How to protect a girl from her own heads? What to do if you are offended by unfamiliar girls what to do when choking

The question is whether it is worth interfere in the conflict on the street, of course, it does not occur for the first time, because the variants of the development of events are many - from the beating of the intercessor before his detention. At the same time, indifferently go past for a decent person it is impossible simply because it means that he will leave a girl in trouble.

"Somehow in the winter I returned home from the university. Sleeping area, 10 pm (I study at the evening), nor soul on the street. The road lies through the garages where local marginals are often going. They celebrated some holiday and seeing me, invited to "play on three." I refused. I do not want to even tell me that I learned about myself that evening. So Murzko and it hurt me no one. I took a fur coat, bag, demanded to give the keys and call the address from the apartment.

Moving to death, I gave everything in the world and broke my head ran home.

In one dress, in minus ten, "Muscovite Olga told about the case when there was no one who could come to the rescue.

Another story - about what could, but did not come. "Rape me tried to be at the summer resort. We went over with friends and after the party decided to go along the embankment. Because of the excess of alcohol in the blood, I was knightened with friends and said that the hotel did it myself ... I returned to the room in a beati and torn underwear, I screamed as a cut, called to the rescue, but no one helped. All those passing by people did the view that they would not see what was happening. I only saved me that from a nervous breakdown I suddenly began monthly, "said a resident of St. Petersburg Tamara.

Muscovite Mary is more lucky. "With violence, I ran into my own wine - you need to think where and with whom to go. On the first date, the young man invited me to take a walk along the bedroom district Troparevo - I live nearby, so I agreed without a shadow of doubt. The fact that it was a weekday and 11 pm, I did not make me think. And in vain. We met and decided to get to a taxi destination. Already in the car, the first signs that the evening should urgently finish. He behaved very aggressively, shouted at me, strangely joked. At the outlet of the car, the taxi driver clarified, whether everything is fine and you do not need to wait for me. I thanked and refused. I thought that all I decide myself. We passed 300 meters, the jokes became even tougher, I realized that the evening would end with rape. Sooting under the fool, I began to apologize and say that my mother had forgotten the keys and I urgently need to go home. In response, he demanded to show SMS. But there was no SMS, I don't really seem to lie, so the plan failed. I realized that I was lying, he snatched my computer and the phone and with the words "Ah you bitch, you deceived me" and began to beat the face and hand. I was wildly frightened, it was hurt and very scary.

Fortunately, the taxi driver saw everything that happened in the rearview mirror, quickly passed back and literally stuffed me into the car.

A new acquaintance of 20 minutes convinced a taxi driver so that he released me from a taxi. At first he said that I was his girlfriend and we solve problems, and he, a taxi driver, just climbs. Then he shouted that I had schizophrenia and a taxi driver did not understand what was signed. Then they went threats with reference to the state bodies. The taxi driver who saw me and this guy for the first time in his life, did not believe any of his words, and just silently heard all the nasty to my address and took me home. If it were not that man, I do not know what was. Once a month I meet with him to dine and thank the fact that one day he saved my life. "

A taxi driver from this story was an important advantage: besides decency, he had another opportunity to protect the girl without joining a fight. However, those who walk through the streets, this is not - as not, most often, traumatic weapons, gas cans and other items that help to resist attackers. What to do when you do not have anything other than desire to help?

"If you are a physically strong man, confident, you can intervene," says the operative of the metropolitan criminal investigation department. - But it is necessary to soberly assess your strength and strength of the opponent. And also to take into account that your potential opponent can have a knife or "trauma" in his pocket. There are many cases when Gopnik killed even well-trained athletes in a drunken fight. "

The most important thing in this situation is to protect the girls. "At first, you can make a remark, see how it will be reacted, - Sergey continues. - During this time, girls can leave. And when they leave, you can not develop the conflict further, but it is trite to escape yourself.

The street is not ring, the prize of visual sympathies will not give you, but it is possible to get sharpening in the liver.

Well, if you feel that you will not cope - call the police and do not leave from the place of events before it arrives. After her arrival it is important to clearly, calmly and without emotion to explain what happened. It depends on this, the police will be able to effectively intervene or not. "

Coming and intervening the police are obliged - and this is another reason to call them. Even if it turns out that you have brought the third more familiar people's conflict, even if it turns out that the girl does not need help, police will find it with a false challenge, but they will still be able to understand.

"We have this frequent situation - this is when the eyewitnesses call and say that the man sticks to the girl," says another operating officer of the metropolitan police. "And more often cause when they see that the girl is trying to put in the car, she resists, screaming or buzzes. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of these calls are false, because then it turns out that the girl was drunk, her boyfriend, brother or a friend, and she sober himself and says that everything is fine. Of course, we must respond to these challenges - and we react, carry out a mandatory check. If the police officer himself becomes an eyewitness of such an incident, he always interferes. Well, if he is not in the form, it all depends on what kind of person - that's recently my colleague in the Bittsev Park, being not in service, I saw that the girl was dragging somewhere, and, being a guy strong, beat her. "

According to the psychologist-consultant of the Scientific Center "Concept" Arina Lipkin, if a man sees that violence is performed on the street, first of all, it really needs to be called to the police. "In the case when violence over a child is committed, it is better to try to drag the striker from the back and tie his hands with clothes. But if it is an attack on an adult, the attacker may have a weapon (any kind) that can not be noticed that it is dangerous for everyone - and for the victim, and for a man who will come to the rescue.

To reduce risks, you can try to distract the attacker, but being at a safe distance from it.

For example, with the help of water (pour water, if any), turn on the sound of the siren (the application "Sound of the Police Sirena"), "said Lipkin, Gazeta.Ru correspondent.

If the potential rapist is drunk, it is worth being especially prudent. "Drunk man can be very aggressive and strong. It is necessary to attract as many people as possible not to be solid against the crowd of drunk. Call the police and demonstratively to call the address and signs of piercing men. You can also use the sound of a police siren, "the Arina Lipkin clarifies.

It is necessary to interfere in the situation with women with great caution.

"A woman who has not passed self-defense courses does not have the appropriate skills, do not interfere. And even if she decides to do this, she must appreciate its capabilities (how many attackers, do they have a weapon). To begin with, in any case, you need to call the police. And you can also use the "Sounds Sounds" application, especially if you have to keep something in your hand - the attackers can decide that you have a pistol. In all cases, if the striker is one and is not capable of harsh movements (drunk, half a walk), you can use a tear cylinder with a tear gas that needs to be exactly directed into the face. If there is no such possibility, you should not try, as you can get inadvertently in my face. The police number and ambulance should always be recorded in the phone, "the psychologist warns.

How to behave if you are with a companion

Let's talk about such an important, burning and sick question as self-defense along with the companion Or with a child.

What to doif you are not alone?

How to defendWhen is someone next to you, who is unable to protect yourself? Because he is not as healthy and strong as you, he has no special skills.

Hollywood cinema, as well as Eastern militants impose the myth when Mr. and Mrs. Smith become face to face, putting their colts on his shoulders, begin to make it, rotating in a circle.

In general, if your companion is not Mrs. Smith, then, most likely, it does not have such data. And you have to shelter.

Your companion does not have special self-defense skills

In general, most likely your companion does not have special self-defense skills. Moreover, seeing how you famously knock back the teeth, as you are breasting them, you send a low throw on the nearest Christmas tree instead of New Year's toys hanging and create other disgraces, most likely the girl will become bad, because her tender psyche is not adapted to such lawlessness and violence.

Therefore, techniques must be fast, short, invisibleIt is desirable that the young lady does not see them, and all the collision should end as quickly as possible. So, by steps ...

One of the trained training in the passage of the training told an interesting story that he once turned out to be with his wife against two attackers. When he began to fight with them, his wife kept him with words "Dear that you, etc.". Get both husband and wife. Here, here is also a reaction in women. Those. woman may interfere with you to defend her and yourselftrying to grab you by hand. As a result, it is not only for you, but she will come.

Everything should end quickly as quickly as possible!

Not always a fight begins with a blow to your side, with a blow, look or an offensive word in your direction. Aggression can go to the girl, not only verbal, but also physical. Not always it will be gopnik. Often - drunk drivers, sharply spilled out of the corner, etc. You will not have time to say: "Caution, dear, get away from the edge of the road" And something else is there, as expensive will simply be revealed, crushed the sick.

therefore the very firstWhat you need to learn is to take your companion from the threat line, from the attack line. This is done very light, beautiful maneuver. If you kept the young man with your left hand for her right hand, you just turn the body around your axis to translate the girl on the other side of your body, under the right hand. In this case, your body acts as the axis of rotation. That's all. The person is easy and quickly translated on the other side.

Your body acts not only by the axis of rotation, but also a buffer that protects the young lady from criminal prolutions.

Scoundrel trying to grab, having your young lady

Second moment. Today (scoundrels), perhaps, in parallel trying to grab you for your hands so that you do not take anything in response. First of all, save yourself, in the second - womanBecause if you climb to save a woman, and you will be given around the back, then no one will help you or a woman. The seizures are knocked down by short, hard blows on pain points, do not forget to strike in the knee, shin and groin the foot.

How and what work. Since we keep the girl, let's say left for her right, then we will work, that is, to save it only with your right hand and right foot.


  • if you try to use your left hand, you will let go of a girl, and will be able to fuck it somewhere in the bushes or she will run away in tantrum, in a panic,
  • if you try to hit your left foot, not releasing the girl out of the left hand, then her body will perform again as the axis of rotation, and it twins in a completely unnecessary direction.

It is easier to try, and make sure that it is so, what to explain in words.

Safe distance

When you are with the young lady, it is especially important about the question of conservation of safe distance. All that invades your personal zone and exhibits aggression, must be broken off.

Therefore, with a free hand, you apply the chlest in the eyes, the chlest in the most vulnerable, painful point under the nose is a very painful effect, it can break through the term of the dead of the dead and even, allegedly, nothing that is sensitive. We beat on the genitals, beating on the legs, on the knee. You knock down the captures from yourself, then with the girl and as quickly as possible, remove to the other side, from where you come or in the other side where there are people.

On the way, your woman should call the mobile phone, cause the police.

When the attackers are trying to get closer to you, it's time to move to the mad berserka mode - make a face and start yelling as louder: "Meat, blood, meat, blood". At the same time, perform the fat, scratching movements with your hands, as if you tear meat. Any normal, a sensible person will be terrified and scared, think that Frankenstein came to life again. On the way back from the battleship, it will not be superfluous to get the keys to get the keys to get into the entrance as quickly as possible.

Your body is a buffer, the axis of rotation. We work free hand. Not visiting the fight - maximum two strikes on each striker. In the face and in the genitals, either the leg in the shin, knee and leave, go away from the attack line.

Seeing two or three types that looked at you and on the girl, I joked and moved to you, prepare a means of self-defense in advance.

You must be prepared

You are a man and you must take care in advance, prepare for possible aggression in your direction and, there, towards the girl. Therefore, you must be prepared, be sure to own self-defense skills, at least elementary. Be sure to carry with you if not a knife, then at least some kind of means of self-defense - javar or key ligaments. You should always be prepared for the fact that you have to protect both yourself and your companion.

If you are just a teenager, then if you are present, you just won't go to school for two weeks. And if you face the company, if you have your own family, your favorite woman, children, then the fact that you lose your ability to work - in general, everyone risks. That is, you are in danger not only your life, your health, but also in danger of your loved ones, their well-being and the future.

If you want more free information on self-defense and confidence

and get free

  • Book "3 most effective self-defense techniques: What distinguishes the victim from the predator?"
  • Audio Course "Fear and Fighting with Fear"
  • Audio Course "The whole truth about self-defense"
  • Training video course "Eklakanka: secrets of a hooligan fight
  • Audio Course "How to Keep Confidence in Critical Situations
  • Video course "Men's charisma and confidence. How to influence people
The girl is a frivolous fighter, so for her in case of real danger, the best option will be to run and call for help with all his might. One way or another, but in most cases it is the only correct option. First, in a fight she can interfere, male moving movements. Secondly, who fled far and calling the police to the police a girl greatly increases the chances of her young man to stay alive and healthy. After all, in such a situation, the idea to kill and cripple the sacrifice in the eyes of hooligans loses its attractiveness - a cloud of hot pursuit will be inevitable.

Naturally, the girl in need of such actions should be convinced in advance, since in the case of street fighting on persuasion and there will be no time explanation. To escape along with her from hooligans either will not work - the average girl runs much worse than the man, especially on heels.

Depending on the circumstances, you can run into different directions. But at the same time, a man should force the aggressors to run for him in any way. Insult them to somehow or cut down one of them unexpected impact.

You can demonstratively, with loud calls to the police, run away and a man. If part of the hooligans, fearing the involvement of the police, will be thrown into the next angle, the number of aggressors can be reduced during the near corner. Then, finding a suitable weapon (stick, stone or bottle), return and disconnect the girl. If the house is not far, you can return with quite a serious weapon and help.

If there are few hooligans, they are not armed, and the girl has good sports or fighting preparation, it can take one of them for a while. It is desirable that she does not try to scratch his face or hang from the enemy in her arms, and she struck him somewhat good in the groin. It will greatly facilitate the task to embroider brains with both scumbags.


A normal guy to protect the girl should be desperate to fight. And if a girl, for some reason, is not able to escape - fight to the end.

In the first place, you need to not panic and think well: what opponents are presented as fighters and how far they are ready to go. The most dangerous of them should be neutralized in the first place. A pack, remaining without a leader, can refuse his plans, if he sees that the victim is ready to go to the end and quite really can kill some of them.

In the presence of breeding items, use them as a weapon. Knife, stone, stick, a bottle, a strap with a massive fucking, a chair in the hands of the defendant first can show the aggressors that it will be difficult for them to achieve victory, and then - to increase his chances of fighting.

If it is already clear that the fights cannot be avoided, try to hit first. The sudden factor is the best way to reverse the outcome in your favor. Bate in the head, in the jaw, in the groin so that one blow is guaranteed enough. Watch out for: if the enemy climbs into the pocket, immediately cut it off until it has time to get a knife or crack.

Try to think over all conflict situations in advance: at what moment and how to better attack the first thing that you will say to the hooligans and will it make sense in this. As soon as the fight begins, all thoughts are better disabled and trust instincts. Any reflections, whatever they are logical and faithful, are always dangerous, as they strongly reduce the speed, which is currently critical. Think seriously and hard only before the fight and after it.

With you, a girl, just think about the fact that these "rascals" can do with it if you do not overcome all. Protect your girlfriend!

Summer evening ... Starry sky ... couples kissing on benches ... And you walking along the embankment with your beloved (and maybe not a loved girl). Everything is just wonderful, in the air smells like romance. Your walk gradually comes to completion and it's time to go home.

Having reached almost before the entrance, you hear the voice: "Hey, boy, little things will not be?" And here you are naturally turning around and see the cheerful compash view of the type "Hop-Stop", which clearly wants to take away something ... and most likely, and you, and your girl will defect with their values.

Naturally, everything begins banal: "No way?" or "Is there a little thing?"The main thing in such a situation is your behavior. You can safely say that, they say, an athlete and do not smoke, and then only two options: the hit will begin or guys, and indeed, they wanted to shoot trivia. Would you, without a loved one,, of course, say to one (preferably the leader) to give to the end and dump, but it is better to just escape. But it is impossible! With you, the girl, just think about the fact that these "rascals" can do with it if you do not overcome all. No need to make a superhero from myself and climb on the dog. After all, by the concepts of "Gop Stop", no one climbs if the girl is next to you. It can be concluded that you are running on the flying or on complete scumbags. And those and others will not be difficult to beat you two. Therefore, if you need jewelry and telephone, give out without a branch of conscience. After all, if your smart girl, she will understand everything.

No, well, if you are a professional karate or a boxer, then I think to break the wounded dothotels of labor will not be, but! They can be with a weapon, 99% of them with them a knife, do you need it? But the choice is yours. I will suggest:

- If you come to rob with the intention, send your girlfriend somewhere "stroll". The main thing is that it is safe. One will be easier.

"If you can't send a girl, it's sad." But you hold on! Start pressing - answer confidently, just not hami.

- If you start to understand that you are given "Bazas" - Bay first! Only choose the leader. Bay sharply and unexpectedly. Preferably hit in the middle of the phrase. If you are in a girlfriend's relationship, talk to her about such a possible situation: after your impact, it must rush for help. And the remaining scumbags will clearly be shocked by your unexpected feed. Let the opportunity to run away with my girlfriend, and after Bay remaining.

- Begin the fight only if I am confident in your power and fighting qualities.

- Better give all the valuable, soon they will be placed, and perhaps and kill. Why do you need to be their killer?

Go like a real man, not as a superman! Good luck!

Spring .. Moveter ... Embankment ... Starry sky ... Couple kissing on benches ... And you, going to an embrace with your beloved girl (well, maybe not loved). Everything is beautiful .. Mantika.wash Suitable for completion, you are heading home. Invo, the girl's entrance is already visible ... And then the voice of the back: "Hey, native, little things will not !?". You turn around and see three people, the type of "hop-stop" that are suitable for you obviously not with the intricate, where their friend Vasya lives. Well, a friend, in such a situation I can only suede you, most likely you and your girl will break out, but no, not with each other, but with its valuable things.

All of course starts banal: "Is there a trifle?" Or "not be able to smoke?", And then how do you behave. If you say I do not smoke, well, the type of an athlete, and you will say it confidently, then two options, or the hit begins, or the guys really just wanted to smoke or shoot trivia. In the second case, they will go away, in the first you got. No, there would be one, there is no dispute, one (preferably the main thing) to give to the end and quickly dump, even better just to fall out without blows to quickly escape. But you are with a girl, imagine what they will do with her if you start a fight and you can not put them all? So it is not necessary to impact yourself with a super hero and climb into a fight. Now I will say why. According to the "concepts", the guy's guy never touches the guy with a girl, hence the conclusion that they were close to you either flying (from another city), or in general complete fruits. And the first and second will not be difficult to nourish you both. So if you need a phone and give everything else without a branch of conscience. If the girl is smart, then she will all understand that no things are health and easill life. They will take and calmly go back.

This is my opinion, and not only mine, all sane people will do so. So think.

But the article is the principle of how to protect your girlfriend. Well, well, if you are a professional boxer or karate, then I think to break three scared dotchlakov you will not be difficult, but! There is always a stupid but. They are with a weapon, 99% that they have a knife, do you need it!? In general, the choice for you. I am preparing the following:

1. If they approached, or fit with the obvious intention to robs try to send a girl somewhere, preferably for help. Let us run there to the kiosk, or to Masha's neighbor. The main thing is that it remains safe. We will pass one will be easier.

2. It turned out to send a girl to a safe place. It is already sad. But still ... if you are starting to press answer confidently, obsolete, just do not hold them! In no case. If you see that you are not afraid of them already thinking about three times, why do they need more resistance and attracted attention to themselves?

3. If you feel that the "Baza" Bay! The main thing is to hit first. Only Bay the most important thing! Bay sharply and unexpectedly, put in the blow all anger! It is advisable to hit in the middle of the phrase, very unexpected! It is necessary to beat in the nose, there will be a sea of \u200b\u200bblood if you attach, it will be nicerly hurt. Hit and run! If you have to talk with her about such possible situations with a girl, and as soon as you hit it should run for help! Those two that stood with him will be clearly shocked by your actions. Let the girlfriend be escaped, and the Bay of those two. Bay in groin, in the eyes of the fingers of sui. Etc. By the way, you can make the first blow too in groin.

4. Discuss the fight only if I am sure that you can if you do not cut first, then it hurts him to hell.

5. Give it all valuable, they will be sent sooner or later or kill. Why do you need their killed or even worse to die from them?

I hope you will do as a man, and not as a super hero. Today!