We make ripped jeans at home. How to make ripped jeans: Create a unique handmade. What options exist

Among adolescents and young people, as well as in older people, things are becoming increasingly popular, which looks slightly worn.

Today, clothing manufacturers offer a huge range of jackets, trousers and skirts made of denim with scuffs or holes. However, such things are available at a price not to everyone, because the cost of them can significantly exceed the price of things that look integers.

But this is not a reason to ignore fashion trends, you can show creative fantasy, and as a result you will get the original thing. How to make stylish torn jeans at home using the screwdriver? What you need to do so that the hole on the trousers looks like it is necessary? There are many ways to achieve the necessary effect.

How to make rubbed jeans at home

Even in our very liberated times, not every person will decide to wear things, "decorated with" holes, even if it is not the result of the extreme worn things, but the original designer find. What to do to those who do not want to fall behind the fashion?

You can independently make small losses on jeans. It looks much more effectively than the uniform color of the pants. So how to make fashionable trips with your own hands?

To do this, you will need to prepare the following materials for work:

  • jeans;
  • chalk and dried slice of soap;
  • a piece of sandpaper (can be used or "grater" for the processing of the feet);
  • dense cardboard or tree bar.

After everything is ready, you can proceed to work. Some advise before creating scuffs or holes boil jeans to light them slightly (and when the bleach is added to achieve a very light shade), as well as make fiber fabrics softer and puffy, but this is not a prerequisite.

Previously, jeans can be boiled to light them slightly, as well as make the fibers of the fabric more appropriate.

So, proceed to creating a fashionable thing with your own hands. You need to do the following:

  • Put the jeans and with the help of chalk or dry wash the places of future scuffs.
  • Spread the trousers on a flat surface and put the cardboard or lump inside the pants. It is necessary for, creating a loss, for example, on the front of the sides, do not damage the back.
  • Take a sandpaper sheet, pumle or heel cleaning device (some use bars for sharpening knives) and uniform movements without a strong push, start processing the desired parts of the tissue.

You can create scuffs of different "depths". Someone prefers a slightly witch surface, others like strong scuffs when white horizontal filaments of the fabric base are visible. It all depends on your desire and taste .

Make holes on jeans at home: how not to spoil the thing?

If you are not satisfied with light loss and you wish to get as a result of your effort a thing, abundantly "decorated" holes, you will need the following materials for work:

  • jeans;
  • chalk or surge;
  • stationery knife, blade or scalpel;
  • tweezers, needle or knitting hook;
  • a piece of cardboard.

How to make holes on jeans at home? Perform work in the following order:

  • Put the pants and with the help of chalk make the marking of future holes. It is not recommended to make slits in the field of knees, because in the process of socks they will break even more.
  • Place the cardboard and carefully cover the cloth horizontally according to the markup.
  • With the help of a hook, needles or tweezers, pull out dark threads located inside the future hole. As a result, you should have a slot with white threads.

To protect the fabric from destruction in the socks process, treat the edges of the resulting hole, making small hand stitches around the perimeter of the slot.

How to decorate torn jeans

You can whiten the edges of the slots using a chlorine.

Decorate pants with holes or denim suit can be the most wide varied ways. It all depends on your imagination and wishes. The most common ways are:

  • Whitening of the fabric around the slots. You will need an aggressive chlorine bleach, cotton swab or foam sponge. The work is carried out like this:
  • bleaching to dug a small amount of water;
  • with the help of a sponge or cotton sponge, apply a solution on the tissue around the holes and on those sites that you want to whiten for 10-15 minutes;
  • wash the whitening composition under running water.

Please note that the chlorine has a lot to enjoy into the tissue, and the remains of the substance can destroy the fibers. For this reason, after completing the jeans procedure, it is better to wash it entirely manually or send to a washing machine.

  • Creating rubbing around the slots. In order for the tissue around holes to look a little shabby, use the pepa or sandpaper. The work is carried out in accordance with the method described above.
  • Decoration with lace or fabric. To decorate your pants in this way, it is necessary to glue or sew the secret stitches a piece of fabric or lace with the wrong side of the pant.

If you can show a creative approach, you can create an original and stylish thing with simple and cheap tools.

Well no

Fashion is the concept of relative. Every month, every week, every day the fashion includes all new and new concepts, so it is very difficult to keep up with it. But despite this, at the moment in fashion jeans with the effect of scratching and radiance. Such jeans in stores cost a lot, so it is better to know how to make ripped jeans at home. It is for those who want to keep up with the fashion and not spend enormous amounts on it, we have collected all the necessary information in this article to make the effect of ripped jeans at home.

  1. It should be noted that for this experiment, trousers only come from classic jeans. The density of the tissue used must be medium.
  2. Pay your attention to cut, because too wide jeans will lie freely, and the torn segments simply will not be visible. But here on too narrow models the fabric will stretch, and the cuts will look very and very inestoretically. Best option tight jeans. Selecting the size and place of the cut, consider the type of your figure.

Marking and fitting - general rules

The effect in grunge style on jeans only creates an image of a chaoticness, as well as ease. In fact, cuts need to be extremely neat. Therefore, to get the result you expect and make torn jeans at home, consider useful tips:

  1. Before starting the procedure, try jeans and make a chalk or a pencil of the locations of the cuts.
  2. You can also celebrate the lines, waving jeans smoothly.
  3. During the procedure, it is impossible to neglect the intermediate fitting, it is better to modify a little, rather than finally spoil the thing with the holes of a very large size.
  4. Places for cuts are best to choose above or below the knee.
  5. We do not recommend that you make cuts on the collaps or knees, because later in these places the fabric can leave even more.

So, we begin to create a trendy object of a wardrobe with your own hands - a few ideas, how to make ripped jeans at home.

Preparation of workplace

To make ripped jeans at home, you will need:

  • a sharp knife, stationery or blade;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • sandpaper;
  • a piece of plywood.

Important! When the desired locations are scheduled, you can start work. At the very beginning, place the Paneur under the fabric processed so that you do not damage the reverse surface of jeans.

Create torn jeans with your own hands - Fashionable ideas

Make cuts depending on the result you want to receive. There are several variations of creating at home the trendy effect of ripped jeans.

Careless grunge style option:

  1. We make 5-6 cuts with a length of approximately half of the trousers. To make a more negligent image, the cut line can be no longer equal. If jeans cut with scissors, there will be smooth edges. And in order for cuts to look more battered, use the stationery knife.
  2. Distribute cuts by drowging several blue threads.
  3. After that, treat the edges of the trousers. To do this, cut off the linked edge.
  4. For a ripped effect of jeans on the edge, use the emery paper or a piece of pumice.
  5. Then make a small number of cuts on your jeans pockets.

Important! Do not forget to put a plank under the treated surface.

Ripped jeans in minimalist style:

  1. Make 2 parallel incision, the length of which will be 5-6 cm. The distance between these cuts should be approximately 5 cm.
  2. The denim fabric has a 2nd layer of white threads, they will help you in this case to achieve the desired result. Take the tweezers, and then start gently removing all the blue vertical threads.
  3. Remove absolutely all threads from the very beginning to the very end of the cut. Ultimately, you must have only a white horizontal spot from threads.
  4. Make a few such segments on each trousers. The parameters of these sizes you can also adjust to your taste.

Important! You may also be interested in other ideas with which you can.

The effect of the battlement of jeans

In order to create a more shabby effect, the holes on your jeans can be of different sizes, and are located in an absolutely chaotic order. At the same time, the edges of the section are processed by emery paper or using an ordinary grater for vegetables.

Important! You can also strengthen the effect of scuffs as follows. With the help of a needle, pull out several threads, then unevenly tear them. This is quite a negligent option that is suitable for young and cheeky.

How to make breeches from ordinary jeans or shorts?

A fairly simple method of updating old jeans, cut them up to the height of shorts or bridges. In this case, make a height of the future product, and then burst on the transverse thread. In the event that shorts are assumed without further processing, and with torn edges, you will not need any allowances.

They are needed, only in those cases, if, according to the model, it is necessary to make a progress. For this design, add a few centimeters to the desired length, as a rule, it is approximately 3-7 cm, and then cut everything too much.

Phased this process will look like this:

  1. Without folds, spread ready-made jeans on an absolutely smooth surface.
  2. Mark with the help of chalk or a pencil place where you will cut extra long.
  3. We take off your hands or cut the jeans on the planted line with scissors.
  4. Additionally, make holes or scuffs, at your discretion, considering the fact that the color of the longitudinal thread will be lighter than the main shade of the trousers.
  5. Wrap the edges or leave them with ribbon.

Important! Remember that after the transformation, your pants will require more delicate care. So be sure to read:

The most advanced fashion guards noticed the torn back in the past year, the truth should be noted that a similar phenomenon then had a small scale. Now you can meet the stamps in which there is a bit half of all the material - but it only attracts the attention of fashionistas from around the world, and in the summer it even becomes a relevant trend.

Fashionable torn jeans 2019 are unusual closure options and the arrangement of decorative elements in combination with nasty fringe and appliqués from genuine leather. How to do at home with your own hands fashionable outfit for everyday life - told in this material. Tips for stylists according to the rules of choice, combination and use of this element of clothing for women of different ages are also given. It is important to understand - with what they are stylish and how to collect a single image for one or another case.

Look at the photo Fashionable women's jeans 2019, the most relevant and stylish trends of the current season are illustrated:

Women's torn jeans are stylish and attractive!

The model has become so popular that he moved to various jeans styles and simply flooded the counter boutiques and online shopping, where you can buy the most unimaginable trousers. To date, such a model of clothing is not only stylish, but also very attractive for the view of the opposite sex.

Ripped women's jeans are usually worn in the offseason when the weather is not yet cold, but not warm, and of course are especially relevant in the summer. The color coloring is also unlikely to surprise, since the main line is represented by the classic color - blue, blue, black and white.

The choice of model of ribbon jeans depends on your figure - someone is more stylish, but the owners of slender legs may well boast them in stylish and sexy skinni. The girls with problem areas often prefer preference that perfectly pull the proportions and make you even more attractive. There are current models with an overwhelmed waist, which allow you to emphasize the beautiful forms of its owner.

Another feature for which designers recommend paying attention is the form and size of breaks. For example, we were found both asmetrically and chaotic pictures. And if you want to combine several trends in one bottle at once, then the boyfriends should be undoubtedly (perhaps even with an overwhelmed waist) with asymmetrically torn lines (asymmetry is another of the current trends of the season).

In the photo you can see several of the most popular styles that will allow you to finally decide on your attachments and choose a model that will be perfect for you and your figure.

How to make ripped jeans at home with your own hands?

Undoubtedly, torn jeans are very popular and in demand this year, in connection with which prices for some models can greatly bite. But in this case there is always a way out - you can make a similar style with your own hands at home, while spending the minimum of money and putting a little effort. As a result, you will get a unique thing made by personnel - similar things are always allocated from the crowd and attach attention. This is another reason why girls around the world began to practice this method of creating ripped jeans.

Let's see how you can make ripped jeans at home with your own hands on the basis of the finished, fitted on the figure of the product. There are several effective ways, we will talk about some of them today. From the girlfriend you will need any solid surface, a stationery knife, chalk for fabric or soap, as well as a sewing needle and tweezers.

The first method is the most common, since not the most difficult to play at home. Everything is actually very simple - under the pants, namely, to the place where you plan to break them, it is necessary to put the plywood and hold several lines of the shallow for the fabric at a distance of 2-5 centimeters from each other. To begin with, it is worth staying on five lines, and if you have enough patience, you can continue the process of creation. Further everything is simple and logical: you need to cut the drawn part of the line and pull the threads to create a ribbon effect. In the photo you can see what the result should happen.

Another unusual way is the effect of worn jeans. Here you can only apply asymmetric patterns - cut out (but do not cut off) three or four stripes and start slowly pulling the threads of them. Here you just come in handy tweezers, about which we told a little early. Difficulties may occur only with the first thread, the rest usually go like oil. As a result, you must remain some white threads, as shown in the figure below. It seems that your pants simply wear out - but it looks fashionable, and stylish, especially considering the fact that such beauty you have created themselves. Another plus of this method is to improve the model using other materials and textures that are inserted into worn places. Looks like in 2019 it is very impressive.

The most inquisitive and restless connected in 2019 at once two in one - part cut off, and the rest leave both worn. In appearance, they are not inferior to the designer option, which you can easily find in the boutique.

This is a great way to save, especially if there are very old jeans in the wardrobe, with whom the hand does not rise to part. The best way is to breathe new life in them. Do not forget in the process of creating about intermediate fittings that will make timely adjustments and see all the subtleties of the work done. By the way, experienced users recommend not to do holes in the kneel, as this part of the legs can overwhelm even more and spoil the whole picture.

Before choosing one way or another, it is worth thinking about choosing the model and density of denim. So, on the curved jeans, the cropped lines simply will not be visible, whereas on the skinnie they will be very strong to stretch. And what to do in this case, you ask? The average density and fitting model will be an excellent choice in any season. And one more thing, about which not everyone remembers - behind the skin of the feet you need to carefully monitor and remove the epilation, so that it was not ashamed of the sided parts of the body.

What to wear ripped jeans? Let's look at the photo

And so, we created the perfect pair of ripped jeans. And so, we got up to another no less important question: what is standing in 2019, and with which you should not wear them. Before dealing with what to wear torn jeans is, it is important to determine the common style of the outfit and its destination. Let's look at the photo where and with which you can wear fashionable torn jeans in everyday life:

Designers consider torn jeans an integral part of the grunge style, so firstly their style should be a bit baggy, and the worn out of the scattered - as if they were from the 90s themselves. The most decent combination for them is a snow-white elongated sleeveless blouse with sandals. A small clutch on a metal handle and glasses should become an excellent addition for a stylish everyday image.

By the way, the top can be any, as, however, and the style jeans. For example, skinnie is more suitable for white-black shirts, and boyfriends and direct models are quite harmoniously look with a sweater or a t-shirt with a bright pattern.

Similar trousers with scuffs in 2019 will help to diversify the feastful classic outfit with a blouse and a wizard blade. As a bright accessory, we slipped the boat with a leopard black and white print.

If you prefer the style of hipsters, then black jeans-shoes will come to taste in combination with a knitted tunic, a short sweater and a coat of overbox. The image will complement the cute black hat, the Chester and the bag of an unusual shape - it is desirable that all this is a single color scheme.

Since we started talking about styles, it is worth trying and a little rock and roll. To do this, metal suspensions are added to worn jeans instead of the tissue. It only remains to add a couple of things in such a stylist - let it be a black sweater with a bright pattern and leather sleeve-sugar-rude. The accessories are required bracelet-rose, long jewelry and metal shada shoes.

And if you connect the torn boyfriends with a romantic top of a mint shade with a floral print and ballet shoes of the same color - it turns out a romantic image for every day.

Body Tinting Shoes - This is a real Masthev for any fashionista! First, they are universal in their combinations. Secondly, they visually slim and lengthen their feet. And if you make a bet on the boats, then create an elegant and expensive image.

In recent years fashion on ribbon jeans is becoming more active.

Models appear on the podiums in neatly torn and frail jeans. And it is possible create a stylish thing from ordinary jeans, who have every girl in the closet?

Yes, it is possible, and in this article we will tell how to do it.

How to make beautiful holes on old jeans at home: photo

Do not hurry to throw out old jeans, because today in fashion "dying" denim, the main chief of which was torn jeans. You can easily turn such a loved one and certainly a wounded thing like jeans in a stylish thing for fashion bow. How can this be done at home?

  • Holes. They can be done any size and configuration. It all depends on the taste preferences of fashionista. It can be small holes, "scattered" for all pants, large holes half-pants, small curly holes.
  • Latties. The principle of creation is still the same. Originally, holes are made, and after, to give a model of a special highlight, decorated them with lace rules, or a bright tissue is laid on the inside.

  • Waste. A fine sex representatives that do not want such radical changes in old jeans can make spectacular scuffs on them. They will give clothes the effect of industrial composition and wellness. Watching models with scuffs effectively and can be worn even with restrained things.

Having chosen one of the above options, you can proceed to work.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the location and shape of holes / scuffs.

If unsure, then practice on the pants who plan to throw. Perhaps trying on the conceived torn option, you will move holes and scuffs to other places.

In order to avoid rubbering the tissue of the lower part of the pants, it is necessary to pre-embed a thick cardboard or a wooden plank.

From one edge of the contour to another, gently tighten the blade or sharp stationery (construction) knife. It follows the horizontal lines with a distance between them in 1-2 cm.

Now you should remove vertical threads that are between cuts. It turns out a hole with horizontal white threads, which, if desired, can also be removed.

In the end, with the help of Pumise, it is necessary to go through the edges of the hole, it will give hole the production type and hobs the "traces of handmade".

Master class how to make the most fashionable torn jeans itself: video

How to make a warmed hole on jeans?

The relevance of ribbon jeans is not reduced during the cold season. Of course, with naked parts of the body in the frost you are not going, and the holes on the warmed version of such trousers will look terribly. Therefore, the question of independently doing warm holes is so relevant. For work will be needed:

  • middle density jeans;
  • stationery knife or construction;
  • pumice;
  • needle with thread;
  • material for insulation.

Actions repeat on another knee.

Remove jeans from themselves and make a smooth incision on the drawn line.

The main work is made. Now, if you wish, you can "fluff" the edges of the cuts, going through them a solid brush.

It remains to try the resulting option of ribbon black jeans.

It should be considered the fact that the greater the hole on the knee, the more attention to myself it attracts. Therefore, fashionable, unwitting show your ideal knees for the overall review, option with cut holes will have to do.

How can you make jeans with cut down?

For the first time, torn jeans flashed on the podium for another ten years ago, but they did not come out in the masses. Today, such a thing is available in every wardrobe. Particularly loved by such models of Casual style lovers, to those who appreciate the things of handmade, and creative, cheeky individuals.

  1. The first thing to do is to run holes on jeans. To do this, they should be put on and chalk draw the contours of the desired band.
  2. Now you need to select these places. The procedure is not mandatory, but thanks to it, the holes and scuffs will look much more effectively. Sponge or tassel apply white to the location of future holes and scuffs. Watch 2-5 minutes and wipe jeans as usual.
  3. If necessary, the contours of the holes draw nano on the elevated surfaces. Emery paper is running all the place where the hole will be located, going beyond the boundaries of the projected circuit.
  4. A sharp knife is made horizontal cuts in the prepared, aged places. It may be just cuts, small holes or holes with noodles inside. For the latter, it is necessary to get the vertical threads between the cuts between the cuts, leaving horizontal.
  5. At the last stage, we process the pumice of the edge of holes, pantian, side seams, pockets. Such light loss will make the image full and organically looking.

Council. Take into account the individual features of the figure. So, long-legged thin beauties can afford model with holes of any style. Piscent girls who have full legs will suit jeans with slots above the knees.

How to create a scope of jeans: video lesson

How to make losses on jeans seams?

Quite often there is a need to sweep the seams on jeans both below and on the sides. The easiest way to do with Pumise is. It perfectly thin cloth, while such scuffs do not look aggressively. Many needlewomen who have already tried to make jeans with shallow seams, advise before the start of creating losses to lighten the seams whiteness. So the visual effect of the lined seams will be stronger. To create more radical losses with sticking threads, you can use sandpaper.

How to make torn bottom jeans?

The relevant today is considered torn bottom on jeans. This will certainly please those who have a pretty rear seam on hisdants. Make torn bottom easier simple. If you make a torn model of jeans, it will be enough to just tear the bottom seam in a circle of the pantian. After - to grow the edge and everything will be enough to create a general image.

Make torn bottom fashionable and for whole jeans (without holes). To create such a variant, jeans will have to be a little tinker. Initially, the bottom of the jeans need to trim. The back should be longer, the front make a 3-5 cm in short. Now make a jeans fringe in a circle, give her a shabby look, as the smooth option is not popular today.

We make decor holes on jeans: photo

For the decor holes on jeans, you can use everything you find at home. The main thing is to take into account the overall style in which torn jeans are made. For decoration will fit:

  • ryushki, lace;

Ripped jeans are now in fashion. They will fit perfectly in Caen's style and complement any summer wardrobe. Make beautiful losses and break jeans is quite simple at home. If you have old jeans that you want to transform in this way, tips in this article will be useful to you.

What can carry torn jeans with? They are suitable almost to all: with a t-shirt and sneakers, it turns out a simple and stylish onion for every day, and with an elegant blouse and heel shoes - a full-fledged part of the party. However, torn jeans are very different: with scuffs, transverse cuts, carved slices of fabric, and some combine all this together.

Photos will help you decide exactly how you want to break jeans:

Torn jeans add a highlight to everyday images, giving keenness and independence even the most restrained classical alongside. Waste and cuts stylishly look almost with any jeans style - and with direct options, and with skinnie models, and with fashionable boyfriends.

Here is another way to break jeans - not just strips are cut here, but round holes. Such jeans can be worn even in autumn with translucent pantyhose. This model is especially organic when the edges of jeans are also cut off without seams.

Horizontal cuts with scuffs are especially stylish looking at light jeans. White threads remaining on the site of the gap, almost no difference in color from the main fabric and at the expense of this look unusual. Especially interesting will be blond torn jeans on tanned skin.

Now there are simple horizontal cuts on the knee. While you do not bend your legs, they are almost invisible. This is a stylish minimalize version of breaking jeans for those who consider scuffs along the entire surface of the fabric are unnecessary causing.

How to spend jeans?

Do not rush to immediately make cuts on jeans. Although they look natural and carelessly, this is a deceptive impression - to tear jeans must be carefully and thoughtfully so that the result watches truly stylishly. To begin with, decide exactly where you want to break jeans. Here are the most popular options:

  1. Jeans torn on knees
  2. Jeans torn above knee
  3. Jeans torn over front pockets
  4. Torn back pocket
  5. Cropped lower jeans

All these options can be combined in various combinations. What are the most popular ways to break jeans?

  1. Lost (transverse white threads)
  2. Horizontal transverse cuts - from small to long, occupying all the front of jeans
  3. Oval and Round holes

For torn home jeans at home did not differ from purchased in the store, you need to make cuts carefully and competently, following simple recommendations.

  1. Always outline in advance the place of the cut on the fabric with soap or chalk. Do not draw an eye line. First, put on jeans and think where you want to see breakdowns and scuffs, take this place, but only then draw clear lines. It will help you to avoid unpleasant surprises when the gap, conceived on the knee, in the end turns out to be higher or lower.
  2. The denim is very elastic - it means that all your cuts will reach out and will become more with time. This is especially true of round holes.
  3. If you can not decide on the design, just find the torn jeans that you like, and copy breaks and rubbing from them. So you will know exactly how the final result should look.

How to break jeans on the knees?

Simple horizontal cuts on the knees are also popular, and wide openings. Consider how to break jeans in this way.

To make a transverse strip on the knee:

  1. Wear jeans and schedule. The strip must be exactly in the middle, on the bending of the knee.
  2. After that, remove jeans and make a line more even and clear. P
  3. skid something smooth and dense from the inside of jeans - for example, a piece of plywood so as not to damage the rear side.
  4. Then make a neat incision to a sharp stationery on the planned line - the scissors will not fit, because with them it will not work with a flat line.
  5. When you made a cut, you can take the thread with a needle in its edges - so you will give the effect of tissue break.

You can break jeans, cutting the round hole on the knee:

  1. Similarly, put on jeans to schedule the desired places, then remove and clearly draw an oval or a circle. Keep in mind that over time the hole will be pulled and will increase in size.
  2. Oval also needs to be carefully cut into a knife, laying a flat solid board from the inside. At the end, you can walk in a small grater at the edges of the cut to create a scope of failure.

In combination with a horizontal cut or round, several short frequent horizontal cuts are perfectly described:

  1. Just determine their place and make several movements with a knife, and then create a negligence effect, stretching the thread with a needle by contour
  2. Best of all, such cuts will look at the knee or slightly above, where the fabric tights tightly
  3. Do not make them below the knee, because they will be almost invisible there

How to make shabby jeans?

Often there are not just torn, but shabby jeans. The loss is formed with the help of transverse white threads. It can be done almost anywhere - on the knee, below the knee, above the knee, thigh or on the back pocket.

White threads that we need for beautiful scuffs form the inner side of the fabric, and blue is colored.

  1. To make loss, make a place for it and make lightweight heat from left to right.
  2. You do not need to make too much forces to accidentally damage white threads, otherwise weakness fail.
  3. If the grater was able to remove the external blue layer of the tissue not completely, you can pose an extrany thread with a knitting crochet and pull them out.
  4. After you made the desired loss, the edges remain.
  5. It looks good with a smooth transition from white to the main color of denim. It is possible to achieve it by treating the edge of the pumice. She flies the threads, adds to them the volume and lightly evilching, which will give the same transition.

How to break men's jeans?

To break men's jeans, you can use all the same techniques as for the design of female jeans. Sports and lanceight will look at the knee - it's almost a win-win version. You can also make loss or many frequent cuts slightly above the knee or on your pockets.

Men often wear black jeans. Keep in mind that with their scuffs can look a little differently. If with the wrong side of the jeans, too painted in black, you will not be able to achieve the very effect of the difference in colors with scuff. And if you have a white wear, be prepared that the contrast with black will turn out to be stronger.

Video: How to break jeans?