Greek hairstyle stages. Divine hairstyles in Greek style. How to make a Greek hairstyle and what is needed for this

257 09.10.2019 6 min.

Hairstyles in the Greek style harmoniously embodied the romance of ancient Greece and the elegance of the modern style. Easy performance allows you to make practical laying every day. It is universal, suitable for evening walk or festive celebration. With it, you can emphasize the tenderness and attractiveness of the holders of long hair. It is easy to find out on the curly curls collected from behind, the lack of volume in the top of the head.

To whom the Greek style fit

Antique goddesses from nature have curly luxurious hair. The sensual image will be easier to create girls with curly curls. Straight hair will need to curl all the time, but the appearance will not be less original.

Screwing strands to half of their length, roots should remain intact. Naughty curls can be slightly straightened by the iron. The hairstyle will attractively look not only on long, but also on medium hair. The sophisticated laying well emphasizes an elegant long neck, cheekbones and sowed faces.

It is harmoniously combined with bangs, fits girls with a high or middle forehead. A wide variety of options will allow you to choose your individual option.

Required for laying appliances and accessories

When creating a magnificent laying in Greek style, you must prepare all the necessary devices and accessories in advance. For hair curling, a curling or curlers will be required. You can turn off your hair and other way, blaming the pigtails at night.

Working with a hot tool, do not forget about the protection of curls from high temperatures. Otherwise, they can become thinner and brittle. Protection is applied immediately before using twigs for curling or hair dryer.

After creation, a reliable fixing agent will ensure hairstyle. You can use lacquer or hair lotion, giving them additional density. Laying can be performed using a variety of accessories. Among them are all sorts of silk scarves, fabric ribbons, hoops, elastic bandages. Solemn options can be complemented with tiara, tiara, flowers and a variety of barbells with rhinestones.

Greek hairstyle

To form a hairstyle with a bandage, the following accessories and tools are needed:

  • special dressing or rim;
  • invisible, hairpins and studs;
  • fixing varnish.

Replace the bandage can be a rim or wide elastic band. Find the necessary decorations easy in stores or on the market. To visually not distract attention from hairstyles, it is worth a preference to muted colors. Excellent accessories performed in the tones of noble metals will look. For a solemn event, rims with rhinestones, beads and bright elements are selected.

Harmoniously and attractively look on the hair stylish rubber bands. They do not squeeze their heads, extremely soft and comfortable with prolonged wearing. Selecting such accessories are worth the difference of two tones from their own hair.


The use of the hairpin depends on the pebble of the chapels and the complexity of the laying option performed. If the rim has a simple design, the studs can be decoratively decorated with bright items.

Options how to make a Greek hairstyle

Modern variations of styling have become more functional and practical. Hairstyles do not interfere with women lead an active lifestyle. They are popular thanks to their versatility. You can speak with a business report and attend solemn techniques.

Often, Greek style is used to create hairstyles of the bride. It perfectly emphasizes the tenderness of the image and perfectly obtained in the pictures. In modern performance, cordiality and complexity disappeared.

The most popular options for Greek laying include:

  • camimbos. It is created on the basis of curled hair separated by direct verses. A bundle is fixed on the back of the head. Locks can framed cheeks. Girls with thin hair can be placed under the base hairstyle. This visually increases the volume;


  • hairstyle hetera. The hair is cleaned into the beam and fastened with a meshe. Locks around the accessory curl. The forehead is slightly covered;
  • lampadion. The strands are separated by a surge, tightly tied up on the back of the base with a tape. Locks are fixed with studs to the main straight, the tips are collected in the bundle.


They are based on a wide variety of stylish variations of Greek hairstyles. They are able to emphasize the luxurious view of a woman, its unique and unique style.

With bandage

Create a simple and affordable version of Greek hairstyles using a special bandage-gum. Laying does not require high time and strength. Speaking about the head, there are direct samples and put on the accessory. The dressing tightly fixes the hair without giving them to decay. Separate curls are twisted in the form of flagella and wrap under the gum. It is safe to secure strands using invisible. Curly hair leaves behind the wait. It will give stacking romanticity and classical outlines.

Variant with bandage

Depending on the individual preferences, you can select the following variations with a bandage:

  • classic. Rides are collected in flagella and wrap under the bezel. Behind the back remains leaving;
  • laying with tail. It is performed on the example of the classic one, but the long tail is left behind;
  • with oblique. Locks are collected from behind into a wide braid;
  • with a harness or a bulk bundle.

The collected hair is located downstairs, on the side or on the back of the head. All hairstyle options can be decorated with clips with flowers.

  • with a bandage. Accessory is selected depending on the bangs. It is straightened or twisted;
  • with braids. The pigtail laid throughout the circumference of the head. Bangs laid down, curl a little;
  • with pure. They gives bangs extra volume. If it is long, you can put it up or side;
  • high tail. Locks are screwed on curlers, divided into separate strands and collected in a high tail. The bangs are slightly twisted and leave in the usual state.

Registration of Greek hairstyles with bangs does not take much time. They are experiencing spectacular and will definitely cause the delight of the people.

Greek hairstyle with cheek


In Greek style, emphasizes femininity and bright style of the girl. It is perfect for graduation, weddings or other solemn events.

From everyday options, this type is hairstyles the difficulty of execution and the choice of catching accessories.

When creating it uses:

  • all sorts of curl weaving while maintaining the bulk of loose hair;
  • soft curls collected using various accessories;
  • modern styling of braids;
  • knots, harnesses and bows from strands.

Despite the complexity of the solemn options, they look as natural as possible. Laying is capable of keeping the initial attractive look.

Solemn laying

Step by step: how to curl long curls

Make laying in Greek style can be completely independently. It does not require knowledge of special weaving techniques or using any expensive accessories. If it is attractive to lay the hair is necessary for any important event, it is necessary to pre-work.

From tail

  1. Rides on the head are divided by a P-shaped probor. The horizontal line continues to the ears.
  2. The hair on the back of the head is collected in the tail and combat the temporal strands to it.
  3. The tail is wrapped with side curls, the ends should be on the sides. They are additionally fixed by invisible.
  4. Dumplock curls curly, creating small curls.
  5. Separate one third of the strand of the tail, is combed, sent towards the top and fix in the invisible.
  6. The remaining strands are combed and tightened with varnish.
  7. The resulting roller is twisted and fixed at the base of the tail.
  8. The upper strand is split and evenly distributed over the roller. Everyone is fixed with varnish and twist the remaining ends into the harness.
  9. It is hiding under the roller, they put strands from the temporal zones on top.
  10. Dark zone curls twist in the tight harness. To give it volume, individual strands pulls out. After fasten the invisible to the base of the tail and roller.
  11. The harnesses are fixed under the roller and distributed in shape.
  12. The resulting laying is sprayed with varnish.
  13. Locks are curled by the catch, first the bottom, and after - on the temples and the painter.

From the beam

  1. Before creating laying the head wash and dried with a natural way.
  2. The hair from the temporal zone and the crown is assembled and secured with special clamps or hairpins.
  3. Crying, first the bottom, and after - on the temples and the painter.
  4. Curls are separated by fingers, do not comb. They are fixed with varnish. High-quality tool allows you to save air volume and hair texture.
  5. At the temples and on the forehead, they leave a few strands, the rest are collected in the tail and fix a rubber band.
  6. From the tail form a bundle, turning the hair around the accessory. Hairstyle fasten with studs. The beam should not be tightened too much.
  7. The finished laying is sprayed with varnish.

Video: How to make a festive hairstyle

Step-by-step example of creating a Greek hairstyle for long hair Look on video


Tender hairstyle in the Greek style can demonstrate the romantic character of a woman. Its creation does not require much time, it is practical and convenient. Depending on the version of the performance distinguishes everyday and. They are perfectly suitable for girls with long hair. For decorations can be used rims, decorated hairpins, live flowers and much more.

The inhabitants of the ancient eleventures have long been distinguished by their grace, naturalness, flowing outfits.

Stacking their hair "in Greek" is the embodiment of femininity, softness of lines, natural carelessness, amazing grace.

  • Fast Navigation on Article:
  • Hairstyle with offset on the side
  • Spit in Greek
  • Hairstyle "Aphrodite Waves"
  • Hairstyle "Elda"
  • Hairstyle "Dolk Melon"
  • Evening Greek Hairstyle
  • Reviews

Features of Greek Hair Styling

The style of these hairstyles, reflected in the myths of the goddesses of Artemis, Athena, Artemis, today quite impresses fashion trends and a dynamic lifestyle. The attractiveness of Greek stacking lies in their properties to visually adjust some features of appearance.

greek laying ennoble the image, focus on the eyes and lips, emphasize the elegant neckline lines, are suitable for different types of face

Greek style hairstyles are characterized by such distinctive features:

  • freely falling, curled from the temples of the hair strands, twisting all sorts of harnesses, beams, rollers
  • hair volume on the head
  • open whiskey and forehead
  • straight, smooth hair probor
  • elegant "dishevement" brass
  • availability of accessories.

The classic Greek hairstyle is performed, most often, on long hair, but it is possible to make it with your own hands and on medium hair.

Create the necessary foundation for Greek hairstyles

Important to remember! For any of the length options, you need to prepare your hair, create their volume, select accessories.

To achieve the desired result In how to properly make a Greek hairstyle on medium hair, there are several simple actions, namely:

Be careful! When choosing decorations, it is necessary to know the measure, avoid excessive fading of hair or excessive patheucy.

Here are some examples of how to make a Greek hairstyle on the middle hair at home without visiting elite beauty salons.

Classic hairstyle under the bandage, rim

Interesting fact! Bandages on the forehead helped Greek women shyshes beauty canons relative to low forehead. According to them, more than 2-fingertips should not be placed between hair and eyebrows.

This is one of the most accessible opportunities to learn how to make a Greek hairstyle for middle hair for everyday life. This option is characterized by ease and ease of execution, lack of ingenious weaves, stripping. To create, you need curled strands of the hair to twist the harness with the folding of the remaining curls on the back Or weave a small braid from the hair of medium length.

Classical Greek hairstyle

Hairstyle must be complemented by a tissue bandage, decorative gum, thread beads, rim. Harmony with clothing accessories dress up on slightly combed hair in the forehead, nape or a little higher. The rim is also used to wrap by curls.

Greek hairstyle with rim

Note! Such hairstyle, hairdressers advise not to do not on freshly made hair, in order to avoid slipping.

Execution of the famous "Greek node"

This most famous "Greek" is a prototype of an ancient species of plaque and attended all hairstyles of Eva's daughters ancient Eldla.

It is distinguished by many simple and complicated variations, but always this node is a type of beam with braids, harnesses, hair strands, giving the will of fantasy. The level of the beam is selected arbitrarily.

The algorithm for its creation is:

  • to form beams separated on a straight sample of 2 halves of hair, create harnesses from each, which bring to beams so that the 2nd part of the hair framed the 1st. The knocked out ends of the hair can not be hidden, because in Greek hairstyles, some negligence of the type of beam is allowed, increasing its volume
  • curly and separated by a sample hair to gather into a single bundle and put in a bulk node using studs, invisible, sprays
  • decorate the knot of the hoop, the messenger, and the forehead - thin ribbons.

Having knowledge about how to make a Greek hairstyle on medium hair in the form of a node, also involves the presence of a certain experience with curly hair.

It's important to know! This kind of tender, feminine "Greek" is also called "Corbos". However, such a kind is hairstyle with the equipment and location of the node at the very base of the neck. This is one of the most relevant options for particularly important randes, weddings with accessories applying to them.

Hairstyle with offset on the side

The hairstyle can be performed in the form of a side displacement of braids, braid-harness, horse-tail. Creating such a multivariate laying will require a minimum of time and effort.

For mandatory decoration, ribbons, flowers, rhinestones, beads, braid and other accessories are used.

Hairstyle with offset on the side

Caution! The choice of accessories should be harmonized with the color of the makeup, wardrobe, the features of the output "in the light" and (day / evening, work / solemn event, etc.).

Spit in Greek

This is the optimal reception of those who want to learn how to make a Greek hairstyle for medium hair for the daily feeling of their femininity. There are different options limited only by fantasy. One of the simplest - imitation of the hoop from a braided braid laid around his forehead.

You can weigh the brazier and flick it slightly, pulling the hair to the sides. Weaving should be an easy, giving volume. The braids are well gossip into several rows, connecting them from behind or crowd into strands of a ribbon / braid of different colors, flagellas with inclusion of small flowers, invisible with decorations.

Hairstyle "Aphrodite Waves"

Due to the simplicity and perfection of execution technology, hairstyles can use different variations.

The basic actions of the creation of "Aphrodite waves" are as follows:

  • weaving spit from ribbon or rather rough rope
  • well combed hair divided into oblique sample
  • on the forehead to consolidate the braid from the braid / rope
  • twist curls of hair with small parts in not very tight harnesses
  • wrap the harnesses around the braid previously woven and fixed on the forehead (beginning - from the side of a larger amount of hair)
  • obtained at the level of the neck behind the surround harness to fix favorite styling.

Hairstyle "Elda"

This is one of the types of Aphrodite Waves, but here a metal arc is used instead of tape for an imperceptible rim.

Here is a step-by-step instruction of its execution:

  • hair is not divided into oblique, but on a straight sample
  • fasten a rubber rim on the head, through which stretching the hair strands from 2-edges with one turn to the center
  • weave the balance of hair in 1 harness (you can do it careless)
  • collapse from Snail's harness, and then fasten it on the back of the head.

Hairstyle "Beautiful Amazon"

Such an ancient laying version is one of the versions of Greek braids. A distinctive nuance is the creation of the effect of negligence, looseness of braids with mousse, foam, styling.

"Beautiful Amazon" is performed in this way:

  • split cleaned hair on 4 parts where to do thicus from the outside
  • create 4 tails using an invisible type of gum, braid 4 braids and slightly "pull" their hands
  • collapse each pigtail, consolidate them without the slightest gaps with decorative studs at the very base of the hair.

Hairstyle "Dolk Melon"

This unlike other ancient antique is adversely and quite easily. It was introduced in the still aspasia - his wife pericla.

To perform it, you need to twist large curls, vertically on the growth line to lay them from our forehead with wide "slices" to the back of the head, where to collect, and then fix the pair of ribbons.

All this creates the appearance of original melon globes. You can decorate a hairstyle with a hoop or ribbon.

Evening Greek Hairstyle

The choice of any kind of hairstyles for the solemn, intimate evening will allow you to feel the goddess. After all, even during the fun, somewhat disheveled hair will only give a charm ...

Decisive to create evening Greek styling have their decorations that can transform the easiest option.

It is worth using more expensive accessories with rhinestones, pearls, luxury beads, etc. For solemn cases - diadems, flowers. It is important to remember also about impeccable state of washed hair.

Even this small list of styling ancient ELULA allows you to properly create a unique image, appropriate in different situations. In each option, any lady can choose something or manifest creativity to create a new version. After all, even the same option may be different depending on the structure of the hair and from how "will want" lift curls.

Useful videos on how to make Greek hairstyles

Useful video about how to make a Greek hairstyle quickly:

Another interesting video

Let's see what is a Greek hairstyle and how to make a Greek hairstyle for our hair.

Recently, the fashion of the ancient Greece enslaved the minds of designers and fashion designers, and hairstyles in the Greek style are gaining popularity more and more active. Women's wardrobe often repeat wedding dresses. To the wedding dresses in this case add decorations and make a special makeup, which corresponds to the style of an ancient era. And to completely recreate in a modern woman, the image of the goddess, complement the hairstyle in Greek style.

The main thing in the Greek hairstyle

Strands in the Greek hairstyle the main element

The main features are curly strands. Such hairstyles are well obtained on long hair. According to the rules of the ancient hairdressers, they curl them and strands. If the hair is watered from nature - this is a big plus. Laying the goddess will look much more effectively.

Curls can be of different sizes and absolutely not necessarily the same. Large curls can be combined with small, and straight to do semistle. But in any case, curling and curls must be present in large quantities. This is exactly what distinguishes the Greek antique style from other options and, especially from the modern inventions of stylists.

High hairstyle can be done only if the hair is long or using special tools. On the middle hair, high options for laying Greek goddesses are also possible to do and even with their own hands, but this will not be a simple task.

Greek hairstyle with decorations

Greek hairstyle - classic option

Greek hair is usually decorated with ribbon, diadem or hoop. Locks are collected from behind in a bundle and challenge so that the studs are not visible. In this laying, the hair falls beautiful strands on the back. To make such a hairstyle, you need to use hair forceps, fix strait varnish. Then take the hairpins, hoop, clogging and start to create a masterpiece. By the way, the hairpin is generally the basis of hairstyles in the style of the ancient Greeks. Also, the decoration itself is already a good option, if you like to weave braids, even if simple. The main thing to do it right.

The easiest way to make a Greek hairstyle

Let's see how how to make a hairstyle in Greek style as simple as possible.

The simple version of hairstyles in the Greek style is hair selected from the sides of the back and tied in the tail. It is done like this:

  1. You need to wrap strands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple in the harness on both sides
  2. Send them back and connect in the neck area by fixing the bar.

As an option, harnesses can be replaced with small pigtails, make the tail and pinch with pins. Rear will get a beautiful beam, and ahead is a stylishly laid hairstyle.

Ribbons and Greek hairstyles

Decoration - Ribbons, Didems, Studs ...

Greek style assumes braids and woven ribbons and flowers in them. You can pick up your hair in a beautifully laid bundle and finish it with small pigtails. Composition decorate with small studs with flowerflowers. It turns out an elegant paint collapse.

Ribbons can be taken almost any - not necessarily to attach to the ancient style. They can even take multi-colored and make a domestic ethnos in a Greek style.

Greek hairstyles for every day

A little distract and find out how to do those. YouTube has a pretty good roller from the STS on how to make a Greek hairstyle:

How to make a Greek hairstyle on short hair

And a few words how to decorate the Greek hairstyle and how to make it on short hair.

In a long hairstyle, you can wear a harness with pebbles or other decor. They will fall along with curls and create a flickering diamond effect in her hair.

The hairstyles in the ancient style have long worried the imagination of fashionistas. These attract attention to the face, allow you to demonstrate the texture of the hair, allow a variety of accessories and jewelry.

Greek hairstyle for medium hair is an excellent option for the holidays, but it can be worn and on weekdays. There are simple and more intricate styling, it is possible to master the art of their creation after several workouts in front of the mirror.

Greek hairstyles go to all women, regardless of length, colors and hair textures. It is especially convenient to create styling on curly or wavy, sufficiently obedient strands.

Straight curls will have to be twisted with forceps, papillotocks or curlers. Good results gives styling on the hair undergoing long-term biosava or karving.

The hairstyle in the ancient style is suitable

  • girls preferring a romantic or classic style in clothes;
  • owners of the correct features;
  • everyone who does not like to visit the salon too often, preferring laying at home.

Hairstyles in the Greek style can be high or smooth, the curls are selected on the top or bloom on the shoulders.

However, all options combine features that allow you to unmistakably determine the style of laying. For Greek, the following moments are characteristic.

  • lack of bangs;
  • direct sample;
  • curly or curled strands;
  • hair trimmed in straight or slightly graded.

Council. Hairstyles in the Greek style require natural color. Soft colorful coloring, bouquet, ombre in the natural range. Experiment with bright colors and contrasts are not worth it.

How to make a Greek hairstyle yourself

Stacking in the ancient spirit can be done in just 5 minutes. At the same time, in the arsenal of stylists there are also complex variants with a plurality of skillfully braided braces, figurine laid curls and other original parts. The haircut can be almost any, from the square to the ladder.

Multi-tiered stacks are suitable for special occasions: weddings, prom, speeches on stage. For everyday socks, simpler, but very decorative, slightly negligent options: low nodes, waves, beautifully pinned strands.

A variety of accessories are widely used in work: ribbons, rims, hairpins, invisible, artificial flowers, beads, brooches. Especially spectacularly looks jewelry with antique motifs: a variety of cameo, ribbons and braid with a national Greek pattern, artificial pearls, smooth or decorated metal engraving.

Council. Bright plastic or hippie style accessories for Greek hairstyles do not use.

Greek hairstyle with bangs

Classic styling in an antique style eliminates bangs. However, modern stylists fit short strands to the forehead in a common image. Bang can be direct or trimmed by oblique, lush or strongly born.

Council. Before laying, the hair is washed and treated with air conditioning, relieving excess static electricity. If the strands continue to fumble, in the process of work they are slightly sprayed with moisturizing sprays.

The hair on the back is separated and harvested in the tail with a fine gum. Side strands remain free. Locks in the tail are twisted into a negligent harness and challenge into a bundle with studs. Vintage in the temples are brazed in 2 braids and are discharged to the back. Ends are cleaned under the node and fix with studs. Spit on the temples fixed invisible, giving them a beautiful bend.

Bang is combed with a thin ridge and lacquered. If the strands are very long, you can slightly pick up with thin tongs.

Ideas with rim

Thin metal bezel, smooth or decorated with rhinestones - great decoration of antique styling. To decorate them, the hairstyle is very simple - the accessory is put on top of the combed hair, moving on the forehead or sitting closer to the middle of the macushkin. It is possible to use 2 simultaneously and even 3 rim in one style.

For special occasions, accessories resemble small tiara, with protruding elements in the central part. Such a decoration requires emphasized simple evening clothes in a classic style. The rims are well combined with long earrings made of metal, pearls, ivory.

Hairstyle with bandage

One of the most common Greek stacks for straight, wavy or curly hair. It is performed for 5-10 minutes with their own hands and reliably fixes naughty strands.

Hair curls with the help of a cloth and combed on a straight sample. The head is observed with a knitted ribbon, which is fixed on the back of the head. There are also ready accessories in the form of a ring that are put on top of the combed strands.

Starting from the temples, the curls are refilled under the tape from top to bottom, forming a kind of lush wreath. For greater reliability, they are fixed with short hairpins or invisible. Work should be very neat so that the crown look evenly. Finished hairstyle fixed with varnish and decorate with artificial flowers.

There is another option hairstyle. Hair is collected in the tail on the back of the head, leaving the wide strands on the sides. All curls curl flushing. Then the strands alternately raise the top, stacked in the form of large rings and pinned with studs. Hairstyle is fixed by varnish. There is a wide satin ribbon on top.

Greek tail

Simple and comfortable styling for everyday socks. Pre-curled hair is combed on a straight sample. The whole mass rises high to the top, one strand remains free. Locks are tied with a solid rubber band or ribbon. The remaining strand is brazed into the braid and turns around around the base of the tail. The tip must be turned inside and stilet. Hair in the tail is wrapped in a pearl thread or ribbon.

And in this video, another version of the Greek tail or Greek braid. As the girl lacks her hair length, it shows how to use false hair:

Council. Such styling requires enough long strands trimmed in a straight line.

Hairstyle, like Greek hetera

Very beautiful variant in retro style, suitable for parties or other special occasions. The hair is slightly curled by forceps or wind on the curlers to give volume. For greater pomp, you can use texturing mousse. Strands are combed on a straight sample. Bang is better to remove on the side, pods invisible to the tone of the hair.

Locks on the back of the head are assembled, twisted into the bulk harness and are placed in a grid woven from silk or metal threads. The classic version involves the grid of golden color, it is especially beautiful on red-haired and blondes.


Extremely spectacular laying for special occasions. Especially good for thick wavy or straight hair sufficient length. Hairstyle requires patience and skill, it will seem too complicated by the beginners.

Hair is divided into direct probor. A strand is separated on the top and tied with a rubber band. It is spinning in a tight curl and stacked vertically. The remaining hair alternately curl the catch and fold back.

Then they are raised and poded to the central curl. The hairstyle must purchase a slightly elongated outlines resembling a torch. It can be decorate with rims, ribbon or thread bead.

Dolki melon

Option for wavy or straight hair. Clean strands are divided into a straight sample and a slightly combed from the roots. Then they curl the catch and labeled large vertical curls on both sides of the probor. Work should be very neat. The remaining strands are collected in the lush knot and fixed with studs.

Hairstyles in Greek style - a real find for romantically tuned girls. They are suitable for any type of hair, can be used as styling for parties or everyday life.

The inhabitants of the ancient eleventures have long been distinguished by their grace, naturalness, flowing outfits.

Stacking their hair "in Greek" is the embodiment of femininity, softness of lines, natural carelessness, amazing grace.

Features of Greek Hair Styling

The style of these hairstyles, reflected in the myths of the goddesses of Artemis, Athena, Artemis, today quite impresses fashion trends and a dynamic lifestyle. The attractiveness of Greek stacking lies in their properties to visually adjust some features of appearance.

greek laying ennoble the image, focus on the eyes and lips, emphasize the elegant neckline lines, are suitable for different types of face

Greek style hairstyles are characterized by such distinctive features:

  • freely falling, curled from the temples of the hair strands, twisting all sorts of harnesses, beams, rollers
  • hair volume on the head
  • open whiskey and forehead
  • straight, smooth hair probor
  • elegant "dishevement" brass
  • availability of accessories.

The classic Greek hairstyle is performed, most often, on long hair, but it is possible to make it with your own hands and on medium hair.

Create the necessary foundation for Greek hairstyles

Important to remember! For any of the length options, you need to prepare your hair, create their volume, select accessories.

To achieve the desired result In how to properly make a Greek hairstyle on medium hair, there are several simple actions, namely:

Be careful! When choosing decorations, it is necessary to know the measure, avoid excessive fading of hair or excessive patheucy.

Here are some examples of how to make a Greek hairstyle on the middle hair at home without visiting elite beauty salons.

Classic hairstyle under the bandage, rim

Interesting fact! Bandages on the forehead helped Greek women shyshes beauty canons relative to low forehead. According to them, more than 2-fingertips should not be placed between hair and eyebrows.

This is one of the most accessible opportunities to learn how to make a Greek hairstyle for middle hair for everyday life. This option is characterized by ease and ease of execution, lack of ingenious weaves, stripping. To create, you need curled strands of the hair to twist the harness with the folding of the remaining curls on the back Or weave a small braid from the hair of medium length.

Classical Greek hairstyle

Hairstyle must be complemented by a tissue bandage, decorative gum, thread beads, rim. Harmony with clothing accessories dress up on slightly combed hair in the forehead, nape or a little higher. The rim is also used to wrap by curls.

Greek hairstyle with rim

Note! Such hairstyle, hairdressers advise not to do not on freshly made hair, in order to avoid slipping.

Performing the famous "Greek node"

This most famous "Greek" is the prototype of an ancient species of plaque and was present in all hairstyles of Eva's daughters ancient Eldla.

It is distinguished by many simple and complicated variations, but always this node is a type of beam with braids, harnesses, hair strands, giving the will of fantasy. The level of the beam is selected arbitrarily.

The algorithm for its creation is:

  • to form beams separated on a straight sample of 2 halves of hair, create harnesses from each, which bring to beams so that the 2nd part of the hair framed the 1st. The knocked out ends of the hair can not be hidden, because in Greek hairstyles, some negligence of the type of beam is allowed, increasing its volume
  • curly and separated by a sample hair to gather into a single bundle and put in a bulk node using studs, invisible, sprays
  • decorate the knot of the hoop, the messenger, and the forehead - thin ribbons.

Having knowledge about how to make a Greek hairstyle on medium hair in the form of a node, also involves the presence of a certain experience with curly hair.

It's important to know! This kind of gentle, feminine "Greek" is also called "Corbos". However, such a kind is hairstyle with the equipment and location of the node at the very base of the neck. This is one of the most relevant options for particularly important randes, weddings with accessories applying to them.

The hairstyle can be performed in the form of a side displacement of braids, braid-harness, horse-tail. Creating such a multivariate laying will require a minimum of time and effort.

For mandatory decoration, ribbons, flowers, rhinestones, beads, braid and other accessories are used.

Caution! The choice of accessories should be harmonized with the color of the makeup, the wardrobe, the features of the output "in the light" and (day / evening, work / solemn event, etc.).

Spit in Greek

This is the optimal reception of those who want to learn how to make a Greek hairstyle for medium hair for the daily feeling of their femininity. There are different options limited only by fantasy. One of the simplest - imitation of the hoop from a braided braid laid around his forehead.

You can weigh the brazier and flick it slightly, pulling the hair to the sides. Weaving should be an easy, giving volume. The braids are well gossip into several rows, connecting them from behind or crowd into strands of a ribbon / braid of different colors, flagellas with inclusion of small flowers, invisible with decorations.

Hairstyle "Aphrodite Waves"

Due to the simplicity and perfection of execution technology, hairstyles can use different variations.

The basic actions of the creation of "Wave Aphrodite" are as follows:

  • weaving spit from ribbon or rather rough rope
  • well combed hair divided into oblique sample
  • on the forehead to consolidate the braid from the braid / rope
  • twist curls of hair with small parts in not very tight harnesses
  • wrap the harnesses around the braid previously woven and fixed on the forehead (beginning - from the side of a larger amount of hair)
  • obtained at the level of the neck behind the surround harness to fix favorite styling.

Hairstyle "Elda"

This is one of the types of "Aphrodite Waves", but here a metal arc is used instead of a fraction for an imperceptible rim.

Here is a step-by-step instruction of its execution:

  • hair is not divided into oblique, but on a straight sample
  • fasten a rubber rim on the head, through which stretching the hair strands from 2-edges with one turn to the center
  • weave the balance of hair in 1 harness (you can do it careless)
  • collapse from the "snail" harness, and then fix it on the back of the head.

Hairstyle "Beautiful Amazon"

Such an ancient laying version is one of the versions of Greek braids. A distinctive nuance is the creation of the effect of negligence, looseness of braids with mousse, foam, styling.

"Beautiful Amazon" is performed in this way:

  • split cleaned hair on 4 parts where to do thicus from the outside
  • create 4 tail with an imperceptible type of rubber band, braid 4 braids and slightly "pull" their hands
  • collapse each pigtail, consolidate them without the slightest gaps with decorative studs at the very base of the hair.

Hairstyle "Dolk Melon"

This unlike other ancient antique is adversely and quite easily. It was introduced in the still aspasia - his wife pericla.

To perform her execution, you need to twist large curls, vertically on the hair growth line to lay them from our forehead with wide "slices" to the back of the head, where to collect, and then fix the pair of ribbons.

All this creates the appearance of original melon globes. You can decorate a hairstyle with a hoop or ribbon.

Evening Greek Hairstyle

The choice of any kind of hairstyles for the solemn, intimate evening will allow you to feel the goddess. After all, even during the fun, somewhat disheveled hair will only give a charm ...

Decisive to create evening Greek styling have their decorations that can transform the easiest option.

It is worth using more expensive accessories with rhinestones, pearls, luxury beads, etc. For solemn cases - diadems, flowers. It is important to remember also about impeccable state of washed hair.

Even this small list of styling ancient ELULA allows you to properly create a unique image, appropriate in different situations. In each option, any lady can choose something or manifest creativity to create a new version. After all, even the same option may be different depending on the structure of the hair and from how the curls will "want".

Useful videos on how to make Greek hairstyles

Useful video about how to make a Greek hairstyle quickly:

An interesting video clip How to make a hairstyle in Greek style with a bandage: