How to celebrate February 23 in the office. What to give to colleagues on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Can not be. However, without the terms nowhere! And if you - activists and not very - to hell bored parties under the "Soviet", which means that there will be a case. But what - to decide let you, but we are at the same time. So, 11 excellent ideas on the topic "February 23 in the office" in our relevant review. Go.

Idea number 1. It all starts with ... details.

So, the workers in the early morning of February 23 unequivocally do not need to pretend that the holiday is ahead and calmly work itself to the very corporate hour N. After all, no matter how much men can also evaluate attention. Therefore, colleagues better express clearly and openly. Regardless of the size of the office, it is an office - you can easily and trustly transform, turning on fantasy, and patience, and work. For example, on the table of each hero, arrange the miniature flag in the "Militari" style with a fun wish for a day.

Idea number 2. To feed!

Gifts to colleagues on February 23 with your own hands - what is not a surprise? Of course, you can sculpt plasticine planes, but it is better to pre-pick up. Sweet, salty, acidic and sharp surprises will definitely enjoy all without exception and inspire a productive day. If you already think that you will not come up with a banal, not a question - surprise the interesting solution of standard "pies". Let there be "brutal" hiking sets consisting of boiled sausages, a piece of black bread and what will come up there.

Idea number 3. What's already there .... The style does not hurt.

To withstand the mood of the holiday, admit it is very difficult. Especially in the workplace, when things are darkness. We do not encourage stretching a smile if there is no desire, but to support a common style - yes! The female coalition can easily come up with the topics of the holiday, not necessarily tied to the military, and choose the appropriate outfits. It may be "Pirate February 23", in "Russian style", "cowboy" or any other! Choose boldly.

Idea number 4. Competitions, goodbye!

Admit it, these endless contests have already been riveted in the fly. Tired. Potion. But the question is relevant: how without them? Very simple. Without them! Play the Mafia to the whole friendly team, get presented to strengthen the corporate spirit "Manager", compete in running. There are many options, the main thing is to participate.

Idea number 5. Creative.

So, already on February 23, but how to congratulate colleagues - no options? Panic aside. There is a great way to surprise, and at the same time, and mix a strong half. You will need only a printer, the Internet and a graphic program. And then you are looking for any plot thematic photo on the Internet, carefully search for office photos of colleagues from a corporate party and by unacceptable manipulations carry the faces of men to the selected collage. Print and hang in the office.

Idea number 6. Gift!

In fact, whatever you have conceived - it will be nice. But no less pleasant for your fellow defenders will get a stylish gift. It is better, of course, if a surprise you pick up for each individual and thereby emphasize what it is special, your colleague. It may be handmade butterfly, invited to a movie, a stylish clip for money and a lot of money.

Idea number 7. The game of defeat!

The secret is not that February 23 - the day of the defender! So, male colleagues are the time to prove the ability to protect and protect their best female colleagues! Thille thinking, go to the paintball playground, pre-forgetting it to book. Definitely, it will be fun!

Idea number 9. Yes, a photo session!

Men, fortunately, is not particularly photographed, and the portfolio of them, no matter how try, you will not find. A photo session in the style of "Militari" will be the perfect exception and will allow your colleagues to reincarnate and feel true heroes! Do not forget to think about where to get suits (for example, you can rent), and during the photo session, organize a small buffet for a better mood.

Idea number 10. Do it yourself? Easily!

Usually master classes attend women. But! Be sure your male colleagues will not be less interesting to learn something new. It may be a joint master class in the office of the software, to mix cocktails or, for example, on dancing! In any case, such a pastime is smoking and strengthen the command spirit of your team.

Idea number 11. Classic.

If your team does not like surprises, it does not mean that you should not try. But overdo it - also not an option! Therefore, you can simply arrange a soul evening in your favorite cafe or restaurant and a cozy company of your favorite colleagues for a pleasant conversation to celebrate on February 23.

Thus, on February 23, the office may be at least a fun holiday than any other. The main thing is your desire to do a pleasant and remember that men adore have fun!

Good afternoon, dear guests!

According to statistics, we spend most of the time at work and it is very important that the microclimate is positive. This is facilitated by good friendly relations between the colleagues, the corporate spirit of the company, desirable supported by finance from the founders, the loyal attitude of the leadership of different levels on the holding of office holidays, gatherings, pass commander. I was lucky, to this day I was able to work only in such organizations, which I sincerely wish you, my dear guests.

It so happened that in our team of men more than 2 times. I always want to give the necessary useful gift, but it needs money and, as practice shows, considerable. The output was found, began to think how to creatively congratulate men from February 23. I will describe the most successful 3 ways to congratulate men on the day of the defender in the office.

Rock band arrival.
Rock band "In Tokyo we want"

The treats were decided that each would prepare at home any dish to choose from Himself: baked cake, made bagels with marmalade in a pylled dough, pancakes with filling, a snack roll in a panel with fish and even Formak. Did not immediately apply everything, but throughout the day, every time inviting people personally to the table to taste something or another dish.

In advance of cardboard boxes drew musical instruments, one employee turned out to be quite good. We decided to make musical congratulations in the form of the arrival of the rock band "in Tokyo we want." In the evening, dressed, respectively, found different chains, bandans, t-shirts with skulls and various rocker pieces. They went out, they said many more warm words, congratulated men from February 23, and then we sang them under the backing of the chastushki, in advance those with us about everyone. It was very funny to observe such rockers singing ordinary Russian chastushki. By the way, they are easier to compose, special poetic talent is not required. We are very violently welcomed by our men, cheated.

Building a female detachment

Next year, the situation in the ratio of men and women has not changed, decided to act in the same scheme. We were prepared in advance. Headles of various types of troops were prepared: the border cap, the blue paratrooper takes the paratrooper, Beszinka, takes the marine and so on. Invented to make male congratulations, building and marching under the song-alteration "We honestly want to say."

We honestly want to tell you, we look at you most of all.

Without you, we are bored and sad everywhere. Who will tell us where, why, who and where.

Chorus: And how to live without you, but tell me, say.

Without you, where are we where? Yes, just nowhere.

No wonder all say that without men trouble

and we agree with this once and forever!

We should honestly say, we love you and very much.

You are without a doubt we have the best, we know exactly the success with you.

Chorus: the same

I was chosen by the commander of the improvised squad, the first and shout came:

Step march!


What? - Girls answer.

Diedyad, fighting!

Right now, only the lips smear.

Squad, in one rank getting!

Run, become increasing. Then I give the team:

Diedyad, feeling! In order, calculate!

Girls are calculated, the latter in the ranks says no number, but the word "last", and a foul voice.

Delicate, first-second charge!

Diedyad, in two ranks getting! Left! At the place of step march!

And after a few seconds:

Spindle, Sat!

In front of the chorus, I turned them to the right, and then before the second coupler once again right.

Died! On the place stand! Once or two! Left! Volong, you can recover and smoke!

After such marching, the men were delighted, for a long time our hats were considered, asked where they were from, they recalled where they were served in which kind of troops.

After congratulations, we handed our men Maxim magazines that bought in advance. Also in advance, we photographed everyone, printed photos in the amount of A4 and just stuck on the cover of magazines. There are photos of photoshotles, which are free and easy to do this, also to make the inscription in the form of headlines to articles.

After this congratulations on the day of the defender, our men said they were nowhere and never congratulated women at work.

Completion of desires.

Another of the interesting congratulations of men on February 23. In advance, wrote on the leaves of desire, offered to choose each one by one. The desires came up with all different, but some can repeat some, the condition was one - the execution should be only during the day, but any employee on choice.

Pour tea or coffee at any time and any employee;

Head massage such a special massager, from which goosebumps run;

Hand massage, followed by hand cream;

To contact me your high Excellency to all employees;

Contact me your highly reliability to all employees;

Treat me tasty;

To bow to me all employees;

Kiss me to three employees to choose from;

All the wishes were printed on leaves and rolled them with triangles, according to the sample, as in the army, the letters came, put a small postcard with congratulations. One girl dressed up with the postman and distributed the letters. For the director, a letter with the wish to contact him, your royal greatness, we marked and made it so that he chose it. I had to apply a trick, but everyone was satisfied, especially the director.

Also, there were signs with military terms by analogy with office names of the premises:


Head -stab


Smoking -Capterka

Dining room - field kitchen

Girls sit-nursaneously, girls made bandages with a red cross on hand

Accounting Tribunal

Trading Hall Voentorg

Logist - Field Mail

Where the name of the company is the Red Army

Toilet - Guba (Gauptahta)

Found a poem on the Internet, prepared, dividing it between all employees, read by heart and tried to do it very artistic. Our men were very satisfied.

"In February, the girlfriends began to discussed cappuccino.

Where is the real man to us, girls, find you?

They sprinkled to them juicy: how can I not know this?

Abroad, girls, it is urgent to make a gentleman to meet!

There in Europe with this business better if it does not change the taste,

Guys one of the other cooler - Italian, German and Frenchman!

On the eyelashes, the mascara lay thick, girls about one were laid

How to fulfill Passionate Italian Serenad at night under the window.

As in Berlin, the German will charm, in Baemwe Magic lucky,

And the Frenchman kisses the pen as the shower, like a bird, dries!

Just suddenly came to mind care: what is the same next to them?

Is it possible from three at least someone, for example, to screw the light bulb?

Who will go to the campaign with him, under the guitar near the fire in the forest

Sound Soul Delay About Love and Maiden Krasu?

Who is potatoes competently roasted, even though you eat the whole frying pan now?

Who will task the spring tulips on the eighth of March gently us?

With whom sometimes you and the woman, you and the horse, you and the bull,

And (infrequently, but happens) I apologize, and man?

What are you talking about? Why do you dangle in vain about our men?

Who then protects us from the overseas enemy?

Who will save the computer from the virus and set up the tablet correctly?

Who is so good and so cozy, what forget and about the word "no"?

Who is in two accounts we will repaid iron? On the holiday who walks all the soul?

Who hurts Hero? Who will comfort, like no other?

How beautiful Rome, Berlin and Nice! Only we all this is not with your hands.

Good syntoras abroad, but your men's men!

Promises abraint with happiness, only our answer today is simple:

We are for you - loved ones, real, for native men will raise the toast! "

I suggest stroll through the shop of funny gifts, you may find ideas about - what to give colleagues to work. Many unusual trifles will help you solve this question.

Also, I have an assembly of dance music for your holiday, she is many years old, but the old and young and young are dancing under it, there is also a MIX for a dance competition. You can download for free

It is also unusual to congratulate you can send a musical congratulation on the phone, there are a lot of options,

When you are preparing for congratulations to men from February 23 at work, voluntarily or involuntarily think about what it would be nice to get a pleasant and creative congratulation for March 8, and not just a template set of words and a bouquet in hand. To my great regret, in my professional activity there was never any worthy congratulations on the Women's Day, which I would tell you about.

Let's be friends.

Day of Defenders of the Fatherland is such a holiday that many men expect for a whole year. Therefore, it is necessary to spend it well, fun, festively, with various contests. However, what to do if this day falls to work? Well, there is such a situation! How to celebrate February 23 in the office with colleagues to be interested in everything?

The best ideas as noted on February 23 at work

Festive table. It will be very tasty for men, if you make a festive open table for them to 23 February. You can cook a variety of dishes, only you need to choose a recipe. Such an idea will be held with a bang, because men love delicious food very much.

Tamada. Well, of course, if only eat, it will definitely be boring. It is desirable that the holiday led Tamada, he will merry guests, invent various contests, sing to guests and so on.

Clown. Each person is a little nostalgic by his childhood. This can be used to invite clown. He will merry guests, manual. After all, the child is still sitting inside each adult. Clown will show interesting focus on February 23, will fool and joke.

Scenario. Surely in any team there is a person who composes poems can be inventing fairy tales, find it and ask him to write a script for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Then you can not spend on it. However, it is desirable that the competitions are a lot. It is not bad to take care in advance so that every winner of the competition has received some kind of gift. It will be quite small, but still it will be remembered. In addition, employees will be more interesting to compete.

Film. Perhaps too noisy events do not like colleagues. Then you can see some movie. Before viewing, you need to ask people what exactly they want. And then cook a big screen and see this tape. Of course, snacks should be present.

PHOTOSESSION. Who said that men don't like to take pictures? This is completely wrong. Well, the photographer came to the office. You need to choose a place to collect employees. And then, when the pictures are ready, you need to distribute everyone. This gift for workers in the office will be very memorable.

Costume evening. For the holidays, the idea of \u200b\u200ba costume evening will be very suitable. You can learn in advance from people that they like it more or provide to choose from. Perhaps one will come in the chamomile outfit, the second - Mickey Maus, and the third - inch. This is a very wonderful idea as far as possible on February 23 in the office at work, because everything will be happy.

Parade. You can decorate the holiday by the parade. To spend it, you need to build all men, and it is also necessary to come up with an order or medals, paper, chocolate. Military music should be required, for example, the Marsh "Farewell Slavic". And now it is read about the call to the army. For all the rules, the agenda is first handed over. On the Internet they are full. Then on the reverse side, you can write something very funny.

Race. You rarely find a man who would not like to play or not to drive. That's just this can take advantage. These are the best ideas as noted on February 23 in the office. To do this, you will need toy cars. Best to be tanks. Men with delight will perceive such a competition where they will show how fast they are.

Strites. The next pleasure will be not suited, but many men will have to taste. Perhaps such an idea, as noted on February 23 in the office, will make all male employees happy. It is striptease!

Master classes. It would be nice to arrange some master classes for them. Some would like to learn to do something tasty, others still do some business. Then you need to invite the relevant specialist. Suppose your colleagues want to take a game lesson on the guitar. We must speak with some bard or musician. And if they want to learn to do sushi, then snacks do not prepare snacks.

Beer Party. Unless of course the head allows you to take various crackers to work, chips, and of course dried fish. But the main dish naturally be beer. By the way, cute bouquets are obtained from fish. If you take them as a fan, tie them with a rope behind the tails, then clean the bouquet from above as a bouquet in the newspaper. Understand all your employees will delight such a tasty bouquet. You can bring music to work or ask someone to write. If there are no fish, weld the potatoes in the uniform, bring the boiled sausage, salt cucumbers and of course the black bread.

Beer Party

Congratulations to colleagues

Presenting gifts

Cheerful draw

You can make a holiday in the office very solemnly and at the same time fun. Then your colleagues will be very happy, it will be a very pleasant surprise for them to 23 February. Or do you think of yourself?

Video master classes

Master class on the preparation of rolls on the day of the defender:

With the understanding of the problem of the beautiful half on this winter day, all the women's blogs are read today, which discussed the topic of celebration on February 23 in the office.

The strongest impression of the read? How big and solicing our country :-)!

I wanted to collect all the most interesting and affordable performed, but soon I realized that the task is insanely complicated, as there are factors on which the entire success of the event depends:

  • the amount that women are willing to collect very different (it matters, naturally, the region, and the status of the company itself). Judging by the comments, it is from 100 to 2000 rubles.
  • the ratio of a woman / man in the team (there are explicit breaks - 2/15 and vice versa)
  • the amount of time for congratulations (if only 20 minutes of the lunch break, what's so sad)
  • place holiday (you also have 30 square centimeters among working papers?)
  • the presence in the team of a creative person, ready to take on the role of the lead (if everyone is pressed into the walls and nourish each other, better limit the official toast for the health of men)

Now I share the knowledge gained, tips and specific suggestions for Moscow residents.

1. My selection of gifts for February 23

In the past, I worked as a HR manager in Bolshoi Holding, he was engaged in choosing gifts for each holiday for the whole team.

The conclusion is made: everything must be ordered in one big online store with delivery by courier to the office, convenient options for payment and the possibility of getting impressive discounts. We made a decision not to rush and ordered everything in ozone. Since then, I had a calm and healthy dream.

Available unusual gifts

Already seventh year in a row, I update a selection of all interesting gifts for men to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Something is quite inexpensive and symbolic, something more expensive (it is possible to afford if there are few men in the team).

Personal gifts with engraving, embossed or seal (personalized)

If you fundamentally give a thing that exists in a single instance, you can make a quick order on the site of individual nominal souvenirs. Just fill the mold indicating a name, surname or even Nick on social networks, choose a gift. The courier will bring everything directly to the office. These are nominal flash drives, purses, cool souvenirs, sludge, glasses, diaries, etc.

2. How to have fun (9 options)

1. All by drum (in the literal)

2. Intellectual Entertainment Command Games

Intellectual games for February 23 we ordered often. Do not be frightened that at the end of the working day you will be caught hard to break the head 2 hours in a row. These are entertainment events that can be held in the office or in a cafe right during the feast. Like lovers "What? Where? When? "," Mafia "," Guess the melody ". And there are also programs for possessors of powerful intuition and kinomans.

8. Wine portrait

An artist comes to office. It makes up a beautiful workplace with wine glasses and easel. She draws from nature, for 2 hours it time to make 12-15 portraits, cost with departure inside MKAD - 25,000 rubles. The portrait will be the size of A3, in the end gloves on a dense substrate of the color of wine.

It looks like this:

9. Sand animation (art show)

The office comes an artist with special equipment. This is a glass table with sand and other devices for creating a live card from sand paintings that replace each other to spectle music.

Duration - 15 minutes. Cost in the morning and during the day - 28,000 rubles, after 17 hours - 35,000 rubles (inside the Moscow Ring Road).

10. Cartoon in the photo (frame with glass, delivery with courier)

Everything, the result looks like this:

By the way, a cartoon can be done on your favorite car:

The last month of winter is the shortest in the year, flying almost imperceptibly. However, and in February there are several significant dates, which have long been a good tradition. In addition to the "young" day of all lovers, for February accounts for the main holiday of all men - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. So, the history of February 23 begins back in 1922, when the workers' and peasant Red Army was created. Since then, this important date began to be called the day of the Red Army and the Navy, and since 1946 the holiday was renamed on the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. However, after the collapse of the USSR, on February 23, he finally lost his ideological color and turned into a "common" holiday of men of all ages, ranks and professions. Today on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, representatives of strong sex take the most sincere words of congratulations from women - in kindergartens and schools, family circle and native working team. In 2018, February 23 comes on Friday and is officially a day off, so men will be able to calmly celebrate the holiday and colleagues and at home. So how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? We will gladly share ideas on the video to create a Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office, and also learn how beautiful and originally congratulate on the feast of men, if there are more in the team than women. In addition, here you will find cool congratulations in verses and prose - they can be pronounced in the form of toast or fit into a beautiful postcard.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 - original ideas for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent reason to please those with whom we share labor office weekdays and on whose strong shoulder can rely on the difficult period of Abrals. Indeed, our men deserve the most sincere words of gratitude, respect and appreciation. How to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? We offer a selection of original ideas for congratulations on the most important male holiday - confident, colleagues will be pleasantly surprised by such fantasy and creativity.

A selection of ideas for the original congratulations to men in the office with the holiday of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23

  • If there are many men in the team, it is best to prepare a lovely souvenir gifts to each defender - a nominal army token, a cool T-shirt, greeting cards in the form of a soldier letter triangle.
  • On the eve of February 23, it is possible to stay in the office to arrange a festive surprise to male colleagues. For example, make a colorful wallpaper or poster - with glued photos of employees, verses and funny congratulations in prose. Do not forget to decorate the rooms with balloons of different shades of yellow and green colors.
  • Each man wants to feel like a "hero of the day" - a defender, rescuer and "most-most." Arrange on February 23, all male employees are a lottery with comic prizes to which a piece of paper is attached. By deploying such a note, the man will read comic verse or congratulations in his own words - they must be prepared in advance. As a prizes, we select inexpensive, but funny symbolic men's gifts.

How to Cool To Congratulate Men from February 23 at work - Scenarios for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - 2018

Today, the leadership of many companies arranges festive corporate events on February 23 - in restaurants, cafes, country clubs. However, such events are not all for the pocket, therefore, most often the native office is chosen as a venue. According to the established tradition, the compilation of the scenario, as well as the organization of the "unofficial" part of the celebration falls on fragile female shoulders. If you are wondering how cool to congratulate men from February 23 at work, you will definitely come out our scenarios for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. So, begin to prepare for February 23 in the circle of the native team!

Funny Defender Day Scenario in the office to congratulate men from February 23

  • Oskaronovtsy - 23. At the heart of this scenario in the best "Hollywood" traditions lies the idea of \u200b\u200bawarding the Oscar for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day to all men-colleagues. So, before the start of the solemn event, the office space is beautifully decorated with balls, flags, Georgievski ribbons and other attributes on a military theme. Under the sounds of the brix march to the room include men, and the presenter pronounces a welcoming speech. Then the Oscar's presentation begins - each of the nominees is invited to the "Red Track" to get a reward for "personal merits to the team." Of course, come up with comic nominations, but tactful - "collective erudite", "The best humorist of the year", "Mr. Tacticity". After presenting the awards in honor of the men, a comic contemplating song on well-known melodies sounds.
  • In the style of "Militari". This script is simply ideal for a small-sized office consisting of small separate rooms. On the doors of each cabinet, there are labels with inscriptions - "barracks", "Penalbat", "Nurse". The door to the office of the director is decorated with the headquarters sign, and the wall in the hall is the "Mortar Committee". In addition to the festive table with a treat and "combat strammers", the male colleagues expect a "military medical examination". In the role of nurses will be women, disguised as nurses - the script can be complemented by cheerful contests. As a result, each "Privilet" receives a military ticket - to military service is suitable!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 - cool scenes with humor, video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is among the most beloved holidays that are happy to celebrate both at home and at work. As a rule, for congratulations to male colleagues, cool comic poems or prose words are selected. How to originally congratulate the male colleagues at work from February 23? We offer to diversify the usual scenario, having prepared for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Scenes - originally and with a notch of humor! The video presents the ideas of scenes in the office, which can be used for the festive scenario on February 23.

Video with original scenes for congratulations to male colleagues for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23

How to congratulate the male colleagues from February 23 at work - original in verse

Each year, February brings with him not only crackling frosts and snow drifts, but also the main holiday of the male part of the population is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. On the eve of this momentous day, women show real wonders of fantasy to surprise and please the favorite defenders. If you do not know how to originally congratulate the male colleagues at work from February 23, we recommend paying attention to the poems - cool comic work. Finding some congratulations in verses, you can pronounce them in the form of a toast at the festive table, with the original wishes of the best wishes for men on February 23.

Poems - Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23 Men's Men's Colleagues

From February 23, colleagues,
Virtual bouts veterans,
Computer Strategies -
Muscles do not punish the screens!

In war, as in war guys,
Well, life, it is known eternal battle,
To live enough and richly,
Break on the front!

Work with you is cool

How good that you are all!

Let our service and dangerous -

Would he honor, would be honored!

Do not hang your nose, my colleagues!

You from twenty-third of February!

I wish you in our century

Your work disappeared the gap!

Colleagues, attention - February on the nose:
Twenty-third - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banbe again for spring,
Despite the winter wave!
We raise the glasses for bold guys,
That brave "fight" with xerox,
For those for the right thing "Corps"
And in the offices praise courage ...
Irony - Away! Sarcasm is appreciated here:
Where are brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, worrying for us,
Stand at the post of our homeland.

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations to you, colleagues!
Tsunami came to us!

This holiday is overlapping us
Snacks in the shackles
Really wants us
There were all healthy!

To laugh from the soul,
To have fun
So that champagne with brandy
Rejuvenated again!

That comes this good hour,
When you can congratulate you,
After all, the twenty-third of February
We have long been waiting for us not in vain:

Keep tight, now waiting for fun
All who have long been ready for him.
To protect against ... omnipotence infections
Get ready to pay tribute.

How beautiful to congratulate men from February 23 at work - in your own words

For many on February 23, an excellent opportunity to meet with relatives and friends for generously covered table, rejoicing "additional" day off. In this wonderful holiday, every man receives sincere congratulations from loved ones, colleagues at work and classmates. By tradition, the solemn events are held for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland annually, the wreaths are imposed on the grave of an unknown soldier, as well as monuments of the heroes of war. Today, it is extremely popular to celebrate the main men's holiday with colleagues at work, going to the whole team in bowling or paintball club. How beautiful to congratulate men from February 23 at work? In your own words, it is best to express the most sincere and warm wishes to our strong and courageous defenders. In honor of the holiday, we picked up beautiful congratulations in our own words - they can be prepared by the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23 to colleagues, adding several personal phrases. Congratulations to all men with their holiday!

Beautiful congratulations in their words on February 23, colleagues in the office

Dear our men! Congratulations on your Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in tomorrow; Those who take on solving problems, allowing us to stay women! Let your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and the heart was warmed by attention, love and care of relatives and loved ones!

This day of the brave and strong spirit of men who have, whom and what to protect: His dedication, its own business, your home and your loved ones, your future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work next to real men and start every morning in front of the mirror. After all, you want to look well for you to stimulate you on new achievements and increase the status of our company in the business world! Happy holiday!

Colleagues! Let your legitimate male holiday bring only positive emotions. Always be sure of tomorrow and continue your confident way to the tops of the career ladder. Do not lose faith in your strength and spirit of patriotism! You need not only we need, but a whole country!

Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, Dear Colleagues! You are strong personality, competent specialists and wonderful people. Next to you do not leave the feeling of protection and reliability. Your support is invaluable. Know that we appreciate this and respect you from all my heart!

How to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23 in the office - in prose from the team of women

Currently, the Day of Defender of Fatherland is celebrated in many countries of the post-Soviet space. So, on February 23, women prepare gifts and congratulations to their favorite men - fathers and brothers, guys and husbands. In addition, since 2002, a "legitimate" opportunity appeared in this wonderful day to relax at home, meet with close, friends and old combat comrades. In addition, many firms are arranged by corporate events and other collective events without leaving the defenders of the Fatherland. By thinking about how to congratulate the male colleagues from February 23 at work, office ladies try to think over the scenario of the holiday. Even if in the team there is only one woman, congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland can be organized truly original and memorable. To do this, it is enough to choose some cool congratulations in prose from our collection so that in your own words to express to men wishes - career achievements, good luck and happiness in personal life. Such a congratulatory prose will melt the heart of the most severe man, and on March 8, colleagues women will definitely receive a response surprise.

Dear our men! Congratulations on February 23! Thank you for being, so wonderful and beautiful. We wish well-being, happiness and good to your families. Let all the undertakings be worth a worthy continuation in everything. You are our support, creative success to you!

So how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? On our pages you will find many original ideas for the festive scenario on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office - cool funny scenes on video, beautiful greetings in verses and in their own words in prose on behalf of the entire team of women. From February 23, dear men!