How to learn the child to pronounce letters. How to teach the baby letters w, t, g, s, sh, l at home? How to help a child to pronounce hissing sounds

Before proceeding with the study of letters and sounds, you need to understand at what stage of the development of speech is your child. To do this, there are special dynamics of the development of speech in which you will record the periods when the kid began to lie, utter the first sounds, phrases, etc. Thus, you can analyze how its passive and active dictionary develops.

How to create a developing environment for a child?

If you do not know how to teach the child to pronounce the letters correctly, for a start, try creating a favorable environment for development. Make it quite easily, it is enough to do a few simple steps:

  • Communicate with the child

Try to communicate with your child as often as possible, explain everything you do to him. Such an approach will increase the vocabulary of the kid, and will also teach it the right speech turnover.

  • Use simple phrases

During communication with your tea, do not forget to use the most simple and understandable phrases. So your child will have more chances to understand you.

  • Show cartoons

So that your children grow smart and develop well, make a playlist of developing cartoons. Such an occupation will not only distract the child, but also teach him to correctly dispense the letters.

How to teach a child to pronounce letters?

In addition to regular communication with the baby, parents should hold a speech development classes with a child. According to statistics, one of the most difficult for children is the sound "r". However, we advise you to draw attention to how the kid utters the letters "L", "sh", "w".

In the meantime, we suggest familiarize yourself with the exercises that tell me how to teach the child to disperse the letter "P".

  • Training for lungs

Before you begin the exercises, spend a short workout with your chant for the lungs. To do this, ask the child to breathe very deeply, and then do not just exhale, but very much. And in order for the baby to be understood by the exercise technique, you can put a lit candle in front of it, which he must blow his breathing.

  • Window

During this exercise, it is necessary to widely open the mouth and hold it in this position as long as possible. At the beginning you can count to three, gradually increasing the duration of the task.

  • Growl

One of the easiest and fun games in this category is the growl. Imagine that you and your baby is a tigress and a small tiger. Show the child as need to go and ask him to repeat you.

  • Swing

This exercise will not only help find the answer to the question "How to teach a child to pronounce the letter" r ", but also make his speech cleaner. Ask the crumb to smile and open your mouth wide. After that, start counting to two, pronouncing the numbers out loud. For each of your account, the child must translate the tip of the language from one corner of the lips to another. At the same time, make sure that the lower jaw of the baby during the execution of the exercise remained fixed.

  • Toothbrush

For this task, the child needs to smile and slightly open the mouth. The tense tongue of the language of the crumb should simulate the movement of the toothbrush on the upper teeth. You need to do this exercise for about three minutes.

Now you know how to teach the child to correctly dispense the letter "P". We are confident that exercises from our selection will help in developing the speech of your baby. We wish you a pleasant experiment and good results!

By six years, the vocabulary of the child must have more than two thousand words. It should apply simple and complex proposals, use all three times, retell, pronounce sounds.

But some children are very difficult to utter the sound "P", he is one of the most seriously across.

We learn how to teach a child to talk the letter "P" at home. Is it possible to help him independently, or is the help of a speech therapist?

This is a very difficult sound, and many children begin to master it last. Speech apparatus, vibration and amplitude of the language must be deposited, and the root of the language and the bridle - strong, hold the sound. Thanks to the ability of the language, the vibration takes place on a strong exhale.

There are several options for distorting this sound by children:

Check the pronunciation of sound at the kid. You need to ask the child to "straighten", i.e. Sound the sound separately, out of a syllable or word. After he must repeat the words: grass, king, sparrow and others.

If a single sound does not work, you should choose the exercises and teach the Sound "P" himself. If "growls" is good, and in the composition of words does not speak, it is necessary to practice in the correct pronunciation of sound in different syllables.

At what age does the child should dispense the letter "r"? By six years. The articulation apparatus of the child must be quite trained. But there are certain reasons for such a violation:

In all cases described above, it is necessary to properly determine the cause of the wrong pronunciation of the sound "P".

This will help a qualified specialist. It will check the bridle, the tone, the phonematic hearing will make up the correction program.

Consider how to teach the child to pronounce the letter "P" without a speech therapist.

Start follows from the articulation gymnastics.

All exercises for the development of articulation are designed to solve the following tasks:

  • develop the mobility of the language (you need to learn to make a language wide, narrow, lift it, move it);
  • develop lip mobility;
  • develop the skill holding the lower jaw in a certain position.

Previously make a warm-up, otherwise the exercises will be ineffective!

Articulating gymnastics

Exercises on the letter "P" for children should be carried out in front of the mirror. Or allow the baby to repeat them for adults. Training make daily. The number of repetitions is 6-8 times.

Gymnastics should deliver pleasure, interest, but not tired.

Gymnastics is aimed at training exhalation, stretching of the bridle, strengthening the language in the upper position. Powerful exhalation is one of the most important components. Soap bubbles will help it.


Exercises for workout:

You can also show a fantasy, come up with a fairy tale. The kid must use the language as an "illustration". For example: "The tongue has woke up in the morning, the window opened (the child opens his mouth), glanced upstairs (pulls the tongue to the nose), the sun has been looking for a sun (pull the tongue to the left and right)" and so on.

If all the above exercises are made without difficulty, you should proceed to the following exercises. Consider how to put the letter "r" to the child at home.

For self-daily speech training, the following exercises are suitable:

"P" is a cunning sound. It is difficult to automate it. The child can go, and the desired sound will be absent.

Once the child begins to get independent "P", it is gradually connected with vowels, consonant, consistently adjusted to automatism, pronounce in syllables, words, sentences.

First, it is working through the sound "D", "T" in the syllables of "DR", "DRO", "TRA", "TRU", and so on. The child is easier to repel from these sounds.

Gradually, the initial consonant is cleaned, "RA" remain, "RU". Inverse syllables "AR", "OR" are introduced. Variations are scrolled to automatism. Next are not progress until it is these sounds.

Then go to words. Start with those that begin on "P", "TR" (fish, grass, child), after moving to the words in which R "is in the middle and end (cow, teremok).

At the same time learn to distinguish soft and solid "p". For a soft, the tongue is stronger to the nebu, closer to the teeth. For solid make it more relaxed, they have deeper.

Each sound has its own duration of automation. The process in whistling sounds is happening faster, in the hissing longer, but "p" is more difficult to automate, and it will take more time. Parents and children need patience, time, soft perseverance.

Tongue Twisters

Assist the sound faster to automate the patter on the letter "P" for children.

There are so many of them, we give a few examples:

  1. "In the darkness, cancers are noisy in a fight."
  2. "The guys in the yard collect a robot."
  3. "The log is cheerfully roaming the beavers."
  4. "Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass".
  5. "On Mount Ararat Rvala Varvara Grapes."

Species help develop speech apparatus, make it more perfect. Permanent training will help develop the right, clear, expressive speech.

Properly set speech is an important step towards success in life.

At first, the patter is pronounced slowly, gradually the pace is accelerated. She teaches the child to pronounce words completely, do not swallow endings. The kid learns to weigh every word, feel the relationship between phrases, aware of the meaning and meaning of words.

Permanent listening and repetition of patter training attentive care. The child learns to listen. This is useful for preschoolers and schoolchildren. They easier to learn a large amount of knowledge.

Baby is better concentrated at the required moment and on a specific word. When memorizing the spearhead, he also learns to be molded into the story, conduct associations and parallels.

Species - this is not only training, but also entertainment for the whole family. You can laugh at the errors. Species can be repeated everywhere: and transport, while walking, on vacation. The technique improves the mood and entertains the child.

All of the above exercises are suitable for children without signs of speech lag. If there are such signs, you must first show the baby to the neurologist.

Problems with articulation and functioning of small muscles makes sense to decide after the "setting" of large motility, as well as respiratory connections and muscle tension.

In the correctional groups, the articulation gymnastics is beginning to spend only two or three months after the start of work.

With violation of the phonematics, it is not enough to simply extend the sounds or increase the volume. The phenomenon is associated with a hearing impairment or damage to the temporal brain department, subcortical nodes that are responsible for the hearing. It will take the help of a sirologist and a neurologist.

There are many useful breathing exercises.. But they have contraindications: configuring breathing, epileptic activity. In convulsions, vegetual visceral paroxysms should be consulted with the doctor.

Teach a child correctly to talk the letter "P" only after daily workouts. Different exercises on the development of speech respiration, articulation gymnastics, patters and other techniques will help.

Classes must be phased. Start with simple exercises (language learns to occupy one or another position, but does not perform rhythmic movements). And only after the development of this stage, go to more dynamic exercises.

How to teach a child to talk letters not "swallowing" and correctly disappear by the letters r and l? If your child is difficult to dissipate P or l, then speciala set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the language, classes for the correct pronunciation of letters in syllables and syllables , as well as - useful childrenspecies for improving diction assist to solve this problem.

One of the most common problems faced by the parents of the preschooler - how to teach the child to pronounce the letters correctly . Usually do not manage for a long time Correctly disappear "Projecting" letters P and L. And in this article we will teach you step bypassconduct classes with baby to improve diction and properly pronunciation of letters. After you carefully read the methods that will help you teach a child to pronounce the letter P and L, Help children's speech therapist It may not need a child at all.

"Complex" letter R for most kids remains unnecessaryin mastering the longest of all other letters . As a rule, problems with the correct pronunciation of the letter p appear at a time whenthe toddler is just beginning to develop , at the stage of basic formation. You can not miss this time and postponeeducation to the correct pronunciation of letters In a long box, the child formed the skills to express their thoughtswell delivered speech And so that the mintage fails.

Training kid clear the letters r and l, it is important to correctly organize classes: you can not overwrite the child, do not more than 15 minutes with him daily;
Training in the skills of the correct pronunciation of letters must be organized in the game form ;
The tonality in the process of learning the baby should not be obsessive and must be benevolent.

So, with the help of the 6 steps below you can teach your child to pronounce the letter R:


Preparation for classes: face massage

Before you teach a child talk letters correctly , Make a massage, warming up face muscles. The baby stands to you face, his eyes are directly opposite your.
massage and we voicate all the actions: Slowly and gently stroke the warm pillows of your fingertips, the Absorbal region of the Liba Baby and segregate: "This is how much we love ourselves, that's how you tremblely pigeons ..."Thenwe begin to accurately massage the wings of the nose And we move the fingers in the direction of the Gaimorovy sinuses, while sentenced: "Oh, what is our nice nose, that's what our cute krenostic ..."After that, by massaging movements, smooth the skin of the baby around the cheekbar, lips, cheeks and to the ears, and then - in the opposite direction. Separate at the same time: "Sponges, our sponges, break off in a smile! The mouth is our rotock, he is not all silent! Ears our ears, you are always on top! "

Step two

Workshop exercise

Warming for Massage Muscles We have already made a baby. We proceed to the first exercises.

The child is still in your face, the posture is straight and his eyes - at the level of yours.

These exercises will help preach to strengthen the muscles. Toddler language and will contribute to the development of forced vibration of the tip of the tip.

Ask the kid alternately to get the tongue tongue then the lower teeth , then the upper (30-40 times).

Then the kid sharply splits the tongue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, where the top row of teeth is located while simultaneously pronouncing the letter D. Be sure to demonstrate all the actions to kidaccurately performed exercises.

Further. Ask the kid a little tapping a tongue, the lips are closer. The child pulls out the air, while the tip of the tong must vibrate on the inertia. In subsequent exercises, the kid will independently learn to reproduce this sound without pushing air from the mouth.

Step Third

Main exercises for improving the mobility of the language and securing the skills correctly disappear

* Now bring the game more elements of the game . Ask a child to show your tongue - let him relax him a little and swallows them with the emerging sound between the teeth, as if teasing. Then arrange the competition with the baby - which of you will drunk your tongue on.

* Excellent occupation, which will help to learn how to learn the baby to disappear the letter P, it is characteristic of the tong tongue to imitate the horsepower of horsepower. Teach the child to lay the tongue and ask him to repeat these sounds fifteen times.

* How to learn how to dispense the letter P in the game by the proven method? Excellent exercise - kid moves in different sides with a big finger , Putting it under the tongue. At the same time, the child is trying to dispense the letter P (lying, like a car moster).

* Another good exercise by which in the game form you can explore the correct pronunciation of the letter P and strengthen the muscles of the language. Ask the baby to show a smile, stretching the sponge stuff and tongue tip"Clean" teeth first with external, and then from the inside . Exercise It is advisable to repeat 20-25 times. The lower jaw does not have to move.

Step fourth

How to teach a child to disappear all letters, including r? We continue to strengthen the muscles of the language and develop its mobility.

- Ask the child to open your mouth and show the teeth . On the native teeth there are sides of the tongue, and the tip on the surface of the front teeth. Ask a child to make a tongue "strong" seconds for ten, and then relax briefly. Repeat the exercise along with the baby (6-7 times).

This exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue will be a little more complicated for the baby. But having mastered it, the child will quickly learn to dispense the letter R and L.
Exercise is the following - The kid, as it were, "sank" the surface of the call to the nubble, and then "tips" it from the sky with a characteristic click. Ten times we do this exercise at a slow pace, then accelerate and slow down the pace (only 30-35 repeats in a different pace).

Now ask the child slightly break the sponges and lightly bite the tip of the tongue (15-20 repetitions)

The final exercise to strengthen the muscles of the language - the kid blows the air with force, the language is between the lips. It is advisable to achieve that the tongue vibrate.

Pitch fifth

And now we move from the "physical education" exercises for the language to master the skills of the correct progress of the letter P in different syllables and short combinations.

First, rehearse the skill with the child, correctly disconnect the P in the open syllable - RO, RA.
Then try to dispense R with solid consonants - DR, TR.
When the baby attaches these skills, go
to learning the right spelling words (short, famous child) with these syllables. These exercises are goodtouch the technique of correct speech and help teach a child to disappear the letter r.

Step Six

Children's patters for the development of speech and diction in the child.

If the baby is already well able to yield the letter r, but sometimes (during the conversation) he "sticks out" or says it wrong, then it's time to introduce a child with patter.

Popular pators remarkably eliminate speech defects , Deliver the child from Kosonazychiya, contribute to the development of the skills of the correct pronunciation of letters and words and are considered the most effective method of "exhausting" articulation of different sounds.

If the kid can already remember short children's poems then you can easily startfamiliarity with patterings . But to memorize the patters by heart it is necessary in gradually - first kidrepeats the patter (Following you) very slowly. At the same time, the child must understand the meaning of the text memorable. Gradually increase the pace of pronouncing the patter, but you must adjust the articulation and diction. Below you findthe most suitable patters With the help of which you can teach a child to pronounce letters, including the "complex" letter R:

Children's patters to improve diction, properly pronunciation of the letter P and development of speech

5 exercises by which the baby will learn to dispense the letter l

Before you teach a child to talk letters, do not forget thatthe preschooler easier assists the material in the game form of training. Sometimes the baby does not prolonate the letter L. exist correctlyeffective exercises to solve this problem. The method is largely similar to the work skills of the correct pronunciation of the letter

Each exercise is desired for ten seconds 5-7 times. The whole complex is 3 times from beginning to end step by step. (every day 2 times)

Exercise 1

We work out the skill lifting up and strengthen the muscles of the language.
Ask the child to show you a teeth, smiling broadly. The tongue of the child concerns the nose and snaps up like a horse knocks down asphalt hooves.

Exercise 2

"Catchy" at the kid skill to draw a language wide, producing skills to quickly strain and relax the muscles of the language.
Ask a child to open the mouth and get out of the tongue, and then put it on the bottom sponge with a wide edge. Ask the baby to hold the tongue in this position 5 seconds.

Exercise 3.

Now we learn the child to exhale air with thin streams along the edges of the tongue.
A slightly open mouth, the child is lightly biting the tip of the tip and starts blowing, increasing the pace and power. Power and direction of the air jet control using a lung stick (do not forget about the game element in learning a small child)

Exercise 4.

We work out at the kid skill quickly change the position of the language. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the language so that the kid can easily and quickly connect the letter l with different vowels - Y, a, o, s

the child opens his mouth, heavily rests on the tip of the tongue into the base of the upper teeth from the inside, and then quickly changes the position of the tongue, resting his tip in the base of the lower teeth. First, the exercise is performed slowly, then accelerate the tempo.

Exercise 5.

Now we go to learning the correct pronunciation of the letter l in words and syllables. Words and syllables ( lu-Lu-Lu-Lu La La La La La La Lo La La La La La Lou) It is even better to sing, and not to pronounce.
After that, open the children's book with pictures, the objects on which contain in their name letter L in different combinations with other letters. Let the baby tried to tell anything about each object so that in each sentence it was his name.

Now you know how to quickly teach a child to pronounce "complex" letters , including - the letters P and L. Will highlight 3 key points that form the foundation in the child's work skills of the pronunciation of different letters: exercises for strengthening the muscles of the language and its mobility, child learningcorrect pronunciation of a given letter In different syllables, memorizing the patter and their frequent repetition (slowly fast). If something does not work for something, do not go to the next stage of learning, but continue to work out skills in the exercises that you stopped.

Podral, our children are increasingly replenishing their vocabulary. The need to talk grows with each day. Unfortunately, most kids have problems with the pronunciation of individual sounds. Is it possible to teach the crumb to pronounce the sounds at home or to eliminate speech defects need to help speech therapist?

What is the reason for the wrong pronunciation?

The most common mistake of adults when communicating with his child is to imitate his speech. We are surviving with a small little man, often at the same time. It turns out that our speech is lowered to the level of the kid. Instead of talking with young children in conversations, it is clearly pronouncing all the sounds and letters, we deliberately make our speech a little-action.

Since the child does not hear the right speech from you, he will not be able to remember it and repeat. Therefore, that the baby learned to speak correctly, your speech should be a clear and legible.

The cause of improper reproduction of individual sounds can be the feature of the structure of the speech apparatus

  • The bunch of tongue is shorter than it should be, and it makes it difficult to move.
  • Normal speech prevents the size of the language (too small or, on the contrary, large).
  • Very subtle or, on the contrary, chubby sponges, which makes it difficult for their articulation.
  • Deviations in the structure of teeth or jaw.
  • The defect of the auditory apparatus that does not allow you to hear some sounds, and, it means that they correctly pronounce them.

Some speech defects Parents may well correct themselves. The main difficulties of the kid experiences with the pronunciation of sounds - w, h, sh, sh, the letters P, and also s, g, k, l, s and c.

How to help your child pronounce hissing sounds?

To teach the baby to pronounce the letters, h, sh, and it is a little simpler than, for example, the letter R. Most often in children there is a problem with the pronunciation of hissing w and sh. At the same time, the sound of wing is not so much the rumor as incorrectly pronounce .

Usually, the problem with hissing arises due to the fact that the baby does not turn out to relax the tongue and stretch it to the edges touched the upper side teeth.

Therefore, the crumb need to teach a few simple exercises.

  1. Relax tongue . Put a tongue on the lower teeth, as if a pancake, and knock on him, speaking at the same time "Ta-Ta". After that, the tongue should relaxally lie down. Then you need to pour on it to the upper lip and say "Pa Para Pa".
  2. Tongue up . To perform the task, you need chewing candy or gum (it will be good for a good motivation). It is necessary that he opened the mouth by 2-3 cm, melt the tongue on the bottom of the lip, while driving his tip. Put a piece of candy on him and ask the child to join her to the sky behind the upper teeth. Make sure the crumb to use only the language, and did not use the jaw.
  3. Pour air through the middle of the language . Put a small piece of cotton on the table. Let the kid smile, and will lay down the tongue as in the previous task. The task of the kid is to blow the rut to the other end of the table, not inflatable cheek. At the same time, it must say the letter F.
  4. Blow cotton with nose . The child opens his mouth, stacked the tongue so that in the middle of it got a groove, and the edges almost converged. We put a piece of cotton on the nose, the baby must breathe deeply to the air and dramatically breathe mouth. Vata should fly up.
  5. Pronounce sounds w and w . Ask the crumb to pronounce the SA syllable, the language at this time should be for teeth. Then you need to move the tongue deeper into the mouth. As you move to alveoli, the sound from C turns into S. To get the sound, we repeat the exercises, pronouncing the syllable for.
  6. More words with w and w . Remember or think up of a rhyme or patter, where the letters are often found in words. Repeat them with a baby several times.
  7. Send the letter C. . If the baby has increased the ton of the tongue, at first it will be more difficult for him to cope with the exercise. The sound of h consists of T and Shch. First, the bit must be hit by Alveolum, saying, after which it is to relax, passing through a slit sound. These two sounds first slowly, and then they must merge into one C. After several training, the baby everything will turn out !

Practice the pronunciation by different small poems. For example:

  • There were galchats visiting Volchat,
  • Were waggged visiting Galkat,
  • Now we are wagged as Galchata,
  • And how Volchat, Golchuta silent.

Learning to pronounce the letter

It is good to disperse the letter r Baby starts only for 5-6 years. If your kroch has not yet reached this age, you should not panic ahead of time.

Usually with the letter r connected some problems

  • Little man does not argue a growing sound at all He just falls from his word. This happens when the letter P is located between vowels. For example, the garage sounds like "ha - already".
  • Baby replaces the sound of the p on l, s or th . It turns out instead of roses - "Lose", red-"Syzhiy", forty - "coil".
  • The baby utters the sound of P, but not as it should sound in Russian . He or vibrates, like the British, or schedule, which is characteristic of the French.

Correct Disadvantages when pronunciation of the letter R can, making some exercises. And to fulfill them better, sitting and holding the back smoothly. At the same time, the child should see himself in the mirror.

So he can trace how correct task

  • Sail . The child should be widely opening the mouth, and the tip of the tongue is raised for the upper teeth. The lower part of the tongue is just running forward, and the edges press up to the indigenous teeth. It is necessary to repeat it 3 times in a row for 10 seconds.
  • Horse . You need to tightly press the tongue to the nebu, and immediately let go of it. It will turn out to be a sound resembling the Cocane's hoofs. Repeat task at least 10-15 times.
  • Turkey . Picture from a crumbling turkey. The child must throw out the tongue from the mouth, encouraging it between the teeth. At the same time, it is necessary to say similar to the "bl-bl" sounds. The task is performed at a slow pace, gradually accelerating it.
  • Bite the tongue . The end of the tongue is laid out, and the mouth stretch in a smile. Then slowly bite the tongue to the teeth.
  • Clean the teeth . The baby should be widely smiled and the tongue tuning on the inner wall of the upper teeth, without moving the lower jaw.
  • Who has longer. Invite the crude compare, who has a longer language. Whether he will reach his chin or tip of the nose.
  • Woodpecker . It is necessary to open the mouth widely and tick the language along the inner part of the gums from the upper teeth. At this time, it is necessary to say "Dr. D-D".

So that the child is not tired of numerous exercises, make breaks, offering it to robble as a lion. To secure the outlined progress, you can additionally learn with the baby patter and words in which there is a letter R.

We bring the letters from, s and c correctly

When a child does not argue the letter with, at the same time he cannot pronounce the rest of whistling letters and syllables - s, c, s, sm. The reason for this is the insufficiently developed articulation apparatus.

Special exercises will also help correct the situation.

  1. Cancer ball in the gate . The purpose of this task is to learn to produce a long directional air jet. Make a gate from cubes or other toys on the table. Shot a loose cotton ball. The baby must, folding the sponge tube, pour on the ball and drive it into the gate. After performing an exercise, you can not inflate cheeks, and the blowable air should go one long jet, without interrupts.
  2. Song tongue . Open mouth, you need to position the language on the bottom lip. Then you need to pour with sponges - "P'-P'-Py" (sings tongue). The air comes out with a smooth jet, without interrupting. Then, openly opening the mouth, hold the soft tongue on the bottom lip so that it does not lead. It is necessary that the edges of the tongue concern the corners of the mouth.
  3. Pancake . It is important to teach the baby to relax the tongue. To do this, he must smile, the front edge of the language put on the bottom lip. The smile should not be tense, but the tongue is just frightened from the sponge.
  4. Clean the teeth . Exercise is similar to a task for the letter p, only to clean will not be top, but the lower teeth.

The letter З is a steam room for the letter C, so its production is carried out similarly to the sound of S.

The sound c consists of two sounds - t and C, which quickly go from one to another. It is important to teach the baby to separate one sound from the other. Ask the crumb to pronounce the long sound "TSSDS", and then short "TCC, TCC, TCC." As a result, the baby will turn out to be the sound of C.

What about k and r?

The sounds of K, G and X are rearbed, which implies a high rise in their pronunciation. When a child does not pronounce these letters, most often his tongue is simply lazy (with the exception of congenital pathologies that can only be corrected by doctors). To make the language work, you need to do exercises.

Riding from Gorka . Put the ball from the wool on the palm crumb. The kid must open the mouth, and hold the root of the tongue in a raised position, and the tip is lowered. Then you need to quickly exhale so as to blow the rut with the palm. It turns out the sound of K.

Spoon . Ask the baby slowly say "Ta-Ta Ta". Take a teaspoon and carefully move the tongue, pressing on the front of his back. Instead of "that", the crumbs will first get "the", and then "Kya". Continuing to crush into the tongue, catch the moment when the baby gets a clean "ka". He needs to be remembered, in which position at this point was his language. Do not worry if it does not immediately.

Regardless of the exercises for pronunciation what the letter you are doing with the baby, after classes, repeat with it as many words, risks or songs with this letter.

How to learn to dispense the letter "p" to an adult person? And is it difficult? What is necessary? First you need to understand what kind of problem is. Does the physiology matter or in the fact that once for a long time you did not reduce the speech therapist? Did you not pay attention to your problems with speech?

If the reason lies in the first, then the problem is, in principle, is solved simply. After all, it often turns out to be only a shortened such defect can be easily corrected using a simple surgical procedure. If the reason is different, then it is likely to either go to the speech therapist, which will help learn how to pronounce the words on the letter "P", or to start practicing himself.

For the first, it is necessary to simply overcome the often available psychological barrier, however, as, in fact, for the second. After all, how to learn to dispense the letter "r" an adult person who is simply not ready for this? And for a person, much more comfortable to engage in similar exercises alone with him, rather than someone else, albeit a professional in his field.

How to learn how to dispense the letter "p" to an adult person, if not starting with simple exercises with patter? This allows you to return the correct position pretty quickly. In addition, there are all a variety of and affordable techniques for children, which, however, can be used in solving such a problem and adults. One of these ways to regain the ability to correctly speak the word on the letter "P" is the exercise "Cup", which must be performed daily.

The scheme of its execution is simple:

  • first step: give the language form "cup";
  • the second step: pressing the tip of the tutor;
  • third step: push them from the nose and with effort to utter another letter - "D";
  • during this, you need to ensure that the teeth are tightly compressed, and the jaw did not move;
  • the language should remain only at the top, and the exercise itself should be performed in front of the mirror;
  • fourth Step: Pure Finger from left to right quickly spend, twitching the sublard bridle;
  • you need to perform a "cup" every day and several times to 10-15 minutes;
  • after repeated repetitions, the tip of the tongue should appear every day.

Now you know how to talk the letter "P". This is just one of many ways. Another excellent method: frequent pronunciation in accelerating and then slow down the pace of the letter "D", "T" and "L", as well as "D", "T" and "D". The latter you need to speak, putting a language between your teeth, just as the British and Americans, uttering "Th". Only so you will understand how to talk the letter "r".

Another light, comfortable and just a good technique is a repetition of repeated words for you. In particular, with the letter that you do not speak, that is, with "p". Such words are a whole set: "Roerich", "ore", "conquered", "deployed", "Rudimentary", "advertised", "parade" and so on.

How to learn to dispense the letter "p" to an adult person? To do this, it is necessary to have tremendous patience and willingness to overcome the internal barrier standing on the way to the correct formulation of the speech apparatus. And as soon as all this becomes possible, the results will be immediate.