Congratulations to your words Happy New Year. Congratulations on the new year in your own words of wishes for the new year to a woman in your own words

Let the wars be!

I wish you everyone today on the festive night, to live in the world and in love! So as not to be afraid of my son for my daughter! Keep all of us, Lord, keep!
Let the wars be on earth, let all the tears be dried! Let the new year and I will give me happiness roses!

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Do not be sad, and happy new year!

If you suddenly stayed alone today, if sadly settled in the house, you're rather at the window, look at my friend, there it will happen today:
There will be a roar, and the sky will light up lights, there will be laughter and fun around! Not sad, because you are not alone, you're with us! Do not be sad, happy new year to you, dear friend!

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Create, create ....

On this evening, everyone guess desires, everyone is waiting for wonders and gifts!
And I want to wish you, my friend, become the performer himself whose dreams! There is nothing more pleasant than seeing joy in the eyes of those we love!
Happy New year to you! And create, create wonders, and please your loved ones and relatives!

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Congratulations for relatives

Dear my relatives!
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness huge this year!
Let everything that did not work out - it turns out! Let all that hurt, - cure! Let all you have the way you want!
I congratulate you and very much and very much!

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Congratulations on the new year in your own words

White will be life

White snowflakes please all of us in the evening of New Year! Let all the hearts in this hour, suddenly become clean, like snow!
Let it be whiter will be life from us!
Happy New Year, my lovely! Happiness to you!

I want to wish you a special, magical mood in the new year to approach cases with inspiration, strength and energy. Let any turn of fate wait for amazing events that will bring you and prosperity, well-being and confidence in the future. Health to you and simple, such a human happiness we need!

I wish to achieve former goals and find new! I wish to implement the most audacious plans and the incarnation of all plans, and I wish for forces, energy and impeccable health to accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

Let the new 2019 be better than the previous one. And next to you will always be sincere, reliable friends, and in personal life - a loving and devotee. Meet this holiday with a smile so that he is full of joyful events and good emotions

Happy holiday! Whether to seek new peaks, boldly go ahead - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because in the new you are waiting for awesome, beautiful events that will bring happiness and confidence in tomorrow!

Well, that's friends! The tree is dressed up, candles are lit, and champagne is already on the table! You are all familiar and beautiful! I want all 365 days of the upcoming New Year you felt as well as at that moment! Let New Year's happiness enough for the whole year. No problem still can not do, but let them decide with you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and let everything be fine

Inhaling winter air, mixed with a scent of ate, mandarins and something wonderful and fabulous, I congratulate you on the New Year from the heart! Let all your hopes come true, all the most bold desires and expectations, because this holiday is magical! Good health and happy days in the new year!

Let these new 365 days become the best of all past, let the new 12 months give hope and confidence in the bright future, and every new minute of life will be brighter, joyful and more fun. Happy New Year to you, in which every new second will be filled with only sincere friendship and mutual love

I wish from the heart to be the joyful mood of the holidays New Year's Days have been preserved for the whole year! Happiness and health to you and all your loved ones, love, good, consent and peace! Let all the dreams that you did not have time to make a New Year's Eve, be sure to be performed on the night of the old New Year.

New Year's Eve on the way! We are all in anticipation of the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I want to wish you to feel all the joy of the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults together with the children will hurry to open New Year's gifts for the fight of New Year's chimes. I have a hurry to say the warmest words in this new year! Let your life be colorful, house - hospitable, let them be your faithful companions - luck and love!

The coming year ... (Who) is considered a year of luck, luck and favorable influence on all life sides. Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the mood be bright as lights on the Christmas tree, thoughts - clean and light, like the first snow, and the mood is playful, like bubbles of champagne! I want to wish that New Year's Eve brings the charge of optimism for a whole year ahead! Meet the new year with a smile!

I want to personally everyone in the new year to wish perfect harmony. Harmony in everything, - Let nothing straighten you, let everything you do, what will make you, let all people with whom you communicate will cause you only positive. Let the most beautiful thing that happened to you was a black band of your life, and in the new year there will be a new band - white. And also - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if it is not, then hope! Happy New Year!

Let everything be fine with the one who reads this New Year's wish! Let dreams come true, and all the undertakings bring their fruits to be warm to the heart, and the soul rejoiced the wonderful moments that are waiting ahead. Let necessarily the most cherished dreams are performed with such ease and simplicity, as if they were always with you!

Each new year is an update and a chance to make it better than before. Let all the plans, all the desires and all dreams come to 20 .. - m! I wish perseverance, faith in yourself and the strength to do everything in conceived!

The new year is truly amazing and fabulous time to appreciate. I wish you happiness and success, the execution of cherished dreams. Let the alarms remain in the past, and doubts will be able to overcome. Look into the future only with sincere hope for cherished happiness. I wish you the fulfillment of the intended affairs, which will allow you to believe that success is achieved. Fate let give good health and strong immunity so that every day brings amazing joy, real inspiration.

Believe me, please, in the fact that in the future everything will definitely work out, and all the tests will remain in the past. I want to know that you will certainly gain a real success that you dream about. Remember that I can support you and help to reveal the bright faces of being. Congratulations heartily, because I actually worry about you, a cute little man!

So the new year came, with whom I congratulate you. What would you like to wish such a beautiful man like you? Of course, you can wish only the best and most worthy. Let the coming year will give a lot of bright and special emotions, everything in life develops as planned. I wish, troubleshooting problems and troubles that can confuse. Let you in your life there will be many pleasant, special surprises, and the cycle of affairs causes only inspiration and tide of energy.

I sincerely hope that the year will be able to please you with the fulfillment of desires that were forgotten during the Kurats knock. Please stay as beautiful as now, and, of course, try to improve, reaching new heights. I believe that my wishes will find the opportunity to come true. Congratulations on the New Year, with a special holiday in the annual cycle!

Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and happily look into the future.

I wish in the new year - if they stumble, then about the money, if you fall, then in the arms, if you cry - then from happiness!

Congratulations Happy New Year! We wish everything that you conceived, be sure to be implemented! Let the mood be excellent, and sad moments will go into oblivion. After all, the new year is a wonderful and fabulous holiday, inspiring new affairs and good acts.

The new year is the time of the desires that came true and vivid impressions! We wish these magic sensations to leave you the whole coming year! Let together with his new symbol - the yellow earthen pig, under the battle of the chimes, the joy, comfort and fabulous love will be swollen in your house!

New Year's meeting is the time mysterious, exciting, always joyful. And these simple words "Happy New Year! With new happiness!" We pronounce with a special feeling, because you can only say them once a year! This is a great opportunity to express and congratulate all of you with this charming holiday and wish good health, good luck and endless happiness !!! Happy new year friends!

In the magical eve of the New Year, we, adults, is very useful to return to childhood ... You remember the vibrant anticipation of the holiday and then an amazing feeling, when the new year comes immediately at midnight ... I congratulate you and wish you to dream and believe in the best like a child And as an adult to be confident that this year will finally give the deserved and long-awaited happiness!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Joy for you and happiness this year. Let the luck and success do not leave you. Love, good happiness and well-being. Beautiful, bright, unique impressions of contact with nature. More happy and successful days. Let everything goes only for the better.

New Year is a wonderful, unforgettable holiday of a soul celebration! Let the Kuranta fight all the conceived will come true, and the desired - will be fulfilled. I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touched each of us and made everyone happier! New hopes for you, new aspirations and new life in the new year!

With the arrival of the new year, we are typical of building plans, hope for the best, dream. By tradition, we make desires. I want to wish that the cherished dreams and pre-New Year expectations are fulfilled! Be happy, let love fills your hearts!

Do you know that in Italy for the new year it is customary to throw out everything old and unnecessary? Therefore, I propose to start with envy, lies, offended and bad deeds for which you are ashamed. But all that good, which was in the outgoing year, carefully pack and move the next year! Happy New year to you!

terminals in this light such a large amount that sometimes just not enough time to celebrate them all. But, this holiday is not at all possible. And all because he remains forever in our hearts. We cannot forget the fresh smell of fir branches and tangerines, as well as the New Year's brightly glowing garlands.

All these seemingly not the necessary things make us happier and better. That is why even now, when we have become such adults, we don't even think about forgetting it all. And today, when I came to visit you, we simply have to spend a good time. I really hope that for us a holiday will be able to pass not forgotten, leaving the most pleasant feelings in the heart that can only exist in this world. And in order not to happen, it's easy to try to believe in miracles, and then they will definitely happen to you.

Much time leaked since we have been seen for the first time. Then we were all so different. But, now the holiday of the New Year connected us again, forcing the lightest feelings. I really do not really want us to be unhappy today. That is why I will try to do everything so that our most beloved holiday has passed the best way. I sincerely hope that it will be so.

And now, when you smile, I want to give me so much to give you a gift that you like so much. You know, so that it does not happen, just look at him, and then you immediately remember me. And finally, when the time does not remain completely, I just try to make everything you can do for you. To see your bright smile as often as possible, and rejoice at what you have.

I want to wish you health, happiness, joy and necessarily big salaries! Let in the new year everything will be new, but let them remain old, faithful, good and hot loved ones! So how are you with us!

Happy holiday! Whether to seek new peaks, boldly go ahead - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because in the new you are waiting for awesome, excellent events that will definitely bring joy, energy, optimism and faith in your happy fate!

I congratulate you on the New Year. This holiday is always associated with the smell of ate, the taste of tangerines, a blast blast and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and endeavors. I wish you whatever you wish, would have been fulfilled in the new year. Happy holiday you!

Happy New Year! Let it bring to each of you not only gifts under the New Year Christmas tree, but also happiness from communicating with loved ones, family well-being and material well-being of your families. Let in 2019 the bad weather goes away with the side, and all the trouble will remain forever in the distant past! Happy holiday

Let in the new year in all matters you would only find benefits and joy, and luck pursued all 365 days and overtake at the most suitable moment! Let all misfortunes bypass, and there will be only sincere smiles and faithful friends around!

On the eve of the New Year, I wish you sparkle of Bengal lights, crystal dance snowflakes, beauty and uniqueness of the New Year tree, the mysterious luxury of winter! Let the Magic Magic burst into your home and turn your life into a beautiful fairy tale! With the upcoming holiday!

Congratulations to all your heart with a magical and exciting holiday Happy New Year! Let the coming year bring many interesting events, adventures, a sea of \u200b\u200bbright impressions. Let it not forget and will become special and interesting, attractive and wonderful. Let the most joyful impressions flood you wave of happiness.

This evening, everything has changed in the house ... A Christmas tree ranked almost the whole room, spreading generously decorated with his green paws, the aromas of treats and unchanged mandarin are in the air, gifts are gathered and the most native people gathered at the table ... In short, the new year comes and I want to wish So that he was better than the previous one, what would have been transformed into it and become truly happy and brighter!

Let's say "Thank you" old year for everything good and good that it was. And what was complicated and heavy - made us stronger. Let the new year bring even more happiness, joy and success!

Let the next year each of us will bring well-being and success, will give new brilliant ideas and will help them implement them. Let the world and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of close people has a constant hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and faith in yourself!

Under the ringing of glasses and overflow garlands, joyful laughter of children and adults, I congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, love and well-being. Let the new year be better than the previous one, and the old one will remember as another perfect period in life, as a stage that has taught not to make new mistakes and strive for new beginnings!

Let in the new year your life will be the same bright as a clear sunny day, the same full, like a glass with champagne, is the same carefree as the daughter of the oligarch. And let your eyes always be joy, positive, optimism!

Waiting for a wonderful holiday, I wish you patience. In the new year, success in work, calm in the family, a good rest on holidays and no chagrins and alarms! Only laughter, joy and smiles of loved ones, let them surround you in the new year

We wish you and your loved ones in the new year only good, great love and complete mutual understanding! Because the family for us occupies the most important place in life.

I congratulate you on the New Year. This holiday is always associated with the smell of ate, the taste of tangerines, a blast blast and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and endeavors. I wish that everything that you compete, I have been embodied in reality in the new year. Happy holiday you!

Just as you do every day special for others, I wish the New Year to be special for you, with strong health, upholstery of happiness and sunlight, luxury and prosperity, as well as serenity. I hope my desires will come true, and you will have a happier new year. At this point, you can change your direction, not the dates, change your obligations, and not a calendar, change your attitude, not actions, as well as change your faith, your strength and one's fate as you want.

In the future ahead of you are waiting for many surprises. Be open to change. The new year is the period for the opening of new horizons and incarnation of the dream, you can re-open your strength and gain faith and be able to enjoy young pleasures that fate can offer. I wish you to spend the eve of this holiday, since you always dreamed.

I wish you a happy new year, hoping that next year you will have many blessings. As I think about our friendship and how I tremble, I want to wish you happiness next year. Thank you for my friend, even when I did not deserve it. During this year, you were supported in everything. Let you have the brightest, happiest and crazy holiday on New Year's Eve.

I was lucky that I had friends who bring so much joy and madness into this life. I can not imagine what would happen to me if you were not encouraged me. I just wanted to express what joy you give me, and wish you the same joy enhanced hundreds of times. Let the New Year's Eve be full of laughter and joy! There are so many adventures ahead. Let's take from the outgoing year only the best and will wait for the future of new surprises and new joys.

Let you be a great year, filled with great happiness and luck! Stay in a good mood and achieve great success. This new year is the best time to update the vocabulary of life. Remove words, such as jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed of your dictionary and place words, such as love, care, compassion, honesty and satisfaction at their place. This ensures that you will have a great year ahead.

As this year comes to an end, we see that another year in our life gives us another chance to be close to each other. And I just can't get enough to this. In the world, a lot has to be seen and experience. Live your life, explore new horizons, go to new adventures, and you will not regret it. This message should transfer my heart greetings to you and your family. I hope you had an excellent year, and this time it will be even better. Spend time with loved ones.

I wish you in the new year chic Mondays, fabulous Tuesdays, wonderful environments, sunny Thursdays, beautiful Fridays, exciting Saturdays and the most romantic resurrection! Happy holiday!

As you know, the meeting of the New Year always passes with the summary of the outgoing. So, we have something to be proud! And most importantly, there is something to strive for. And wish I want love, health and the world to your families

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you exciting and wonderful mood. So that the soul was filled with happiness, and emotions beat through the edge! Let only good and pleasant memories of the outgoing year remain in memory!

For us, this year was heavy. And I want to wish all the problems and experiences to stay forever in the outgoing year. And in the new: happiness, luck and love became our faithful satellites. Happy holiday friends

In this most long-awaited and joyful holiday, I wish fresh frosty ideas, new discoveries and only right solutions. So that your life is filled with bright and joyful emotions. All the most kind and bright you in the new year!

Let the upcoming New Year be full of wonderful events, magic gifts and pleasant surprises! I wish the festive mood, great happiness and steel health! Let all cherished dreams come true to this fabulous night!

With the coming you! Let the new year bring you peace and joy, let them be with you will be reliable friends and sincerely loving native people! I want to wish you that this year for you was filled with joyful events and positive emotions! Let new opportunities and your undertaken come to be revealed for you and success!

Old year completes its march! He slowly goes, bent under the severity of events that he made him happy and not very, bright and joyful, difficult and prosperous, full of various surprises and incidents. But the young, energetic and full life of the new year is flirting to replace him. Let it bring with him only happiness and well-being. Let it sweep easily and brightly. Let him not be the place of sadness, troubles and sadness. I wish only the success, the implementation of all the plans and good open hearts. Holiday greetings!

Happy New Year! I wish in the outgoing year a large shovel along with snow to throw all the failures, troubles and anxiety. I wish in the New Year to walk confidently, beautiful, inspired, fun. Let the new year give only happiness and joy, let each of his day be bright, successful and kind! Health and Peace, Wealth and Love, Frequent Holidays and Present Miracles!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. I wish you cheerful preparation for the holiday without a special fuss and turmoil, with bright lights garland and soul! Let everything be bad forgiving, even if everything is good will certainly happen in the new year. I sincerely wish the world, happiness, wealth and health.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! I wish the sparkling mood, the feeling of the upcoming holiday and the implementation of everything conceived on holidays. Merry, surprises, gifts, noisy and good company, smiles and glowing eyes. Let wishes are fulfilled, new dreams appear and all plans and cases are developing. Holiday greetings!

In these last hours of the outgoing year, do not forget to place the points, thank you for the good and bad days of all who was near, say "I love you" those who love and "goodbye" with whom it's time to part. And, most importantly, do not forget to dream, live, love, be happy and fight for achieving your goals. Happy New Year, new impressions, wonderful moments, grand achievements and fulfillment of all desires, as well as health and good luck!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year, which is about to the door will knock. Let him bring warm and joy with him, happiness and peace, good luck and good, hope and good, love and success, health and wealth, luck and fun.

I congratulate on the upcoming New Year and I wish from the soul to make luck and good, bright benefit and great joy together with a wonderful holiday in the house, good health and eternal love, high wealth and bright hitch rays.

Happy New Year! Holiday greetings! Let everything in life perfectly develops. Successes in overcoming all difficulties. Joyful days, good companies, real friends, luck and mental kindness!

- This is a very important component of the pre-New Year hustle. Everyone wants to hear and read something unusual and pleasant, and also make it nice all those who are close. One of the best forms of expression of emotions and wishes, at all times, were. Poetry has always been reflected in the inner world, desires and accomplishments. She remains now and now, that's just not everyone is available to put words in rhymes. If you are one of these people, then you should not despair, because New Year's Eve greetings in verses can be a demonstration of problems from already created works.

It is absolutely normal when a person who has talents other than poetic uses other people's literary products to express their feelings and emotions in front of him close to him. The most important thing, not to try to do it on an ambulance hand, as the poem should reflect the reality, it should be a spark to talk about how a person feels, what he wants himself and others, how he perceives the New Year holiday and what accomplishments he crareshes for himself And for people close to him.

On our site, everyone will be able to find suitable congratulations on the New Year 2017 in their own words for him. You do not need to rush, look, read and choose what is suitable for you, reflecting exactly your inner world.

In the new year we all believe in miracles. Before us opens another new page in life. We enter the New Year with the most beautiful mood, with the most kind of wishes and bright feelings. Keep them in your soul, in your heart the whole year has come. And even if you are angry, and you want to quarrel - stop and remember this wonderful MiG, happy faces of your relatives and loved ones and those wonderful words you spoke to each other on New Year's Eve. Life will definitely thank you for kindness and optimism. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! In 2017, I wish you to be everything in a new way! New acquaintances, new work (and salary!), New impressions. And everything is good that you have in life, let it remain in old. Happy holiday!

Happy New Year Rooster! I wish that all the smallest, dreams are performed this year. To make more heat, there were more opportunities, incredible prospects appeared, new friends, burned fire in the home focus, played a smile on their favorite faces. Let the most covenant come true!

On this holiday, the new year, I want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy, laughter and smiles accompany you in life, and the root and sadness will forget the road to you and your loved ones. Happy New Year 2017!

Well, that's friends! The tree is dressed up, candles are lit, and champagne is already on the table! You are all familiar and beautiful! I want all 365 days of the upcoming New Year you felt as well as at that moment! Let New Year's happiness enough for the whole year. No problem still can not do, but let them decide with you easily and naturally! Happy New Year and let everything be fine!

Inhaling winter air, mixed with a scent of ate, mandarins and something wonderful and fabulous, I congratulate you on the New Year from the heart! Let all your hopes come true, all the most bold desires and expectations, because this holiday is magical! Good health and happy days in the new year!

Hey! People under the New Year wish a lot of things to each other: happiness, good luck, love, joy, success. But I want to wish you only one thing, I will not buy even for all the money of the world, - good health! And when you are healthy, then happiness, and love, and the successes themselves will find a track for you :) Happy New Year!

New Year's meeting is the time mysterious, exciting, always joyful. And these simple words "Happy New Year! With new happiness!" We pronounce with a special feeling, because you can only say them once a year! This is a great opportunity to express and congratulate all of you with this charming holiday and wish good health, good luck and endless happiness! Happy new year friends!

They say New Year's Eve - the night of the fulfillment of desires. I guess that you were always the happiest on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy new year darling!

Champagne is the traditional attribute of the new year. I wish you your life to be like champagne - light, exciting, sparkling and driving through the edge! Happy New Year!

The new year is approaching. It's time to prepare congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2018 in prose that you can send to all your friends and relatives. In this article you will find a variety of congratulations, among which you can choose and romantic strings for loved ones, and funny congratulations for friends, and warm words for parents.

New Year's congratulations on the upcoming 2018 in prose

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Let him bring as much warm smiles as possible, happy moments and joy from every day. I wish you all your most bold dreams to come true, and all the problems seemed only to small trouble on the way to success and happiness.

Happy holiday. Let the ringing of glasses and bright fireworks bring to your life a happy laughter of your loved ones, canceled health and only joyful events. I wish you that the New Year brought exactly those changes about which you have been dreaming about so long.

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Let him bring new bright emotions to your life, give as much love as possible and less reason for tears and sadness. I wish you to celebrate this holiday in a circle of people who truly love and appreciate you. Let the smile never leave your face, and the mood will always be at the height.

2018 will come soon. This means that it's time to make the most cherished desire. Let the coming year, it will not only come true, but will be exactly what you lacked for complete happiness. Successes to you, good luck and, of course, only a fabulous mood.

Dear friend, that day is approaching that every person is eagerly awaiting. Under the battle of the chimes, the heart freezes waiting for something fabulous and beautiful. Let this year bring happiness and comfort in your home, and the love and most positive emotions in your heart. I wish you to put unrealistic goals in front of you and easily achieve them.

I wish you at least this day to forget about all troubles and problems, and to plunge into the happy and joyful atmosphere of the holiday surrounded by the closest friends. Happy holiday.

The new year is the favorite holiday of every person who wants and believes in miracles, and also strives for changes in life. I want to wish you to make these changes to bring family happiness in your life, real love, interesting work, the most faithful friends and all that you are so long of dreams. Let your life will always be bright, diverse and memorable. After all, it is impossible to live forever, so a person remains to live so that every moment is unforgettable.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. I want to wish that this year, at least a small dream, there were more opportunities for personal and public growth, and people who stimulate this growth appeared in life. I wish you excellent health, confidence in your own forces and always good mood.

The new 2018 is approaching. I wish you so that good luck does not go around, health has never failed, and close people have always been real support. Let the coming year bring stability, financial well-being and success in all endeavors.

Happy New Year. I want to wish you success at work and in personal life, good luck and excellent health. Let the outgoing year lead all the adversity, and the new year will only bring positive emotions, a new excellent feeling and fantastic perspectives. I wish you so that this year was a period of happy meetings, dizzying success and dream performance.

I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. I wish you to meet this year surrounded by only kind, positive and close to you in the spirit of people. Let the coming year will be less reasons for a bad mood, you surrounding happy and smiling people, and peace and love always reigns in your family. I wish this year to become a real turning point, which every reverence is waiting for every person.

New hopes, new love, new happiness and new creative ideas - this is not a complete list of such that is considered to be desired on the eve of the New Year. And I want to wish you to surround your old and reliable friends who are tested by time and complex life situations. Successes to you, good luck and joy from everybody day.

On the eve of the magical and beloved holiday, it is customary to send congratulations to prose Happy New Year. Therefore, be sure to congratulate all close and relatives with such an exciting moment of changing numbers on the calendar.