What is a consillion how to apply on face. How to apply the corrector (most importantly, not on the whole face). What is Consiller

Not all women can boast of perfect face skin. If young girls often have acne, acne and other rash, associated with hormonal changes in the body, then women after thirty complain about the appearance of the first signs of aging. Hide inflammation, wrinkles and pigment spots allows a special cosmetic tool - consilerter. This article discloses the rules for the use of liquid consilertes and describe the features of its choice.

What is liquid consileter?

All the consilers are divided into liquid, creamous and pencil consilers. The most popular among the makeup artists are liquid consilers. The masking means of this type are designed to toning problem areas on the skin of the face. Liquid in the best way masks bruises under the eyes and any redness. It is easily applied and is evenly distributed over the processed zone.

The consilet will allow to hide the available minor disadvantages and align the tone. Does not do without this means. It perfectly sculpts a face, even if a woman has a lot of nervous, slept badly or sat on a tough diet.

Due to the unique consistency, the liquid consilet is tightly and evenly falls on the face. With versatile lighting, the skin looks perfectly smooth. Therefore, the tool is always used by stars and fashion models for photo shoots and video shooting.

Consilers can be applied after skin treatment with basic makeup cosmetics.

Advantages of the use of liquid consilers

  1. Instantly hides the bruises under the eyes and any kind of redness on the face.
  2. Easy and quickly applied.
  3. The tool is almost unnoticed on the skin.
  4. Consilers of famous brands have therapeutic and careful effects, thanks to which the skin gets care and nutrition.
  5. The composition of the liquid consilert can include reflective particles, from which the face acquires a beautiful shine and radiance. In addition, the cosmetic product is well hiding small wrinkles and brightens the skin.
  6. Disinfecting effect. As part of the consistent may be zinc or other disinfectants.
  7. Skin food. Almost all modern consilers contain vitamins and antioxidants, improving the condition and tone of the skin.

What is better: liquid consileter or dry?

Many women when choosing a consistent can not decide what type of this product is suitable for them. The fact is that each of the existing forms of the consiser has its own characteristics and purpose. So, the liquid consilet has the most rare texture and is usually applied on the skin around the eyes, near the lips and on the wings of the nose. To mask expressed bruises, acne, acne and irregularities usually use a console with a dry texture in the form of a pencil.

Dry funds are made on the basis of mineral powder, so they are often called mineral. Thanks to high well fills in any irregularities and hides even very noticeable acne. Often, such means include therapeutic components that have favorably affect the skin.

Which consileter is better - liquid or dry? An unambiguous answer to this question can not even give the best makeup artists. Each of the described funds has its purpose and is suitable for solving certain problems. Almost all women can use a liquid consileter. The use of a pencil takes place only to mask a strongly pronounced skin irritation.

How to apply a conservaler?

How to use liquid consilet, all women should know. The quality of makeup depends on the use of the means.

The main rule of the application of the liquid consilertes is to observe the measure. To toning the necessary zone, a sufficiently small amount of the means.

You can apply a liquid consileter using a special sponge or just fingertips. The last option is the most convenient. The tool is applied in small points and neatly decishes with light movements.

To make the consillion better, you can use the moisturizing cream. If one layer of the consilertes is not enough, the remedy can be reused.

After that, you should wait until the applied consilet will dry and how it should be fixed on the skin. Then you can proceed to apply a tonal cream.

In some cases, the liquid consileter is used after skin treatment with a tone base. Mostly, such a technique is used to hide the volumetric defects: acne, acne, small scars. At the same time, it is important that both means have one tone.

In any case, the result should be consolidated by a powder. It will fix the tone and will not allow him to quickly steal.

  1. The most even lines of the consilerter are obtained when using brushes.
  2. If the consillion is poorly chosen and its boundaries are noticeable, you can walk on them with a tonal agent.
  3. Consiller takes place when creating evening makeup. For ordinary day mekap, it is better to limit the contour powder.
  4. Before applying a liquid consiler, the skin can be treated with a nutrient cream. This technique is suitable when using consilers that are poorly chosen.

How to choose Consiller

When choosing a consileder, first of all, you should consider your skin type and problems. Women with oily leather suitable liquid consiletel with matte finishes. If the tool is selected specifically to toning bruises under the eyes or pronounced pigmentation, the best option will be a medium-coated consilet. It can be used to hide small traces of acne.

Choosing an eye consigner, it is important to apply a small amount of money in the eyelid or on the top of the cheek. Ideal is considered if the tint of the consileder is one or two tone of the brighter of the natural color of the skin. When selecting a consileder for other areas of the face, you should focus on the shade of a tonalnol cream. These two means must be one shade. Consilers of neutral-beige tones are considered universal.

If the tool is selected to correct the face, it should have a brighter color. For this purpose, it is better to use peach, pink and reddish consilers.

Rating of the best liquid consilers

  1. Armani High Precision Retouch is considered the highest quality consilet with a liquid texture. He perfectly tints irregularities and makes the skin perfectly smooth. The remedy keeps the whole day and does not roll at all. According to buyers' estimates, Highlight from "Armani" is the best liquid consileter.
  2. Clinique Air Brush Concealer is a highlight with a high content of reflective particles. The consileter does not roll in the corners and has a light texture.
  3. YSL TOUCHE ECLAT RADIANT TOUCH. The consileter is produced in a large color scheme, which simplifies the choice of suitable tone. The tool masks only minor irregularities.
  4. Consiller from the MAC brand is characterized by a large density and well hides even serious shortcomings.

Any girl dreams of an ideal face, right? However, in the current conditions of the rapid rhythm of life, ecology and constant lack of time for a full-fledged sleep, to achieve perfect skin very and very difficult. And here the consilet will come to the rescier. Read in our material.


Read also - visual weight loss with decortive cosmetics

The consillion will cope with bruises under the eyes, if they are not brightly expressed in addition, it can help improve the appearance of strong bruises, which before that were disguised by the proofreader and a tone basis.

Cheeky conservalers It is best to use for the correction of scars, pigment stains and freckles. He has a very dense coating, it is badly drush, so it is applied point, driven into the skin.

Cream Consilers Use for the correction of skin deficiencies, as well as for sculpture of the face. A high-quality cream consiletor must have a soft structure and is easy to apply on the skin without causing problems with the tub.

Many configure consilertes. Thus, the consilers are only bodily shades and create a veil on the skin, adjusting small disadvantages. They are usually applied to some kind of facial zone. But the correctors are applied point, hide more serious disadvantages and are colored. As a rule, they have a more dense texture and are applied to the "naked" face.

How to apply Consiller

Consiller is applied over a tonal cream (not to be configurable). With it, you can make more perfect areas of the person with whom the tonal basis did not cope. Also his goal is. Here is a classic scheme for applying consilers:

If you can't get a good conservaler, and you see his borders, passing them with a brush with a tonal cream, it will hide all transitions.

The consillion is best to apply a special brush, not by hand. The fact is that the cold hands completely "kill" the ability tools for the tub.

To care for the face today, there are a large number of cosmetics on shop windows, which include a facial consigner. What is it for what is it needed, and how to use it? It is about this that we will talk further.

Why do you need a consiler?

Consiller is a cosmetics aimed at retouching small skin flares. Often with it mask bags and dark circles in the area around the eyes; stains both pigment and scars from pimples; Screen, irregularities and other skin defects.

It is also used to contour the face to give it the desired form. In this case, dark and bright shades of varying degrees of intensity are combined.

What are the forms of consilers

The consilet is presented in several forms whose choice is carried out depending on the purpose of use and application area:

How to choose Consiller

Each girl has its own shade of skin, which cosmetics help disguise. This uses multicolored consilers. They are liquid, cream and dry, are produced in the form of a lanetic or a single tint. You can only choose the appropriate option.

Their action is based on the fact that one color neutralizes the other. Thus, the prevailing shade on his face is removed, giving him one-window. Colored options help solve the problem of local redness, vascular stars, pimples and the like.

Pay attention to the list of colors of the consumer, and what problems they help solve:

  • Yellow . Helps to hide the stains of purple and blue colors - bruises, dark circles of purple shade, vessels. Makes skin more smooth and fresh.
  • Pink . Refreshes the grayish color of the face, giving it a healthy fresh look. Visually pursues and makes brighter tired skin. Fit Asian girls, because it is a pink shade that hides the brownish skin color along the eye contour, which is not adjusted by any tonal creams.
  • Blue . Mandatory in the cosmetics of girls loving sunbathing. Neutralizes skin redness from excessive stay under the sun or in solarium. Also often used for masking spots of pigment origin, pink acne, dark circles under the eyes.
  • Green . The color scheme is neutralizing for red, so perfectly copes with redness of various character, pimples. Do not be afraid that your skin will become green. Not at all. The corrector does not have so rich color and rather lacks those places to which he was applied. Over the means of this shade, the tone cream or the basis of makeup, a beige conservilder is usually imposed. This is done that the tone becomes smooth.
  • Orange . Changes with blue-green bruising and vascular. Suitable for dark skin of a cold shade, as well as mixed skin with irregularities on the surface.
  • Lilac . Neutralizes yellow, therefore recommended for the skin of Asian type or with a predominant shade of yellowness. She is erased from the face of the bruise, and also perfectly refreshes the skin. It also helps to reduce the intensity of the tan and make the complexion of the face more uniform.

What should be paid attention to when choosing:
  1. The density and texture of the means is selected depending on the corrected area.
  2. The color corrector is better to choose several shades in the palette or focusing on the problem.
  3. To disguise defects in the area around the eyes it is better to choose funds that will be 1-2 tones lighter than skin tone.
  4. In the hot season, it is preferable to use the means in dry form.
  5. Before buying to determine the appropriate tone, apply a means to the brightest area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Most often it is a flexion of an elbow or a selection section under the chin.
  6. Try to choose a remedy for natural light. Bright light in cosmetic stores distort the color of the consumer, and after buying you can find not the hue that was chosen.
  7. For local sites on the face (not under the eyes), choose a ridicule texture. Please note that the thinner and thick remedy, the longer it holds on the face.

Choose a means with particles reflecting the light, especially if you intend to mask skin defects around the eyes. Due to the composition of such a consilert, the skin looks more fresh and young, masking small wrinkles and dark spots.

How to use a facial consigator

A group of funds to which the consilet belongs is suitable for applying to a more extensive area, such as the area around the eyes, the skin of the cheeks and the wings of the nose with extended vessels, the space between the nose and the side part of the face that requires lighting, etc. Consilers are applied in the following order:

Skin preparation for the application of the consistent . Before using any cosmetic need to prepare the skin. To do this, we clean it, toning and apply the casual face cream. Then select the consileter, depending on the problem you want to disguise, and apply it.

Masking of dark circles . A liquid agent is applied with a tassel (most often it comes in a set) in small droplets. We start moving from the inner corner of the eye and continue along the growth line of the eyelashes throughout the bottom century to the outer corner.

Now it is required to grow a means to make the difference between the color of the skin and the consilement, it was not noticeable. It is forbidden to rub it, because it injures gentle skin. It is best to take advantage of a brush for makeup, distributing the remedy and gradually erase sharp color transitions. Perhaps someone will be more convenient to carry out her fingers. In this case, carefully distribute the tool under the area under the eyes and drive it with the pads of the fingers into the skin.

If the eyes are closely located relative to the nose, apply a means on the inner side of the nose next to the eye. The evilution of this area will help to visually increase the distance between the eyes.

Photo before and after the application of the Consilers

Retouching acne and other skin defects. To correct these troubles, a stick or pencil is suitable. Apply a means directly to the disguised zone with a thin layer. Distribute it on the skin, driven by the pillows of the fingers, but not rubbing. If the skin is a problematic and rash on it are not rare, then it is better to use the brush for the decisive.

Leveling facial tone . On the consilet and the whole face is applied with a tonal cream. Do not forget about careful decisive. If it's hot on the street or you do not use a tonal cream, skip this step and go to the next one.

Applying the fixing layer . We apply on top of the tonal cream layer powder. This will make the makeup "do not swim" and hold on throughout the day.

Finishing strokes Makeup . Rosying cheekbones, highlight eyebrows and make eye makeup to finish the image.

It should be remembered that the tool is not a replacement of the camp of makeup or a tonal cream. It is independently applied to the skin, not covered by other decorative means. It is permissible only to use a moisturizing cream.


To make the form of a face close to ideal, that is, to oval, you can use the pale of consilers, in which various shades of beige are assembled - from very light to dark.

With the help of a palette and the scheme attached below, repeating step by step manipulation from the pattern, you can get the result close to the desired one.

The table below will help you understand how to apply a console on the face to get the desired result. Dark colors shadow areas that need to be hidden, and light highlight what you need to emphasize.

If I don't really want to understand the sites that need to darken and allocate, use the general scheme. It is quite simple and will help to understand how to properly use a faceciler if you need to produce some correction oval.

  • It happens that the remedy is badly applied and hardly decishes. The fact is that with dry skin, the tool does not in contact. In this case, to relieve the process, sprinkle a brush a couple of times from the sprayer and spend the skin on the site to which the consileter will apply.
  • If you are holding a finger rusting, then for a better distribution, the means should produce it with warm hands.
  • When applying, you are not too close to the mirror. According to the recommendations of the makeup artists, it is better to apply it at a certain distance to regulate the naturalness. But I can do it, approaching the mirror.
  • The pimples are disguised not by their full painting, but applying a thin layer to the area around the inflammation. Rasty around the edges (with only a brush), you hide the pimple.
  • Bags under the eyes are also hidden by applying funds not to the region itself, but under it. Looking at a certain zone, we force it to come forward visually. Considering that the face most often falls on top (electric lighting, sunlight), shadow from bags under the eyes only increases swelling. Therefore, with such applied and evolution of the consistent, you reach impeccable skin under the eyes.
  • Colored consilers are applied under the tonal basis, and masking on a tone cream.
  • Before applying a new tool, wait until the previous one dries.

How to properly apply a faceciler (video)

In the plot you can visually see how the cream texture can make the face form correction. It is described and shown in very detailed, so you can understand what a consiletor is, and how to use it.

Consillion plays an important role in make-up. It allows you to solve many problems with which the tonal agent will not cope, and give the skin a flawless look. However, one tool here is not to do, and in the cosmetic bag there should be several types of consilers depending on the problems that need to be solved.

Also read.

Each girl strives to be beautiful, but in fact it is not so simple. Bad ecology, stress or inclipboard - all this negatively affects the health of the skin of the face and the body as a whole. Just at this point and come to the rescue various cosmetics, and the main Savior is the corrector. The fact that it is for the tool and how to use it, you will learn from this article.

Features and advantages

First you should figure out what the corrector is. This is a cosmetic tool that helps to mask small flaws of the skin of the face, redness and hide all the unloved dark circles in the eye area.

This "magic tool" becomes panacea with proper use and helps to cope with many problems that do not solve other cosmetics. Its advantages are: masking of pigment stains, freckles, scars, bags under the eyes, serness and pallor, wrinkles; Help in the struggle with peeling, irritation, acne and black dots.

But such an effect can be achieved only in the case of the competent use of the corrector, and there are some features:

  1. Compliance with measures. Many people think that the more funds will apply on the face, it will be better. In fact, it is not. If you put too much a corrector, then it can lie down inaccurate spots and even harm the skin of the face.
  2. Applying a moisturizing cream. Before applying a masking "tool", it is desirable to apply a cream, since any cosmetic agent is usually dried by the skin and the consequence of this may be premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Hygiene auxiliary tools and means. Here we are talking about the purity of tassels, sponge and fingers of the hands that are applied. After all, if you do not comply with these simple rules, it is possible unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, redness and inflammation.
  4. Shelf life. These figures are always important, because the components that are part of the corrector, in the event of an expiration date, can harm the skin.
  5. Proper storage of funds. All cosmetics must be stored in a dark place, avoid high temperatures and direct sunlight, because of this, the cosmetic means will become unsuitable for further use.


There are several varieties of proofreaders who differ output and consistency:

  1. Solid. It looks like a pencil look like a pencil, helps to hide small flaws of the skin in the form of freckles, acne and wrinkles.
  2. Dry. It is made on the basis of the mineral powder, makes little redness and pimples (remarkably suitable for girls with oily skin).
  3. Oil. Its dense texture helps to disguise all flaws. It is for sale in comfortable packages: usually these are palets, tubes or miniature jars (perfectly suited to girls with dry skin).
  4. Stick. This tonal agent is produced in a tube, in shape similar to lipstick. It refers to the consilers and is intended for point use.
  5. Liquid. The most common corrector. As a rule, produced in special vials with a dispenser. Such a means not only hides the skin defects, but also gives it velvety, moderately moisturizing (suitable for all skin types).
  6. Pen-pencil). Consiller, which is most often used to hide pimples and traces from them.
  7. Cream. As a consistency resembles cream. Due to the wide color palette, it is used to disguise all areas of the face in accordance with the rules of color.

In order to produce proper contouring of the face and as a result, it is necessary to know the rules for using the entire color range of proofreaders to get a flawless make-up. There are 15 colors, which are the key to beautiful makeup.


Basic colors in the palette proofreaders:

  • Green. Ideal for hiding acne. It consists of chamomile oils and mint, which contribute to the fight against unpleasant manifestations on the skin.
  • Mint. Perfectly neutralizes irritation and red sections around inflammation. Due to the extract of the tea tree and salicylic acid, which is part of, inflammation on the face becomes less.
  • Pink. Masks gray sections of the skin around the eyes, hides the bold shine and refreshes the pale skin.
  • Blue. Suitable for masking pigment spots, moles and circles under the eyes.
  • Yellow. Makes a practically imperceptible vascular mesh and bruises.
  • Lilac. Ideal for visual elimination of dark circles under the eyes and masking of irritation on a very light skin face.

  • Blue. It will be an ideal assistant in the event of an unsuccessful tan after a solarium.
  • White. Excellent hides freckles and is suitable for sculpture of the face.
  • Bronze. Ideal for concealing freckles.
  • Peach. Gives light skin the effect of darkness.
  • Orange. It overlaps blue, so it is advisable to apply it for hiding the hematomas and bags under the eyes.

  • Bodily. Hides flaws that are not very noticeable to the eye, and also applied as the basis.
  • Dark brown. Used exclusively for sculpture of the face.
  • Light beige. Masking irregularities, acne, birthmarks and pigment stains.
  • Dark Beige. This tint can be visually changed the shape of the nose and face.

How to choose?

To choose the best corrector, you need to know a few simple rules:

  1. Depending on which zone is planned to use the corrective means, the texture and density is selected.
  2. If you need to disguise several problem areas at once, then it is better to choose a pale with several colors.
  3. Depending on the time of year, a variety is chosen. Summer is preferable to dry, and in winter - oil or creamy.
  4. In order to determine whether the tone is suitable, it is enough to apply the neck or a bend of an elbow.
  5. In order for the color of the corrective means is not distorted and it was possible to decide on a suitable tone of unmistakably, it is better to choose it with natural light.
  6. Do not forget that the more dry and dense means are holding longer on the face, but they are not quite suitable for the area in the eye area.

But this is all the theory, more interesting to know what firms have proven themselves in practice.


NYX Professional Make Up Concealer Jar. Pleasant structures are well idle on the skin of the face, miniature, wide color palette, the approximate cost: 480 rubles.

Mac Concealer Pallet 15 colors. Does not leave oily divorces, suitable for all skin types, does not score pores, suitable for widescreen imperfection masking, approximate cost: 750 rubles.

"Isadora Color Correcting Conceale". Swiss cosmetics, in a palette of 4 main colors, successfully hides the circles under the eyes, the approximate cost: 1000 rubles.


Manly Pro.. Suitable for modeling oval faces, comfortable packaging, well keeps on the skin of the face, the approximate cost: 500 rubles.

NYX Professional Makeup Cheek Contour Duo Pallette ». Perfectly cope with the task of contouring the face, it has a beautiful and comfortable packaging, perfectly falls on the skin and does not roll, the approximate cost: 690 rubles.

"ERA Minerals". Masks and treats imperfections, dry texture is easily applied on the face, has a good palette of colors, the approximate cost: 950 rubles.


Belrdesign. A budget option. It copes well with the tasks of masking of small disadvantages, convenient in use, can be found in most pharmacies, the approximate cost: 100 rubles.

Vivienne Sabo. Who used this stick, not a second to think that this is a real chopstick chopper copes with the tasks per 100%, has a nice design, the approximate cost: 250 rubles.

"MAYBELLINE AFFINITONE". Comfortable, high-quality, persistent, classic cosmetics of this group, the approximate cost: 350 rubles.


"SMASHBOX 24 Hour CC Spot Concealer". It has a powerful masking effect, incredibly resistant, retains color up to 24 hours thanks to photoset polymers, approximate cost: 1000 rubles.

"NYX Professional Make Up Gotcha Covered Conceale". A universal consigator, having a rather wide palette, well lies on the skin and is not rolling for a long time, no "plaster effect", the approximate cost: 480 rubles.


"Mac Studio Finish Conceale". Professionally masks flaws due to the soft texture, it is easy to paint the surface of the skin of the face, compact packaging, has a large palette of shades, the approximate cost: 1600 rubles.

SHISEIDO NATURAL FINISH CREAM CONCEALER. It is convenient when applied, masks perfectly, when used does not form divorces, a reliable tube does not leave the chance of growing content, the approximate cost: 1000 rubles.

"CLARINS INSTANT CONCEALER". Thanks to the large volume, this corrector is enough for a long time, the corrective agent falls on the skin exactly and keeps over time, the approximate cost: 1200 rubles.


"MAX FACTOR MASTERTOCH CONCEALER"(a pen). The tool is optimal for the price and quality, well masks the problem areas of the skin of the face, comfortable packaging, which is easily placed in the ladies' handbag, remains on the face throughout the day, excellent price, the approximate cost: 380 rubles.

"Gosh Click" N Conceal " (a pen). Comfortable to use, ideal for eliminating minor imperfections on the face, the approximate cost: 600 rubles.

YVES Saint Laurent Touch Eclat (a pen). Recognized world classic, a convenient built-in brush for applying will allow you to quickly disguise all flaws, light texture and compact packaging is completed by the image of the ideal consiler, the approximate cost: 2000 rubles.

"MAYBELLINE DREAM LUMI TOUCH" (a pen). An excellent product for a low price, copes with dark circles and irregularities without any problems, compact packaging and soft consistency, approximate cost: 300 rubles.

Corrector for face "SS" from Faberlic (a pen). Domestic and quite budget products, well levels the skin surface, comfortable brush allows you to evenly apply the tool, not clogged into wrinkle folding, the approximate cost: 300 rubles.

NYX Professional Make Up Gotcha Covered Concealer Pencil ». The convenient pencil is easily placed in the handbag, quickly eliminates the shortcomings and does not create the effect of the makeup, is represented by a wide range of colors, the approximate cost: 480 rubles.

How to use?

Depending on which result is necessary, whether it is a scaming, tone alignment or sculpture of the face, there is its own appliance technique.

Acne, vascular mesh, pigment spots

First, two colors are chosen: the first - lighter skin, the second is darker, then they mix and the consilet in small portions is driven into the skin of the face. Before this, it is advisable to apply a tonal cream, and on top of point. The applied corrector is laminated only where the boundaries are visible, powder is also superimposed.

Dark Circles

The skin under the eyes should be clean and moderately moistened. A little means is applied to the rear part of the brush, then the proofreader is applied with light movements with light movements with light movements and is well grinding, it is fixed with a powder.

Hematoma, redness and sculpture of the face

Here it is appropriate to use non-ferrous proofreaders and exclusively under a tonal cream, they are superimposed with a brush. At the same time, the tonal base is applied by driven by brush or fingers.

For each face form, whether it is oval, square or triangular exists its own conservator application scheme. Below is a scheme, how to correctly make a face, guided by his form.

If you do not want to deal with the definition of the face form, you can use the universal application scheme.

To properly apply makeup, it is enough to remember the following rules and apply them step by step.

  1. Concealer. Thanks to him, we adjust the tone of the face. It is neatly applied and grows up, while leaving the area under the eyes unchanged.
  2. In the area under the eyes with the help of a liquid corrector, triangles are drawn.
  3. The consillion is carefully chosen so that there is no noticeable boundaries of the applied means.
  4. Further, all the manifested deficiencies are hidden by the corrector of the desired color by screwing movements, the brush at it is located to the skin of the face strictly perpendicularly.
  5. Carefully from the eye towards eyebrows adjusted the corners of the eyes.
  6. A transparent powder is applied by the driven moves, which fixes the result of adjusting the facial tone and disadvantaged.


Their need is justified by two reasons: The first is convenience, the second is hygiene.

In such delicate zones, as the area around the eyes and on the wings of the nose, it is difficult to use your finger or sponge, it is difficult to grow a tool and adjust the density of its application.

The main thing when applying makeup is of course hygiene. After all, if you do not follow the cleanliness of the hands, you can make an infection and dirt that will entail the consequences like redness, inflammation and edema.

First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the shape of the brush. There are several basic characteristics to pay attention to: the brush should be flat, small, rounded or straight on the cut. The handle can be made of any material, it should be relying solely on its taste, as it does not affect the quality of the tool.

The perfect pile of tassels is synthetics, better nylon. It is he who allows you to apply a product with a smooth layer and not injure the skin.

Tassel models that are widely popular among most female representatives are represented both budgetary and luxury category:

  • N. 1. Brush for a consistent and corrector from a pile of a tack (product from RIV GOSH, the approximate cost: 275 rubles).
  • Urban Decay Concealer Brush (Country of production: China, approximate cost: 1700 rubles).
  • NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKE UP PRO BRUSH SPOT (Country of production: China, approximate cost: 700 rubles).
  • "Bobi Brown Touch Up Brush" (Country of production: China, approximate cost: 2300 rubles).
    • In order for the consillion to be invisible in the area under the eyes, it should be applied in the form of an inverted triangle with a special tassel or fingers, while it is neatly cutting.
    • The corrector can be used instead of the base for shadows. The color of a slightly lighter skin is selected and the thin layer is superimposed on the eyelid, you can even apply it to the sub-level area, adjusted by the eyebrow form.
    • After holding a proofreader to the lines close to her lips, it is possible to visually increase them, as well as save for a long time the pigment lipstick or shine.
    • If it comes to evening makeup, then it is worth paying special attention to the yellow consilet, it will give the skin a slight glow and a uniform tone.
    • If suddenly a layer of funds turned out to be too thick, then it is enough to gut the surplus with a dry napkin.
    • The consigator helps to adjust the eyebrow shape, for this it is necessary to choose a means to tone the lighter skin and gently apply it above and under the eraid arc, and then carefully grow.
    • For the contouring of a person, it is necessary to choose a consiler to two tones lighter and two tones darker, then, preferably in a room with natural light, it is necessary to apply a bright consileter to the areas that catch the natural light and dark agents to the sections where light dimming are present.
    • Many girls at the design of the arrows in their eyes have to face the problem of the curves of lines, it often ends with a complete removal of the arrows and repetition of the arts re-, but this can be avoided with the help of a corrector, noticing the error it will mask it, as if the eraser erases a simple pencil with paper.
    • If on the chest and in the zone decollet there are ugly pimples, they can be hidden. A consiletor is applied to tone of the skin, and from above the translucent powder and so several layers until the imperfent will not hide out of sight.
    • Choosing masking means with vitamin E, you can help the dry skin to become moisturized and healthy.

Knowing how to properly apply a consillion on the face of step-by-step (photo), you can easily be able to not only disguise the shortcomings and small flaws of the skin of the person with which the tonal cream did not cope with, but also adjust its shape. Usually, the consilers are selected under the natural skin color, but there are color options to hide the most problematic places. Read more further.

"CONSILER" - what is it?

What is the difference between a consumer corrector from an ordinary tone cream and what is it? In terms of its properties, it is very similar to the usual corrector, which is also applied directly to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (pigment spots, bruises under the eyes, acne, scratches, minor wrinkles, freckles, etc.).

The remedy is quite dense in its structure (but at the same time it can be applied to the most felt and delicate areas of the skin), which is why it turns out a stunning visual effect. However, the consileter is not a substitute for a tonal cream or a base of makeup.

Consiller: how to pick up

  • Choose a tint of a consileder for everyday makeup preferably on the tone lighter from the tonal base.
  • To disguise dark circles under the eyes, use a consilet with a pink or peach subtock.
  • Corrector-Consiller green is good "hides" defects in the form of acne, various kinds of redness and bruises.
  • Purple perfectly hides the yellowness of the skin and pigment stains.
  • To hide any skin rashes, it is advisable to choose a means with a dense structure, in which additives that reduce the growth of bacteria are present. Such conservalers not only mask problem areas, but also to be treated, neutralizing the inflammatory process.

What are the varieties of proofreaders

Manufacturers produce a very large amount of consilers, differing not only in color, and in their texture.

  • Liquid. Light texture of such a means allows you to bring the cocilers color fusion to the most closely as possible. Plus, the consilertes can be called ease of overlapping and a combination with any skin type. Of the minuses, this is transparency that does not make it possible to disguise serious problem areas.
  • Creamy. Such proofreaders are produced in tubes, and they are applied to their face using special brushes or their own fingers. Creamy consiletors are ideal in cases if we need masking "tired" blue circles under the eyes and other similar defects.
  • Based on mineral powder. More efficient proofreaders who have a very dense structure (therefore are difficult to decide), able to hide those flaws that others did not cope with, while, in addition, to provide therapeutic effect.

As for the choice of a consideration of the skin type, everything is individually - for dry skin, a moisturizer is selected for fatty - with a drying effect.

Palette colored consilers

The correctors are very popular in color, with the help of which you can hide disadvantages on your face, and if necessary, adjust the line of oval, but only if you know how to properly apply a consilertem on the face of step by step (see the photo describing below). The choice of color depends on the problem that needs to be masked.

  • with the help of a white consilert, you can good "hide" freckles;
  • pink helps hide bruises and visually reduce veins;
  • yellow mask the circles of dark color under the eyes, wrinkles and vascular meshes;
  • orange or apricot copes with hiding circles and bruises under the eyes, but be careful, since such shades are not suitable for everyone;
  • green scars, blush skin, rash of different character corrected green;
  • purple use to hide yellow face and bruises;
  • brown applied to face sculpture.

Subtleties of application of a conservale

To get the perfectly smooth complexion, when applying a consistent, it is necessary to take into account the face form. This will allow emphasize the merits and hide disadvantages.

How to apply a conservaler? Apply a corrective means follows massage lines, namely, the upper part of the cheekbone, forehead, chin and nasolabial folds.

  • So, apply the proofer to the working surface (stand or hand), distribute it on problem areas. With the help of a sponge, brushes or fingers (as you feel comfortable) we grow light movements. If necessary, you can apply another layer if the coating is not sufficiently dense.
  • For the correction of dark circles under the eyes of the consilet is imposed on attention! cone-shaped (under the lower eyelid), gradually (cutting) moving down and making a smooth transition with a tone base. Next, a small amount of funds are applied to the top eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eye, and quite a bit - under the eyebrow. Thanks to this reception, the eyes will look rested, and the look will gain shine.

  • Dark tints of the consistent are used for those places that need to be hidden, and light-to-seeing protruding persons or to create stroveing \u200b\u200beffect.
  • At the end to secure the result, be sure to sweep the face, otherwise, in a few hours, makeup wakes up.

Correction of face forms with a consideration

Applying a consilet, follow the following rule: if the consillion is a lighter tonal base, then it is necessary to apply it first (under the tone), and if the color coincides with the tone of the tone cream, then the application sequence will not have a special value.

How to properly apply a consillion on the face of step-by-step (photo) it will be clear if you repeatedly do the whole process in practice. The main thing is to remember the basic rules of application and impeccable complexion you are provided!