How to celebrate the 30th anniversary. Squeeze the air from the released bottle

You need to prepare rubber gloves in advance by the number of participants in the contest. They will need to fill with water, tie from above and hang on the rope, fastening with clothespins. The presenter quickly passes along the rope and skeins one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which gives the "Start" command. Participants have enough bowls or other tanks and try to identify all the liquid from the glove into the container as soon as possible. Wins the fastest milk or milkmaid.

King of beasts

The king of animals, lion, usually choose the jubilee. He sits on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, he tries to him with gestures and failing to explain who he is. And this guest must come to the lion according to his role accordingly. If the guest gestures showed long ears, and he decided that he had a hare, then he had to suck for a lion, and if he was shown the wriggling snake, he should be deliberately and so on. When all the beasts gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most dare of the most dare of the most dull and skillful.

Hurry up for 30 seconds

Guests are divided into couples: a man-woman. Each pair is awarded orange. On the "Start" team there are two options for the development of events:
A man cleans the orange, and the woman eats it;
Both a man and a woman cleaned together, and then orange eating no help.
A couple that will cope with the task in 30 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Tale for birthday

Guests must compose a fairy tale about the birthday girl, relying on the real life of the jubilee and his fantasy. Each guest in turn tells one sentence, trying to support the topic of the previous narrator, but it is necessary to comply with one rule: to use the figure 30 in any form (thirty, thirtieth, etc.). As a result, it turns out an interesting fictional story that will delight the jubilee, for example, in some kingdom 30 years ago, our birthday book was born. The first 30 minutes he flounded his finger. The kid grew not by day, but by the hour, because he eaten for the whole 30 spoons of delicious porridge. Once, our Andryusha went to a dense dense forest, where 30 high trees grew. He wanted to find a magic mushroom, which legend walked, as if he would weigh 30 kilograms and could perform any 30 desires. Etc. Who forgets the rule and does not insert "30" in his proposal, he leaves the game. The rest of the guests for their fantasy, smelting and diligence receive prizes. And the jubile will tell a new fairy tale to their children.


Each of the guests in a circle believes 30 is 1 + 29, the second: 30 is 2 + 28, the third: 30 is 3 + 27 and so on. And the presenter calls the action that the guest must do with the second one, for example, 29 compliments Birthday name, 28 wishes, 27 qualities of the birthday character, 15 squats for a birthday party, 5 jumps to the ceiling, 2 poems that are associated with a birthday party, 1 song named Birthday and so on.

30 "No"

What loves to do that he prefers in food and music. Jubilee, all guests probably know, but it categorically he would not want to do and that, for example, he would never have been eating or listening, not everyone can guess. Guests are divided into teams of several people, each team gets a leaf and pen and when the lead gives "start", the teams must compile a list of 30 "No" Yubilertar, for example, does not eat fish, does not listen rap, does not like red , I do not use the services of a beauty salon, does not play cards, does not like to sleep under the blanket and so on. The team that is faster than the rest will be a list of 30 "no" anniversaries, and will win.

30 Mozens

Everything is simple: For each participant, 30 peas are poured on a saucer (green canned peas) and each fork. According to the team "Start", participants must punish peas and is it. Who can be faster than everyone to eat her dish, he won.

Jubilee kisses and hugs

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. In the center of the room is a jubilee, and at the same distance from him the guests team. The first participants receive a ball and put it on the floor between the legs. According to the "Start" team, the first participants are running, or rather, they jump (jump) to the jubilee, trying not to lose the ball (otherwise it will have to return to the original position) and depending on the floor or kiss it (women), or hug (men) and rush Back, transfer the ball to the second participants and become the end of the team. A team that kisses faster and trimming the jubilee, that is, the team who has the first participant will be the first to win. And the jubilee is nice, and guests are fun.

For 30 years, eat bread-baguette

For this contest you will need bread baguettes of small size (thin). And then the development of events for two options:
Participants are divided into couples and each pair on the "Start" team should eat the rest of the rest of the baguette, one participant starts from one end, and the second - from the other;
Each participant on the start team starts to eat baguette, trying to do it faster than the rest.
Who will quickly cope with the task, he will win.

Anniversary script 30 years old girl

How fun and interestingly organize an anniversary at home for 30 years, and even to contests? The question is, at first glance, complex, but solved. And the scenario of the anniversary for 30 years will be able to solve this issue without difficulty. This scenario is designed to celebrate this birthday at home, without the help of Tamada, and on their own. A fun and entertainment program will appeal to all guests, and they will resist the way they never rest.

Anniversary scenario 30 years old girl. Birthday 30 years

The jubilee itself is behind the door. On the floor, a red carpet is spread, on the sides of which the balloons are stuffed with helium. The balls swept up and create a unique atmosphere. Balls must be cheered so that there is no place for the same colors, but that the colors against each other are the same. And at the end of the red carpet, there are guests, they stand in a semicircle. The center has a presenter, and there are two young people with chic bouquets on the sides.
Solemn music sounds. The doors open, and the house has the mistress of the evening. It passes along the red carpet and stops near the guests and the lead.

With a beautiful, important date, we congratulate you!
Ten times more, I wish you still!
So that everything has time you guess
And the invisible fairy, your desires did!
It is only for you the applause of these
A bouquet of colors of chic, the best girl in the world!

Everyone is applauded, and young guys hand over flowers bouquets.
Next, the jubilee invites everyone at the table.

Toast 1.

For the beauty of yours, today we will drink!
There is nothing in the world that you can compare with it!
We raise all the glasses, and drink them to the bottom,
You are the best, you are alone!

Game 1.

In one famous song, "Birthday, a sad holiday". Is it so? Do the guests come to the jubilee to sink? Not! And we now prove it.

Game for girls. The girls go to the center. They cost as they got up. And the presenter says:
And now your task is to be built by growth from the highest, to the smallest!
All girls should be built by growth. Leading at the same time flows time on the stopwall.

And finally, to build on the neckline: from the smallest, to the deepest!
Girls are built, and leading again flows time. After the presenter says how much time the girls spent on all the buildings.

Game for guys. Guys go to the center. Lead says:
Strengthen the number of hair on the head: from smaller to more!
Guys are built, and the presenter starts the stopwatch.

And now keep up the size of the shoes: from the largest to the very small!
And again the stopwatch starts.

And finally, build up in length ... Single finger on your left hand!
Guys are built, and the stopwatch is started again. After when everyone was built, the stopwatch turns off and compares who spent less time on everything. So to speak, who is disciplined.

Toast 2. (for parents)

Who tried at night, did not sleep?
Who's not smoked their eyes?
Who did everything in order
To show the light of the child here?
Of course, these are parents!
A glass for them to drink, do not want?

Game 2.

Who wants to having a saccmother from you ... Money? But this is only at first glance, it seems that everything is so simple, in fact everything is not very simple, especially for someone who will lose.

Rules of the game.
There are comic money of one currency, for example, rubles, but of different dignity. One man rises to the chair and throws money up. And two or three others stand near and catch them with a sacc. It is impossible to raise money from the floor if they fell, then everything. When the money is over, then the number of caught money is calculated. Not the number of bills count, namely their nominal. If one caught 550 rubles, and the second caught 400 rubles, then he won the one who caught more. And who lost, or pays the difference in losing, in this case 150 rubles, or makes a desire. For example, eat 150 grams of lemon or drink 150 grams of vodka at a time.

Toast 3.

Again the glasses fill their own
And they are empty at times, two, three!
For the jubilee, our drink to the bottom,
And tell her a triple: Hurray, Hurray, Hurray!

Game 3.

And now I propose to divide into four teams!

The essence of the game.
The first two teams on sheets of paper in two minutes write words that characterize the mood of the jubilee. For example, funny, joyful, happy and so on. Who will have more different words, he won. And the third and fourth team write words that denote the mood, which should not be at the jumper. For example, sad, not cheerful, does not dance and so on. Yet again. Who wrote more, he won.
The final comes out two teams that compete in a super game.

Super game.
Teams for three minutes should come up with and write congratulations and wishes of the jumper. But not so easy to write, and so that each congratulation began with the letter of her name, the name and middle name, if it comes to it. That is, if the jubilee is name: Irina Alekseevna Prokopyeva, then congratulations should begin in turn on the letters: both, r, and n, a, a, l, c, s, e, e, c, n, and , p, r, o. K, O, P, E, B, A. It is impossible to move to another letter until congratulations on the previous letter are invented.
After the time of time, leaves are surrendered, and the lead reads congratulations. The team that wrote them more wins.

Game 4.

Do everyone love to play the phantas? Then here are the tasks, each in turn takes out his piece of paper with the task and executes it.

And now it's time "delicious"! and what is the most delicious? Right - Cake!

Cake can be deleted effectively. For this you need four strong men and one dancer. Four men raise on an improvised dancer tray and cover it not transparent cloth. They bring a tray to the jumper, lower it and ask the jubilex to throw off the cloth. The fabric drops, and the man begins to dance the incendiary dance.
After the dance, everyone eats a cake.

Anniversary - not frequent holiday. The celebration of Jubileev takes place with a scope, and if you have come to a similar celebration, then a gift with congratulations must match.

Nowadays, people try to surprise the anniversaries and guests, arranging their congratulations mini-presentation, in which some of the guests are involved. Humorous scenes, scattering jokes and little things presented by guests - all this pleases the anniversaries. Similar funny congratulations can be inventing a person's classes, under his hobby, hobbies, habits.

Cool congratulations on the anniversary woman

Sometimes the congratulations to the woman with the anniversary passes quite in the frivolous form, but it can afford indeed close to her people. Such behavior of relatives and close friends should not confuse other guests. The goal of congratulations described below, cheer the jubilee and the public with their non-standard gift.

The main thing is not to guess the tastes of the jubilees and with its age. It is necessary to repel, first of all, from these two criteria.

An unexpected photo session

You, as a guest guest, is probably known in advance (café, banquet hall, restaurant), which will celebrate the celebration. You can order a photo session as a gift. To do this, you will have to hire a professional photographer and rent scenery. Ideally, if the photographer will be able to provide them yourself.

In addition, you have to agree with the institution's administrator to install all these scenery in the banquet hall. And to do it so that the jubilee to the day x did not know anything in advance. It is difficult, but quite feasible. Just imagine, what storm of emotions will the jubilee test, having received such a non-standard gift?! The whole evening the photographer will take off guests and the jubilee itself on the background of scenery, at the table and on the dance playground, and after a certain time will provide the jubilee professional photographs.

You only need to think about the scenery. Perhaps it will be some stretching with the background and interior things. Once this issue with the hired photographer. And remember that the scenery should be compact and should not take a lot of space. Otherwise, you will not be able to negotiate the administrator of their installation for free.

Costumed hero

Let your jubilee congratulate any costume hero. Fortunately, in our days, someone else can be hired in the agencies of the festive services: both superman, and stripter, and "Basque", and the beast of some.

Only, ordering the artist on the anniversary, say in advance with it the course of its actions, the fee and the duration of its time.

Cool congratulations on the anniversary for a man

The man is more difficult to surprise, especially if he celebrates his anniversary after 45 years. However, there are still certain points that will be pleasant to him. By the way, some congratulations described below are also suitable for women in their anniversary birthday.

Wishes from stars

Remember the belief, if you see a falling star at the night sky and have time to make a desire, then it will surely come true? At any age, people do not stop dreaming, and any anniversary, be a birthday at least 70 years old, not yet stopping for the fulfillment of desires.

To arrange starstelpage wishes for the jubilee, you need to prepare in advance. You approximate the number of invited guests. Cook on each guest carved a beautiful star and markers. The number of stars is better made not exactly by the number of guests, and plus 5 about the reserve. Each guest will have to write his wishes for the jubilee on the star. The jubilear rises in the center of a circle formed by guests. Guests shout alternately their wishes and throw the jubilee star. What stars will be able to catch a jubilee, those wishes and come true before.

It is advisable to play the appropriate music - happy birthday, "We wish you happiness" and so on.


The gift will be collective and more comic than serious. He will have to create all guests, looking at the birthday girl. For this, colored marks and a frame with a clean sheet of paper will be required. The more frame and leaf, the better.

Guests are invited to speak their wishes to the jubilear alternately and depicting them on paper, drawing a portrait of a jubilee. The occupation carries everyone, and the result may be the most unexpected.

Amazing sand

Nowadays, live greetings are becoming increasingly popular with sand. As a rule, showing sand speeches arrange people engaged in this professionally. But it is possible to master this occupation by himself, converging for several lessons and buying all the necessary attributes for this.

Simply, naturally, invite professionals. The meaning of congratulations is that a person draws under nice music with sand. All this is displayed on the projector in real time. You can negotiate in advance with the actor about what it will draw. It can affect themes, expensive for the jubilee. For example, if the jubilee is a sailor, then he will be interested in the subject of the sea. If he is a doctor, then a medical topic.

No less cool and interesting sand ceremony. It will cost you a little cheaper than the invitation of a professional. To do this, you need to get sand (or salt), painting it with pre-colored shallow or gouache (technology can be viewed on the Internet). Do not forget that each color means something. Examine this moment. For example, green is a symbol of health, red - love, yellow - positive, purple - spiritual equilibrium and so on.

You will also need different, beautifully decorated containers in which sand (or salt) will be scattered. And one big empty vessel.

You offer to each guest to approach the containers and alternately fill the sand vessel with the color that they like most. Previously you do not speak them about the value of the color selected by them. As a result, the jubique receives a vessel, layers filled with multicolored sand (salt). The layers may change, their thickness can be different. As soon as the vessel is filled. You tell everyone, including the jubilee, the value of flowers. Look, who and in what quantity it wished him! Very fascinating and unusual spectacle!

Desperate homeless

Such a congratulation may be the most memorable in the life of the jubilee. You hire two actors who change clothes in the homeless. The more they will be similar to them - the wrong way. Legend is such - two homeless wandered in a cafe. They are not completely safe, and they want to eat a little.

Guests, seeing this sight, will probably ride to the protection or cafe administration. You should think over this moment in advance and warn the administration about your surprise, so that they lead you, they say, these are also invited guests.

Bums should behave like impudence. Saving between guests to the table. Seeking at the same time: "Well, what are we going on here? Celebrate? And about old friends forgot? Well, give me a cucumber! (Cars the cucumber from guests from guests from guests). What do you look? Pour a comrade, you do not see, thirst tortured! ". Gradually, they approach the jubilee and begin to congratulate it, mumbling something wrongful. At the same time, they are all pockets they get crumpled bills. A lot of them. Immediately they begin to hurry to leave, and you do not let them go without dance for the jubilee. Heroes dance.

You can think of any other greetings yourself, taking into account age, the half of the anniversaries and his hobbies.

30th anniversary of Mary.(The program is designed for 3 hours of reference).

Meeting of the culprit celebration.

(Planned in advance - an agreement with guests).

Action. License: 3rd thief, birthday girl, 3-friends.

Thieves steal a birthday party from home (Tie the eyes, rush mouth, etc.), bring it in a cafe and sit in the car (Made from Children's House - Tents). DJ includes a "engine factory" background. This creates the illusion of the movement of the machine. Then hear the noise, the talk of people and Di jay includes the background "Agi-Yai, Girl's Handwheat group, pushing the birthday girl from the" Machine ", unleash her hands, remove the bandage from the eye and the dialogue occurs:
1 thief: "What happens, then!?"
2 thief: "Where are we?"
1 thief: "Come on the legs, throw it here, spawns"
(Thieves run away)

Girlfriends run up to the birthday girl.

1. Masha Did you get from such a tribe?
2. Where was it? We have come off here already! On the flea market What about
3. We walked you in a civil species. And then the fight Friend is already awake, took out questions!

(Girls are leaving the birthday girl, and change it in accordance with the evening dress code).

(Birthday man appears in the hall. Background "Sound of the discharged DJ plate")

Leading: Hey! People, look around
Eyes all raised up
The birthday girl came.
It's time to applaud.
Masha - Super Man
Helmet we have her big hello
All you have come
It's time to sit for a table.

(Birthday invites guests at the table)

1 table.

Leading: Respect to everyone, more precisely good evening
We all waited for this meeting.
We have a weighty reason, all guests have long been familiar.
I reveal the secret, Marie Our N-Came Years
I don't call numbers
Woman's age hide
Our masha is good
And figure and soul
All glasses are filled
And for Masha drink.

Toast: Behind the birthday girl.

Leading: Mash to start celebrating your birth in full force. You need to prepare for it, namely, you need to read the prayer for all of us as our oil passed. Ready? (Birthday answers)
(Birthday read prayer)

Female prayer before the anniversary:
"Lord, help me not get drunk! Wake up in the morning in his bed. Help not lose image Seper-Gerl! Do not fill faces guests! And do not sit down in a salad! Do not lose things (and yourself including)! Help not write to anyone drunk SMS at 2 am! Do not call! And most importantly, not recognize anyone in love! Anyway, no more than 2 times! Help come home on two, and not on the 4th! And if sho and match, Lord, eating my memory forever centuries! Amen.
Toast: for the fulfillment of desires.

(Guests drink. 5 minutes feast)

Zodiacal ringing guests.

No need to be modest today -
Call at the Aries Hall!

Well done and teventants,
Where do we sit the calves?

Where do you guys unleash?
All faster twins!

Zodiac has many signs,
Now I want to see crayfish!

Coming together you
The kings of animals, handsome lions!

Let's see the right, left,
Where is the anniversary of the Virgin?

Raise noses
And show us, scales!

Turn for all laws
Stand and drink scorpions!

Here all signs are well done,
Everyone is lucky - Sagittarius.

Do not be strict
And come off, Capricorn!

Raise winery let it rather
Without constraints of aquarian!

Yubilear let smiles
Give affectionate fish!

Toast: For acquaintance.

Toast for parents.
Today on the anniversary there is the closest and native person for the birthday girl - this is a mother! Dear guests! Let's greet a friendly loud applause ______________. After all, she is also a birthday today!
September 11, 1983, the angels came up from heaven and accomplished a great miracle, a charming baby appeared on the world, the firstborn in the family, the girl - Masha!

Dear (Mother's name)!
Do you remember the day when you brought Masha from the maternity hospital?
What was she?
And what kind of you see it now?

(Congratulations to Mom).

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for parents!
Parents glory, praise and honor!
I know the people agree with me
That the toast for parents should be raised
Health and Happiness Mom wish!

(Guests drink. 5 minutes feast)

Leading: For our table is the native sister of our birthday girl! You grew in one family, two girls. Two closest girlfriends. Surely, you trusted each other our most intimate secrets, shared secrets. Inna, maybe remember the most memorable, the most unforgettable moment of childhood.

(Congratulations to Sisters)
(Guests drink. 5 minutes feast)

Leading: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition in all the birthday holidays to light the candle, as the fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and good. I suggest you, Maria, too, light the candle in honor of such a significant event - your birthday. (gift from the leading holiday - a candle for a birthday room)
Let the flame of this light never fade, giving the light and warmly with your loved ones and relatives, and let the most loved ones and dear people are going to this light as well as today.

Toast: For warm light emanating from the anniversary candle.

Leading: We have a boss one here
Very important gentleman
His heart is burning with love
And everyone knows about it
Well, I give my husband Mary I give.
Creative toast from it waiting.

(Congratulations to her husband Alexander)

Game "Goldfish".
Leading:Friends! Each of us at least once in life dreamed of catching a goldfish so that she performed three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter bypasses guests with a bag in which there are fish, cut out, from cardboard.) One of them is gold, and suggests choosing any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the "Gold Fish" is entitled to voice the three wishes, choose them among the cards proposed by the lead. But, before that, he calls among guests, any "performer."

Examples of desires:

I want to have a toast toast now in honor of the birthday girl, in which there would be three words "anniversary".
I want any subject on the table to be awarded a birthday party as a memorable gift with a value.
I want your neighbors to the right and on the left told the Children's poem.
I want you to make a birthday in hugs, and then rinsed on one leg in your place.
I want you to pick the guests a motive of a familiar song, and they guess her name.

(Awarding "performers" of desires.)

Leading: The dream of any little girl is a magical journey. And I think Maria is no exception. Dear guests do you like to travel? (Guests answer) Now we will check your geographical knowledge ...

Competition: Dance cruise.
1. Where is the Eiffel Tower? France.
2. What country opened the most 1st "Disneyland"? America.
3. What country is the very saline sea? Israel.
4. Where do the hottest jigs live? Caucasus.
Those who correctly gave answers go to the dance floor.
Traveling alone boring, I offer each of you a couple of you. And here we have four pairs.
Friends, before you stray artists !!! They drove in different countries, and by what, they will now show us in dance !!!
Tango, Lambada, Rock and Roll, Seven Forty, Lezginka, Kalinka-Malinka
For your individuals, I already understand what you want to go to dance. And I invite all guests to dance floor

Dance block number 1.

Leading: Ah Nostalgia, always in my memoirs we return to the most beloved events and places for us. So I am dear guests want to invite you to one of the most popular talk shows "Guess the Melody". Your task, guess the composition - Calling. That guest that will give the best answers to the best answers will receive a super prize from the birthday girl. (Tape "Musical Special")
Melodies: Roxet, Natalie-wind from the sea Dul, Shark - Acid DJ, Dr. Alban - About Life, Disco Crash - Eggs, Paints - And you do not touch me, hands up - 18 I have already.

Leading: Today is the evening surprises and miracles. And one very important European variety person arrived at our holiday. Under your stormy applause. Meet the E-Type group. (Parodist Speech 1)

Leading: Unforgettable impressions of European stars. And immediately the question arises, and what are we worse? Well, of course not! And in this we will be able to make sure to go to the center of the hall.

Dance block number 2.

Competition. The biggest bubble.
Competition: Cheerful gum.

Speech - Parody Group "Combination"

3 table.

Let them be whole glasses
Let the mood robbing up
Let fanfare sound in music,
And let Mary, waiting for success!

Toast: For our charming birthday.

(Guests drink. 5 minutes feast)

Long sit down everything, folded hands,
And as if everyone dies from boredom,
I want to fool you
We will hold a contest!

"According to the majority of people born and living in the USSR, our country was ahead of the planet all in areas such as space, ballet, sports and army. So, we, born in the USSR, are very good in these areas. Check? ".

Game "Soviet Cosmos: Larovapors".
To participate it is better to choose men. Side: "Do you want to feel like Soviet cosmonauts? Your task is to open a new planet, hoisting the Soviet flag on it and settle it with Soviet people. But time is strictly limited. Won a cosmonaut who will populate more people. "
Participants are issued balloons (not inflated), threads and markers. Task for each player: as soon as possible to inflate the ball, tie a thread, draw a marker on a sickle bowl and hammer, put your initials, and then draw as much simplest figures as possible, schematically depicting a person. There is not much time is given: 5 minutes a maximum. At the end, the presenter calculates the number of "men" on each "planet". Who else - he gets the title of "Honorary Gagarinets".

Toast: For the discovers and their discovery.

Leading: As I said, in addition to space, our country was the very first and sports. Everyone knows the achievements of our skaters, gymnasts, etc. So the moment is not remembered by the past.

Game "Soviet sports: sprinters."
Side: "You will have to overcome a short distance as quickly as possible. Before you start, remember the Soviet slogan that all global records should be ours. Do not move your homeland - the most sporting power! ".
Number of participants (play can both men and women)limited only by the number of inventory. Inventory for one participant: a beer bottle for which a long ribbon or rope is tied for one end. Length - the more, the better (can be five or more meters).
Participants stand on a line, holding bottles in their hands. The presenter and his assistant stretch the ribbons attached by one end on the bottles along the room to the opposite end (Forming a kind of treadmill for each participant). According to the "Start" team, the participants begin to wipe the tape on the bottle. Who will do it faster, he wins, receiving the title "Soviet recordsman."

Leading: What a holiday is without dancing.
Probably, there are simply no such
Let's so that the Rumyantsev,
To get light in the eyes!
And so that the day of the garbage
I remember everyone for many years!

Dance block number 3.

Competition: Rubik's Cube.

Speech - parody Alla Pugacheva.


Guests form 2 Circles (small and big)around the birthday girl.

Leading: Let your life - light,
Let your life - beautiful,
Let there be a lot of heat in it,
And let love in it be powerful!
Let my husband be your king,
And you, you will be his queen,
So that everything you want,
So that all the desires were performed,
So that all cherished dreams,
I was looking for in life, justified!

We do not say goodbye to you dear guests, but just say "to new meetings!".

Background sounds: remix on the song crocodile genes "let run awkward"

How do you prepare for your 30th anniversary? Approaching such a date means that the girl enters the phase of life when it becomes smarter, more attractive and charming. In other words, its thinking, confidence and even salary increases higher and higher. The thirtieth holiday of birthday should be more fascinating and exciting, because the birthday man crosses the frontier between youth and maturity. She completes one stage and starts a new one. We offer you some amazing ideas that will make your holiday unforgettable.

How to celebrate 30 years old girl - party for friends

Organize an amazing party for your friends. Let the age be an obstacle for the celebration. Call all your friends with which you keep contact and even those who have not seen for a long time. Come up with a party to make it amazing. Print invitations in accordance with its subject.

How to celebrate 30 years Girl - Road Travel

Go to the road trip with friends. Pleasure and excitement that you get on the roads while driving will help relieve fatigue from the usual celebration. You will have time to talk about pleasant things and funny moments, as well as listen to your favorite music. You do not know what might be behind the turn.

How to celebrate 30 years Girl - National Kitchen

Mark your birthday with Mexican, Japanese or Georgian cuisine. Invite friends, members of their family and relatives to this grand dinner. If you have not previously had the opportunity to try dishes of a certain national cuisine, you may need to explore them directly to thirty years.

How to celebrate 30 years in a girl - a journey on a yacht

Did you think to celebrate your celebration on the yacht? Probably not. If your tools allow you to go swimming with friends and relatives. Only pleasant people will surround you, because there are simply no uninvited guests here, and beautiful landscapes spread around and the loved music sounds.

How to celebrate 30 years old girl - a holiday in a new style

For a new stage of life there must be a new appearance. You can go to any interior to completely change your style. Ask friends to support you at a party.

6) How to celebrate 30 years in the girl - family bonds

Thirty years calls for maturity and responsibility. You can spend your holiday in the circle of the closest and relatives, if not all day, at least for a while. To do this, you can order a family dinner at any good restaurant or cafe.

How to celebrate 30 years old girl - Celebration by the fire

Mark your 30th birthday can be on the nature of the fire. Invite all your friends to enjoy the evening sunset and charming lights of crackling coal.

How to celebrate 30 years in a girl - a holiday in a dance class

Thirty in life becomes more worries and responsibilities. Some girls are very busy with their family responsibilities or work. Dancing and music are the best way to revive your boring life. Celebrate the celebration in the dance hall to fully relax and plunge into the rhythms of Tango or Cha-Cha-cha.

How to celebrate 30 years in a girl - a subscription to the gym

If you are not a fan of dancing, you have another holiday option. Get a subscription to the gym for the company of loved ones, and you combine a pleasant with useful.

How to celebrate 30 years of the girl - go to the spa

Treat yourself and enjoy the holiday. Dedicate the day a campaign to a spa to enjoy a deep tissue massage and relax in mineral baths.

This is only a small part of ideas, followed by which you can organize your thirty. Think that you can enjoy, and act at your discretion.