animal outfits just like that for beauty, and some even prepare costumes for exhibitions and real fashion shows, where cats dressed in chic outfits are the main models.

If you wear a pet in specialized salons, you can leave a lot of money. It is much more profitable to sew clothes for the cat with their own hands. This can be done relatively simply by using these recommendations.

Types of clothing for cats that can be sewn with your own hands

To start sewing clothes for cats, you do not need to draw a pattern every time, it is enough to do this once, and then as necessary to make the necessary adjustments. This pattern is suitable for sewing many types of clothing. With the help of it, you can make a comfortable T-shirt so that the Sphinx or the cat of another smooth-haired or bald breed has not overheated in the sun. For this purpose, knitted fabric will become the best choice of matter.

If you take more dense matter and make a slightly smaller cut for the neck, as well as openness for the paw, it will turn out the option of a warm sweater, jackets, fufi or ponfon for winter walks on the street or accommodation in weakly heated rooms.

When choosing elegant ornaments and an interesting color composition, you can create a dress or a suit in which the pet will not be ashamed to be shown at exhibitions.

Carnival costumes for cats look very cute:

During the creation of a sketch and patterns, it is extremely important to consider the location of the parts in such a way that the cat can breathe freely and move, without confusing in the abundance of jewelry. You should not sew some sharp or stitching ornaments, as well as those elements that the animal can contemplate and swallow.

Removing the necessary measure

The most important parameters for the pattern of a feline costume is the neck girth (measure 1), the length of the back of the animal from the neck to the tail (measure 2) and the size of its body in grip, which is measured in the region immediately behind the front paws (measure 3).

Additionally, depending on the purpose of clothing to create patterns, the following data may be required: Distance from the front to the rear paw; The volume of cat waist, under which it means girth of the body in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear paws.

After receiving the required numbers, it will be possible to build a pattern. Later, the pattern made on the resulting scheme must necessarily apply to the pet and make the required adjustments, and the dimensions before it is removed with a slight margin so that you do not redo the work again.

Cat clothes pattern: Some simple ideas

  • The simplest pattern for feline clothes - if you take a suitable squeeze, on which chalk mark the holes for the paw, and then carefully cut them with manicure scissors.

This will save time for drawing up the pattern and requires only the edges, sewing the necessary fasteners, decorations and any useful accessories, such as a loop for a leash.

  • The second simple pattern of clothing for a cat on this photo:

To build such a pattern, you need to measure the circumference of the neck of the cat, the length of the back, the circle at the bottom and the distance between the legs. Be sure to provide allowances for the fastener and properly place the holes for the paw.

It sews clothes on such a pattern very easily - you just need to carve out the part with the cuttings on the seams, cut holes for the paw, sunmore or ends the edges of the part, sew any clasp.

  • Go to a more complex pattern, to build which you need to spend a little more time than for the previous ones:

The pattern consists of two parts and is universal, on the basis of which you can build a variety of models, adding them with various parts: a hood, sleeves, pockets, make a clasp on the shoulder, on the sides, etc.

  • To build a pattern of overalls for a cat, one measurement is needed - the length of the back (measure 2, i.e. the line AB in the diagram).

Now the resulting number should be divided by eight (8), the resulting measurement will be the side of the mesh square on which the pattern will be built. Then you need to draw the grid and move the circuit of the pattern by the cells.

Thus, you can make any patterns for the cat. The resulting pattern consists of 2 parts: a large part is the right and left side of the overalls, a smaller part is a wedge, which covers the chest and belly of the animal, it is sewn between the front legs (the narrow part is to the front.) When sewing overalls make fittings on the cat, During which the length and width of the product are configured. Upon bottom, the pantian needs to be provided in which the rubber band is inserted. The jumpsuit is better to sew from two layers - for the top to use a cloak fabric, which is practical in caring, it is better to take a flannel or soft fleece for lining. If desired, you can add a hooded product.

When building a pattern of clothing for a cat, some existing model is taken as the basis, with which the outlines of future parts are drawn. The sketch should be drawn on the checkered paper, where the size of one cell is equal to the tenth-row on the parameter of the feline back length. Taking into account this proportion, the remaining parts are drawn, and then the pattern is already created. At the same time, the scheme is necessarily adjusted for the existing measurements.

Paper sketches should be drawn in a natural value, so that the parts can be attached to the fabric and make the pattern. It is necessary to try out the outdated parts on the animal in order not to be calculated. For convenience, individual elements can be slightly stated with scotch, giving a template of the outline of future clothes.

Cutting fabric, fitting and tailoring

Before starting the cutting cloth, you need to wash and stroke the iron to make sure how it sits down. In this case, it must be taken into account when sewing and pick up a little more size than an animal.

The layout of the blanks is carried out on folded in half matter from large elements to less so that the direction of the equity thread becomes the parallel edge of the bend.

Then do the following:

  • paper template Secure the pins to the fabric and carefully circle the drawing;
  • next, cut all the necessary details, not forgetting about the allowances on the seams;
  • get along with bright thread and put on the resulting clothes on the cat;
  • if there are any problems, we need to make the markup needed to correct.

Well fitted clothing elements can be finally connected. First, close the upper, located on the back, and the bottom, passing through the stomach, half the costume. Seams on the sides and in the shoulder belt are flashing with a zigzag line flat stitches of the mustache. The width of the armor must be selected depending on the purpose of the object of the wardrobe, narrowing it with a winter version of the costume, and expanding for summer t-shirts.

Then you need to process the edges of the clothes. To do this, you can use a rubber band. It is attached from the front side by the same zigzag stitches, before that it is a little stretching, so that the braid is not going and did not compress the edges too much. It will not only prevent the plasticization of the edges, but will also be a good decoration for a feline costume.

The last stage is sewing the fasteners and accessories to decorate the costume. There are a large number of fasteners that can be chosen for a cat suits. There are several recommendations on this to this, but first of all it is necessary to take into account the breed of an animal.

Zipper is best suited to smooth-haired pets, otherwise wool will be stuck in the mechanism. Similarly, hair lingering on velcro. Universal fastening are buttons that can be placed either on the back, or under the pectoral animal.

After performing all these operations, you will make a luxury suit for a pet.

Let's summarize

So, on the basis of one pattern, you can make a large number of suits and significantly update the cat wardrobe. For those who can sew, it will not be a challenge and will not require serious financial costs. Especially since the sewing costumes for pet will become an excellent opportunity to embody their interesting ideas and turn into an excellent perennial passion.

Good day, my dear! Why is the costume of cats on Halloween choose instead of terrible zombies or vampires? Secret in gracefulness and femininity of the image. Even in the most terrible holiday for the girl, for a girl and women it is important to remain attractive. Black cat is an elegant and mystical character in Halloween format. Therefore, I will tell you how to make a home outfit in several options with your own hands.

Tips for making the base for a black cat suit

No matter how the black cat's suit you have chosen, understanding how to make interesting accessories will help achieve the desired effect faster. Main attributes of cats on Halloween:

  • tail;
  • ears;
  • breast;
  • gloves with claws.

All of these attributes are mandatory for both adults and for a children's costume.

Great on a black kitty looks a contrasting color of jabs, a bow and cuffs. They can be carved from artificial fur, silk or velvet. Just cut the collar and cuffs around the neck and wrist circumference. It is interesting to diversify the costume with the help of a fur hood. The picture shows that the pattern is completely simple.

Breast cat white and openwork, fur or lace will become the main court decoration. Come up with exactly what it will and boldly decorate the outfit. Girls-cat will especially pretty looking with bows on the breast. Sew them is easier than a four-pair details in the form of triangles bags.

Gloves with claws suitable for any of the cat's images for both an adult girl, and completely crumbs make it from the elastic dark fabric, with sparkles. Equally spectacularly look at both short and long gloves with claws. Make claws from overhead plates covered with black varnish. Sharpen them more and tightly stick to gloves.

Cool attribute of the festive black cat dress - black boots. High boots lengthen the legs and give the image of completeness. Before you wear boots, polish them and, if possible, decorate the fur inserts.

Cat cat's suit in the image Michel Pfeiffer

The basis of a suit of seductive cat - latex black jumpsuit. Great, if you manage to buy a model with zipper over the entire length. Such can and sew houses from elastic fabric, if there are at least some experience in the sewing business.

However, there is no latex costume - not trouble. Replace it with the usual shoes of black or skinnie and in turtleneck. This set of clothes will be found in the house for each "kitty".

Based on a suit with white stitches strips. For convenience, mark the contours with chalk or a piece of soap. White stripes decorate the entire costume or individual parts. If there is no time to embroider, draw strips of toothpaste or paint.

Leather mask with ears almost the main accessory of this costume. Make it just do it yourself. Choose a cut of the skin (an old bag is useful, a seat cover, etc.), decorate it with ears of cardboard, covered with skin. An even simpler option is a mask of old black sports trousers from Elastin. Mask from the top of the panta, make the eye, nose, fasten the ears. Under it is a suit, a mask show off with white stripes.

Cat in the style of Holly Berry

Sample the image of a fatal and seductive cat, make an outfit like Holly Berry! To do this, you will need leather glue pants and tight top. Suitable clothes made of tissues with humidity effect. Take the sample suit of the actress in the film, draw the fabric trouser with curves, make the cuts corresponding to them. If it turns out not too neatly - not scary. The main thing is to achieve the effect of a recent meeting with a wild cat!

Choosing a top for a suit, remember that it should be open enough and of course, black. In such a frank costume, slim girls with flat tummy will look especially bright and stylish. If you don't want to nude, try replacing the outdoor top and trousers on overalls with cuts with cuts.

Also, if you do the cat's costume exactly like Holly Berry, then do not do without the cruciform arrangement of belts in the waist area. They will need to combine the bottom with the top. Belts should be black or any other dark color.

The headdress in this case can also be made with your own hands. Mask Sisting from any elastic black fabric this time without strips, but also with eye slits and ears.

Complete the image of black shoes preferably on a small comfortable heel, whip and gloves. All accessories should be from black leather or substitute. If the whip does not exude, it is possible to paint the usual children's rope under it.

Women Cat Suit from Ann Hathaway

There is a black elastic jumpsuit at home? It's great, for a woman-cat costume performed by Ann Hathaway, he will be as impossible by the way. If there is no such, replace it with leggings and a narrow fitting riding. The effect will be almost the same. Be sure to tighten the thick belt around the waist, imitating the real cat belt from the movie.

Make a mask or feline ears in such a way that the hair was not closed. Mask just do from black felt. To do this, cut the mask on a predetermined paper template, secure it with a rubber band in the upper and lower parts. Cat ears cut out in the form of triangles, stick the vinyl liners on them and secure the clip on the mask-cap. Suit of a sexy cat on Halloween ready!

Children's outfit for Halloween

Cat costume for a holiday for a girl can be pretty, cute and a little scary, but without a hint of sexuality. That is, there are no open decals, high heels and cuts on tight leggings. Another thing is a magnificent fate skirt, a narrow top with long sleeves, ears and a tail. By the way, they are easy to do at home.

Tail, for example, from artificial fur from an old coat or children's toys.

Interesting option

Tail made of toilet paper or disposable towels. The paper is thoroughly tamped into the categorous golf or part of the tights, sewing and masked by threads, or fur.

Ears are easy to do on the hoop. For this, 2 cardboard parts of the desired dimensions are cut out, draped with felt, fur, atlas and fix on the hoop with glue, threads, wire.

Cat suit to do skirt even easier.

  1. Buy the fatin of the black color, cut it on the smooth stripes of the same length.
  2. Using a wide gum, build a skirt, imposing the prepared strips to the improvised belt. The lush black "pack" will make a black cat suit bright, beautiful and cute, especially in combination with ears, tail and gloves.

By the way, recently knitted hats with ears entered the fashion. Such a model of the desired color can be easily replaced by homemade ears and a mask.

Do not forget about makeup. Use aquagrim for girls and professional cosmetics for adults.

Evaluated the ideas of costumes for adults and very young cats for the holiday? Share with girlfriends master classes and photos. Surely they will be interested in experimenting with images! Do not forget to subscribe and look at the guests.

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

Carnival catty cat is perfect for the New Year holidays, Halloween or any other thematic meetings. I am glad that such an outfit can be easily and quickly made with your own hands. This festive decoration will become the original solution and decoration of your personality. So, we include your fantasy and prepare a magnificent festive outfit. Cat costume can consist of ears, tail, gloves, bow and tempting makeup. Let's all in order.

Cat ears do it yourself

This is an integral attribute of a cat suit. What do you need for the pattern of the ears? Sheet of paper, plastic hoop, pencil, scissors, thread with needle, beautiful felt (black, pink, red or any other) and glue. First you need to take a sheet of paper, bend it twice and pencil make the outline pattern.

When the pattern is ready, you can proceed to cut out similar parts from felt. Next, take the hoop, wrapping the future ears around it and connect them with a thread from the outside. Such ears will look very original if you add them to the felt of another color. For example, if initially your ears were black, take a pink felt, cut out the ears pattern, but make them 1-2 cm less. Then get them on top of the ready-made black ears. Well, all, the original cats are ready.

Tail of cat do it yourself

For the manufacture of this item, the costume is necessary:

  • 3 cardboard tubes (you can take from under rolled paper),
  • stocking or golf black, a small piece of black fur.

In a regular cellophane package, we put cardboard tubes and firmly wrap. Then we put them in stockings and the stapler corrected the lower part of the tail. At the end of the tail sew fur for beauty. You can insert the wire inside the tail, then your product will keep the form.

Fur Cat Cuff Cuffs

This element of the costume will add fluffiness and brightness to the image. Make fur cuffs quite simple. You need to take two strips of fur, about 5-8 cm wide and sew them around the circumference of their wrist. For convenience, you can enter a thin rubber in fur, then such a decoration will be easy to remove.

Cat costume skirt

When the main attributes of the outfit are ready, it is worth starting to create a flirty skirt. The top of the costume may look simple: black trico or simple golf. But the beautiful fate skirt will be just by the way. Here is the easiest option of creating such a skirt: Cut the black fatin into small strips (the width is about 20 cm, the length is 40 cm). Use for the manufacture of the skirt the back of the chair. We stretch into it a gum and typing the node. Then we take the fire strips and tie them on a rubber band with a strong knot. We do this procedure along the entire length of the gum. That's all. Thus, you can adjust the magnification of the skirt, that is, the more you bring the fate, the more curly your skirt will be.

Completing Cat Costume Bar

The magnificent image of kitty is impossible without spectacular makeup. And, no matter, there will be a child or a mature woman in such suit. This must be thin mustache, neat nose and tempting eyes. Here, of course, the skill of drawing will be required, but even simple lines of mustache can radically change the general appearance.

Include your fantasy and make a unique kitty suit from simple girlfriend. Such an outfit will undoubtedly attract third-party glances, and you will become a highlight of the evening.

So again the time of New Year's holidays, fireworks and carnivals are coming. And children are waiting to be expedited when the moment comes to plunge into magic and feel like a fabulous character.

But the parents are not to laughter, they have to decide what role their favorite child will try on this time.

And do it all with glitter and in time do it yourself.

A win-win option for small princesses will be an image of a graceful, elegant kitty. On the manufacture of a suit and dwell in more detail.

How to make a cat costume with your own hands?

We start with the ears

Each self-respecting kitty has elegant ears and tail. Consider how to make them. There are various ways.

Option 1 - Cardboard Bezel

The most elementary. Construct a rim from dense cardboard, just glued together with each other two opposite end. Then you get it with a cloth. At it attaching ears, made from cardboard too. From the outside, we glue the fur.

Option 2 - hoop with felt

To make ears, take advantage of such materials:

  • Ordinary plastic hoop.
  • A sheet of paper to create drawing patterns.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Felt black and white, cream or pink, so that the ears were not monochrome.
  • Needle with thread.
  • PVA, etc.

Apply on the paper your own model of pretty ears.

Cut in such a way that the pattern is released double. Cut it out two parts from black felt. Fold neatly all the details, then attach them to the upper side of the hoop.

The tips of the ears are desirable to handle the decorative seam. Felt beige or other shade cut 2 smaller parts.

It remains only to attach them to feline ears, using PVA or glue to work with tissues. That's all the wisdom!

Option 3 - Cap with ears

It is possible to attach the ears to the Cap, suitable for the case in the wardrobe. In general, it all depends on your imagination!

Go to the creation of the tail

List of essential materials:

  • 2 tubes from under toilet paper;
  • 1 cardboard tube from paper towels;
  • 1 Dark sock, golf or stocking;
  • Fur desired shade.


  1. We fold into a simple package from the supermarket 2 tubes from under toilet paper. Package must be carefully wrapped around.
  2. What happened, put in sock or stocking.
  3. Purify the tip of the sock or golf inside the tube.
  4. With the help of a stapler, it is advisable to carefully fix the lower part of the crafts.
  5. After in the sock, the stocking take the tube from the roll from under the towels, wrapped in the package.
  6. The opposite end of the hosiery is sewn.
  7. Fur pieces on the finished product will help you decorate it and increase the similarity with a small predator.

Tail for charming fashionista is ready!

Light style skirts for kitty

The carnival costume will be irresistible if you pay a little bit of time to tailoring for your beloved daughter, for example, skirts "Polushand" . It is quite possible to make from black, red, etc. velvet fabric, preferred pattern " sun "or" half .

Still perfectly wake up the option made from Fatin. If someone does not have a happy ability to sew, you will have to limit ourselves to the lush skirt from your own cabinet or, in extreme cases, black leggings, pants and white, cream, etc., shoes.

Useful tips:

  • To fully match the image of a small predator draw neat black spout and bold mustache.
  • Dress gloves with trimmed fingers.
  • If age allows, it is possible to cover nails with varnish, color suitable suit.

Your kitty will be irresistible! All successful ideas!

Graceful gentle and intelligent animal. And what beautiful! It is no coincidence in some countries it is considered a symbol of well-being and wisdom. In ancient Egypt, they were honored and never offended. In the Palace of the Queen of Great Britain, many years have already lived a cat, which is allowed to be present at all receptions. To dress up in a carnival costume in the form of a cute kitty, a child, and a young girl. Sew cat costume with their own hands is absolutely difficult. The main attributes are ears and tail. With them and let's start.

Any black and white outfit, complemented by neat triangular ears and a long tail, can be considered a cat suit. In order to sew them you need:

  • black fabric (it is better to use any natural or artificial fur);
  • white fabric;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • threads, needle;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • any filler;
  • hair hoop.

Procedure for performing work

  • Make a pattern of ears in the form of two triangles. One by 0.5 cm more on both sides and 4 cm with one.
  • Cut on them one black ear and one white. Turn the pattern to the other side and cut out a couple of ears.
  • Attach a white triangle to the wrong side of black and wrap the black edges of 0.5 cm on both sides. Insert the cardboard triangle inside.

  • Mark the places on the hoop where the ears should be and wrap around them left 4 cm black fabrics, pinned inside PVA glue.
  • Make the tail pattern.
  • Cut the tail two details.
  • Sust them, remove and gain inside the filler.

  • Sew tail to the belt or to the suit.

If you have long hair, then it is not necessary to make a tissue or cardboard ears. It is enough to have two thin gum and a few studs to make two cutters, as shown in the photos that will be wonderful to look, imitating cat ears.

By the way, two fluffy pumps attached to the girl's hair will also solve the problem of feline hearing agencies.

So that our Murka is truly elegant and festive, it is advisable to decorate the cat's costume with a white breast - openwork, lace or fur Zabo. It can also be made of satin white ribbon, assembled loops of various lengths.

Such Jabs will decorate not only the carnival clothes of the girl. It will finish the cat's cat suit. Be sure to attach a small black or red bow. Well, what is Murka without a bow?!

Great and very erotic looks like a girl in such clothes. Attributes for it can be used the same as for a children's costume: ears and tail. White jabin in adult ladies will great replace the deep neckline and a bow on the neck.

Fur cuffs will add fluffiness. Make them very simple. Take two strips of any fur width 3-10 cm and a little longer than the length of the circumference of your wrist. Sust them in the ring.

You can diversify clothes, sewing a fur hood. The photo shows the pattern of such an original addition. Separately given patterns of ears, which are sewn at the ready-made hood for adults.

They are cut in four details and stitched in pairs as triangular bags. Put a few synthetic trees in them and a piece of cardboard cut into the same patterns, and a trick to the hood.

If there is still a lot of time and material at your disposal, you can make a special hat with ears. The photo shows the pattern of such a headdress. It will perfectly complement both children's and adult cat costume.

The cap can be not sewn, but to use it ready, sewing the ears, made according to the patterns shown above. Coquettishly looks ears on a hat with fields. Such a suit can be done for a cat boy. If you throw the pellerine on the shoulders, put your boots on your feet, and to the belt to attach the sword, it will be a chic cat in boots.

One of the most responsible moments in the manufacture of a feline image is the application of the corresponding coloring on the face. Here there is where to raise your imagination. Cat Woman Cat will be completed. After all, the cat face is not just black mustache. Do not forget to draw:

  • three - four vertical strips over each eyebrus;
  • squeaky eyeliner;
  • nose, in the form of a black piping at the tip of the nose;
  • above the upper lip can draw a strip to the nose and decorate the skin with black dots;
  • if you depict a striped cat, it will be possible to make non-hard strips on the cheeks.

Making the most necessary attributes, you can think about clothes. It must be chosen or sew in one or two tonsions. Of course, there are both tricolite cats, but in a suit it is difficult to convey.

Interesting and elegant looks cat costume cat black. Dark Triko, skirt or overalls can be found in any wardrobe and an adult, and a child.

We have long learned how to dress up our pets in clothes and even shoes. Cat looks funny in a cat suit. In the photo, Murka flashes in a simple cape fixed on the neck bow.