Official congratulation of the registrar of the registry office with a professional holiday. Congratulations on the day of the registry office in Russia. Modern congratulations on the holiday of the registry employee

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the work of the registry office in the modern world, both in the scale of the state and for a separate person.

Each employee registry office makes his personal contribution to the construction of a legal state and ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, which is currently a priority value.

The history of the registry office of the Russian Federation began on December 18, 1917. On this day, the decree "On civil marriage, about children and on the conduct of books of acts of state acts" was signed, in accordance with which the legal consequences for civil status acts were recognized only if they were registered in government bodies.

Employees of civil status records are inherent special professional and human qualities that help adequately carry out official debt, it is love for profession, people, spiritual heat, the ability to empathize, personal charm, artistry.

Congratulations to the registry office

Passage workers - Witnesses of destinies!
And they are grateful for all people!
You share with them and joy and grief,
You are very important - it's hard to argue with it!
So let in your life everything will be fine!
Good health, salary - decent!
And the bonus is smiles of people, thanks!
And let the work brings only joy! © ©

Congratulations on the Day of Employees of the registry office

Beautiful cute good faces
What a couple of forever helps to create!
Today is your holiday, registry offices,
And with him we will congratulate you in verses.
You so much excellent energy people
Carry your hard work.
After all, wedding any without your care
It will seem absolutely empty.
Under your smiles so many pairs
Family life starts from scratch
And your words that many mean so much
They will remember, as if the crystal ringing.
And the day of all employees of the registry office
Beautiful and sunny seems to us.
So let it be happiness that you are all
Of course, I will answer reciprocity to you. © ©

The gods are given a fate to manage,
Twist Fortune, smallest the facts ...
And in the registry office, it is supposed to write it all,
Register fate in a lawful act.
Everyone who is involved in this Peru,
We wish you happiness to love you!
And your work is not even the gods will not erase
How would they circulate there! © ©

Day of employees of the registry office!
Will one day there each of us
Magnificent weddings, birthday, divorces,
We will be remembered for many years!
You open the door to a new era,
And we make us believe in happiness!
Good luck to you, joy, new wonders!
And above the heads of the Siagon Heaven! © ©

The passage worker, you know a lot
About many people, their affairs!
But you keep all the secrets
Among countless papers!

You know who married com
Who just preferred a divorce,
Who, who, when he was born!
So let your day carry you! © ©

Waltz Mendelssohn, what a miracle?
The registry worker presented
That sound is exquisited dish,
He is young blessed,

Association is this:
Family Birth, Happiness, Laughter,
Let happiness be and success! © ©

Expensive registry office
Congratulations on this day!
And print like a huge bloss
Let lies before working times.

Relax you from the ceremony
And, forgetting about your care,
Cut the holiday in harmony.
Well, tomorrow - all to work! © ©

© - Congratulations on the Day of Workers' regulation written specifically for the holiday portal site. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Congratulations on the Day of Employees of the registry office


In love with the couples in love, to exchange rings, or upset spouses to divorce, parents go to you to get the first document to you ... And you - in the afternoon I am fulfilling your work to witness the repetition of human destinies! Congratulations on the day of employees of the registry office!

Employees of the registry office documented the most important events in a person's life, day after day issuing documents confirming civil status ... on the day of employees of the registry offices, distracted by registries and accept my heart congratulations and best wishes!

In a professional holiday, on the day of employees of the registry office, I congratulate you and wish all the best! Let the salary grow, let it happen more weddings, let every working day be not a gray routine, but another interesting, fruitful to an important work for all people!

Register marriage or divorce ... Assign a certificate ... An employee of the registry office is a whole day like a protein in the wheel, but there is no fatigue and frost, because in these walls there are big events every day, and how many happy people here become husband and wife! From the holidays, with the day of employees of the registry office! Happiness to you and again happiness!

For employees of the registry office, whose professional holiday, we celebrate today, a lot of paper, painstaking work, however, it is not at all burden, because this is a documentary confirmation of the most important life events of people! So, take congratulations on the holiday, and withdrawing the next important entry with the pen, once again smile!

What can be more wonderful to work at the wedding? An employee of the registry office sees couples in love every day, and, of course, wishes them to happiness! And I want to believe that it will be so ... Happy Employees of the registry office! Let be more hurrying to you brides with grooms, let every day of your work will not be boring, and all life is happily!

Congratulations on the day of employees of the registry office! What points you do not give out ... Wedding certificates, birth and death certificates ... In a word, significant events in the fate of a person will certainly be reflected in your papers ... Please accept my congratulations and wishes for the best, as well as all work is easy and Quickly, without a single mistake!

It can be said, every person is not once in his life, it turns out to be recorded by employees of the registry office ... which means you are the chronicles of our destinies, and today, on the day of employees of the registry office I congratulate you, I wish to register more weddings and born babies and just live long And happily!

Birth, name change, change of parents, marriage, divorce, and even sad care to the world of others ... Wherever you look, everywhere you need to keep the way to the registry office! Congratulations to you, employees of the registry office with a professional holiday! Work hard for orders in our documents and do not forget to smile more often!

Happy Employees Civil Cup! Events are joyful, such as the wedding or the birth of the baby, household, such as changing the name, and even sad, such as death or divorce, all this must necessarily documented in the registry offices. Today I wish you to work without fatigue, to combine more happy couples and of course, do not forget about your own happiness and enjoy them for many years!


When we are talking about representatives of this profession, many joyful and amazing moments associated with marriage or registration of a child comes to mind. In gratitude for their necessary and highly qualified work today, a lot of beautiful and sincere wishes sounds on the day of the registry office. You, their relatives and relatives also do not stay away and hurry to congratulate the expensive people. To help you find the right words, we have gathered on our site the most touching, positive and interesting wishes that will delight today's celebrations and leave after themselves a pleasant aftertaste of a successful holiday.

Congratulations on the day of the registry office in verse

A man was born, or a family was created,
For the registry office is needed!
His workers always follow
So that it would not be unresolved.
To the documents, the records are in order,
So that everyone is as they say, it was smooth!
And in the registry office, we wish them
Good luck, happiness and keep them cherub! © ©

So day after day and without end,
You connect heart,
As people say about it,
In the works and in the sweat you are a face!
You are not indifferent to fate,
You are their reliable conductor,
So that our world has become a little better,
So that every happiness is comprehended!
The passage worker is definitely
On his day waiting for a flattering word,
We will not be the exception here,
Health, joy is always! © ©

All fuss is essentially
But the stamp is needed to us
And this stamp to arrange,
All we appeal to you!
We are no doubt everyone knows
That in the registry office we will be issued at times
Let's get marks in our lives,
So that where it is necessary and just!
Well, the work is very important,
For everyone, for society in general.
And it remains only to congratulate
With a virtue of heart from heart.
And I, of course, congratulations,
I wish the best in everything,
And if something suddenly not okay,
That right, I'm not here and! © ©

Cool congratulations on the day of the registry office

Family Union To secure
Tie a binder thread
Solemnly will issue marriage
The registry office in this case is like a magician!
Able to quickly and easily
Make a mark from this.
That I am such a citizen,
Scheduled with his own!
And it seems to be a nonkezeno,
Solving easily and quickly,
But without him later
We live in the legal country!
Thanks to the registry registry,
Workers him for knowledge
And on the day of his employee,
I wish you all
What do you want,
That is your life and embody! © ©

Your status in life to measure,
And register that in the document
The headquarters of the registry office then everything can
And easily, and at the time!
He prescribes us a fact
Events are important fates
That roads are very
And with them we all along the way!
Well, the great registrar,
Today is your day and day,
And then congratulations will be
And there will be their bees swarm!
Let you hurt you happiness
And swinging with legs,
To rested you on the sofa,
And I could allow yourself! © ©

Congratulations on the day of the registry office friends and acquaintances

A worker of the registry office smile
Today is your holiday,
Always stay the same
Responsive, straight.
Connect you a lot of fate
In unified fate
People will not take care of
You will not betray.

Everyone who is in the registry office
Congratulations we are now
Take wishes
And gifts from us!
Let your way be good
Will not turn to the false mark,
It will be happiness he is sleeppit,
And does not know the troubles!

Congratulations on the Day of Civil Cups in Prose

With great joy and gratitude, we today address the warmest congratulations to the registry office. Without your sensitive participation, no one of the most important events in our lives are not accounted for: the birth and wedding. But not only with joy we step on the regimony threshold. Divorce or death, overwhelming our family, is also registered by you. Your participation, attentive attitude, qualified and operational work always helps to make happy moments even brighter, and sad - less heavy. We wish you that pleasant reasons in your work be much more, joy and happiness overwhelmed your home, and the diseases went by the party! © ©

The registry office is a civil status acts. Accordingly, December 18 is the day of employees of the authorities for the acts of acts of civil status of Russia. The history of the registry office of the Russian Federation began on December 18, 1917. On this day, the decree "On civil marriage, about children and on the conduct of books of acts of state acts" was signed, in accordance with which the legal consequences for civil status acts were recognized only if they were registered in government bodies. The church ceased to fulfill the duties on the record of information. The general leadership of the registry office of the RSFSR conducted the central registry office with the NKVD RSFSR. Since then, the birth, death, marriage, termination of marriage, the establishment of paternity, adoption, the name of the name is subject to registration in the registry offices.

Congratulations on the professional holiday - the day of employees of the registry office! We wish that the happiness of human hearts around you and you have. So that the eyes always sparkled, spiritualized the mood and increased the desire to live, create and love. We't succeed, prosperity, development and all kinds of welcome goods!

I congratulate on the day of employees of the registry offices and wish I want work to bring joy and gave good emotions to fill the heart with love and happiness every day, so that there is any business on the shoulder, so that there is only good things in life that the mood is always wonderful.

I congratulate on the day of the registry office and I want to wish only a joyful and bright atmosphere at work, only happy and good events in life. I wish to register strong marriages and adorable children, I wish to dream of my beautiful and certainly achieve my goal.

Congratulations on the Day of the registry office and from the soul, I wish only joyful events at work and in life, sincere thanks to people and great respect, wonderful mood and excellent health, excellent success in any business and non-relaxed love.

Dear employees of all authorities record acts of civil status of the country, congratulate you on the day of employees of the registry office! Thank you for your work, sincere care and experiences, for making every wedding ceremony aesthetically beautiful, unique and individual. We wish you good, internal heat, beauty, real smiles, sincerity, health and prosperity!

Happy Employees of the registry office. Z.von joy and hopes BUTngeel patience G.jewish ideas, FROMoutness in any situation. And let every day brings happiness, smile, love and good luck, let everything in work and under control, let in life there will be a lot of opportunities for victories and miracles.

Congratulations on the Day of Employees of the registry office and from the Soul I wish every day to register not only acts of work, but also acts of happiness, success and joy in personal life. Let the work will always be a holiday, let never be sad and bored. All goods and wonderful mood.

Each of us is at least once associated with the registry office, so today we deservedly congratulate his employees! From the soul, we wish you to work in pleasure, not knowing fatigue! Do not forget about your own happiness, enjoying them for many years!

I wish you to carry joy every day, success and good mood. I wish to register only eternal marriages and gifts brought by storks. Let life will always be a holiday filled with joyful smiles, sincere hugs and good people. Happy Employee of the registry office!

You connect fate, and it's great! Let your work always gives you only pleasure and joy! I wish you from the heart of personal happiness, sincere love and decent salary! Let the smiles on your faces shine as often as possible! All the best to you, dear registry office!

Total congratulations: 13

Congratulations on the Day of the registry

On the day of employee registry office
Only the best you wish you from the soul
Every day, smile every hour,
No trouble in life. Not knowing!

You are the witnesses of different events sometimes -
These are weddings and sad, evil divorces!
Let personal happiness be a dream,
I wish you success for many years!

I wish you fun, smiles, jokes from the soul!
Live and do not think about bad - the best take from life!
Let you fate pamper, on all green light gives,
Work you are on joy to people, let me always lucky!

Poor will turn into, dissolve under the units of fragile glass:
After all, as the harbinger of good fastening in the registry office you heart!
You give hope, faith, joy and create a stronghold of the country:
Family - because it's not a little, but the continuation of love!

Day of the registry office today we have
And I give you congratulations today I give me:
Worship let everything be fulfilled per hour,
And let your heart happily bother.

I wish you a lot of good luck, hopes,
I wish you solar and warm days.
Let happiness flame fire and as before
To live is easier for you and even "delicious."

December Day filled with light ...
To congratulate beautiful people,
I, so that they do not hurt at the same time,
I avoid ridiculous ideas -
I do not need no fee by dachshop,
Not any special words:
Happy Employees of the registry office!
All you benefits! And advice yes love?!

We always go to you
Bed and happiness that came to our house!
Not just it is always in concerns
Other people. Such is the work.
Always because someone is very happy in the registry office
And someone on the ears are mired in family strips ...
And how do you have enough spiritual strength?
Cleverly tell me only a few words of cherished -
And here is a smile on a cream face,
Heart particle - in the gold ring.
Fit your day, and we congratulate you!
Idleness let the road for you forget
And every day let it be happy!

There will be dancing, there will be songs,
Screams "Gorky" ahead!
And already honeymoon
Someone thoughts befeit.
Will start in the registry office
And the whole century will last!
And for something - thank you
The registry office is a cute man!

Without paper, we are bugs.
Therefore, go to the registry office.
Who married who was born -
Knows the registry office all-all about us.

Happy holiday you, a registry office!
Newlyweds are built in the queue!
Let the children give birth and marry,
And never your registry office will come!

Country workers - here and your day!
Rather, leave you forms and books!
Today is a little allowed too
And on break - gulls and rumbups!
Yes, we need your work very much
Thanks for the work of this complex routine.
Family, let everyone be friendly,
And life is interesting, cheerful and long!