Babes fabulous and real bubbles. Taji (P. P. Bazhov). What proverbs are suitable for a tale "Blue Snake"

Information for parents: Blue snake - the magic fairy tale of the famous Soviet writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. He will introduce the kids with a fabulous character - a blue snake. Who deserves her tests at the meeting - will be gifted by gold. Who has the plans of dashing - will be punished. What happened to the Lico and Lanko friends when meeting with a forest wizard - find out by reading the "Blue Snake" fairy tale. Personal fairy tale for children aged 7 to 10 years.

Read a fairy tale blue snake

Two guys grew in our factory, on the close side of the neighborhood: Lanka scan and leiko hat.

Who and for what they came up with such a nickname, I can't say that. Meanwhile, these guys lived together. Under one to face. The dying is in short, Silenka Vrowning, height and years too. And there was no big difference in living. Lanka had a father Rudoboy, he burned on the golden sands, and the mother was worried about the farm. The guys have nothing to do with a friend before his friend.

Some of them did not converge. Lanko considered his nickname for the insanity, and the watering can look failing that his stupid is affectionately called a hat. More than once, the mother passed in:

You would, Mamonka, sewed me a new hat! You hear, - the people call me with a hat, and I have Tyuta Malayhai, and that old one.

Friendship guys did not bother. Lico the first in a fight climb, by whom who will call Lanka by the battle.

What is he scrappo? Who frightened

So here they grew up the guy row yes. The ragravers, it happened, happened, but not long. Peace will not have time, again together.

And then the guys had to grow up that both were growing in families. I am a rampant so. With small not working. From the snow to the snow home only eat but sleep resorted.

Little at that time the guys of all things are: in grandmothers play, in the towns, ball, to go fishing, too, to buy, berries, berries for mushrooms, all the hills cling to the mushrooms, foaming on one leg to roll. Eat home in the morning - look for them! Only these guys did not hurt. As in the evening they will resort home, so they were treated:

Nashe Shatalo came! Feed it!

In winter, it was different. Winter, it is known to wait for every beast, people will not work out. Lanka with watering Winter in the hut kneaded. The clothes, you see, weak, leaf training, - not far away in them. Only enough heat from the hut in the hut.

To be larger on hand, they will be born both on the flats and sit there. Two, all the same more fun. When and play when they remember about the summer, when they just listen to what they say big.

Once this time is sitting, and the girlfriends came to the leak sister. The time for the new year was fought, and according to the virgin rite at that time about the grooms burned. Girls and started such a burner. Guys are curious to look, and if they will come. They are not allowed close, and Marjuna is still in-kind of poddenstones.

Go to your place!

She see, this marital, from the stony was. Which year in the brides, but the ghenyov was not. The girl as if it was not good, but a little over the coach. The flaw is like and small, and the guys still learn it because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys have been hammered on the flats, they puff da porch, and girls have fun. The ashes sow, flour on the tabletop roll off, coal overlap, splashed in water. Looked everything, the squeal laughs alone over the other, only Mariuschka sadly. She, it can be seen, was delivered in any vorozh, says: - Pedifier is it. One fun.

One girlfriend for this and say:

It is good to burn it fearlessly.

But as? - asks Marta.

Girlfriend and told:

From grandmother heard, - the most correct fortune telling will be. It is necessary in the evening, how everyone will fall asleep, hang her scallop on the thread on top, and the other day, when no one will awaken, remove this scallop, "everyone will see.

All curious - how? And the girl explains:

If there is a hair in scallop - you will marry that year. It will not be a hair - there is no your destiny. And it is possible to guess what kind of hair will be a husband.

Lanko with a leutle was noticed by this conversation, and then they cut down that Marlushka would certainly be so burning. And both are offended by her for subtletiles. Guys and conspited:

Wait! We remember you!

Lanko did not go on the night at that evening, the leiba had left. Lying, as if they scratch, and each other his friend's croutons in the sides are pushing: looked, not a must!

How big everything fell asleep, the guys hear - Marito in the senka came out. Guys beyond her and trembled, as she climbed on her and in which there was a place there. Honeward and as soon as possible. Behind them, Marjuna came running. Shawls, chucks teeth. Whether it is cold, or it is afraid. Then he lay down, she was very little and, heard became heard, - fell asleep. Children of Togo. Peeled from the climb, got dressed, as I had to, and quietly came out of the hut. What to do, they were talking about it.

Watering, you see, Merin was, not that chalky, not the brown, the name was Him. Guys and invented this Merin Mariushkina combing. On the top of the night, it is afraid, only the guys alone in front of others brave. Found on the treads of the scallop, they were glanced with a dove of wool and scallop in place hanged. After that, the huts were snewed and fastened firmly. Wounded later. From the biggest in the hut one Lyukov Mother was - the stove trampled.

While the guys slept, here is what happened. Marta in the morning rose earlier and got his scallop. She sees - a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom would be curly. Ran to girlfriends boast. Those look - something is not altogether. Missing what hair is wonderful. None of one friend guy did not have this. Then one looked at the scallop hardly from the horse's tail. Girlfriends and let's laugh over Marjun.

You, "they say, - the bridegroom turned out to be the bride.

Marlushka is for great insult, she collapsed with girlfriends, and those know, laugh. Nickname she announced: Golubova Bride.

Martushka came running home, the mother complains - that's what grief it happened, and the guys remember yesterday's subtletiles and with the glades tease:

Golubkova Bride, Golubova Bride! Marnushka here at all sprinkled, and the mother matched, whose hands were the case, screamed on the guys:

What are you, shameless, endowed! Without the gift of the girl's groom bypass, and you put it on laughter.

The guys understood - did not come out at all, let's turn off:

It was you invented!

Marito from these distorters also realized that they guys attached to her such a thing, shouts to them:

So that you yourself the blue snake brought!

Here, again, my mother frowned to Marlux:

Swarms, fool! Is it possible to say that? For the whole house there is a mischower!

Marita in response to this his says:

I am before that! I would not have looked at the white light!

Slammed the door, ran into the fence and let's drive a snow shovel there, as if he was guilty. The mother came out, first terrified the girl, then he carried the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - not to them here, pulled down to Lanka. They hammered there on the polls and sit Smirnekhonko. I feel sorry to Marta, and what will you help now? And the blue snake in the heads stuck. The whisper is asked by one in the other:

LOUKO, did you not hear about the blue snake?

No and you?

Also did not hear.

They whispered, whispered, decided to ask the biggest when it would be a little forgot. So done. As Mariushkin has forgotten, guys and let's reason about the blue snake. Someone will ask, they are disgusting - I do not know, and still thunder:

I'll take a rod yeah we take both! Forget about such asking!

The guys from this more curious became: what kind of snake is so, about which it is impossible to ask?

Found a case. On a festive business, Lanka came home to drink home and sat down at the hut on Zavalinka. And the guys knew that he was at such a time to talk to hurry. Lanko and rotted:

Toyham, did you see the blue snake?

Father, although he had a lot of drunk, even repaid, looked in and spent:

Chur, Chur, Chur! Do not listen, our hut-choir! The word is not here!

He grew up the guys, so that the actions did not say that, and he himself drank himself, to talk to him. Satured so, paused, then he says:

Let's go on beings. There is free about everyone to tell.

Came on berazhok, lit the father's tube, looked back on all sides and says:

So be, I will tell you, and then there are still troubles with your conversations. Here are listening!

There are a small blossom snake in our edges. There is no higher than a quarter, and before the lingerie, there is no weight in it at all. It goes on the grass, so none of the world will not be afraid. This snake does not crawl, like others, but rolled over the ring, the joy will put up, and the tail is resting and jumps out, and so Boyko, that you can not catch it up. When she is sometimes running, right from her gold jet rushes, but left black-pretty.

One to see the blue snake direct happiness: surely the rigid gold will be, where the gold jet passed. And a lot of it. On top of large pieces lies. Only it is also with the top. If the lid is capturing yes, even though you lose the droplet, everything turns into a simple stone. The second time you will not come either, because the place will immediately forget.

Well, and when the snake of two-time or whole artelek will seem, then the black trouble is at all. Everyone will first be remembered by such haters each other, they will come to death that it will come to death. My father went to Katvoa because of this blue snake. They sat somehow artel and talked, and she will show. Here they have a confusion. Two to death in a fight was killed, the rest of the five cortie coat. And there was no gold. Therefore, about the blue snake and do not say: they fear, no matter how it seemed in two or three. And it may seem everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the outbreak and on the street. Yes, they still think that the blue snake is sometimes preserved by a person, just you can still find out. As it goes, so even on the finest sand of traces does not leave. The grass and she is not nervous. This is the first sign, and the second one is: from the right sleeve a gold jet runs, from the left - black dust rushes.

Speak said Lanka father and punishes the guys:

See, do not talk about it for anyone and even do not even memorize about the blue snake. When alone happens to be and the circle of people is not visible, then even cry shout.

And how to call her? - Ask guys.

That, - answers, - I do not know. And if I knew, I would not say, because there is a dangerous thing.

On the conversation and ended. Lankov Father once again pressed the guys to pose and together about the blue snake do not even remember.

Guys first embarrassed, each other reminded:

You look, do not talk about this thing and do not think about how with me together. Alone needs.

Just what to be when leiko with Lankom always together and the blue snake neither in any other crazy? Time to heat moved. The streams ran. The first spring fun near the living water is tinted: the boats will start, daming dams, smoke with water to twist. The street, on which the guys lived, was descended to the pond. Spring streams here soon escaped, and the guys did not play this game. What to do? They took the shovel and ran for the factory. There, they say, from the forest for a long time the streams will run, you can play on any. So it was. Chose the guys a suitable place and let me do a dam, they argued, who knows how much. We decided to check in to act: everyone is alone to do a dam. So they went through the stream. Leico lower, Lanko higher steps, appear, fifty. First crushed:

I have, watch!

And I have! Although the plant is a block!

Well, all the same work. Both firmly engaged, pose, try to do it better. Watering, the habit of habit was something for work. He picks up different words to shut out:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Only lost, sees - on him with a slide, the bluish wheel rolls. Before the lingerie, that the dryness and those are not bend beneath it. How closer rolled up, Lico looked at: this snake rolled the ring, the ganghead stared yes on the tail and jumps. From the snake in one direction, gold sparks fly to another black jets sprinkle. Looks at this leo, and Lanko shouts him:

Lico, look, she is - a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only snake to him rose from under the slide. As Lanko shouted, so the blue snake and lost somewhere. Guys fled, tell each other, praise:

I saw the eyes!

And I saw the tail. She pretends to them and jump.

Do you think I have not seen? From the ring, something slightly leaned.

Leiko, as he was still agreed, ran up to his pond for a spatula.

Now, - shouts, - Daily get gold! I came running with a spatula and just wanted to pick up the land from the other side where the gold jet passed, Lanko flew to him:

What are you doing! Spouse yourself! Here, drink the Black Bed scattered!

Ran to the watering can and let's push him off. He screams his own, rests. Well, and called the guys. Lanka from the slide is more handy, he and left the watering can go away, and shouts himself:

I will not allow in that place to rummag! Yourself will ruin. It is necessary on the other hand.

Here, the leiko pounced again:

Will never be it! Sign there. He saw himself, as the black dust flew to the other side.

So I fought. One other is worse, and the tumaks themselves give. Before the roar fought. Then we were dealt with, and they understood what kind of thing: saw a snake from different sides, therefore, the right with the left and not converge. Moved guys.

How she slapped her head! Both seemed to meet. Mashed over us, brought to the fight, and they will not approach the place. Another time, do not proceed, do not call. We can, not call!

They decided so, and they themselves only think to look at a blue snake once again. Everyone on the mind was: it was not to try alone. Well, fearless, and before the boyfriend somehow awkward. Two weeks, and even more about the blue snake did not speak. Leoo started:

And so as not to fight, but first disassemble, there is no deception of what!

They consumed so, captured from the house on a piece of bread yes on the shovel and went to the old place. Spring is a friendly friendly. Last year's rag and closed all green grass. Spring streams have long been dry. The colors appeared a lot. The guys came to the oldest dams, stopped at Leukein and began to have a nervous:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Stand, of course, shoulder in the shoulder, as persuaded. Both barefoot in warm time. You did not have time to cums, the blue snake seemed from the Lanka dam. For young, the grass is sharply striking. To right from her dense cloud gold spark, left - the same thick - black dust. Katit snake directly to the guys. They already wanted to scatter, and Lico smiled, grabbed Lanka for the belt, set himself in front of him and whispers:

Noine on the black side stay! Snake still overwrited them, - between the guys rode the guys. Each one pant is gilded, the other as the delegate of the smeared. The guys did not notice this, look next to. The blue snake died to the big stump and then somewhere heated. Ratched, see: the stump on the one hand became golden, and with another black-and-black-black and also solid as a stone. Near the stump path of stones: right yellow, left black.

Guys, of course, did not know the weights of gold stones. Lanko Sgorie grasped alone and feel, it is difficult, not to convey such, but it is afraid. Remembers that the Father said: throw off at least a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts the watering can:

Smaller choose, smaller! This heavy! Lico listened, took smaller, and he also seemed hard. Here he realized that Lanka is not at all at all, and says:

Throw, otherwise you will spend!

Lanko answers:

If you bother, everything in a simple stone will turn.

Throw, I say! - Like shouts, and Lanko rests on: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight end. They came up, headed, came to look at Peneta and the stone track, and nothing turned out. Stump as a stump, and no stones, nor gold, nor simple, not at all. Guys and judge:

Cheating one is this snake. Never think more about her.

They came home, there they fell behind his pants. Mothers focused on both the other, and they themselves are sleeping:

Somehow they will be allowed and smeared on one way! One pant in clay, the other is in the game! You need to manage too!

The guys after that at all on the blue snake were angry:

Let's not talk about her!

And the word was kept hard! Never since then they have no conversation about the blue snake. Even at that place where she was seen, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went berries. They scored on a full basket, came to the integral place and sat down here. Sit in thick grass, talk, who has more typed yes, who has a berry larger. Neither the other about the blue snake did not think. Just see - a woman goes straight to them through the mission lawn. Guys first did not take it in acceptance. There are few women in the forest at this time: who over the berries who are on constant affairs. One thing seemed unusual: it goes, as floats, it is completely easy. It became closer to get, the guys saw - not a single flower, no blarding under it will be bent. And then we jerked that on the right side of her golden cloud pegs, and with the left - black. Guys and persuaded:

Overweight. Will not look! And then again to the fight will bring.

So done. They turned back to the woman, sit and the eyes climbed. Suddenly they raised them. They opened their eyes, see - sit in the same place, only the wild grass rose, and there are two wide hoops, one golden, different black. It can be seen, the woman bypassed them around yes from the sleeves and poured. The guys rushed to flee, but the gold hoop does not allow: how to overplay it - it will rise, and does not give it too. Woman laughs:

No one will come out of my circles, if I do not remove it.

Here leiko with Lankom prayed:

Auntka, we did not call you.

And I, - answers, - he herself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask for:

Let go, aunt, we will no longer. And without that twice came up because of you!

Not everyone, "says, the fight to man into obloring, it is possible for another and award. You fought in a good way. Not because of the coarse or greed, but a friend guarded. No wonder the gold hoop from the black misfortune you burned. I want to experience still.

I poured out the right sleeves of the golden sand, from the left black dust, mixed up his palm, and she became a tile of black and gold stone. Woman lifted this tile with a nail, and she broke into two smooth halves. The woman served half the guys and says:

Another whom he wants a good other, the golden tile will become, if a trifle - will come out a cast pebble.

The guys have long been on conscience laying that they were walked very much. She did not say anything from that afield, and they saw the guys: she became not happy at all. Now the guys about it and remembered, and everyone wished:

At least as soon as the nickname Golubkova, the bride was forgotten and Marriage would marry!

Wishes, and the tiles of both became gold. Woman smiled:

Well thought. Here you have a reward for this.

And gives them a small leather wallet with belt string.

Here, - says - Golden Sand. If the big will ask, where they took, tell me right: "The blue snake gave, and it didn't touch it anymore." Do not dare to destroy.

He put the woman wrap on the edge, leaned on the golden right hand, on the black - left and rolled on the constricted lawn. The guys look - not a woman is, but a blue snake, and the hoops in the dust crossed. Right - in the golden, left - in black.

They stood the guys, they cried their golden tiles and wallet on his pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:

Not fat, after all, turned off the golden sand.

Leoo on this and says:

So much can be seen, deserved.

Dear leuko deplex - he hardly sank in his pocket. I barely pulled my wallet - before he grown. Asks Lanka:

Did you get a wallet too?

No, - answers, - the same as it was.

Watering whale appeared before the boyfriend, that they did not even equally, he says:

Let's squeeze you.

Well, - "answers," squeeze, if not sorry. The guys got along the road, unleashed their wallets, they wanted to align, but did not come out. Leicot will take a handful of golden sand from your wallet, and he will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:

Maybe all the time again.

He took a whisper from his wallet. Sand as sand, real gold. Palked a pinch of the watering can in the wallet - no change. Then Lanko and realized: he tried his blue snake for the fact that he faded to the gift. He said about this can, and the wallet in his eyes began to arrive. Home came both with full wallets, gave their sand and gold tiles family and told how the blue snake ordered.

Everything, it is clear, rejoice, and the waters in the house are more news: the matchmaker came to Marjun from another village. Marjuna is fun running, and her mouth is in full right. From joy, or whether? The groom is true to some chublar hair, and the boyfriend is cheerful, to the guys gentle. Sprinkle with him shoved.

Blue snake since then the guys never caused. It was understood that she herself would ride the reward, if you deserve, and both lucky in our affairs. It can be seen, I remembered their snake and black chief hoop from them from them separated.

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Two guys grew in our factory, on the close side of the neighborhood: Lanka scan and leiko hat. Who and for what they came up with such a nickname, I can't say that. Meanwhile, these guys lived together. Under - to become climbed. The dying is in short, Silenka Vrowning, height and years too.

And there was no big difference in living. Lanka had a father Rudoboy, he burned on the golden sands, and the mother was worried about the farm. The guys and nothing had a friend before his boyfriend. Some of them did not converge. Lanko considered his nickname for the offense, and the watering can find out the landing thing that his nonsense is affectionately - a hat. More than once the mother had painted. "You would, Mamonka, who sewed me a new hat!" You hear, - the people call me with a hat, and I have Tyuta Malayhai, and that old one. Friendship guys did not bother. Lico the first in a fight Les, if someone will call Lanka by a battle. - What is he scrapping? Who scared? So here they grew up the guy row yes. The ragravers, it happened, happened, not long. Peace will not have time, again together. And then the guys had to grow up that both were growing in families. I am a rampant so. With small not working. From the snow to the snow home only eat but sleep resorted. Little at that time the guys of all things are: to play in grandmother, in the towns, ball, to go fishing, too, to buy, berries, berries for mushrooms, all the hobbies to climb, penets on one leg score.

Eat home in the morning - look for them! Only these guys did not hurt. As in the evening they will resort home, so they were treated: - came, our shuttle! Feed it! In winter, it was different. Winter, it is known that every beast will wait for any anima and people will not work. Lanka with watering Winter in the hut kneaded. The clothes, you see, weak, leaf training, - not far away in them. Only enough heat from the hut in the hut. So that do not get harder at hand, both on the flats and sit there and sit there.

Two, all the same more fun. When and play when the summer remembers when they just listen, what are the big talk about. Once this time is sitting, and the girlfriends came to the leak sister. The time for the new year was fought, and according to the virgin rite at that time about the grooms burned.

Girls and started such a burner. Guys are curious to look, and if they will come. They are not allowed close, and Maritre is still in-therapist for more subtletiles. - Go to your place! She, you see, this marital from the serdya was. Which year in the brides, but the ghenyov was not. The girl as if it was not good, but a little over the coach. The flaw is like and small, but the guys still broke it because of this. Well, she was angry. The guys have been hammered on the flats, they puff da porch, and girls have fun. The ashes sow, flour on the tabletop roll off, coal overlap, splashed in water. Everything was jazzned, with a screech one above the other, only Marlushka is not fun.

She, it can be seen, was delivered in any vorozh, says: - Pedifier is it. One fun. One girlfriend is on this and say: - it is kindly kindly burning. - But as? - asks Marta. Girlfriend and told: - from the grandmother I heard, -s-sufficient proper divination will be. It is necessary in the evening, how everyone will fall asleep, hang his scallop on the thread on top, and the other day, when no one has awakened, remove this scallop, "everyone will see. All curious - how? And the girl explains: - if there will be a hair in scallop - in that year you will marry. It will not be a hair - there is no your destiny. And it is possible to guess what kind of hair will be a husband.

Lanko with a leutle was noticed by this conversation, and then they cut down that Marlushka would certainly be so burning. And both are offended at her for subtletiles. Guys and conspired: - Wait! We remember you! Lanko did not go home at that evening, the leiba had left. Lying, as if they scratch, and each other his friend's croutons in the sides are pushing: looked, not a must! How big everything fell asleep, the guys hear, - Marnushka in the senka came out.

Guys beyond her and trembled, as she climbed on her and in which there was a place there. Honeward and as soon as possible. Behind them, Marjuna came running. Shawls, chucks teeth. Whether it is cold, or it is afraid. Then he lay down, shook her little and, heard it became, - fell asleep. Children of Togo. Peeled from the climb, got dressed, as I had to, and quietly came out of the hut. What to do, they were talking about it.

Two guys grew in our factory, on the close side of the neighborhood: Lanka scan and leiko hat.

Who and for what they came up with such a nickname, I can't say that. Meanwhile, these guys lived together. Under one to face. The dying is in short, Silenka Vrowning, height and years too. And there was no big difference in living. Lanka had a father Rudoboy, he burned on the golden sands, and the mother was worried about the farm. The guys have nothing to do with a friend before his friend.

Some of them did not converge. Lanko considered his nickname for insult, and the watering can seemed to find it that his stupid is affectionately - a hat. More than once the mother passed

"You would, Mamonka, who sewed me a new hat!" You hear, - the people call me with a hat, and I have Tyuta Malayhai, and that old one.

Friendship guys did not bother. Lico the first in a fight Les, if someone will call Lanka by a battle.

- What is he scrapping? Who frightened

So here they grew up the guy row yes. The ragravers, it happened, happened, but not long. You will not have time to hear, again together

And then the guys had to grow up that both were growing in families. I am a rampant so. With small not working. From the snow to the snow home only eat yes sleep resorted

Little at that time the guys of all things are: to play in grandmother, in the towns, ball, to go fishing, too, to buy, berries, berries for mushrooms, all the hobbies to climb, penets on one leg score. Eat home in the morning - look for them! Only these guys did not hurt. As in the evening they will resort home, so they were treated:

- Our shuttle came! Feed it!

In winter, it was different. Winter, it is known that every beast will wait for any anima and people will not work. Lanka with watering Winter in the hut kneaded. The clothes, you see, weak, leaf training, - not far away in them. Only enough heat from the hut in the hut.

So that they are not filled with your arm, both on the contrary yes there and sit down two things all the same. When and play when the summer remembers when they just listen, what are the big talk about.

Once it is sitting. That's said, and the girlfriend came to the leak sister. The time for the new year was fought, and according to the virgin rite at that time about the grooms burned. Girls and started such a burner. Guys are curious to look, and if they will come. They are not allowed close, and Maritre is still in-therapist for more subtletiles.

- Go to your place!

She see, this marital, from the stony was. Which year in the brides, but the ghenyov was not. The girl as if it was not good, but a little over the coach. The flaw is like and small, but the guys still broke it because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys have been hammered on the flats, they puff da porch, and girls have fun. The ashes sow, flour on the tabletop roll off, coal overlap, splashed in water. Looked everything, the squeal laughs alone over the other, only Mariuschka sadly. She, it can be seen, was delivered in any vorozh, says: - Pedifier is it. One fun.

One girlfriend for this and say:

- kindly burning fearfully.

- But as? - asks Marta.

Girlfriend and told:

- From my grandmother, it will be the most correct divination. It is necessary in the evening, how everyone will fall asleep, hang his scallop on the thread on top, and the other day, when no one will awaken, remove this scallop, "everyone will see here.

All curious - how? And the girl explains:

- If there is a hair on scallop, you will marry that year. It will not be a hair - there is no your destiny. And it is possible to guess what kind of hair will be a husband.

Lanko with a leutle was noticed by this conversation, and then they cut down that Marlushka would certainly be so burning. And both are offended at her for subtletiles. Guys and conspited:

- Wait! We remember you!

Lanko did not go home at that evening, the leiba had left. Lying, as if they scratch, and each other his friend's croutons in the sides are pushing: looked, not a must!

How big everything fell asleep, the guys hear - Marito in the senka came out. Guys beyond her and trembled, as she climbed on her and in which there was a place there. Honeward and as soon as possible. Behind them, Marjuna came running. Shawls, chucks teeth. Whether it is cold, or it is afraid. Then he lay down, shook her little and, heard it became, - fell asleep. Children of Togo. Peeled from the climb, got dressed, as I had to, and quietly came out of the hut. What to do, they were talking about it.

Watering, you see, Merin was, not that chalky, not the brown, the name was Him. Guys and invented this Merin Mariushkina combing. On the top of the night, it is afraid, only the guys alone in front of others brave. Found on the treads of the scallop, they were glanced with a dove of wool and scallop in place hanged. After that, the huts were snewed and fastened firmly. Wounded Latekhonko. From the biggest in the hut one Lyukov Mother was - the stove trampled.

While the guys slept, here is what happened. Marta in the morning rose earlier and got his scallop. She sees - a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom would be curly. Ran to girlfriends boast. Those look - something is not altogether. Missing what hair is wonderful. None of one friend guy did not have this. Then one looked at the scallop hardly from the horse's tail. Girlfriends and let's laugh over Marjun.

"You have," they say, "the fiancé was Babeva.

Marlushka is for great insult, she collapsed with girlfriends, and those know, laugh. Nickname she announced: Golubova Bride.

Martushka came running home, the mother complains - that's what grief it happened, and the guys remember yesterday's subtletiles and with the glades tease:

- Golubkova Bride, Golubkova Bride! Marnushka here at all sprinkled, and the mother matched, whose hands were the case, screamed on the guys:

- What are you, shameless, endowed! Without the girl, the girl's groom bypass, and you put it on laughter.

The guys understood - did not come out at all, let's turn off:

- It was you invented!

- No you!

Marito from these distorters also realized that they guys attached to her such a thing, shouts to them:

- So that the Blue Snake itself was harmful!

Here, again, my mother frowned to Marlux:

- Saluch, fool! Is it possible to say that? For the whole house there is a mischower!

Marito in response to this says:

- I feel before that! I would not have looked at the white light!

Slammed the door, ran into the fence and let's drive a snow shovel there, as if he was guilty. The mother came out, first terrified the girl, then he carried the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - not to them here, pulled down to Lanka. They scored there on the polls and sit Smirnekhonko. I feel sorry to Marta, and what will you help now? And the blue snake in the heads stuck. Whisper is asked by one in the other:

- Lico, did you hear about the blue snake?

- No and you?

- also did not hear.

We whispered, whispered, decided to ask the biggest when it would be a little going to get a little. So done. As Mariushkin has forgotten, guys and let's reason about the blue snake. Someone will ask, they are disgusting - I do not know, yes still thunder:

- I'll take a rod yelling like both! Forget about such asking!

The guys from this more curious became: what kind of snake is so, about which it is impossible to ask?

Found a case. On the festive business, Lanka came home to drink home and sat down at the hut on Zavalinka. And the guys knew that he was at such a time to talk to hurry. Lanko and rotted:

- Toyham, did you see the blue snake?

Father, although he had a lot of drunk, even repaid, looked in and spent:

- Chur, Chur, Chur! Do not listen, our hut-choir! The word is not here!

She grew up the guys, so that the actions did not say this, but he himself drunk himself, to talk to him. Satured so, paused, then he says:

- Come on the beings. There is free about everyone to tell.

Came on berazhok, lit the father's tube, looked back on all sides and says:

"So be, I will tell you, and then there are more troubles with your conversations." Here are listening!

There are a small blossom snake in our edges. There is no increase in no more than a quarter, and before that light, there is no weight at all. On the grass goes, so none of the world will not imagine. This snake is not crawling like others, but will turn into a ring, the head will put up, and the tail is resting and jumps out, and so Boyko, that you can't catch it up. When she sneaks, right away from her the gold jet rushes, and the left black-prediest.

One to see the blue snake direct happiness: surely the rigid gold will be, where the gold jet passed. And a lot of it. On top of large pieces lies. Only it is also with the top. If the lid is capturing yes, even though you lose the droplet, everything will turn into a simple stone. The second time you will not come either, because the place will immediately forget.

Well, and when the snake is two-way or whole artelek, then the black trouble is at all. Everyone will first be remembered and such haters each other will be that until the death will reach the case. My father's father left for this blue snake. They sat somehow artel and talked, and she will show. Here they have a confusion. Two to death in a fight was killed, the rest of the five cortie coat. And there was no gold. Therefore, about the blue snake and do not say: they fear, no matter how it seemed in two or three. And it may seem everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the outbreak and on the street. Yes, they still say that the blue snake is other than a person in a person, just you can still find out. As it goes, so even in the finest sand of the traces leaves. The grass and that under it will not bend. This is the first sign, and the second one is: from the right sleeve the gold jet runs, from the left - black dust rolls.

Speak said Lanka father and punishes the guys:

- See, do not talk about it for anyone and do not even remember about the blue snake. When alone happens to be and the circle of people is not visible, then even cry shout.

- And how to call her? - Ask guys.

"This," answers, "I don't know." And if I knew, I would not say, because there is a dangerous thing.

On the conversation and ended. Lankov Father once again pressed the guys to pose and together about the blue snake do not even remember.

Guys first embarrassed, each other reminded:

- You look, do not talk about this thing and do not think about how with me together. Alone needs.

Just as being when leiko with Lankom always together and the blue snake neither in any other way is wrong? Time to heat moved. The streams ran. The first spring fun near the living water is tinted: the boats will start, daming dams, smoke with water to twist. The street, on which the guys lived, was descended to the pond. Spring streams here soon escaped, and the guys did not play this game. What to do? They took the shovel and ran for the factory. There, they say, from the forest for a long time a stream of streams will run, you can play on any. So it was. Chose the guys a suitable place and let me do a dam, they argued, who knows how much. We decided to check in to act: everyone is alone to do a dam. So they went through the stream. Leico lower, Lanko higher steps, appear, fifty. First crushed:

- I have, watch!

- And I have! Although the plant is a block!

Well, still work. Both firmly engaged, pose, try to do it better. Watering, the habit of habit was something for work. He picks up different words to shut out:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Only lost, sees - on him with a slide, the bluish wheel rolls. Before the gentle, that the dryness and those are not bend beneath. How closer rolled down, leoko saw: this snake rolled the ring, the head forward stared yes on the tail and jumps. From the snake in one direction, gold sparks fly into another black jets splatter. Looks at this leo, and Lanko shouts him:

- Loiko, Look, Won, she is a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only snake to him rose from under the slide. As Lanko shouted, so the blue snake and lost somewhere. Guys fled, tell each other, praise:

- I saw the eyes!

- And I saw the tail. She wields them and jump.

- Think I have not seen? From the ring, something slightly leaned.

Lico, as he was still agreed, ran up to his pond for a spatula.

"Now," screams, "Gold will give!" I came running with a spatula and just wanted to pick up the land from the other side where the gold jet passed, Lanko flew to him:

- What are you doing! Spouse yourself! Here, drink a black trouble scattered!

Ran to the watering can and let's push him off. He screams his screaming. Well, and called the guys. Lanka from the slide is more handy, he and left the watering can go away, and shouts himself:

- I do not allow in that place to rummag! Yourself will ruin. It is necessary on the other hand.

Here, the leiko pounced again:

- never will be! Sign there. He saw himself, as the black dust flew in that direction.

So I fought. One other is worse, and the tumaks themselves give. Before the roar fought. Then we were able to deal with, and they understood what kind of thing: saw a snake from different sides, therefore, right with the left and not converge. Moved guys.

- How she scalked her head! Both seemed to meet. Mashed over us, brought to the fight, and they will not approach the place. Another time, do not proceed, do not call. We can, not call!

They decided so, and they themselves only think to take another time to look at the blue snake. Everyone on the mind was: it was not to try alone. Well, fearless, and before the boyfriend somehow awkward. Two weeks, and even more still about the blue snake did not speak. Leoo started:

- And so as not to fight, but first disassemble, is there no deception of what!

They consumed so, captured from the house on a piece of bread yes on the shovel and went to the old place. Spring is a friendly friendly. Last year's rag and closed all green grass. Spring streams have long been dry. The colors appeared a lot. The guys came to the oldest dams, stopped at Leukein and began to have a nervous:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Stand, of course, shoulder in the shoulder, as persuaded. Both barefoot for warmth. You did not have time to cums, the blue snake seemed from the Lanka dam. For young, the grass is sharply striking. Right from her thick cloud gold spark, left - the same thick - black dust. Katit snake directly to the guys. They already wanted to scatter, and Lico smiled, grabbed Lanka for the belt, set himself in front of him and whispers:

- It is necessary to stay on the black side! Snake still overwrited them, - between the guys rode the guys. Every one pant is gilded turned out to be, the other as the tar is despised. The guys did not notice this, look next to. The blue snake died to the big stump and then somewhere heated. Ranged, see: the stump on one side of the gold began, but on the other black-Cellionek and also solid as a stone. Near the stump path of stones: the right is yellow, left black.

Guys, of course, did not know the weights of gold stones. Lanko Sgorie grasped alone and feel, it is difficult, not to convey such, but it is afraid. Remembers that the Father said: throw off at least a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts the watering can:

- Choose smaller, smaller! This heavy! Lico listened, took smaller, and he also seemed hard. Here he realized that Lanka is not at all at all, and says:

- Throw, otherwise you will stay!

Lanko answers:

- If I bomb, everything will turn into a simple stone.

- Throw, I say! - Like shouts, and Lanko rests on: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight end. They got up, headed, approached again to look at the pencil and the stone track, and nothing turned out. Stump as a stump, and no stones, nor gold, nor simple, not at all. Guys and judge:

- Cheating one this snake. Never think more about her.

They came home, there they fell behind his pants. Mothers focused on both the other, and they themselves are sleeping:

- somehow they will be allowed and smeared on one way! One pant in clay, the other - in Netty! You need to manage too!

Guys, after that, at all on the dove snake angry:

- Let's not talk about her!

And the word was firmly kept! Never since then they have no conversation about the blue snake. Even at that place where she was seen, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went berries. They scored on a full basket, came to the integral place and sat down here. Sit in thick grass, talk, who has more typed yes, who has a berry larger. Neither the other about the blue snake did not think. Just seen - a woman goes straight to them through the constraint lawn. Guys first did not take it in acceptance. There are few women in the forest at this time: who over the berries who are on constant affairs. One thing seemed unusual to them: it goes like floats, it is completely easy. It became closer to get, the guys saw - not a single flower, no blarding under it will be bent. And then we join that on the right side of her the golden cloud pegs, and with the left - black. Guys and persuaded:

- Overlook. Will not look! And then again to the fight will bring.

So done. They turned back to the woman, sit and the eyes climbed. Suddenly they raised them. They opened their eyes, see - sit in the same place, only the wild grass rose, and there are two wide hoops, one golden, different black. It can be seen, the woman bypassed them around yes from the sleeves and poured. The guys rushed to flee, but the gold hoop does not allow: how to step up - it will rise, and does not give it to dive too. Woman laughs:

No one will come out of my circles, if I do not remove it.

Here leiko with Lankom prayed:

- Auntka, we did not call you.

"And I," answers, "he herself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask for:

- Let go, aunt, we will no longer. And without that twice came up because of you!

"Not everyone," says, the fight is a person in Pokor, it is possible for another and award. You fought in a good way. Not because of the coarse or greed, but a friend guarded. No wish the gold coat from the black trouble you burned you. I want to still experience.

I poured out of the right sleeve of the golden sand, from the left black dust, mixed up on the palm, and she became a black and gold stone tile. Woman lifted this tile with a nail, and she broke up into two flat halves. The woman served half the guys and says:

"Oli who wants a good friend to think about that the tile will become golden, if the trifle will come out by a throw pebble.

The guys have long been on conscience laying that they were walked very much. She did not say anything from that afield, and they saw the guys: she became impossible at all. Now the guys about it and remembered, and everyone wished:

- At least as soon as the nickname Golubkova, the bride was forgotten and Marriage would marry!

Wishes, and the tiles of both became gold. Woman smiled:

- Thought well. Here you have a reward for this.

And gives them a small leather wallet with belt string.

"Here," says, Golden Sand. If the big will ask, where they took, tell me right: "The blue snake gave, and it didn't touch it anymore." Do not dare to destroy.

He put the woman wrap on the edge, leaned on a golden right hand, on a black - left and swallowed on the constricted lawn. The guys look - not a woman is, but a blue snake, and the hoops in the dust crossed. Right - in the golden, left - in black.

They stood the guys, they cried their golden tiles and wallets on his pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:

- It was not fatty after all the golden sand turned away.

Leoo on this and says:

- So much can be seen, deserved.

Dear leuko deplex - he hardly sank in his pocket. I barely pulled out my wallet - before he grown. Asks Lanka:

- You also grew your wallet?

"No," answers, "the same as it was.

Watering whale appeared before the boyfriend, that they did not even equally, he says:

- Let's squeeze you.

"Well," - answers, "squeeze, if not sorry. The guys got along the road, unleashed their wallets, they wanted to align, but did not come out. Leicot will take a handful of gold sand from his wallet, and it will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:

- Maybe all the deception again.

He took a whisper from his wallet. Sand as sand, real gold. Palked a pinch of the watering can in the wallet - no change. Then Lanko and realized: he tried his blue snake for the fact that he faded to the gift. He said about this can, and the wallet in his eyes began to arrive. We came home both with full wallets, gave our sand and gold tiles family and told how the blue snake ordered.

Everything is understandable, rejoice, and the leiba in the house is still news: the matchmaker came from another village to Marjun. Marjuna Velerehmonka runs, and her mouth is in full fix. From joy, or whether? The groom is true to some chublar hair, and the guy is cheerful, to the guys gentle. Sprinkle with him shoved.

Blue snake since then the guys never caused. It was understood that she herself would ride the reward, if you deserve, and both lucky in our affairs. It can be seen, I remembered their snake and the black hoop from them from them separated.

The tale is the same group as "Fire-Pokakushka", "Silver Xields", etc. Published for the first time in the publishing book of Baby in 1945

Sverdlgism. Over this tale, Bazhov worked since 1943, although he passed him to print only two years later. This speaks of the creative defense of the writer.

Two guys grew in our factory, on the close side of the neighborhood: Lanka scan and leiko hat.

Who and for what they came up with such a nickname, I can't say that. Meanwhile, these guys lived together. Under one to face. The dying is in short, Silenka Vrowning, height and years too. And there was no big difference in living. Lanka had a father Rudoboy, he burned on the golden sands, and the mother was worried about the farm. The guys have nothing to do with a friend before his friend.

Some of them did not converge. Lanko considered his nickname for insult, and the watering can seemed to find it that his stupid is affectionately - a hat. More than once, the mother passed in:

"You would, Mamonka, who sewed me a new hat!" You hear, - the people call me with a hat, and I have Tyuta Malayhai, and that old one.

Friendship guys did not bother. Lico the first in a fight Les, if someone will call Lanka by a battle.

- What is he scrapping? Who scared?

So here they grew up the guy row yes. The ragravers, it happened, happened, but not long. Peace will not have time, again together.

And then the guys had to grow up that both were growing in families. I am a rampant so. With small not working. From the snow to the snow home only eat but sleep resorted.

Little at that time the guys of all things are: to play in grandmother, in the towns, ball, to go fishing, too, to buy, berries, berries for mushrooms, all the hobbies to climb, penets on one leg score. Eat home in the morning - look for them! Only these guys did not hurt. As in the evening they will resort home, so they were treated:

- Our shuttle came! Feed it!

In winter, it was different. Winter, it is known that every beast will wait for any anima and people will not work. Lanka with watering Winter in the hut kneaded. The clothes, you see, weak, leaf training, - not far away in them. Only enough heat from the hut in the hut.

So that they are not filled with your arm, both on the contrary yes there and sit down two things all the same. When and play when the summer remembers when they just listen, what are the big talk about.

Once it is sitting. That's said, and the girlfriend came to the leak sister. The time for the new year was fought, and according to the virgin rite at that time about the grooms burned. Girls and started such a burner. Guys are curious to look, and if they will come. They are not allowed close, and Maritre is still in-therapist for more subtletiles.

- Go to your place!

She see, this marital, from the stony was. Which year in the brides, but the ghenyov was not. The girl as if it was not good, but a little over the coach. The flaw is like and small, but the guys still broke it because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys have been hammered on the flats, they puff da porch, and girls have fun. The ashes sow, flour on the tabletop roll off, coal overlap, splashed in water. Looked everything, the squeal laughs alone over the other, only Mariuschka sadly. She, it can be seen, was delivered in any vorozh, says: - Pedifier is it. One fun.

One girlfriend for this and say:

- kindly burning fearfully.

- But as? - asks Marta.

Girlfriend and told:

- From my grandmother, it will be the most correct divination. It is necessary in the evening, how everyone will fall asleep, hang his scallop on the thread on top, and the other day, when no one will awaken, remove this scallop, "everyone will see here.

All curious - how? And the girl explains:

- If there is a hair on scallop, you will marry that year. It will not be a hair - there is no your destiny. And it is possible to guess what kind of hair will be a husband.

Lanko with a leutle was noticed by this conversation, and then they cut down that Marlushka would certainly be so burning. And both are offended at her for subtletiles. Guys and conspited:

- Wait! We remember you!

Lanko did not go home at that evening, the leiba had left. Lying, as if they scratch, and each other his friend's croutons in the sides are pushing: looked, not a must!

How big everything fell asleep, the guys hear - Marito in the senka came out. Guys beyond her and trembled, as she climbed on her and in which there was a place there. Honeward and as soon as possible. Behind them, Marjuna came running. Shawls, chucks teeth. Whether it is cold, or it is afraid. Then he lay down, shook her little and, heard it became, - fell asleep. Children of Togo. Peeled from the climb, got dressed, as I had to, and quietly came out of the hut. What to do, they were talking about it.

Watering, you see, Merin was, not that chalky, not the brown, the name was Him. Guys and invented this Merin Mariushkina combing. On the top of the night, it is afraid, only the guys alone in front of others brave. Found on the treads of the scallop, they were glanced with a dove of wool and scallop in place hanged. After that, the huts were snewed and fastened firmly. Wounded Latekhonko. From the biggest in the hut one Lyukov Mother was - the stove trampled.

While the guys slept, here is what happened. Marta in the morning rose earlier and got his scallop. She sees - a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom would be curly. Ran to girlfriends boast. Those look - something is not altogether. Missing what hair is wonderful. None of one friend guy did not have this. Then one looked at the scallop hardly from the horse's tail. Girlfriends and let's laugh over Marjun.

"You have," they say, "the fiancé was Babeva.

Marlushka is for great insult, she collapsed with girlfriends, and those know, laugh. Nickname she announced: Golubova Bride.

Martushka came running home, the mother complains - that's what grief it happened, and the guys remember yesterday's subtletiles and with the glades tease:

- Golubkova Bride, Golubkova Bride! Marnushka here at all sprinkled, and the mother matched, whose hands were the case, screamed on the guys:

- What are you, shameless, endowed! Without the girl, the girl's groom bypass, and you put it on laughter.

The guys understood - did not come out at all, let's turn off:

- It was you invented!

- No you!

Marito from these distorters also realized that they guys attached to her such a thing, shouts to them:

- So that the Blue Snake itself was harmful!

Here, again, my mother frowned to Marlux:

- Saluch, fool! Is it possible to say that? For the whole house there is a mischower!

Marito in response to this says:

- I feel before that! I would not have looked at the white light!

Slammed the door, ran into the fence and let's drive a snow shovel there, as if he was guilty. The mother came out, first terrified the girl, then he carried the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - not to them here, pulled down to Lanka. They scored there on the polls and sit Smirnekhonko. I feel sorry to Marta, and what will you help now? And the blue snake in the heads stuck. Whisper is asked by one in the other:

- Lico, did you hear about the blue snake?

- No and you?

- also did not hear.

We whispered, whispered, decided to ask the biggest when it would be a little going to get a little. So done. As Mariushkin has forgotten, guys and let's reason about the blue snake. Someone will ask, they are disgusting - I do not know, yes still thunder:

- I'll take a rod yelling like both! Forget about such asking!

The guys from this more curious became: what kind of snake is so, about which it is impossible to ask?

Found a case. On the festive business, Lanka came home to drink home and sat down at the hut on Zavalinka. And the guys knew that he was at such a time to talk to hurry. Lanko and rotted:

- Toyham, did you see the blue snake?

Father, although he had a lot of drunk, even repaid, looked in and spent:

- Chur, Chur, Chur! Do not listen, our hut-choir! The word is not here!

She grew up the guys, so that the actions did not say this, but he himself drunk himself, to talk to him. Satured so, paused, then he says:

- Come on the beings. There is free about everyone to tell.

Came on berazhok, lit the father's tube, looked back on all sides and says:

"So be, I will tell you, and then there are more troubles with your conversations." Here are listening!

There are a small blossom snake in our edges. There is no increase in no more than a quarter, and before that light, there is no weight at all. On the grass goes, so none of the world will not imagine. This snake is not crawling like others, but will turn into a ring, the head will put up, and the tail is resting and jumps out, and so Boyko, that you can't catch it up. When she sneaks, right away from her the gold jet rushes, and the left black-prediest.

One to see the blue snake direct happiness: surely the rigid gold will be, where the gold jet passed. And a lot of it. On top of large pieces lies. Only it is also with the top. If the lid is capturing yes, even though you lose the droplet, everything will turn into a simple stone. The second time you will not come either, because the place will immediately forget.

Well, and when the snake is two-way or whole artelek, then the black trouble is at all. Everyone will first be remembered and such haters each other will be that until the death will reach the case. My father's father left for this blue snake. They sat somehow artel and talked, and she will show. Here they have a confusion. Two to death in a fight was killed, the rest of the five cortie coat. And there was no gold. Therefore, about the blue snake and do not say: they fear, no matter how it seemed in two or three. And it may seem everywhere: in the forest and in the field, in the outbreak and on the street. Yes, they still say that the blue snake is other than a person in a person, just you can still find out. As it goes, so even in the finest sand of the traces leaves. The grass and that under it will not bend. This is the first sign, and the second one is: from the right sleeve the gold jet runs, from the left - black dust rolls.

Speak said Lanka father and punishes the guys:

- See, do not talk about it for anyone and do not even remember about the blue snake. When alone happens to be and the circle of people is not visible, then even cry shout.

- And how to call her? - Ask guys.

"This," answers, "I don't know." And if I knew, I would not say, because there is a dangerous thing.

On the conversation and ended. Lankov Father once again pressed the guys to pose and together about the blue snake do not even remember.

Guys first embarrassed, each other reminded:

- You look, do not talk about this thing and do not think about how with me together. Alone needs.

Just as being when leiko with Lankom always together and the blue snake neither in any other way is wrong? Time to heat moved. The streams ran. The first spring fun near the living water is tinted: the boats will start, daming dams, smoke with water to twist. The street, on which the guys lived, was descended to the pond. Spring streams here soon escaped, and the guys did not play this game. What to do? They took the shovel and ran for the factory. There, they say, from the forest for a long time a stream of streams will run, you can play on any. So it was. Chose the guys a suitable place and let me do a dam, they argued, who knows how much. We decided to check in to act: everyone is alone to do a dam. So they went through the stream. Leico lower, Lanko higher steps, appear, fifty. First crushed:

- I have, watch!

- And I have! Although the plant is a block!

Well, still work. Both firmly engaged, pose, try to do it better. Watering, the habit of habit was something for work. He picks up different words to shut out:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Only lost, sees - on him with a slide, the bluish wheel rolls. Before the gentle, that the dryness and those are not bend beneath. How closer rolled down, leoko saw: this snake rolled the ring, the head forward stared yes on the tail and jumps. From the snake in one direction, gold sparks fly into another black jets splatter. Looks at this leo, and Lanko shouts him:

- Loiko, Look, Won, she is a blue snake! It turned out that Lanko saw the same thing, only snake to him rose from under the slide. As Lanko shouted, so the blue snake and lost somewhere. Guys fled, tell each other, praise:

- I saw the eyes!

- And I saw the tail. She wields them and jump.

- Think I have not seen? From the ring, something slightly leaned.

Lico, as he was still agreed, ran up to his pond for a spatula.

"Now," screams, "Gold will give!" I came running with a spatula and just wanted to pick up the land from the other side where the gold jet passed, Lanko flew to him:

- What are you doing! Spouse yourself! Here, drink a black trouble scattered!

Ran to the watering can and let's push him off. He screams his screaming. Well, and called the guys. Lanka from the slide is more handy, he and left the watering can go away, and shouts himself:

- I do not allow in that place to rummag! Yourself will ruin. It is necessary on the other hand.

Here, the leiko pounced again:

- never will be! Sign there. He saw himself, as the black dust flew in that direction.

So I fought. One other is worse, and the tumaks themselves give. Before the roar fought. Then we were able to deal with, and they understood what kind of thing: saw a snake from different sides, therefore, right with the left and not converge. Moved guys.

- How she scalked her head! Both seemed to meet. Mashed over us, brought to the fight, and they will not approach the place. Another time, do not proceed, do not call. We can, not call!

They decided so, and they themselves only think to take another time to look at the blue snake. Everyone on the mind was: it was not to try alone. Well, fearless, and before the boyfriend somehow awkward. Two weeks, and even more still about the blue snake did not speak. Leoo started:

- And so as not to fight, but first disassemble, is there no deception of what!

They consumed so, captured from the house on a piece of bread yes on the shovel and went to the old place. Spring is a friendly friendly. Last year's rag and closed all green grass. Spring streams have long been dry. The colors appeared a lot. The guys came to the oldest dams, stopped at Leukein and began to have a nervous:

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show!

Whole twist!

Stand, of course, shoulder in the shoulder, as persuaded. Both barefoot for warmth. You did not have time to cums, the blue snake seemed from the Lanka dam. For young, the grass is sharply striking. Right from her thick cloud gold spark, left - the same thick - black dust. Katit snake directly to the guys. They already wanted to scatter, and Lico smiled, grabbed Lanka for the belt, set himself in front of him and whispers:

- It is necessary to stay on the black side! Snake still overwrited them, - between the guys rode the guys. Every one pant is gilded turned out to be, the other as the tar is despised. The guys did not notice this, look next to. The blue snake died to the big stump and then somewhere heated. Ranged, see: the stump on one side of the gold began, but on the other black-Cellionek and also solid as a stone. Near the stump path of stones: the right is yellow, left black.

Guys, of course, did not know the weights of gold stones. Lanko Sgorie grasped alone and feel, it is difficult, not to convey such, but it is afraid. Remembers that the Father said: throw off at least a drop, everything will turn into a simple stone. He shouts the watering can:

- Choose smaller, smaller! This heavy! Lico listened, took smaller, and he also seemed hard. Here he realized that Lanka is not at all at all, and says:

- Throw, otherwise you will stay!

Lanko answers:

- If I bomb, everything will turn into a simple stone.

- Throw, I say! - Like shouts, and Lanko rests on: it is impossible.

Well, again the fight end. They got up, headed, approached again to look at the pencil and the stone track, and nothing turned out. Stump as a stump, and no stones, nor gold, nor simple, not at all. Guys and judge:

- Cheating one this snake. Never think more about her.

They came home, there they fell behind his pants. Mothers focused on both the other, and they themselves are sleeping:

- somehow they will be allowed and smeared on one way! One pant in clay, the other - in Netty! You need to manage too!

Guys, after that, at all on the dove snake angry:

- Let's not talk about her!

And the word was firmly kept! Never since then they have no conversation about the blue snake. Even at that place where she was seen, they stopped walking.

Once the guys went berries. They scored on a full basket, came to the integral place and sat down here. Sit in thick grass, talk, who has more typed yes, who has a berry larger. Neither the other about the blue snake did not think. Just seen - a woman goes straight to them through the constraint lawn. Guys first did not take it in acceptance. There are few women in the forest at this time: who over the berries who are on constant affairs. One thing seemed unusual to them: it goes like floats, it is completely easy. It became closer to get, the guys saw - not a single flower, no blarding under it will be bent. And then we join that on the right side of her the golden cloud pegs, and with the left - black. Guys and persuaded:

- Overlook. Will not look! And then again to the fight will bring.

So done. They turned back to the woman, sit and the eyes climbed. Suddenly they raised them. They opened their eyes, see - sit in the same place, only the wild grass rose, and there are two wide hoops, one golden, different black. It can be seen, the woman bypassed them around yes from the sleeves and poured. The guys rushed to flee, but the gold hoop does not allow: how to step up - it will rise, and does not give it to dive too. Woman laughs:

No one will come out of my circles, if I do not remove it.

Here leiko with Lankom prayed:

- Auntka, we did not call you.

"And I," answers, "he herself came to look at the hunters to get gold without work.

Guys ask for:

- Let go, aunt, we will no longer. And without that twice came up because of you!

"Not everyone," says, the fight is a person in Pokor, it is possible for another and award. You fought in a good way. Not because of the coarse or greed, but a friend guarded. No wish the gold coat from the black trouble you burned you. I want to still experience.

I poured out of the right sleeve of the golden sand, from the left black dust, mixed up on the palm, and she became a black and gold stone tile. Woman lifted this tile with a nail, and she broke up into two flat halves. The woman served half the guys and says:

"Oli who wants a good friend to think about that the tile will become golden, if the trifle will come out by a throw pebble.

The guys have long been on conscience laying that they were walked very much. She did not say anything from that afield, and they saw the guys: she became impossible at all. Now the guys about it and remembered, and everyone wished:

- At least as soon as the nickname Golubkova, the bride was forgotten and Marriage would marry!

Wishes, and the tiles of both became gold. Woman smiled:

- Thought well. Here you have a reward for this.

And gives them a small leather wallet with belt string.

"Here," says, Golden Sand. If the big will ask, where they took, tell me right: "The blue snake gave, and it didn't touch it anymore." Do not dare to destroy.

He put the woman wrap on the edge, leaned on a golden right hand, on a black - left and swallowed on the constricted lawn. The guys look - not a woman is, but a blue snake, and the hoops in the dust crossed. Right - in the golden, left - in black.

They stood the guys, they cried their golden tiles and wallets on his pockets and went home. Only Lanko said:

- It was not fatty after all the golden sand turned away.

Leoo on this and says:

- So much can be seen, deserved.

Dear leuko deplex - he hardly sank in his pocket. I barely pulled out my wallet - before he grown. Asks Lanka:

- You also grew your wallet?

"No," answers, "the same as it was.

Watering whale appeared before the boyfriend, that they did not even equally, he says:

- Let's squeeze you.

"Well," - answers, "squeeze, if not sorry. The guys got along the road, unleashed their wallets, they wanted to align, but did not come out. Leicot will take a handful of gold sand from his wallet, and it will turn into black dust. Lanko then says:

- Maybe all the deception again.

He took a whisper from his wallet. Sand as sand, real gold. Palked a pinch of the watering can in the wallet - no change. Then Lanko and realized: he tried his blue snake for the fact that he faded to the gift. He said about this can, and the wallet in his eyes began to arrive. We came home both with full wallets, gave our sand and gold tiles family and told how the blue snake ordered.

Everything is understandable, rejoice, and the leiba in the house is still news: the matchmaker came from another village to Marjun. Marjuna Velerehmonka runs, and her mouth is in full fix. From joy, or whether? The groom is true to some chublar hair, and the guy is cheerful, to the guys gentle. Sprinkle with him shoved.

Blue snake since then the guys never caused. It was understood that she herself would ride the reward, if you deserve, and both lucky in our affairs. It can be seen, I remembered their snake and the black hoop from them from them separated.

Two guys grew in our factory, on the close side of the neighborhood: Lanka scan and leiko hat.

Who and for what they came up with such a nickname, I can't say that. Meanwhile, these guys lived together. Under one to face. The dying is in short, Silenka Vrowning, height and years too. And there was no big difference in living. Lanka had a father Rudoboy, he burned on the golden sands, and the mother was worried about the farm. The guys and nothing had a friend before his boyfriend.

Some of them did not converge. Lanko considered his nickname for the insanity, and the watering can look failing that his stupid is affectionately called a hat. More than once, the mother passed in:

"You would, Mamonka, who sewed me a new hat!" You hear, - the people call me with a hat, and I have Tyuta Malayhai, and that old one.

Friendship guys did not bother. Lico the first in a fight climb, by whom who will call Lanka by the battle.

- What is he scrapping? Who scared?

So here they grew up the guy row yes. The ragravers, it happened, happened, not long. Peace will not have time, again together.

And then the guys had to grow up that both were growing in families. I am a rampant so. With small not working. From the snow to the snow home only eat but sleep resorted. Little at that time the guys of all things are: in grandmothers play, in the towns, ball, to go fishing, too, to buy, berries, berries for mushrooms, all the hills cling to the mushrooms, foaming on one leg to roll. Eat home in the morning - look for them! Only these guys did not hurt. As in the evening they will resort home, so they were treated:

- came, our shuttle! Feed it!

In winter, it was different. Winter, it is known to wait for every beast, people will not work out. Lanka with watering Winter in the hut kneaded. The clothes, you see, weak, the training is fluid, - not far to them accelerate.

Only enough heat from the hut in the hut.

To be larger on hand, they will be born both on the flats and sit there. Two, all the same more fun. When and play when they remember about the summer, when they just listen to what they say big.

Once this time is sitting, and the girlfriends came to the leak sister. The time for the new year was fought, and according to the virgin rite at that time about the grooms burned. Girls and started such a burner. Guys are curious to look, and if they will come. Do not be allowed, and Marnushka is still in-therapy, pushed:

- Go to your place!

She see, this marital, from the stony was. Which year in the brides, but the ghenyov was not. The girl as if it was not good, but a little over the coach. The flaw is like and small, but the guys still broke it because of this. Well, she was angry.

The guys have been hammered on the flats, they puff da porch, and girls have fun. The ashes sow, flour on the tabletop roll off, coal overlap, splashed in water. Everything was jazzned, with a screech one above the other, only Marlushka is not fun. She, it can be seen, was delivered in every extender, says:

- Void is. One fun.

One girlfriend for this and say:

- kindly burning fearfully.

- But as? - asks Marta.

Girlfriend and told:

- From the grandmother of heard - the most correct fortune telling will be. It is necessary in the evening, how everyone will fall asleep, hang his scallop on a thread on top, and another day, when no one has awakened, remove this scallop - everything will see here.

All curious - how? And the girl explains:

- If there is a hair on scallop, you will marry that year. It will not be a hair - there is no your destiny. And it is possible to guess what kind of hair will be a husband.

Lanko with a leutle was noticed by this conversation, and then they cut down that Marlushka would certainly be so burning. And both are offended by her for subtletiles. Guys and conspited:

- Wait! We remember you!

Lanko did not go on the night at that evening, the leiba had left. Lying, as if they scratch, and each other his friend's croutons in the sides are pushing: looked, not a must!

How big everything fell asleep, the guys hear - Marito in the senka came out. Guys beyond her and trembled, as she climbed on her and in which there was a place there. Honeward and as soon as possible. Behind them, Marjuna came running. Shawls, chucks teeth. Whether it is cold, or it is afraid. Then he lay down, she was very little and, heard became heard, - fell asleep. Children of Togo. Peeled from the climb, got dressed, as I had to, and quietly came out of the hut. What to do, they were talking about it.

Watering, you see, Merin was, not that chalky, not the brown, the name was Him. Guys and invented this Merin Mariushkina combing. On the top of the night, it is afraid, only the guys alone in front of others brave. Found on the treads of the scallop, they were glanced with a dove of wool and scallop in place hanged. After that, the huts were snewed and fastened firmly. Wounded later. From the biggest in the hut one Lyukov Mother was - the stove trampled.

While the guys slept, here is what happened. Marta in the morning rose earlier and got his scallop. She sees - a lot of hair. I was delighted - the groom would be curly. Ran to girlfriends boast. Those look - something is not altogether. Missing what hair is wonderful. None of one friend guy did not have this. Then one looked at the scallop hardly from the horse's tail. Girlfriends and let's laugh over Marjun.

"You have," they say, "the fiancé was Babeva.

Marlushka is for great insult, she collapsed with girlfriends, and those knew. Nickname she announced: Golubova Bride.

Martushka came running home, the mother complains - that's what grief it happened, and the guys remember yesterday's subtletiles and with the glades tease:

- Golubkova Bride, Golubkova Bride!

Marnushka here at all sprinkled, and the mother matched, whose hands were the case, screamed on the guys:

- What are you, shameless, endowed! Without the gift of the girl's groom bypass, and you put it on laughter.

The guys understood - it was completely out of all, let's turn off:

- It was you invented!

- No you!

Marito from these distorters also realized that they guys attached to her such a thing, shouts to them:

- So that the Blue Snake itself was harmful!

Here, again, my mother frowned to Marlux:

- Saluch, fool! Is it possible to say that? For the whole house there is a mischower!

Marita in response to this his says:

- I feel before that! I would not have looked at the white light!

Slammed the door, ran into the fence and let's drive a snow shovel there, as if he was guilty. The mother came out, first terrified the girl, then he carried the hut, began to persuade. The guys see - not to them here, pulled down to Lanka. They hammered there on the polls and sit Smirnekhonko. I feel sorry to Marta, and what can you help now. And the blue snake in the heads stuck. The whisper is asked by one in the other:

- Lico, did you hear about the blue snake?

- No and you?

- also did not hear.

They whispered, whispered, decided to ask the biggest when it would be a little forgot. So done. As Mariushkin has forgotten, guys and let's reason about the blue snake. Someone will ask, they disagree: I do not know, and still thunder:

- I'll take a rod yes, you will leave both! Forget about such asking!

The guys from this more curious became: what kind of snake is so, about which it is impossible to ask?

Found a case. On a festive business, Lanka came home to drink home and sat down at the hut on Zavalinka. And the guys knew that he was at such a time to talk to hurry. Lanko and rotted:

- Toyham, did you see the blue snake?

Father, although he was very drinking hard, even steadbed, looked in and spent.

- Chur, Chur, Chur! Do not listen, our hut-choir! The word is not here!