You excuse me for. Beautiful sms apologies to his beloved guy, a man. What can be done

To have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and relatives who are not involved, who will always be able to support in a difficult moment, a person has a sense of security and need. But, as often, the most expensive people we are offended more often than others. Where we can restrain at strangers, in the presence of relatives it does not always work. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from close people right?

Singing out: "Forgive me" is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will be improperly improperly, because this is an indicator of immaturity. A person who recognizes his mistakes is easier to respect and trust him. But, how to ask for forgiveness from your beloved girl, dad and mom, sister or best friend?

You can talk long about the benefits to ask for forgiveness. Prepare speech in verse or pour it off it. All this is useless if there is no right setting. The difficulty lies in the following:

  • Pride and egoism can be a hindrance to reconciliation. It is pride forcing people to think: "Why am I? He is also wrong. " Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other and, insult can grow into hatred. To break this closed circle, it is necessary to calm down and analyze what you did not as and how can you correct the situation. This will help such quality as humility. Is it now unwise? Yes, there are many people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. Most opinion should not affect your decisions. Recognize your wrongness is not ashamed, native and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a considerable role. If in childhood you did not hear from the dad and mom's words "Sorry", then it will be with difficulty. Here you need awareness of this fact and work on yourself. Try to "step" at yourself and apologize once, you will feel ease in the soul and in relationships. Next time ask for forgiveness will be easy. Come up with apologies in verses, it will help to smooth the tension.
  • Right infusion. How is it necessary. Often people think: "If I ask for forgiveness, then I will give to understand what is to blame and show my weakness." This is an erroneous. Agree, the quarrel is involved at least two. Want to say that they did not speak unnecessary or their icy silence did not demonstrate the disregard? You yourself know that there is also the proportion of your guilt.

What can be done

Before apologizing to consider some moments. Otherwise, you can block the firewood, having the best motivations. To find out the relationship when you are not annoyed. Wait while you both cool. And a few more tips:

  • Inventing how to ask for forgiveness from a girl, in verses or prose, it is important to be sincere.

Notes of sarcasm are inappropriate, even if you are confident in your right. Expression of type: "Sorry, I did not think that you don't understand jokes," you can perceive as a mock. If you are sincere, this will tell you your eye and your voice tone. Even if the insult is unreasonable, admit that you could hurt feelings. Sincere apology cleans the wall, which is built by man offended. Destroy this wall and, you will notice that the girl no longer occupies a defensive position, the world is restored.

  • You need to take into account different education.

What will seem like a fun joke for another will be an insult. No need to begging for the feelings of another or somehow make fun of them. If in your family, it is headed for each other and no one is offended for this, then this does not mean that for others it is the norm. Do not demand that you adapt and understood your jokes. Over time, it may be, but so far apologize and no longer let go of comic mockery to others.

  • The emotional background is also needed to take into account, he has different people.

Afraid in one family, the characters cannot be the same. Someone is more emotional, and someone is not very. You think that you can take a sister's sweater without permission, and it can annoy it. As a result, the scandal. You think the sister started in vain. Listen to her words, and not to the way it was told. Try to understand what she does not like. Understanding will help you come to the right solution. And if you need to ask for forgiveness from the sister, then do not hesitate with it. Understand that it can feel differently, not like you.

Sometimes, just in one word you can hurt a person.So I, at all, not with evil, offended you, and now I just do not find the place for yourself. Please forgive me. I am so sad without you. Do not hold more evil on me. This quarrel has become a big lesson for me.

With you, I breathe
With you, I'm burning nearby,
I live with you next,
And without you I'm dying,
Forgive me, I beg!

Hedgehog is my spiny, stop firing.
Although it will hurt, but I want to hug.

Favorite, life is mistakes, on errors we learn!After all, there is no pain stronger than the one that cause each other lovers. And I got stuck and made a mistake. But, the only person who is not mistaken by the one who never does anything. I do not justify no, I just want you to realize that you are very expensive for me, and all I do not do, then this is just because I'm afraid to lose you!

Fear of losing you, and turned my head and I was mistaken. And I ask you a loved one, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for the sheer. I love you very much and I will do everything for both your happiness! Forgive me dear.

Learning to establish relationships

Understanding the above principles will help in relations with the best friend. All depends on what makes sense you invest in this concept. If the word "friendship" is a concept of superficial with mercenary motivations, then you should not worry that you offended someone. Your friendship will come to your friendship in any case. And if the friendship is based on attachment, loyalty, mutual execution, then such relationships must be protected.

It is clear that there are no ideal people. From time to time, mutual resentments and claims will be. Do not put a point in your relationship. You can "Sharp" friendship. Most often, people offended not specifically: said, not thinking; He gasped, being in a bad mood; The girlfriend's rights intervened not in their business.

After you understand why the girlfriend was offended, make a conversation to solve the problem and save friendship. Explain that you upset her not with evil. It will not look like you justify, you just made clarity in your motives and motives. You can apologize for the leisure feelings. If the girlfriend is a romantic and emotional nature, try to prevent her request for forgiveness in verse.

I was fabulously lucky in life that fate gave me you.You are my angel, my most beloved girl in the world. I apologize for the fact that you offended you, my sunshine. Sorry, please, me. Difference in relation to you, has become a big lesson for me. Let's make me, my kitten.

I promise to make you the happiest girlfriend in the world, just forgive and believe me, my good. My love will be a guard for you, my only and desired.

Every day lived without you, it's just an unbearable test. I think every minute about you, my joy. Forgive me, please, for offended you. After all, it was not with evil. I love you more than life. Do not be offended by more on me.

Let's save our love, because we are so good to be together. Favorite, I breathe you. I need you like air.

But this is a haze.
It happens with everyone.
You sorry, please, me,
So love only once!

You are sorry for unnecessary wordsAnd for the acts stupid my. Believe that my repentance does not have a limit! I want to look into your eyes again ... I apologize!

The same principles apply if the discord occurred between two buddies. If a friend or girlfriend did not accept your apologies, then it will be easier for you because for our part you have done everything possible.

Parents, people who always simulate. They are forgiven for thoughtlessly told words, for, what is not going to call them. Stay in your cycle of life. Mom and dad are the closest and expensive who you have. You may not work out with a girl, friendship can lend yourself, and parents are always with you.

Take the rule to call them every day and find out how things are. Ask forgiveness for your indifference to them. And what if you have not reached, that age, when you can fully make decisions and takes care of myself financially?

First of all, you need to realize that you also have wrong. If you only see the shortcomings of parents, and not to notice, then it is extremely difficult to ask for forgiveness. In addition, parents are not perfect. They want goodness to you, but do not always know how to do it right. One can be confident in one, they sincerely care about you.

I understand, the word is not a sparrow, I flew - you can't catch. So I, quite by chance, flew such offensive words in your address. Forgive me, please, I realize that I talked to Yerunda, but it was not at all with evil. I love you. You are the best guy on earth. Let's make me, my kitten, and forget that day.

Cute, I am very pleased -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't get down long parting
And I'm already tired of offended ...

Favorite, I feel such an emptiness in the heart, because there is no you next. I know what is to blame. You have a patient, angelic character, and I took advantage of this, and undeservedly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, do not hold me more resentment. Let's make me, and we will be together again.

Forget all the words have previously said,
Forgive me, I behaved badly ...

Suppose you have broken some rule established by the parents. First of all, you need to honestly tell about it. No need to diminish your guilt, justifies and speak half-truth. So you will create even more problems. All honestly told you, you will show that despite the fact that you are mistaken, you can trust.

Agree to bring anxiety to parents. Therefore, to ask for forgiveness from Mom and the dad will be appropriate. Tell me, that regret what happened and wrap your parents that you will continue to follow your behavior and words. Be prepared that they suffer punishment. Acknowledgment of a mature person for their actions.

Please forgive me. I hope that all the insults caused by me will discuss, as if nightmare; dispelled that ashes in the wind; We will leave your dear to the world of dreary sadness ...

Sorry for all me. For what has done.

After all, only you can forgive me.

One of you loved all my life.

And know that I can not even break out.

Wines is the finest thread that keeps me next to your offense. This thread is extremely easy to cut. Make it for forgiveness by scissors, please.

Forgive me for everything. I so want a world that will envelop our hearts with a light fog. I submore I give a promise that I will no longer make you suffer.

If you do not be able to forgive me for everything that has been done, I will have to turn into a rose. Only then can I grow near your house, timefully admiring you. Heart can not hold offense on a beautiful flower.

Forgive me for all. Just sorry.

After all, the whole world suddenly became a hell to me.

I pray - it's not necessary to sad

Research into the sky to let go.

Sorry for everything that was done by me. I am so ashamed that the shame along with the blame sneaks me from the inside, carefully selected to the heart. Do not let them do this - free me from them. Sorry…

Do not destroy my universe.

Forgiveness - part of courage of combat.

I love you, myself I wince.

I'm sorry that it came out with us with you.

Moluba dumb again you send you -

Forgive me, forgive me.

Forgiveness - part of the life of the path.

Do not destroy my universe.

Like a cross among the night, my wines quietly sails through the air, creating a shame echo. Please forgive me.

My Moluba for forgiveness, as if light breeze, gently touches you and fly away to

All the offenses that were created from the matter of my guilt must leave your body and return again into your world of sorrow. We will help them make such a significant way. I will ask for forgiveness, and you forgive ...

Sorry, please, for everything. Nothing worthy of your tears and chagrins. You are the Universe, the world's own world is so great that he does not fit in one head, but comes out in the form of good and love sent to people.

Forgive me, my love.

I was wrong, alas.

Wines My nightmare

Comes in my dreams.

Give me freedom of thought -

Summage to forgive me.

Forgive me, please forgive me.

Forgivers not worthy I, but still.

You give me just blooming,

And add the petals to the bed.

Sorry, my beloved. Life is sometimes so unfair that you have to share it with the wine. Uponi, please, this unbearable neighbor from my home ...

Like Omar Khayam, we are sages of our own thoughts. We teach others to live as we would like to live, even if it didn't work out. I apologize for everything. I hope your inner philosopher will decide whether I deserve for forgiveness ...

Forgive me please, I'm sorry for everything

Light lantern,

Wines blind me.

I want to escape.

Forgive me for everything.

The wind beside the sadness.

I will not sleep without forgiveness.

Sorry, please, I ask you. Everything that happened between us in the form of my actions should be forgotten, like a terrible dream.

Forgiveness of my stupid actions is so far away from me that they do not even reach the tips of the soul. I pray, an approach!

I wise my stupidity, you will give me another chance. I will become better and, like the Sun, turning the world of our friendship, making it unbearably beautiful.

Begin to make the world brighter and better need from small. For example, from one person. In order to give a man happiness, sweet, as if sugar wool, you need to forgive him, saving from the guilt. It's a hint…

Do not spoil our relationship with offend. Let it dissolve as if the key water on the scorching sun ... Forgive me, please.

Let's listen to the cat Leopold and begin to live together? Do not spend precious time on quarrels and resentment. After all, every day, as if snowflake, individual and unique. Forgive me please.

Our quarrels, as if football - pass to each other, the ball of resentment, but can not get into the gate of forgiveness. Drink this goal!

Please forgive me.

I am very guilty.

Time, know

I do not return back.

I am no helpless without you.

Need your love.

Please forgive me.

I will be faithful again.

Remember, we admired the flame of the candles and said that this was the reborn light of that first

Wines, as if left by the sting of the wasp - she reminds of old pain. Forgive me, please for everything. Pull out this boring sting.

I'm grief in my fault

And in the fire of your resentment.

You forgive me for everything,

Make it so that the Covers become.

I feel good with you.

I do not want to part.

Just give me forgive me.

Let me confess to love.

Sorry, I beg.

I miss you.

I became far from Paradise.

Sorry, my native.

Forgive me for everything that I have done. I hope that you will be merciful and allow me to enjoy further our mutual love. Love, which became for me, as if the light breeze among the summer was so desirable.

Poems with apologies

I ask, sorry
And sorry forgive:
More so I will not
And the confusion is posing.
Do not be angry with me -
Widely smile!

I am to blame for you, I know it.
For the forgiveness of yours I just wish
To make you to make up, get closer,
And to the future together we will walk!

You forgive me, native,
I know myself that was wrong!
I'm dying without you
From large mental injuries.

Sorry, please, me
I do not know what happened to me
I will only please you
So that happiness in the heart settled!

Not easy to recognize errors
But life is one, and is given,
To ask for forgiveness and forgive!
I hope for your forgiveness, the sun!

Sorry, I did not want to be boring,
Spice in the past, whining and blame.
I ask you, let's all forget,
I so want to start again!

I understand: long to be sad,
But in the depths of the soul, I still believe in a miracle -
I sincerely please forgive me
And I promise: I will not so much!

You forgive me, I am very sorry.
I know myself: I am rude,
But in the soul, I hope I mustle,
What forgive me, although it's very guilty ...

Like the sun of the April modest races,
Hurry to you my apologies.
And I look forward to the first case,
To ask for reconciliation.

I'm sorry. Excuse me:
I am ready to check for
And stretch, of course, hand
Like the biggest friend!
Let's take part worthy:
It is reasonable, honest and calm!

Forgive me, I ask you, for all the insults,
Sorry for nonsense, I beg, I'm sorry!
Well, who knew that everything would come out so,
Please, forgive me, in your world, let's fit.

It was a misunderstanding
You try to understand me.
The usual argument between generations,
Where is right and daughter, and mother.

Please accept you I apologize
I repent for my words,
I will do everything to deserve forgiveness,
Dreams of yours I will find the islands!

Please, please, since you can -
For what is done, I'm sorry for me!
Honor your heart you worry your
And I didn't want to bring offense to you!

Do not be angry, good, and I'm sorry.
I did not sleep all night, I dreamed, rushing.
All the bad you forget, get offended,
You want it to stay with you!

Accept an apology
With a heart promise:
Use skills
With all possible care!

You are kind, honey, very wounded,
I brought so much pain with him.
Forgive me, you hear? I'm unbearable
To see your eyes full of tears.

Forgive me, I'm sorry!
I am very sorry!
Let me come,
After all, I myself will not dare!

I certainly guessed
Herself offended you ...
And so, today it was only decided
Send explanations from yourself:

So I did not want to hurt
With his act stupid.
But I believe, you can fix everything
And we will be together how sometime!

Excuse me please,
I did not want to offend.
I will ask, do not be offended,
What words so hurt.

Stretching your hand
And let's make me come on.
Stop our separation?
Right offended!

I apologize to you.
Did not want to offend at all.
Make time for me an exception
And I do not sleep and do not eat ...

I do not like when because of me
You will spoil your nerves, dear.
Please forgive, I want to hug you,
Forget bad associated with us.

Good because so impossible
Forget about it at the slightest quarrel.
I hate to offend you
Although you are funny to very much.

Apologize my accept?
You did not want to offend you ...
Ask for forgiveness sincere
I want to do with you.

You apologize to ...
Sometimes I do not know at all
What a long-long language says
Because of the explosion of spiritual emotions.

I can not live calmly yet
Do not forgive to the end and heartily.
Here is my hand to reconcile ...
I propose to shake her coming!

I want to apologize
What caused you offense.
You forgive and forget
What I said was.

I am very uncomfortable what I
To the depths of the soul offended you!
I did not think that everything would be going down
It was unrestrained stupid - this is a fact.

I want for forgiveness to ask now
That quarrels bitterness did not pick us up.
Come on to put up? I can not anymore.
Our friendship we are in debt.

Reconciliation need us ...
It is impossible to get angry with friends for a long time.
Do me a step towards myself
Or I will do it !!!

I want to apologize I sincerely
For the insult, which caused ...
I do not like to swear with loved ones
Not specifically done.

Take my apologies
Since only friends can.
I'm waiting for forgiveness I am with excitement
And I hope I'll wait for you ...

I want to deserve me forgiveness,
Take my apologies!
My act is not perfect
Although character and not scandalous.

I believe in the generosity of your soul,
You forgive her prove ...
Stop angry at me
This will not happen again!

I need to apologize to ask
For what happened between us.
I will not stop to blame
I ask myself a little, make this mercy:

I'm sorry, hurt forget
It is not necessary to postpone reconciliation.
In good relationship life is the essence,
I really need to deserve forgiveness!

I ask me for all forgive me
Sins, misconduct to let go ...
I know you do not deserve
And so much the soul in us invested!

I want to correct, believe
Do not close the door so sharply.
Let it not be easy to remove this cargo,
But on errors I study ...

Sorry, I will repeat,
Do not sleep at night and swing.
I do not know how to fix me,
Finish this loneliness ...

So to blame, I apologize,
Your harsh eyebrows shifted ...
Ready to pray on the knees I
So that only all the insults are crushed!

I am so easy to hurt you
What did not betray the importance!
Herself as he hated
I do not, of course, forgiveness.

But religious hope is hope
What will change anger to mercy
And everything will be with us as before
As long as everything has changed ...

Do you accept apologies in verse?
I do not know how to ask for forgiveness.
How do you remember your face in tears
And immediately deteriorate, sulfur mood.

I want we set up with you
All that stunned overnight.
I ask you, Turn your love,
After all, in her one and it was my happiness!

You excuse me, please ...
I tears repentance not hiding.
Himself already judging ...
You mean so much for me!

Your forgiveness to earn -
Now one is my dream ...
With a hurt in the heart it is difficult to live,
Let's start everything from pure sheet?

Sorry for pain ...
We were praised with you.
Only nauseous without you
I am really to blame!

I ask you, forgive me,
Each offense to let go.
I won't be so rude
For the sake of the smile of your lips!

I really want to apologize
For disorder your feelings.
Do you accept it or not?
I am really looking forward to a comprehensive answer.

Please, I'm sorry
Hurt in the heart is not a copy ...
I repent of what happened.
Find in yourself for forgiveness!

Apologies I ask you
From shame not to raise even the eye ...
I do not like to offend anyone.
Do not happen this again!

Ask for forgiveness is not easy,
It is much easier to offend ...
We are far from each other,
You do not want to forgive me.

But I'm persistently please
Give me one last chance.
In practice, I will prove,
That he will continue to offend!

In the life of each person there are situations when he is aware of his incorrect attitude towards the interlocutor or is awkward to the second half for the perfect act. How to apologize how to ask for forgiveness if the thoughts seemed to leave his head, and the heart of treacherously beats and makes blush? In this case, an excellent output can be poetry-apologies that contain beautiful words that help correct the existing position of things for the better.

When you need to apologize, poems are good. And it doesn't matter to whom exactly they are addressed - a man or a woman, because only words in poetic form have the most powerful effect. Such an effect combines not only the joy of heard, but also a surprise, intertwined with a lot of pleasant emotions. Down with banal apologies, try to surprise your soulam, parents, friends and all those who you want to ask for forgiveness for randomly inflicted your offense or your thorough act.

I ask you for forgiveness,
Do not be angry and do not be angry at me,
I am ashamed for my behavior,
But please, if you can, understand.

Yes, I know, not sugar,
And sometimes it is very difficult to me.
Sorry, just remember however,
What I love you very much, the sun.

There was ugly behavior
Were unpleasant words
I know and ask your forgiveness,
Although the insult is still alive.

Conscience tormented me desperately
I don't find places myself,
Believe me, I will fix it.
Only you forgive me, please.

Sorry for what was
Sorry that everything happened.
I'm so sorry, but so it happened,
And the guilt tolere is not easy.
Sorry, there was my mistake,
I apologize for you.
Know that you still have your smile
I still strongly!

Stop getting angry with me
It's too bad without you,
Without you, I can't
Chat with you!

I want to tell you,
I bored me to miss
Tired without you
Forgive me, forgive me!

I ask you, sorry
Take angrily and let go
Give me a chance to fix everything
And all will be well!
Sorry, pray you,
Mean a lot for me
Well, tell me how to fix everything?
How to change your fault?
How to start us all from scratch?
Well, sorry, forgive me!

Sorry, please, me,
After all, I will die without you.
Without your eyes, smiles, hands
I get so much flour!

I apologize I again.
I want to return your love.
Forget the offensive words
And remember: I love you!

Sorry, please, do not
Be angry for a long time
My act is very bad
He offended you.

And now, keep offense,
Deep in his soul
Though you do not give the species,
I know, hurt so.

I beg, do not be angry,
I want to conclude the world
Well, just smile,
And nesting, Morning, Morning.

I will not offend you,
More in life never
Without you, I am lonely
You sorry, please me!

You are not angry, I ask you,
And all the resentment to let go.
Behind the quarrel stupid, empty
Me, please, sorry!

After all, this is a misunderstanding,
It rides us sometimes.
For everything, for everything I apologize.
Let's make me up with you!

Sorry, please, me
For stupid my words.
We often talk about
What so much so we regret then.

You know how I love you,
And never leave never.
And we will not give offense
Put the barrier on the way.

Human offense - like that wall.
We are building it sometimes.
But to remove it from the way
To be able to forgive everyone.

So forgive me
You will destroy the wall to the end.
And hug soon me
We will always be happy!