What tells the split line of marriage. Divination "program" fate. Take the Brazda Board The value of the marriage line on the palm

So, I will return to the fascinating topic of studying the lines on the palm of your hand, which can tell us a lot about the owner of the hand. The last time we looked at you, and today we will talk about lines of relationships.

Of course, the question of love relationships is interested in almost all. Young people hurry to find out when they will meet their half. A older people who do not have a personal life, hope that the long-awaited meeting will still have in front. Many know about short horizontal lines on the edge of the palms located between the base of the maiden and the heart line, which determine the potential relationship. They are often called Marriage lines. However, hirologists believe that it is much more correct to call these screenshots. lines of relationships or lines of attachmentSince they do not necessarily indicate an official marriage with registration. Often people live together without entering into marriage, but there will be such a steady connection on their palms, and the relationship line will be visible. On the other hand, R. Webster argues that his clients have been and married men without such lines on his palm, the marriage for which was only convenient and beneficial, but did not have "big spiritual or emotional meaning" for them. A couple more names of this line I met in the books of Singh Birla, where she is named linus Union, and Peter West, where the expression is used line love.

What do the relationship lines mean?

Let's try to summarize information and understand what the meaning of these lines having so many options for the names.

R. Webster writes that on these lines you can see "how important love unions will be in a person's life." The manual of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology states the connection of marriage lines with sensual impacts, which "very long time or very intensely disturbed ... Sensual spheres." And in the book of S. Fenton, we read that the lines of relationships of the chirromants are able to tell about the stable emotional relations of the owner of the hand. The measure of devotion in love considers the relationship between Singh Birla. And D. Finch writes that clearly pronounced lines in this area are the reflection of the "emotional manifestations of ideals."

It turns out that, no matter how cool, the lines of relationships on the palm will tell us about strong feelings and love, which can lead to relationships: living, marriage, novel ...

What does marriage say?

So, with Harvesting books on the chiromantia and try to figure it out, we will tell us different drawings of marriage lines.

Single line

One clear line, enveling the edge of the palm - it is probably the best option of a relationship line that can be found. S. Fenton interprets such a drawing as a focus on durable family bonds. Usually these people, entering into marriage, ready and soul, and to keep loyalty to the partner.

S. Birla confirms the same, considering that one line speaks of human intelligence and seriousness, as well as his loyalty and devotion to his partner.

Many lines

But more often on the hands of a person you can see not one, but several lines of relationships: three, four, or even five. S. Fenton believes that such people can appreciate close relationships, but they need sexual freedom. The author explains that sometimes such a picture on the hand is in the periods of searches for the satellite of life in young people or after the divorce, and then, when everything is already declared, extra cuffs can disappear.

S. Birla believes that four-five lines that are from each other at a distance are the probability that there will be no important relationship during life, but if the lines with each other are closely converging, then the owner of the hand like to change partners, but he It is not capable of tie a long relationship.

Long line of marriage

Singh Birla claims that if the long line of marriage comes to the Sun hill, which symbolizes recognition in society, it is possible that the partner will be from celebrities.

L. ineni is turned up

I met different interpretations about such a stroke of the marriage. If S. Fenton says that in this case a person may have a successful partner, then Singh Birla considers such a line of contradictory of views to close relationships, the desire for independence.

In the Munich benefit, such a line is interpreted as a sign of a happy marriage or communication, often between partners with a big difference in age.

The line is turned down

But curved down the line of marriage, the chirromates are all interpreted in a negative key.

Munich writes about the problem partnership or marriage, S. Fenton - about the disappointment in marriage and the possibility of divorce.

Singh Birla explains that very strongly lowered down the line of the Union in India has the name of the mangli line. Such a person in the relationship behaves aggressively and powerfully and will suppress the partner, so he needs to look for a partner with the same line on his hand. In the Munich guide, such a line is called a sign of a large and strong feeling, similar to witchcraft, where the powerless will and mind are powerless. But the line can take a normal position when a person is free from mental dependence.

Closely located parallel lines

Such a sign of Singh Birla considers a sign that being with a partner a person dreams of a friend, it is difficult for him to maintain loyalty.

S. Fenton writes that this picture indicates that with a joint duty of living in people there are no truly close emotional relations satisfying them.

Island on marriage

The island in the textbook of the Munich Institute is considered a sign of a disease or a problem from a partner.

S. Birla claims that this is an internal conflict associated with a partner.

Marriage line with a development at the end

S. Fenton writes that then the possibility of divorce is given.

Munich Institute of Parapsychology also approves. That the difference in characters will lead to a termination of communication.

And S. Birla confirms that this sign talks about the differences in social and cultural, which will most likely lead to parting.

Marriage line begins with fork

Here we see the value of the reverse valve of the plug on the end of the line. That is, partners can build a strong union, despite the disagreements and differences that they were at first.

Lack of line

S. Birla treats this as follows: the man has not yet aware of the meaning of a solid union between a man and a woman. In this case, he advises to be tolerance and respond to the needs of another person, that over time will help "draw" a line of relationships on the palm.

Well, now, in general, it became clear to us that they denote the lines of relationships on our palms. Read more, please read from the above authors. List of books that helped me write this article, I bring after it.

And you know, I still like to call these dishes with lines of love!

And those who want to know about other lines on our hands, I suggest reading my past lines reviews, for example and.


1. Singh Birla - Palm and Fate

2. P. West - Secrets of the Chiromantia

3. The training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology - Esoteric. Volume 1. Hirology

4. Johnny Finch - the secret power of the Chiromantia

5. S. Fenton M. Wright Secrets of the Chiromantia. Learn your fate

6. Richard Webster Complete Guide for Hiromantia. Secrets reading palm

The lines of affection, or, as they are often called, the marriage lines are located on the hill of Mercury and go from the fins of the hand towards the palm of the palm (Fig.443).

There are no one of these lines in some hands, whereas on others you can see their many.

From time immemorial, these lines were used by old palmists as an indication of marriage or combining people of different floors.

Their value in practice matters in combination with other signs, but will be an error using them by itself, without taking into account other elements of the hand.

Wedding does not affect each person in the same way.

Some people perceive this relationship no more than a daily routine life.

Such people may not have lines affection.
Others give marriage all their life and soul, and they will have deep lines of affection on the palms.

The use of the word "marriage" in relation to lines of attachment is misleading, they can not be perceived as an indication of the legalized marriage union.
These lines can often be observed when there was no entry into marriage, but the man loved the same as if he was connected by the bonds of the marriage.

Such subjects will have the same line of attachment, as if the marriage ceremony took place.
More correctly call these lines lines of affection than marriage lines; This name is more accurate.

In each case, attachment per person produces a strong impression before these lines are deep; And the more such impressions and impacts will be, the more affection lines we will see on your hand.

The type of person will always be a great help in reading lines of affection, as each type has distinctive views on marriage issues.
Jupiterian type is predisposed for marriage and enters into it young.

So, on the palm of Jupitorian type, the line of attachment can be interpreted as early marriage.

People of Saturnian warehouse do not seek early to associate themselves with married relations.
As a rule, they marry in more mature age.

The desire of solar types for marriage is carried out, as a rule, at an early age, but they often have unhappy marriages, because they want brilliant partners, and the latter do not always turn out to be so.

Merkurian type people come into marriage.
At the same time, they can be guided by any profitable.

Martian type is also inclined to marriage.
A well-pronounced line of attachment on the palm of this type will be interpreted as a marriage.

Lunar type is very strange to marriage, sometimes he despises him, sometimes concludes a strange marriage union.
The line of affection on the palm of the lunar type should be a clear, clearly visible so that it can be interpreted as a marriage.

Venusian type of people cannot resist marriage, even if try.
It is difficult for them to remain alone, as they are attractive and attract the opposite sex.

In the Venusian Type of Palm, there will be a small line, so that you can talk about marriage, although on the palms of this type you can detect strong lines.

The practice of surveying Mercury Hill has shown that if you justify your predictions regarding the number of marriages, only on the lines of affection, without taking into account the other indicators, then this will certainly lead you to an error.

No practices should predict a future wedding, as many lovers from Palmystry do; It is better to first explore the hands of the subject as fully and only then express their assumptions about his marriage.

The first thing to determine is whether the lines of affection are present on the palm.

If not one, then the subject is likely to have a strong influence on the part of someone.

If a person is healthy and in nature, he can have strong desires, according to its content opposite to sensual entrepreneurs, but when they are satisfied, it flows into a state of prostration until life energy returns him to the thoughts on the resumption of previous classes.

If there is no lines of affection on the palms and the heart line is damaged, this is an indication of the heart disease or the absence of strong feelings.

< 2 >

If there are many lines of affection (Fig. 444), the subject is sensitive in heart matters to a greater or lesser extent, depending on whether weak or strong lines.

The attachment lines are always horizontal, they begin on the edge of the hand, sometimes continue on the Mercury Hill.

If only one line is found, it will be one hobby, but deep.

These lines do not indicate attachments that a person is experiencing towards his family.

< 3 >

If the attachment line begins for a fork (Fig. 445), this indicates that the impact has an extraordinary force - two plug lines are combined into one line and produce the effect of two merging flows into one, which takes a double force.

< 4 >

Defining age on affection lines is possible in two ways.

One can determine the age in which the impact begins, and the other - how long it will continue.

To determine the age in which the feelings begin to act, take the heart line for the bottom mark, and for the upper - the upper part of the Mercury hill.

This space must be divided on average by year, having accepted the middle of the hill, which corresponds to age of 36 years, and after the end - the upper part of the hill corresponding to the 70 years.

Thus, the line of affection passing up to the middle means the manifestation of feelings in the period up to 36 years, and after the middle - at the age after 36 years.

Scale (Fig.446) will help find approximately the right age, quite accurate for common purposes.

In the future, you can make another division if you need to determine a more accurate date.

To determine the period of action of feelings, the line must be measured from beginning to end.

Thus record all events related to the manifestation of this feeling.

Because of the scale, you must take the entire line from beginning to the end, the middle of which is 36 years, and the end is a 70-year-old frontier.

Intermediate years can be divided into more detail if it is necessary to accurately determine age (Fig.447).

< 5 >

The longer the attachment line, the longer the feelings are preserved, and when many lines can be seen, the duration of each novel can be estimated along the length of several lines.

When one line is deeper and longer than the rest, it means that this attachment is the strongest (Fig.448).

Such a mark indicates several deep attachments, among which a person reaches the highest state of passion when it is shown in the deep line.

< 7 >

If you see a lot of lines, among which the top is the most profound, but at the same time, one of the earliest lines has an increasing recess at the end, it means that the former love is never fully disappeared (Fig.450).

From each combination of lines, choose lines speaking about the strongest feelings, and in the nature of these lines try to determine how much the previous attachments are saved.

< 8 >

If two lines lie close to each other and the top of them is thin, and the length and other confirmation signs make sure that the line speaks of marriage, and the lower line is stronger, then the person will make a marriage for the sake of benefits, but not for love (Fig.451) .

If the attachment lines are thin with respect to other lines on the palm, the person will not have a truly strong passion.
He will experience fraternal feelings towards a partner, but this love will not be all-consuming passion.

Such people are not prone to manifestation of feelings, are uncertain, cold, and if they have many lines of affection on the palm, tend to flirt.

If they are beautiful and attractive, they break a lot of hearts.

If the palm of the woman's lines of attachment is wide and superficial or have a chain shape, people are even more uncertain in their feelings.
He will play with a partner to enjoy a love game.

Such people do not experience these hobbies.
They are cold, selfish and cruel.

White color lines enhances the coldness of the subject.

Deep and long-lasting feelings are characterized by deep and well-formed lines.

These qualities are enhanced if red or pink lines.

Such subjects love dusty, constantly and bring themselves sacrificing for love.
They are pleased to be loyal and constant, they are proud of it.

If such deep lines do not have deficiencies or gaps, a person under life is experiencing a disintegration, reliability and loyalty to the partner.

< 16 >

If the line of affection is branched down at the end, the relationship will weaken (Fig.459).

Old palmisters considered this sign as a divorce.
This is the likelihood of a collision in family life, which does not always lead to divorce, but shows the weakening of feelings.

If the plug is non-erased (Fig. 460), the alienation is not so serious, as if this is a large branching (Fig.459).

If the line ends with a brush, this indicates a complete weakening and decay of the senses (Fig.461).

< 19 >

If the line has a gap (Fig. 464), this indicates that something interferes with a love relationship between people or interrupts them.

Look for signs that correct the situation.

In the same way, other lines coming from obstacles on the lines of attachment to other palm parts, sometimes to damage on lines of life or signs on a hill speaking of health violations.

In such cases, all problems are the result of influences from affection lines.
All defects on the lines of affection point to an event caused by anything in a person's life.

In all cases, the lines of affection must be interpreted in combination with lines of influence on the hill of Venus.
My advice: Each practice should be treated with great attention to all matters related to marriage and life.

Fully studied palm should allow the client to easily understand himself.

If marriage questions are not as closely connected with his life, it will only satisfy his curiosity, and no more.

When his career is destroyed or subjected to interference from adverse factors, these factors must be specified.

The surgeon does not remove part of the body to show that he can do it, but he must do it if an amputation is needed that will help the patient.

All palmisters should proceed from this principle.

Make everything you need to help and support the client, but do not try to simply make an impression.
Strict following this principle will eventually be rewarded, and nowhere will it be more true than in the question of lines of affection.

There are horizontal lines, from-known in classical chiromantia as marriage lines (Figure 5-34). Up until the 20th century it was believed that the number of lines indicates how many times in the life of the man-age will enter into marriage. This myth is so harvest that even today, some kind of chirromants with the preparation of hardening are interpreted them in a similar way.

Nevertheless, the practice has shown that such predictions (the number of marriages in the modern world is not limited) at least, untenable. Because of the men's morals, some morality, modern Hiro Mantans renamed the marriage lines in lines of obligations , or lines , treating them as indicators of the number of serious love hobbies. Unfortunately, there is no clear boundary that shares serious and frivolous hobbies. Yes, and not all marriages are made by love; Someone comes into marriage by calculation, for someone presses public opinion or there are other circumstances, when the heart attachment does not interest anyone. According to the famous chiromant of the XIX century Cairo, only clear lines are related to marriage. Short or barely noticeable lines indicate deep attachment either on unfortunate love: the desired marriage for some reason did not take place. Many chirromants note that guessing the marriage lines - it's like predicting the weather may come true, and maybe not. Such Lii may appear after resort novels. I am familiar with a man who was married three times, but at the same time it has only one marriage line. My friend's friend said: I have a story, as a powerful mother tried to erase the marriage lines with the hands of his adult son who lives with her in the same house. And what do the marriage lines mean in the polygamy societies of the East?

Obviously, the marriage lines do not talk about how many times in life you will be married / come out. Although these lines are definitely carrying out of intimate links - this is proven by the centuries of observations and practice. It is absurd to assume that such an important sign, like the marriage lines, may depend on ephemeral social factors. Marriage is a social phenomenon, and such things are changeable, therefore, analyze the marriage lines, relying on their interpretation in the XIX century, at least problematic. They should be considered from you-cell of the present time, and not from the depths of dark archives, where old foliages are stored.

Difficulties with the analysis of marriage lines disappear when we consider them not as indicators of the number of marriages, but as indicators of the number of possible meetings with Related souls , with our spiritual relatives. Since these lines denote deep emotional experiences, so they call them yet Lines of devotion . If there are three such lines on your palm, it means that you will see the three kindred souls for life, communication with which will be a cuddy and mutually enriching. Perhaps I surprised you, saying that there are many related souls in the world, but this is true: there are people who have hundreds of children's souls. (More in detail This topic is considered in the "karmic chiromantia" by J. Saint-Germain).

So, the line of dedication indicates the importance and dynamism of the development of non-wear. A long thin line (Figure 5-35) denotes relations that will last for years, and when they are run out, will become a good life lesson. Co-rotor lines (Figure 5-36) talk about short, but no less important ratios, helping us better understand their needs and needs.

If the loan lines be down to the side (Figure 5-37), you will be waiting for warmth and love, however, the likelihood is that relations will interrupt-Xia because of your partner's death. If you once had a close friend, a false nickname / mistress, or a teacher who made you look at the world, but, to a sorry, who died shortly after that, then you went through a lesson.

And since you have nothing more to teach you, you got all the necessary knowledge to continue working on yourself, the teacher can go further. It comes time to sprawl wings.

When the loyalty line bends towards the little finger (Figure 5-38), such ourselves will be replaced by quarrels with insane passion. Passing this lesson, you will become tougher and targeted. I think each of us saw married couples, where spouses though they swear, but they cannot live without each other, or friends who are constantly arguing among themselves, but the water remains not. There are families where relatives would seem willing ready to kill each other, but in critical moments hold together. If all of all over the pain is familiar to you, then you have passed this lesson. Now you can love a person as it is, not by -pasching him to change his worldview or lifestyle.

You probably noticed that various people have a different number of loan lines. Those who have one line are likely to marry / marry their own soul and will enjoy a warm family hearth until death serves them. People with several loyal lines will meet many teachers in their lives, the long way of self-improvement and self-learning will be held. The likelihood that they will have several spouses, each of which will be their soul soul.

But those who have no loan lines, do not lose heart. They will also meet their relative soul. The lack of loyalty lines does not circumsorate a person on a lonely and hopeless life. With age, these lines appear, then IS-Cleaite. Sometimes their absence means that "love will inadvertently granted, when they are not waiting at all." There are things that we do not need to know.

Lines of devotion not only predict close relationships, but also before you prefer about future problems. As you know, there are no ideal relationships. We can predict the coming difficulties, analyzing the loyalty lines.

The long line of devotion, stretching along the entire foundation of the Misma (Figure 5-39), speaks of excellent relations with a partner literally created for you. It looks like the definition of a "related soul", discharged from an intelligent dictionary. The longer the line, the longer your relationship will last. The line of devotion with the end in the form of a plug (Figure 5-40) means that the person "punished" is constantly converging with the same partner. He or she should remember the dangers of a love triangle, because such a line warns about an annoying, adultery, like a gum, partner. This configuration is also called "Changeable fork" , having in mind difficulties in relationships with this annoying lover / mistress.

Two lines of dedication, located almost parallel to each other (Figure 5-41), denote practical relationships. The couple can remain together for years, but at the same time have different goals and views on life. Such relatives last until a particular task is performed. For example, par-tants remain together until they are growing their children, and then move every way. Usually these people have connections on the side.

Clear parallel lines are called lines Companion (Figure 5-42) and indicate a person who cannot be content with one marriage. To meet him or she needs a good job, a hobby or in some cases some special kind of activity.

Discussion of lines associated with personal life will not be fully valuable without considering adverse lines. Three lines running vertical, but from the thumb up to its base (Figure 5-43), are specified to conflict periods. The Eastern School of Chiromantia is taught that these lines indicate the number of deadly enemies, which we have come over the past years. In some way, such a point of view is true, but in Western society these people will not kill you: they will be limited to the fact that they will constantly insert you sticks in the wheels. It can be business competitors, rivals on a personal front, etc., etc. The nature of man is such that for the speed of decision-making, for the up-ethnic heights we need a spirit of rivalry. In other words, a person who strives to reset us from the top. Agree, such personals are unlikely to kill us, they simply keep us in constant tone. Sometimes, unfavorable lifestyle lines point to certain moments, such as work without a chance of success or not established relationships that we support from the prick or fear of loneliness. In these cases, the road into the bright future is overhanger, and the lines show that we should make a jerk and change the situation or partner sharply.

Marriage lines, or how else it is called the line of attachments, are horizontal lines that are on the edge of the palm near the Mercury Hill between the beginning of the maiden and the heart line.

If one clear line is located on the edge, it indicates sufficiently strong family bonds. As a rule, the owner of such lines awaits long, happy and successful marriage.

The presence of clear lines suggests that a person though even appreciates close relationships, but he still needs sexual freedom. Such a person will be constantly in search of a life satellite.

Evidence that a person prefers the work of marriage, is the line of marriage turned up to the maiden. For example, a business woman who has a career first place, and feelings are discharged into the background. Such a line may also say that relations are possible with the presence of a large difference in age. One partner can be more experienced and mature in heart matters. Marriage can not always be successful.

If the marriage line has an end of the plug, it is possible that the partners did not compare the characters and even divorced.

Another classic divorce sign can be called the descent of a semicircle relationship line and crossing the lifestyle.

The short-term relationship is indicated by the fact that the relationship line is short and even half of Mercury hill.

The presence of a break on the relationship line indicates a temporary separation.

The presence of an island on the relationship line warns of a possible enmity and may even be parting partners. When the island is at the end of the line, then the separation is likely to end with a break. As a rule, the islands are a prevention of grief, and are also a symbol of the period of the crisis.

A wavy line of relationships implies a difficult, unsettled and changeable partner. This line indicates the so-called "hut" period. Such people prefer freedom and do not like any restrictions.

Short lines that depart down from the relationship line, indicate anxieties associated with both physical and mental health. It is the brevity of these lines that causes the complexity of relationships. Most often it is blows on love ozam, which are caused by the presence of weak health from a partner.

Intervention lines are deep lines, which depart from the finger of Mercury and cross the line of relationships. They are a symbol of negative pressure on the relationship, which comes from a close family member or friend.

In most cases, the Motive is a desire to weaken, jeopardize or even destroy the Union. For example, situations occur very often when parents do not recognize the chosen one's chosen, and, as a rule, it causes great pain to her child.

When the relationship line is very long and crosses the palm, as if the second line of the heart, then such an union can be fully considered. A man with such a palm fully devotes himself to his partner, merging with him spiritually, lives only for him, always supports and is located nearby. As an example, you can call marriage with a foreigner. In this case, a person leaves to live abroad, takes the culture and language of the partner. This can also include marriage with a rich partner when a person takes his way of life.

The presence of branch in the line of relationships, as well as its direction down and the intersection of the sun line indicates that the partner will refer to a lower social or property layer. When the branch is directed upwards, in the direction of the hill of the Sun, then the partner of this person will be a successful and well-known person.

The presence of a threat to the health of a partner in connection with an accident or illness testifies to the cross over the line of relationships.

The intensity and duration of feelings depends on the length and depth of the marriage line. What it is longer and deeper, the better.

If the two lines that are on the edge pass in parallel to each other and close, then the partners are secured by a long life together, but, unfortunately, without the presence of close relationships, as well as without moral satisfaction.

Line of children

Lines that are related to the appearance of children in most cases are thin vertical dashes that are on the extreme side of the marriage line. But other options are also possible.

If the child is located on the line of relationship closer to the edge of the palm, he will be born before, if the child is located on, he will appear later.

If the lines of children are close to each other, then the difference in the age of them will be from one to four years. The greater the distance of children's lines from each other, the greater the difference in the age of them.

In children who have not yet been born, the lines will not be so distinct as already in the born.

The lord of the beloved child will be a bit longer than the line of his brothers and sisters.

Twins sign is the V-shaped line of children. The presence of an inverted sign of the twins or a normal line with a fork at the end indicates the birth of one child, who in the future may be the appearance of twins.

The symbol of protection is the presence of a square on the lines of children. This means that the child has already overcome the period when he threatened the danger, as a result of some disease or accident.

The smaller the distance from the square to the line of the relationship, the closer to birth this event occurs.

Located at an angle, the line of children testifies to the tension of the relationship between the child and parents. It is possible that between them there will be an emotional alienation, both due to the riot of transition, and as a result of the problems of parental authorities.

If at the beginning of the line of children is an island, this indicates problems with the health of this child when he is born.

The manifestation of weak health at a later age is possible in the presence of island further on the line.

Warns about a possible miscarriage the presence of a small, weak line of children, which consists of dasheds, curls, islands and crosses.

The presence of a wavy line of children indicates the emergence of the child with health problems from birth.

The chopped or broken line of children speaks or about the complex relations of parents with a child or about the problems with the health of this child.

It is impossible to talk about children only based on these vertical lines on the hill of Venus, because they are very poorly expressed and almost not visible. You can also navigate in deep lines that go horizontally over the wrist at the bottom of the moon hill.

When the lines of children pass from the heart line through the marriage line, then there is a possibility that such a woman will devote himself to completely raising children.

It is important to know that if a woman has a weakly developed Venus hill and a long narrow palm, then it may not have children at all. Another factor that affects the number of children is the belt bracelets belt. So, heavy childbirth predicts the first line of the bracelet of Venus on the hand of a woman in the form of an arch. It is possible that such a woman will not have many children. The presence of the second line of the same form significantly exacerbates the situation.

Signs of boys and girls


1. If the line of life produces a branch in the direction of the first wrist line with a slope toward the thumb, below the base of the Mercury line (health), then this means that the first boy will be born.

2. Indicate difficult labor can branch this branch.

3. The presence of the connection of both branches of the cone with the wrist symbolizes the early death of the child or very difficult childhood.

4. If there is a jumper between the boys signs, this indicates twin boys.

5. The presence of points on the branches of the cone can symbolize the use of forceps during childbirth, as well as the injury of both hemispheres of the brain.


1. If the line comes from the Bug of Venus and crosses the line of life, and its end has an end of the branching, and it also connects to the first wrist line, then it predicts the girl. There is also a miscarriage, or the birth of a dead child.

2. About the girl who will have the emergence of injury of both hemispheres of the brain, testifies to the presence of a line on the palm of the palm, which comes from the Bug of Venus, crosses the line of life in the direction of the wrist and ends with an island, which is turned towards the palm axis.

3. The presence of a transverse line at the end of the gear sign symbolizes about possible headaches in the girl.

4. If the girl's sign has the end of the quadrangle, then it speaks about the cord of the cord around the neck of the girl.

It is believed that the symbol of the boy is the vertical lines that are near the edge of the palm on the Mercury Hill under the little finger and rest in the lines of attachments, and the symbol of girls can be considered bevelled, inclined lines.

The presence of a weaker line of children, which departs from the relationship line, testifies to the girl. If she is strong, then there will be a boy.

Line of influence of close people

She is: the guardian angel line, the support line, the Venus line.

I studied this line for a long time and dedicated a lot of time for her right knowledge. About this line is written very little. It is immediately clear that many authors, and famous Hirologists do not seek to study something new, and focus only on well-known facts, or at all ignore its existence and do not notice that it is of great importance in understanding the processes of relationships of loved ones.

And now about the line:

These lines occur when the influence of close people makes a strong impression on this person.

The length of this line indicates the duration of this influence in a person's life.

Basically, these influence lines denote the personal attitude of this spouse to their second half. The longer the line of influence, the longer and stronger feelings towards a spouse or a close man. A man with such a clear line, sincerely loves the spouse, compets, lives for him. Here it is necessary to note the main thing: the effect of the second half on the owner of this line is huge.

If this line is absent or very poorly pronounced, then real feelings for their second half, this spouse does not experience. He lives with him because of the debt, children, compassion, bewiped, out of principle: better with him than anyone, etc. Often, a weak line or its absence, indicates that the marriage in the life of this person was an insignificant event and did not particularly affect his life. Such people often think more about their lives, about their career than about the spouse.

But in explanation of this line there is one subtlety: it is necessary to clearly understand when this line speaks of feelings for a spouse or relative, and when this line indicates the nature of the influence of this spouse or relatives for the life of this person. Since in the second case is not love for a spouse or relatives, but a certain dependence on their actions, opinions and desires.

To say what is more in the line of influence: the love of a given person to a spouse or its influence (positive or negative), you need to carefully consider other lines or signs on the palm (lines of influence to the line of fate, the nature of the heart line, the lines of attachments on Mercury and T .d.).

The time interval of the influence line is calculated by the ratio to the line of life.

If the beginning of the line of influence on the line of life scale corresponds to marriage, this line, almost 100%, speaks of feelings for his spouse, on his influence in the life of this person. In other cases, this line may indicate the influence of other close relatives: Mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother.

From practice I can say that the lines of relatives begin, as a rule, from the line of life and at the very beginning. And the farther from the start of life, the line of influence begins, the relatives of the mother and father decreases to the sister or brother, or to the grandmother and grandfather, etc. And to determine: who still affects: a spouse or other relative - you need to watch other lines, and signs on your hand, project temporary intervals on the line of life and calculate the time of influence, and by the time of influence and location of the line on the hill of Venus, relatively Remote from life, you can understand: who affects? Spouse or relative.

Lines of influence of close relatives:

1. The long line of influence, starting with the line of life in the early period, speaks of the strong influence of one of the parents (mother or father) of this person.

2. If the parent line is long and deep, and the spouse line is thin, then the influence of parents on this person is much stronger than the spouse (for example: the influence of the mother on the son is much more than his wife, the mother simply suppresses his prestitution.

Consider lines of influence:

1. Long line, deep - the influence of the spouse is a huge (feelings for the spouse - strong, real).

2. The line is thin, uneven, intermittent - the influence of the weak (feelings for the spouse - not even, weak).

3. The line at the beginning is deep, and then it becomes barely noticeable - the influence was strong, but then weakened (the feelings for the spouse were strong and real, but gradually began to dull).

4. The line at the beginning was thin and barely noticeable, and then it becomes deep and clear - the effect is gaining strength, it becomes stronger and stronger (the feelings for the spouse were superficial, but with time there has been love).

5. The line is strong and long, at the end, begins to leave the line of life farther and further - the influence gradually disappears (the feelings for the spouse are dulled and disappear at all).

6. The line is strong and long, at the end, begins to approach the line of life - the effect is gradually enhanced (the feelings for the spouse are enhanced, become bright, insane and passionate).

Aphorism: Love near at any distance, and it will begin to shrink.

7. The line is strong and long, at the end, rests on the long line, coming from the base of the thumb to the line of life - the rupture of relations, according to the fault of relatives.

8. The line is strong and long, at the end, approaching the line of life and crosses it - fanatical love has grown into destructive jealousy and as a result: breaking relationships.

9. The line is strong and long has a break - partners disagree not for a long time or the effect of a partner is interrupted for a while.

10. The line is long and strong, ends with a star - the death of a spouse or a loved one who has had a great influence on the life of this man. But I would not consider death here in a literal sense. Often, this is an unexpected and very painful parting with the spouse, which is essentially the loss of a loved one.

11. The first line ends, then, with a displacement in parallel, the second line begins - another person comes to change the influence of one close person (the feeling to the first close person (spouse), and to the second person (spouse) broke out with a new force). According to the position of the second line, we can say about the quality of influence: the closer the second line to the line of life, the feeling of the second person is stronger, the influence of it is more, and vice versa.

12. The line goes the dotted line, it is broken and through a small gap again - the effect begins and disappears, again it starts and again disappears (the feelings flashes and die, then again flashes vividly and after some time they die again \u003d the effect of constant love).Aphorism: Hero-lover often repeated: nothing venereal me is alien.

13. Two lines go parallel close to each other - this person is torn in the feelings between two close people (a classic love triangle \u003d husband and lover or wife and lover).Aphorism: How many families from the love triangles of the head are already square!

14. From the line of life, a clear and small line is moving, in the range of a long line of influence - in the process of marriage, this person does not appear not long, but a stormy novel with a lover (mistress).Aphorism: As far as a faceless husband, so more distinct the image of the lover.

15. A clear feature that comes from the line of influence through the line of life - the spouse (near person) has a strong negative impact on the life of a given person (in some cases, if there are other signs, it may indicate both the relationship, for divorce). The negative impact, such a feature, has and with the intersection of other main lines: the lines of the head, heart, fate, etc. Such a feature is called a feature of the obstacle to anything.

The lines on the hill of Venus denote relationships based on mutual assistance. Horizontal lines mean a hostile intervention of people with opposite installations. Vertical lines mean relationships based on mutual assistance.

The more vertical lines, the greater the person's friends, close contacts with close people, relatives, but also at this person and great dependence on them.

If there are no such lines, then this person does not seek to make a serious relationship, does not bind much to the partner, it does not have a strong connection with relatives, but he is also independent in actions and thoughts.

The line of influence should not be confused with the inner lines of life, which is often called line Mars.In many books, the influence lines are often called the line of Mars, and this is not entirely correct. Although these lines have a lot of common: location and some properties.

And what are the general properties? - you ask.

And such: the line of influence, like the Mars line, is some support in the life of this person.

The Mars line points to strengthening the line of life, human health, the internal stock of vitality. It helps in difficult periods of life, saves from dangers and adversity.

Also, clear lines of influence point out that a person in a certain period of life has a close person with a strong character, which can be rejected, which will help in everyday matters, will help solve many problems, including health problems.

This is the line of influence and line of Mars and are similar. Because they are not in vain often called lines Guardian angel or support lines. They are often confused, but, in fact, there are many in them.

Excerpt: keeper

From birthday in the cradle
Baby Angel guarded
And the bright dome of white wings
He stretched over the child.

Child captivated beauty,
Smile, clear like spring,
And the angel is a snone
Gave the child the sweetness of sleep.

When they tried to approach
To the infant pain, misfortune, evil,
They were shaken
About the snow-white wing.

(Vadim Zmmuda)

Help about Mars line:

Line Mars starts from Mars's Hill and goes down along the line of life. The classic line of Mars begins on the base of the palm in the interval between the base of the lifestyle and the thumb. Mars line is always strong, deep, and, as a rule, or is not inferior in the strength of life, or much stronger it. And the lines of influence is much thinner and less deeper lines of life. Do not confuse them .....

Abarin Yuri (2006)