How to offer a girl to meet - in VC, phrases. Open the secrets, how best to offer a girl to meet: romantic and beautiful so that it certainly agreed without the offer can not do when

Having become acquainted with the network, people sometimes become not only good friends on correspondence, but also in love with a couple and even family. But when you communicate not live for a long time, it is not easy to decide on such a step, how to offer a girl to meet.

Girls are unpredictable - one like romantic courtship, bright signs of attention and explicit desire to conquer their heart, others attracts a similarity of interests, simplicity and easy humor in communication. But most importantly, they will certainly appreciate the girls of any type of character - sincerity, that is, the complete absence of false.

In contact with


If you are sure of the sincerity of your feelings, it's still not enough enough to believe in them. Even if she nourishes the oncoming sympathy to you, doubts will overcome it to the end (some girls change her face to go on a date at the last minute). Therefore, for the first step - invitations - it is better to use the situation in which the girl feels comfortable - for example, to offer her to meet through the Network VK (and not to ask her phone to call).

If you communicate to VK for a long time, you will probably have your favorite topics for conversations or to exchange links or pictures. Before you offer a girl to meet in VKontakte, think about how to do it beautifully or at least cute to call her smile and location.

For example, if your joke chewed, you can see: "It seems, we have a good time, you do not find?" If an affirmative answer is that, you can add: "Do you want to continue the evening in such a park / cafe / cinema?". It will sound unobtrusively, but at the same time will give her to understand that you initiate a personal meeting.

Another way to beautifully offer a girl to meet in VK - intrigue her with a gift: "I have a small present for you, you will not tell me how I meet with his recipient?". A gift in this case should be not too valuable in order not to scare away, but not perfect trinkets, so as not to cause disappointment. Box of her favorite candy, a small soft toy or one beautifully packed garden flower - suitable.

It should be just a nice mark of attention

Examples of phrases offering to meet live

Young people are often unnecessary nervous, thinking how to offer a girl to meet live. Many people think that there are some recipes or templates of the right phrases. In fact, they are not.

The main thing that the guy should be guided by - common sense.

Therefore, in words there should be no heaps of epithets, bulky quotes and the like of such drama. The more naturally the phrases will sound to offer the girl to meet, the better.


If you are from those guys who are easier to remember a couple of popular phrases than to rely on the satest, remember to start, which should not be said. Examples of incorrect phrases: "Let's meet, because:

  • i have never met such girls like you;
  • you are my ideal that I was looking for all my life;
  • without you, my life does not make sense. "

Even if all this is true, the girl most likely does not want to meet with a guy after such an emotional outpouring. First, they are perceived as a bad game with a good mine, secondly, who knows better keep it at a distance.

What phrases properly offer the girl to meet? For example:

  • "I really like you - with you always so easily, it seems, we have a lot of common";
  • "We are doing well on the network, maybe we should see?"
  • "You do not find that we have long become a little more than just friends, at least I hope so and want to meet with you."

Do not memorize these phrases by heart, bored offers sound fake, and fear that you will forget them, make you indecisive, and this is not the best quality for a man. Just have them in mind as an option.

If a girl positively refers to jokes, you can do so


If the girl is a lover of surprises, try to offer her to meet the original. Play on her curiosity - write that you hide a gift for her in such a place of such a square or park. Wait for her arrival and, when she finds your message in the specified place and the present (what it can be, we have already spoken), unexpectedly arisen from the "ambush" (for example, from a neighboring cafe). At least the first meeting will be held.


There are girls who expect them to be offered to meet somehow romantic. If your chosen one of these, went from her address a beautifully decorated letter-invitation letter on a date with the signature "Secret Fan". Of course, she will understand that it is you, but humor, with which this offer will be done, will probably appreciate.

So that she agreed

There are no recipes that guarantee the consent of the girl to meet. In order to agree to meet, it does not matter how to offer it, it is important - how she applies to you. Therefore, you should be at least half sure about the same thing that you and you trust you, misses you without you. All these signs can slip in the correspondence, they are difficult not to notice.

Do not reuse yourself, self-addiction is not the best friend of the in love of the young man.

We need to offer a meeting when almost sure that she is not against seeing live: "I confess, I managed to attach to you and dream to see you, do not mind meet?"

His words

Huge opportunities gives a choice of phrases from its own dictionary stock and experience with a specific girl. You already know her preferences, you have some other well-known secrets or jokes, you have developed your correspondence style. Based on these knowledge, you can find the most faithful, necessary, and most importantly, your own words that only offer to the girl, and she will consent to meet. For example: "Remember that Kottenka, who almost fell under the car (in such a video)? He was taken to themselves my friends, and we can visit him with you. "

Psychologists allow such an option: "When you're angry and say that I am ready to bite me, I dream to angry you so that you come and bit." It may seem duty, but do not be afraid of any movements ahead to place points over I.

The main thing is that the words have been said sincere

Under what circumstances it is better to do

Sometimes the phrase that said the nefple or not on time, becomes a "point not a refund" in the bare-eyed relationship. Therefore, choose the moment, as and when it is better to offer a girl to meet:

The best moment is on the wave of the usual correspondence, when the topic "Cool evening, right?" Easy to translate into the field of pleasant communication with it. Then your offer will be relevant and, perhaps, successful.

How to invite a date

If you managed to offer a girl to meet, and it turned out beautifully, then you probably think that you have a first date from which there will be a lot to depend. But what if she came to the first meeting just out of curiosity, and not how is your girl? How to call her on a date next time?

Obviously, a date should be a natural continuation of the first meeting, if both of you were comfortable. In this case, you can simply offer: "Let's go somewhere else?".

If the girl gave to understand what was disappointed, or she originally had other plans, do not rush to despair and burn all the bridges. Perhaps she hurried with the conclusions, and you still have a relationship, but later. The main thing is not torture and do not insist.

The first date is not worth perceiving as a state exam delivery - be yourself, talking about what you always talked to her. No need to show that you are ready to jump from the joy that she came (even if ready). Rejoice quietly, be Galanden, do not chat without a silent, but listen to what she says, perhaps she will give a hook for a conversation. If the girl is silent, take the initiative in his hands - ask if she did not watch such a film if she likes such a actor, whether she loves the journey to the sea - and everything in such a spirit. If you figure it out, you still know each other little, so you can ask and talk about everything that does not go beyond the fraction of decency.

If you have absolutely no experience with girls, remember the main thing from the rules - you can not behave just as unleashed as with your friends. Even if you have had a friendly relationship, do not turn the girl in the guy's shirt. Many disappoints rudeness, but girls who love rudeness, too, exist. Therefore, to give an unequivocal and universal council, how to communicate with a specific girl is impossible. Just try to learn better to study her preferences long goodbye.

Any relationship should not be started with deception

On a date, you can talk about everything that it is nice to hear both - that is, a friend about each other, so questions from "How was the day" before "I saw your new photo, where are you?" Appropriate. It is undesirable to ask about parents - who work, about housing - what is her apartment and so on. You will know this information later, and the first dates should be devoted to something more personal concerning only two of you.

There are situations when the girl seems to be not against communication with you, but not let you be closer than all the other friends, trying to stop your attempts to get along with her. There are several explanations to such behavior - for example, she still does not trust you or. Or simply keeps you in the so-called "Friend" - a zone of friends, and nothing more. Such incisions often happen in life, so do not be upset - a girl who will feel great attachment than friendship, be sure to be.

Useful video

See what and how to write a girl in VK so that she certainly answered:


  1. Tight communication with the girl in the network often encourages the guy to such a step, how to offer her to meet live.
  2. If during the correspondence you managed to call the girl an interest in your person, you can not doubt, she will agree to the meeting.
  3. Do not invent high-pass phrases or look for templates, how to propose to meet, this proposal should be the most natural possible.

In contact with

Do not know how to offer a girl to meet? Several rules and secrets that will not let her refuse to you!

The moment came when you found the only one and do not want to let her go. Now it's time to find out if she wants to become your girlfriend.

If you even scary to imagine yourself in the role of the initiator, act without unnecessary words: suggest her to walk in the evening, take it to the house, at the right moment to kiss her, etc.

Undoubtedly, it is easier. However, if you want to make a duly impression on it, then without a special situation and the necessary words here it is not necessary.

How to propose a girl to meet

In contact with

If you do not know how best to prevent cherished words, then consider the easiest way to do it on the Internet. This option is especially relevant if you are teenagers (tensile concept: at 12 years, at 15, 20 years).

So, we go to the most popular and multifunctional social network "Vkontakte", invent recognition. Here can take place as a classic "I like you. Let's meet? ", So more original offers, drawn up with the help of photos, pictures, videos and music.

Also, the message of graffiti on its wall or even a very arrogant and a bold approach is considered to be a completely unexpected way - without its permission to change its status "in active search" to "I meet (chosen name)."

So that it does not fail

To do this, it is necessary to make it right away from waiting for your offer to meet. To ensure that it agrees 100% is not so difficult if you do everything competently.

For this you need:


Show fantasy, think what she likes. Perhaps it will be:

  • poems of their own essay;
  • performance of the song;
  • inscription on asphalt in front of its windows;
  • final trips on romantic places or, on the contrary, entertainment in the fleet of amusement park;
  • soft toy, with sound or graphic proposal to meet;
  • after dinner with candlelights / campaign to cinema, etc.

Important: Not all girls are not indifferent to romance, so if you suddenly after your offer you do not see a special spark in her eyes, do not be offended and do not worry. Perhaps she would rather prefer a more low-speed approach to the development of your relationship.

If she does not want

No matter how rude it looks, it means that you are not interested. Then you need to act gradually and neatly.

  1. For starters, learn about her ideal of a man (ask her friends, personally (you can do it anonymously), Paint It page in social networks, etc.).
  2. Next, during communication with it, we subtly demonstrate those qualities that it highlights (only think first, is it worth it?).
  3. However, do not be intrusive. If you do everything right, then after a while, it may start to wake up interest in you.


Before re-suggesting, to start a relationship, first analyze the reason why you broke up. If you are able to fix it, then dare!

Now your task is to convey to it that you are ready for another relationship, but it is with her. For this, the original ways of recognizing in love, correspondence, conversations, practical assistance, etc. are suitable.

Pick the desired words, reason out loud, inspire that you still be able to be together again. You may have to prove the truthfulness of your feelings for a long time. Be ready for it.

At school

On the one hand, everything is simple here, because the girl in 11-13 years old is only forming the ideas about the guy who needs it. On the other hand, it is difficult, because at this age, the constraints and fear of being rejected are publicly the worst enemies (although it can meet both in the age of 14 and 20).

That is why act intentionally:

  • conduct it to the house;
  • invite you to walk it with girlfriends in your company;
  • try to spend more time with her and more often talk;
  • do gifts (even if minor or those that you smeared yourself);
  • protect it before offenders, etc.


If you wonder how you can offer to meet a girl so that she remembers your start of relationship forever, then show a little fantasy.

All this will be very unusual. Surely a lot of ideas can be found on the Internet, looking at the video with the corresponding names.

If we are friends

It seems to many that if you are friends, then you have no chance. But it is not. You just need to learn one rule: do not need to be a girlfriend, you need to show your male nature. Making it competently, you will achieve even the girl you have known for a long time.

To do this, it is necessary:

Following all these rules, a week later, you will notice a significant change in its behavior: it will be waging a special interest.

However, so that she realize that in love with you, do not forget:

  • support;
  • laugh a lot with her;
  • it is interesting to spend time;
  • intrigue;
  • talk to both themes interesting for you;
  • do it compliments.

Tip: Perhaps, after a while, to awaken in it feelings, you will have "abyss" for a while. Tell me that now you are extremely occupied by important things, a breakdown of work or a course of course. Here she will have a chance to stay alone with thoughts about you, and then maybe she will understand that it will not be better than you.

: After your relationship is started to develop, do not give your firm male position! Do not talk about how you have long dreamed of spending this night with her love, etc. But, at the same time, do not look like you are indifferent. Better, if you press her to yourself and think thoughtfully: "And what did we slow down with this? ..".

By phone

It should be noted immediately that such an offer will be the least effective. However, if you decide to resort to it, then you need:


The main thing is not to make an offer to meet immediately. It is necessary to prepare it for this. For example, according to the correspondence to begin to recognize that you feel for it, or in a personal conversation / during communication by phone to hint on an important SMS, which is waiting for it at a certain time.

And if there will be a short proposal or a long prose - to solve you.


First you can hint, and for what words, invent something or choose from the proposed:

Or hint:

  • "It seems to me that we would be an excellent pair";
  • "I think we are not bad for each other."

IMPORTANT: Even if you are a cheerful and resourceful guy, do not try somehow cool (with the help of humor) to give the girl to meet, because she might think that you just play with her / you are joking, and will not take you seriously.

  1. Be sincere. No need to build a steep macho, if you really have a thin and watertic nature. First, it will look ridiculous, secondly, the pretense always repulses.
  2. Do not worry. Girls love self-confident guys. Remember: any ridiculous situation can be made winning, it is enough just to reduce everything to the joke. Your chosen one will not only receive a positive charge, but also won't make your resourcefulness and lack of fear. If you can't avoid your excitement, then tell her about it straight. Surely she will be flattered by what causes this feeling in you.
  3. Prepare it. She should anticipate what you will suggest her. If you're just, having met her once again on the street, immediately ask to become her girlfriend, she is confused, think that you are not in yourself.
  4. Do not require a lot from it. Perhaps she wants to think. In case of consent, it does not take it right away in bed: it will push it away from you.

Why are the most desperate guys start to suddenly to graze before you offer the girlfriend you like?

There are two reasons for it:

  • robility man is not at all before the weaker, from a physical point of view by creating, and in front of his own feelings, that is, nascent love;
  • a man in his warehouse is a conqueror, so he is psychologically hard to be suddenly rejected.

It is worth adding that the love between people arises in order to subsequently formed a family. Moreover, this feeling gives us some "trial balls" in the form of love teenage, which rarely be poured into persistent attachment and leads to family relationships. First love often falls on us the test of feelings, does not come true, leaving the wound in the shower. But this is not a reason not to try. Maybe you are the separatist of fate, who will have to conclude a marriage union with his first love. It would be stupid to turn away from this chance. In addition, in this life there is nothing in vain, and if you felt the need to meet with this girl, then still worth trying.

Of course, this does not apply to those situations when you do not wait to make a relationship simply because your friends are already encountered with someone, and you have no pair even on the horizon yet. To make a relationship only in order to show that you are not worse than the rest, it is simply a deception and dishonesty in relation to the girl you fool your head.

How to start meeting a girl

Another thing, if you really like the girl. Let it be modest and nondescript, let her not be the subject of pride for you, but she will become the only desired man, who would like to stay alone. It is not necessary to listen to the public opinion that "it would be good to call this cutie," and to his heart.

Observing in your feelings and acceptance solid decision

Before deciding to make an offer to meet, understand myself, for which you need it:

  • to be no worse friends;
  • to bravo look next to the beauty;
  • to be closer to the one who has long been interested.

Only the last answer will be correct. If the girl is the road itself, and not the fact of the presence of the creature of weak gear nearby, then it will be a true reason for which one can decide on recognition.

Planning offer

Guys thousand times lose in their minds, how they will do this offer, and you also should not be an exception. At the same time you need to count on what you can get a failure. Of course, youthful maximalism and men's pride can make their own, and such a failure may seem equal to the final discontinuity. But how much can you lose from it! After all, the girl can later change their mind. In addition, at the moment she could just shove, and maybe you just did not have time to charm. While you both are young, you have about a thousand or even more chances to try to establish everything. Only every time you need to go on the other side. And these sides are also a lot. Not only "black" and "white". The world is colored, and in it there are many shades. Try, try, and you will always find the color she loves. And she will fly to him like a bee on a flower in which there is more honey nectar.

These reasoning to the fact that besides the only plan "A", there must be a plan "B", and so on. We were put on a fairly long alphabet and almost infinite digital nearby. So there should be a lot of plans, and they are obliged to be worthy, that is, neither one of them should have a hint of revenge for the next refusal.

Accept any of her answer worthy

You can take revenge only for a public refusal when you were humiliated before friends, and what is even more common - before the enemies. But this "little mushy" is planned only if you do not want to associate yourself with this special. And if you have a new passion on your horizon, then in no case do not let it in this place in revenge. It is unworthy and can lead to the rupture of new relationships.

If the girl refused to be delicately, then nothing actually should be revenge for. This is a simple right - to love someone else or take a timeout in order to sort out your own feelings.

If you are answered by reciprocity, then in this situation you should not give the will to emotions to such an extent that you will notice to dance Jig to the girl or satisfiedly mix. Such a ferventness can simply push out or blow your parents. Yes, it was crazy success for you, and that's great! But to expose yourself the most crazy, and then and maniac - it is not worth it.

If you yourself are afraid of your own feelings, then you can use the old way: "Paper erased". Our distant ancestors used letters if they were terribly looking into the eyes, admitting love or offering to meet. Now, in addition to paper, thanks to new technologies, several more ways have appeared to make a proposal in absentia.

On the Internet: VKontakte or other social network

This method is good if your chosen itself is a fan from communicating in social networks. And only if you are familiar with the girl. If you simply find her page VKontakte and write what I would like to meet, you may be taken for a person with sexual deviations or something like that. Also, the girl may not perceive this proposal seriously. Therefore, it is better to just get acquainted in the social network, communicating with neutral topics.

Yes, and the proposal must be furnished beautifully so that it can be compared with the present bouquet of flowers. For example, send a charming landscape and on its background - taking poems for the soul.

Make an SMS offer or phone

You can use not only social networks, but also a mobile phone. For example, accommodate poems in SMS, and even better - in MMS. If you are familiar with the girl, and the only thing that scares you is not the speed of her reaction, but an estimated look, then you can simply call her and offer to go somewhere together. And you can make confession both by phone and at this meeting, if it takes place.

When meeting TET-A-TET

Even if it happened that you met personally, but you are more restful, then just put down the look, as if I thought, and ask if the girl would not want to meet with you. Only the meeting should not occur in any prosaic place, but, for example, in a gazebo above the water, against the background of a beautiful landscape or in a cozy cafe for a cup of tea or a portion of ice cream. The situation should be relaxed, so you should not call the future girlfriend in the expensive restaurant or an inxiety. This is, too, can cause tensions and create an impression as if you buy the location of a person.

How beautiful to offer a girl to meet she agreed

A woman in whatever she was, is a real esthete. Therefore, the proposal on your part must be furnished beautifully. And to finally hook this particular, do it unusual. Banality is a bad companion for a romantic relationship.

Original offer on a date

If you construct an invitation to a date using a given bouquet, envelope sealed with golden thread and postal savory, as well as imitated telegrams, what to do when you have already met? After all, the only date does not mean the start of a long-term relationship. It is necessary to somehow propose the girl to spend more time together. One of the good ways is to appear on a date with a guitar or other musical instrument and suggest her serenade of his own essay. Only at the same time you have to own the instrument well, in order not to cause laughter or frank regrets from the new girlfriend.

If you are with music on "You", but you can easily reclaim, you can read the poems of one's own essay. Of course, you can take the basis of a passage from someone from the classics, but at the same time not to read poems, as at school at the board, and as it would have done the famous theatrical actor - from all the storms of emotions, with Mhatovsky pauses, with accents. In general, it will have to rehearse carefully to appreciate you. And if you read the prose - Bulgakov, Bunina, Nabokova ... The girl will be delighted with your memory. But do not memorize too long passages: it is tedious and for you, and for a listener. In addition, there can be a common envy, which will replace admiration. Suddenly, the girl could never remember at school any verse or shy them to read at the board. And here also the prose from the teeth bounces!

Romantic offer to meet in verse

Poems themselves are romantic than prose. You can write them yourself, and your successes are appreciated by others - this is your plus and your trump card. It is valid for the declamination of classical poetry, indeed, it is only with a minimum of acting abilities. You can read your verse with a smaller pathos - it will still be appreciated.

But what to do, if you are not a starring from birth? Sometimes an excess of feelings pushes a person on what he never accomplished. And you can get out beautiful poems. And let this verse be at all the only in life, but successful. Sometimes - on the verge of genius.

However, Muse visits people not with enviable constancy, and may not come to you at all. Then it remains to climb the verse on the Internet. Immediately make a reservation: take ready-made recognition-proposal from a popular youth site - this is the worst option. Imagine how much the same as you will read the same poem with your favorite girlfriend. And if with the same verses to your choices yesterday, the day before yesterday "rolled" rejected by her cavalier, and now you will prevent her the same? You do not even catch meaning, because of what the girl has become so funny. You might think that my pity itself is. And it is funny, because you with a loser "composed" poems - photocopies.

If you use the Internet, it is better to order verse on a special site there. By the way, for confidence it is better to check the antiplagiator program. So you will understand whether these verses have been published somewhere else, or the order is performed for you personally. After all, the performer will also be a temptation not to write himself, but take the little-known stiffes of the same Alexander Blok, for example, and issue for your original verse, composed for you. It is better to even compose hockey - the National Japanese verse from three lines than to use a large served verse.

For example, so:

Sakura petal flies
To continue the way together.

Beautiful, but little sad. There are only three lines, and they can only be a hint on what you want to be with this girl. But such a hint can be understood.

You can add a little humor:

How a thread is behind the needle
How waves are rushing behind the steamer,
So I would like to be with you,
And always be not in passing.

It is not necessary for a proposal to use a poetic form. There are such phrases that work almost unmistakably. This does not mean that the above expressions need to be memorized. This is just an example, how to simultaneously be unobtrusive, but at the same time show your interest in this particular girl.

Most Popular Words and Phrases for Best Offer

"It seems to me that I feel something more than ordinary friendly feelings," like this you can say the girl with which you are in the same company. If this is your colleague, then just tell her: "I think our relationships could be less formal. Maybe we go for lunch together? ". Such a proposal, on the one hand, does not oblige to anything, on the other - you will show that the person is sensible to you.

But immediately offer to go to the restaurant - it is too unclear. Especially if the girl itself is still young and never could afford to dinner in such establishments. Your task is to hook, and not to suppress luxury. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately talk about what I would like it to become your destiny, or that you alone decided (self-s) that you need to meet. Shave, what will make your choices a hundred times happier than now, too, not worth it. Just leave her right choice and think time. Otherwise, you can simply swipe your sympathy.

How to become a pair if you are friends

When you have been friends for a long time, go together in hiking or roaming the native city, and in the usual company, change the status "On the board of your friend" is difficult. But if it happened so that yesterday's girlfriend suddenly became a beloved, then you need to act. The most interesting thing is that in this case you can get closer somehow smoothly, even without dividing in time two periods - friendly and love. Of course, you can immediately place all the points over "ё" and say what you see for some time more than just a company girl. But if you do not decide, you can do otherwise.

When you and so take time in one company, you can simply be somewhat more likely to be near your beloved. Suggest her an umbrella when it rained with a clear sky, treat ice cream, borrow mittens, if it became cold, serve a hand when you need to move, albeit through a small one, but the obstacle - these and similar signs of attention contribute to smooth rapprochement.

If you are in a big company, then no one will pay attention to the fact that you decide to retire with the girl to make a conversation that you are interested in two. It is not necessary to devote it to your relationship at once. Just it may be that theme that she likes and you. If this will continue because of times at times, then your common friends will gradually become accustomed to the fact that the company formed a "couple" with which "everything is clear."

It is imperceptible in this way and move to permanent residence for this girl or to settle it. And then you will become a pair. Without donkeys, without emotions and other things. And you ask: where is the beauty of feelings? Why did everything happen in itself? Just you gave the reason for the lady to understand that next to her is a real knight. And even if there was no serenade, hockey, poems, but your actions were told more than it could be expressed by words.

There are such moments when even the most confident man robeth and does not represent what to do. It seems as if it is simply impossible to cope with the excitement, and all the achievements are embarked, leaving a confused and defenseless person. We are talking about the state of love. And it does not matter, it is the first feelings or a mature choice.

Why is this happening? First of all, of course, anyone is afraid to be rejected. Love is a manifestation of high, cleanest and sincere feelings. It is very scary to be incomprehensible, it is scary to stain this bright refusal. And if the refusal is in gross form? And if it happens with witnesses and will be followed by hand? And if you just do not understand? All these questions attack the in love, increasingly driving him in a dead end, immersing doubts.

Do I need to do something at all? It is then to strive for something more, to deal with your fears, or continue to keep sympathy in secret? It's time to sort out yourself and start acting.

Should I generally offer a girl to meet?

So, it does not matter how old you are. You are in love or experience a special sympathy for a girl, but fear does not allow to make a decision what to do next. It is worth changing something at all, or still go and offer to meet?

It is necessary to initially evaluate your own feelings. If you really experience a strong attraction, if it is something special, you never experienced anything like that, we can talk about the seriousness of your intentions.

Also, this may indicate the following signs:

  • Wish to spend more time with this girl, because she is very attracted;
  • Do not see the shortcomings in it or they seem insignificant;
  • It is important for you to see her as often as possible;
  • Your thoughts are constantly returning to the object of sympathy - its appearance, clothes, words;
  • You are not even able to explain why you only like it.

If at least some of these items or they all coincided - we are talking about the most real feelings: sympathy, love, about something sincere.

But, if all the above seems to be absolute nonsense for you, then perhaps you feel about the second category of people for whom relationship with the girl is just a status indicator.

For many, especially in early adolescence, it is very important to be like everyone else, feel part of community. If everyone around has already acquired "second halves", the feeling of himself the only "White Voronene" in the company can push the girl in search of the girl. However, think about: Do you need an imaginary feeling of "correctness" or still honesty towards yourself and to the chosen girl more important?

You should think about the fact that, starting to meet with the most interesting girl for you, there is a risk of rapid disappointment in such respects. The presence of general topics for the conversation, the manifestation of interest at least one of the parties to the partner is one of the very first essentials in relations.

Therefore, if you really feel the attraction or sympathy, and also think that they found the perfect girl, but just afraid to start acting - do not be afraid! How to know, maybe this girl will be your wife in the future, perhaps she is precisely the one, with whom will it work out to live a happy family life? Perhaps it is from her who will have children? Remember: what is better to do and regret what to regret that I did not, and then until the end of life, think that it could be different!

Well, if you just need to keep up with others and the very fact of relationships do not really attract you - do not deceive yourself and other people. Should not be doing that.

How to say a girl that I like her and suggest meeting

The girl really causes you a storm of emotions and feelings, but come to her, speak, and even more so say that you really like it, after which it is suited to start a relationship - above your strength? This can be solved.

Why are many men afraid to speak with a girl? The most common causes following:

  • Fear;
  • Diffidence;
  • The presence of complexes;
  • Fear of failure, ridicule;
  • Negative experience in the past.

Yes, all this is good reasons to avoid active actions.

But only imagine that she is a girl who attracts you - perhaps, too, is afraid to take the first step. Or exactly it will be the one with which life will play with new paints?

It's time to act!

How to confess to sympathy and suggest starting relationships. Fashion first

Before the banality is simple, but very difficult in morally. You can often not develop complex strategies and bypass tracks, but directly directly. Therefore, the Council before the banality is simple: Collapse with thoughts, go to the object of your sympathy and admit to it in feelings.

Of course, even here you should follow several rules:

  • Do not prepare long speeches - the best words are those that come from the heart, filled with sincerity and warmth.
  • Do not try to seem to someone who you are not.
  • Choose a convenient point: when the girl will be in good spirits, one and not busy business. So the possibility of a positive response increases at times.
  • If you get polite failure - do not despair. Yes, sometimes it happens that sympathy is not mutual, but this is not a reason to blame himself in it and abandon further relationships. Stay friends if you want - after the refusal, many try to break all the communication - why?
  • In case of refusal, you can ask for its reasons, however, remember that the main thing is polite and correct. Do not accuse the girl, do not threaten her, do not try to resort to blackmail. Take the refusal is worthy of male.
  • In the case of a positive response to your offer, try to expand your emotions restraint - too stormy delight can cause at least perplexity.

Despite the seeming simplicity, when using this method, there are several very important points: be neglected (clean clothes and daily souls are relevant every day), you can sprinkle a cologne with her favorite smell. Be persistent, but not excessive - if you have been denied, you should wait for a while and you can try to repeat the recognition. Suppose to do it a few weeks or even months. Girls love persistent, but not annoying. Also, it is not necessary to zealous with perseverance - after the third refusal, it is best to stop attempts.

Recognition for the girl. Method of the second

Starting the relationship is quite possible and in a completely different way. If you are an extremely shy person, for whom to approach the object of the sympathy of death, it is possible to add mysteriousness. What girl does not like riddles and messages from a secret fan? Therefore, here's a ready idea:

  • Mouse over the help - that she loves, where you can imperceptibly leave the message for her so that someone else will not get it. Remember that inept surveillance can make you in her eyes "Manyak" ...
  • Write her a note or letter. Make a few compliments, devote poems to her, tell us about your feelings - in a word, you can write anything. Subscribe or not - to solve you, but keep in mind that rudeness, indecent hints or phrases like "you ate so little yesterday for dinner in the restaurant" - they will not affect your further communication.
  • If you want to warm your interest in you, then you can save the harel of the secrets longer - write the beloved letters or notes. Let them not have any logic - send them at different times, put in different places and with different periodicity. Let it be then short notes, then long letters with some gifts like a favorite chocolate. You can not subscribe or even come up with a pseudonym.
  • When her interest is high enough - appoint a lover meeting. And already admit to her friend in your feelings, offer to be together.

Yes, the ability to failure still exists, but if you have shown enough ingenuity and were originally pleasant to the girl, then, most likely, in absentia, it is already in love with you, so the offer will be happy. Well, even if not - get the most valuable experience. In any case, do not be upset.

The third way. Recognition and offer

Help a girl. When people often see enough, there is a high probability that the guy has already managed to study her strengths and weaknesses and knows when helping can be useful. Do not leave it in difficult situations, support support, and then, staying alone, admit to her that you feel.

Fourth way to recognize a girl

If the lady of the heart is a permanent participant of friendly sites, then this method can also be used. Organize any event for the entire company - a trip to the amusement park, a picnic, walking on interesting places. Check for her to take part in this. During the rest, the moment the moment when he left her alone in some unusual, beautiful and atmospheric place. Act!

How to offer to meet beautifully if you are friends

And what to do when you have long been good friends? It seems that it seems that there is something between you or might be, but there is no accurate confidence. Somehow awkwardly even raise the question of the like, especially since friendship is very valuable and many do not want to lose it ... But even in this case there are always several effective ways for such situations.

  • Write her a long letter with recognition. Beautifully place it, write sincerely what you think and feel. Invest any joint shot associated with warm memories for both of you.
  • Invite her somewhere, where she really wanted to visit, but not yet had the opportunity. Give her an unforgettable impression, spend the time with it as fun and saturated as possible. And at the end of the evening, admit to her in your feelings, offer her to transfer your friendly acquaintance to a new level and start relationships. Select a beautiful place in advance that will create an unusual atmosphere.
  • When you and the object of your sympathy have common friends, you can ask them to help arrange a surprise recognition. It will be great if they offer their ideas or something special. Perhaps they probably know that you are also not indifferent to her and will be happy to share this information!
  • Go with a friend on a trip. Nothing brings better as collaborative and hitchhiking, or an abundance of fun in shared vacation. Moreover, the change in the situation will allow you to look at you with "new eyes", and there is a chance that the proposal does not even need. And if you need - who doesn't you know this girl? Create the conditions for its perfect date, and the answer to your recognition and the offer to be a couple will be happy "yes."

In fact, in the case when the guy and the girl are good friends, there are both pros and cons. On the one hand, who is how not you always comes to the rescue, is the faithful companion in any time of the pasting, knows the details of the whole life and the most intimate desires? But, on the other hand, it can also be the cause of refusal, due to the fact that you already know about each other if not quite all, then much.

And it is not always the positive parties. There are such aspects of life that can only be told to a friend, but not the second half.

Do not be discouraged and do not despair. Often, it is precisely between the best friends the strongest and beautiful families are being created, which is precisely because all the nuances of life and character characteristics were known in advance.

Whatever it was - a girlfriend is, or just a pretty girl who conquered your heart - never be afraid of confessions, it's better to overcome fear. It is much more worse than waking up and understand that once was missed the opportunity to try to be next to the one that made the heart jump out of the chest ...

Even if you get a negative answer to your offer - do not worry. The most important thing you tried. It does not mean that something is wrong with you, it does not mean that you need to be afraid to try again. You just didn't come up with something specifically to this person and there is nothing terrible. Still ahead, you will definitely be happy with the one that eats all your past love!

Smile and greet at the meeting. One of the most simple ways to become friends with a girl who you like is to behave friendly and friendly at meetings. Show that you are glad to see her: Look into the eyes, smile warm and greet.

  • No need to stare and smile longer than 3-4 seconds or from afar, otherwise your behavior will look strange. Go to the distance closer than three meters to say hello.
  • At the meeting in the morning, say "Good morning", but evaluate the energy level of the girl to behave accordingly. If it looks tired and sleepy, then a cheerful greeting can sound inappropriate.

Integet to business. If you want to know the girl better, it is important to learn how to talk and spend time with her without too much excitement. Try to start a conversation from a secular conversation. Questions about affairs will help to tie a conversation and show your interest in the life of the girl to rather establish communication.

Discuss general interests. Romantic partners must have contact points. In conversations with a girl, discuss your common hobbies to get close and build friendly relations.

  • Ask a girl about the favorite group, dish or films. Perhaps it turns out that your tastes coincide.
  • Be sincere and stay yourself. If you tell a lie to impress the girl, then she can notice your insincerity. It will destroy your chances of relationship.
  • It is quite normal if you do not share the interests of the girl and do not know anything about her favorite performers, but you do not need to criticize other people's tastes. If you want to build a relationship with her, then take interest.

Tip: Listen to the girl during the conversation so that she saw your sincere interest. Pay attention to the person you like.

  • Judit to show your sense of humor. Humor will certainly help you get closer. If she finds you funny, she will be more comfortable in your company and it can calculate you attractive.

    • Common jokes create a special connection between people. If you share interest in comedy movies or at a meeting, something funny occurred, then use such facts in conversations. So, if you both like the movie "TV presenter", share funny quotes from the film.
    • Show that you do not perceive yourself too serious. Speak not the most funny jokes like: "How many apples grow on a tree? All apples! " Even if she does not consider it ridiculous, then with your mouth such a joke can hang a girl.
    • Do not use brutal jokes and do not mock our other people. Be polite to not scare away the girl.
  • Become friends on social network. If you want to meet a girl, start sharing the events of your life. Subscribe to each other on social networks to share different hobbies, interests and events, as well as follow the publications of the girl.

    • Send funny memories to your interests. For example, if the girl is crazy about the films of the "Lord of the Rings" series, then share thematic materials.
    • Check the girl on joint photos. So she will see how you look at the pictures together. Perhaps it will push her to thoughts about relationships with you.
  • Make friends with her friends. You should become part of the life of the girl if you want to meet her. Friends play an important role in the life of every person. If you get acquainted with the girl and do not give up the idea of \u200b\u200brelationships, then make efforts to also try to get close to her friends.

    • Friends often express an opinion that can affect the decision of the girl to meet you, so it is better to make a good impression!
    • Subscribe to her friends on social networks.
    • You are different with her, rather than with her friends, so that she felt special for you. For example, communicate with her girlfriends only in the company. Meetings alone with one of her friends can be interpreted wrong.