Romantic fairy tales at night (collection). Romantic fairy tales about love The most wonderful and beautiful fairy tale for your beloved

Man who saw love

He lost his score of the day, months ... For him, life was eternity, and everything around only an infinite forgetting landscape. He did not know hatred, did not understand what cruelty, living in herself and without thinking about what was alien to his fragile heart.
No one knew who he and why his features of the face were always bright and serene. But his thoughts were far from prying views.

He saw love, her living embodiment, slightly catchy, foggy, such a different and cool, as a summer breeze. People thought that her feeling would live in the heart, only occasionally showing, looking out in the sun. But he knew that love was all their lives nearby, yes, near, she walked behind them, putting his palm on their warm, hawked hands.

And he, occasionally looking at the passersby, immersed in his thoughts of people, only smiled by the magnificence of the ghostly silhouette, soaring next to them. He was also in love ... But this love was Platonic, impossible - no, not unrequited, but doomed to never acquire physical meaning, the image, material, but not so sublime, and the earth. He was in love with his love ...

She came to him once and since then did not leave ... They were always together: and in a cloudy stern day, and in a noisy rainy evening, when, bodied in a warm living room from human worries, he laughed her, and she poured the ringing, understandable only to him laughter. And when the sun shoved, heated with his rays immersed in the vanity of people, they sat silently, gently and carelessly smiling at each other. At these moments, it seemed, life was something magical, insanely beautiful and so sentimental. But he lacked ... sensations are more real, more terrestrial.

This time passed ...

One day he woke up and went to the window, dreamily looking somewhere in the distance ... Thinking that she was hiding somewhere behind his back ... Smiling thoughts about how he would look around and sees her playful smile.

But the fact that he discovered under the window was strongly disturbed by him, settling in the soul fear for what could never happen again. People on whom he watched once, as if on something bright, full of feelings, life, warmth ... They changed ... They wandered alone along the street. On the faces of many of them there were even smiles and delight, but ... all this seemed so far, unnatural without barely catchy silhouettes of feelings.

Fear gradually overwhelmed all his being, but it was still something else ... who came from somewhere from the depths of understanding ... Waiting. He was not even surprised, having heard a barely audible rustle behind his back, then the approaching dimensional steps heard, and slowly looking around, he saw her ... smile, but not serenely, but thoughtfully, a little sad ... she was near, warm and real .

Sun and the sea

He saw her. She sat on the fence and chatted with bare feet.
"Hi," he said to her.
"Hello," she smiled in response.
- What are you doing?
- I love the sun.
- Does it love you?
- Loves.
- Right.
She looked questioningly.
- That's right what loves. You're beautiful.
He thought a little. She waited and silent.
- You are very beautiful. May I kiss you?
- Kiss.
She jumped off the fence and approached him. I put my hands on the shoulders, and waiting for my eyes waiting. Feeling a soft touch of lips on the cheek, they opened them again. Under the light tan ran a blush. Then they went through the forest to the sea. Sitting alongside, they looked at the sunset, going into the water.
"And I often get a sea to love," he said.
"And I usually love the sun," she replied.
- Let's love the sun going to the sea together.
- Come on.
They hugged - it is better to love together.
The sun went to the sea quickly, and they could not love him for a long time. And then he said:
- Swam to the sun.
- Okay.
She began to undress. He wanted to turn away. She was surprised - why, you love beauty. You can watch and admire. Why are you turning away? She threw off the lightweight dress and showed himself to him.
He brought her to the sea. She led him to the sun.
The sea carried their bodies, and the sun spoke the road.
And the sunset did not end.

Eternal devotion

In a long cold place of Tibetan winter, you can hear the history of two lovers, the love of which was so strong that she overcame not only the resistance of the parents, but defeated the death itself. They met in Brod. Every day they came here, leading yaks on the water, until one beautiful morning did not talk. It seemed that they could not speak, they broke up reluctantly, deciding to meet tomorrow in the same place. And for the next meeting, they were already in love with each other.
Subsequent weeks were full of love and alarming expectations. In the old Tibet about marriages, the family agreed in advance, often since the birth of children, unplanned unions were considered disgrace. They had to hide their love from loved ones, but every morning they hurried to meet Brod.

Once, the young man was more than ordinary alarmed, waiting for him to seem his beloved. He trembled with all the body when she finally heard her steps. They barely managed to exchange greetings, and he opened the secret that kept him in such tension. He brought her a family jewel - silver earrings inlaid by large turquoise.

Seeing such a gift, the girl thought, because she knew that he was taking it to swear in eternal love. Then she dismissed the braid and allowed the young man to have an earrings in her long black hair. And from now on, she gave themselves to the authority of any possible consequences.

The daughters are hard to hide the first gusts of love from the maternal look, and the earrings soon was discovered. Immediately understood how everything went away from her, the old woman decided that only the most desperate measures could save the honor of the family. She ordered the eldest son to kill one who dreamed to intervene in the affairs of the family, who had a child's love of her. The son reluctantly obeyed the order of the mother. He only intended to hurt the shepherd, but, without putting his son to fame, the mother accepted additional measures and poisoned the arrow - in grave torments, a young man died.

The girl was shocked by grief and decided to free themselves from suffering forever. Having achieved permission from the Father to visit the funeral of his beloved, she hurried to the ceremony - the body was already lying in the funeral bounty. Despite all attempts, none of the family of a young man could not be lit a bonfire.

Approaching the place where the fire was burned, the girl took off the cape. To the surprise of those present, she threw it on firewood, and the fire immediately flared. Then, with a mournful scream, she rushed into the fire, and he absorbed them both.

Those who were present at the funeral of the horror. The news of the tragedy soon reached the mother of the girl who rushed to the burnt site. Ham, she arrived at the funeral before they had time to cool the last coals, she decided that a young couple could not stay together even after death, and insisted that their bodies connecting on fire were separated from each other.

She sent for the local Shaman, who began to ask what the beloved in Life was afraid of the most in the world. It was found that the girl always experienced disgust to the toad, and the young man was afraid of the snakes. Caught toad and snake and laid next to the burned bodies. And immediately miraculously dice spread. Then, at the insistence of the mother, the remains were buried on different banks of the river so that the beloved always remained apart.

Meanwhile, two young trees began to grow on new graves. With an unusual speed, they turned into dense trees, their branches stretched out and intertwined over the stream. Those who found himself near, it seemed that the branches would be drawn to each other, as if trying to evaporate, and playing along the children with fear said that the rustling of confused branches was like a quiet whisper of lovers. The angry mother ordered the trees to cut down, but every time they crossed new. Who would have thought that so they would be able to prove their loyalty and that their love would continue to bloom even after death at this place.

A heart

My heart closed on the castle, and the key gave the great keeper keys. He stores these keys many centuries. Sometimes the hearts come to him and ask to return the key to them. Then the keeper strictly looks, frowning eyebrows, he seems to want to see what this heart is waiting in the future and is it worth returning the key. What if the heart again will do something not prudent?

In the castle, the keeper has a large clay vessel, in it he keeps love. When the heart is only born, the keeper gives him love in a special little clay vessel and the key (he needs to open talent, knowledge and love in the heart). Heart should carefully and correctly handle it. But there are always such hearts that will definitely violate all the rules for storing love! They are scattered to her, spill it up, absolutely nothing leaving their relatives and loved ones. They spend love for experiences, begin to love money, things, they love anything, but not only what is needed!

When love ends in their vessel (yes, and this can also happen), then they become evil, do not love anyone, and everyone hate everyone! They even change painting from green to purple-black!

And the keeper has a book of meetings. In this book it is written, what heart, with what heart and when to meet! The cover of the book is made of sunny rays and pure spring water, with the inclusion of dew, flowers grow on her pages, the rainbow is blown and blows a warm breeze! Unfortunately, the heart that hesitantly spent his love for any trivia, when he meets the heart recorded by him on the meeting book, can not give him anything. After all, he did not even have a little bit of love ... Heart cannot live long without love, it suffers, suffering, it feels that something is missing for him ...

And then, such exhausted, tired, insterprised by sadness, longing and sadness of the hearts cover themselves and include the keeper key. They become calm, there are no pity, nor longing, no sadness, nor sadness, nor love. They don't feel anything, they have no emotions, they are neutral and indifferent to everything; Cynicism and egoism, pride and pride become their satellites ...

But there were also reasonable hearts, they carefully carried their love with deep respect, their little clay vessel, gently distributing her close, relatives, with those poor and unfortunate hearts, they also shared their warm love, they gave her and nature, and animals. And be sure to give the most bright grains of their love keeper as a sign of gratitude and respect for him, for the gift of love, which is the most invaluable in the world!

Sometimes it happened that the heart came to the custodian and very much asked to give a spare key from another heart, because he could not open it for a long time, he was very suffering from! The keeper took his meeting book and watched, or this heart, and if it was recorded about their meeting, then he, of course, helped and gave the key. But before this could arrange different tests, and then suddenly sooner, he can not be mistaken! If the heart passed these tests (and if the heart loves, it can cope with any trials and difficulties), the keeper gave the key. After all, nothing could soften the rigor of the keeper and make him cherish, like a loving heart! Many hearts came to ask about those hearts who were not a couple, and there was no record in the Great Book of Meetings.

Then the keeper frowned again, was silent for a long time, he thought ... Then he looked intently, he knew and saw that it never ends it with anything ... He pointed to the door and, saying that it was not time to wait. And they left these hearts sad and droop ...

But once a year the keeper is very kind to everyone and makes gifts! Cruel and stupid, devastated hearts, he filled their little vessel with clean love. Whatever they can love and be loved, find their hearts and give him the love that you could not give before, ... In order for the knowledge again, and the faith and the new way came!
Well, a kind, honest and faithful keeper gave a fiery and fiery love in a vessel from roses, lilies, a summer breeze, and sweet berries of strawberries and cherries, she will warm them up long, for many years!
And all this happens only once a year. Guess when? On Valentine's Day.

Tale about angel and shadow

Why did someone invented that darkness and light are incompatible? They are opposite, but it does not mean anything. Smooth account nothing.

Once the angel loved the shadow.
- How come? - you ask. After all, the angel is a bright celestial creature, and the shadow is just a shadow.
Well, yes, she was just a shadow, she was a demonic creature whose heart was soaked in darkness and pain. Angel was beautiful in his virtue, beauty and purity.
And nevertheless he loved her. He loved her black hair, her sad eyes, her black clothes, her sad thoughts, he loved even her black acts and her sad reflections about them.
But the shadow is a shadow, she belonged to evil. She laughed at the angel, and laughing, said: "Think yourself. I am just a shadow, and you are an angel. I - Darkness, and you are the light, I am evil, and you are good. We are not destined to be together. "

But the angel did not come together. He himself tormented for a long time, reflecting on how he could love her, an eternal shadow, whose life takes place in the eternal Mol.
"But maybe that's why," Angel thought, "I loved her, for her eternal wandering and suffering, for her war and defeat with himself, for her sad eyes and an eternally suffering the heart."
The shadow, like all the shadows, was not a fool, and thought that an extra angel would never hurt in friends. She took his gifts, signs of attention, smiled to him, stroked on the warm cheek, when he whispered her: "I love you." Angel was happy because he knew how to be happy.
But soon the shadows are tired of it, and she was acknowledged by an angel with a handle, saying that it was better to part.
Angel cried for a long time, although he knew that this was a sin. He cursed his life and fate, although he knew that it was a sin. He suffered.
Shadow again only evil laughed at him.

But once in the heart of the shadow slipped a dazzling and kind thought, this thought was in her way, as Zanozoz, she grew and inflated, turning into an intrusive idea, and finally, the shadow, moving this idea did a fatal step - made a good thing. Now her body began to cover honesty and kindness. Now it began to come from a slightly noticeable radiance of compassion. Shadow as she could, began to smear their bad affairs and bad actions. But it did not help.

She noticed. Began to check. Having learned that she made a bright case, in dark circles were involved, and, having learned about her connection with an angel, just came to rabies.
And they decided to apply the main sentence. It is not destroyed, no, they decided to send it to the "gray" zone, the place where they only referred to the deeper. A place where your true beginning, black it or white, can not manifest, tormenting you. Where, if you are a dark creature, your evil will eat only you yourself, where, if you are a bright being, your virtue will not be needed, and from hopelessness will be turned around with angrily and hate to the whole world. In the "gray" zone, no one had peace, only suffering and torment.

Black tears dripped out of black eye shadow when she listened to the sentence. And when she was asked about the last desire, she suddenly unexpectedly realized that he wanted to see an angel. Angel flew like a bullet, and did not even be surprised when the shade quietly asked if he wanted to go along with her in the "gray" zone. He only smiled sadly and answered as quietly: "Yes, I will fly with you."

Everyone was abuned, but they could not forbid nothing. Because by her own will, anyone could get there. Although those who want, frankly speaking, was not at all. Only Angel followed by his shadow.
So they began to live together in the "gray" zone. It was hard for them. But the love of the angel did wonders, his own evil shadow did not eat it from the inside, and, in the end, the sense of gratitude to the angel, to her great surprise, turned into a retaliatory love. She first loved someone, because the feeling of love - a bright feeling - never inherent in shadows.

So they lived, and their strange union violated all existing laws and rules.
And yet, the initial heart of the shadow, now shrouded with love, was Chervo, and this worm was evil with whom she was born, and who was called to serve.
She changed him. He changed in response to his limitless love, changed with some unhappy daemon, wounded in the "gray" zone for a long time.
And he learned. And he suffered. He was silent for a long time and thought for a long time.

For the first time, the shadow suddenly realized that he was losing it. For the first time, she realized that the most terrible zone was not the "gray" zone for her, and the awareness of what would never be able to look at his blue eyes, would never hear his voice.
For the first time she cried, I did not cry because of myself, but because of love for another.
He approached her and wanted to calm down. Whatever she did, he could not calmly look at her tears. He came up and froze in one place.
Tears were not black and bitter, like all shadows, but transparent and salty. These were pure tears. He realized that he changed her.
Now she could get out of the "gray" zone, because it became not the one that he was here.
He could, he forgave her. She did not believe it, but he forgave her.

And together they flew out of the zone. Now the shadow ceased to be afraid of light. Her love and love of the angel committed a miracle: she turned into a bright creature by changing its origin.
And so, they, holding hands, fly together towards the sunlight and warmth, and the breath of the creator lights their way.

And in the "gray" zone still interpret on the case. Legends are made about this, and every time, ending with their story, the narrator asks his listeners: "Why did someone invented that darkness and light are incompatible?".

Pages of love folklore

The finest heart

On one sunny day, a handsome guy stood on the square in the middle of the city and proudly boasted the most beautiful heart in the district. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - no dirting, no scratching. And everyone in the crowd agreed that this is the most beautiful heart they have ever seen. The guy was very proud and just shone from happiness.

Suddenly, an old man came out of the crowd and said, referring to the guy:
- Your beauty heart and nearly stood next to my.

Then the whole crowd looked at the heart of the old man. It was marked, everything in scars, in some places the pieces of heart were taken out and others were inserted on them, which were not at all approached, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the heart of the old man clearly lacked pieces. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?

The guy looked at the heart of the old man and laughed:
- You may be kidding, old man! Compare your heart with my! My perfect! And your! Your - Meszanin of Scars and Tears!
"Yes," the old man replied, "your heart looks perfectly, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts." Look! Each scar on my heart is a man to whom I gave my love - I pulled a piece of my heart and gave it to this person. And he often in return gave me his love - his piece of heart, which filled empty spaces in my. But since the pieces of different hearts are definitely not suitable for each other, so I have a torn edge in my heart, which I am the shore, because they remind me of love we shared.

Sometimes I gave the pieces of my heart, but other people did not return to me - so you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love, there is no guarantee for reciprocity. And at least these holes bring pain, they remind me of love, which I shared, and I hope that one day, these pieces of heart come back to me.

Now you see what true beauty mean?
The crowd froze. Young man silently stunned. From his eye glazed tears.
He approached the old man, took his heart and tear off a piece from him. With trembling hands, he handed the old man's heart. The old man took his gift and inserted into his heart. Then he left the piece from his beaten heart in response and put it in a hole formed in the heart of a young man. A piece came up, but not perfect, and some edges performed, and some were torn.

The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it was before, while the old man's love did not touch him.
And they, hugging, went on the road.

He and she

There were two of them - he and she. They somewhere found each other and lived now one life, somewhere ridiculous, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of the two most ordinary happy.
They were happy, because they were together, but it is much better than to be one.
He wore her in his arms, he lit in the sky of the stars at night, built a house to be, where to live. And everyone said: "Still, how not to love him, because he is ideal! With such easy to be happy! " And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that she did ideal: he could not be different, because he was next to her. It was their little mystery.
She waited for him, met and accompanied, warmed their house, so that he was warm and cozy there. And everyone said: "Still! How not to wear it in your arms, because it is created for the family. No wonder that he is so happy! " And they just laughed and did not say anyone that she was created for a family only with him and only he could be well in her house. It was their little secret.
He walked, stumbled, fell, disappointed and tired. And everyone said: "Why does he, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident." But no one knew that he had no one more in the world, because they were together, and hence, the stronger than all. It was her secret.
And she tied to him wounds, did not sleep at night, sad and cried. And everyone said: "What he found it, because she has wrinkles and bruises under the eyes. After all, what should he choose a young and beautiful? " But no one knew that she was the most beautiful in the world. Can someone be compared to beauty with the one that they love? But it was his secret.
They all lived, loved and were happy. And all wondered: "How can I bother with each other for such a term? Don't you want something new? " And they did not say anything. They just were only two of them, and everyone was a lot, but everyone was one by one, because otherwise they would not ask anything. It was not their secret, it was something that would not explain, and it is not necessary.

Very beautiful fairy tale

They say that once gathered in one corner of the earth together all human feelings and quality. When boredom yawned for the third time, the madness suggested: "And let's play hide and seek!" Intrigue raised an eyebrow: "Hires? What is this game?" And the madness explained that one of them, for example, she drives - closes his eyes and considers to a million, while the rest are hiding. The one who will be found last will led the next time and so on.
Enthusiasm started with Euphoria, joy so jumped, which convinced doubt, only apathy, which was never interested, refused to participate in the game, however, I chose not to hide, because in the end it will always be given, pride said that it was completely stupid The game (her nothing but herself was not worried) cowardice very much did not want to risk.
-As, two, three - the beginning of the bill of madness.
The first was hidden too lazy, she was hiding behind the first stone on the road.
Faith rose to heaven, and envy hidden in the shadow of Triumf, who managed to climb on the top of the highest tree.
Nobility could not hide, because Every place that it found seemed perfect for his friends.
Crystal chilled lake - for beauty.
Wood cleaner? So it is for fear.
Butterfly wing - for solvents.
The breeze is so for freedom! So, it hid in the sun ray.
Egoism, on the contrary, found a warm and cozy place for himself.
Lies hid at the depths of the ocean (in fact she hid in the rainbow).
Passion and desire hid in the volcano nozzle.
Forgetfulness, I do not even remember where she hid, but it does not matter.
When the madness took up to 999.999, love was still looking for where she would hide, but everything was busy; But suddenly she saw a wonderful pink bush and decided to hide the medium of his colors.
-Illion, - he counted madness and began to look.
The first it, of course, was lazy.
Then he heard the faith arguing with God about zoology, and about passion and desire, it learned about how the volcano trembles, then the madness saw envy and guessed where the triumph was hiding.
Egoism and it was not necessary to look for, because the place where he was hiding, turned out to be a bee hive, who decided to drive an unborn guest.
In search of madness came to get drunk to the stream and saw beauty.
Doubt was sitting at the fence, deciding, from the same side to hide.
So, everyone was found - talent - in fresh and juicy grass, sadness - in a dark cave, a lie - in Rainbow (to be honest, she actually hid at the bottom of the ocean). That's just the love could not find.
The madness was looking for every tree, in every stream, on the top of each mountain and, finally, it decided to look in the pink bushes, and when the branches were spun, heard a cry of pain. The sharp spikes of roses pledged their eyes love.
The madness did not know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and even promised love to become her guide.
Here since, when I played hide and seek for the first time on Earth,

The love of the blind and the squad leads her hand.


Oh, love! I'm so dreaming to be the same as you! - delightedly repeated love. You are much stronger than me.
- Do you know what my power? - asked love, thoughtfully shaking his head.
- Because you are more important for people.
"No, my dear, not at all," love sighed and stroked the misstitution. - I can forgive, that's what makes me.
- Can you forgive betrayal?
- Yes, I can, because betrayal often goes from ignorance, and not from evil intent.
- Can you forgive betray?
- Yes, and betray too, because by changing and returning, the person got the opportunity to compare, and chose the best.
- Can you forgive lies?
- A lie is less from evil, stupid, because it often happens from hopelessness, awareness of their own guilt, or from reluctance to do it, and this is a positive indicator.
- I don't think so, there are just false people !!!
- Of course there are, but they do not have the slightest relationship to me, because they do not know how to love.
- And what else can you forgive?
"I can forgive anger, as she is short-lived." I can forgive the sharpness, as it is often a satellite of grief, and there is no chagrin to predict and control, since everyone is upset in his own way.
- And also?
"I can still forgive the offense - a senior sister of grief, as they often flow out one of the other." I can forgive disappointment, since he often follows suffering, and the suffering cleans.
- Ah, love! You are really amazing! You can forgive everything, and I'm at the first test Gasna, like a fitting match! I'm so envy you !!!
- And here you are not right, baby. No one can forgive everything. Even love.
- But you just told me quite another !!!
"No, then what I said, I really can forgive, and forgive endlessly." But there is something that can not forgive love.
Because it kills feelings, corrosive soul, leads to longing and destruction. It causes such pain that even a great miracle cannot cure it. It poisoning life around and makes it goes into yourself.
It wounds stronger than treason and betrayal and hurts worse lies and resentment. You will understand this when you collide with him itself. Remember, love, the most terrible enemy of feelings - indifference. Since there is no medicine.

About the most beautiful woman

Once, two sailors went to the lighter to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. Senior - Beauty, and the youngest - not very.

One of the sailors told his friend:
"Everything, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the daughter of the leader."
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader's beauty, clever. You made the right choice - marry.
- You did not understand me, friend! I get married to the youngest daughter of the leader.
- Are you crazy? She is so ... not very.
- This is my decision, and I will do it.
A friend swam further in search of his happiness, and the bridegroom went wobbies. It must be said that in the tribe it was customary to give a redemption cow. A good bride was worth ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Leader, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for it!
- It's a good choice. My older daughter is beautiful, clever, and she costs ten cows. I agree.
- No, the leader, you did not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? You do not see, she is so ... not very.
- I want to marry it on it.
- Well, but as an honest person, I can not take ten cows, it is not worth it. I will take three cows for it, no more.
- No, I want to pay ten cows.
They merried.
Several years have passed, and a wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and learn how his life is. Sayer, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty. He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. It comes and sees: his friend sits, they run around the kids.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
Here is the most beautiful woman.
- Here, meet. This is my wife.
- How? What have you married again?
- No, this is the same woman.
- But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her myself.
Came to each woman and asks:
"Sorry for tactlessness, but I remember what you were ... not very." What happened that you became so beautiful?
"Simply, I once understood that it stands ten cows."

About how young people choose their satellites of life ...

Two young people offered two girls to become their life companions. One said:
- I can offer only my heart into which one of those who agree to divide my hard path can enter. The other was the same:
"I can offer a huge palace in which I want to divide the joy of life with my companion." One of the girls, thinking, answered:
- The heart that you suggest you, a wanderer, too closely for me. It will fit on the palm of my hand, and I have to enter the monastery itself and feel the space and light that can bring happiness. I choose the palace and hope that I will not be closely and will not be boring. It will have a lot of light and space, which means there will be a lot of happiness.

A young man who offered the palace, took his beautiful hand and said:
- Your beauty is worthy of the magnificence of my tags.
And he led the girl in his beautiful abode. The second handed the hand to someone who could offer only the heart, and quietly picked up: - There is no warmer in the world and a cozy abode than the human heart. None, even the most huge palace, will not compare with sizes with this holy habitat.

And the girl went on a difficult path to the mountain with whom she wanted to divide their happiness.
It was not easy to road. They met a lot of adversity and tests on their way, but in the heart of her beloved she was always warm and calm, and the feeling of happiness did not leave her ever. She was never closely in a small heart, because from the love that it was eructing at all, it became huge, and there was a place in it. At the end of the way, on top, which was hiding under the clouds, they saw such radiant light, felt such warmly, felt such a comprehensive love that they understood - how happiness could be a person if the way to him lies through the heart.

Beauty, who chose a rich monastery, did not have satisfaction with the expanse and light of the palace. Soon she understood: no matter how much he was, he has borders, and the palace began to remind her a beautiful gilded cage, in which it was hardly breathing and sang. She peeking out of the windows, rushing between the columns, but did not find the exit. Everything pressed on her, stolen, oppressed. And there, outside the windows, there was something that was not tangible and beautiful. No splendor of the palace could compare with what was behind its windows, in the unbarrous expanses of the radiant space. Beauty realized that she would never experience that distant happiness. She did not understand what the road leads to that happiness. She just saddened, and the sadness was wrapped in a black canopy her heart, which stopped fighting. And the beautiful bird died from longing in a gilded cage, which he selected herself.

People have forgotten that they are birds. People have forgotten that they can fly. People have forgotten that there are immense expanses in which you can go down and never drown.
Before making a choice, you need to listen to your heart, and not touch the ice rigor of the mind, which is more calculated than is sensitive.
People have forgotten that close happiness does not happen that for happiness you need to go through a difficult, long and long way, and in this sense of human life.

Pages of love folklore

"In some kingdom ...", or rather, in an ordinary city apartment there was a girl Varnika. In childhood, her mother read a fairy tale about Cinderella and spoke about how the beauty would grow up, would find his love and marry the prince. So a lot of Varnika thought about it that the prince began to look at the school.

Look at Vanya: beautiful, high, goes into the football section. What else for the prince you need? Will fall in love, and he, then he dries the braid, then he will substitute - no, such a prince is not suitable! Sighs the jam and further looking for someone to fall in love. And only a fairy tale for the night was her consolation.

And now Igor: Lessons teaches, all the controls on the "five" does, it does not give off, he has a dear glasses, with a gold-plated rim. Varnka fell in love, and he could not run on the physical culture of thirty meters, the delivery did not give, when he broke off his pawlock from a parallel class on his jacket. No, and this is not a prince - neither a white raincoat, neither the sword of strong.

So there is nothing worthwhile in school and did not find. At the prom evening, when the hairstyle in the cabin did, a new dress, from Warsaw brought aunt, put on the mouth, several boys of mouth were filmed - began to go around and talking. The estimated, was, Varena, and in time he was unwound when one of the applicants for the position of a personal prince on her knee, as in his own, hand waved and lowered the waist after a joint dance. Washed Varnika - Prince is laid only one kiss, and even that after the thundernant breaks, and then some kind of adult fairy tale is obtained.

A jam in a technical university was received - not a prince to look for a philfak. And the prince with his hands and with brains is often in the technical university. The girl learns, or rather, suffers: this is not a fairy tale for the night - mathematics with physics. It is necessary to understand. And how to understand if you have been thinking about the prince from childhood and thought, here the real fairy tale for adults comes out ...

Nowadays the jam in the audience after another failure. Suddenly, whose head looked at the door. This is a bear from the parallel group: "Fuck? Let's help to figure out." Agreed Varena - and what can you do? True, Bear did not pull on the role of the prince: the low, forever in the same jeans went, the machine-apartment did not have and lived in a hostel. Well, yes, not married is calling - to do. Women in two daily Mishk explanations became Varenka in these most functions and integrals to understand something, and the Bear was not so unpleasant. He did not appear during this time, but Varna and without a car was interested in talking with him, and not only about mathematics. She understood that the princes were different. Not all of them about love speak and jump on a white horse.

Do you think they got married soon? No, this is life, not a fairy tale for children. Bear learned perfectly, she defended him brilliantly, his business turned his business, got up on his feet. And Vabnka in the last year married came out. No, no, not for the prince - for the dean. He taught physics with their physics, yes in the Varenkina's eyes of heavenly color and lost. And that already in the magic did not believe, the fairy tale for the night did not read and from the daughter-beautiful book about Cinderella.

Tale at night for your beloved girl ...

Favorite ... My little ray of light ... My princess! I'm so glad that we are with you together.

It is so nice to feel so native, warm fragile Taurus. Feel your breath. Inhale the fragrance of your golden-red hair ...

I almost whisper to you not to knock out your sweet halfwithm.

You smile at my words - and my heart begins to beat even stronger.

I am grateful to you that so suddenly broke into my life, fascinating me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And all I do is for you.

In the meantime, you covered your eyes, enjoying the words that I whispering you at the eye, - I will tell you the magic fairy tale.

He lived, was small, but very bright asterisk. She was so beautiful - almost diamond.

She really liked to appear in heaven when the sun went beyond the horizon. She believed that he brings a huge benefit, illuminating the land at night. Although her girlfriends adjacent to her near the sky, and perceived it as proper.

The stars tried very much to shine brighter everyone, except, of course, the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, helped find the way home lost the evening traveler. Or if any little man could not fall asleep - he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his hidden thoughts.

But lately it began to feel something wrong. Something overshadowed joyful thoughts of a little stars.

She began to think about the fact that it was so sad.

And then a little bright star understood that she was very sorry for her beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening, the baby watched the girl sitting on the windowsill, turning his sad look into the sky.

Little star very much wanted to help a stranger, but she did not yet know how.

From his heavenly girlfriends, she heard one legend that when the star falls from the sky, people make a desire - and it will definitely come true.

But then you will die ... - her girlfriends got sad.

But I will bring great benefit! She happily answered.

Little asterisk really wanted to help the sad girl by the window, for the sake of this, she even was ready to give her life.

Looking at the last time on a beautiful red-haired girl, the stars, leaving from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She did not feel anything else, except for the noise of her own flight ...

And here, suddenly, it was covered by the indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - this girl took advantage of the moment and guess his cherished desire. Little asterisk was very glad that we could help a beautiful stranger. Now this baby knew that he had fulfilled his true purpose. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last one thought about the stars before disappearing into non-existence ...

The act of the stars did not disappear - the desire of the stranger was soon turned ...

And in the sky there was another little asterisk, even brighter the same ...

Who knows, maybe she can fulfill some of your intimate desires, love ...

Your eyes are closed, and the dream is already wandering. I will not disturb you, my good, sleep. You heard me that I entered, but the eye did not open, only your sponges moved in a light smile .... I love when you smile ... Your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depth of which the pink-arrow lives. Oh, this multifunctional arrow! She knows how to kill a false words, knows how to give the power orders to subordinate men, knows how to gently recalculate under my chin, and can just be silent, performing his delicious work!
Fall asleep, my good, I do not worry you. I do not break next to you, but omitting to the floor to be on a par with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. These minutes have no physical contacts, they say only our souls. For me now you are a little girl who want to caress, stroke in curls and whisper something awkward for a sweet coming dream. You are an adult, beautiful, self-confident woman, but you, too, as a child, you miss gentle words, I know it and ready to talk to you. They accumulated in me, crowded in the chest and in the head, they want to be heard. Mom could tell you a lot of magical words, but mom does not say that a loving man can say. Sleep, sweet sleep under my muttering, and it even for the better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you that my heart is filled.
It is a pity that I am not an eastern poet - Firdoi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi ... They knew a lot of beautiful words that were sanging their beloved.

Living spring - your mouth and sweeter
my sobbers are not a couple and Nile and the Euphrates Sam.

All the calms have lost taste and cheap price:
the nectar of your sweet mouth is more beautiful.

And even the sun is hard to compete with you:
your mirror man lightly his stock edge.

Murbs sweet words fast mountain stream, flow a smooth navy river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround the pulp pink aroma ... All - you, everything is for you ...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you now under the blanket? You have a flannel nightie with a lace collar at the cervix, a funny batter shirt, sometimes you put on a flirtatious pajama with ties at the throat and kneaders ... I know all your night outfits, I know them with my eyes, teeth and a touch, because I have rented them more than once With you ... And now I still see not a blanket on you, not your clothes, and your skin under it ... Most recently, you sang something in the bath, shorter in the clouds of snow-white foam, even recently you came out of the bathroom, and unexished droplets Water glistened on your shoulders and on the chest over a towel, and here, at the sore throat ... This smell always drowned me crazy ... And now my tongue is familiar to the mouth ... I love kissing you in this smell ... No, no, Today I'm quiet and smire, I just talk to you ... Words, but silently ... Yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow surrounded by golden nightlights of the nightlight, still wet on the ends, even though you tried to hide them under the hat, but they still got married and became a dark-born color ... It smells like a seaside water, salty wind and something else then before pain acquaintances, from which the head is spinning and intercepts breath ... it smells like you ... I breathe this smell, it's more beautiful about the light ... Roses mine, favorite roses, forgive me, your aroma is great, but there is no smell than the smell of your beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know how they look in the twilight, the blacks of pupils become huge, like the black universe, they attract me, and I tone in them ...
I take your hand, I stand up to her lips ... I have a whole every one of your finger, every marigold, I spend your palm in my cheek, feel what it is smooth? I shaved, you love when my cheeks are smooth, you love to be lost about them, touch the tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with them with delicate velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for what you can suddenly wake up and want to cuddle with your cheek to mine ... I'm always ready! Remember how once your cheeks knocked about my bristles and the next morning was covered with many small red specks .... At the perplexed views of the employees, you carelessly answered that I was smoldering strawberries ... Allergies, they say, and no one asked where it can be reached with strawberries ...
Therefore, I found pleasure in a non-unpleasant lesson for me - shave ... Everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you a baby, I want to caress and pamper you, like a little girl, smoothed your finger your eyebrows, spend them along the nose line, on the bending of the lips, on the chin, neck, down, down ... Stop ...
You moved and smiled happily a dream, briefly sighing ...
Sleep, my favorite ... Sleep, that I entered your dream.

In the most beautiful city (and people who truly loving their city always consider it the most beautiful) lived - he and she.
Once he saw her wonderful golden hair and could not tear off her gaze. Admiring them with extraordinary beauty, he looked at her with admiration and ... I realized that I fell in love. She immediately felt it: suddenly the heart was very pleasant (after all, love in it is inhabited), a gentle warm wave gently shrouded it up to the head, and the whole world has played new bright colors. The unknown feelings woke up such a storm of pleasant feelings that she gladly not only adopted his love, but in gratitude gave him his own. And since then they were no longer just he and she, they became loved.
Like all lovers living in the world, our lovers have become often found. Each new meeting helped them better know each other. So the secret of lovely hair faded him once was opened. It turned out that his beloved is a huge golden soul, and the hair only reflects her light, flowing from the inside. And the in love was fascinated by the inexhaustible knowledge of his beloved, his loyalty, courage and the ability to see all overlooking. Meeting, each of them tried to make another little happier, and imperceptibly they turned into a happy loved.
There was time, and happy lovers suddenly began to notice that they did not want to part with each other at all. Then they decided to live in a new way - together, and on the very first day of their new life, they felt themselves as happy in love.
And so far they are very good together. They are enough of one big love for two ...


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"In some kingdom ...", or rather, in an ordinary city apartment there was a girl Varnika. In childhood, her mother read a fairy tale about Cinderella and spoke about how the beauty would grow up, would find his love and marry the prince. So a lot of Varnika thought about it that the prince began to look at the school.

Look at Vanya: beautiful, high, goes into the football section. What else for the prince you need? Will fall in love, and he, then he dries the braid, then he will substitute - no, such a prince is not suitable! Sighs the jam and further looking for someone to fall in love. And only a fairy tale for the night was her consolation.

And now Igor: Lessons teaches, all the controls on the "five" does, it does not give off, he has a dear glasses, with a gold-plated rim. Varnka fell in love, and he could not run on the physical culture of thirty meters, the delivery did not give, when he broke off his pawlock from a parallel class on his jacket. No, and this is not a prince - neither a white raincoat, neither the sword of strong.

So there is nothing worthwhile in school and did not find. At the prom evening, when the hairstyle in the cabin did, a new dress, from Warsaw brought aunt, put on the mouth, several boys of mouth were filmed - began to go around and talking. The estimated, was, Varena, and in time he was unwound when one of the applicants for the position of a personal prince on her knee, as in his own, hand waved and lowered the waist after a joint dance. Washed Varnika - Prince is laid only one kiss, and even that after the thundernant breaks, and then some kind of adult fairy tale is obtained.

A jam in a technical university was received - not a prince to look for a philfak. And the prince with his hands and with brains is often in the technical university. The girl learns, or rather, suffers: this is not a fairy tale for the night - mathematics with physics. It is necessary to understand. And how to understand if you have been thinking about the prince from childhood and thought, here the real fairy tale for adults comes out ...

Nowadays the jam in the audience after another failure. Suddenly, whose head looked at the door. This is a bear from the parallel group: "Fuck? Let's help to figure out." Agreed Varena - and what can you do? True, Bear did not pull on the role of the prince: the low, forever in the same jeans went, the machine-apartment did not have and lived in a hostel. Well, yes, not married is calling - to do. Women in two daily Mishk explanations became Varenka in these most functions and integrals to understand something, and the Bear was not so unpleasant. He did not appear during this time, but Varna and without a car was interested in talking with him, and not only about mathematics. She understood that the princes were different. Not all of them about love speak and jump on a white horse.

Do you think they got married soon? No, this is life, not a fairy tale for children. Bear learned perfectly, she defended him brilliantly, his business turned his business, got up on his feet. And Vabnka in the last year married came out. No, no, not for the prince - for the dean. He taught physics with their physics, yes in the Varenkina's eyes of heavenly color and lost. And that already in the magic did not believe, the fairy tale for the night did not read and from the daughter-beautiful book about Cinderella.

\u003e Fairy tales about love and love

Fairy tales of love for children are simple and sometimes short stories with an uncomplicated plot. The description in them occur by a simple available language, which does not at all detract from the dignity of even an adult. After all, such legends create the impression that the main character and reader have a small, but only their secret.

And if you noticed that such legends are always completed by the wedding walk to the whole world. This is from the fact that almost all the fairy tale about love have a happy ending. And even where the line of life of the characters is broken by il as "G.Kh. Andrelen perception of the heroine is transformed. Please note that even in such a sad legend, love conquers evil rock.

    In distant-distant times lived in a small village a poor widow with two daughters and son. The daughters were helped in all the mother, together with her they worked from dawn to dawn to earn a family for food. The son of grew up and mischievous and loaf. And when the mother began to consist his conscience yes, exhort to take the case, ...

    This story happened during the reign of Chinkhynvan, the twenty fourth king Silla. They lived in the capital of Silla - Kendy - two officials. Since childhood, they did not dissolve. In one village they grew and so became friends that they would not overcome water. Grown, passed state exams for office, serve steel, ...

    The wife died at one person, left small orphans - two brothers and one sister. Sulfurized, the widower was blinded, but the hostess is needed to the house, the mother is a mother, so he married the second time. Sounded someone brothers to play the courtyard. "You will be a horse," said the eldest, "and I am a kucher. You "And-go-th" shouty, ...

    Once in previous times, three girls lived that in the bottom of the ducks bathed in the sea. They threw their outfits on the shore, and saw these outfits one young man. He took the robe of one of them and strained. Having bored plenty, these ducks came out of the water ashore and turned into people, in ordinary girls. Two of them found ...

  • If I tell you: Whether it was, that was not, - Do not believe it, for love was at all times ... But such love happens very rarely. There was no time in one village a beautiful girl named Sirah. And she was famous not only by beauty and full fire with eyes, but also a good heart. Secretly loved ...

The authors of the love fairy tales, presented on our portal, as if all the details, filling them with the magic of the first meeting, and, it would seem, an inconspicuous thing becomes an important and unique. Reading or listening to them, everyone is immersed in the unknown world, which contributes to the development of imagination, thinking and even logic. All this, together with the sensitive heart of the baby, makes him tremble and worry, which means to revoke the suffering and pain of another person.

Educating responsiveness and good-neighborly attitude to everything in the world, makes it possible to make accommodation on our planet more comfortable and safe. Only relying on such a personality development, you can grow up a peace-loving generation, which means there is a chance to change the situation for the better. Read the fairy tales about love, carry the light and warm in the heart and then the child will definitely respond to it and will imitate you as the main character of his life! Teach Choo to trust yourself and the universe so that he be boldly and naturally looked into the future, because it is formed already here and now.