Ecology seminars in Dow. Workshop workshop. Topic: "Improving the environmental competence of teachers. Environmental education of preschool children

Purpose: develop creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology; Increase professional mastery of teachers and their effectiveness on the organization of research, and experimental activities. procedural activity.


  1. Identify existing knowledge from teachers on the organization of educational research activities;
  2. The ability to use the knowledge gained in different activities;
  3. Develop cognitive interest among teachers;
  4. Educating love for nature, to his native land.

Workshop workshop:

  1. Ecological training for teachers
  2. Workout.
  3. Dialogue "Pedagogical Mastery"
  4. Creative competition
  5. Pedagogical situations
  6. Presentation of experiments and experiments

Seminar's move:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today I will spend a workshop for you on the topic: "Ecological Bridge"

Nature is the most important means of upbringing and developing children of preschool age. How many discoveries make a child, communicating with her! Uniquely every living creature seen by the baby. A varied and natural materials (sand, clay, water, snow, etc.), with whom children love to play. Preschoolers communicate with nature at different times of the year - and when the fluffy, white snow is lying around, and when the gardens bloom. No doedactic material compares with nature in the diversity and the strength of developing influence on the child.

The influence of nature on the development of the child's personality is associated with the formation of certain knowledge of its objects and phenomena. Therefore, if we talk about tasksfacing the educator who are acquainting children with nature, then first Among them will be the formation of the children's elementary knowledge system about nature.

Second The task is to form in children labor skills and skills.

Thirdthe task is to form in children of love for nature.

All listed tasks facing the educator are closely interrelated - it is necessary to consider and solve them in the complex.

"People who have learned observations and experiments
Acquire the ability to put questions themselves
And get actual answers on them
On a higher mental and moral level
In comparison with those who have not passed such a school "

K. A. Timiryazev

What I heard, I forgot.
What I saw, I remember.
What I did, I know.

The opportunities for the initiative transformative activity of the child are noticeably increasing to the older preschool age. This age period is important for the development of the cognitive needs of the child, which finds an expression in the form of search engines, research activities aimed at the "opening" of the new, which develops productive forms of thinking. At the same time, the main factor is the nature of activity. As psychologists emphasize, the need to include preschoolers in meaningful activities are crucial, in the course of which they could find all new and new properties of objects, their similarity and difference.

As the main type of search operation of children, it allocates experimentation activities. "Children's experimentation claims the role of leading activities during the preschool development of the child."
Children's experimentation is one of the methods of training and the development of natural score representations of preschoolers. In the course of experienced, the preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, to answer questions, draw conclusions, to establish a causal relationship, comply with the rules of security. The development of systematized search and cognitive knowledge of children, the formation of experimental action forms the basics of logical thinking, ensures the maximum efficiency of the intellectual development of preschoolers and their full readiness for school training.

In the work on the organization of experimental activities of preschoolers, it is advisable to use a complex of various forms and methods. Their choice is determined by age capabilities, as well as the nature of educational tasks. It must be remembered that the child should have the opportunity to express their impressions in the game, visual activities, the word. Then there is a consolidation of impressions, gradually children begin to feel the relationship of nature with life with them.

In the process of organizing pilot experimental activities, it is assumed to solve the following tasks:

  • the inclusion of children into mental, simulating and transforming actions;
  • the formation of the ability to see the diversity of the world in the system of relationships;
  • enrichment of visual funds (standards, symbols, conditional deputies);
  • expansion of the prospects for the development of search and educational activities, maintaining initiatives in children, intelligence, pleasure, criticality, independence.

One of the conditions for solving problems in experimental experimental activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developing environment. The objective environment surrounds and influences the child from the first minutes of his life. The basic requirements for the environment as a developing medium is to ensure the development of active independent children's activities.

Research technology provides the opportunity to find answers to the questions "How?" and why?". But for this, it is necessary not only to provide equipment for research, but also to create a problem situation, the solution of which will lead to the discovery of any patterns, phenomena, properties.

The algorithm for organizing children's experimentation was formed as follows. :

  • the child highlights and puts the problem that needs to be solved;
  • offers various options for its solution;
  • checks these possible solutions based on the data;
  • makes conclusions .

In the process of experimenting, children are formed not only intellectual impressions, but also develop the ability to work in the team and independently, to defend their own point of view, to prove its rightness, determine the causes of the failure of experimental activities, to make elementary conclusions.

Integration of research with other types of children's activities: observations on a walk, reading, the game allows you to create conditions for consolidating the ideas about the phenomena of nature, the properties of materials, substances.


  • And so what is the ecology? (Pedagogues Answers)

Exhibits a poster "Ecology is a science about the relations of plant and animal organisms and the communities formed with them among themselves and the environment."

  • What denotes the environmental education of preschoolers? (This is familiarizing children with nature, which is based on an ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process relies on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology.)
  • Why do you think they need to do with preschool age? (Because it is in preschool child that the foundations of the right attitude towards the world and value orientations in it are laid.)
  • The role of the teacher in the environmental education of preschoolers?
  • What, in your opinion, should work with parents?

To form in children the need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, cognitive interest in them, the ability to see and understand the beautiful, the need for self-expression in creative activity, such conditions are being created in kindergarten, where children could replenish their knowledge in daily free access conditions Implement the need for communicating with natural nature.

  • Name the elements of the objective environment of kindergartens used to ecological education of preschoolers.

(Participants alternately call: corner of nature: models and schemes; visual material; calendar of nature; labor cards, observations and experiments; laboratory; educational panels; methodical, encyclopedic and fiction; ecological path; mini-garden in group premises and garden garden on site; Environmental collections and mini-museums; winter Garden; Passport plants I.T.P.)

  • What are the conditions necessary for the environmental education of children?
    (It: corner of nature in the group; Plot of kindergarten.)
  • What should be in the corner of nature?
    (Plants, animals, birds, fish, care inventory Corner, food for the inhabitants; calendar of nature; children's drawings.)
  • What should be on the kindergarten site?
    (Trees, shrubs, flower beds, garden.)
  • What methods are used for environmental education of children?
    (Visual, practical, verbal.)
  • List the visual methods of environmental education of children.
    (Observations; viewing of paintings; demonstration of models, movies, diaposts, diapositives.)
  • List practical methods for environmental education of preschoolers.
    (Game; elementary experiments; modeling.)
  • List the verbal methods of environmental education of preschoolers.
    (Stories of teacher and children; reading artistic works about nature; conversations)
  • Name the main method used in the environmental education of preschoolers. ( Observation.)
  • List the form of organizing work with children on environmental education. Classes; excursions; Everyday life (walks, including target; work in a flower bed, garden, corner of nature); Environmental holidays and entertainment; Elementary search engagement (only in older).

1.2. Dialogue "Pedagogical skills

  • "Yes, or not" game

Objective: Examine the presence of ZUN for educators on this topic.

  • Environmental Corner: Experimental, Corner of Nature, Exhibition Corner.

1.3. Creative task

The educator is a creative profession. And what creativity without fantasy and fiction. The next task is creative. Each team needs to draw the proverb so that the opposite team can "read" it.

1. Messenger red flowers, and autumn pies.

2. Welcome the ridge - I will meet the spring.

3. Ready Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

4. Whether work is not pulled out and fish from the pond.

5. Love ride - love and sosochos to carry.

6. The best blind is in the hands than the crane in the sky.

7. Apple from the apple tree does not fall far.

1.4. Decision of pedagogical situations.

Each team should solve the following pedagogical situation. The decision is given for 5 minutes.

Four children play from five to seven years old on the forest glade. The smallest shouts: "Let's catch the butterfly and set it up her wings!" A man walking by and hearing this call stops the boy and asks: "Why do you wait for the butterfly of the wings?" That is a little silent and answers: "just so ...".

What can be explained by such cruelty of children? What are the methods and techniques of education in preschoolers of a careful attitude towards nature are necessary in this situation?

Ira went home from kindergarten through the park, planted with currant bushes, and loudly told his mother as they all watered them here. But the mother was busy with his own thoughts.

Why are not you listening to me? - Ira asked and pulled her hand.

This is what kind of whims?! - Mother broke out and, breaking the young twig of the currant, whipped her girl. And then evil threw: "Who needs your trouble, it's just a children's game! Without you, there are enough guards of nature. "

What negative consequences can be a mother's act?

You go to work. Two mothers talk peacefully on the track. At this time, their children break the branches of the young treet nearby. Both in your hands are already on a big oakha. What do you think, children are not disobedient or nobody told them that it is impossible to bring harm to plants?

You, silently, will pass by, in the soul, condemning mothers / children /, or stop and talk to mothers / with children /?

Seryozha covers something in his palm, looks there and gently smiles. Olga Ivanovna refers to the kid: "What are you there? Show! Fu! Throw now! " A small shaggy caterpillar falls out of the palm on the asphalt. Whose leg mercilessly came to her.

At the site of the kindergarten, the girls play a store and replenish the range of "products", breaking the plants: the pods of yellow acacia are "beans", the chamomile heads - "Candy", etc. Irina Petrovna approached and praised: "Well done! Well invented! "

Name the tutor's error. What would you do in this situation?

Anton and Oleg built the street from sand. Olga Ivanovna advised: "Likement Street." "How to do it? - asked Oleg. "Narvita twigs. So you, bushes and trees! "- a teacher suggested.

Name the tutor's error. What would you do in this situation?

During the daytime, Nastya played in the sandbox and when the educator called children to collect toys, she did not hear. Buing children, the educator led them to kindergarten. Nastya saw that the children leave, and ran after the ranks and fell. There was a loud crying (a child has a serious injury).

Name the tutor's error. Actions of the teacher Next.

1.5. Presentation of experiments and experiments


On this, our seminar - workshop approached the end, I hope that he was interesting for you and helpful. You have fresheged everything about environmental education. I wish you success in work on the environment. Thank you again. I think that in the future we will support closer contact between the teachers of our kindergartens. This is not the last meeting.

And in conclusion, I would like to offer you to see the exhibition of methodical and fiction, which will come in handy in the work. Check out, please. Thank you for attention. Good luck to you!

Komarova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Position: Senior teacher
Educational institution: Madou "Kindergarten No. 22 of the Officer Weight" Pechora
Locality: Pechora city Komi Republic
Name of material: Methodical development
Topic: Seminar "Environmental education and the formation of an environmental culture for preschoolers through the implementation of environmental projects, TRIZ techniques"
Publication date: 13.08.2016
Section: preschool education

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 22 of the Outlooking Type" of the Pechora Seminar "Environmental Education and the formation of an environmental culture for preschoolers through the implementation of environmental projects, TRIZ techniques" Senior Educator Komarova T.N.
Seminar "Environmental education and the formation of an environmental culture for preschoolers through the implementation of environmental projects, TRIZ techniques" is all good in humans from childhood as the origins of good awaken? Touch the nature with all your heart: Surprise, find out, love! We want the Earth to bloom, and grew up like flowers, kids, so that the ecology has become not science for them, but part of the soul! The first stage of the system of continuous ecological education is pre-school environmental education. The role and necessity of the priority development of environmental education in preschool institutions is emphasized at the Russian conference "Problems and prospects for environmental education of preschool children", which took place in Moscow in November 1997. In connection with the release of the FGOS to the kindergarten, environmental education is implemented through directly educational activities and educational activities. The role of pre-school environmental education in solving the problem of environmental education is difficult to overestimate. From how and under what conditions the children develop in the first months and years of their lives, it depends not only by what level of development they will have, but maybe whether it is possible to discuss environmental culture in general. According to the wise reasoning, Ya.K. Komensky: "Nature is carefully adapted to a convenient time. For example, a bird, intending to multiply your generation, starts up for this case not in winter, when everything was composed of frost and stuck, and not in summer, when everything is repelled and weakens, and not in the fall, when the vitality of everything with the sun falls and the winter is coming Dangerous for chicks, but in spring, when the sun returns life and vigor to everything. Education should begin in the spring of life - in childhood. " Currently, environmental education is the priority direction of the general education system, including preschoolers. It is during this period that the formation of human environmental culture begins. Only ecological worldview, environmental culture now
Living people can withdraw planet and humanity from this catastrophic state in which they are now. It is no coincidence that the terms "Environmental Education", "Environmental Education" became usual in our lexicon. But there is a certain contradiction. On the one hand, it is generally recognized that environmental education is being implemented in the DOW - numerous environmental events (games, projects, holidays) are being implemented. On the other hand, in the main regulatory document - GEF - environmental education is not presented, there are no terms "Ecology" or "Environmental Education". Acquaintance of preschoolers with the surrounding world of nature is considered within the framework of the educational field "cognitive development" and the To: - the formation of primary ideas about living and inanimate nature; - Education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the world of nature and the world around the world. But in GEF to there is an aspect that is directly related to environmental education. One of the tasks is formulated as follows: "The development of emotional and value perception ... of the world of nature" This task is implemented within the framework of environmental education, since the formation and development of emotional-value relations to nature refer to the field of environmental education. And the emotional and value attitude is possible if there are ideas in children (knowledge) about nature as a valuable, i.e. There must be elements of Es to L about M and Ch e s to about and me. The most important thing is in the process of environmental education in children develop cognitive interest in the world of nature, curiosity, creative activity, i.e., the personal qualities of the child, which are presented as targets in GEF to. The word "ecology" translated from Greek means "house", the immediate environment of man. For the first time, the term "ecology" introduced Ernst Geckel in 1864. Ecology is the science of interactions of living organisms and their communities among themselves and the environment. Later, this concept began to expand, and the person was included in it. At the present stage, the ecology can be defined as a science that considers the relationship between living organisms, including a person, and their community with the environment. At the same time, under the environment, it is possible to understand both the medium and environment as a whole. In the environmental education of children restricted
Ecology in a narrow sense, i.e. We consider the relationship between a person with nature. And it is correct, otherwise the objects to which the attitude of children is formed, they are blurred, they are becoming too much. Yes, and the environmental problem itself arose due to the fact that the natural environment began to collapse as a result of human activity. So, the concept of "ecology" includes two components: nature, like biological objects, as a natural environment and communication between them. Consequently, the preparation of a preschooler to the subsequent full-fledged development of ecology includes: - the formation of ideas about the objects of environmental interaction - objects of nature, and first of all about plants and animals (and this is natural science) - the formation of submissions on connections, not divided by the Natural Connection , environmental or other. "Everything is connected with everything." This is the beginning of the formation of an appropriate universal learning action, indicated in the GEF of primary education as "identifying causal relations." The concept of "Environmental Education". The law "On Education in the Russian Federation", education is considered as a single process of upbringing and learning. In this case, environmental education includes environmental education and environmental education. Under environmental education, we understand the formation of environmental ideas in children corresponding to the skills of action methods. Under Environmental Education - the formation and development of environmental emotional and value relations. Thus, environmental education can be defined as the process of learning, education and human development (child) in the field of its relationship with the environment. The goal of environmental education is the formation of ecological culture. The concept of "ecological culture" is multifaceted. It includes, in particular, the presence of environmental consciousness in humans, environmental thinking. None nor other preschoolers are formed to be. Therefore, it is only possible to talk about the beginning of the formation of an environmental culture.
Principles and models of environmental education.

In the theory of environmental education, one of the first was formulated

It involves the formation of environmental knowledge, skills, relations in the process of studying all or almost all academic disciplines. This principle aims to educate teachers for environmental education within the framework of all educational areas mentioned in GEF. Models: - single-permed-free - multi-consistent - mixed uniable model is implemented within the framework of a special environmental course ("Young ecologist") or an integrated environmental discipline. Multi-consumable - due to saturation by environmental material of all or almost all academic disciplines .. Mixed implies the study of environmental issues in each educational subject and holistically in a special subject. Most effective mixed model.
Age features of the relationship of preschoolers to nature.
They must be taken into account in the formation of children. After birth, the child is not able to identify itself and the environment. J. Piaget has established that the main feature of the relationship to the world at the preschooler is egocentrism. The child does not differentiate its me and the surrounding world, subjective and objective, tolerates its own motives for real relations between the world's phenomena. The result is anthropomorphism, i.e. Employment of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world properties inherent in the child himself. This feature of perception is largely preserved in the younger students, and in part in adults. Relationships in the world of people are transferred to the relationship in the world of nature and the world of things. This is manifested in personification. Elimination - endowment of objects and phenomena of nature by the qualities, properties of a person of a certain type: Lisu-creerty, etc. Such relations are largely preserved in the younger students. In the early stages of the child's development, the teacher supports the anthropomorphization of nature, encourages the animals, "do not break the branch - a tree, like you." An example of a gaming situation: a telegram is received, you need to answer "We are the first greens and
For this we break. They break everything to whom inexpensive forest. We are even afraid to bloom first in the forest. So what's so good about it? All will break. Help us! It is very painful when you break! Very! Your Green Friends Iva, Cherry, Lilac "(according to V. Bianki" Telegrams from Forest "). When working with senior preschoolers in the content of the game built on the humanization of nature, environmental information begins. Here is an example of a gaming situation. The teacher reads the telegram from the forest: "I need help! Strong! Get out beetles, climb on the trees, chew everything in a row! In winter, they sat in the ground - 2 meters deep into the way, and now they attacked the trees. I work for two, but still not cope, there are many of them. Need urgent help, transfer it to children. Urgently. Your woodpecker. " Here, children receive ideas about the relationships of birds, about the environmental role of Dyatla. The named features of the perception of children of natural objects (humanity, personification) provide an opportunity to integrate their own education and education of moral.
Activity approach in environmental education.
In connection with the introduction of GEF, attention increased to an activity approach. Under this angle of view, the ecological education of preschoolers can also be considered. Activities are a specific form of relationships to the world around ... includes a goal, funds, result and process itself. In other words, structural elements of activity are: the goal-process (actions), involving the use of certain funds, is the result .. for preschoolers leading activities is the game. Currently, environmental games received widespread in practice. Along with the game in GEF, other activities are called: cognitive, research, productive. Each of these activities should be included in the environmental education of preschoolers. As for cognitive activities, you need to pay attention to mistakes allowed by teachers. For example, "it is necessary to protect and animals, birds, and insects." The error is that both birds and insects, and fish are all animals. Correctly say "It is necessary to protect all and animals, birds, and insects. There are often such inaccuracies. In the corners of nature, the departments "Animals", "birds", "inhabitants of water bodies" stand out. AT
The result in children is formed an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe system of wildlife, which has to be corrected in elementary school. In this regard, special discussion in terms of the implementation of the activity approach deserves project activities. Currently, project activities, including environmental orientation, gained widespread. At the same time, in GEF to project activities are not mentioned. It may not be about environmental activities, but about environmental projects. Environmental projects are joint activities of the teacher and children, within the framework of which children carry out mostly well-known types of productive activities (draw animals, environmental situations, design bird houses, etc.), research .. actually designs are engaged in adults - teachers, parents . The most effective forms of interaction of the teacher with children on environmental education are such forms in which preschoolers get the opportunity
direct contact S.

. In this case, children are formed not only ecological
, but also
Use of these knowledge in practical activity. These interaction forms include
excursions, walks,

experimentation, observation (main method in knowledge


Environmental education methods can be distinguished:
problem situations, riddles, problematic issues - Why is the bird name Crest? Why are they so coloring? why birds are not all flying south? - Quiz games, riddles, heuristic stories and ecological fairy tales, business environmental games. For example, the game "Green House" on the works of Sladkov N.I. (children are divided into teams, ask each other questions, practical actions, etc.), plot didactic games - classes (go on the journey, perform various roles, reason, solve problem situations). Conversations, work in nature, experiments in cognitive and research activities. Creating an ecological trail. First of all, it is necessary
create Conditions
For environmental knowledge and subsequent application. The main task of a developing environmental environment - the creation of conditions for the formation of the conscious and right attitude towards nature. Process of formation
The conscious and right attitude towards nature is accompanied by independent observations, conducting experiments, the desire to tell about their experiences and impressions, discuss them, embody in various activities. In the group should be equipped
ecological Center
where children's and encyclopedic literature of nature and environmental content, albums, experimentation benefits, nature observation diaries, fixation log of conducted experiments, well-groomed plants in accordance with age, didactic material, innovative material, crafts from natural material, tools To care for plants, aprons for work, temporary objects for the season and other materials. It must be carried out with parents on the issue of environmental education (information material, participation in projects, wall newspaper, creative work). For the organization of productive activities of environmental content, card files for amusement must be created, the natural material for the design, attributes for non-traditional drawing, the layouts of natural zones, biocenoses, layouts on the works of writers V. Bianki, K. Ushinsky and others on the shelves for children's research Place a variety of natural materials: chalk, sand, stones, shells, feathers, coal and so on. To organize game and communicative activities in groups, games should be selected for the development of communication skills from preschoolers with environmental content, the plot role-playing games "Tourists", "Underwater World", "Rural Dvor", various didactic games: "On the tree- on earth "," Home and wild animals "," Animals and Cubs "," pick up a leaf to the tree "," Anthill and its inhabitants "," Spring Flowers "," Day - Night "," Monkey on Tree "," Seasons " . Cognitive-research activities plays a big role for the development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers and their creative activity. In all groups, corners of experting should be created in all groups to organize children's research activities. Even the children of the first younger group together with the educator spend the simplest experiences. Microscopes, globe, laboratory equipment, measuring dishes - all this causes special interest in children. Children's experimentation provides children not only the awareness of the relationships and dependencies that exist in the world of nature, but also makes it possible to virtually master the elementary skills necessary for organizing environmentally competent care for growing plants. In the pre-school institution it is advisable to create

plot, meteorological station, "ecological trail"
So that the pupils can conduct pilot research activities to observe the growth of various plants and shrubs, organize observations of the weather, draw conclusions about the relationships and interdependencies in nature. Various ecologicals
promotions and projects
They will help to form an ecological culture of preschoolers. For example, stocks of landscaping area Dow, garbage cleaning, the protection of trees on the site. Projects can be aimed at landscaping the site, helping the winter birds, the development of the Red Book of Nativity, the creation of toys from the cast materials, etc.
Names of shares and projects
There may be the following - "Green City"; - "We are responsible for those who have tamed"; - "Our smaller brothers"; - "feed the birds in winter"; - "Useful fossils of our region"; - "Ponds of our region", "waste into revenues".
Practical activities on the environmental education of preschoolers can be considered: - the creation of a wallpaper with stories about favorite pets; - Writing stories about animals and plants, care recommendations for animals and plants; - Development of presentations, photo reports, etc. The developed project includes 3 stages: motivational, problematic, and creative.
The stage begins with a problem-gaming situation that contributes to the emergence of children's interest in the problem, studying the topic of the project (formulating the problem, to solve it, which is needed).
Problem-active stage.
Enrichment of ideas on the topic of the project. Reading, teacher stories, research activities, affiliate parents in joint educational activities. For preschoolers, it is characteristic of a clear-effective and visual-shaped thinking it obliges the teacher to build a learning process so that the necessary information children are absorbed using visual methods.
In the third creative stage
It is planned to generalize and design a collective product of children's activities. Work on project activities are already familiar to us.
To implement the tasks of environmental education, we allow TRIZ technology. The relevance and significance of TRIZ - pedagogy for preschoolers are collective games and classes, and it is designed not to replace the basic program, and to maximize its effectiveness.
Purpose TRIZ.
- Not only to develop the fantasy of children, but also to teach them to think systemically, with the understanding of the processes occurring in the surrounding world. The main methods of work: 1) observation not only in nature, but also for human activity 2) games: - on the knowledge and classification "name, in one word", "what is similar and what is different." - To prepare a decision of the contradictions "Good-bad", "on the contrary" - on the development of sensual perception of 5 analyzers - eyes, nose, ears, tongue, skin "World of Sounds", "Wonderful Pouch". "The self-awareness" what will happen if ... "- Empathy" If I were .. "- on the development of the situation through the narrowing of the search field" Yes - no ", - on the development of imagination" on which it looks like "," find out in shape. "
3) System analysis "Magic Screen" or "System Operator".

Games "System approach to the surrounding world"

Game "Find the whole and part"
Purpose: Teach children to determine by analogy to the task that must be executed. According to the first pair of words. Learning to determine how rule has a place here: an integer or part-integer. Move: 1. in: cherry - bone; D: Tree - ... (forest, trunk), etc.

Game "Find the main thing"
It is proposed to the system to it several subsystems from which you need to select two subsystems that are necessarily parts of this system. Example: forest - hunter, wolf, trees, path, bushes, swamp. Garden - plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth. River - shore, fish, fisherman, tina, water. City - Cars, buildings, crowd, street, bike. Book - Pictures, Adventures, Paper, Bookmark, Text. Hospital - chambers, doctor, bathrobes, patients, injection, x-ray.
The game "What is connected with"
Objective: Teach children to find links between objects, even if they are not directly connected, but through the mediator. Learning to draw conclusions, that everything is interconnected. For example: Wood - water (without water a tree cannot live). Button - shirt (buttice needed to fasten the shirt). Table - Vase (a vase with flowers put on the table). Fish - a hand (fish is caught by the network, and the network is thrown by their hands; the hands are cleaning the fish; feed it in the aquarium).
Method "System Operator"

Game "Name the subject by properties"
Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about the world around the world, analyzing familiar subjects and highlighting their properties. Intensify in the speech of children the concept of object properties. To form the concept that the one and the same subject can combine several signs. For example: Call + loud \u003d
Fluffy + gray \u003d complicated option: smooth + gray + quiet \u003d white + edible + soft \u003d red + light + tasty \u003d
"What of what"
Objective: Teach children to disassemble any object on the part, call these parts, calculate their number. The move: the educator or child quickly calls the subject (object), children should call from which it consists. Complete option: Children offer immediately name the number of parts. For example: Machine is one body, one steering wheel, four wheels, two big headlights, etc.
4) morphological analysis
- "Make an unusual animal", "where they live than they eat, what benefits bring" (circles Lully), etc.
5) MMH
Forms of work on environmental education are various types of active activities, i.e. Do not force a child to play, but to create conditions for the occurrence of interest in the game: - Do not restrain the motor activity of children - involve children in research work - conducting experiments. Research work helps to develop the cognitive interest of the child, his thinking, the ability to summarize and discuss the expected result of the experience. The main work of working with children is a pedagogical search. The teacher should not give children ready-made knowledge, to disclose the truth in front of them, he must teach it to find it. The teacher puts the child to the situation when it is necessary to find the answer to some extent to repeat the historical
The path of knowledge and transformation of the subject or phenomenon, for example: (wood - forest - seed - sprout - root - trunk - branches - leaves - light - warm - food - grew - the young one - it was dried up). TRIZ games allow you to activate cognitive interest in the surrounding nature, bring up a conscious careful attitude towards it, develop mental processes.
Environmental knowledge is becoming the basis of environmental education. W.

pupils are formed a certain system of values,

the idea of \u200b\u200ba person as part of nature, about the dependence of its

life, their health from her state, understanding of the need

reasonable consumption.

Practical part.
one. . I offer you a small blitz - a contest "Like plants and animals predict the weather." I remind you of the beginning of the signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line. 1. - Spider stiguously spin the web - (to dry weather). 2. - On the road heats up - (before the rain). 3. - Striges, swallows low fly - (rain foreshadow). 4. - Mice go out from under the litter on the snow - (per day before thaw). 5. - The dog rides on the ground, eats little and sleeps a lot - (to the blizzard). 6. - When the cherry blooms - (to cold, frosts). 7. - If the morning is dry in the morning - (in the evening, expect rain). 8. - In the morning, Mokric was blocked and remained revealed all day - (to good weather). 9. - Flowers before the rain - (smell stronger).
10.- The cat rolled into a glomerulum - (to cooling). 11.- Voron shouts in winter - (to blizzards). 12. The frogs are squabs - (to the rain). 13.- Sparrows in dust bathe - (to the rain). 14.- Near the Moon, the star was arranged - (for warming). Can any of you remind other signs?
2. Specify
What, in your opinion, should work with parents on environmental education?
3. Set commands:
1 Team - Develop a project "I am the nature of a saved - I will help myself" 2 Team - to develop a route of the environmental trail on the kindergarten section. Thus, we can conclude about the wide possibilities in the conditions of modern DW for environmental education - systemic and integrated, scientifically based and clearly represented. In kindergarten, there is an opportunity to repeatedly return to the topic during the day, in different versions - in the form of a game, observation, individual work, and so on. There is an ecology of the developing objective environment of all DW, the ample opportunities for the aesthetic perception of nature are updated. Knowledge acquired by direct game. Directed teacher (i.e. didactic game). Help to form a child's correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in which it turns on not as the owner, but as a participant in the natural development process. References:  Aksenova, Z.F. Enter in nature by a friend. Environmental education of preschoolers. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2011. - 128 p. - (library of the educator).
 Nikolaev, S.N. Theory and technique of environmental education of children: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. establishments. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 336С.  Nikolaev, S.N. Environmental education of younger preschoolers. Book for kindergarten educators. - Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2004. - 96C.  Volnikova, T.V. Fundamentals of environmental education of preschool children // Preschool pedagogy. - 2005. - № 6.- S. 16-20.  Vorontkevich, O.A. "Welcome to the ecology" - the modern technology of environmental education preschoolers // Preschool pedagogy. - 2006. - № 3.- P. 23-27.  Gorbunova, G.A. Development of ecological culture of preschoolers // Preschool pedagogy. - 2005. - № 6. - P. 10-16.  Dicanova, I. on the environmental trail // Preschool education. - 2013. - № 3. - P. 62-64.  Leontiev, O.M. Formation of environmental culture in preschool children // Preschool pedagogic. - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 16-18.  Nikiforova, O.A. Environmental trail in Dow // Preschool pedagogy. - 2013. - № 5. - P. 26-32.
 Nikolaev, S.N. The value of the ecological-developing environment for the formation and improvement of children in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard // Pre-school education. - 2014. - № 6. - P. 17-21.  Nikolaev, S.N. Typical model of environmental education // Pre-school education. - 2004. - № 4. - p.14-20.  Nikolaev, S.N. Environmental education in the framework of the federal state educational standard of pre-school education // Pre-school education. - 2014. - № 5. - P. 14-18.  Strokov, O.N. Project technology as an effective form of work on the environmental education of high preschool children // Pre-school education. - 2014. - № 10. - P. 25-28.  Berestenev, N.P. Environmental classes using elements of TRIZ and RTV // A child in kindergarten. - 2006. - № 1. - C.48-52.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

v develop cognitive interest among teachers;

v Brief love for nature, to your native land.

Workshop workshop:

1. The relevance of the problem.

2. Discussion "What we know about ecology".

3. The task "reasoning-ka".

5. Consultation for educators: "Formation in children of environmental representations through project activities"

6. It is interesting to know.

Seminar's move

- classes (cognitive, combined, complex),

- observations of animals and plants, the phenomena of nature, the activities of people in nature.

2. Joint activity:

- observations in the corner of nature, work in the corner of nature,

- Target Walking in Nature, Camping,

- Reading artistic works about nature (poems, stories, fairy tales), viewing illustrations in books, ecological fairy tales,

- viewing paintings from wild animals, artists, etc.,
- Stories of the teacher about animals, plants, inanimate nature. About reserves, reserves, monuments of nature, etc., - conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics,

- collection of collections, seeds, stones, leaves,

- Ecological holidays and leisure ("bird day", "Earth Day", "Forest Birthday" and so on),

- experiences, search engines,

- Environmental training with discussion and losing situations,

- Ecological trails,

- Games (movable. Didactic, theatrical, musical, intelligent KVN, "Field of Wonders" and "What, where, when?",

- various types of visual activities on environmental issues,

- work with nature calendars, observation diaries,

- Production and footprinting of layouts (zoo, wild animals. Pets, animals of hot countries) and panels (forest - our wealth, where in nature there is water who lives in the sea).

The criteria formed conscious and active humane attitudes towards nature are:

1. Understanding the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature.
2. Mastering the norms of behavior in natural environment and compliance with them in practical activities and everyday life.

3. Manifestation of an active attitude towards the objects of nature (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature).

10. Interaction with families of pupils, forms of work.

The attitude of children to nature is influenced by Paul, individual features, place residence, profession and parental education. It is in the family that the foundations of the spiritual and cultural appearance of a person are formed, its tastes and habits are laid. Parents make excursions with children, hiking, walks, watch TV shows, read books, care for pets.

We can hold meetings, consultations, seminars, open-door days, holidays and leisure ("Earth Day", "Spring Swelling", "Birds Day", etc.), make out environmental stands (articles, poetry, signs, riddles, The verbal games for learning at home), preparation for several years of the album "I and Nature" (drawings, photos, statements of children about nature), conversations with recommendations (create a mini-garden on the windowsill, make a pet), joint with the parents of the action, Photo exhibitions, creating an ecological newspaper and so on.

2. The task "reasoning-ka".

1. Why is the Red Book call red, not green? (red color - danger signal)

2. What is the frog different from the toad? (Frog - Day Animal, and Toad - Night)

3. Is it possible to call a penguin, and Dolphin is fish? (Penguin - Bird, Dolphin - - Mammal)

4. Does Komara's teeth? (There is not enough, 22)

5. Who has ears on the legs? (at the grasshopper)

6. Who drinks foot? (frog)

7. Who is the plow on the head wearing? (elk, deer)

8. What birds in winter are offspring? (Klezti and kingfisher)

9. What bonded the bees and the wasps of their honeycombs? (saliva)

10. Why can white bears live in the forest? (because they eat only fish)

11. How does Yozh on the bear look like? (winter hibernation)

12. Who spends all his life in motion? (shark)

13. How many wings have a beetle? (Two pairs)

14. Who has a longer tongue? (at Chameleon)

15. What about the frog with the language is wrong? (He is attached to the back in advance)

16. Why coughing fish? (Clean the gills from the sludge)

17. When the kidneys appear on the trees? (autumn)

One of the conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system in the DOU is the correct organization of the developing subject matter, which should contribute to the development of the child as a whole. You must create in your group all the necessary conditions for system work. This is the corner of nature with the calendar of weather observations, and the garden on the window, and the experimental research zone, etc.

"What should be in a natural corner?"

Toys (Analog Analogs)

Children's bucket (1-2 l)

Children's wage (1-2 l)

Ripper blades, sticks


Brushes, wide brushes

Adjustable aprons / Fabric


Scoops for garbage

Calendar of observation for inanimate nature

Set of pictures: animals, birds, insects, flowers (plants), vegetables, fruits, seasons

Water Game Equipment

Children's work appropriate theme

Children's literature

Secators or scissors


1st Junior Group

Aquarium (goldfish, crucian)

Indoor plants 4-5 species, 2-3 copies: Balzamin, Ficus, Chlorophytum, Clivia, Begonia.

Vegetables and fruits (Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Apple)

Weather calendar

Visual Illustrative Material (Pets, Books With Animal Illustrations)

Material for elementary experiments (sand, molds)

Wooden blades for snow harvesting, plastic buckets

2nd Junior Group

Aquarium (1-2 goldfish, crucian)

Indoor plants 4-5 species, 2-3 copies: Balzamin, Ficus, Primula, Geranium, Koleus, Begonia.

Weather calendar

Visual illustrative material with a picture of wild and pets, birds (chicken, duck, dove, sparrow, sinitsa, bullfinch), books with illustrations of animals and birds.

Albums "Seasons of the Year"

Didactic games

Material for the elementary experiments (sand, water vessel, molds for sand, snow and ice)

Material for the development of labor skills: cones, twigs, acorns, bottles, covers

Inventory: Watering Wooden blades for snow cleaning, plastic buckets

Medium group

Aquarium (varieties of goldfish, except for a voualehwood and telescope, crucian)

Houseplants 5-6 species: Balzamin, Ficus, Chlorophytum, Geranium, Begonia, Primula

Vegetables and Fruits (Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Cabbage, Apple)

Autumn leaves, cut branches of trees and shrubs in water

Weather Calendar and Nature

Visual illustrative material: seasons, sets on topics: "Animals", "Birds", "Plants", etc., Albums: "Pets", "Wild Animals", "Animal Corner of Nature", etc.

Didactic games

Material for conducting elementary experiments (vessel with water, molds, measuring cups, clay, sand)

Material for the development of labor skills: natural (bumps, twigs, acorns, seashells, pebbles) and throwing material (bottles, covers, boxes)

Inventory: Watering can, basins for water, cloths, oilcloths, wands for loosening, pulverizer, boxes and cups for planting seedlings.

Senior group

Aquarium (voualehvost, telescope, coin, guppy, sword-maker, scalar)

Houseplants 7-8 species of 2-3 copies: Balsamin, Ficus, Clivia, Geranium, Begonia, Primula, Tradesska, Drazen, Koleus, Ivy, Indoor Grapes

Vegetables and fruits (cucumber, tomato, onion, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, turnip, bell pepper; apple, pear, plum).

Autumn leaves, cut branches of trees and shrubs in water

Weather calendar

Visual illustrative material: seasons, sets on topics: "Animals", "Birds", "Plants", "Animals of hot countries", etc., albums, drawings and crafts of children)

Didactic games

Material for the elementary experiments (vessel with water, molds, measuring cups, magnifier, clay, sand, earth).

Material for the development of labor skills: Natural: cones, twigs, acorns, shells, pebbles, plant seeds) and throwing (bottles, covers, jars, boxes).

Inventory: Waters, Water Tasiki, Rods, Glands, Swimming Pulberry, Pulserizer, Scissors for trimming plants Boxes and cups for planting seedlings

It's interesting to know. In order for the environmental state of the planet, it is better to begin with itself and in compliance with the laws of nature conservation. They sound like this:

German scientist, Nobel Prize laureate (1908) P. Erlich formulated five laws of nature conservation:

It is impossible to live on earth and not to take, but it is necessary to take rationally.

All that is on earth is necessary for its development and human development.

Protecting nature, we protect the population of the Earth.

Nature protection is part of the struggle for peace. Nature and war are not compatible.

Paper left in the forest decomposes over 5 years, a plastic bottle of more than 15 years, a car stall in 150 years.

To make a flowering plant from the Lrangess seed, at least 7-8 years old.

From the appearance of blueberries before the formation of the first fruit takes more than 10 years.

One forming family for the year destroys up to 2 million insects, of which most are the pests of the forest.

Astronomers are considered the beginning of spring the day of spring equinox - March 21, when night and day divide a day in half.

The most common vegetable in the world - onions. His residues were found even in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians were considered to be a big delicacy and ate him only on holidays.

Seminar - Workshop

"Development of interest in nature and curiousness from preschoolers with the help of didactic ecological orientation games"

The purpose of the workshop workshop:

develop creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology; Enhance the professional skill of teachers in the selection, organization and conduct of the didactic environmental orientation games, to establish close cooperation between teachers of the preschool institution.


  1. To identify existing knowledge from educators on ecology (phenomena of alive and not wildlife, plants, animals).
  2. To clarify and expand the knowledge of teachers on the didactic environmental orientation games for preschool children, their importance in the comprehensive development of the child.
  3. Improve the ability to use the didactic ecological orientation games in the educational process.

Preparation for the seminar:

Independent study of GEF to, methodical literature on the topic, preparation of the presentation, information booklet.

ICT and TSO:multimedia installation, computer, screen.

Form of holding:pedagogical studio.

Workshop workshop:

  1. Opening of the pedagogical studio. Introduction. Workout.
  2. The game "Question - Answer" (environmental orientation).
  3. Report - Presentation on the topic of events.
  4. Compilation of synkievine "Environmental Game".
  5. Game "Logic train" (TRIZ-technology).
  6. Blitz - a contest "Like plants and animals predict the weather."
  7. The game "Sorryazhko" (dynamic pause).
  8. The game "Professionals" (decision of pedagogical situations).
  9. "Fair of pedagogical ideas" (didactic games of ecological orientation).
  1. Creative task.
  2. Musical competition.
  3. Final word of the senior tutor. Summarizing. Recommendations for educators on the topic of the event.
  4. Exercise - Reflection "Review Rostock".

Workshop workshop:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today I will spend a workshop for you on the topic: "Development of interest in nature and curiosity from preschoolers with the help of didactic ecological orientation games."

Today, the seminar will allow to check each teacher its competence in matters of environmental education, clarify and expand your knowledge of the doctactics of environmental orientation games, their meaning in the development of a preschooler. Finally, to establish closer contact between the teachers of our kindergarten.

I propose at the beginning to immerse yourself in pleasant memories of nature. And for more real sensations, we have a magic flower.

Nature is the most important means of upbringing and developing children of preschool age. How many discoveries make a child, communicating with her! Uniquely every living creature seen by the baby. A varied and natural materials (sand, clay, water, snow, etc.), with whom children love to play. Preschoolers communicate with nature at different times of the year - and when the fluffy, white snow is lying around, and when the gardens bloom. No doedactic material compares with nature in the diversity and the strength of developing influence on the child.

The influence of nature on the development of the child's personality is associated with the formation of certain knowledge of its objects and phenomena. Tasks facing an educator who are acquainted with nature with nature: the formation of children's elementary knowledge system about nature; Formation in children of labor skills and skills; Formation in children of love for nature.

All listed tasks facing the educator are closely interrelated - it is necessary to consider and solve them in the complex.


And so what is the ecology? (Pedagogues Answers)

Exhibits a poster "Ecology is a science about the relations of plant and animal organisms and the communities formed with them among themselves and the environment."

What denotes the environmental education of preschoolers? (This is familiarizing children with nature, which is based on an ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process relies on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology.)

Why, in your opinion, do they need to do with preschool age? (Because it is in preschool child that the foundations of the right attitude towards the world and value orientations in it are laid.)

The role of the teacher in the environmental education of preschoolers?

What should work with parents?

To form in children the need to communicate with representatives of the animal and plant world, a cognitive interest in them, the ability to see and understand the beautiful, the need for self-expression in creative activities, such conditions are created in kindergarten, where children could have a daily and accessible to replenish their knowledge, to implement In communicating with natural nature.

The game "Question - Answer"

Name the elements of the objective environment of kindergartens used to ecological education of preschoolers.

(Participants alternately call: corner of nature; model and schemes; visual material; calendar of nature; labor cards, observations and experiments; laboratory; educational panels; methodical, encyclopedic and fiction; ecological path; mini-garden in group premises and garden garden on site; Environmental collections and mini-museums; winter Garden; Plant passports, etc.).

What are the conditions necessary for the environmental education of children?
(It: corner of nature in the group; Plot of kindergarten.)

What should be in the corner of nature?
(Plants, animals, birds, fish, care inventory Corner, food for the inhabitants; calendar of nature; children's drawings.)

What should be on the kindergarten site?
(Trees, shrubs, flower beds, garden.)

What methods are used for environmental education of children?
(Visual, practical, verbal.)

List the visual methods of environmental education of children.
(Observations; viewing of paintings; demonstration of models, movies, diaposts, diapositives.)

List practical methods for environmental education of preschoolers.
(Game; elementary experiments; modeling.)

List the verbal methods of environmental education of preschoolers.
(Stories of the teacher and children; reading artistic works about nature; conversations.)

Name the main method used in the environmental education of preschoolers. ( Observation.)

List the form of organizing work with children on environmental education. ( Lessons; tours; Casual life (walks, including target; work in a flower bed, garden, corner of nature; environmental holidays and entertainment; elementary search activity (only in older age); Didactic games of ecological orientation.))

One of the efficient and most interesting tools for children to the environmental education is the didactic games of ecological content. Games deliver many joy for children, and promotes their comprehensive development. In the process of games, knowledge of the world around the world is formed, educational interests, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it, as well as ecological and expedient behavior in nature. They expand the horizons of children, create favorable conditions for solving sensory education problems. Playing on ecology games, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of nature objects, assimilate ways to establish these properties.

These games contribute to the development of observation and curiosity in children, destroyed, cause their interest in nature objects. In the Didactic Games develop intelligent skills: plan actions, distribute them in time and between the participants of the game, evaluate the results, etc.

Didactic games are the most effective tool contributing to a more complete and successful solution of the tasks of environmental education of preschool children. The problem of environmental education of preschoolers cannot lose its relevance at the present stage of development of pre-school education.

In pedagogy, there are several types of didactic games. Didactic games can be divided into three main types:

Games with objects (toys, natural material);

Board printed games;

Verbal games.

Ecology objects are games with leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables: "wonderful bag", "tops and roots", "whose kids in this thread". These games are specified, the ideas about the properties and qualities of objects are specified and enriched, the skills are formed to examine them, the children take possession of sensory references. Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational tasks: expand and clarify the knowledge of children, develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, distinction, generalization, classification), improve speech (ability to call items, actions with them, their quality, appointment ; describe items, draw up and guess riddles, correct speech sounds correctly), to bring up arbitrariness of behavior, memory, attention. Subjects are particularly widely used in younger and middle groups. They enable children to operate the objects of nature, compare them, note the changes in individual external signs.

Among the games with objects, plotactic games and play games are occupied by a special place. In plotactic games, children perform certain roles, for example, the seller, the buyer in the game "Shop".

The staging games help to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe time of the year, the phenomena of nature, the objects of living and inanimate nature ("a doll to the doll for a walk", "Living-inelastic"), about literary works ("Travel to the country of environmental fairy tales and fairy tales about animals"), On the norms of behavior in nature ("what is good and what is bad").

The wall-printed games are diverse on environmental content, educational tasks, design, such as: - Zoological lotto, "Botanical Lotto", "four years of year", "kids", "berries and fruits", "plants", "pick up Leaves, paired pictures. They give the opportunity to systematize the knowledge of children about plants, animals, phenomena of inanimate nature, to form skill according to the word to restore the image of the subject. The games are accompanied by a word (the word or precedes the perception of the picture, or combines it. They help develop mental processes.

The verbal games of environmental content are distinguished by the fact that the process of solving the training task is carried out in a thinning plan, on the basis of ideas and without support for clarity ("who flies, runs, jumps", "in water, air, on Earth", "Needless "). They are held to consolidate knowledge of the functions and actions of certain objects, generalizations and systematization of knowledge. These games are developing attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, connected speech.

Games ("Wonderful Pouch", "Flower Shop", etc.) have a specific software content. The game form attaches enraged classes, training goes through game rules, game actions. Games are used in junior and medium groups, in senior groups - as part of the lesson.

Movable environmental games also have a didactic orientation, they are associated with the role of animal chairs, their lifestyle, in some reflects the phenomena of inanimate nature. You can use games such as the "Cubs and Chickens", "Mice and Cat", "Sun and Rain", "Wolves and Sheep". Children, imitating actions, imitating sounds, in these games are deeply learned knowledge, and emotionally positive attitudes contribute to the deepening of their interest in their nature.

Creative games reflect the impressions of children obtained in the process of classes, excursions, everyday life, help to assimilate knowledge about the work of adults in nature (work on the poultry farm, in pigsty, greenhouse), while they have a positive attitude towards work, they are aware of the importance of adults in nature.

One species of creative games are building games with natural material: sand, snow, clay, small pebbles, cones. In them, children, creating, know the properties and quality of materials.

Along with the listed games, in working with children you can use a large number of game exercises ("Find a leaf of a tree", "find out the taste", "Find the flower of the same", "bring yellow leaf" etc.). Gaming exercises help to distinguish objects for the qualities and properties, develop observation. Gaming exercises are conducted either with the entire group of children or with part of it. Special meaning exercises have in junior and middle groups.

Compilation of synkewine "Environmental Game"

Sinwen classic (strict)

the first line is the theme of synissive, one word, noun or pronoun

the second line is two adjectives or communion, which describe the properties of the topic

the third line is three verbs or verbalia, telling about the actions of the topic

the fourth line is a proposal of four words expressing the personal attitude of the author of Sinway to the topic

the fifth line is one word (any part of speech) expressing the essence of the topic; a kind of resume

Game "Logic Train" (TRIZ-Technology)

You have Cards with task Try to express the most important principles of creating an ecological corner in kindergarten (in the first place put the most relevant, in your opinion position):

The presence of as much as possible species of plants and animals.

The presence of objects of inanimate nature (soil, stones, shells, etc.).

Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of the wildlife needed by him habitat and care.

Safety (lack of dangerous species of animals, insects).

Ensuring for children opportunity to care for plants and animals.

Providing children opportunities to observe the objects of wildlife.

Providing for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature.

Blitz - Competition "How Plants and Animals predict the weather"

The weather has always been interested in people. The closer there was a person to nature, the more His life was dependent on rains and droughts, from frost and thaws.

And although these perennial observations, which have been reflected in the signs and riddles, proverbs and sayings are not all accurate, but to fully be used to familiarize children with nature, folk traditions, for the development of their creative abilities; Observations make it possible to experience the joy of discovery, feel the taste of research work.

Weather forecasting on the basis of people will take up respect for traditions, provides a connection of generations.

I offer you a small blitz - a contest "Like plants and animals predict the weather." I remind you of the beginning of the signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

  • The spider is stripping over the web - (to dry weather).
  • Already the road is heated - (before the rain).
  • Striges, swallows low fly - (rain foreshadow).
  • Mice go out from under the litter on the snow - (per day before thaw).
  • The dog rides on the ground, eats little and sleeps a lot - (to the blizzard).
  • When the cherry blooms - (to cold, frosts).
  • If the morning is dry in the morning - (in the evening, expect rain).
  • In the morning, mocities bloomed and remained revealed all day -

(To good weather).

  • Flowers before the rain - (smell stronger).
  • The cat rolled the glomerulum - (to cooling).
  • Voron shouts in winter - (to blizzards).
  • Frogs squaby - (to the rain).
  • Sparrows in dust bathe - (to the rain).
  • Near the Moon, the star norradized - (for warming).

Can any of you remind other signs?

Game "Sorryazhko" (dynamic pause)

Professionals game (Decision of Pedagogical Situations)

Each team should solve the following pedagogical situation. (Distribute each team to 1 situation). The decision is given for 5 minutes.

Crossword "Happy Birthday, Earth!"

1. That morning does not rush to inflates the red ball, and how it will get out of the hands - it will become all light around. (The sun)

  1. I am transparent, I am solid, go, go for me. I'm not tone in water, I do not burn on fire. (Ice)
  2. At night, I walked around the sky, dimmedly covered the earth. "Boring, boring to me alone, and my name is me ..." (Moon)
  3. Runs through the snow, and there is no trace. (Game)
  4. Paul - pellets over the houses, not get it hands. (Month)
  5. In the morning, the beads flashed, all the grass seated themselves, and went to look for them in the afternoon: We are looking for, we are looking for - we will not find. (Dew)
  6. The call will answer the call, on the word - the same word. On laughter - will answer with a laugh, it calls ...? (Echo)
  7. Clean, sunny, mushroom, warm, ringing, mischievous. Pulls herring to the sky, rye. Harman - Summer ... (Rain)
  8. We love her all when she is noise, murmurs, splashes, and the cat does not love her - he is wound with a paw. (Water)
  9. How much do not go on it - everything will run ahead. (Shadow)

11. Everyone who passes - Suitable, will go down and again in the way the power will go. (Spring)

  1. All summer is sitting on a branch, and in the autumn butterfly yellow circle. (Leaf)
  2. The field is black and white, it falls the rain, then snow. And she became cool, the ice rivers rods. Flashing in the field of fierce rye, which for the month, tell me. (November)
  3. When all are covered with gray snow and the sun knows goodbye to us? (Winter)
  4. I carry yields, the fields again sowing, I send the birds to the south, the trees undress, but we do not touch the Christmas trees and pines. I ... (autumn)

16. White, like milk, all around the cloud. (Fog)

  1. The spike is golden, the river silver. Dragged nature! What during the season? (Summer)
  2. Our garden was empty, the clips fly fly. And the southern edge of the Earth reached the cranes. Overlooked school doors, what came to us for a month? (September)

"Fair of pedagogical ideas"

(Didactic ecological orientation games)

Creative task

The educator is a creative profession. And what creativity without fantasy and fiction. The next task is creative. Each team must draw a proverb so that the opposite team can "read" it.

  1. Spring red flowers, and autumn pies.
  2. I saw the ridge - I will meet the spring.
  3. Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.
  4. Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.
  5. Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.
  6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  7. The apple never falls far from the tree.

Musical competition

Teams alternately fulfill an excerpt from songs about nature.

And now the musical riddle (Saint-San Sansa melody sounds). Listen to the music and tell me: What kind of music tells about the bird? (Swan)

Swan is a symbol of purity. He lives only on pure lakes. Swans, as a carrier of hyperborean wisdom of unity with nature, personify the spiritual purity. No wonder all nations worship swans as a symbol of spirituality, morality, sincerity, happiness. If these birds settle next to us - it will be a convincing evidence of the high ecological culture of people and environmental health.

I suggest you make a swan way origami. (Pedagogues perform the task.)

On this, our seminar - workshop approached the end, I hope that he was interesting for you and helpful. You have fresheged everything about environmental education in mind, has expanded their knowledge about the didactic games of the environmental orientation. I wish you success in work on the environment. Thank you again.

Exercise - Reflection "Review Rostock"

Workshop workshop

Environmental education of children in the corner of nature

Purpose: develop creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology; Increase professional mastery of teachers and the effectiveness of their procedural activities, to establish close cooperation between teachers of the gardens. Activate the mental-search activities of educators.

Identify existing knowledge of educators on environmental education in the corner of nature
The ability to use the knowledge gained in nature in different activities;
Develop cognitive interest among teachers;
Educating love for nature, to his native land.

Workshop workshop:

Theoretical part
Ecological training for teachers
Workout. Representation of the name of the team. The game "Association"
Blitz - Competition "What we know about ecology"
Multimedia presentation "Environmental education of children in the corner of nature"

Practical part
Principles of creating an ecological corner.
Creative contest.
Erudite contest.

Seminar's move:
Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today I will spend a workshop for you on the topic: "Environmental education of children in the corner of nature"

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment of a child. Children constantly in one form or another come into contact with it. Meetings with nature help to form realistic knowledge of the world around the world, humane attitude towards living beings.

Introduce the child into the world of nature, teach him to understand it, to educate the careful attitude towards it is the most important task of kindergarten.

During the preschool childhood, the child has the first ideas about the world around the world, the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding life, as well as the ability to independently apply the knowledge gained in available practical activities.

2. Doing to take the figure like the colors you like and tell how this color is connected with environmental education - "Associations". The teachers are divided into four teams. In order to be convenient to contact the teams, I suggest advise and come up with a team name and present it.

3. "What do we know about ecology?" Questions ask each team in turn

1. What is ecology?

The poster "Ecology is a science on the relations of plant and animal organisms and the communities formed by them and the environment."

2. What does the environmental education of preschoolers? (This is familiarizing children with nature, which is based on an ecological approach, in which the pedagogical process relies on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology.)

3. Why in your opinion, do they need to do with preschool age? (Because it is in preschool child that the foundations of the right attitude towards the world and value orientations in it are laid.)

4. Roll of teacher in the environmental education of preschoolers?

5. What, in your opinion, should work with parents?

(Questioning, parent meetings, "round tables", consultations, exhibitions of children's and joint work, stands, screen, folders, mobile folders, attracting parents to collaborative work on the site and in the corner of nature, various joint stocks, etc. )

6. Name the elements of the objective environment of kindergartens used to ecological education of preschoolers.

(Participants are alternately called: corner of nature: models and schemes; visual material; calendar of nature; labor cards, observations and experiments; laboratory; training panels; methodical, encyclopedic and fiction; ecological trail; mini-garden in group premises and garden-garden On the territory; Environmental collections and mini-museums; winter garden; Passports of plants, etc.).

7. What should be in the corner of nature?
(Plants, animals, birds, fish, care inventory Corner, food for the inhabitants; calendar of nature; children's drawings.)

8. What methods are used to environmental education of children?
(Visual, practical, verbal.)

9. List the visual methods of environmental education of children.
(Observations; viewing of paintings; demonstration of models, movies, diaposts, diapositives.)

10. Present practical methods for environmental education of preschoolers.
(Game; elementary experiments; modeling.)

11. List the verbal methods of environmental education of preschoolers.
(Stories of teacher and children; reading artistic works about nature; conversations)

12. Name the main method used in the environmental education of preschoolers. (Observation.)
Multimidia Presentation "Environmental Education of Children in the Corner of Nature"

Text to slides

Environmental education is carried out in a preschool institution through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in classes. In implementing environmental education tasks, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, which is properly decorated and corrupted, giving permanent direct communication with nature; Organization of systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, attachment of children to regular labor
Environmental education is carried out in a preschool institution through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in classes. In implementing environmental education tasks, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, which is properly decorated and corrupted, giving permanent direct communication with nature; Organization of systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, attachment of children to regular labor
To fulfill their role, a corner of wildlife in kindergarten must comply with the following requirements:

* "Better less, yes better", i.e. Use a small number of objects, but healthy, well-groomed and beautifully fit in the interior of the room,

* When organizing a corner of nature, it is necessary to figure out the question of the allergy of children to one or another plants and animals. If such a problem exists, it should be limited to a common corner of nature, or animals contain in a separate room, or exclude allergenic objects from a group corner,

* Selected objects must be beautiful, typical, with pronounced signs,

* Plants and animals should be safe for children, i.e. Not poisonous, without barns, are not aggressive, etc.

The inhabitants of the corner must be unpretentious and accessible in care,

Selection of plants and animals are carried out taking into account age characteristics of children.
In junior groups, in the selection of inhabitants, the corner of nature takes into account the peculiarities of the perception of the objects of the objects (the kids are distinguished by bright signs and properties), as well as educational tasks. Kids must learn to recognize and call 2-3 plants, their main parts (sheet, stem, flower).
The children of the second younger group are attracted to the care of plants: watered with water prepared by adults (it also determines both the dosage), wipe the plants with a damp cloth. Watching animals, kids learn to recognize them on external bright features: parts of the body, the nature of the movement, the sounds published, etc.

The educator teaches children to observe: to take the question of the task, focus on the observed subject, use simple surveillance actions, respond to the questions set during the observation.

In the corner of the nature of the younger groups, plants are placed, having clearly pronounced main parts (stem, leaves) and bright, abundantly and long blooming, such as:

Ordinary (or zone) geranium,


Eternal Bloody Begonia,

Balzamine ("Spark"),

Chinese Rosan and others.

Attract the attention of children and plants having motley painted leaves,

Aukuba ("gold" or "sausage" tree),

In the second group of younger age in the corner of nature, an aquarium is placed with fish. For kids, based on the features of their perception, it is necessary to choose the fish brightly painted, leading for most of the year an active lifestyle, willingly eating food. This is an ordinary goldfish, golden and silver karasi. They have a typical form of freshwater fish, attractive in color, quite movable.

In junior kindergarten groups, you can contain birds. It is desirable that the bird has a bright plumage, cheerful temper, was unpretentious to food, sang in captivity. For this, the canary is most suitable.

To contain mammals constantly in the corners of the nature of the younger groups are hardly advisable. Mammals, even small, require significantly more attention than other animals (abundant and frequent feeding, daily cleaning of cells, etc.). On the site you can contain a rabbit. A cage with a rabbit, protein or sea pig, hamster occasionally bring to a group of kids for episodic, short-term surveillance.
In the middle group, children form the ability to see the variety of properties and qualities of objects and their parts (a variety of shape, color, values, surface nature, etc.). Children seize more complex comparisons, learn to establish differences and similarity of objects, summarize objects for one or another signs.

Complete knowledge about plants and animals. Children clearly distinguish between plant features, get acquainted with the conditions necessary for their lives. The number of plants that recognize and call the guys increases.

The child of the fifth year of life, getting acquainted with animals, notes the originality of their appearance, structure, movement, method of nutrition; Sets the first bonds - the dependence of the nature of the movement on the characteristics of the structure of the limbs.

In the process of care (along with the educator) for the inhabitants of the corner, children are mastered by simple skills: maintain a plant clean, pour it out correctly, wash the drinkers and animal feeders, give food. Watching plants and animals, we make bright manifestations in the growth, development of plants and animals. Learn your observations to reflect in a connected, accurate speech.

The expansion and complication of software tasks in the middle group requires replenishment of the corner of nature with new inhabitants. Indoor plants must have a different form and the magnitude of the leaves, as the guys are mastered by new techniques for maintaining plants clean: pour out of a fine-satellite watering can or spray from spray guns with small leaves, wipes with a damp tassel or brushed leaves having a jar, dry tassel - pubescent leaves. At the same time, children learn to establish a way of departing depending on the nature of the leaves: the quantities, the number, the nature of the surface, their fragility.

In addition to plants called for a corner of the nature of the younger groups, aloe or agawa are placed in the middle group (with juicy leaves having jar on the edges), begonia-Rex, asparagus, fragrant geranium (with patterned, sowed leaves), etc. at the same time in The corner of nature can be up to 6-8 species of plants.
The aquarium contains two types of fish that differ in appearance and sobs: a slow pond crucian and yurt moving tops; A varieties of goldfish - a voualehvost, a telescope and at the same time (in another aquarium) fish from local reservoirs. Differences in the appearance and the hablings of these fish are sufficiently noticeable and can be detected by children when observed. In the corner of the nature of the middle group, you can contain the same channels.

As constant inhabitants in the corner of the nature of the middle group, you can also contain mammals. Children of this age may well master uncomplicated care skills. So, it is advisable to put in the corner of interesting guinea and hamster in your corners. The care of them is simple, they are friendly, they are easily produced by reflexes on a variety of signals - time, atmosphere.

10.11. In the older group, the formation of skills to observe, compare items, to summarize and classify them on various features. The main content of observations is the growth and development of plants and animals, changes in their seasons. Children should know that plants for their growth need light, moisture, warm, soil nutrition; Different plants need a different number of light, moisture.

The familiarization of children with plants, with the peculiarities of their external structure: not only with a variety of leaves, but also stems, flowers. The ability to determine the way of care of plants, depending on the nature of the leaves and the stem (method of maintaining the plant clean).

In the content of cognitive problems about plants include knowledge of some methods of their vegetative reproduction, in particular stem cuttings. All this requires replenishment of a corner of nature with new plants: with a variety of stems (curly, fluttering or modifies of extensive stems) having bulbs, clubnellukovitsa, etc. It can be 2-3 types of tradesansans, indoor grapes, curly ivy, ficus, aloe, Sygocactus, Epiphilleum, Cyclamen, Primula, Amarillis, Clivia, etc. They have a variety of leaves in the form and character, stems, flowers, they have different needs in light and moisture.

12.13. When selecting animals for the corner of the nature of older children, it is necessary to take into account the main software task - to ensure the formation of initial knowledge about the features of the adaptation of animals to the conditions of habitat.

In the aquariums, it is well to contain thermo-loving vivaging and icometown fish - Guppies, swords, scalar, and others. No less interest in children will cause and watching the belonging. This little fish of local reservoirs is a kind of barometer: before the onset of indolement weather, it increases the motor activity.

From birds should be preferred from the offspring in captivity - canary, wavy parrots. The growth and development of chicks, the care of adult birds about the offspring is the most valuable material for observation. At the same time, it should not forget that the children are inherent in the feeling of a particularly careful and patronage attitude towards young, and care for helpless, growing chicks is a source of good and humane feelings, careful, and a caring attitude towards the whole living.

In the corner of the nature of the older group, it is good to put a turtle (any kind). Usually this animal flows in winter in a short hibernation. If the turtle lives in a corner for several years, then the hibernation may not be, then during this period the turtle becomes sluggish, reluctantly takes food. (Understand the cause of such a condition and create appropriate conditions for the life of the animal, only senior preschoolers can.)

Diverse and selection of mammals. In addition to the guinea pig and hamster can be protein. Squirrel to a greater extent than other mammals of nature, changes its lifestyle by seasons. Squirrel in the fall more often hides the residues of food into their pantry, in the winter less mobile, in addition, it lines twice a year. These changes are associated with the living conditions of animal in nature, which senior preschoolers should know.

14-18. In each corner of the nature of the kindergarten, its weather calendar should be organized. Acquaintance with the phenomena of nature begins in the younger preschool age. Weather calendar management is of great importance for environmental education of children. The child who is just begins to understand the world around, changes in nature cause a great interest. One of the most affordable ways to understand the surrounding reality is to watch it.
The corner of duty in the corner of nature can be a separate or common duty for all types of duty.
To care for plants requires inventory: watering cans. Brushes, rags, wands for loosening the Earth. It is in the corner for duty, where the aprons is stored, which are dressed during operation. All operating tools have their own place, lie on the shelf in a definite order.
The presence of a mini-laboratory is the base for the specific game activity of the child, children turn into scientists, conduct experiments, observations, experiments such as: what water is, water is a solvent, can it be glued to paper with water, sinks - not sink, sand country, focuses with magnets, why not drown ships, why objects move

22. In the younger group, there must be a corner for games with sand: sand, molds, cups, plates.


Motherland - South Africa.

In nature there are about 280 species.

Flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Pelargonium is light-head and needs direct sunlight.

Watering is moderate, in the winter is very small.

Transplantation - annually in March, while cutting off the shoots so that 3-4 kidneys remained on each.
In the senior group there may be a layout scheme for plants.
Registration of a corner of nature with their own hands is painstaking work, requiring certain knowledge, diligence, and most importantly, the most important aspiration to raise good feelings in the guys, responsiveness, attentiveness and sensitive attitude to everything alive.

5. And you have a card with a task. Try to express the most important principles of creating an ecological corner in kindergarten (first place the most relevant, in your opinion position):
The presence of as many plants and animals as possible;
The presence of objects of inanimate nature (soil, stones, shells, etc.);
Ensuring comfortable conditions for all representatives of the wildlife needed by him habitat and care;
Safety (lack of dangerous animal species, insects);
Providing children opportunities to care for plants and animals;
Ensuring for children opportunities to observe the objects of wildlife;
Providing children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature;

(Teachers perform task)

6. "Creative"

The educator is a creative profession. And what creativity without fantasy and fiction. The next task is creative. Each team should come up with a fragment of the classes of a teacher-defectologist, a teacher-psychologist, musical and physical culture related to environmental education. (Work in groups)
"Erudite Competition"

7.1. Name children's writers who wrote about nature.

V.Bianki, M. Prishvin, E. Seton-Thompson, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, N. Slakov, L. Tolstoy, K. Poystovsky, Snegiev, A. S. Pushkin and others.

7.2 "Riddles - illustrations". The beauty of nature helps the reproduction of pictures of famous artists. In this task you can show your knowledge. (Educators are offered reproductions of pictures of famous artists who wrote landscapes. It is necessary to define the author and the name of the work)

I. I. Shishkin "Rye";

I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn";

A. K. Savrasov "Gracchi flew";

I. I. Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest";

I. K. Ayvazovsky "Ninth Val";

N. K. Roerich "Kanchendzon. Himalayas".


On this, our seminar - workshop approached the end, I hope that he was interesting for you and helpful. You have fresheged everything about environmental education. And at the end I suggest a test "What should be the corner of nature in the group". I wish you success in work on the environment. Thank you again.