How to sew a ninja turtle suit. Ninja turtle carnival suit. Suits for adults

On the eve of the New Year holidays, turmoil always begins, associated with the selection of images and costumes for the carnival matinee in kindergartens and schools. Each of the parents wants to find the best children's carnival costume for their Chad. It's no secret that the guys has long been no longer like being bears, hares and wolves. And if the girls are more likely to the faces and princesses, then the boys dream of getting into superheroes, transformers and ninja turtles. And this is understandable, because the rate grows on cartoons with these characters. In this article, we will talk about how to sew a suit of a ninja turtle.

Details of the image

First of all, it should be determined from which elements the outfit should consist. The suit of the ninja turtle must necessarily include the foundation (jumpsuit or sweaters and pants), shell, dressings on hand and legs and a mask. Any boy will say what the four cartoon turtles differ from each other, and will name their names. It is about the color of dressings and eye masks that can be red, orange, blue or lilac. As for the color of the base of the costume, it can be any green shade. The shell and chest can be made yellow or brown.

Another important item is a weapon. Of course, at the matinee you will not give the baby a sharp plastic sword or nunchaki, which he can hit someone from the children, but if the weapon will be sewn from the fabric and filled with syntheps, then there will be no danger in himself, but at the same time perfectly complement form. Make a suit "Ninja Turtle" with their own hands, but efforts are justified by the result, because the outfit will be exclusive.

Basis of capital

Children's suits of the ninja turtle suits usually make overalls, but if there is no experience in the attachment of secret lightning, it is better to choose the option with pants and a blouse that will not require work with difficult clauses.

To cut these elements of the outfit, you need to move the details of the cut from finished clothes. This will require a knitted T-shirt with long sleeves and sports pants that fit the child in size. Things lay out on the table or on the floor and lay a piece of ordinary dense construction film from above, after which they redraw all the contours and seams of clothing, straightening all the folds. The pants must be drawn from the front and rear side separately, but the sweater will sufficiently circle once, and it is necessary to determine the depths of the Gorlovin for the transfer and back.

In order for the Ninja Turtle Suit at all without a fastener, you should choose a knitted fabric, which simultaneously stretches well and keeps the form. For this purpose, Diving or Duval is perfect. But if it is planned to do economical, but at the same time spectacular suit, it is better to give preference to satina. In this case, it will be necessary to make a fastener for a button on the neck, since this material does not stretch.

It should also be considered that for a payable (non-stretch) tissue will need to make an allowance for free fitting products. Simply put, things should be wide and not embarrassing movements.

Cutting and assembling the base

After the front and rear parts of the pants were circled, the soul mate and the main part of the T-shirt, all the elements are cut out of the film and transfer to the fabric. They drive them on the material along the contour, and then draw the allowances and cut out. It should be noted that it is also necessary to make indents on sections for bending nose nose blouses, stunkers, sleeves and top of the troops for gum.

If the fabric is not knitted, and the threads are tremened from it, then all parts should be spent on overlock or zigzag. Next, the suit of the ninja turtle must be collected together.

First, they cross the rear and front seams of the trousers, then connect the side and inner sections. Then there are navigations on the pants and at the top, leaving a small hole so that the gum can be made. The sweater is beginning to collect from the shoulder seams, then process the neck and incision to expand on the back of the oblique baker make a loop and sew a button. Then join the sleeves and close the side seams. Next handle the podbs.

Cutting the shell

How to make a ninja turtle suit recognizable? Of course, with the help of such an accessory as a shell. Sew it from the fabric is very easy. On the same construction film he draws an oval (a little wider than the back of the child and height from the neck to the lower back), cut it out and cut out two parts from the fabric and one part of a thick synthetic procession. If there is no thick syntheps, then you can add thin into several layers to get about 8 cm in thickness. Next, the details of the fabric are sampled by phlizelin and stitched along the edge, pre-on one of them draws chalk or soap markup to the alignment of an identical shell.

To remove the item to turn out, you need to do a small incision on the wrong side right in the middle. The filler is inserted into the same hole. Next, there is a turning line. Bibs make the same principle. Only it should be a rectangular shape and eating in the form of cubes of the press.

For these items from the main tank, they make straps with which they will be attached to the child on the shoulders, on the waist and on the hips.


Nunchaki, daggers and swords can also be sewed from the fabric of the appropriate color and fill with syntheps. Such a weapon will be perfectly looked at the belt, and the children's carnival costume of the turtle will acquire another characteristic detail. To make similar items, on a sheet of paper in an arbitrary form, you need to draw the appropriate items, cut them out of the fabric by making the allowance, sew, twist and fill with the filler.

Decorative elements

The main decorative elements can be considered bandages that best cut from a bright brilliant knitwear. For this purpose, the Biflex fabric is ideal, which stretches perfectly and does not run. The dressings should be on the knees, elbows and in the form of a mask in the eyes. To make them, it is enough to cut stripes, and on the mask cut hole holes. In order for distinguishing color elements well and not slipped on a suit, they need to grab them with several stitches to the base.

After all the details of the costume are made, we can assume that the suit of the ninja turtle is ready. Such an outfit will be exactly the only one on the matinee.

The cartoon "Ninja Turtles" is not losing popularity for almost 30 years. Its first season was released in 1987, and comics appeared even earlier - in 1984 since then films, animated series and full-length animated films about the adventures of four brave warriors overlook with enviable regularity. And it is not surprising that not only children, but adults with pleasure put on the suit of ninja turtles on thematic parties, matinees, fees of fans. Demand gives birth to a proposal, and you can easily find the factory outfit, but it will be hidden. How to make a ninja turtle suit yourself? We will tell about it in the article.

Funny family

What if dad, mom and children want to put on holiday? The characters in the series are many, on the average family is enough. For example, Papa can be dressed as a shredder - what a man will refuse to armor, and even the famous villain? And my mother is suitable for the image of Eypril O'Neill, it is possible to even sew or buy nothing will have to do, the girl outfit is quite everyday. Well, children will gladly reincarnate in any of the four warriors - Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo. Here is an example of such a family:

For inspiration

And here is another pair of options, how the suit of the ninja bugs can look. The photo shows that all the details are easy to do at home, it is worth attaching a little effort.

This is a suit, on sewing a lot of time, and if you are looking for ideas easier, see how girls beat ordinary items and foil shapes.

Baby Ninja Turtle Suits

Want to make a child inexpensive and comfortable outfit, in which he can turn off not only on the holiday, but even play with friends? Then take this option note:

You will need:

  • Green pajamas (if there is no needed size, just a T-shirt and pants are also suitable).
  • Thin felt of different colors: coffee, orange for dressings (if you do exactly Michelangelo, and in general, every bug has its own color and weapons).
  • Baking form.
  • Green
  • Brown chalk.
  • Toy nunchaki.
  • Adhesive thermal.
  • Iron.
  • Velcro.
  • Scotch.
  • Adhesive pistol.
  • Scissors.

Work order

  1. Coffee-colored felt cutting an oval to make the abdomen "Turtles". Meld draw on it press.
  2. Here used pajamas, which is fastened with zipper. Therefore, the felt to the right side was glued to the thermolent, and the velcro was sewn left. So you can easily sweep the patch of the belly and remove / wear pajamas on the child.
  3. Now we take ordinary plastic nunchaki and with the help of decorating their felt brown and coffee-colored.
  4. Go to the shell: the height of the side of the baby shape for a child is large, so they are worth cutting off and process the edges of the scotch, so as not to cut down. Prayes foil from the canister in green. When it dries, glue the velcro on top and bottom, the same makes the same on the pajamas so that the shell keeps on the back of the child.
  5. If it is not possible to find such a form of foil, then you can do the painted cardboard armor or sew a small cushion of oval shape.
  6. From orange felt, cut out the mask, elbows and knee pads, and from a brown - belt.
  7. The latter is useful to additionally fix the shell on the back of a small fidget.

Older boys will like the sweatshirt, decorated by the same principle:

Suits for adults

Silent calculations show that children who watched the first releases of the animated series in 1987, reached middle-aged, voyagted fans are people about 30 years old. And they continue to love the series "Ninja Turtles." Adult costume can also be made independently. It can be different levels of complexity, depending on the event where it is going to wear. For example:

Complicate task

For fees of fans or large parties, you need a suit of Ninja Turtles more. You can get along a large form for baking as a shell, but it is necessary to paint beautifully.

Most adult homemade costumes use elements made from papier-mache. As a rule, it is head, hand, legs, shell and bib. Enthusiasts can add muscles made in such a technique.

For the manufacture of this costume, a lot of tight paper was taken. The head and hands are made of papier-mâché, which were placed an approximate workpiece of cardboard glued with scotch. Then the newspapers, flour, water and glue went to move. For the eye, one ball for ping pong was taken, cut it in half and painted. The feet are also made of papier-mache, but old sneakers were used as the basis.

I had to buy a monochrome green suit, then the finished elements were already painted with acrylic paints to the tone. If you do such an outfit, do not forget to make a lot of paint immediately, because if it is over, it will be difficult to repeat the specific shade.

For the shell, a more complex technique was required: first each element is cut out of the cards, then gluits hot glue from the gun (carefully, you can not burn again). So it turns out the convex workpiece, the volume and relief of which was given with brown bags for sandwiches and paints.

The bib is made of several layers of cardboard and phoamyran (crafts for needlework).

For the manufacture of this costume of Rafael left about 2 months of work in his free time.

For excellent fans

But this suit of ninja turtles for a girl can be made in two hours:

It will take:

  • Fatin of different shades of green.
  • Rubber.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Baking dish.
  • White sport top and golfs.
  • Green paint in a cloth canal.
  • Watercolor.
  • Black lace.
  • Old t-shirt.

Production Procedure:

  1. First you can paint the top and golfs in green.
  2. Then we make a skirt: cut off a waist gum (take into account that it is stretched). We sew it in a circle, cut the fatin on thin stripes. We put it in half and loop fasten on the rubber band. We repeat until it turns out a magnificent skirt.
  3. Prayer aluminum shape in green, we draw shoelaces to wear it as a backpack.
  4. From the old T-shirt of suitable color, cut the stripes on the head, elbows, knees.

As a result, it turns out a great suit. Turtle-ninja, with their own hands made, ready. It remains only to paint the belly and the back of the watercolor and the cubes on the press make the brightest color.

There are no boys who would not see the cartoon "Ninja Turtles" and would not like to visit the place of their heroes, distinguished by dedication, courage and power. Moreover, each has its favorite from the famous four, who is more impressed by him in the actions, character.

Ninja turtles love everything. And create a carnival costume of one of these heroes is an excellent opportunity to realize the dream of your Chad. You can do it both on your own, and with the children, because it is a fascinating process, filled with creativity, positive.

A child will be able to feel part of the creative process and make his personal feelings and emotions in his suit, which will be especially expensive to him. The initial skills are completely optional, because the ninja bug masks are made easy, besides, there are quite a few ways.

Each parent can also make additional costume elements, such as weapons: shield, nunchaki. Nunchaki can be purchased in the store.

Paper option

The easiest way to make a ninja ninja turtle masks. But before follow the instructions, telling how to make a ninja turtle mask, everyone should decide which hero he wants to do, because the color of the cardboard or other girlfriends depends on it. In the cartoon Mask Rafael Red, Leonardo - Blue, Michelangelo - Yellow, Donatello - Violet.

In order to start work, there must be the following materials and tools at hand:

  • paper or cardboard (must be green for the base, and the second color is chosen on the basis of what a hero must be done);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • lace.

Phased acting, difficulties in the process should not be:

You need to take a ninja turtle mask pattern, as shown in the picture, and translate it to a green sheet of paper.

Silhouette of the future mask need to be cut.

In the middle of the workpiece draw two ovals, which will serve openings for the eyes.

The scarf on the eyes also cut out of the cardboard.

It is necessary to cut out of the paper of the corresponding color (in our case the red) long part of the dressing and short, as shown in the figure.

Long part glit to a green base.

On the reverse side of the workpiece gluits a small part of the eye bandage.

It turns out closed openings for the eyes, so the workpiece must be flipped over and cut down the holes.

Everything that remains is to attach the laughs so that the product holds on the head.

At home, create a similar product will not be difficult. This is not only just, but very quickly. You can easily make a shield from paper. There are master classes in which it tells how to make a shield from plastic plates. These masks of the turtles can make a lot to be in the child all the heroes of the ninja.

Felt product

Ninja mask can be made of felt. The template can be applied the same, only as the basis take the material felt. Ideally, the edge of each part is desirable to handle the machine line. On the sides, you can attach a lace or create a fastening on velcro.

Ninja turtle mask can be created from foam rubber. Great idea - make a separate mask green of the foam rubber and sew a scarf separately from the cloth, then tie it to the eyes. This is the fastening of the mask, and an important element.

Modern original way - creating a mask from T-shirts, sweaters or T-shirts. This method involves special types of stuff on the head. Of course, it is impossible to call a carnival version of the costume, but for games and fun at home or in the yard this option is quite suitable.

These are simple ways, how to make a ninja mask with your own hands, at the same time it can be sewed from the fabric using the pattern, create volumetric masks.

Ask any boy, who would like to be to New Year's Masquerade. In response, be sure to hear the name of one of the animated or fabulous heroes.

Boys love to be heroes. There is nothing wrong with this, but mom will have to try to sew a suitable children's suit with their own hands. Stories about ninja turtles for many years, but the boys still remain delighted with her main characters. Let's try to make a ninja costume independently from the girlfriend.

Materials for sewing

Of course, you can take a ninja turtle suit for rent. But creative occupation can turn into an interesting pastime for children and their parents. So, the ninja costume is:

  • basics of green;
  • shell;
  • additional accessories in the form of dressings, knee pads, weapons and other things.

To sew masquerade clothes for children you will need:

  • Turtleneck or green shoes, as well as pants. It may be old green pajamas. It is desirable that the shade of green was darker. But light green is also suitable. Still, this is your version of the turtle. The main thing is that it is recognizable.
  • Yellow fabric. It is convenient to use flannel. It is more appropriate and dense. What you will do out of it, tell a little later.
  • Acrylic paint and dye for fabric are useful.
  • Brown ribbon will enable the role of a belt.
  • It will take the velcro to connect the details.
  • Fabric segment of red for additional accessories.
  • Holofiber or Singrytepon. It needs a little. Perhaps you have old sofa pillows at home. You can lend some packs of them.
  • Baking form. As you already guessed, it is for the shell. The form should be large enough so that the children's suit will be recognizable in it.

Arm yourself with threads and needles. And do not postpone work on the last day. The result exceeds waiting if you proceed to perform a job with a good mood.


In this section, we will tell you how to make a baby ninja turtle suit from affordable materials.

Our ninja costume is almost ready. Lack of weapons. It can be done, cutting out of a dense cardboard or buy separately in the store of goods for children.

  • If you do not have colored fabric and you do not want to buy a new cut, use colored socks.
  • If your son rides on the rollers, feel free to take the knees and wrappers. Then you do not have to do them, and they will look more effectively.
  • If you paint cloth or separate item, for example, a shell, wait until everything is dry.
  • Securely secure accessories so as not to fly. We are confident that your child will want to demonstrate a suit to his friends and classmates in all its glory, and for this you will have to get used to the role, jump, run, swing the weapon.

If something does not work, do not despair. Postpone work on time and come back to it again when inspiration. We are confident that during the sewing of a children's costume, you will have a lot of interesting ideas.

Your baby fell to be a ninja turtle on the New Year's morning in kindergarten or school. Or maybe your child is simply delighted with the image of this cartoon and asks you to make him this unusual suit? Then this master class is just what you need.

Applying a little effort you can sew your own original ninja turtle suit for a boy of any age. Thus, you will help your child will reincarnate into the image of Leonardo, Rafael, Michelangelo or Donatello and imagine himself part of the command of the turtle on New Year's Eve. Well, let's not postpone the work in a long box and proceed to sewing the costume right now.

How to sew a new year ninja turtle suit for a boy

For this we will need:

  • green cloth 120 -150 width and equal to the growth of your child;
  • loskut beige tissue 1m x 45cm. ;
  • flap brown tissue, 50 x 45 cm.;
  • a ribbon of brown tissue 10-15 cm wide and 150 cm long;
  • a piece of foam rubber 5 cm thick and 90 x 50 cm in size;
  • coils of the filaments of the corresponding colors;
  • color cardboard and scotch for making mask;
  • gum 25 cm long;
  • long sleeve jumpsuit pattern.

Moving the green fabric face side inside and spread the pattern of overalls. Having made the appropriate points on the seams, we will open the jumpsuit and the flock of ferry bending at the bottom of the middle suture of the rear of the trousers, in order for seam leng smooth.

Moving the front of the overalls from the back, aligning them on the side seam, the front side, inward, we swing the shoulder, side seam, as well as the suture of the inside of the trousers.

Moving in half the patterns of sleeves, sweeping and we drink along the longitudinal seam. Condet the sleeve in the armor, having requested it along the line of the Okat, not forgetting that a more gentle edge edge is designed for the rear shelf, and coolest - for the front. We can pass. At the bottom of the sleeves will be sewn elastic band, so we will we drink the edge, making a double bending and paving the line at a distance of 10-12 mm. From the edge. Seam does not need to be laid until the end, leaving 2-3 cm. In order to pull the pin with a rubber band. I am writing a gum, manually neatly lingering the hole, which was left for this work. Wake up the bottom edge of the trouser with 5 mm. And carry a line.

I will overrive on the front side almost the finished jumpsuit and we will engage in the stitching of lightning. Lightning can be sewed in various ways, I have a large zipper - "tractor", it can be sewn "into the frame", you can, like me, with a plank. To do this, take out two smooth ribbons, 5- 8 cm wide. And 5-8 cm long longer than the left zipper left. We note the zipper to the front side of the tissue, on the other hand we shoot the plank, leaving at the top there is enough fabric, so that the collar "grab" the bar, and below is 1-2 cm. Long lightning. We scrape the main fabric, zipper and bar with one suture, turn on the front side, start and make a finishing line along the edge of the tissue near the zipper.

Now we will deal with the collar finish. It will not be as such, we neatly treat overlock and ribbon. To do this, catch "on the oblique" from the residues of tissue tissue, a length of more than the edge of the pride with 4 cm. And 6 cm wide. First, we first cut the leaf fabric, remove the pliers of unnecessary cloves with zipper, turn it inside. We will also fit the main fabric and the front side of the face inside, retreating 5 mm. From the edge, then byverting and rejuvenating the product, bent for 1 cm. The edge of the ribbon, carry another line, retreating from the first 1 mm.

After our jumpsuit is ready, we will make a "ninja" durable "shell". To do this, we will open 2 billets on the front of the shell from beige tissue, I have it - velveteen, reminiscent of oval with stray. "Ramka" should be 15-18 cm., And the "oval" itself - 30 cm long. From a beige tissue with a size of 30 x25 cm. By sizes of oval from beige tissue, we will make 2 billets from the foam rubber, cutting off from each edge at an angle of 45 degrees so that they lay down on each other "dome".

For the manufacture of the front of the "shell", lay 2 halves to the front side inward and we die, departing from the edge of 5-8 mm. And leaving the place so that the product can be turned on the front side. Having rubbed the line, make notches in the angular places, so that the product is "wrinkled" in this place. I will overrive and insert in the inside of the 4 sheet of foam rubber 1-2 cm thick, which together repeat the sizes of "oval". Manually lingering left edge and make 2 lines between the sheets of the foam rubber.
For the manufacture of the "shell" on the back, lay down the front side of the workpiece from beige and brown tissue, we can, leaving the place to be turned out and insert the foam rubber into it. I will inject on the front side and, inserting the billet of the foam rubber, lingering left. To the inner side of the shell on the back of the sequence of straps, retreating from the edge of 5-8 cm, so that the finished shell is visible above the shoulders of the child.

For the manufacture of a belt, take a tape with a length of 150 cm, we will process its edge so that the fabric does not pour, and you are seed in two places to the greater half of the "shell" so that the belt does not fall. And on the front of the "shell" we will make a loop, which will also keep the belt. Let's make a mask from the cardboard and strengthen it with a scotch.

Here is the ready-to-ninja turtle suit!