What to take a child in the evening (14 calm games). What to take children at home: a list of interesting things for kids what to spend with children

The first birthday of the baby is a holiday that is looking forward to all young parents. At this time, the child is already starting to walk, interested in everything around and unusually energetic. This is a great time for development and training. What to do with the child from the year at home yourself? The best educational games and the most interesting options for joint pastime with your son or daughter specifically for you in our article.

Every day - opening!

Show karapuz apartment and acquaint it with the surrounding household subjects it is recommended from the very early age. But with the child who has already noticed its first birthday, such classes are even more interesting. Comment on all your household actions, tell the baby that you will do and for what. Show a variety of items that are usually located outside of its access. Give the baby to touch adult books, Mom cosmetics, some decorative interior decorations. Of course, such games should occur under an adult supervision. Do not know what to do with the child of 1 year at home? Offer him to re-examine the familiar room, ask where the watch where a beautiful vase or picture. You can additionally tell more about the appearance and properties of the found items.

Simple games with conventional toys

Each children will find figures in the form of animals and dolls. Offer the child to copy ordinary household actions in the game. Cut a teddy bear, show how to swing a doll on your arms or roll in the wheelchair. You can also bathe toys, laying sleeping and sometimes take a walk. As the child grows, this game will be more complicated - already in 2-3 years it is possible to play a doctor, school or hairdresser. But if a child goes interest in more complex actions at an early age - be sure to encourage and satisfy his interest. During the game, you can develop the qualities of empathy and kindness, show how to handle the animals. If the child does something unacceptable, for example, grabs a plush cat behind the tail or throw a soft bunny, explain what you can not do that, because it hurts the toy.

Choose educational toys correctly

Many children's development experts claim that the easier it is more useful to the game. Buying or not to your baby. Modern developing centers and expensive interactive and musical toys are a personal choice of each parent. But it is simply necessary to provide a child with a necessary minimum of simple game sets. What to do with the child from the year at home and what toys need to have at hand? Purchase a set of cubes (you can soft) with bright pictures or letters, sorters, dolls, cars, balls of different sizes and books with colorful illustrations and a small number of text. Animal figures are also used, large puzzles and constructors. All these items should be in any nursery. With their help, it is possible to study colors, basic geometric shapes and compare the quality of different materials and textures. For toys for development, it is not necessary to go to the store - many interesting and useful fun can easily make with their own hands from materials that will be in any house.

Useful homemade for early development

Educational toys are not difficult to make it yourself and do it yourself. Try to make a useful handicraft at least once, and you will never have a question about what to do with the child per year on your own. An interesting game is a developing frame. It will take the basis of tight cardboard or plywood for its manufacture. Attach accessories to it for sewing - velcro, lightning, buttons and loops, old door locks (if they are safe and do not have small parts), buttons and dumplings. You can also sew and glue pieces of fabric of various textures. Play with such a frame simply - the child will try to unbutton and fasten all the elements, touch the different softness and texture of the surface. New stimulate the development of the child. Try to sew small bags and fill them with different croups and other fillers. Do not know what to do with the child after a year? Try to make simple sorters with your own hands. Take the box, take images of animals to it and make it slots in the mouth area. In these holes, the child will fold "food" - large beads or balls of suitable size.

Fine art for kids

You can get acquainted with the drawing of a child after the first birthday. Fuely paper, you can even buy several Watmans. Purchase your finger paints and other safe materials for creativity. Show the child Simple drawings - Sun, Flowers, Geometric shapes, animals. Give it to the baby yourself, let him first get not completely even lines and doodle, even such drawing is perfectly developing imagination, and do not know what you need to do with the child a year on a walk? Get multi-colored chalks (for the smallest it is better to take a large size and diameter) and let it be painful.

Creative classes

At the age of 1, the baby can be introduced with such creative techniques as appliqué and modeling. Remember that small children are all drained into the mouth, so classes using glue and plasticine must be under the supervision of adults. For modeling best use salt dough. It can be prepared at home from equal parts of salt and flour, diluted with water to the desired consistency, or buy ready-made goods for creativity. This material is considered safer than plasticine and its analogues. Try to cut out simple forms - "sausages", "balls", or let the kid just remember the dough. What to do with the child from the year, except the modeling? You can try to make an application, of course, most of the work will fall on the shoulders of the parent, but the baby will definitely observe and interested in welfare.

Finger games

Little children most appreciate the attention of parents. For harmonious growth and the development of kids, it is enough for households often talking to them, smiled at them. Often the simplest finger games bring more fun than the most modern toys. Today, parents are offered entire benefits with a description of movements and poems, helping to interest the baby. But you can also remember something from your own childhood. Games like "forty", "pussy, stuck!" No less interesting, despite the fact that there is no one generation of babies in them. You do not know what you can do with the child a year - be sure to try such fun. After all, not only pleasing the child, but also develop a shallow motorcy, as well as imagination.

Active games

Physical activity is the key to the harmonious development of the child. Already at the age of one year, the kids love to play the ball, catch-up and hide and seek. Show your kid with these wonderful games, and surely he wants to play them every day. If you regularly read and tell the child's poem, and it already knows some of them, try to portray your favorite story with gestures and movements. Another interesting version of the games for the smallest is to play a favorite fairy tale or a song. Suggest the baby to jump like a bunny, hang a tail, like a chanterelle, hide or show wood sizes with handles. Positive emotions from such a game will necessarily receive a child, and his parents.

How to read the smallest?

Love for books should be vaccinated with children from birth - psychologists advise. Choose fairy tales, poems and stories corresponding to the child's age. It is desirable that books also have colorful and understandable illustrations. But the text should not be too much, because long stories with an abundance of actions and the characters your baby simply will not understand. Simple short tales can be simply read, allowing the child to look at the pictures, but you can tell arbitrarily, focusing on the images. Do you think what to do with the child is easier and useful and useful? Offer him a joint reading - let mom or dad reads the text, and the baby is looking for acting heroes in the picture or shows some special action / rare item separately in book illustrations.

First Theater.

At the age of one year, the child can already be acquainted with theatrical art. To begin with, you can try simply play the plots of familiar kid fairy tales with existing toys. "Kolobok", "Ryabina" and "Pink" - these works can be delivered with ease. You will also become interested in games with glove dolls. You can try to make a desk theater and with your own hands, making figures from the paper or stitching them out of the flap. What to do with the child from year? Be sure to play with him to the theater. In addition, you can specifically play a familiar fairy tale for a baby with a "wrong" plot. Let Kolobok meet during his journey an elephant or kangaroo, not a hare and wolf. Try to draw your baby's attention to the fact that there is a mistake in a fairy tale, and ask to find it.

5 minutes games:

Even the most responsible and fascinated mother's mother-in-time experience is to have the need for a few minutes the baby is busy with some interesting and useful things while it is managed by home. What games will help to pass the baby at the age of one year? Give a child something unfamiliar or unfamiliar, but completely safe for him. A good option is a stack of old magazines, a fat catalog or a big book with illustrations. Even if there is a break - not trouble: the garbage can be removed, and the child is busy with a good deal. Ask any specialist than to deal with the child per year for the development of small motility, and you will surely advise you to give the baby to the paper, small toys that differ in the texture. Make a "Treasure Box" for the child - take a small box, preferably divided into sections. Fold into it sea stones, seashells (bigger) and other interesting, but safe little things. Such a game is suitable if your mother needs to cook lunch or cleaning, and it can watch the child, but it does not have the opportunity to personally participate in the game.

What to do with the child from year to two on a walk?

Daily stay in the fresh air must be included in the routine of a healthy child's day. During the walk, you can not only have fun, but also learn something new. Suggest the baby to play in a sandbox or dig in the snow. Also at any time of the year on Earth, you can draw a stick, and in the spring with the help of the same tool - measure the depth of puddle. Try to be in different places, pay attention to the child on how the seasons change. And remember that every walk is the most real adventure for the baby, it is interesting for him everything - from a running cat or a dog to the singing of birds, signals of cars and other sounds of the street.

What to do with the child (1.5 years) on the street? Do not be lazy to take with you suitable in the age and season toys. Sets for sand games, a shoulder blade for snow, a wheelchair, balls - options are set for any time of the year. Think what you can do with the child? 1 year - a great time to dating baby with a social life. Try to drive forth in the zoo, the amusement park or any other place where it is beautiful and interesting. At the same age, you can start attending a children's cafe or even some kind of developing center for the smallest.

The appearance of a child is both happiness, and many troubles. As Chad admits, the question of his involvement in the game or developing process becomes more and more difficult. That is why parents are increasingly interested in what classes are available for children aged 5 to 8 years, studying information on the Internet. We have prepared a brief excursion to the world of entertainment for your child with valuable recommendations and examples.

Classes for children 5-6 years

At the age of 5-6 years, children are very energetic and inquisitive. This is a golden time when kids are happy to comprehend everything new. At the same time, the study of the world and its capabilities together with parents is hardly the most favorite thing. Baby 5-6 years old at home is quite easy, at the same time both for the boy and for the girl there is a huge variety of entertainment. While the baby does not go to school yet and spends a lot of time at home, it is necessary to show a fantasy to surprise him and pass.

The most popular are such live streams:

Enable audio shooting playback. Create a cozy corner for your crumbs or "halabuda", resting in which the baby will enjoy a fabulous story while you are busy with another business.

Plasticine bright colors. In combination with various pebbles, beads, threads and even beans, the modeling will become even more interesting. You can also try to run the crawl to swim in a basin or bath.

Solving than to take a child for 6 years, a boy or a girl can be captivated in a simple way - viewing the cartoon. The main thing is to properly regulate the TV in time.

Games with different boxes, boxes and boxes. Do not deny the crumb and in the game with saucepans and other unbreakable and non-hazardous objects of life.

Coloring and drawing (sinking). Give the baby paint, pencils, markers and color handles, and he will gladly go to the world of creativity.

The number of educational games for children is 5-6 years old is assorted. Trust the baby shifting and sorting, and it will long be passionate about this occupation. At the same time, a very useful effect will be rendered on fine motility of hands, and accordingly, on memory indicators and communication capabilities.

Entertainment for preschool children is primarily educational games. Designers, various puzzles, sets of creativity and similar toys are a way to not only take the attention of the crumbs, but also to develop it.

Due to the peculiarities of age, some kids are distinguished by increased activity. Parents often do not know what to take a hyperactive child and what kind of games to offer him.

The best solution will show him exciting experiments or suggest something to "invent":

  1. Put a piece of soap in the microwave, and in a couple of minutes you will surprise your child with soap cloud.
  2. Create applications for various topics (about marine residents, cars or princess castle, for example).

    Create a model of the solar system from undergraduates.

    Make glowing paint in the dark.

    Make together home plasticine from starch, glue and dyes.

    Rush the fan blades in different colors and get a rainbow palette, beautifully overflowing during the device operation.

Options than you can take children of preschool age, countless. You can use both already known methods, so and invent our child's interests.

What to take a baby 7-8 years

At the age of 7-8, children prefer to know the new and unusual. They are interested in more complex games and classes requiring more attention. Mostly kids willingly play role-playing games, presenting themselves with scientists, heroes of favorite cartoons and representatives of various professions. Choosing than to take a child for 7 years, it should be understood that the boy can be interested in cars, experiments, toy pistols and dinosaurs, and the girl - dolls, the game in the "mother's daughter" and other "girls" fun.

Mostly children of this age are free in the survival. In fact, take the child on vacation or after school is not so difficult. If your kid is healthy and full of energy, it is worth drawing attention to sports activities. Cycling, roller skating, swimming and even simple charging for rhythmic music with parents and in a positive mood will become useful for your child, taking his free time.

Perfect if your child has a hobby. In this case, the problem than to take a child for 7-8 years at home will disappear by itself. It will be engaged in embroidery, drawing, music, modeling and even cooking (under the parental control) with pleasure and benefit for yourself.

If you have a dog, charge her to her training and walking. In the face of a pet, the baby will find a friend, and the time will be occupied by communication with him.

Logic games for children 7-8 years old - hardly the most useful occupation. At this age, the brain actively works on the establishment of causal and logical connections, so entertainment of such a plan is very relevant.

During the search for a solution than to take a child of 8 years, it is worth paying attention to educational games. A variety of games in the form of twister, monopolies, chess, and similar are presented in a wide range in children's stores - the main thing is to make such a choice that your childhood will like.

5 ideas for child entertainment outside home

Methods to captivate a child at home there is a limitless amount. With regard to entertainment outside the house, there are also many options.

Choosing than to take a child on a walk or on the street, it is worth considering the ideas:

    Sport. Scooters for children 5-6 years old and bicycles for guys 5-8 years old will become an excellent hobby bringing physical development to your tea.

    Games with friends. Worth the question of which game you can take the children of this age category, it is worth remembering the famous classics, courtyard football, rope, games with chips, balls, role-playing games.

    Hike to amusement park. Different swings and carousels, kindergarten and attractions are loved by children of all ages.

    In the matter where to go with a child in Minsk, various entertainment centers, circus, park zones (summer option) and children's theaters should be considered.

    Organization of leisure with a child, from which all family members will be enjoyed, can assume a trip to the movies.

Knowing various ways of entertainment for kids, you make their leisure as much pleasant as possible, useful and interesting for your child.

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What to take a child at home

Consultation for parents.

"Than take a child at home»

annotation: Often you have to hear complaints parents: "Well, what am I with him (with her) do? There is no Sladule. In kindergarten behaves well, hears, willingly helps children, caregivers. It comes home - he walks on his head, grubbles to everyone, the toys scatter, he does not want to play. " Conversation about why children in kindergarten and houses behave

differently, it would be possible to continue endlessly. Think O. friend: What is the reason for this.

Keywords: scatters toys, capricious, making homemade with children, toys sculptors, crafts with their own hands.

The kid's day in kindergarten is filled with interesting things, unexpected events, exciting walks and games with peers. BUT at home? Everything busy. Mom on housekeeping cottones, dad newspaper reads or TV looks, brother or sister's lessons cook. From adults baby only hears: "Go, do not bother, do something!" Than? The baby begins to languish, capricious, he does not know how take.

In our rapid time, among overloaded everyday affairs, it is very important to carve at least a few minutes to communicate with children or grandchildren. On Saturday or Sunday, these minutes should be much more. Time is desirable to distribute so that it would be enough for and to execute home affairs, and for a longer walk, and to view the children's television transmission with the subsequent discussion of it, and for classes belovedif it, of course, is, and if not, you need to help i find it a child.

The kid listens with interest and looks at adults, to the world around him, makes discoveries for himself. And it is important at this moment to become a true friend. to kid, teach it to use his free time, whatever he felt him, the need for his work, classes, games.

For games need toys. Not necessarily expensive, shopping. Toys can be made with your own hands.

What should pay attention to classes with children at home?

Firstly, on the independence, I thought myself, cut out, cleaned, built, etc. At the same time, it should not be denied the baby in help when it meets with some difficulties.

Secondly, whatever he carefully kept his crafts. It is important not to lose the case to push the imagination, imagination child. for example: The baby helped you sort out the beans, rice. At the end of work, offer your son or daughter lay out of them "Track", "Flower" or other forms. The kid of the compote, ate the jam - remained bones: Collect them, move on the table to something happened. Good for viewing aerial rice flakes. Their form can remind someone or something. Suddenly he knows the worm, chicken, etc.

Try to make homemade with children, taking into account their capabilities and abilities. Kids should feel that homemade delivers joy and adults.

The game is four hands. This game came up with my grandson Daniel when he was three years old. With great pleasure played in her. We sat down from opposite sides. "piano", sang and accompanied each on our side.

To do "piano" It is quite easy to fold the rectangle of thick paper along the long side. Then make bends on the front side. To "piano" It did not get drove on the table, strengthen it on the cardboard and stir up black paper strips.


Somehow we drove in the train at the cottage. Toys did not take the road. Daniel looked out the window, but quickly lost interest in the flashed panorama, began to miss.

Do you want to make you a bunny?

I got a handkerchief, took two opposite angle diagonally, spun, and did not tight twice. Two corners from the second small nodule raised up - "ears", and from the big - "tail". Daniel played with him for a long time, and then wanted to do himself.

Teach children to collect for crafts colored covers from notebooks, candies, chocolate, soap. All this is useful when placing crafts. If there is no finished glue at hand, weld yourself alent, from starch or wheat flour.

Cleaster from Starch:

In not a large dishes to dissolve starch with cold water. Then, with continuous stirring, it is poured into it with a thin jet of boiling water. If the kleuner is not immediately brewed, it should be warm to thundering on a weak heat. It is impossible to make boiling of alee, as well as its adhesive properties increase. Cleaster can be prepared and others fashion: First boil the water, then pour the starch thin jet, pre-diluted with cold water.

Structure: Starch (1 teaspoon, cold water (5 teaspoons, steep boiling water (0, 5 glasses). Instead of starch, you can take 2 teaspoons of wheat flour.

Little to captivate children, cause interest. Equally important to teach child The discipline of labor is to bring the work started to the end, even if the interest is already lost. It should be remembered that in life it often has to do an interesting job. The motto must become proverb: "He took up the man - do not say that not a duzh".

Children's craft, of course, is not so perfect, as made by adults. But it gives to kid The opportunity to join the creativity, survive the joy of creation.

Rattle for dolls consists of two details: Paper tubes and balls. The tube can be glued from any soft paper - wolved, writing, glossy, covers from old notebooks. Half a rectangle cut out of paper, lubricate glue. Start to the pencil start the dry half of the rectangle, gradually approaching the lubricated one. Waving paper to the end, tie out the entire tube thread so that the paper does not spin when drying. When the tube will warm up well, free it from the pencil and threads - the handset is ready.

From paper tubes you can to do: Accidents, flags, turntables, table lamps, flooring, mushrooms, binoculars, etc.

Depending on what size and radius must be tube, they are screwed onto the needles, round pencils, bubbles cans.

Toys - sculptures of folded twice.

It will take dense paper, drawing or desktop. Preparation method prost: Fold Paper in half, from the side of the fold line, draw half the desired figure, then proceed to cutting. Toys can be painted or arranged by appliqué - stick the necessary details. You can cut animals for playing in "zoo", "transport", "City Street". Older children can make these toys for younger.

Libra. Children love toys with which you can act. Scales will be useful for the store. Consider them with children, discuss, from which you can make scales, offer children an independent job.

Much says now about the labor education of children, about career guidance. Preschoolers, of course, to choose the future profession: At this age, one attraction is quickly replaced by another. But love and respect for work, elementary labor skills must be educated now.

List of used literature.

1. Gulianz E. K. What can be made from natural material / E. K. Gulianz, I. Ya. Bazik // Education - 1991.-53 s.

2. Komarova T. S. Children's artistic creativity. / Methodical manual for educators and teachers. M., Mosaic-Synthesis - 2005. - P. 12-26.

3. Pereztzenk G. I. Selfki paper / M., Enlightenment - 1983. - 63С.

Publications on the topic:

In the course of the regime and the entire educational process, the time of free activity takes a special place.

Consultation "What to take a child at home?" Consultation: "How to take a child at home (2-3-4 years old)" children constantly demand attention, love, so it is difficult for parents to find free.

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Consultation for parents "What to take a 2-3-year-old child at home" Kardash Lyudmila Ivanovna, Educator MBDOU "Obukhovsky kindergarten" Strawberry "of the Staroscolsky urban district Consultation for parents.

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Consultation for parents "Development of shallow motility or several ideas than to take a child at home" One of the most important readiness of the child's readiness to school is the readiness of the hand to the letter and developed speech that directly depend.

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Consultation for parents "What to take a child at home" What to take a child at home. To date, many parents notice that children do not want to help in the house, are not interested in developing.

Entertaining for parents, or what to take a child on a walk?! Spacious and fresh air is necessary for the health and harmonious development of the child. Walking around the park will give you pleasure to you and your child,.

Image Library:

The most important thing is that the child needs is love and mutual understanding. In the modern age of high technologies, people really lack live measured communication. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with children, such interaction effectively at the time of the game. Imagine that the weather made its adjustments to the daily schedule, and you stayed together with the baby. Ideas with games can be useful if you organize a children's holiday or evening.

Joint classes with children - Better Time

The ideas of joint classes must be fixed, for some reason, all the ideas do not come to mind at the most necessary moment, and the children are not used to wait and for a long time to prepare for the game.

Games for the smallest

Entertainment for guys older

  • What to captivate children at home if you have printed photos, then ask the child to decompose them into groups: where only baby, mom or dad. The child will develop visual perception and skills of grouping items.
  • If the birthday of someone from relatives is coming, such as grandparents, you can entertain a child with collage of collaboration. To implement the idea, you need to print joint photos and cut from the journal you liked illustrations. The happiness of the birthday woman will not limit, your child at home will be busy with a good deal.

    Creating collages from the photo. pictures and loskuts can be injured for a long time

  • If you have a large collection of magnets on the refrigerator, you can ask for children to sort, for example, choose only animals, cities, letters and numbers. Children with joy suggest mess, and then sort things. Children of the creative warehouse of thinking can be asked to compose a fairy tale in which the main actors will be the fridge magnets. It is very interesting when the kid himself comes up with the plot, voicing the heroes, makes the permutations of the actors. During the game, you can find out the desires and fears of a child, such an occupation will make you look at the child with other eyes.

    Magnets on the refrigerator always attract children

  • If you draw well, you can compose with a child to compose a children's fairy tale, the baby will feel very proudly when you will consult him how best to draw the main characters. In the plot of fairy tales should be traced the main idea, teach children through a fairy tale to absorb the capital truths, the concepts of good and evil, friendship, betrayal.

    Role-playing games are so exciting

Very interesting for children, the role of role-playing games, where you can entertain each other, changing children with roles, play school, hospital, veterinary clinic, atelier, store. Inventory can always be found in the household. For such entertainment, games are easy, at ease, for a long time.

Joint crafts

If there are skills to make crafts, you can make a real doll theater or a doll on hinges, for the manufacture of you need the simplest blowing materials, such a toy is easy to transform and develop. If the next day the weather has not changed, you know what to entertain the baby.

Crafts from pasta and croup - make a contest who will come up better

If you have a lot of cardboard boxes, you can enjoy the design of the house. It will be interesting for both the girl and for the boy. Creative thought has no boundaries, you can build your own multi-storey house, develop room planning and interior. If you have built building materials after repair, it would be nice to find them use, especially since they will not need a lot of them on the equipment of a toy house.

The occupation is very interesting, you can punish the walls with wallpaper, draw paintings, sew curtains, make small dolls.

Water entertainment

If you have no lighting, you can try to make the original candle, based on cardboard and flashlight. Make a cardboard cylinder, apply the pattern to the side surface using a hole punch or needle. On the walls of the apartment can be disturbed by different pictures. In such an environment, you can try to organize the theater of the shadows, children are always very fascinating.

The homemade feeder from the bottle will be the subject of pride

If a child loves animals and birds, then you can try to make a feeder for birds with it. It is desirable that Dad participated in this. Such a house can be hung in the yard or park, every time you walk can be pouring into the feeder of seeds, cereal crumbs. So you will develop a feeling of compassion from a child.

If you are in the kitchen, you can make pictures and crafts from cereals and pasta. For creativity, you will need a plate with a layer of plasticine, you can depict the plot of fairy tales on it or the story you have invented. From pasta you can make a set of beads and bracelet. If the food dyes or paints turned out to be at hand, then color crafts in different colors. The kid will be delighted, so the whole exhibition is organized.

If you have a balcony, you can organize the launch of soap bubbles. This occupation carries not so many children, but also adults. Try only that the wind is not towards neighboring balconies. Nobody wants to wash off soap spots from glasses.

Crafts from ice to make very simple

Interesting direction of creativity - ice-based work. Mono dot on the street flowering and green plants, form a composition, pour with water, for a saturated color. Add a few food dye. Of course, the lifetime of such a job is limited, but you can take a picture of the craft for memory.

In the refrigerator, you can freeze water in balloons with the addition of food dye. When the mixture freezes, just cut the balls. As a result, you have multicolored ice balls.

Make a snowflake on the Christmas tree with a child

In the approach of New Year's holidays, you can decorate the apartment, make snowflakes and lanterns. Often winter weather is not always pleased, so it's time to make the creation of comfort on the eve of the New Year holidays. You can find a lot of instructions for making craft. The child is very nice to see the fruit of their creativity.

Give the baby Lupu - He himself will find a lesson

If you are interested in yoga, you can spend classes with the child at home, such exercises will not cause inconvenience to neighbors, but you will be engaged in physical activity. On the Internet and on children's channels you can find a whole course of classes for children. You will become an excellent example for a child.

If you can play on a musical instrument, then it's time to teach the child to it. Perhaps the first sounds of the house will not be melodious, but an example of a wonderful game will awaken interest in the child. The baby will ask you to record it in a music school.

Board games - a great way to spend time

At home you can entertain the child with desktop games, intellectual development is always in honor. On the example, you will teach your child with tricks, while playing with peers will increase the chance of success.

When the weather on the street and the child has to stay at home, he begins to miss and invent some fun of himself. For the most part, these are ordinary pranks, after which parents have to wash the entire apartment, save homely, in fear of hidden on the mezzanine or even something to repair.

So that such incidents do not happen, it is better to come up with several harmless classes in advance that will be able to captivate your children. This article will be an assistant for you.

  1. If your baby is younger - this way will definitely have to taste, and you can relax half an hour or do household chores. Type in basin warm water, add foam or just put the bath toys and - Voila! - The child is passionate about, because all the kids love to go squirt. As they say, everything ingenious is simple;
  2. This method is suitable for mothers who cannot do soup due to the fact that their child asks him to play. In this case, you can place it at the kitchen table (after removing all the sharp items and other dangerous things), give long string and pasta in the form of feathers. Offer your baby to ride macaronins on the thread, making an unusual necklace for yourself or mom. Such an occupation will not only help you carve out a little free time, but also teach a child of perpetuity, concentration and beneficial effect on the development of hands;
  1. Continuing the kitchen topics, it is impossible to silent about another unusual way to take a child. This time, your assistant will become a cereal - pour a handful of different croup into one pile and offer children to decompose the grains on the boxes;
  2. This lesson is more suitable for girls, but also the boys sometimes you follow in it. If your kids are already at sufficient age to weep the nodules, take several meters of colored ribbons, cords and beads to weigh different simple bracelets. Do not know how? But it's only interesting! On the Internet you can find a lot of ways and even video lessons. Light a new occupation with the child;
  3. Your children love, but after their creativity you have to wash the entire apartment? There is a simple solution - take a sealed package, add a little shower gel there and the food dye of different colors. Now your child can develop its abilities and while remain clean;
  4. In our world so few miracles. Who won't wish to own magic? Take off some amazing focus (it is desirable that a dexterity needed there), show it to your fidget, and then tell me what the secret. The child will certainly want to explore him to surprise classmates. You can safely leave the child and not be afraid that he is nothing;
  5. So that the child does not miss home can be attracted to his homework, the main thing is to do it in a game form. You will be surprised with what enthusiasm. Children are accepted for the pockets of pies, screwing the bolts and other classes to which adults are usually not allowed. True, you must imagine the consequences of such assistance: spilled water, dough in hair scattered in all the apartment bolts;
  6. No matter how many parents screamed that you cannot let the child cannot be understood that we live in the age of technology. For computers and the Internet - the future, and the ability to use worldwide web and various programs will soon become mandatory skills when taking work and even at school. Therefore, you should not limit the child in the seat at the computer. The main thing is to choose the games that will have a beneficial effect on his psyche, skills and skills. In addition, on the Internet a bunch of programs that will help engage in children's leisure - coloring, drawing programs, panoramas of different cities, countries, seabed and even space;
  7. Probably the simplest and favorite occupation of the defers -. And rhythmically move to the music they begin even to a year. All that is required from you, include the music of the pogrom and make children a company;
  8. More than the balloons themselves, children love to burst balloons. Inflate a dozen balls and give the little things to make a widdle. And so that the game lasted longer, you can come up with the rules. For example, burst balls only by a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body or closed eyes;

  1. If you have time, tighten edible plasticine. To do this, it will take cream cheese, cream, sugar powder and a good mood. You can make anything, but the most pleasant thing - then this can be eaten;
  2. Probably, each in his childhood built castles, tunnels and trains from chairs and plaids. Teach this child's game. The sea of \u200b\u200bhappy smiles and a bunch of free time you are provided;
  3. The easiest way to save a child from boredom is to install the Swedish wall at home or hang swing. Believe me, your baby will not remain without affairs;
  4. On the eve of holidays, you can offer a child to decorate the various items of decor with acrylic paints. For example, before, you can turn one-vector Christmas balls into unique and unique decorations;
  5. Give your child a piece of sky. Put the soap in the microwave and get a real soap cloud that can be painted or hang over the bed.

Now you can be confident that frosty or rainy weather will not make your babies to miss. Just show the fantasy by looking at the things that surround us.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplies, as well as the use of any medical techniques, is possible only with the permission of the doctor.