Beauty salon "Angel. Beauty salon "Angel Beauty Salon Angel in Zebra

Our SPA Salon is happy to offer relaxing and wellness programs for the face and body. High-class specialists will select you individual skin care and restoration programs, tell what procedures you need to spend at home yourself to always have a fresh and well-kept species.

The cosmetic lines presented in the cabin are world-famous brands and guarantee high quality and visible results after the first procedure. This Comfort Zone is a leading French professional cosmetics brand for elite beauty centers, SPA salons, aesthetic medicine clinic. Half-century practical experience, as well as loyalty to the principles of naturalness in thalassotherapy, retain natural beauty through the overall health of the body, restoring and maintaining form and well-being. And Alina Zanskar is a cosmeceutical brand of premium class from Thailand, which won a worthy place in internationally recognized centers and institutes of beauty. Alina Zanskar offers individual integrated programs - therapies have not only aesthetic, but also therapeutic effects.

It is impossible not to mention the thala-therapy with wrappings from seaweed, as well as honey and chocolate. Various massages on the body "golden" hands of our masters.

Align a pleasant with useful and you will be irresistible!

Also in our SPA there is a hot tub, the benefits of which you are glad to rate, lying in a birch room and pine with a muted light and a warm pastel gamut of coffee-beige shades. The hydromassage bath contributes to the normalization of sleep and removing edema, more active skin breathing and increasing the inflow of oxygen to cells. In addition, the hydromassage is an excellent means for weight loss and combating cellulite. Intensive effects on the surface of the patient's skin, a powerful jet of warm water occurs, the blood vessels of the body and skin are expanded directly, which favorably affects the activation of blood circulation processes, metabolism and, as a result, Effective and fairly rapid weight loss. Therefore, the hydromassage for weight loss is considered one of the most effective procedures in the fight against extra kilograms. And it strengthens the muscle tissue, removes the tension and relaxes the whole body as a whole. This is the main task of our SPA.

Or you can choose a procedure with Shark's shower. This is therapeutic agent for many diseases: depression, psychosis, nerve disorders, osteochondrosis, hernia, diseases of the joints, with violation of metabolism, cardiovascular diseases, reduced immunite, obesity.

In addition, the shower Charcot stimulates the activity of the spine and brain, regulates the lymphatic system (oxygen saturation and tissue saturation), soothes the nervous system. After regular use of this procedure, the metabolism is preserved, which was violated under the influence of intoxication and hypoxia. Shower Charcot is able to treat chronic fatigue, strengthen immunity. The benefits of applying the shower procedure is exactly impressive.

And after improving programs, do not forget to look at our miracle stylists to make beautiful styling and makeup, and in the next room manicure. After all, without a neat manicure there is no well-groomed hands! Beautiful hands - a sign of a real lady!

Excellent fitness club 4 000 sq.m. Premium class

We have everything you need for your results. This is a sports pool, and a modern gym, and a fighter club, and a huge number of group programs. There is a lounge-zone, a bath complex, a Fresh bar, a beauty salon. And visitors with children may not worry, leaving them in the children's room under the supervision of educators.

Beautiful aquacomplex of 4 pools

Cheer, remove stress, while strengthening muscles and burn extra calories? Swimming pool is a universal agent. And in our aquacomplex they are 4! Sports - for swimming lovers and aqua aerobics, children's - for young visitors, hydromassage and fonts - for those who want to relax.

More than 200 diverse group programs

Control of the coach and someone else's example are the main advantages of training in a group over independent training. In our club, you can visit more than 200 different directions on schedule: aquaaerobics, functional training, wellness programs, strength training, dancing, stretching and much more.

Great sandy beach for volleyball and badminton

The playground is more than just a sports zone, this is a place for outdoor activities. Children's group classes are held on the site, there is an opportunity to engage individually with a coach. Adult members of the club can play on a platform free from group classes.

Comfortable bath complex, 4 types of saunas

Do you know muscle pain after training? The best way to take this pain is to visit the sauna, in addition, it relaxes, strengthens immunity, improves sleep. In our club, 4 types of saunas are available to you to pick up the most comfortable mode for yourself: Russian bath, Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, Turkish hammam.

Exclusive, regular additional events for customers

We try to make club life active and interesting. For this, I arrange parties for many holidays, such as New Year or Halloween, celebrating the club's birthday along with the owners of our cards, arrange carnivals, fitness marathons, conduct competitions, cups and much more.

Best Fitness With Work Mode 24/7

All you need from you - only the desire to do and become better, we took the rest of the concerns. We have placed modern simulators on all muscle groups, chose the best coaches that will make up a training program and nutrition, we thought the schedule of group classes in more than 200 directions, opened a Fresh bar for the correct snacks after training.


Privacy Policy

I. General provisions

This Privacy Policy Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) is the official document of the Fitness Center on Venevskaya LLC, located at the address: 117042, Moscow, V.VEVSKAYA, D.N. (hereinafter - "Company"), and determines order Processing and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter - users) using services, information, services and website programs located on the domain name (hereinafter referred to as the site).

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to ensure the protection of human rights and freedoms and citizens in the processing of its personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

Privacy policy describes how we carry out personal data processing - any actions (operations) or a set of actions (operations) committed using automation tools or without using personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement ( Update, change), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonal, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Relationships related to the processing of personal data and information about users of the site are governed by this Regulation, other official documents of the company and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Processing personal data is carried out by us on a legitimate and fair basis, acting reasonably and conscientiously and on the basis of the principles:

- the legality of the goals and methods of processing personal data;
- conscientiousness;
- compliance of the purpose of processing personal data goals, predetermined and declared when collecting personal data, as well as the powers of the company;
- Compliance with the scope and nature of the processed personal data, processing methods for personal data processing purposes

This Privacy Policy regulates any type of personal data processing and personal information (any information that allows you to identify, and any other information related to this) about individuals who are consumers of products or company services.

This policy applies to the processing of personal, personal data collected by any means, both active and passive, both through the Internet and without its use, from persons who are at any point in the world.

II. Collect personal data

The purpose of personal data processing is to fulfill the Company's obligations before users regarding the use of the site and its services.

Processing personal data of users is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data on the processing of its personal data.

Under personal data is understood as any information related to directly or indirectly defined or determined to the physical person (subject of personal data) and which can be used to identify a certain person or communicating with it.

We can request your personal data at any time when you contact the company. The company can use such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. It can also combine such information with other information for the purpose of providing and improving its products, services, information filling (content) and communications.

Below are some examples of the types of personal data that the company can collect, and how we can use such information.

What personal data we collect

We can collect various data / information, including:

- First name and surname,
- mailing address;
- phone number;
- E-mail address.

Personal data may also include further provided by users upon request of the company in order to enforce commitments to users arising from the Service Treaty. The company has the right, in particular, to request a copy of the user a copy of the identity document, or another document containing the name, surname, a photo of the user, as well as other additional data, which, at the discretion of the company, will be necessary and sufficient to identify such a user and allow Exclude the abuse and violation of the rights of third parties.

When you attract to our activities and the activities of others or invite them to communications with us, the company can collect the personal data on these persons, such as: name, surname, mailing address, email address and telephone number.

When processing personal data, we ensure the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and in the necessary cases and relevance in relation to the purpose of processing personal data.

III. Storage and use of personal data

Personal user data is stored exclusively on electronic media and are processed using automated systems, except when non-automatic personal data processing is necessary in connection with the execution of legislation requirements.

How we use your personal information

We collected personal data allow you to send you notifications about new products, special offers and various events. They also help us improve our services, content and communications. If you do not want to be included in our mailing list, you can refuse to inform us at any time by informing us according to the specified contacts for feedback, as well as making changes in the settings of your profile on the site.

From time to time we can use your personal data to send important notifications containing information about changes in our provisions, conditions and policies, as well as confirming the orders posted by you and perfect purchases. Since such information is important for your relationship with the company, you cannot refuse to receive such messages.

We can also use personal information for internal purposes, such as: audit, analysis of data and various studies in order to improve the company's products and services, as well as interaction with consumers.

Collection and use of non-personal information

We also collect personal data that are not personalized - data that does not allow directly associated them with any definite person. We can collect, use, transmit and disclose information that is not personal, for any purpose. Below are examples of information that is not a personal, which we collect, and how we can use it.

We can collect personal data, such as: information about classes, language, mail index, unique identifier of the device, location and time zone, in which a particular product is used in order to better understand the behavior of consumers and improve our products, services and communications.

We can also collect personal data / information about what the user is interested on our website when using other products and services. Such personal data / information is collected and used to help us provide more useful information to our customers and to understand what elements of our site, products and services are most interesting. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, aggregate data is considered as data / information that are not personal.

If we combine information that is not a personal information, with personal information, such aggregate information will be considered as personal information until such information is combined.

IV. Transfer personal data

Personal user data are not transmitted to any third parties, except in cases directly provided for by these Rules.

The processing of personal data of the user is carried out without limitation of the term, any legitimate method, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without the use of such funds.

Personal data of the user can be transferred at the request of the authorized state authorities of the Russian Federation only on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The company blocks personal data related to the appropriate user, from the moment of handling or requesting a user or its legal representative or an authorized body to protect the rights of subjects of personal data for the period of verification, in case of unreliable personal data or unlawful actions.

Information disclosure to third parties

In some cases, the Company can provide certain personal information and data to strategic partners who work with the company to provide products and services, or those of them that help the company to implement products and services to consumers. We provide third parties with the minimum amount of personal data required only to provide the required service or carrying out the necessary transaction.

Personal information will be provided by the company only in order to provide consumers with products and services, as well as to improve these products and services related to the communications. Such information will not be provided to third parties for their marketing purposes.

To use your personal data for any other purpose, we ask your consent to handle your personal data.

Other faces

Companies may be necessary - in accordance with law, judicial order, in trial and / or on the basis of public queries or requests from state bodies on the territory or outside the country of your stay - to disclose your personal data. We can also disclose personal data / information about you if we define that such disclosure is needed or appropriate for the purpose of national security, maintaining law and order or other socially important cases.

We can also disclose personal data / information about you if we define that disclosure is necessary to enforce our provisions and conditions or for the purpose of protecting our activities and our users. Additionally, in the case of reorganization, mergers or sales, we can transfer any or all of our personal information to the relevant third party.

V. Destruction of personal data

Personal user data is destroyed when responded by the subject of personal data consent to the processing of personal data.

Identification files (cookies) and other technologies

Website, email messages and any other communications on behalf of the company can use identification files of cookies and other technologies, such as: Pixel Labels (Pixel Tags), Web Beacons. Such technologies help us better understand user behavior, report to us which sections of our site were visited by users, and measure the effectiveness of advertising and network searches. We consider information collected by cookies and other technologies as information that is not personalized.

Our goal in such cases is to ensure more convenient and personal interaction with the company. For example, knowing your name, we can use it in our communications. Knowing that anyone using your computer or device, used a specific service, we can provide more complete compliance with your interests of advertising messages and email messages. Ultimately, all these knowledge helps us provide you with top quality service.

You can disable cookies in the settings of your web browser or mobile device. It should be noted that some of the functions of the website can be inaccessible after disconnecting cookies.

As in the case of most websites, we collect some information automatically and store it in statistical files. Such information includes an Internet protocol address (IP address), a browser type and language, references and output pages, information about the operating system, the date and time mark, as well as information about visits. We use such information for understanding and analyzing trends, site administration, studying user behavior on the site and collecting demographic information about our main user contingent. The company can use such information in its marketing purposes.

In some of our email messages, we use interactive links to information posted on the company's website. When users pass through such links before they fall on the destination page on our website, their requests pass separate registration. We track such "passing" data in order to help us determine interest in individual topics and measure the effectiveness of our communications with consumers. If you prefer your appeals to be tracked in a similar way, you should not pass on text or graphic links to email messages.

Pixel labels allow us to send e-mail messages in the format readable by consumers, and report whether such messages have been read. We can use such information to limit the number of messages sent to consumers or terminate their direction.

Vi. Protection of personal information

The company takes precautions - including legal, organizational, administrative, technical and physical - to ensure the protection of your personal data in accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in order to ensure the protection of personal data from unlawful or accidental access to them, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other illegal actions of third parties.

When you use some products, services or company applications or post records on forums, chat rooms or social networks that you provide personal data are visible to other users and can be read, collected or used by them. You are responsible for the personal data that you prefer to provide, in such cases yourself. For example, if you specify your name and email address in the forum record, such information is public. Please observe precautions when using such functions.

Integrity and maintenance of personal information

Interacting with the company, you can easily maintain your personal data and information up to date. We will store your personal data and information during the period necessary to fulfill the objectives described in this Privacy Policy, except when a longer storage period of data and information is needed in accordance with the law or permitted it.

We do not collect personal data on juvenile. If we are aware that we received personal data on a minor, we will take measures to remove such information as soon as possible.

We strongly recommend parents and other persons, under whose supervision are minors (legal representatives are parents, adopters or trustees), control the use of minor websites.

Third-party sites and services

The company is not responsible for the actions of third parties who have received the use of Internet or site services access to user information and the consequences of using data and information that, due to the nature of the site, is available to any user user.

Compliance with your privacy at the company level

In order to ensure that your personal data is safe, we bring the norms of confidentiality and security to the company's employees and strictly follow the execution of confidentiality measures within the company.

Questions regarding confidentiality

If you have any questions regarding the company's privacy policy or data processing company, you can contact us by feedback contacts specified on the company's website.

VII. User handling

The current legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to this Privacy Policy and Relations between the User and the Company.

Users have the right to send companies their requests, including requests for the use of their personal data, referred to consent to the processing of personal data in writing at the address specified in the General provisions section of this Regulation, or in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance With the legislation of the Russian Federation, and sent by the form of feedback, located on the company's website.

The user request must comply with the requirements established by the Rules for submitting calls to the company, namely to contain:

- the number of the main document certifying the identity of the user or his representative;
- information about the date of issuance of the specified document and issued it by the authority;
- information confirming the participation of the user in relations with the company;
- Signature of the user or his representative;
- E-mail address;
- contact number.

The company undertakes to consider and send the answer to the request received by the user within 30 days from the receipt of the appeal.

In everything else, it is not reflected directly in privacy policy, the company undertakes to be guided by the norms and provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

The company's website visitor who provides their personal data and information, thereby agrees with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The company reserves the right to make any changes in politics at any time at its discretion in order to further improve the protection system for unauthorized access to reported users with personal data without the consent of the user. When we make significant changes to the privacy policy, on our website there is a corresponding notification along with the updated version of Privacy Policy.

This policy does not apply to the actions and Internet resources of third parties.