How to decorate the table on February 23 to colleagues. Competition "Saving soft friends"

In the festival dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, participation should take all men without exception. Therefore, we offer you several ideas for show programs that are suitable for a real male celebration.

In the army

Most likely, some men in your team served in the army or even took part in hostilities. Your task is to cause them exclusively positive associations, but at the same time create and save the army spirit of your evening. Distribute to all the "ordinary" pilots (in the absence of these, you can make them from paper) and "Kalashnikov" automata (toy pistols). Announce the beginning of the construction. Men must remember the basic training basic, stand up, execute the teams "equally!", "Smirno!" And "places at the solemn celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland to take!". After that, start the program. Congratulate representatives of a strong floor with a holiday from the face of the whole female part of the team. Female choir can perform converted specifically for your team. Then spend the competition contests "Soldier". Tasks naturally must be appropriate, army. For example, if the conditions allow, you can spend a competition on the most strong soldier - who will tighten into the hands more than once. Or, dividing men to teams, arrange the game "Building". It consists in the following: the lead declares the criterion by which the participants must be built, and the speed commands perform the task. For example, a presenter can say: "It is becoming an increase!", "Foot the legs to become!" Or "in alphabetical order becomes!". The turmoil in the "slender rows" will reign incredible. If you do not divide the participants to the team, you can simply declare the number and men will have to immediately gather in groups in which there will be a named number of people.

Then arrange the "shooting of targets" contest. Hang a conventional target from Darts, but on top of it and glue the drawn image of the enemy (which is usually hanging in the dash). Let the "soldiers" shoot with darts or balls from toy pistols.

As you know, ordinary in the army not only on targets shoot, they also go to the cuisine. Therefore, distribute your participants along the knife and potatoes, and let them clean it from the peel to the speed. Who wins - gets the title of "Economic Soldier".

At the end of the evening, be sure to congratulate everyone "ordinary" with the holiday, in honor of this increase them in the title and give the team "To the festive table, a march step!".

On a pirate ship

Real men are found not only in the army. Pirates are also fearless, strong, deft and cunning. And the fact that they are engaged in a dangerous thing - it only makes them even more attractive for women.

Arrange a festive evening on a pirate schooner. You can use paper as the main material for the manufacture of details, only make it no blank, but panama with fields, then pull them into black color, stick a pirate symbol - skull with crossed bones. Hats distribute your "pirates". You can provide their weapons (toy sabers or cortic) and dressings on one eye. On the stage you need to hang a bell with a lace, and leading to a pirate suit.

To attract universal attention and start the evening, call the bell and shout: "Hall! All hands on deck!" Then the newly new "pirates" should hear "legend": somewhere in the ocean swims the ghost ship, his trims are full of treasure. To get to them, you need to defeat the army of the unclean, which protects the ship. For swimming for jewels, he is the same Captain Joe, dials the team of the most courageous, most distinguished and skillful pirates. And now the final selection will be held. In order to get into the team to captain Joe, men will have to take part in various contests and show themselves.

First test - For the love of the sea, because it is very important for the pirate. Participants compete in who more remember the songs dedicated to the sea or the ocean. Let us sing in turn on several lines, it is impossible to repeat, naturally, it is impossible.

Second Competition - on knowledge of the sea. Participants are asked questions related to sailors, pirates and their classes. Tasks may sound like this.

1. How do the ship call the kitchen and cook? (Galley and kok.)

2. Do whales eating other fish? (No, they feed on small algae - plankton.)

3. Who would be on land Captain 1 rank? (Colonel.)

4. What type of shark is the biggest? (White shark.)

5. How to call young and inexperienced sailors on the ship, and how is the first assistant captain? (UNGI and Starp.)

In the third test, dexterity is checked. It is called "Sea Knot". Find some kind of knitting book in advance and make blanks - pieces of rope. Participants receive two segments - one is already tied, and the other is not. Their task is to cope with the maritime knot, and the second piece of the twine, on the contrary, tie into the node in the picture-tip.

Such competitions can be very and very much, but remember that overworking "pirates" is also not worth it. At the end of the holiday, Captain Joe must declare that all the "sea wolves" showed themselves from the best side and they all deserve to go on a trip to the treasures. Then the "pirates" receive their gifts, and the captain invites them to the table to drink for the upcoming adventure.

On the knightly tournament

For a woman, her man is the most brave, devotee, strong and courageous warrior. Therefore, each of the representatives of the strong floor can be called a knight. Spend the tournament among the "knights" among the knights to find out who is the most-most of them.

The evening lead the "king" and "queen" (or one of them). They declare about the beginning of the competition and called the Knights participants: list all those present by men, calling each "sir". Participants overlook the stage, they are issued toast swords and "faithful horses" (the simplest toys - a horse head on a stick).

First Competition The way the beautiful lady is associated, which should be in the heart of each knight. Sheets of paper are glued to the wall, "knights" tie their eyes and give felt-tipers. You need to draw a portrait of a beloved woman. He, who has a picture to resemble a beautiful lady, wins.

Second test I will identify the most gallant and eloquent. To do this, it is necessary to prepare several fruits (apples, pears, oranges, or any other) and console them with toothpicks, so that the "hedgehogs" appear. Then the men in turn should have to say various compliments to their lady for a minute, after each named word pulling the teeth on one toothpick. He, in the end of the pulp sticks, will win more, wins.

Third contest Maybe musical: After all, the real cavalier should be able to not only fight for honor with his beloved, but also to behave on the bala. Let the "knights" choose the ladies from the auditorium. Turn on anything from the classics (better waltz), let the pairs be circling in the dance, and the jury chooses the most beautiful and skillful duet.

Well, finally, what kind of knightly tournament without duel? This is the battle of not only strength and dexterity, but also mind, tricks, excerpts and patience. On the floor you need to outline the circle with a diameter of about 3 m. "Knights" will have to push each other from this circle. The task is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to push the hands, and men will move on one leg. Wins the one who will pass through all the levels of competition and gain a greater number of victories.

You can add other contests, such as a competition for the best poet (you need to come up with quatrains with the specified words: lady, love, honor or other).

At the end of the tournament, declare an absolute winner, they become a man who won in more contests. The rest of the "knights" receive prizes in various nominations: "The most charming", "the most imperturbable", "most resourceful", etc.

In search of adventures

In a man, nature laid down to the championship, even if the achievement of this goal is associated with dangerous adventures and brave actions. Let your men check themselves at the readiness for extreme entertainment and unplanned emissions of adrenaline.

The master announces that on the way to the main prior of participants, various tests that they must pass are waiting: these are wild animals, and stormy rivers, and impassable swamps.

So, the journey begins. The lead comments on everything that happens: the participants came out of the house, the first kilometers took place, got to the forest, and suddenly ... attention, ahead - predators! Wild and obviously hungry tigers met on the way! Do the valiant hunters for adventures cope with them? On the stage, the targets from darts with a tigers glued with them are put on the scene. Participants receive darts. For three attempts, they must "kill a predator", i.e. to dial the maximum number of points.

Players continue their dangerous path and fit the swamp. It is very difficult to go it, but it is impossible to get around. Men get two sheets of paper - this is a "log". You can take small boards instead of paper. Participants should move as quickly as possible through the bog, and it is possible to step only on the "logs", that is, the task is to shift the sheets of paper (or skid) as quickly as possible and pass on them. Wins the first man to "sushi".

In the integer and preservation of "travelers" got to the mountain range, and here a stormy river seemed ahead. The mountain stream is shallow, but rushing with an incredible force, so it will not be able to go through it. On the shore, participants find a map of the bridge. But it is torn to several parts. Each player is the same sets of puzzles - pieces of the cut card. It is necessary to make an initial picture as quickly as possible. Wins the one who will most likely cope with the task.

After these stages of the game, you can spend any other contests related to overcoming various obstacles. Of course, the main prize, followed by the stubborn participants so long, receives the maximum number of points. This prize can be, for example, a bottle of good brandy, wine or whiskey. But do not forget about the rest of the players - let them get any symbolic gifts.

At the end of the competitive program, be sure to tell me that each of the men showed its best qualities, such as courage, resourcefulness, readiness for surprises. And wish them to stay the same, to be real men and in life, and in the game.

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, for this reason, the whole female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23. In our country, it turned out that day - holiday for all mendespite their age and attitude to the army.

How to congratulate your loved on February 23?

You can congratulate a man from February 23 in a romantic style. For example, you can wake up early festive in the morning long before beloved Defender of Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, prepare a romantic dinner with his favorite dish and treat a gift. It all depends on your fantasies and opportunities.

And if your family is already growing up, then can be presented in the form of collective festive congratulationsWhen playing a small scene.

What can you give in February 23 to men?

Let's talk a little about what give men on February 23. After all, they also love to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with all thoroughness and attention.

Everyone can surprise giftsassociated with hunting and fishing, such as barbecue hiking kits, picnic accessories (thermos and circles). Gift for him for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Maybe souvenir weapons - they love him very much. Also gift can serve Beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing their capabilities can be donated on February 23 And more useful things, such as mobile phones, cufflinks, hours, and so on. It would be appropriate to give the subject from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts Clothing or accessories It is very important to understand: the person becomes older, the more inclined to the classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant wristwatches with a strap made of genuine leather. There should be nothing superfluous in such gifts, and the details must accurately match tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give classmates on February 23 or classmate, in this case as a present Original handles, flash cards and other items that may be required to study.

If you are planning congratulate your colleagues Corporately, we recommend organizing interesting holiday scenario with contests, and as a prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs. It is also known that "the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach." Show your own culinary skillsAnd men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 Men at work

Traditionally, this day is women congratulations to all menDespite the fact that they defended their fatherland, whether they served in the army. therefore before the holiday Beautiful sex is really concerned about how congratulate men from February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Special difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues. In the office we celebrate this holiday soto not offend anyone, but it's not so much to spend so much because you need buy gifts another husband, father, brother, son, etc. to combine these conditions, congratulate men from February 23 All sorts of ways.

Congratulations to colleagues from February 23: Budget version

In most cases, the budget option organization of the holiday is an congratulations to colleagues postcards with congratulations on February 23 in pictures and verses. In addition to standard phrases, personally drawn up short funny verses addressed to each colleague separately. If you do not own poetic talent, then find something suitable on the Internet. Choose ready congratulations with photos or images and create personalized greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost-effective congratulations to men from February 23 There may be postcards on which you can list the names of all your colleagues, as well as their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is in good relationships congratulations to colleagues from February 23 May be humorous. Photos of colleagues men can be processed in the photoshop program in a variety and make on one poster. This gift can be put in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then the mood of everyone is just guaranteed for all day! Just do not get driving hard - remember: after all march 8 soon.

Congratulations for men from February 23

If your finances allow give gifts All Male Colleagues, you can use the following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finance.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be Lighters, perfume, accessories for mobile phones and computers. Valuable gift can serve I. gift Certificate In the auto parts store or office equipment. Your colleagues are likely to appreciate tickets for all entertainment events, such as boxing tournament, football match or hockey.

Collective congratulations men from February 23

Option number 1. Collective gift It can be creative or even a little spicy. In offices, distinguished by their free politics, it became fashionable to order a stripter as congratulations to Men Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day (not during operation).

Option number 2. If in your team it is customary to celebrate all events at one table, then, if possible, try in secretly to organize the delivery of ready-made dishes to the office, or each let him bring your branded homemade dish. Decorate the placewhere you will be Celebrate February 23., balloons, posters with congratulations.

Under each napkin on the table, hide the surprise for colleagues: it can be lottery tickets or a small personalized card.

  • 1. - Festive screen saver on a computer;
  • 2. - festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - Patties with meat, caviar, pancakes, cutting vegetables;
  • 4. - Gifts.

Of course, it all depends on the budget possibilities and relationship between colleagues in the team. Can originally congratulate men from February 23, even if you are the only woman among the male team. On the eve of the holiday Hold in your office and wait for colleagues to disperse, then put pictures with this topic on their computer screensaver.

Make your own hands a wall newspaper, on it, post pictures of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, You can also print photos on the printer, attach them to Watman, and write from the hand poems congratulations to men from February 23.

One of the most important events is considered outside festive table. The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave cakes and sweets on March 8, let the men give you better than them. Best option for a strong half of humanity will be meat dishes: Prepare home delicious pies with meat, buy caviar can and bake pancakes for them, cut the vegetables. This will an ideal gift for men. If there is such an opportunity, put alcohol on the table so that you do not have to worry, who will have to run to the store.

Presents - this is important element congratulations to men from February 23. So if you are not greatly familiar with colleagues to give everyone individual gifts, then just give preference to presents that fit most men. It can be caps, towels, t-shirts with original inscriptions. You can also purchase a bottle of brandy or other alcoholic beverage and to attach a photo of the culprits of the culprit, listing the best qualities of colleagues on each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit festive table - Colleagues will appreciate your attention and effort.

If the team is informal relationship, then you can arrange joking contests, sing patriotic songs For colleagues. You can even play scene in front of men make a parade: Gather all the women's team and change clothes in elements of military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 will mutually delight you.

Gifts for February 23 Men photo

Very often, the cohesion of the collective, friendly relations with colleagues and a comfortable atmosphere in the office leads to the celebration of special days of the calendar with colleagues. And on February 23 - no exception. Today we will touch on the question "As noted on February 23 at work," because almost all offices and organizations celebrate this day, but mostly trite with food and drinking. And it is necessary for the holiday, firstly, I liked the perpetrators of the celebration, and secondly, was memorable.

How to celebrate February 23 at work

Remember, a holiday should start in the morning, so come to the office early and send to men-colleagues by email festive congratulations. You can do this in a poetic form, especially on the Internet you can find a bunch of interesting and funny risers-congratulations.

Well, if you do not have a computer for each member of your team, we advise you to make postcards in advance, you can be ordered from your enterprise emblem.

To note on February 23 at work it is interesting, you can cook a few posters 2-3 days before the holiday, make a wall newspaper and so on, that is, it will be a kind of big greeting cards for everyone.

You can prepare one funny stand, for example, by sticking the photos of men to celebrity bodies and funny signing them. For example, glue your guard's head on the shoulders of a gnome from a tale of Snow White.

During the day, try not to swear with male colleagues, show patience, remember, just once a year the day of all men comes, make men pleasant. On the evening you can arrange a feast, covering the table at home.

As else can be noted on February 23 at work. Distribute among yourself, who can bake what can buy, make the table be well covered. Do not buy cakes, it is better to bake pancakes instead and feed them with red caviar.

After a feast of men, you can invite to the nearest shopping center, and play billiards or bowling. Well, if your colleagues of the fans of some kind of team, give them tickets to the game from pets. But it should be done only if you are confident in the preferences of your colleagues, otherwise it will be just a useless gift.

If you have a common definite amount of men's gifts, count, the number of men in your organization, and sharing the amount of equally, try to buy each of them an individual gift.

For example, by the system administrator by addicting computer games, give a new Game industry. Hockey fan hand the stick and scarf. If you have time, order T-shirts with photos of men-colleagues and sign each tile.

February 23 at work - ideas for the holiday

If officially February 23 is referred to as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, then for many he has become a popular male day. Almost every year the female part of the working team and family congratulates her men with this significant holiday, and very often in enterprises and organizations make wall newspapers.

We note immediately, to make the wall newslette by February 23 at work will not be much difficult and even those who are far from drawing and journalism can take place for it, the main thing in this matter to show a little imagination.

- Watman Sheets (quantity depends on the size of the future newspaper);
- ordinary paints;
- PVA glue or silicate;
- scissors;
- colored paper;
- newspaper and journal cuttings will also need, in which they speak of military topics;
- Pads congratulations for every celebration culprit.

First we write the name of the wall newspaper to celebrate February 23 at work, for this we use bright colors or glue large letters cut from colored paper. This is a kind of attractive maneuver, the bright letters of your wall newspaper will be visible from afar, and it will be a guarantee that your wallpaper will certainly appreciate. As a rule, such an inscription should take no more than a quarter of the entire wall newspaper.

In the left upper part, we place the official compulsory congratulation on the holiday. Then, just below can be placed the news on the topic of the armed forces, cut them in advance from magazines and newspapers. The main thing is to choose news that will be interested in the male part of the team.

Also for the wall newspaper will need various poems about courage and fearless sex, you can take poems about the years of war, all these materials can be found on the Internet. In addition, the wallpaper can be supplemented with lighter materials, for example, humorous notes on the theme of army and service, various jokes on the army topic, the main thing is not to overdo it.

In addition, in the wall newsletter, you need to use photos of your team members, you can take ridiculous photos and sign these moments of life, and you can take ordinary photos and sign them taking into account the character of a personal employee. For example, a person who constantly swears with everyone can be labeled as "the most volatile", etc.

In the very end of the wall newspaper, you can hang a festive announcement in which it will be said about where and when the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland will be celebrated and in what form you should come to corporate. So you can make a wallpaper and note on February 23 at work interesting and exciting.

The last month of winter is the shortest in the year, flying almost imperceptibly. However, and in February there are several significant dates, which have long been a good tradition. In addition to the "young" day of all lovers, for February accounts for the main holiday of all men - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. So, the history of February 23 begins back in 1922, when the workers' and peasant Red Army was created. Since then, this important date began to be called the day of the Red Army and the Navy, and since 1946 the holiday was renamed on the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. However, after the collapse of the USSR, on February 23, he finally lost his ideological color and turned into a "common" holiday of men of all ages, ranks and professions. Today on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, representatives of strong sex take the most sincere words of congratulations from women - in kindergartens and schools, family circle and native working team. In 2018, February 23 comes on Friday and is officially a day off, so men will be able to calmly celebrate the holiday and colleagues and at home. So how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? We will gladly share ideas on the video to create a Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office, and also learn how beautiful and originally congratulate on the feast of men, if there are more in the team than women. In addition, here you will find cool congratulations in verses and prose - they can be pronounced in the form of toast or fit into a beautiful postcard.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 - original ideas for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent reason to please those with whom we share labor office weekdays and on whose strong shoulder can rely on the difficult period of Abrals. Indeed, our men deserve the most sincere words of gratitude, respect and appreciation. How to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? We offer a selection of original ideas for congratulations on the most important male holiday - confident, colleagues will be pleasantly surprised by such fantasy and creativity.

A selection of ideas for the original congratulations to men in the office with the holiday of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23

  • If there are many men in the team, it is best to prepare a lovely souvenir gifts to each defender - a nominal army token, a cool T-shirt, greeting cards in the form of a soldier letter triangle.
  • On the eve of February 23, it is possible to stay in the office to arrange a festive surprise to male colleagues. For example, make a colorful wallpaper or poster - with glued photos of employees, verses and funny congratulations in prose. Do not forget to decorate the rooms with balloons of different shades of yellow and green colors.
  • Each man wants to feel like a "hero of the day" - a defender, rescuer and "most-most." Arrange on February 23, all male employees are a lottery with comic prizes to which a piece of paper is attached. By deploying such a note, the man will read comic verse or congratulations in his own words - they must be prepared in advance. As a prizes, we select inexpensive, but funny symbolic men's gifts.

How to Cool To Congratulate Men from February 23 at work - Scenarios for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - 2018

Today, the leadership of many companies arranges festive corporate events on February 23 - in restaurants, cafes, country clubs. However, such events are not all for the pocket, therefore, most often the native office is chosen as a venue. According to the established tradition, the compilation of the scenario, as well as the organization of the "unofficial" part of the celebration falls on fragile female shoulders. If you are wondering how cool to congratulate men from February 23 at work, you will definitely come out our scenarios for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. So, begin to prepare for February 23 in the circle of the native team!

Funny Defender Day Scenario in the office to congratulate men from February 23

  • Oskaronovtsy - 23. At the heart of this scenario in the best "Hollywood" traditions lies the idea of \u200b\u200bawarding the Oscar for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day to all men-colleagues. So, before the start of the solemn event, the office space is beautifully decorated with balls, flags, Georgievski ribbons and other attributes on a military theme. Under the sounds of the brix march to the room include men, and the presenter pronounces a welcoming speech. Then the Oscar's presentation begins - each of the nominees is invited to the "Red Track" to get a reward for "personal merits to the team." Of course, come up with comic nominations, but tactful - "collective erudite", "The best humorist of the year", "Mr. Tacticity". After presenting the awards in honor of the men, a comic contemplating song on well-known melodies sounds.
  • In the style of "Militari". This script is simply ideal for a small-sized office consisting of small separate rooms. On the doors of each cabinet, there are labels with inscriptions - "barracks", "Penalbat", "Nurse". The door to the office of the director is decorated with the headquarters sign, and the wall in the hall is the "Mortar Committee". In addition to the festive table with a treat and "combat strammers", the male colleagues expect a "military medical examination". In the role of nurses will be women, disguised as nurses - the script can be complemented by cheerful contests. As a result, each "Privilet" receives a military ticket - to military service is suitable!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 - cool scenes with humor, video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is among the most beloved holidays that are happy to celebrate both at home and at work. As a rule, for congratulations to male colleagues, cool comic poems or prose words are selected. How to originally congratulate the male colleagues at work from February 23? We offer to diversify the usual scenario, having prepared for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Scenes - originally and with a notch of humor! The video presents the ideas of scenes in the office, which can be used for the festive scenario on February 23.

Video with original scenes for congratulations to male colleagues for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23

How to congratulate the male colleagues from February 23 at work - original in verse

Each year, February brings with him not only crackling frosts and snow drifts, but also the main holiday of the male part of the population is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. On the eve of this momentous day, women show real wonders of fantasy to surprise and please the favorite defenders. If you do not know how to originally congratulate the male colleagues at work from February 23, we recommend paying attention to the poems - cool comic work. Finding some congratulations in verses, you can pronounce them in the form of a toast at the festive table, with the original wishes of the best wishes for men on February 23.

Poems - Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23 Men's Men's Colleagues

From February 23, colleagues,
Virtual bouts veterans,
Computer Strategies -
Muscles do not punish the screens!

In war, as in war guys,
Well, life, it is known eternal battle,
To live enough and richly,
Break on the front!

Work with you is cool

How good that you are all!

Let our service and dangerous -

Would he honor, would be honored!

Do not hang your nose, my colleagues!

You from twenty-third of February!

I wish you in our century

Your work disappeared the gap!

Colleagues, attention - February on the nose:
Twenty-third - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banbe again for spring,
Despite the winter wave!
We raise the glasses for bold guys,
That brave "fight" with xerox,
For those for the right thing "Corps"
And in the offices praise courage ...
Irony - Away! Sarcasm is appreciated here:
Where are brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, worrying for us,
Stand at the post of our homeland.

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations to you, colleagues!
Tsunami came to us!

This holiday is overlapping us
Snacks in the shackles
Really wants us
There were all healthy!

To laugh from the soul,
To have fun
So that champagne with brandy
Rejuvenated again!

That comes this good hour,
When you can congratulate you,
After all, the twenty-third of February
We have long been waiting for us not in vain:

Keep tight, now waiting for fun
All who have long been ready for him.
To protect against ... omnipotence infections
Get ready to pay tribute.

How beautiful to congratulate men from February 23 at work - in your own words

For many on February 23, an excellent opportunity to meet with relatives and friends for generously covered table, rejoicing "additional" day off. In this wonderful holiday, every man receives sincere congratulations from loved ones, colleagues at work and classmates. By tradition, the solemn events are held for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland annually, the wreaths are imposed on the grave of an unknown soldier, as well as monuments of the heroes of war. Today, it is extremely popular to celebrate the main men's holiday with colleagues at work, going to the whole team in bowling or paintball club. How beautiful to congratulate men from February 23 at work? In your own words, it is best to express the most sincere and warm wishes to our strong and courageous defenders. In honor of the holiday, we picked up beautiful congratulations in our own words - they can be prepared by the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23 to colleagues, adding several personal phrases. Congratulations to all men with their holiday!

Beautiful congratulations in their words on February 23, colleagues in the office

Dear our men! Congratulations on your Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in tomorrow; Those who take on solving problems, allowing us to stay women! Let your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and the heart was warmed by attention, love and care of relatives and loved ones!

This day of the brave and strong spirit of men who have, whom and what to protect: His dedication, its own business, your home and your loved ones, your future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work next to real men and start every morning in front of the mirror. After all, you want to look well for you to stimulate you on new achievements and increase the status of our company in the business world! Happy holiday!

Colleagues! Let your legitimate male holiday bring only positive emotions. Always be sure of tomorrow and continue your confident way to the tops of the career ladder. Do not lose faith in your strength and spirit of patriotism! You need not only we need, but a whole country!

Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, Dear Colleagues! You are strong personality, competent specialists and wonderful people. Next to you do not leave the feeling of protection and reliability. Your support is invaluable. Know that we appreciate this and respect you from all my heart!

How to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23 in the office - in prose from the team of women

Currently, the Day of Defender of Fatherland is celebrated in many countries of the post-Soviet space. So, on February 23, women prepare gifts and congratulations to their favorite men - fathers and brothers, guys and husbands. In addition, since 2002, a "legitimate" opportunity appeared in this wonderful day to relax at home, meet with close, friends and old combat comrades. In addition, many firms are arranged by corporate events and other collective events without leaving the defenders of the Fatherland. By thinking about how to congratulate the male colleagues from February 23 at work, office ladies try to think over the scenario of the holiday. Even if in the team there is only one woman, congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland can be organized truly original and memorable. To do this, it is enough to choose some cool congratulations in prose from our collection so that in your own words to express to men wishes - career achievements, good luck and happiness in personal life. Such a congratulatory prose will melt the heart of the most severe man, and on March 8, colleagues women will definitely receive a response surprise.

Dear our men! Congratulations on February 23! Thank you for being, so wonderful and beautiful. We wish well-being, happiness and good to your families. Let all the undertakings be worth a worthy continuation in everything. You are our support, creative success to you!

So how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23? On our pages you will find many original ideas for the festive scenario on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office - cool funny scenes on video, beautiful greetings in verses and in their own words in prose on behalf of the entire team of women. From February 23, dear men!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a special holiday for all representatives of strong sex. On this day, congratulations and gifts are waiting for not only your relatives and friends, but also colleagues for work. Therefore, do not forget to pay special attention to Weeking February 23 in the office, and we will tell you how to do it right.


Gifts to colleagues for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland need to be prepared in advance. You can prepare all the same presents. For example, notebooks, handles, ties, books, purses, etc. You can also come up with unique gifts to every man. This option is more suitable for a small team, where everyone knows each other well. In personal gifts, the main thing is to note the preferences of the person, the fishing tackle will be suitable, and another computer game. The main thing is that everyone liked the gifts and answered the concept of the evening.


You can hold a buffet in the office after the end of the working day, but it is necessary to coordinate with the management. You can also organize a festive dinner in a cafe or restaurant. Many prefer the second option, as you do not have to cook at home and carry plates and troughs with a sauine, and after a banquet, traces of a cheerful celebration. If you have in your team, it is not customary to arrange lush feast, you can do the bottle of champagne or good wine with candy and fruit.


In the holding of February 23, games and contests occupy a special place. Entertainment will help not only have fun, but also to rally collect. Do not forget that all contests must be diverse and unobtrusive. Prepare also in advance small souvenirs, which will serve as prizes in contests. For this purpose, sweets, toy cars, lighters, calendars, badges, etc. are perfect.

How to spend February 23 in the office: script

Scenario of the holiday on February 23 "Serving Fatherland"

The feast plan is:

In order for February 23 at work successfully and everyone liked, take care of the trifles:

  • warn all colleagues about the place and time of the event in advance;
  • distribute duties between colleagues. Someone is preparing a buffet, someone entertainment, and someone gifts. At the same time, do not forget to agree with each other;
  • decorate a place for thematic posters and balls.

Now you will definitely get on February 23 in the office fun, friendly and in the spiritual atmosphere. And you will remember this corporate who will remember for a long time with a smile.