Splits spruce from paper on the window. Decoration of windows to the new year of paper: stencils and inspirational ideas for the meeting. Using paper figures

The new year is a holiday that gives us a truly unforgettable atmosphere.

It is not surprising that children and adults are looking forward to the onset of this fantastic celebration! And without which the new year is completely impossible? Of course, without a festive decor! The anticipation of the holiday appears only when Christmas melodies begin to sound on the streets, the air fills the smell of mandarins, the shop windows flourish thematic decorations, and thousands of lights are lit on trees and roofs.

Before the onset of the magic night in the year follows. In each house or apartment, they take off the case of the box C, hang, arrange on the shelves and installations, and the beautiful Christmas tree is solemnly installed for a day before the holiday. Nevertheless, one place, which can also be decorated to the new 2020, often remains completely unclaimed.

Cardboard and colored paper will create an unforgettable Christmas decor!

Speech, of course, goes about the windows! For decorating glasses and window sills, there are many simple, but amazing ideas that can give a magical mood like the tenants themselves and random passers-by. Beautifully decorated windows will not be ignored to guests and relatives who will come to your holiday. In addition, such a decor will take you the most pleasant sensations and increase the degree of mood during the winter holidays.

Naturally, on shop windows you will find a huge number of New Year's attributes, but recently it is fashionable to make a house with objects that the owners have done their own. And so that you do not break your head when choosing a New Year's decor, we picked up the most original ideas and master classes on the use of stickers, creating a window painting, the manufacture of dolenans and garlands of the simplest materials!

Idea number 1: Decoration of toothpasses

Toothpaste You can make not only the windows, but also the mirrors in the house

The older generation perfectly remembers that during the periods of Soviet deficit, the toothpaste was the main tool for creating a New Year's decor. She painted not only windows of apartments, but also the windows of schools or kindergartens, attracting children to this exciting process. It is worth noting that the toothpaste is a universal art material that allows you to create several types of painting at once - both ornamental and negative.

With the second form of the painting, the drawing is similar to the image of the film, that is, the emphasis becomes precisely dark, unpainted places. By the way, this is the easiest type of painting, with which even a child can easily cope. Be sure to attract kids to the process of creating fairytale pictures on the windows! Another positive moment is that after the end of the celebrations you can easily clean the windows from the drawing, just rubbed the glass with a wet cloth. Before you start work, you need to cook:

  • foam sponge or old toothbrush;
  • a piece of sticky tape;
  • bowl;
  • water;
  • scissors;
  • cloth;
  • pencil;
  • paper.


Step-by-step instructions for designing a toothpaste window
  • 1. Download the New Year's topics on the Internet. It can be christmas bells, snowflakes, deer, penguins, christmas or santa clauses. Print drawings on paper and cut off with scissors. Stencils with small details are better to prepare first, shaking the pencil of the place that you need to cut in order not to be mistaken in the process.
  • 2. Wet the pattern with water, just a couple of minutes by plunging into the bowl. You can also put a pattern on a flat surface and walk on it with a wet sponge.
  • 3. Print the template to the selected location on the window glass.
  • 4. Gently laughing with dry flannel.
  • 5. Squeeze to the bowl of toothpaste and spread water to the standing liquid sour cream.
  • 6. Take a toothbrush, immerse it in the paste, slightly smooth and, having spent your finger across the bristles, spray the window in the place of the stencil. When the paste stops the window evenly, drop the paper. Drawing ready! You can also use a piece of foam sponge for this purpose - wet it in the paste, slide from the excess moisture, and then gently press to the glass around the stencil.

If you have at least minimal artistic skills, you can paint the window manually, however, for this purpose, you will first have to make yourself a brush. To do this, twist the foam in the form of a tubule and clutch a piece of scotch. It is better to make a couple of brushes with different diameters to draw both large and small details. Singing a paste on a plate, dip the brush and draw fir branches, snow, christmas balls and serpentine.

When the paste is driving, take the orange wand for manicure or toothpick and scratch small details - dots or asterisks on the balls, eyes at the snow or needles on spruce paws. By the same principle, you can create window pictures drawn by gouashe colors or artificial snow from the canister.

Idea number 2: Snowflakes-stickers

Handwritten snowflakes like children much more purchased!

Snow winter with soft fluffy snowdrifts - the dream of most kids and adults. In the end, it is so pleasant to ride on sleds, blind a snowman, arrange a snowy battle or go to the forest for a walk! Unfortunately, not every new year happy with the snowball, but spoils all the impression of the holiday. However, it is possible to create a snow whirlwind at home. To do this, you need to decorate the windows with unusual stickers of PVA glue.

Who would have thought that an unusual decor could be created from such a simple material? In the afternoon, while on the street is light, the snowflakes seem almost transparent and do not interfere with the review. In the evening, when the moonlight or rays of the lantern falls on the window, he blends, as the real hoarflash! By the way, this decoration can serve not one year - it is enough to carefully remove snowflakes, lay them with paper, fold into the box and send to a dry place until next new year. For the manufacture of snowflakes you need to have:

  • paper or ready-made cardboard or plastic stencils;
  • strong film or papers;
  • jar of glue PVA;
  • medical syringe (needle does not need);
  • brush;
  • sequins (you can use those used for manicure).


Step-by-step instructions for creating and designing snowflakes
  • 1. Insert the stencil inside the plastic file or place it between the layers of the film. If you do not have a finished stencil, select your taste, print them on paper and place it in the file.
  • 2. Circuit the lines of the adhesive weight of the adhesive mass, squeezing it out of the medical syringe with a thick layer. Correct the drawing with a brush. Important: Do not get carried away by the manufacture of openwork snowflakes! Small details, most likely, simply merge into a common mass, so choose patterns with simple lines and large curls.
  • 3. Gently move the stencil on the windowsill or another place located at the heating devices. Give pictures a little dry. When the glue becomes transparent, but not completely dry, remove the frozen snowflakes from the film and glue the window.
  • 4. For the manufacture of brilliant multicolored snowflakes, repeat all the stages of manufacture, only before sending to dry, sprinkle the workpiece with multi-colored sparkles.

Idea number 3: Outpatnius for windows

Example of a window decorated with christmas dodes

Idea number 9: Compositions made of needles

Can be made from a variety of natural materials!

The traditional decor can not do without compositions from fragrant needles, filling the house with an incredible aroma. The easiest option is to make small wreaths and spend them on windows with bright satin ribbons. For the manufacture of such decoration you need to cook:

  • fir branches (one can add their branches of the car or juniper);
  • thermopystole;
  • wire (thick and thin);
  • branches of viburnum;
  • new Year's balls;
  • beads.


An example of a minimalistic window design with sprigs of needles
  • 1. Take two pieces of thick wire and bend them so that rings of different diameters are obtained (the difference should be about 3-4 centimeters).
  • 2. Remote the rings diagonally thin wire to make the frame of the future wreath. Make a fastening from a long piece of ribbon.
  • 3. Disassemble the twigs on the bundles and attach them to a wreath, overlapping on each other.
  • 4. Add small cones, balls, beads, rose robes or viburnum by attaching a thermal decor.
  • 5. Cut a piece of tape and make a magnificent bow, attach it in the top of the wreath.

By the way, the fir wreaths can not only hang on the eaves, but also to put on the windowsill, but inside such a decoration it is worth placing a thick candle.

Idea number 10: wool garlands

Step-by-step instructions for making garlands from wool pieces

Decor for window openings can be made of the simplest items that are in every home. For example, from cotton. For the manufacture of garlands, it is necessary to prepare a large number of cotton balls, roll them up to make it tight and ride on a long fishing line, waving in window openings. Alternate snow lumps with snowflakes from napkins - so your handicraft will become air, and the illusion of falling snow flakes will arise in the apartment.

Idea №11: Girlands plaffones from cups

Master class on creating decorative glowing garlands

It is possible to make an unusual decor from paper cups, having done in the bottom of transverse cuts (crosswise) by the stationery knife. Then insert the bulbs into the holes and attach the garland to get original plaffones. If you do not have suitable paper cups, the same manipulation can be done with plastic cups. In this case, you will need to decorate them - it can be colored paper strips or ordinary wipes with a pattern planted for glue.

New Year is a favorite holiday. Both children and adults are waiting for him with the same impatience, hope for a miracle and fulfillment of cherished desires, and an unusually decorated house only enhances the feeling of fairy tale.

New Year's decor

Of course, for all the very first and most important symbol of the new year is the Christmas tree. But, in addition to evergreen, beauty, dressed in bright, multicolored balls and brilliant tinsel, there are still many elements of the festive decor. This, for example, can be a variety of garlands:

  • lED;
  • paper;
  • from soft toys.

Or, say, socks for gifts and New Year wreaths on the Western manner. In addition, various drawings on the glasses:

  • snowflakes;
  • christmas trees;
  • cute snowmen;
  • elves;
  • bunnies;
  • hedgehogs and more.

But, unfortunately, not everyone possess the talent of the artist. In this case, stencils will come to the rescue with the images of the entire above fabulous liveliness. For the new year 2018, cute dogs are still manufactured. Window decoration in this way will be a very interesting occupation for the whole family, and especially for the defensive.

Photo 8 - stencil for an angel

Photo 9 - stencil for the extent of the city on the window

Decorate windows using stencils

Photo 10 - stencil for the extent of the Christmas ball

To decorate windows with stencils, you can use the gouache - most often white or blue, but it is possible to both a multi-colored, artificial snow or even a conventional toothpaste - what else and the aroma of freshness in the room will appease, and during washing it will not create unnecessary problems.

IMPORTANT! Working with these materials is easy. To do this, simply apply the stencil to the surface and fix it in the desired position using the tape. After that, you can already start painting.

Photo 11 - stencil for the christmas tree

Photo 12 - Stencil for the extent of snow wolf

Photo 13 - stencil for extent

If you, for example, chose the decoration method with a paste, that is, several options:

  • with the help of "Picky". To do this, take a small piece of foam rubber, tightly roll it with a tube and fix the resulting "tool" with the help of tape. In a comfortable container, it is necessary to squeeze the paste (without dyes), to dissolve it with a small amount of water (three pea on one tablespoon). Further, in the mixture obtained, on a consistency close to the stationery glue, foaming a sponge and light pressed by pressing. Uncomplicated forms can be applied without a stencil, for example, fir branches;

Photo 14 - Drawing with toothpaste and foam rubber
Photo 15 - Christmas tree decorated with toys, drawn with toothpaste
  • drawing with fingers. This is the easiest way. It is enough just to dip your fingers into the paste and take the desired pattern on the glass. By the way, the children like this type of activity very much, because it allows you to create drawings having fun, without limiting fantasy;

But it must be remembered that the lines are uneven - dense initially and translucent at the end. This must be considered when creating a picture.

Photo 16 - a simple picture drawn by finger method
  • toothbrush. To do this, take the stencil and lock it on the glass. After that, it is necessary to dip the brush in the pre-prepared, but not very thick, the solution of toothpaste. To bring it closer to the glass and click on her with your finger several times to get splashes. When everything gets free, the stencil can be removed.

Photo 17 - stencil for dolenok on the garland

Photo 18 - stencil for garland from ballerina

Photo 19 - Stencil for Christmas tree

These methods can create more complex drawings, even plot compositions. It all depends on stencils that you have chosen to work, your taste and skills.

Photo 20 - Stencil for Christmas Toy

Photo 21 - stencil for beautiful snowflakes

Photo 22 - stencil for unusual snowflakes

Photo 23 - Stencil for Step-by-Step Cutting Snowflakes

If you choose a way to decorate windows with a toothpaste, you need to remember some important points:

  • make sure that the stencil lay on the glass is exactly, straightening all the crumpled corners;
  • experiment and combine different methods of application. For example, dry and wet sponge. In the first case, the painting is more dense, in the second - the effect of divorces is obtained;
  • to add drawings, you can use a brush and color toothpaste;
  • in addition to windows, you can paint balcony doors, mirrors, glass cabinets, etc.

Photo 24 - stencil for simple outtaste bells

Photo 25 - Stencil for simple snowflakes

Photo 26 - Stencil for Snowflakes - Ballerin

Stencil on the New Year's window

Photo 27 - Stencil Snowflakes

Of course, for decoration you can choose a variety of stencils. But in 2018 - the yellow dog is - its image will become its image. Photo 29 - Stencil Snowflakes with flowers
Photo 32 - Stencil Snowflakes for cutting

Photo 33 - Classic Snowflake

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

Needs the new year, and at the same time waiting for the festive delight, the New Year's miracle, fabulous mood? In homes, apartments, kindergartens, schools begin to create an atmosphere of the holiday.

You probably noticed more than once that before the new year, even windows become other, festive and fun, the garland lights are glittered from some. This spectacle admire infinitely and enjoy the moment. And all because these windows are still decorated with New Year's stencils.

Your windows can also turn into a fairy tale and ride. New stencils for the new year 2017 for cutting out of paper on help you create you and your children New Year's mood. "Master of Needlework" collected a selection of Christmas stencils on the windows.

Print any stencil on the paper windows, carefully cut it out - it is better to use a paper knife, that is, a regular cutter. And glue it to the window with glue or tape. There is another option: attach a carved stencil to the window, circle a thin brush and fill in the main color.

We have prepared for you a few plots of paper stencil. You can cut a few and combine the finished plot.

Stencils for the New Year Figures 2017

It will be relevant enough to decorate windows with numbers of A4 paper, they can also be decorate with their own hands for the new year.

Stencils on the windows of a paper cock

Paper stencils on the window with a rooster will allow you to carefully and originally decorated windows and walls of your home for New Year holidays. To do this, select the rooster stencils you like

Stencils on the paper window Snowman

By the way, there are several decor options using a paper stencil template: the first option is to cut the template and glue it to the window, the second option is to use stencils to apply a gouache pattern, using a bullettor or toothbrush.
Also using the patterns and stencils of the rooster, you can make curly paper garlands. (How to make a paper garland look in the previous lesson). To do this, it is necessary to cut the paper stencil pattern from paper, make the holes in it with a hole punch and strip them into the rope. Such a garland from the roosters can be decorated with walls, doors, windows and even your Christmas tree.

Paper stencils Bells

Paper Stencil Christmas Tree

The magic New Year's atmosphere of the holiday in the house can be created, cutting stencils on the windows in the form of a Christmas tree.

Paper stencils Snowflakes

Remember then the child's feeling of delight from the fact that before the new year, parents allowed to draw and glue paper snowflakes on the windows?

Paper Stencils Deer

Other New Year plots for decorating windows drawings.

Here is such a wonderful selection of stencils on the windows for 2017. Templates for New Year's creativity will help fabulously decorate your home to the upcoming holiday!

Also watch the video how to make a mirror for a new year

The text has prepared: Veronica

Greetings, friends! Today, we again continue to create a New Year's atmosphere by cutting hand-made products from paper. That is, we will talk again about.

In this post you can find silhouettes of fabulous characters, the main characters of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowmen, deer, balls, snowflakes and much more. You will see ready-made window design options, and you can also download and print offered stencils and templates. And then carefully cut them and stick it on the windows, or to decorate other corners of your interior.

But remember that it is the window decoration that is an integral part of the magical holiday of the New Year. Paper dotnikami can only reap the glass, or create a whole composition using the windowsill. And use large cuts for the design of the walls in the rooms.

If you have very little time to create a festive interior, then cut a lot of carved and write them all over the house.

So, in order to make the festive windows, use the usual paper, of course not only white, but also of other colors. Also, go through with sharp thin scissors, and better sharp stationery, and materials for decorating decorations (toothpaste, double-sided tape, soap solution).

After you prepare all the necessary tools and materials, you will need to choose paper decorations. In our case, it will be flat accessories for gluing to the surface of the glass, as there are also volumetric elements.

The size, shape and color of the products will depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the level of illumination and the size of the window itself. The main thing is that the decorations do not prevent the free passage of light into the room, and the rest depends only on your imagination.

After determining the plot on the New Year's window, take on the creation of stencils. If you know how to draw well, then you can independently come up with templates, but with artistic skills and fantasy tight, then take ready-made outtasis, print them on paper, and then proceed to cut out.

This traditional paper decor will not take much time and will not require special skills, but it will help to create a real pattern and will not be impressed not only to you, but also others.

The abundance of accessories is appropriate only on the big window, so do not overdo it! And try to choose openwork decorations.

After cutting the scenery, decorate with their placement on the glass. You can use symmetric, central or asymmetric placement.

Well, and then select the method of attaching jewelry and actually sticking them. That's so simple and quickly you decorate the window.

Now I propose to view the video of the plot on how to properly cut accessories for the decor.

Well, and samples of the design of New Year's windows.

Decorations on the windows to the new year 2020 (templates inside)

Well, let's start choosing and creating flat paper toys. To begin with, the most popular characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Of course, you should not forget about funny snowmen.

You may also need an image.

And do not leave your beloved aside.

Even of these elements, you can already create a magic fairy tale on the window.

Stencils of decorations for cutting A4 format: can be downloaded and print

I want to say that many flat accessories can be cut not only by pattern, but also by symmetric scheme. This, for example, concerns Christmas toys.

Another excellent ideas will be cut backlit. Just on the inside, stick to translucent paper, such as tracing, and pasually stretch the small garland through it (one of the lights). It will look like this:

So keep another bunch of various stencils with balls, bells, bumps, numbers, animals, etc.

Do not forget about the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2020 - naughty mice.

Pigs since last year.

And I want to separately make a thematic selection of paper scenery for educational institutions. After all, our children are rejoiced most of all the occurrence of the holiday. So schools and kindergartens should not only arrange matinees, but also magically decorate the premises.

I hope with the help of a dolenok proposed by me, you can create an unforgettable and wonderful atmosphere in your home. Attract the creativity of children and the whole family as a whole. Let the holiday be in every home! Holiday greetings!