The amazing adventures of the boy of Yurrik and his grandfather. Natalia Lvovna scored, the amazing adventures of the boy of Yurikchik and his grandfather, artist: Maya Sergeevna Nechiporenko (1965) Adventures of the boy of Yurikchik and his grandfather

On one fine summer day ...

All this happened on one fine summer day.

Yurich's boy, together with his grandfather and grandmother came from the city to the cottage to rest. Grandfather all winter and spring worked a lot, and his grandmother helped him, and both of them had long had to relax a good way. And, though he did not work and even went to school yet, but he still sighed with relief, having arrived here.

And why did he sigh with relief? - you ask.

But why: all the winter he went to the kindergarten, and there he always said: "It is impossible" and "then you can not" yes "you are still small." And when he came from a kindergarten home, dad and mom began to say the same thing.

The boy, Yurik, was not some kind of mischievous. He never did what the "impossible" said about. But, you yourself understand, not very pleasant to listen to such remarks all the time, and most importantly - reminders that you are still small ... So it was necessary for the next way: first the person is small, and then grows, and he himself is not at all to blame. So why remind of such unpleasant things that you are still small and can not be quite independent? It's very insulting.

The teacher of kindergarte said so, Mom and Dad said that, but the grandfather and grandmother never told the jurassic of such words. They talked with a whistle as with equal. And if sometimes it turned out that something could not be done, then YURCHER himself guessed this and, of course, did not do anything like that. And he behaved even better than at home or in kindergarten.

Now it must be now it's clear that the boy Yurchik was from what to get tired for the winter and he either prevented to relax here, at the cottage, along with his grandmother and grandmother.

So, there was a wonderful summer day.

Grandfather and grandmother sat down in the garden near the veranda on folding chairs and began to rest. And the boy Yurchik found somewhere in the storeroom his last year's truck with a lifting crane, tied a rope for him and with a terrible roar drove him around the house. Once swayed around the house, I slapped the second time, I blurted out the third time ... The terrible roar filled the garden, it was very fun! And no one thought to say: "This cannot be done."

Eh, Eh, "said Sad suddenly. - What are you, dear comrade, are irrational use the technique? The machine is wears, and no use.

YURKER stopped.

And what could be benefit from it? - he asked.

How is it? Here, you see, the day is hot, it would be good to swim now in the lake. Yes, although it is not far there to go there, but we are so tired of your grandmother that we are hard. So you would take us to the lake on your car!

YURCHIK smiled and looked incredulously for his grandfather: is it really joking with him, how with some kid-misunderstanding? Can't be my grandfather ...

What are you silent? Do not agree? - asked grandfather.

Of course, I agree, - I said the Jurik - only because my car ...

For us too small? - quickly finished grandfather's grandchildren. - You can not worry about this: now we will swallow decreasing pills with a grandmother and are quite suitable passengers for this car.

BUT! Said the boy Jurik. - Then everything is in order.

He was not surprised at all.

And you, of course, were surprised? You must have never heard of some diminutive pills?

In order for everything to be clear, you need to tell you that Santa Yurik was a very scientist inventor. He always invented various amazing things, such that no one had ever seen and did not hear. YURCHER knew this and had long been accustomed to the fact that from his grandfather could be expected of all the most incredible. Therefore, he was not surprised.

Did you get or invented himself? - asked the Santa Yurik, when he, for a moment I enter the room, made two small boxes from there.

Invented, of course, the grandfather answered casually. - Here in this box - diminutive pills. Swallow one - and immediately decrease. To become suitable passengers for your car, we will swallow the grandmother three.

And he revealed one box: there were several brilliant pink pink tablets, similar to candy-dragees.

But how to become big again? - asked Yurik.

I like this question, the grandfather said approvingly. - He says that you can think logically. What would my diminutive pills cost if B could not be as before?

And he revealed the second box.

Here looks: this is the second part of my invention. Magnifying tablets. To become again the same as before, you need to swallow the same tablets as the dimensional is swallowed. That's all.

These tablets were also shiny, similar to candy, only green. Jurik looked at them with great interest.

"And if the diminutive is not to swallow? He thought. - Just swallow the magnifying - then you can immediately become big? That would be great! "

Only he was going to ask his grandfather about this, as the grandmother jumped out from the chair.

If you go swimming, then you need to go! She said resolutely. - And then I will have no time. You need to cook dinner.

Right, let's not waste! - Supported grandmother grandfather. He handed her three pink pills, took the same amount, and they immediately eaten them. Even water was nothed.

At the same moment, YURCHECH saw his grandfather, - so high, broadly, not quite an old man, in glasses, with a long, not quite gray beard, - began to quickly decrease, and with him decreased his clothes, and glasses , and a long beard, and even an automatic handle.

And grandmother, - also quite high and dense, and not quite an old woman, - began to decrease with the same speed as grandfather, along with everything that was on it wee. Of all things, only two boxes with pink and green pills remain the same. They did not decrease because the grandfather prudently put them on the steps of the veranda.

Finally, the grandfather and grandmother stopped decreasing: they became completely tiny, the magnitude with the palm of the yuchik. To talk to them, Yurichik had to sit down yes even tilt her head.

I exaggerated a little, that is, understood, "said Grandfather. - It would be possible to do two tablets. Well, nothing, it will be easier for you to carry us. Put us in the car. Both boxes do not forget to put there, and we go!

YURCHER carefully took her grandmother first, then his grandfather and put them in the car. The truck for them was too large for them - it would be possible to plant more with fifty such grandparents and grandmothers.

What to sit on? - asked grandmother. - The solid ceases.

I will lay a handkerchief, "said YURCHIK.

He ran into the room and brought the grandfather's handkerchief, spread it in the front of the body, put his grandfather and grandmother there, and put boxes with pills in the back of the body.

The lake was quite close to their cottages, and Jürchik knew the way to him like his five fingers.

At first, he cautiously turned the car from the slide, holding, so that it was not too accelerated. Further, the path rushing along a bay meadow, covered with thick high grass, green bushes and scattered here and there with trees - old branches and oaks and the same old coopers.

The path was well drowning, smooth. The car though thundered with all his distilled tin parts, but she went smoothly, did not shake. And therefore, the yookik fled faster and finally ran the fuck, all the time looking around: how did Grandmother feel himself?

And they felt, apparently, quite well: all the time they looked around on the sides, something showed to each other, laughed and talked, - and what exactly, Yurichik did not hear, they had thin!

Made and sent Kaidalov Anatoly.
A collection of fantastic stories of the famous Ukrainian writer Natalie scabilies introduces readers with the wonderful adventures of the boy Jur Chica, who occur with him thanks to the inventions of his grandfather-professor. Here are the magnifying tablets, and the device, with which you can read thoughts, and many other interesting things.

In one beautiful summer laziness
In defense of a friend
Adventure in the forest
Adventure with chickens

All this happened on one fine summer day.
Yurich's boy, together with his grandfather and grandmother came from the city to the cottage to rest. Grandfather all winter and spring worked a lot, and his grandmother helped him, and both of them had long had to relax a good way. And, though he did not work and even to the school of Esh, I did not go, but still he sighed with relief, having arrived here.
- And why did he sigh with relief? - you ask.
But why: the whole winter he went to the kindergarten, and there he always said: "It is impossible" and "then you can not" Yes, "you are still small." And when he came from a kindergarten home, dad and mom began to say the same thing.
The boy, Yurik, was not some kind of mischievous. He never did what the "impossible" said about. But, you yourself understand, not very pleasant to listen to such remarks all the time, and most importantly - reminders that you are still small ... so it was necessary for the world: at first a person is small, and then he grows, and he himself It is not to blame. So why remind of such unpleasant things: What are you still small and can not be quite independent? It's very insulting.
The teacher of the kindergarten said so, Mom and Dad said that, but the grandfather and grandmother never told the jurt of such a layer. They talked with a whistle as with equal. And if sometimes it turned out that something could not be done, then YURCHER himself guessed this and, of course, did not do anything like that. And he kept himself even better than at home or in kindergarten.
Now it must be now it's clear that the boy Yurchik was from what to get tired for the winter and he either prevented to relax here, at the cottage, along with his grandmother and grandmother.
So, there was a wonderful summer day.
Grandfather and grandmother sat down in the garden near the veranda on folding chairs and began to rest. And the boy Yurchik found somewhere in the storage room his last year's truck with an lifting crane, tied to him the rope and with a terrible roar drove it around the house. Once swayed around the house, I slapped the second time, I blurted out the third time ... The terrible roar filled the garden, it was very fun! And no one thought to say: "This cannot be done."
"Eh, eh," said Sude suddenly. - What are you, dear comrade, are irrational use the technique? The machine is wears, and no use.
YURKER stopped.
- What could be benefit from her? - he asked.
- How is it? Here, you see, the day is hot, it would be good to swim now in the lake. Yes, although it is not far there to go there, but we are so tired of your grandmother that we are hard. So you would be answered to the lake on your car.
YURCHIK smiled and looked incredulously for his grandfather: is it really joking with him, as with some kind of baby-misless? Can't be my grandfather ...
- What are you silent? Do not agree? - asked grandfather.
"Of course, I agree," said Yurichk, "only because my car ..."
- For us too small? - quickly finished grandfather's grandchildren. - You can not worry about this: now we will swallow decreasing pills with a grandmother and are quite suitable passengers for this car.
- BUT! Said the boy Jurik. - Then everything is in order.
He was not surprised at all.
And you, of course, were surprised? You must have never heard of some diminutive pills?
In order for everything to be clear, you need to tell you that Santa Yurik was a very scientist inventor. He always invented various amazing wish, and, that's what no one had ever seen and did not hear. YURCHER knew this and had long been accustomed to the fact that from his grandfather could be expected of all the most incredible. So he was not surprised
- Did you get or invented himself? - asked Yuppqik Santa, when he, for a moment I enter the room, made two small boxes from there.
"Invented, of course," grandfather answered casually. - Here in this box - diminutive pills. Swallow one - and immediately decrease. To become suitable passengers for your car, we will swallow the grandmother three.
And he revealed one box: there were several brilliant pink pink tablets, similar to candy-dragees.
- But how to get big again? - asked Yurik.
"I like this question," Grandfather said approvingly. - He says that you can think logically. What would my diminutive pills cost if B could not be as before?
And he revealed the second box.
- Here looks: This is the second part of my invention. Magnifying tablets. To become again the same as before, you need to swallow the same tablets as the dimensional is swallowed. That's all.
These tablets were also brilliant, similar to candy, only green. Jurik looked at them with great interest.
"And if the diminutive is not to swallow? He thought. - Just swallow the magnifying - then you can immediately become big? That would be great. "
Only he was going to ask his grandfather about this, as the grandmother jumped out from the chair.
- If you go swimming, then you need to go! - Decisively ska hall she. - And then I will have no time. You need to cook dinner.
- That's right, let's not waste time! - Supported grandmother grandfather. He handed her three pink pills, took the same amount, and they immediately eaten them. Even water was nothed.
In the same moment, Yurik saw that his grandfather, - such a high, broad-sized, Eshu is not a completely old man, in glasses, with a long, not quite a gray beard, - began to quickly decrease, and together with him his clothes decreased, and glasses .
and a long beard, and even an automatic handle that protruded from the chest pocket of his linen jacket ...
And grandmother, is also pretty high and dense, and not quite an old woman, - began to decrease with the same speed as grandfather, along with everything that was on it wee. Of all things, only two boxes with pink and green pills remained the same. They did not decrease because the grandfather prudently put them on the steps of the veranda.
Finally, the grandfather and grandmother stopped decreasing: they became completely tiny, the magnitude with the palm of the yuchik. To talk to them, Yurichik had to squat and even tilt his head.
"I exaggerated a little, that is, understood," said Grandfather. - It would be possible to do two tablets. Well, nothing, it will be easier for you to carry us. Put us in the car. Both boxes do not forget to put there, and we go!
YURCHER carefully took her grandmother first, then his grandfather and put them in the car. The truck for them was too large - it would be possible to plant more with fifty such grandparents and grandmothers.
- What are you sitting on? - asked grandmother. - It grows on hard.
"I'll lay a handkerchief," said YURCHC.
He ran into the room and brought the grandfather's handkerchief, spread him in front of the body, put his grandfather and grandmother there, and put the boxes with pills in the back of the body.

The lake was quite close to their cottages, and Jürchik knew the way to him like his five fingers.
At first he cautiously fishing the car from the slide, holding it, so that it is not too accelerated. Further, the path hung on a bay meadow, covered with thick high grass, green bushes and scattered here and there with trees - old branched oaks and the same old coopers.
The path was well drowning, smooth. The car though threatened with all his discrepanted tin parts.
But I went smoothly, did not shake. And therefore, the yookik fled faster and, finally, ran scarce, all the time looking around: how did Grandma feel himself there?
And they felt, apparently, quite well: all the time they looked around on the sides, something showed to each other, laughed and talked, - And what exactly, YURCHECH did not hear, they had thin!
Jürchik rushed faster.
And suddenly some kind of dry twig fell under the wheel, and the car was blocked greatly.
- Be careful, please! - shouted in all the throat grandfather, so that Jurik could hear it.
- Oh grandfather, sorry, I'm inappropriate! Said Yurik and no longer at such speed, but not stopping, bringing his passengers to the lake.
Here he landed both on the soft white sand near the water itself. Oh, how cool it will be possible to swim now!
- Well, let's rather increase! - exclaimed grandmother. - - We do not get into the water with such tiny - we will eat our fish.
"Don't worry, now we will increase," said Grandfather. - Yurichik, give a box with green pills here!
YURCHIK leaned toward the car. He looked into the back of the body and the measurement - only one box was lying in the car! ..
Where is the second?!
Maybe it rolled into another corner of the body? No, and there is no it.
Maybe planting passengers, he accidentally took out a box? No, it is not seen anywhere.
- What are you? - shouted grandfather. - What are you digging?
- One box lacks! - He said embarrassed.
- Lacks? What? - My grandfather was frightened.
- I do not know.
- So open the same box and look - what is the pills?
Jürchik grabbed the box, opened, looked ...
"Pink ..." he had frightened.
Grandma splashed his hands. Grandfather looked at her with reproach and cheerfully said:
- There is nothing to despair. It is clear that the box fell out of the car, when we flew into some kind of obstacle because of the carelessness of the driver.
YURCHER once again confusedly cheamped his nose.
"But fortunately," the grandfather continued, "it happened quite not far from here." Therefore, without losing time, run, Yurik, along the path to the place. I am sure you will quickly find a loss.
- And we? - I frightened my grandmother.
"And we will show here sit down, ban on," Grandfather grinned.
YURCHER did not forced himself for a long time to be happy - he was already running his head along the path in the direction where they came from.
Here is a bush of viburnum, covered by more green berries. That's right branchy oak, on the left - old echoard. A few more steps - and he will achieve the place where the car drove on the dry branch. And in fact, Won there, ahead, whites something ... Yes, it is, of course, a lost box!
And suddenly, the Jürchik was published, as something jumped out of a thick herb on a path.
Jump jump - straight to the box ...
YURKER stopped. He immediately guessed: it was a frog, an ordinary frog of medium size. But - even though it is not very pleasant to admit it - the Jurik is not what was afraid, but just did not like the frogs. They are some slippery, jump ... and it is still unknown, where she wants to jump! .. It is better not to have things with them. And so, the Jürchik stopped, without rejoicing to the box, and decided to wait until the frog was wounded by the ravis ...
But it was a terrible mistake!
The frog was not going to clean the ravis. She was heading precisely to the box, which, probably noticed ESH, I was published. So she has already jumped to her, hesitated the mouth, fucked the tongue ... Once, time, time! - Yves one moment all green pills one after another disappeared into her grazing. Yurchik with a desperate cry rushed to her.
But it was too late.
With lightning speed, the frog began to increase. She became such as a big apple, then - like a soccer ball, then - like piglets, a calf ... and Esh, it grew up and grew! ..
What in the end she became, the yurachik had no longer seen, because it rushed to run terrifying. And only taking off at the decent distance, he decided to look back and saw that the giant monster clumsy jumped towards him. Then, the yookik no longer looked around, and rushed forward at the speed of sound, and this is such a speed that only jet planes and space rockets can exceed. Somewhere far behind him he heard rare heavy blows about the Earth - it jumped the monster.
"We must get on the tree!" - I thought Jurik. He did not know the high-deekest essay and wanted to rush to him, how suddenly the new thought struck him:
"And grandfather and grandmother? After all, the might of the MiG will get to them and swallow, like miserable bugs! We must run to them, save them! "
And, straining the last forces, Jurik rushed further.
Here he is near the lake.
- Grandpa! Grandmother! Sawn! The frog swallowed the magnifying tablets and jumps here ... This is no longer a frog, it's a huge monster! Won, won, look, it has already seen you. What to do?!
Grandfather and grandmother looked there, where Jurik showed, and saw the monster. Grandmother abuned and fainted. But grandfather, - No wonder he was a very scientist inventor!
He immediately slapped his palm on his forehead and exclaimed:
- Mostly take a box with diminutive pills and the thumbnail of her monster!
Without thinking, Yurik grabbed a box, rushed forward and swallowing his best, threw it right under the feet of a giant frog.
The monster, e, too, not long thought: he picked up a box with all pills and swallowed it.
And YURCHECH WITH THE SAT SHOWED, as the monster immediately began to decrease and decrease, and after a few seconds before them was already the most ordinary frog, the average size, and not terrible.
YURCHIK grabbed the twig and wanted to drive her, as suddenly in the sky flashed a big shadow - this was a stork. A sharp beak, he deftly caught a frog and swallowed.
Suddenly ... The grandfather and grandson were even frozen from surprise: there must be diminutive pills have such a mighty force that they have affected the stork, swallowed the frog with these pills in the stomach. The stork suddenly began to decrease, only not so much like a frog. He turned into a small bird and flew away, apparently, very surprised by such a transformation.
"We got rid of this danger," said Grandfather, "you will have to visit us home as soon as possible." We are not insured from new unpleasant meetings and dangers.
Grandmother, which in the meantime has already come to himself, asked ...
- Do we have even magnifying tablets at home?
- Not! - answered grandfather.
Grandmother abunted again and fainted again.
YURCHECH WITH DAT sprinkled on it with water from the lake, leaded to the consciousness, planted into the car, and Yurik, this time without any incident, bring her home with her grandfather.

When they finally found themselves on their veranda, grandfather said:
- Do not despair. We have a complex position, but not hopeless. On our happiness, in the city, in my laboratory, there is still a small stock of the tablets we need, so it is necessary to think only over one thing: how to fly them?
- I will go and bring! - Spearly said Yurich.
Grandfather nodded his head.
- I think so too. You will take the key from the laboratory in my pocket of my summer coat, and where exactly find pills, I will explain to you. True, without my notes, you may not miss the territory of our institute. So you need to write a note. We will try!
Yucchika brought a piece of paper, the grandfather pulled out his automatic handle from the chest pocket, "as you remember, she decreased along with his grandfather," and began to write.
But ... nothing came of it. If the grandfather wrote the usual handwriting, then the letters were given such tiny that no one would disassemble written, even with a magnifying glass. When the grandfather tried to draw huge (for him!) Letters, so that they could freely read a normal person, they came out incredibly clumsy and had nothing to do with Grandfather handwriting.
- No one recognizes such a note, they will say that this is fake! - sighed grandfather. - We have to write a note on the typewriter, and I somehow sign it somehow ... I carry my typewriter here.
Yurikchik quickly brought from the room to Grandfather the machine: she was small, lightning. Grandfather on her always wrote all sorts of letters and scientific works.
But who will write? After all, compared to the grandfather, the machine was now so huge that he could simply could not reach the right letters.
- You will write you! Said Grandfather Yurchik.
Yurik blushed like boiled cancer.
- I ... I still do not know how to write! - He shed.
- But do you know the letters?
- I know ...
"In this case, this is enough," said Grandfather. - Singing the typewriter, put the paper into it ... it's you can, I know.
Jurik again blushed and looked surprised for his grandfather: Is the grandfather know that Jurching has tried to write on ma-
Shinke? When no one was in the room, he secretly inserted paper into the typewriter and hit the black circles with white letters. Th, these letters were clearly imprinted on paper, quite in the insidency, he! But Yurichk thought that no one knew about it.
- Invest, invest! - repeated grandfather, winning. - It is very good that you have experience in this business.
YURCHECH stopped Smera, Achieve, sat down for the typewriter, put a piece of paper and began to write. The grandfather stood next to the machine and told him what letters you need to hit to get the right word. And what do you think - everything came out very well-on the note it was written - grandfather read out loud:
"I ask you to miss my grandson in my laboratory," and Santa's signature. He managed to make it his tiny fountain pen.
- Money on the road is in my pocket of my coat, wherees where the key is from the laboratory. Say for the bus, you will reach Scientific Street ...
Here, unexpectedly, grandmother intervened in the conversation!
- Smart people, and invented a bad story! She was indignant. - Do you really, grandfather, do not understand that the Jurik can sit down in that bus? And not where you need to go out? And what will he say if the bus people will start wondering and asking where it goes one such ... - Grandma has unwound, is not a completely adult boy?
The grandfather shook his head - yes, she was right ... But, as always. He quickly came up with what to do.
- - I'll go with you together! You will put me in my pocket, only for no one seen ... Because, you yourself understand, something awkward somehow: I know me in the city, there are many of my students, students. I would not want someone from them to see me in this form. But I hide in your pocket and will tell you what to do and what to say.
"So it will be better," Grandma agreed.
YURCHEC suggested that the grandmother went with them in
Rod, he has enough place in his pocket. But grandmother refused - she is so tired, which will better remain in the country and rest.
"Just do not delay," she said, "because I will be very worried."
Grandfather with Yurgi knew that she was always worried about any reason, and they tried not to deliver extra unrest. They promised not to linger. Then she made them eat before expensive, it is impossible to go on an empty stomach! Lunch, of course, was not, because it was no one to cook, but all three were well saturated with bread with sausage and milk.
For the grandfather and grandmother, Yurichchik finely selected bread and sausage, and the milk poured into a small saucer for jam.
Then, Jurik was changed, put his grandfather in his pocket, covered with a nasal handkerchief, said goodbye to his grandmother and headed for a bus stop.
At the bus stop, fortunately there was no one. YURCHIK was very afraid that he would meet someone from the country neighbors here and the question would begin ... Well, that this did not happen.
Soon the bus appeared.
- Grandfather, rides! - quietly spoke Yurik. - Our or not ours?
- What do you see on it? - asked grandfather.
- Something is written: one word begins on "O", and another on "K".
- So, our!
The bus drove up and stopped. Yurichchik deftly jumped on the step, from the steps in the car and extended the money to the conductor. He kept them all the time in her hand.
- Where are you? - asked the conductor.
YURYCHIK slightly confused, but the grandfather whispered from his pocket: "Tell me - to scientific."
So he said.
- Right! - the conductor said, looking at the coins that yookch gave her, and rejected him a ticket.

Look, so small, and one goes, and it still brings himself so brightly, "some complete woman noticed. - And parents are allowed!
- Now they are not listening to the pellery of parents! - muttered some kind of gloomy uncle with a newspaper.
- No, there is something wrong here ... Have you seen how he took a ticket, said where he was going? Maybe this is not a child at all, but an adult, Liliput? - Announced another woman, thin.
- What a nonsense! - the fat lot was indignant. - Isn't it clear that this is a child? Now I will ask him ... Boy, where are you going and where are your parents?
"Repeat after me, only politely!" - Santa whispered.
And Yurik was very politely said that he was suggested:
- - If it is so interested in you, a citizen, I can report that I am going on my own business, and my parents are now on a business trip. And where are you going, if it is not a secret?
A fat woman repaired - she was shocked. The gloomy uncle broke away from his newspaper and looked at the yuchik with interest with interest. And thin whispered loudly:
- You see, see! I said that it was Liliput. Adult!
- And why is he dressed like a little boy: short pants, socks ... Liliputs dress like adults! - did not give up fat.
- Now adults wear short pants - shorts. It's fashionable!
- Well, so then styles!
- Or maybe there are styles among Liliputs? So go fashionable!
YURCHECH did not listen to this conversation, and even more so take part in it. He went forward and sat down at a free place near the window. He's an excited heart pounded, but the grandfather, who was sitting in his pocket near the heart himself and clearly heard this knock, whispered calibly:
- Nothing, nothing, yuchik! After all, I'm with you ...
Then everything really went well. Thick and thin women, and behind them and the gloomy uncle soon came out of the bus, and there was no business to the new passengers to a boy who sits her quiet and prevent anyone. They probably thought that the mother was also riding this bus, only sitting somewhere in the back, and maybe they didn't think about it at all ... In addition, all the attention of all passengers were riveted to what was happening outside the windows. The bus walked over the bridge through a small river, which only during the spring spill was greasy and fully). But now it was no longer spring, but summer. The spill has long been over, and the river entered their shores. However, today passengers were surprised to notice that this river was again, as in the spring, became wide, swollen, boiled ...
Everyone sniffed to the windows, he was heightened with surprise, inappropriate questions: "What happened to the river?" The bridge has long stayed behind, and on the bus for a long time shuffled about it.
Thus, no one has paid attention to the yuchik, and he and his grandfather in his pocket calmly drove to the city, and there before the scientific street.
The conductor loudly announced the name of the stop, so the Jurchyman and without Grandfather Tips guessed that it was necessary to go. And he came out and went to the institute - he had more than once for his grandfather, and he knew the road. It was terrible only one thing: how he will explain with the guard at the gate.
The watchman at the gate strictly looked at the yuchik and asked:
- What do you, kid?
Yurikchik unpleasantly struck such an appeal. But he did not show the form that it hurt him. He politely greeted and filed a watchman to the grandfather.
- "Skip to the laboratory," read the watchman out loud. - But the professor is not, he is on vacation. What will you do there in the laboratory?
Yurikchik - Tyk, Mak, does not know what to answer. But grandfather did not sleep.
"Repeat after me," he whispered from his pocket. And Jurik confidently repeated what his grandfather suggested to him:
- Yes, grandfather on vacation, but today he came here, and we will go to the cottage with him ...
All this was, as you can see, the purest truth: after all, the grandfather really came here and was going along with Yurci-com - and with pills! - Go to the cottage. But the watchman understood this completely differently: he thought he was a professor, that is, the grandfather of Yurikchik, came back in the morning and waiting for his grandson in his laboratory.
And he missed Yurikchik to the gate.
It is good that the grandfather laboratory was in a separate house, in the midst of a dense garden, where now, during working hours, there was no one. And therefore no one saw the yookik of puffles and nozzles, trying to open the laboratory castle by the googa; As a grandfather, leaning out of his pocket, hardly helped him with advice; And as in the end, looking into the wand in the ear, it was possible to unlock the door.

UV finally! Said the grandfather as soon as Jurik crossed the laboratory threshold. - First of all, take me as quickly from your pocket, because I'm tired of sitting on something like a sticky ...
YURCHECH PULTASH, IL Santa and saw that in his pocket there was something sticky: it was a candy that Jurik left yesterday left his jackets in his pocket. She melted from the heat, and maybe because his grandfather was sitting on her ... And now Grandfish linen pants were all in a sticky candy filling.
"It's not a misfortune," said Grandfather, "I have my work pants here, I can change clothes." Ride the speeds of the tablet. You can't imagine how it does not wait again to become a normal person!
And he showed the yrurchik on the shelf, where in glass columns, bottles and cardboard boxes were different, invented by grandfather, mysterious substances.
The shelf was high. With great difficulties, Jurik pulled the table to her, put the chair on the table and climbed up.
- So! Okay! - Proded his grandfather. - Do not be afraid! Stretch your hand to the right! Won there, near the big cans from yellow glass, there are two round boxes. Such as with dental powder. Found? Wonderful. Take them and swell. Caution!!!
But it was too late to say "carefully"! YURCHIKA staggered, grabbed two hands for the shelf, but did not fall. However, both round boxes flew down, revealed, and all pills fumbled on the floor.

When the boy, Yurich, began to go to school, he began to learn great from the very first day. He could not learn badly: first, because he liked everything in school and was interesting, and secondly, he would be ashamed to learn badly. I am ashamed mainly before grandfather. Do you know what it was and how it looked: grandfather is a famous inventor, and grandson - Lazy and ignorant? Very nice, nothing to say!
And somehow, JURCHER unexpectedly "grabbed" the fourth. It was necessary to rewrite from the book: "The cat caught the mouse." Jookchik everything is correct and even very beautifully rewrote. Only in one place instead of "o" wrote "and", and came out: "Kit caught the mouse." Well, where did everyone start to laugh and ask Yurik, where did he see such whales? And was this mouse in the sea or whale waiting for her near the hole in the pantry? And the yookic was also ridiculous, and he laughed with everyone.
But then the teacher shook her head and said:
"Well, a yurch, though you mumbled all, but I can't put the five of you." It is written beautifully, but with an error. Henceforth be attentive.
And put him the fourth!
Then the Jurik immediately stopped laughing and laughed. Someone else may not be upset because of the fourth
ki, because it is still not a three-way and not twice, but a good mark! But, as you already know, YURCHER studied from the very first day perfectly, and it was the first four in his life ...
So, then, the yookik came out of school after classes and went home. His mother was on a business trip at this time, so Yurik temporarily lived at grandfather and grandmother. So, now he will have to meet with her grandfather, with the very grandfather, who can admit that he received the fourth, and not a five, as always.
- And you do not say! - advised the yrurchik his friend and neighbor Sergey. - Do not need to tell everything? Yes, and this is not so grief - four!
For Sergey, the fourth march would not really be grief, but just the opposite. He would even be very happy, having received such a mark. The fact is that although he was a boy resourceful and capable, and not very lazy, but all sorts of unexpected posses have always happened to him. For example, one day on the way to school, he decided to reduce the path and climbed through the fence. The climb of the passage and the path reduced, but on the fence he clinched for some nail and ripped his pants in the most prominent place, if you look at the back. What was he to do? Sergey came running to the very first class, sat down for his desk, but never got up, so that no one saw holes. And everything would be fine if Sergey did not arouse examples of arithmetic examples to the board. Sergey refused - he could not stand up! But the teacher was angry, thinking that he would just stubborn, and put him a two.
And another time, the teacher asked his multiplication table, and he knew everything perfectly. So she asks:
- How much will it be twice three?
He says:
- Six!
- And three times
Two - how much?
Asks teacher. And this is one damn! -
Without thinking, Sergey replied.
And although in fact he was not mistaken - because twice three, and three times - there will still be six, - but the teacher became angry with him for the fact that he is not scientifically expressed again, and again he shoved two! .. You see what adventures were with the best friend of the yuchik!
- Do not tell my grandfather and everything! - I advised Sergey.
Yurik shook his head. How not to say when the grandfather is always interested in everyone that was in school, and asks. So how to say a lie? No, I do not agree to such a yurch. It is still worth to speak more than getting the fourth ...
With such thoughts, YURCHIO approached the house where Grandfather lived, Poprosh, he got himself with Sergey, climbed the stairs, called and entered the room, where his grandfather was sitting behind his writing desk, her headed his head. He sat like this closely looking at the yuchik. And Yurik stopped at the threshold and began to cool quickly - what to do?
Speak immediately about the fourth or not to talk? Maybe not to talk at all? Or maybe, just not now, but a little time? No, anyway. Do not talk at all. And if so, it's better right away! YURCHER already revealed his mouth to tell everything, as suddenly the grandfather smiled, nodded his head approvingly and said with satisfied:
- Well done, Yurik! Correctly decided: Of course, you need to tell everything right away. Do not talk at all. And why do you have a four?
YURCHECH STRAIN EY, - Where does the grandfather know? Did anyone have already told him about the fourth? Maybe a teacher on the phone said? Yes No, didn't they tell parents about the fourth? This is not a twice! And then - where the grandfather knows that Jurik doubted: to say or not to say?
- Nobody spoke nothing to me, neither by phone or radio! Said the grandfather. "You just think about it now, and I read your thoughts."
"It's impossible to read thoughts, this is not a book!" - I thought Jurik.
"No, you can," said Grandfather. - Well, if you do not read, then you can listen, and this is the same.
YURCHIK smiled. What kind of miracles? "I'll think about anything incredible now," he decided, "I'll think that now it's not winter, and summer, and we are not in the city, but in the country."
- Unfortunately, now winter, - without thinking, Santa said - and we are not in the country, but in the city ... maybe, eh, it will think about something impossible, or you have already made sure that I read, that is, I hear your thoughts?
"This is in fact so," Yurchik was confused. - And how do you do it?
The grandfather laughed and divered his hand from his ear, which relied on. His palm lay a small black round device, similar to a radio receiver's headset or on that part of the telephone tube that applied to the ear to listen.
"This is my new invention," said Grandfather. - Pocket Madripper. If you attach it to the ear and look at a person, then you will hear the thoughts of this person as if he pronounces them out loud.
- And if you look at the animal, well, for example, on a cat? - asked Yurik. - Or in China? He added, remembering his mistake.
- nothing will come out. We express our thoughts with words that are understandable to everyone who knows the language. And animals, such as cats or, let's say, whales, do not know how. Therefore, they can not think, and with licking, the appearance of my invention can not find out what they feel there.
Yurichk thought a little and in general understood grandfather explanation.
- Can I hear your thoughts? - he asked.
Grandfather smiled.
- Try!
YURCHIK carefully picked up an amazing device and put to the ear. Focusing his grandfather in his eyes, he listened carefully for a few minutes, then it shrugged his shoulders in confusion and took his hand from the ear.
"I don't understand anything ... some biotions ... traction-wedding," he said offended.
- Not traction-wedding, and abstractions! - straightened his grandfather. - This is a scientific word. Nothing amazing that you do not understand him. After all, you only go to school for the first year, and such words learn only in the tenth grade. And I always think with such scientific words, so you can't understand my thoughts ... well, it's already enough! Give here the device, I will hide it, because batteries will be sitting from long-term use.
The grandfather hid his mysterious in a box of a written table, then sat on the sofa and planted the Yurik.
- Now tell me what happened to you with the fourth! - he said.
And Yurichik, of course, told about everything in detail.
Within two weeks of the Yurikchik in the classroom, as well as in the whole school, everyone just said that soon in the Palace of Pioneers there will be an exhibition of children's work and that it is necessary to submit anything interesting to this exhibition. All not only talked about it, but worked vigorously. Girls made some extraordinary embroidery, young artists created entire art galleries. But most boys, and the yookik, of course, including the wonderful, beautiful, brilliance, the Space Rocket model. They sawed, plaged, adhesive, painted, do not regret the strength and time. And some of them were so passionate about this work, which even forgot about the specified lessons. Not "some", but one, and it was Sergey, a friend of the yuchik.
- I need these lessons! - he said. - Well, let them be bad marks - Troika, Two, Troika - Wastowdock ... then I will correct, and now - the rocket is more important !!!
He spoke so, of course, Yuchik, and not a teacher. And although the legal entity with him did not agree with him and argued that both is important, but Sergey only carelessly waved his hand and again he began to get ripe near the rocket.
Why sprinkle? And because there was no real benefit from him in collective work. He was such a quick, impustious and not very careful: it will grab what kind of little detail - maybe and break. Yes, and fidget - starts doing something and throw something! What is the use of such an employee? But the boys did not drive him when he was spoiled near them, because Sergey was very funny, witty and entertained everyone with his joke and funny booms.
And now the time was approaching when it was necessary to present all the work at the exhibition. Through three days before this term, the perfectly finished wonderful, beautiful, brilliant model of the space rocket was in the class of yuchik on a separate table, causing envy of all students, even four-graders who came to see it.

On that day, when an event occurred, about which you will now learn, there was a pleasant winter weather. Snow fell, but the frost was not, and therefore the snow was soft, fluffy - from such snow to sculpt snowballs. From such snow you can quickly roll big balls, and of them fold the snowbaby!
Therefore, it is not surprising that during a big change, all schoolchildren poured into the garden, and there began funny from: in all corners of the garden, snow women have grown at the same time, and in the midst of the fortress. And over all this continuously in different directions flew snowballs.
Yurchik and Sergey, of course, were also here. They shoulder to the shoulder boldly defended their first-class fortress from the attacks of second-graders and only then translated the Spirit when
The opponents retreated and began to build a fortress in the opposite corner of the garden.
- Get ready, friends! - shouted by all the recognized commander of first-graders Olezhka. - Now we will go to the offensive!
- Oh, wait! - said Sergey. - Do not attack without me. I only run into the class and take the mittens, I forgot them in the portfolio.
A few minutes later he was already here again, and the desperate snow battle resumed with varying success for both sides.
But then the call rang. Pupils returned to the class. And suddenly they shocked the scary spectacle: the wonderful, wonderful, shiny model of the space missile lay on the table broken, broken, destroyed! .. A moment all stood silently.
As if they were struck by their thunder. Then, with disturbed cries, they rushed to their mutilated creation.
- What kind of scoundrel did it?
- How did it happen?
- This is someone on purpose, from envy!
- Would dull a pacia, so that I knew!
A teacher came running to the noise and not only his own, Vassa Pavlovna, from other, neighboring, classes - too, there still could not be started by a lesson because of terrible noise.
"You don't need to dub anyone," Vassa Pavlovna said, inspected damage. - You need to know who did it, and make it fix it. The case is not easy, but quite possible. But who did it?
No one confessed! ..
Soon it became known that all students of the first shift during a big change were in the yard. And no one came to school in school .. and the windows in the class were closed, so the wind could not overturn the model and make trouble.
"Our too was all in the yard," said Olezhka.
And then suddenly it seems to something
I remembered and looked at Sergey. And Jurik also remembered ... No, not all students of their class were all the time in the yard!
- Sergey ran into a class of mittens! - said Olezhka. - The model then was the whole, Seryozha?
- Yes, I, honestly, did not look at the side! - Sergey dismissed.
- Listen, and maybe you hurt her ... somehow randomly?
Sergey blushed to ears.
- Yes, you ... do you think for me?
Pupils surrounded Sergey. He stood among them confused and frightened. "Of course, this is he ... probably he ... also refuses, afraid to admit," it was written on the faces of his comrades.
"If you did, tell me the truth," Vassa Pavlovna said. - You never know what can happen! We will all help you replace the rocket.
- I did not break ... I did not look at her! - exclaimed Sergey in despair.
- And who else besides you?
- After all, everyone was in the yard!
Sergey did not answer. He wrapped the class with an surprised look, then frowned, squeezed his lips and, not saying, turned away from his comrades.
Vassa Pavlovna looked at him ukriously and told everyone to go beyond the desks and take up the books. Everyone was separated and sat on the places, slowly indignant. Nobody, of course, did not believe Sergey. Not in vain, he was the first in the class of Shalun and Sorvigolova. But so far no one thought he is a lie and coward! ..
Yurchik sat on his place near Sergey, terribly upset. And he just like everything, thought it was Sergey broke the model. But at the same time, he was sorry for his buddy and simply did not believe that he could lie so hard and be afraid to admit his guilt ... he was ashamed of Sergey.
Some lessons ended, and everyone went home. And Kicho with Sergey, as always, went together. They walked and silent. Finally, Sergey said:
- You do not trust me? I see that you do not believe! ..
Yurik muttered something wrongful. Then Sergey suddenly stopped and exclaimed:
- Do not trust?! Then you no longer friend! "And with these words ran away from Yurik, although he needed to go to the same side."
It was very excited by Yurik. What to do? Believe a friend? Yes, of course, believe! But this is not enough: it is necessary
So that everyone believed him ... how to do it? Now, if everyone could recognize his thoughts ...
And suddenly, Yurik stopped. Yes, learn thoughts! It is very easy to do. After all, the grandfather has a wonderful, amazing invention for this.
Rather, grandfather!
And the yurchar rushed home with all his might.

Fortunately, grandfather had already come home from his institute. YURCHIK flew to him into the room, like a treated.
- Santa! - he shouted excitedly. - - Give me rather your pocket madripper. Need to save Sergey!
- What? - Santa was surprised. - What happened and what should it be saved from?
YURCHER told everything. "The grandfather listened carefully and shook his head.
"Unfortunately, I can't give an appliance for any use," he said. - The invention is not yet tested and not approved. Yes, I do not think it is so necessary in this case. If Sergey is not to blame for anything, it will definitely turn out.
- Yes, but so far it turns out, he will suffer! - Jurik's hot objected. - This can not be tolerated!
- Well, if so ... well. I will give you the device! Just give me the word that you will not show it to anyone and you will not tell about it.
YURCHICH wondered. This, of course, is not what he wanted. But it was not bad. First, Yurik will be able to make sure that Sergey is not to blame. And secondly, it will be possible to find the insidency; his culprit ... Although this is a difficult case - search in the whole first shift, but you can try ...
- Okay! - said Yurich. - here's my honest
October word that I will not show anyone and not narrowing.
Then the grandfather took out a written table from the box already familiar to us the device and gave him grandson. Yurikchik put the device in his pocket and rapidly ran out of the room.
"First of all, you need to run to Sergey," said YURCHER, "I need to say that I will find the culprit, let him not suffer in vain."
Sergey was actually tormented. He sat alone in the room, holding a brutal book on his knees, and did not even notice that the book was lying upside down. Seeing the bold Yurik, he shuddered and looked at him frightened.
And Yurik stopped at the threshold, put his hand to his ear and looked carefully at his friend.
"Why did he come? Maybe in order to say that I do not believe me? And I tell me the truth - I did not break the model. And about Grisch - talk or not talking? " - Thus, Sergey thought, and all his thoughts were clearly hearding Yurik.
"Listen, Sergey," said YURCHEC, putting his hand again in his pocket, "I used to believe that it was not you did, but now I know for sure." Rest assured.
- You're a real; Ii friend, Yurik! Said Sergey was pleased with Sergey. - Why do you know exactly now? Found the culprit?
- No, but we will find it. And why I know - I can't tell you, so you do not ask. Just know everything. And I also know that you wanted to tell me something about Grisha ... what exactly?
Sergey surprised her eyes surprised.
- Yeah. About Grisch ... I did not want to talk to anyone, but ... if you know something yourself, I will say. Only you do not say anyone.
- What exactly? I do not know anything!
And here Sergey excitedly told Yurichik about the fact that he was not alone in their class during a big change. When Sergey came ran to his mittens, he really did not even look at the model. But he saw that one student was sitting in the corner of his desk, Grisha, whom all Mal
Chiki and girls nicknamed books. They called him because he read a lot. And so quickly read, as if swallowed books! Grisha was terribly early learned to read, probably when he had four, and maybe even three years ... and some said that he was always able to read and was born competent. And since then he has read all the time and read everything that only under the arm will come, and it was his only favorite activity.
So, when Sergey came ran into a class of mittens, Grisha sat, put her head with both hands and delving into the book.
"You understand," said Sergey, "for some reason he was silent and nothing even pronounced when everyone thought about me ... But he knows that I didn't even approach the rocket why he was silent?"
"Why didn't you say that I saw him there?" - Surprised Yurik. - Maybe it was he and broke the model?
- I ... I did not want. Let him say himself! Well, I will be a jammer, or what? And they would not believe - they still know that Grisha is only about books and thinks. Why should he touch the rocket! He didn't care if he was absolutely!
Yurikchik resolutely shook his head and said:
- I think it did it, because I was silent!
Sergey shrugged.
"I think so too, but I don't know for sure." So why will I tell about him? So that you started thinking how to me? Or maybe he is not really guilty of anything ...
"Now I find out this," said YURCHIK, squeezing the device in his pocket. - Be sure everything will turn out. Until! I go to him!
And without losing time, Yurik ran to the griar.
His room was littered with books. The books stood in the closet and on the shelves, lay on the table, and on the windowsill, and even on the chairs. But Grisha, against the usual, did not sit, boring his nose into a book, and stood by the window and something thought ... Having heard that someone entered, he turned to the door and somehow looked looked at the Yurik.
"And what did he come to? - thought Grisha. - Did you find out that I broke this damned model? Is Sergei Taki said that I saw me in the classroom? "
- Sergey is not like you! - I indignantly answered his thoughts to Yurik. - He did not want to talk about you anyone! And you - a coward! If you broke the model, it was necessary to say, and not allow everyone to think about Sergey.
"No one has seen ... where does he know?" - I surprised Grisha frightened.
- This is my case - how I know! - answered Jurik. - I know and everyone can tell!
"He will not believe it ... he does not have evidence ... And everyone knows that he is friends with Sergey," the Grisha quickly swept.
- Yes, I am friends with Sergey, "said YURCHEC," and although I don't have evidence, I would still believe me, but I will not speak anyone - you yourself should confess all.
"To confess? I will never decide, "Grisha thought. - It is simply impossible, unthinkable! "
"There is nothing impossible," answered Jurik. - And you will decide if you want.
"I'm burning from shame ..."
- Do not burn!
Grisha looked at the yuchik with horror.
- How do you know what I think? - He asked in a vote.
YURCHIK smiled and hid his hand with the device in his pocket.
"You see," he said, "you can't hide anything from me." Let's talk to be honest. It will be better for you.
"Let's talk ... What about? .." Grisha asked uncertainly.
- The fact that tomorrow you need to tell everything in truth! .. in front of the whole class.
- I'm afraid! - said Grisha frightened.
- You should not be scared. There is nothing terrible. After all, you did not particularly break our model?
"I don't even ... I just wanted to see ... And she fell to the floor and worry ... and I don't know how to fix it.
Oh you! - said Yurich. - And the eh, I read so many books. Wouldn't anything be afraid of Pinocchio, or Chi-Polino, or brave bibigon? And about brave balquinka with his skate, didn't you read? None of them would be afraid to confess his fault, so as not to think about someone else. And you do not be afraid! And I will help you with Sergey, be sure!
Grisha sleeved his nose and suddenly sighed with relief.
"Thank you, Yurik," he said. - You are the insisters, they comrades! I myself was so bad, I could not even read ... tomorrow everyone will know the truth! I'll tell you everything. And now - we go to Sergey, I want to ask him for forgiveness.
The next day, Grisha boldly admitted to the whole class in his fault. And although the boys sentenced him a lot of unpleasant words, but everyone together took him to help repair the model.
And when the exhibition opened in the Palace of Pioneers, this
Wonderful, beautiful, brilliant space rocket model received the first award. And all the guys from their class were terribly proud and happy.
And the pocket mudlekimnpk is still the evening when Grisha asked for forgiveness from Sergey, returned to the drawer of the grandfather's desk.
YURCHIK, of course, told all the grandfather. And the grandfather was also very pleased with the fact that his amazing invention helped youchika detect the truth, and the Gusch is to overcome their farewell and to do so, as it should be the present October.
Rkiycheshy ASE
- Who is going to around the world? - Santa asked surprise, having come to visit his grandson once in the evening. Yurik and Mom stood in the middle of the room, while looking at the dining table. On the table lay a whole bunch of different things. There were: a towel, soap and toothbrush, panties, swimming trunks, bathing cap, bowl, spoon and knife, and even aluminum mug, two loaves loaf, bublik knitting, a large slice of a sala, a few tin boxes with canned meat and condensed milk .. . On the edge of the table lay another empty backpack, and if he could figure out something, then it would probably trembled from fear: "Are they going to shove it all this?!"
Jurik happily rushed to her grandfather, and Mom was concerned about:
- I can swear that two loaves of bread is not enough for three days! In the fresh air, and even on the way, the boys always have a wolf appetite! But more, probably, the backpack will not fit!
And she began to squeeze all what lay on the table.
While she was doing this, Jurik managed to explain his grandfather, what is the matter.
Now, during the holidays, a pioneer playground opened at the school. There is very fun, especially in their group, they have a wonderful, wonderful countertime Victor. He always comes up with an interesting! And so he thought to go with the guys on a hike for the whole three days! They will go by train to some station where there is a forest, and then travel through the forest, and spend the night in the forest, and swim in the forest lake, and sit by the fire in the mysterious dusk forest ...
"Or maybe some danger will happen? Maybe you will have to overcome terrible obstacles? " - secretly hoped boys. Girls, of course, would prefer to do without fears and dangers ...
Everyone had to take with me for three days. What to take? And how much? - not one day, and three! ..
It's not great joy - to walk with such a cargo on the spi-said mom.
The backpack was nasty. Yurchik put it on his shoulders and proudly passed around the room. Let not think he is hard!
- That's terrible! - Mom said. - And who thought it up? You are still small for such travel!
- Not the same I go! - Orthik was indignant. - We have all such as me. And I have long been not small. True, grandfather?
- Truth! Said the grandfather.
Mom looked at him with reproach and wanted to say something ...
"Wait," Grandfather told her. - Jurik and in fact not small. And he, of course, should go hiking with the same cargo as all his comrades! It is a pity that he will not be able to help me experience my new invention. And it would be very by the way!
- What is the invention? - Interested in Jurik.
And what the grandfather of the yurikchik! No one has such a grandfather! He is a scientist, inventor, and always comes up with such that he will not come to mind ... And what did he invenually invented?
"You see," said Grandfather, "sometimes a person falls into such a position when it would be very convenient to do without food." Do not carry with you too much gravity. For example, in distant travel, especially in space. But live without water and food can not. He will quickly lose his strength, weaken and in general; e will not be able to. So I decided to invent such pills that would be replaced by a person food and drink. They enter into themselves all that is nutritious, which is necessary for life, and at the same time occupy very little space. And the severity of them is not Osh, utah.
Mom even splashed hands.
- Ah! Are sushi, told such pills? It was just happiness for our [Horn! He would not have to drag with him such a heaviness!
- Yeah, and for all our guys too! - joyfully picked up Yurik.
"Let me take me," Grandmotherly noticed. - Such pills already exist, I invented them! And experienced on itself. But YURCHECH would give me a big service to me and science, if I began to experience them in the campaign. I would not take at all any products, but only some pills.
And the grandfather took out of his pocket and showed his mother and whistle a tiny glass tube, in which there were several tiny pills.
- Unfortunately, this is so far the whole stock. Making such pills are still very difficult, difficult and expensive. So there is nothing about the massive use and there is nothing to think. I can
Give a few pills only to you. And exactly as much as you need for three days. Yes, even with the condition: to maintain a scientific secret, nothing to disclose anything.
- In this, grandfather, you can rely on me! - Higher assured YURCC. - I'm never Esh, it was not disclosed that he should not. But I don't know if it will be good? Everyone will come loaded, and I without anything. I need to laugh! ..
- Well, you have to suffer for science! Said the grandfather.
Such an argument would convince of course everyone.
So, Jurik agreed to test Grandfather invention in the campaign. Mom happily took almost everything from the backpack. There were only a towel and other washbasin and bathing accessories. But in the pocket of the Yurikchik, prudently by the jigsaw english pin, lay a small glass tube and eight tiny pills in it - so much had three breakfast, three lunch and two dinners. After all, on the third day they will already have dinner at home.
Early in the morning, a group of young travelers gathered on the school yard. In total, there were seven boys and five girls.
Boys called: Andryusha, Boris, Mitya, Olezhka, Sasha, Sergey and Yurichik. And from the girls the most elder name was on-Tasha and the youngest - Natasha, and the average was Galya, Valya and Lyalya. To somehow distinguish between the two Natasha, the older name was Natasha large, and the younger - talusya-smelly. And in general, it was the five heroic girls in their class.
The best friends of Yurichik - Sergey and Olezhka came first. Behind them were the rest. All over his shoulders were browsed with heavy backpacks, to the refusal of stuffed with all sorts of things, mostly, of course, products. However, everyone was cheerful, cheerful and ready for any difficulties of the campaign.
- In the road road! - said Victor, looking around his squad. - Where is the yurch?
- I'm here! - Yurik exclaimed, jumping out from behind the corner and quickly becoming in operation as if he was almost late and just rushed. But he, of course, came long ago. Just did not want a friend to and fall asleep with his surprised questions, and decided not to be shown to his eyes until the last minute.
Everyone really surprisedly looked at his backpack, freely boltyush, go beyond.
- What? Where is your food? - asked Olezhka.
- Maybe something happened to you? - asked Sergey.
- Maybe your parents were not allowed, and you died without everything? - Natasha asked big.
- nothing happened, and my parents let me go! - answered Jurik. - I just don't need any food. HOW without her!
4 N. scored d
Boys and girls laughed, noise:
- See what a lazy! I was afraid of heavy cargo! Well, look when you get hardened, we do not ask!
- So I asked? How wrong! - Jurik grinned.
One Victor for some reason was not surprised, np
Concerned that Yurik is going on a campaign without food. He simply did not pay any attention to it and ordered immediately. And everyone hurried to the subway station to go to the station.
Probably, it is probably necessary to tell in detail how everything went on. All you read about such campaigns, and they themselves took part in them. And therefore each of you is not difficult to imagine how the train took our travelers to one of the gears, around which was a wonderful, dense forest; How they delved into this forest along the paths that were lost in the lush grass and among shrubs; How fun to look at everything around - there is a squirrel at the top among the branches, there is some kind of amazing on the sight of the Stump of the Old Willow, and there in the bushes, not far from the path, - Snoveshko some kind of birds! ..
All walked by a stepwise, measured step in each other, without joining the path. And only the yurakchik how stupid rushed through the woods, then running far forward, then lingering, breaking through thick thickets, jumping through the hemp and ant heaps.
Yes, and it is not surprising that the Jurachik felt so loosely so freely: he went to snow, and everyone else was dragging heavy backpacks!
Finally they made a habit on a beautiful forest gland. Everyone unleashed backpacks, got their stocks and began to fly so much that the ears were cracking. And Yurichcho moved to the sideline, hid behind the bus, pulled his tube with pills and swallowed one. And what? "It seemed to him that he had just well, but he no longer wants, even sweet. So, while all ate, he sneaks around the glade, climbed on the trees, chased over the butterflies.
The boys looked at him with curiosity and "Yulco laughed.
- Well, let's see that you will sing without food!
Only Sergey did not laugh. He looked at a minute when no one saw, and quietly told Yrurchik:
- Take me a piece of bread with lard. I will not tell anyone ...
Yurchik gratitude to his hand:
- You are a true friend. Heat! But, right, I do not need anything.
The next habit was done near the forest lake. It was amazingly beautiful! And most importantly - the transparent clean water and the sandy trap lake and shouted to themselves! .. But Victor said that he first needed to collect a trust, ignite the fire and cook dinner, and then to swim.
The boys began to vigorously collect dry branches and fold in a bunch, and girls - to clean potatoes and warm in the bowler water for a kulesh. YURCHER, too, along with everyone buried his brotherpie and inflated fire. And even when all the boys ran to the lake, leaving girls to do dinner, Yurik still brought new and new fuel yakki from the forest, so that the fire was not extinguished ahead of time.
- Why are you not going to swim? - shouted Him Olezhka. - Girls and without us are managed!
- And I still have time, - Jurik answered, - I still get bold when you will have lunch!
And indeed, when the kulesh was welded and everyone began to fly him, Yurik ran to the lake and began to swim, dive, tumbling and make all sorts of focuses in the water, - on it he was a big master!
For a year two ago was a very unpleasant random, a very unpleasant random slightly burned out of shame because he didn't know how to swim! So you need to tell you that Jurachik has long been getting rid of this lack. And now swims like a otter! And the otters are excellent swimmers - everyone is known!
So, all the boys and girls were sitting around the kittel and firing a kulesh, and Yurik did not get out of the water.
- Oh, it's unfair! - Suddenly said Natasha] big. - Jurik worked most, we helped us, and now everyone eats, and he is not! .. And soon nothing will remain!
- Truth! Truth! - Other girls and other girls. - Yurik! Go more like! And you, boys, have a conscience - Leave the urthik at least a little!
But Jurik only laughed and refused. Of course, you yourself guessed that he had long been rapidly swallowed the second pill and now did not want to eat at all. And all the time, while the guys dinner, he could swim and sunbathe as much.

Let's move on. Victor said that in the evening you need to get to the database of the forestry, where the forester lives, and to spend the night there. But there were some more kilometers to the base! ..
Nobody, of course, did not give up that it becomes even harder to go! The boys are still nothing, but some girls are completely skis.
- Tallies! Loose again? - From time to time Natasha is big. - Purplus, tiny! It is impossible all the time because of you to stop!
- I'm not lagging behind! .. I go fast! - Missedly repulsed, trying to go faster. But she, it was visible, was not easy, and she was still tired! And therefore in a few minutes it turned out to be over again.
Fortunately, Jurik noticed it before, than strict Natasha. He came to Talyus, silently removed a backpack with her shoulders and caught himself.
- What are you? What for? I can herself! - he was embarrassed. - I'm not small ...
- I'm not saying that you are small! - said Yurich, as he always tells him grandfather. - But I go completely without anything, I can help you!
- So let me even be pursuing! - Talusya said.
But he did not. He took Talyuce as his hand and forced her to run running on his comrades. She laughed fun. How good to go without a hard one! ..
Seeing them, the boys began to joke.
- What, my brother hungry? Hope that Ta-Lucia-smelly will share with you dinner as a reward for help?!
- So what! - I was indignant. - - And I will share! And there is nothing like that!
But Jurik smiled only. Let think they want! All the same, everyone will see that he will not touch the telochkas.
Soon and Lyaly began to lag behind.
- Hard? She asked her Yurik. - Come here your Ryuk-
Zak, I and his pouring.
- Ah, Yurik! - Golden was delighted. - And I will love you too dinner!
So the YURCHCHIR beyond the shoulders of as two columns of the stuffed backpack, and even their empty. The boys were surprised and laughed.
- Look only on it! - They shouted. - He is already two dinners want to earn! Ol wants to prove that he is not a lazy!
- Never! - answered Jurik. He was not angry at all on his comrades for taking over him. After all, they did not know his secrets !!!
And finally got to the hut of the forester. Everyone was very happy. Now you can relax to relax! Quickly had dinner and smalleled to sleep on a haymaker, full of Phachuchie.
YURCHECH, who is greatly tired under the weight of two backpacks, imperceptibly swallowed another pill, dismissed from Lyali and Talyui, persistently invited him to dine, climbed on the hay and fell asleep with a sweet sleep.
On the other morning he woke up and jumped up, freshly, like a cucumber. Grandfather Pills, as can be seen, is not easy sat down, but also perfectly restored the forces! Therefore, again
When swallowing one, YURCHER without unnecessary words again took backpacks and Talyui.
This time, the boys no longer mocked and did not get on his bill.
- Olezhka! - shouted Sergey. - What are we, let me build a knight, gentleman and ancient Russian hero?! Let him help with one girl, and we ourselves can be the rest!
They took Lyalin Ryubzak from him and divided her things among themselves. The rest of the boys also began to help the girls. And only one Natasha greatly refused. She said that herself was not weaker than the boys and, if necessary, can still help any of them. That's what she was, this Natasha is big!
The second day was even more pleasant to the first. Victor said it was to rush nowhere, and therefore now at the privalas rested more, they told various interesting stories, they sang, played fun games. Spent around the fire in the forest. And now it came the third day, the last day of the journey.
YURCHER was already represented as he returned home and reported to grandfather. He tells him how thanks to the pills he felt perfectly, even when he was heavy. And let mom do not be upset because he still wore gravity! ..
After breakfast, we decided to play a stork stick. Our travelers were arranged around the meadow, wonderful bushes grew up, wonderful bushes grew - they could hide in them. Backpacks left in the meadow, found a good wand, counted, who led, - and the game began.
- I'm with you, Yurik, you can? - Shephota asked Tali-Xia, making his way to him under the most thick bush at the end of the glade.
Both were attached to this bush. Suddenly, we fell asleep carefully pulled the yuchik for the sleeve.
- Look! She whispered. - What a butterfly!
And in fact: near, on thin edinke, sat
Wonderful, extraordinary, bright butterfly with a multicolored pattern on large wings.
- Quiet! - whispered Jurik. - This is probably Mahar! But what big and beautiful ... we will catch it now!
And he cautiously crawled to the butterfly. Moose behind him, keeping his handkerchiefs at the ready. But the butterfly could feel the approach of danger, or simply did not want to sit on a single place for a long time. She slightly waved the wings and flew to another, then on the third herb, away from the guys.
Low bending and trying not to rustle, Jurik and mowy moved behind her. So she flew, flew, farther and farther, so it really flew away from the place where it was first seen.
But couldn't you stop catching?! The butterfly was flying all the time, it sat down on one, then on another flower, as if he had called himself, was given in his hands. But at that moment, when the children had already hoped to catch her, she unexpectedly broke out, rushed further and finally flew away somewhere high up and disappeared among the trees ...
Then only Jurikchik and tallus noticed that they were somewhere very far, in a very unfamiliar place, where their comrades are already silent and votes.
- Ay! AU! They shouted together with all his might.
But they answered only the forest echo:
"U-U-y! .."
- We're lost? - I went frightened with mad. - What should we do now?
- Void! - answered Jurik. - Let's go back and that's it!
- Where to go? Which way?
- Of course, in this one! - confidently said Yurik and waved his hand to the side, from where they seemed to him, came.
But he was wrong! ..
And taking the Talusy by the hand, the Jurik moved with her through the forest, not guessing that they were not going there, where necessary, but just the opposite.
He began to guess about it only when there was a lot of time, and the forest was still not visible to the end, nor the edge. Probably, and did not really go to the other side! .. But what to do now? Go forward and forward - you will definitely go somewhere, because we don't have such forests here, so that they didn't have the end! .. This is only in the taiga, somewhere in Siberia, you can get lost and completely abyss, also with a bear or Even with a tiger to meet! .. And here, except for the protein and hares, there are no animals.
"I'm tired," she finally said, "let's sit down a little." And do not hide, please, from me. I myself already know that we got lost.
They sat down under the tree and began to rest. Tallies fell asleep immediately, and YURCHER was sitting on her and imperceptibly and he himself.
When the children woke up, the sun had already bent to sunset. Probably, dinner time has passed a long time! - It was clear without the clock.
- It is terribly like! - sighed tall us.
- Me too! - Jurik responded. He remembered that he had another one in his tube, the last pill, intended for today's lunch. But ... What will be the same I? It is impossible to be full for him if she remains hungry!
- Maybe with mushrooms or berries? - the girl was unspecified.
- Mushrooms are not visible, and how are they raw? - said Yurich. -
And the berries are won - on those bushes, it is probably blackberry or raspberry ... Only they are still very green. There is no need. Let's go better further!
And they went further. Soon I stopped again.
- I can't endure more, I want to be terribly! - she said.
Yurchik was frightened. What if she exists so much that he could not go? And you need to go, because they must eventually get out of this forest !!! He himself is nothing, because he is a boy, and no difficulty is afraid of him. And she is a girl, and even talusia-smelly, no wonder it was so nicknamed! ..
"Listen," said Yurich, "I told you that these berries can not eat, because they are green." But wait here, wait. I'll find an extraordinary berry, magical!
"Well, look for," he smiled sadly and sat under the tree, "I still can't go further."
Well, he thought that she would exhausize ... and it is quite clear that it is necessary to give her the last pill as soon as possible. But he cannot break the promise, this grandfather, has no right to show her a pill and explain what it is. He will make her swallow her, not knowing what's the matter ... And the yurachik moved a little bit, quickly found on the bush wild raspberry even a very green berry. He broke her, pulled out a pill and shoved into that deepening, which remains on the raspberry berry, when it is broken from the twig.
- Found! Said Yurik, turning to Talyus. - Close your eyes, open your mouth and swallow immediately what I will give you!
- And you will not put me in your mouth any nasty? She appeared frightened.
- Who do you accept me for? Not a fat, but a magic berry! Here, you can take a look at it. She is tasteful, though, but you are swallowed immediately, without understanding. You will see how you eat it, you will be fed, as if I ate a whole lunch, and the first, and the second, and the third!
Tallies trustfully opened her mouth and snagled her eyes. YURCHECH put her on her mouth with a pill, and she swallowed her.
- ABOUT! - she said surprise in a minute. - I really, completely fed. And I can go further even every day.
- Well, they went faster! - said Yurich.
Having fun running a few steps forward, suddenly stopped.
- And you? She asked. - Did you find a magic berry for ourselves?
"No," answered Jurik, "you see, what's the matter ..."
And not knowing how to get out, he began to weave her some unprecedented: as if such magic berries can be found only three times a day - one during lunch, breakfast and dinner. And here, they say, he, YURCHIK, learned about this secret and thus fed all this time ... And the magic berries have another mysterious property: if he does not eat at least one, and someone will give, then more None will find any ... This jurik came up with the case if they have to wander in the forest until the night and talli will ask for a more berry. And he no longer had pills!
And here he was not mistaken. I had to shove them yet! It is good that even though torry fled forward and forward, even a song sang and said that she really like to wander. This is how in a fairy tale! ..
But Jurtki became all sad. I wanted more and stronger and stronger. He squeezed his fists and teeth and mentally assured himself that all this was nothing for him. After all, he is a boy, not a girl, and not such even difficulties he can overcome! ..
Twilight, quickly dropping into the forest, began to thick, it became completely dark. Suddenly, in the distance between the branches of the trees and bushes shine something.
- Tallies! - joyfully exclaimed Yurich. - Look! These are the headlights of the car! .. There somewhere ahead - highway! What a joy! .. - The children rushed forward.
But it was not so easy. In the dark, the bushes and trunks of the trees as if on purposely blocked them the road, some hemps and dry branches fell under their feet, clung to the high grass ... But everything was left behind - and here they are on the highway!
They shone away the headlights. The cargo machine approached. Yurikchik raised his hand. However, the car itself stopped.
Shofor looked out of the cab.
- Ego, so, probably, they are, the children, whom Ish, Ut! - he exclaimed. - Well, climb the apartments, take you to your comrades, even though I am not on the way!
The car turned out, rushed, - and after a few minutes, the Jurachik was already at all over his own! .. It turned out that the comrades were looking for them all the time, and Victor was so promoted that he had already wanted to run to the station, to collect people and with lanterns to go on the wanted ... You can imagine how children were delighted when Yurik with Talusy was again among them!
- Oh, guys, dying - there! - It was the first thing that Jurik said.
In the same moment, everyone rushed to get out of the backpacks everything is left there. Although it remains a bit, because according to the plan there was already at home! - But the journey was enough. Comrades in vains put his supplies to him, and even to his head came to remind him, as he said, "So that I ask to eat? No matter how! "
- And what are you, talissic?! - Girls were surprised. - You're probably also dying with hunger!
"No," said tallus. - I don't want to eat at all. YURCHER gave me a magical berry, and I eh, it is fed.
Everyone was very surprised.
- Magic berry?! So this is probably them he eats all the time! - said Olezhka.
"Why didn't you eat such a berry now?" - Natasha asked big.
- And he had only one! - explained tallusya. - It was the last one.
Here everyone looked with respect to the Yurik, who turned out to be such a good friend for his little girlfriend. And everyone has become more with a big excitement to feed and treat it while he did not eat until the dump.
- Did you give Talyus the last pill? Well done! - whisper said Yurichik Victor, when they were already expected at the train station.
And then, the Jürchik understood why Victor was not at all disturbing all the time that one of the guys eats nothing. So, grandfather warned Victor that YURCHER performs an important scientific task - experiencing grandfather invention in the campaign. But when and where did the grandfather see for Victor?! This is how the mystery remained.

Probably, all you know that various foreign tourists come to our country often. And not only from socialist, a and from capitalist countries.
This is somehow one such a tourist, by the last name Mr. Quick, came to our city and went to the restaurant, to dine.
I sat down at the table and called the waiter.
- Please let me roast chick! - Tourist said.
As you can see, he did not quite well spoke in our tongue. But the waiter, of course, understood him.
- What do you like more to taste - leg or wing? - asked the waiter.
Mr. Quick was indignant.
- What leg? What is the wing? I give me a whole chicken. I am very hungry! - he said.
Here Mr. Quick noticed that people sitting at the neighboring tables were looking at him with surprise of interest and fun smiling. Mr. Quick thought that they were pleasantly amazed at how well he owns their tongue. And he also satisfied and self-confidently smiled and became looking forward to the ordered Kushan.
It was not five minutes later as the waiter appeared and put on the table in front of Mr. Kvikom the dish, on which the appetizingly fried big bird lay.
- What is it like this?! - exclaimed Mr. Kvik. - I ask you a chicken, and you give me turkey! My stomach is a sick, she doesn't like to eat turkey!
- Sorry, but it is chicken! - said the waiter.
Mr. Quick even blushed from indignation.
- You need to laugh at me! - he said. - I know the best of all people, what are the chicks! After all, the chicks are my business.
Business - translated into our language means "occupation" or "case". But most often so called the case, giving a person money, profit. That was what I mean Mr. Quick when he said that his business chickens.
And he proudly explained that he was all called his "chicken king" in his homeland, because he owner a huge poultry farm, where one million two hundred thousand chickens get out every day! The whole country would only eat his chickens if there were no one of the "Chicken King", with which he had to compete all the time - who will have more to buy chickens? Mr. Kwick is doing this whole life. How can I make such a big connoisseur and specialist consider turkey chick?!
All this, he told this sorpressive language that if everything would write so much, as he said, you would not understand anything. So here his disturbed speech is only approximately.
But the waiter has repeatedly had to deal with foreign tourists, and therefore he immediately understood everything.
"Calmble, I ask you," he said politely. - There are really no such chickens in the world. But this is the most real chicken, and you can easily make sure that when you try it. "And he quickly and deftly cut off a slice of fried bird and put on a plate in front of Mr. Kvikom.
Mr. Quick took up the knife and plug, incredulously cut off a piece and put himself in his mouth.
- ABOUT! - he said with the expression of a huge pleasure
Is it really really chicken! Unusually gentle and delicious meat!
And since Mr. Quick was very hidden in a distant journey, he began quickly and eagerly eating and did not say anything else until she was born. Favoring and paying around for lunch, Mr. Quick asked the waiter - Can not tell him if, of course, it is not a mystery: where are such chickens, hefty, like turkey?!
- Oh no, it's not a mystery at all! - said the waiter, - our restaurant gets them directly from the experienced economy of the Scientific Institute. It is placed on a science street, there, where and the institute.
- And tourist can watch? - Mr. Kwick asked with interest.
- Sure you may. There are always full excursions.
And the waiter explained in detail the foreigner, how to get to the experienced economy.
Following clear instructions of the waiter and self-confidently flying our amazing language, Mr. Quick soon found himself where necessary.
At the gate of the experienced farm, he ran into a large group of schoolchildren who came here on a tour. The head of the farm hospitably met visitors and offered a foreign tourist who understands our language, join schoolchildren.
Mr. Quick willingly agreed.
- I am very good to understand and say your tongue! - he said.
Someone from the boys mockingly snorted, but another slowly poked his fist in the side:
- What are you laughing? Uncomfortable! This is a foreigner!
The mockery was embarrassed and hid behind the back of his comrades.
And everyone went after the head of the head in spacious, externally, a not a remarkable building standing among the green garden.
Mr. Quick looked around with curiosity. Something is not visible here any aviary, that is, a fenced metal grid of sites, where chickens would graze. And in general, except for two houses - one bigger, the other smaller, - there was nothing on the territory of the experienced farm.
- Where do you keep birds? - asked Mr. Quick from the head.
"Nowhere," he kindly explained, "as soon as they hatch in the incubator, we pass them to consumers."
- How? Such small?
Head smiled.
- Wait a minute, now you will see everything!
And now they all came to the room where they stood big, similar to the cabinets.
- These are incubators, "the head explained, they are heated with electricity. We have six of them. We put eggs in them alternately for six days. After three weeks, the chickens begin to hatch, too, in turn - first in the first incubator, then in the second, third and so to the end, until all incubators are empty and will not be filled with new eggs. Then - a break for two weeks, during which we carefully follow, so that all the devices worked well, so that the eggs are getting warm on all sides, and the like.
- All this is what I know! - Mr. Kwick said dismissively. - But this is very little. It is unprofitable to have such a little economy.
"You forget that this is only an experienced farm," the head explained, "it puts himself mainly a scientific task: experiencing a new invention. However, I already told you - - Wait a minute, you will see everything now. "And politely bowing to a foreigner, the heads departed from him to schoolchildren and brought young tours to one of the incubators. There have already begun to hatch from eggs chickens.
The boys and girls with joyful exclamations in vindicate looked into the window through which it was possible to observe how tiny creatures pierce with cloyers shell and get out of white light. Fluffy, yellow, they reminded themselves to the gloring of soft wool and very much like schoolchildren, especially girls.
Only Mr. Kvik indifferently looked at this great miracle of nature: after all, he had any such incubators at home, and he looked at the chickens, happily from the eggs that it was not interested in it. He was impatiently waiting for what will happen next. And now everyone saw an even greater miracle, and now there is no miracle of nature, but a miracle created by the human mind.
Two women in white coats began to remove one after another chickens from the incubator and transplant them into spacious wooden cells, and on the way they were invested in each of them in the mouth of a small round tablet of green, similar to a candy.
Do not have time to get into the cage, as immediately, in front of everyone, they began to quickly grow to grow, grow, made chickens-giants! .. They became more ordinary adult roosters and chickens, with a good turkey value, but ... remained At the same time, the same chickens - yellow, fluffy, similar to large tangles of soft wool.
Mr. Kvika has even breath intercepted! What kind of miracles?! This is invention! .. That's if he, Mr. Kviku, get a few such tablets, to know - from what they are made ... he would then have such a profit that no other "chicken kings" could not him compete !!! After all, with these pills chickens, you can not even feed, and you don't even need to wait until they grow up! ..
- It's just great! - L1ister Kvik was delighted. He asked the head of the head, what is it for pills, where they get them and what are they made from?
"They are immediately produced, with our experienced farm," the head replied. "But from what they are doing, I can't tell you: this is the secret of production, or rather, is a scientific secret! One of our scientist, a well-known inventor, came up with such a means, but it is still still experiencing.
- This scientist is the grandfathers of our student! - one of the boys intervened in the conversation. - Here is his grandson, Yurik!
Mr. Quick rushed to the boy and began to warm his hand hot.
- I am very happy! Mr. Kwick enthusiastically repeated. - For me, great joy to get acquainted with the grandson such a great man!
Yurikchik was a little embarrassed, but decided that it was necessary to support a conversation with this eccentric foreigner.
- You probably also scientist? Also inventor? - he politely asked.
- Oh yeah! - answered Mr. Quick. - I am a big sign of chicken business!
Boys and girls looked at him with respect. After all, they knew that in capitalist countries not only capitalists, and workers - workers, and peasants, and employees, and scientists live. And they thought that this foreigner is a scientist. They never came to mind that he is the real capitalist.
Cells with giant chickens meanwhile were taken out of the room and are shipped to freight cars, and the head began to show schoolchildren what to do next.
While everyone carefully watched the incubator to clean the new eggs, Mr. Quick quietly approached the jurassic and slowly took him aside.
- Cute boy! He said quietly. - Tell me, please, your great grandfather has no other patent for its invention?
- What is a patent? - asked Yurik. - And how is it like this?
- Oh, it means - to convey the secret of production, "Mr. Kvik explained," and for it to get money. "
"No," said Yurik, shrugging, "he did not sell anything to anyone!
Mr. Quick was terribly delighted.
- My dear boy! - he exclaimed. - I am very asking you - to acquaint me your famous grandfather! I wanted to buy his invention and give him a very, a lot of money!
Jürchik looked surprised on a foreigner.
- How can the grandfather sell his invention? - he asked. - This is his scientific job, and not any property! Is scientific work selling?
- Of course, for sale! - Mr. Quick answered confidently. - I give big money! And no one to know about it ... It will be our business.
Yurikchik, straight her eyes on the forehead: what a strange conversation?! And suddenly there was a guess in his head lightning, - so won it! This foreigner must be no scientist ... no wonder he says "business." This word YURCHER I heard somewhere - maybe on TV or radio - and knew that such words say capitalists. And with the capitalist talk ... no, it is better not necessary! And YURCHIK began rapidly from a foreigner, closer to his comrades.
- Guys! "He said with a whisper, pulling Olez-ku and Sergey for the shoulders. - You know who is it? This is not a scientist at all. This is a living, the real capitalist! ..
- Yah! - the boys were surprised. - How do you know?
- He suggested that my grandfather sold him his invention! And promised for this a lot of money! And so that the grandfather did it in secret! .. You just think! After all, only the capitalist could offer such.
- Truth! Well, wonders! .. So what are they, capitalists?!
Boys and girls survey Mr. Kvika and began to look at him with curiosity.
Mr. Quick joyfully looked around in all directions and turned to the jurassic.
- Do you go now with me to your grandfather? He asked, hiding his irritation.
"No," Jurik answered resolutely, trying to speak in such a way that it was clear to a foreigner, "I don't want to acquaint you with my grandfather." My grandfather does not sell your inventions! And in general, we do not have a capitalist country.
- And you can not think that everything is bought and selling and selling like you! - Olezhka added with laughter.
Mr. Kvik came to Esh. So more irritation, even blushed all, and made the movement to get out of the crowd of schoolchildren.
- I don't think anything! I just do not understand! - He shed. And hastily smeared with the head, he hurried to the exit.
"Cursed boys! - he thought he was angry. - Damned Bolsheviks! And generally damned country! But chickens ... what chickens !!! I will not regret nothing to get these miracle pills and take possession of the secret of their manufacture! .. And I have already invented how to do it! "
Here Mr. Quick gloatfully walked, ran to the fact of treatment, which was engaged in foreign tourists, and asked him to immediately sent home, not expecting until the term of his tourist ticket would be completed. He did not even demand that he returned money for unused days.
Arriving to my country, Mr. Quick quickly found one famous spy on the nickname Skilful, which means in their Language "Little".
Skilfoule was going to the next spy trip, and Mr. Quick, for big money, persuaded him at the same time with his spy tasks
Perform and private order: get into this most experienced economy and paint the secret of making miraculous magnifying tablets or at least get how much, these tablets can be managed, then you can make an analysis and find out what they consist of.
The spy thoughtfully listened to Mr. Kvik's story about gigantic chickens and agreed to take up this matter.
"But that they get there," he said, "you need to understand a little in chicken business." And I am in it - neither be or me.
- Well, this is the corrected business! - reassured Schillfula Mr. Quick and his poultry farm. There, the spy quickly studied everything that can be studied about chickens and chickens.
Then he received from Mr. Kvika a large amount for all sorts of expenses and, without spending time, he began to fulfill his petition order.

One fine evening, when YURCHIK was peacefully sitting with her grandfather on the couch and told about his school matters, he suddenly became an excited head of an experienced farm.
"You see, a professor, what a strange story," he said, "not all chickens increase!"
- That is, as? - asked Yurcchin grandfather. - Not everyone is equally increasing?
"No," the head explained, "some do not increase at all.
Grandfather smiled.
- Maybe just some chicken have not swallowed the tablet? - he asked.
- I myself thought so at first. I didn't even want to talk about it when the day before yesterday, one chicken remained small. But yesterday the same thing happened yesterday, only two chickens had already increased. Today I myself watched every chick to give a tablet and so that they swallow them. And - what would you think? - Again one chicken remained the same as it was!
"There's something wrong here," said Grandfather. - What did you do with these unsuccessful chickens?
- Nothing, planted in a separate cage. Maybe they are sick?
- Well, let's see.
The reader, of course, understands that YURCHER could not stay at home when the grandfather hurried to a scientific street. Soon all three were already included in the gate of an experienced farm.
In the angle of that room where the incubators were stood, in a separate cage, yellow fluffy chickens were sitting and the frozen and sweeping bug were fun.
"I gave them to eat," the head explained, they, "maybe they are not sick at all?"
We will check it now, "said Grandfather, - Giving me four pills!

The head opened the door of the iron cabinet with an intricate castle, which only a person who knew his secret could operate. In this closet, a small margin of magnifying tablets was kept in glass jars. They were made yet a little more, they cost expensive, and therefore each tablet was on taking into account: they gave them every day only by the number of chickens and carefully followed, so that none disappeared in vain.
Yurikin Grandfather took out four pills, examined them and, taking chickens of one after another in his hands, put her pills in the opened kerpping them. And at the same minute, the chickens began to increase and increase, and all four became huge as good turkeys.
- As you can see, everything is in order! - Santally told the grandfather. "You probably simply didn't get out that the chickens did not swallow the pills."
The head shrugged.
- But then the pills would be here! He noticed.
"They could fall to the floor," said Grandfather, "and then they went out and thrown out with garbage." After all, here every day sweep?
Maybe it was in fact so it was, but neither the head, nor YURCHER believed that such an unusual case could repeat the three days in a row!
The grandfather went home, advising the head of the most closely to ensure that the pills give chickens. And Yurik also went to his home, but still could not get rid of thoughts about pills. It seemed to him that in this matter is not all right and that you only need to remember something that everything turned out immediately. But what exactly to remember is this whistling and did not know.
A few days passed, and YURCHER has already started to forget about adventure with chickens. And once in the morning, going
To school, he met the head of the head of the experienced economy.
- Good day! - said Yurich. - Well, everything is in order with chickens?
Head stopped.
- And, are you, Yurich? Healthy! Are you fighting like with chickens? You see, - I shake a little, he said, - with them not all right. Again the pills do not work! I'm embarrassed to speak your grandfather, but yesterday, two chickens did not increase yesterday! Just do not know what to do? !!
- It is necessary to trace it as it should, "the legal entity suggested," and the grandfather is still not worth talking. " Why is it in vain to worry.
- Yes, yes, perhaps you are right. Yes, I'm trying to follow, but I do not notice anything. This is just like in the adventure book! ..
_ - Want, will we help you watch, me and my two friends?! - Exclaimed Yurik. - Maybe this is really someone deliberately makes the saboteurs in spy books?!
Head smiled.
- Well, you know, there is nothing to do with spies! Our object does not have defense significance! What to invent non-residents? But for the help, I will be very grateful. Only this is necessary for how to do: come in two weeks - it was then that we will start another hatching chickens.
For six days you will help me to follow, and if we and then do not note anything, I really don't know what to do! ..
- go! - Yurik exclaimed, - - Just two weeks later, spring holidays will begin at school, and we can come every day.
- Only not all at once, but in turn! - noticed the head. - And let it be a circle of young naturalists or otherwise I can't allow you every day to make it easier to incubators.
- Okay! And do it! Bye! - And the Jurik ran his dear, so as not to be late for the lesson.
Yet he did not agree with the head that in this case there is nothing to seek the enemy's hand. The head must never read the books about spies and saboteurs. And all the boys, and whistles, including, it is well known that these vile people hunt for any of our secrets. Even if they do not have defense significance. And then it is precisely such a secret - a scientific secret, a new invention! And surely there will be in the capitalist world greedy people who wish to take possession of this mystery! ..
And suddenly, Jurik even stopped and opened his mouth from an unexpected thought: yes, because it's true! .. And how it could forget that tourist-capitalist who wanted to buy his invention from his grandfather! .. Would this capitalist be pleased with any way to attack grandfather, and our science, and in general to our people? !!
Is it not his hand in this matter? ..
During the lessons, I had to think about the friend, but as soon as the call was called to a big change, the YURCHIK called in a secluded corner of his closest friends - Sergey and Olezhka and told them everything.
"It seems to me that here) it's not a simple and you need to investigate it," he said. - Do you agree to help me?
Both boys, of course, agreed with delight.
On the eve of the spring vacation, three friends gathered at the Jur
Chica, took a clean notebook and beautiful letters of multicolored pencils inscribed on the cover:
"Diary of a mug of young naturalists."
Then they distributed the days between themselves when whom to duty, and the next day went to an experienced economy.
- Good day! Said Yurik, entering his friends to the room where the incubators were. - We are a circle of young naturalists of the 2nd "a" class of the 235th school. Can we carry out our observations?
"Please, please," the head replied, "we are always welcome our shift to young birds." Please me please with our old specialists of this case.
The boys politely said hello to two women in white coats, standing near the incubator. One of them could not be called "old" because it was a completely young, red-skinned girl. She smiled friendly by boys and shook their hands.
But the other and in fact was old. Gray strands of hair peered out from under a low-handed blanket. Wireless and awkward, with big deft hands, she produced a rather strange impression. From under a very long skirt, huge flat shoes peered. The old woman sternly looked at the boys and told a hoarse voice:
- This is a disorder that there are so many unauthorized persons in the work room.
Yurichik thought it was right, and also he liked that the old bird was told about them, boys, as adults, are "extraneous persons." He looked at her with respect and politely explained:
- We will not here all at one time. We will take turns!
- Ah, then another thing! - approvingly nodded the head of the old woman and turned to the Incubator, because chickens were about to have to hatch.
For the first time, all three friends were attended, they were very interesting. Every tablet manager himself passed the birds from the bank, where these pills were kept, and the "young poultry houses" were intensively monitored by the birds took chickens and put green brilliant balls into the keyboards. All chickens increased in a timely manner. Then, the liberated and clenched In19Bator laid new eggs so that after three weeks of them chickens hatched again.
- Today everything! - said the head. - Tomorrow hatching in the second incubator will begin, then in the third, fourth, and so on. So come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and for three days until chickens are hatched in all of our incubators.
The boys were very pleased. They recorded in their diary:
"2nd of March. Observations conducted all three. All chickens have increased. "
- And who is this old bird? Asked Yurik, when the head of the boys came out. "It seems to me that when we came to an excursion, she was not, there was some kind of other.
Head laughed.
- Oh, I see you are an observation guy! - he said. "Indeed, we used to have another bird, but she quit, as it was supposed to go somewhere, and we hired this old woman. This is an experienced specialist, she knows about curies and chickens, everything you can know!
On the next days, such entries appeared in the diary:
"March, 3rd. Observations led Sergey. All chickens have increased. There was an excursion with a candy factory. "
It is not difficult to imagine, with what excitement was discussed by the boys this entry, gathering on the same day in the evening
Yurikik. After all, it remains only three days before the end of the hatching chickens from all incubators ... And in two weeks, classes in school will begin again, and the "circle of young naturalists" will not be able to conduct observations. Really, it will not be possible for the remaining three days at least
Do you notice anything and find at least some kind of unpleasant mystery?!
- You be attentive to these two days, Yurik and Sergey! - Signed Olezhka. - And on the third, last, day we will go again all three of us.

Another day after that, the Jurachik rushed to duty into an experienced farm. He ran running, even burned.
Why did he dug so much?
And because after a few days of the spring thaw thaw this morning again frosted and on sidewalks in many places there were wonderful ice tracks. Was it an indifferent to pass by such paths? YURCHER, of course, could not. He must have had to take a ride on every slipper at least twice! .. The boys and girls were crowded near the sliding, everyone wanted to slip, so while YURCHER expects his turn every time, time went. And now, of course, he had to rush in the whole spirit, so as not to be late for duty.
Yes, here is a science street! ..
There was a clock on the corner, Yurich saw that he was not late and slowed down a step.
Suddenly he noticed that in front of him in the same direction, some strange hastily moves, but it seems to be a familiar figure. It was a broad-tech, high woman. Waving his hands, she quickly walked forward. The long floors of her non-zezed coat and visible from under it the skirts ridiculously dangled around the legs drowning into huge flat shoes.
"A-A," said YURCHER, "this is an old bird!" So, I'm not alone ever late today! "
Almost he thought about it, as a woman suddenly
He slipped on a frozen puddle, awkwardly waved his hands, trying to stay on the legs, but did not hold and flopped to the ground. Jurik cried frightened and rushed to the rescue. Suddenly he saw that there was some tin box when falling out of his pocket, it was revealed and brilliant green balls rolled down on the underground snow.
- What it is?! - Exclaimed Yurik. - Pills?! Where are they here?
The bird in the same moment jumped on his feet with an unexpected speed and agility for such an old woman.
But, looking at the box and on the confused face of Yurci, she quickly wrapped the skirt and laughed with his hoarse voice:
- What are the pills? This is candy! Ordinary mental candies from cough! Praise, if you want, and help me to collect them.
Indeed ... Yurik remembered that when he coughed, Mom bought him exactly the same candy. It was mechanically taken by one, stuck in his mouth and immediately felt her pleasant sweet coolness. Yurchika became ashamed of his silly suspicion. He blushed and began to quickly collect scattered candy in the box.
- You have to suck this muck, "said the woman," because you hear how I hoisted? " Only you do not talk about these candy. Nobody knows that I was sharpened, I think that I generally have such a voice. And if you find out, they can remove from work until it goes, and this does not suit me at all!
YURCHER promised not to say, although all this seemed to him somewhat strange.
But the day passed without any complications. Chickens hatched and then increased, as expected. Everything went fine, and only from time to time, Jurik noticed that the old bird seems to be looking at him with some concern.

"Is she afraid that I break about her cold?" - I thought Jurik. - It is a pity that she does not know how well I know how to keep your teeth! "
Returning home, Yurik recorded in the diary:
"the 5th of March. Observations of Yura: everything is in order, all chickens have increased. "
He recorded it and thought. Nevertheless, suspicious ... What a strange set of circumstances: this cold ... and menthol candy, surprisingly similar to magnifying pills ... no, all this is not good! We must consult with the guys ...
But for some reason the guys did not go. And it is not surprising, because now the holidays, in all cinemas are demonstrated for schoolchildren interesting paintings. However, the Jurik worried more and more and more and in the end decided that he was stupid did without told about the head of the head.
And without waiting for his comrades, he ran again on a science street. Already maddle. Yurikchik approached the gate of an experienced farm and saw that the gate was locked. Through the lattice fence it was seen that the windows of two houses on the territory of the farm. YURCHER FROM ALL SURFACE IS FROM THE GATE and shouted:
- Hey Hey! Is there anyone alive there?
And suddenly he saw how the house in which there was a small plant, which generated magnifying pills, was darting towards what-TPs clumsy figure. Rushed to the fence, with an unexpected dexterity shouted through it and disappeared in the depths of the alley.
Thille thinking, Yurchik with a cry rushed after her. But could not catch up and could only see how a familiar coat flashed around the corner and a long skirt.
Yes, it was no one else, as it was her, the old bird! For some reason, she sinking here, on the territory of the experienced farm, in the evening, when there is no one ... And then, hearing the knock and shouts at the gate, so deftly jumped through the fence! Old woman - and so jump?!. As you wish, but this is no doubt suspicious! What to do now? How to find out what kind of man is the old bird? If she is a hidden enemy, then how to expose it? ..
Suddenly, Jurik remembered how last year at school
One story kened and he learned who was a real culprit. It managed to do it with the help of the wonderful invention, the grandfather is a pocket madripper. Attach this device to the ear - and you hear all the thoughts of the person who look, as if he pronounces them out loud.
Pocket Madripverter! Yes, I immediately need to go to my grandfather and ask him this device for tomorrow. Under any pretext!
Grandfather will not refuse - although this invention is still still, it must have been not approved, but the grandfather knows that you can trust the urthik ... So, without losing time rather - to my grandfather! ..
Grandfather and in fact did not refuse. He did not even insist that YURCHECH told, for which he needs a kinderwell.
- You can believe me, my grandfather, that I take it not for entertainment, but for a very important thing! - said Yurich. "I'll tell you everything later, you can believe me."
"Of course, I believe you," answered Grandfather. - The main thing is that you need to remember: as before, no one should know about this device!
YURCHECH came to an experienced farm, deliberately lately late. On this day, on djuryl Sergey. YURCHIK in advance in advanced the plausible explanation of his arrival in aphirtic time. But he did not have to explain anything. Head, Oo Bird and Sergey, who were located near the incubator, were extremely excited. They had every reason to be nervous; The hatching of the chickens in the next incubator only began, and from the fourth chicks undressed in a cell no one in no one increased!
And so, with the unrelent, tripled attention, everyone continued to take out the hatched chickens and invest them in the keyboards of the pill, and therefore no one paid attention to the appearance of Yucker. Only old buddy glance looked at him. And Yurichik seemed that he noticed fear and anger in this glance.
Then, the Jurik immediately took the device from his pocket in his fist, put it to the ear and dug his eyes in an old woman. Some incomprehensible sounds quickly sprouted in the device. What it is? Is it really her thoughts? Or maybe the device spoiled? ..
"We'll probably have to inform about the whole professor!" "Head thoughtfully thought, and Jurik perfectly understood his thoughts, as well as he uttered them out loud. So, the device acted surelessly! Why can't you know what the old woman thinks about? ..
Jurikchik began to listen to her again - again he heard only some disorderly nonsense. And suddenly he understood: the old bird thought was not in our language! .. Yes, yes! .. And that he said that she was not the one who gave themselves. She was a strange. And it sniffed here, probably with bad intentions! ..
Only one minute YURCHACA converated what to do.
To tell the head of his discovery - it is impossible, because it is impossible to talk about the device. But it is impossible to postpone this case, too, it is not known what this old witch can do?! So, you need to immediately run to my grandfather and tell him about everything. And grandfather will decide to do what to do next.

This will have to finish the story about the amazing adventures of the boy of Yurrik and his grandfather, an inventor scientist. It is a pity, of course, but nothing can be done!
The fact is that shortly after the events described in the last story, the parents of Yurikik went to work at a construction site at the most distant end of our Great Motherland. So far, somehow I did not have to say that the mother and dad of Yurikchik were experienced builders, and as soon as important construction began somewhere, they were always sent there. So happened now.
YURKERS They, of course, took with them. And the grandfather remained working in his laboratory of the Scientific Institute on Scientific Street. Only now he could not show every new invention to his beloved grandson earlier than all other people.
And if so, then, it means that there can be no new stories about the boy Yurichik and his grandfather. It is true, to tell about the yuchik separately and about the grandfather separately. But you yourself understand, it will be completely different stories! ..
In any case, it is possible to say that Yurcchin grandfather and further worked persistently on the improvement of his amazing inventions and over the inventing new ones.
And, if someday, in the future, living beings will be able to increase and decrease in the will and people will be able to talk with each other, without uttering any words aloud, and they can even eat anything - except, of course, ice cream and others delicious things; If there are still some incredible and unprecedented inventions, such as Lu1e now and can not imagine, - you probably
Noah, immediately guess that grandfather of Yuriki took part in everything.
And perhaps, the Jurik helped him. After all, he has long decided to always learn from the top five to become scientists and help her grandfather.
While he grows and learn, a lot of time will pass, but you can be sure that his dreams will come true, and they will work together with their grandfather. After all, now the grandfather is not quite old, and by the time you will grow up and grandfather will face, people will invent funds that destroy any diseases and extending life.
We reached us with rumors, as if Yurcchin grandfather is already working on the invention now, so that people never become old and did not die.
But not all people, but only good. Such, which in all their lives did not disappoint anyone and did not hurt anyone.
This will be the wonderful invention, the best of all! Then everyone who wants to shoot the girl for a braid, offend a friend or bring a two from school, and thereby disappointing their parents, - every such a fear will involuntarily think about it before do it, because to whom you want to reduce your life! ..
And different criminals, spies, capitalists and fascists, war arsonists - all those who only do that bring Mount to people?! They will definitely have to end or die once again with their black affairs, or die.
Although it should be noted that even without a miraculous invention, all such human evil spirits will sooner or later be destroyed. Justice and good will still take the top over evil, sooner or later. And all the good people in the world are trying to happen as early as possible.
However, enough, it's time to finish a book!
You can still talk about many things, but all this no longer belongs to the boy whistles and his grandfather.
So, goodbye, dear readers! Thanks for attention!

Sample text:

On one fine summer day ...

All this happened on one fine summer day.

Yurich's boy, together with his grandfather and grandmother came from the city to the cottage to rest. Grandfather all winter and spring worked a lot, and his grandmother helped him, and both of them had long had to relax a good way. And, though he did not work and even to the school of Esh, I did not go, but still he sighed with relief, having arrived here.

And why did he sigh with relief? - you ask.

But why: the whole winter he went to the kindergarten, and there he always said: "It is impossible" and "then you can not" Yes, "you are still small." And when he came from a kindergarten home, dad and mom began to say the same thing.

The boy, Yurik, was not some kind of mischievous. He never did what the "impossible" said about. But, you yourself understand, not very pleasant to listen to such remarks all the time, and most importantly - reminders that you are still small ... so it was necessary for the world: at first a person is small, and then he grows, and he himself It is not to blame. So why remind of such unpleasant things: What are you still small and can not be quite independent? It's very insulting.

The teacher of the kindergarten said so, Mom and Dad said that, but the grandfather and grandmother never told the jurt of such a layer. They talked with a whistle as with equal. And if sometimes it turned out that something could not be done, then YURCHER himself guessed this and, of course, did not do anything like that. And he kept himself even better than at home or in kindergarten.

Now it must be now it's clear that the boy Yurchik was from what to get tired for the winter and he either prevented to relax here, at the cottage, along with his grandmother and grandmother.

So, there was a wonderful summer day.

Grandfather and grandmother sat down in the garden near the veranda on folding chairs and began to rest. And the boy Yurchik found somewhere in the storage room his last year's truck with an lifting crane, tied to him the rope and with a terrible roar drove it around the house. Once swayed around the house, I slapped the second time, I blurted out the third time ... The terrible roar filled the garden, it was very fun! And no one thought to say: "This cannot be done."

Eh, Eh, "said Sad suddenly. - What are you, dear comrade, are irrational use the technique? The machine is wears, and no use.

YURKER stopped.

And what kind of it can be benefit? - he asked.

How is it? Here, you see, the day is hot, it would be good to swim now in the lake. Yes, although it is not far there to go there, but we are so tired of your grandmother that we are hard. So you would be answered to the lake on your car.

YURCHIK smiled and looked incredulously for his grandfather: is it really joking with him, as with some kind of baby-misless? Can't be my grandfather ...

On one fine summer day ...


All this happened on one fine summer day.

Yurich's boy, together with his grandfather and grandmother came from the city to the cottage to rest. Grandfather all winter and spring worked a lot, and his grandmother helped him, and both of them had long had to relax a good way. And, though he did not work and even went to school yet, but he still sighed with relief, having arrived here.

And why did he sigh with relief? - you ask.

But why: all the winter he went to the kindergarten, and there he always said: "It is impossible" and "then you can not" yes "you are still small." And when he came from a kindergarten home, dad and mom began to say the same thing.

The boy, Yurik, was not some kind of mischievous. He never did what the "impossible" said about. But, you yourself understand, not very pleasant to listen to such remarks all the time, and most importantly - reminders that you are still small ... So it was necessary for the next way: first the person is small, and then grows, and he himself is not at all to blame. So why remind of such unpleasant things that you are still small and can not be quite independent? It's very insulting.

The teacher of kindergarte said so, Mom and Dad said that, but the grandfather and grandmother never told the jurassic of such words. They talked with a whistle as with equal. And if sometimes it turned out that something could not be done, then YURCHER himself guessed this and, of course, did not do anything like that. And he behaved even better than at home or in kindergarten.

Now it must be now it's clear that the boy Yurchik was from what to get tired for the winter and he either prevented to relax here, at the cottage, along with his grandmother and grandmother.

So, there was a wonderful summer day.

Grandfather and grandmother sat down in the garden near the veranda on folding chairs and began to rest. And the boy Yurchik found somewhere in the storeroom his last year's truck with a lifting crane, tied a rope for him and with a terrible roar drove him around the house. Once swayed around the house, I slapped the second time, I blurted out the third time ... The terrible roar filled the garden, it was very fun! And no one thought to say: "This cannot be done."

Eh, Eh, "said Sad suddenly. - What are you, dear comrade, are irrational use the technique? The machine is wears, and no use.

YURKER stopped.

And what could be benefit from it? - he asked.

How is it? Here, you see, the day is hot, it would be good to swim now in the lake. Yes, although it is not far there to go there, but we are so tired of your grandmother that we are hard. So you would take us to the lake on your car!

YURCHIK smiled and looked incredulously for his grandfather: is it really joking with him, how with some kid-misunderstanding? Can't be my grandfather ...

What are you silent? Do not agree? - asked grandfather.

Of course, I agree, - I said the Jurik - only because my car ...

For us too small? - quickly finished grandfather's grandchildren. - You can not worry about this: now we will swallow decreasing pills with a grandmother and are quite suitable passengers for this car.

BUT! Said the boy Jurik. - Then everything is in order.

He was not surprised at all.

And you, of course, were surprised? You must have never heard of some diminutive pills?

In order for everything to be clear, you need to tell you that Santa Yurik was a very scientist inventor. He always invented various amazing things, such that no one had ever seen and did not hear. YURCHER knew this and had long been accustomed to the fact that from his grandfather could be expected of all the most incredible. Therefore, he was not surprised.

Did you get or invented himself? - asked the Santa Yurik, when he, for a moment I enter the room, made two small boxes from there.

Invented, of course, the grandfather answered casually. - Here in this box - diminutive pills. Swallow one - and immediately decrease. To become suitable passengers for your car, we will swallow the grandmother three.

And he revealed one box: there were several brilliant pink pink tablets, similar to candy-dragees.

But how to become big again? - asked Yurik.

I like this question, the grandfather said approvingly. - He says that you can think logically. What would my diminutive pills cost if B could not be as before?

And he revealed the second box.

Here looks: this is the second part of my invention. Magnifying tablets. To become again the same as before, you need to swallow the same tablets as the dimensional is swallowed. That's all.

These tablets were also shiny, similar to candy, only green. Jurik looked at them with great interest.

"And if the diminutive is not to swallow? He thought. - Just swallow the magnifying - then you can immediately become big? That would be great! "

Only he was going to ask his grandfather about this, as the grandmother jumped out from the chair.

If you go swimming, then you need to go! She said resolutely. - And then I will have no time. You need to cook dinner.

Right, let's not waste! - Supported grandmother grandfather. He handed her three pink pills, took the same amount, and they immediately eaten them. Even water was nothed.

At the same moment, YURCHECH saw his grandfather, - so high, broadly, not quite an old man, in glasses, with a long, not quite gray beard, - began to quickly decrease, and with him decreased his clothes, and glasses , and a long beard, and even an automatic handle.

And grandmother, - also quite high and dense, and not quite an old woman, - began to decrease with the same speed as grandfather, along with everything that was on it wee. Of all things, only two boxes with pink and green pills remain the same. They did not decrease because the grandfather prudently put them on the steps of the veranda.

Finally, the grandfather and grandmother stopped decreasing: they became completely tiny, the magnitude with the palm of the yuchik. To talk to them, Yurichik had to sit down yes even tilt her head.

I exaggerated a little, that is, understood, "said Grandfather. - one would be two tablets