Interesting ideas on February 23 for colleagues. Competition "Solid Oreshk"

Less than the month left until the moment when you had time to congratulate men on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Time is going, and now you need to think about what and how to do. Do not everyone know how to originally congratulate colleagues from February 23 right in the office. On the one hand, it is difficult, but with the other simple. We have new ideas that will help you arrange a holiday in the office is not trite, but with chips. And so, let's look.

Option 1 - Draw prizes.

Remember how you usually congratulate your colleagues? Remembered? Yes, you collect them in one place, someone reads poems, says beautiful words and after you hand a gift. This idea can be replayed a little and make more interesting and intriguing. For example, like this.
Collect all men. Congratulations to them, and declare that today gifts will not be handed, but playing! And they will take part in it. You need to make beautiful cards on which poems will be written. And you also need the cardboard to which you and glue the cards. Print cards so that they can be removed. Better on the buttons. When the cards are on the cardboard, then the cardboard is hung on the wall. Men stand from cardboard in 3-5 meters. Before them lie darts. According to seniority (or as you want yourself), men take one dart and throw him towards cardboard. They should get into somehow card. If you got, then take a card, read verse and hand a gift. Everything is simple, and fun. And most importantly - gambling, as men love.
Examples of poems and gifts.

Option 2 - Office Quest.

This option is the most interesting, but complicated in terms of preparation for it. You need to prepare the tasks for men in advance. It is desirable to divide men to the commands so that they are together performing tasks.
Be sure to look at the following video to the end, and you will see how in the office you can arrange everything and have fun to spend all day:

As can be seen from the video, first teams unwind the sea chain without disconnecting hands. Next, they perform various tasks and get stars for it. And at the end the winners are announced. Next, the boxes are taken, in one hid the key from the treasure. The winner team chooses three boxes, the second team is two boxes. And the third one box. Who was able to find the key, he opens the chest with a treasure and receives a prize! Such a quest will be held with a bang and everything will be remembered.

Option 3 - Music greeting.

This option is suitable for those who love and know how to sing. Here you also need to collect all the men and arrange them a musical congratulation. Only sing you will not be known songs, but alteration songs.
To do this, you need to choose any song and remake her words so that you have a fun greeting congratulation from February 23.

Option 4 - Name Congratulations.

And here you will congratulate each man and by name. And then you can hand a gift, as well as name. Such an option is interesting. What you don't just tell one verse on everyone, and every man give your own verse. And if you wish, you can beat it.
We look poems.

Each labor team wishes to bring on February 23 to the maximum of diversity and positive emotions. Therefore, one of the most original scenarios of this holiday is the organization of the party with awarding men of the Oskar award. It is important to do everything according to the rules. From the morning, the bed of the red carpet and gear a couple of collaborators cameras who fulfill the role of paparazzi. Then organize a buffet and come up with short numbers about your company's life. And closer to the completion of the festival, collect all men in a solemn room where the announcement of the winners will occur.

Come up with comical and corresponding reality of the nomination. For example, store holders and warehouse accountants can be nominated for the "Fighters of the Invisible Front" Award, the system administrator is assumed to be a statuette as the "Tire Worker", the best seller - "Consultant of all times and peoples", for the security guard will suit the "For Defense" and T .. Director, of course, it is supposed to hand the Oscar "for the courage". Figurines can be ordered in a souvenir shop, which is enough to stick stickers with the name of the nomination.

Army passion

For fans of the traditional celebration on February 23, you can come up with an equally fascinating program. Since the triumph is arranged in honor of the defenders of the Fatherland, then the scenario must be resistant in the appropriate spirit. Trust the preparation of the plot to the most creative and responsible employee. And the subject itself can be made in the style of a military parade, army teachings or even a combat hike.

For example, you can find a network sample on the Internet and print it for each "Conscript". This can be both a formal decree indicating the date and time of fees, as well as more friendly with wishes. Thus, it turns out at once three in one - an unusual postcard, invitation to the buffet and intrigue for all culprits of the celebration.

The presentation of such an agenda in the office will look more colorful if cute employees will move into the shape of military postman. Also, to maintain a common subject, you can prepare a wall newspaper in the style of the Demobel album, where all colleagues and their achievements will be indicated. A further plot can be planned as a buffet in the form of a field kitchen or just a feast on the occasion of the victory of valiant fighters above the enemy forces.

Sports interest

An equally fascinating option, as noted on February 23 at work, can be leaving for men's competitions. It may be karting, Painfol, sports rally or racing on quad bikes. The main thing is that this is a contest in which each man can show his brave. Undoubtedly, in front of such a surprise, you should feed the perpetrators of the celebration, organizing them with a small buffet.

The Day of Defender of the Fatherland is historically connected with the honoring of Winners, respectable veterans and military personnel. But being a defender can not only with weapons in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate our dear men around us.

No team misses the opportunity to praise representatives of strong sex on this day. A corporate party becomes a tradition. At the same time, the scenario on February 23 can be very diverse: ranging from fun in a cafe and ending in the country by the entire company.

If you arrange a holiday in the office, pay for some time preparing the event. In the Scenario plan for February 23 for the corporate, include such items as

  • thematic scenery;
  • selection of "courageous" music;
  • rady feast;
  • tastes for toast;
  • competition contests;
  • practical gifts;

This scenario is suitable for holiday in the hall of the restaurant or office hall. Participants are sitting at the festive tables, the corporate holds two leading.

The room is decorated with balloons of green shades or camouflage colors. From the balloons, if you wish, you can assemble a figurine of a soldier or tank. Also hang up small tricolor flags and paper planes hanging from the ceiling.

Leading:Dear, favorite men!
To this day, filled with greatness,
We will celebrate you and praise
And observing all the decency
Gift will not forget to reward!
You are all for us defenders, soldiers,
But it is better to be in civilian clothes, you guys!
Let the form on you will be only athletic,
And your life is solar and active!

And now proclaim ...

Words interrupts music from the movie "Star Wars" "Marsh of the Empire". Lead silent. Commander comes out.

Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the Galactic Republic! Dark side wins in all battles. I am the official representative of the Galactic Empire - came to the ground to fulfill the prophecy and find (the number of men's men) warriors who will save our universe.
Recommends, before entering into the ranks of the Galactic Army, you must pass quality training. Get ready for hard trials!

The commander distributes light swords and raincoats.

Leading: But for the beginning, each recruit order to take 100 grams for courage! And expensive ladies support you and also fill their glasses. For men!

Lead after each competition writes winners. Holding all contests is accompanied by music.

Dexterity test

Commander: Tests Let's start seriously
And dexterity will test the soldiers.
As is known in the cosmos of gravity not at all,
And he does not survive the one who is rustled!

When you go to battle,
No time, and you need to hurry.
Who will be the first to eat,
That the most deft will seek.

Before the participants stretch the rope to which bagels or donuts are tied to the rope. One who first eats a whole donut.

Leading: Advantages each shine
And honor, and courage across the edge shine!
For reinforcement of forces and fist
Among the battles there will be a place for Bivak!

Feast break.

Test for strength

Commander:Rota, get into the ranks!

All men are built in line.

Commander:For the first-second, Calculate! The first is one step forward!

Leading:First-skillful and brave,
We tell us about your strength!
Here in front of you, it would seem, a funny thing - from matchboxes,
Who can smash him fist, that guy is not slipping!

Each participant is issued on an empty match box. Boxes put on a rib on a flat surface. The task is to splash it with a flock, usually it crashes out of hand.

Commander:The power is so the mind is not needed!
Who was the second - come out!
Test is not worse
You have to get around!
Before you, shells for guns,
Check need them for strength!
Own forehead is the best conditions.
I warn you, one is raw iteaded inside!

A bowl with eggs is placed before the participants. They need to have enough "shell", split it about the head and put in their plate. Wins the one who will have more eggs. All eggs should be boiled, just do not talk about this to the participants!

In a joke, you can put one egg from ceramics, but this is already at your discretion \u003d)

Leading:For strong and ferocious men raise glasses of women!

Toast from the female half of the team. Pouring and dance pause.

Speed \u200b\u200btest

Commander:Well, recruits, rise! Check your coherence and teamwork!

Valor and honor paint a man,
And in our team you will not find the weak!
Developed steel discipline
And in the race they should win!

Commander:Attention, fighters! To adequately react in hostilities, you need to be able to concentrate and develop a greater speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: evacuate the inhabitants! And we will train on straws.

Participants stand in a row, they are heard cocktail straws.

Commander:With the help of straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. In the contest, the one who saved more "population"!

If there are a lot of men, it is better to divide them into two teams (first-second). A large plate full of M & M candies is installed, you need to move it to your plate with a straw candy.

Commander:I praise you, fighters,

You are almost no recruits.

Leading:We have more excellent fathers,
Husbands, Sons and just bravets!
Men Employees Higher Class!
I will invite everyone to sing for you!

Women sing a song-alteration with congratulations for colleagues.

Test on eloquence

Leading:Oh, what women, what women!

Meanwhile, glasses dust! And to fix the oversight, the morning compete in eloquence! Fill our glasses, and men in turn begin to utter toasts. Whose toast will meet more applause, he wins!

Pause pause.

Testing for accuracy

In severe conditions of battle
About aesthetics need to remember.
Practice your skill skill,
In the army there is no time to mess around!
And your task is such.
I did not cope with her, I admit!
Neatly and not tremble
Without cuts, shaving a comrade!

Men are issued razor machines and balloons. Draw on the balls and cover their shaving foam. Who can "shave the comrade" (or at least spend the blade three times and not break through the ball), he wins.

Survey test

Leading:Gather, peasants!
Well you are not old!

Commander:Check how converted,
And the Internet is not a crib!
My questions boldly answer
And let me ask you not to help!
And as they say, without guessing the mind and the penny is not worth it!


  1. Did you add yeast with a sandy dough? (Not)
  2. In what Russian word 40 vowels? (forty BUT)
  3. What question will never answer positively? (Do you sleep?)
  4. Why is a woman when she rushes tights, it starts to look for nail polish everywhere? (To glue the break place, and they will not be afraid further)
  5. In what word out of 6 letters there are 1 letter "K" and as long as 3 letters "H"? ( TObut STI)
  6. Numbers 3 and 11 amazing and special! What kind of unique property do they differ? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
  7. It does not bite, does not have, but called the same way. (@)
  8. What mountain was the highest on the planet before Everest opened? (The mountain remains the highest on Earth regardless of whether it was opened or not. Answer: Everest)

Feast break.

Chastushki from women at the table with chorus

Chorus: And once, again,
Many many more times!

1. Young and good I,
Yes to me beautiful
At work right admire
Male Perspective!

2. Our boss favorite
Tomorrow will fly on vacation.
This means the team
Will sleep in a break!

3. Oh, girls, I fell in love!
I can't tear off!
The third day I go, leaf
Accounting book!

4. Oh, colleagues expensive,
I wish you now
Happiness to sea, money to
Let the girls love you!

5. In honor of the big holiday
The director will be Zaine!
We will distribute a prize
And the increase will give!

6. The team is our very friendly,
What is there for a long time!
No teaching staff
In our office do not see!

7. Men, congratulations!
We speak in the end.
Glasses raise,

There is a toast for the youth!


Show presentation or video about male half of the team. It can be a photo with comments. Signatures can be associated with habits or hobbies, with gastronomic tastes or favorite phrases of the employee.

Testing with swords

Leading:Prepare your swords, but not to battle.
Who will last longer, will impress
Coordination Test Let's start.
Place the plate flat, keep it with a sword.

Participants are issued a paper plate. Wins the one who managed to balance with a plate at the tip of the sword longer.

Commander:I solemnly declare all the tests passed! There were no such decent men in the ranks of the imperial army!

Sound of the inclusion of the radio. The commander pulls out a toy radio or telephone from his pocket. Applies to the ear, listens, nods.

Commander:Renovation with advanced! I was informed that the dark forces were afraid of the army from the ground, and retreated! You saved all the galaxy! A triple "Hurray" warriors of light!

Leading: And we were convinced that our men are completely suitable for carrying a responsible service at work! And therefore sent by the Imperial Council works for the benefit of the company! We raise the glasses for brave and capable men collective!

Presentation of memorable diplomas

Diplomas prepare in advance if it turns out, engage in them a photo of men. You can use all known phrases from movies or songs as signatures. For example, "Samovar and my Masha," the king, nice to meet, the king, "" Giant thought "," I am an old soldier and I don't know the words of love! " etc.

Or pick up beautiful aphorisms about men who fit your colleagues.

At the same time, there is a presentation of gifts, as well as awarding the winners of the contest. You can give memorable prizes or inventical, but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: "The owner of this certificate may be late for 1 hour to be late for work without explanation," "the right to a healthy afternoon sleep for an hour. Bonus: a protracted snoring is solved ", etc.

Festive cake

Let the end of the evening be a sweet dish. It can be prepared by himself: a beautiful festive cake or cupcakes with filling. Specially ordered cakes have gained great popularity on corporate. Such a pie can be decorated as a spacecraft (on the topic of the script) or in style on February 23.

Our evening was sparkling and bright
Fun and laughter
As well as gifts
We generously gave friends and ourselves!
In honor of you, men let the salutes thunder,
And unfortunately music sounds.
You are worthy of glory to this minute
Accompanied you on the way!

You take care of yourself, doing sports.
Fit right, entertain more.
Be sure of both bold
Let work argue skillfully.
And let the luck decorate every day,
Your strong mill let it be beautiful!
To tell you the words rude not dare,
And the ladies so that from admiration for neme!


  1. Suit for the commander: raincoat, belt, light sword, helmet or mask, in pocket - toy walkie
  2. Raincoats and light swords for all employees. Easy to make it yourself: Flexible sticks for aquaaerobics at one end are wrapped with a shiny sticky tape. Or buy in the store toy;
  3. Rope with tied donkeys;
  4. Empty matchboxes, bowl with boiled eggs;
  5. Cocktail tubes, Plate with m & M sweets, plates for participants;
  6. Shaving machines, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
  7. Paper plates;
  8. Memorable diplomas, gifts, prizes for contests.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Initially, it was believed that this is a holiday of people who served or serve in the army. But today, very many women are guarding peace and peace with men, so this holiday has lost its original importance and has become just a feast of men. It doesn't matter what professions they have, how many years they served in the army or not - these are people who can always rely on in a difficult moment. Real advocates!

In our article, we would like to tell about how beautiful and interestingly cover the table for the holiday, which is to cook on February 23 to surprise and please your favorite men.

Table setting on February 23

For the festive table of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, a very important point is the serving. Therefore, it will be an excellent solution, serve cooked dishes in an unusual style. So that the main participants of the celebration, looking at the design of the dishes, understood - today their holiday!
You need your fantasy and designer talent.

Below you can see several options for how you can decorate dishes on February 23. It can be cut off dishes in the form of a star and salads in the form of a tank, or a soccer ball.

On the issue of decorating the table, it is best to repel from hobbies, classes and a hobby of your men. Many advise to make a table in the style of militaries or in the basic colors of the flag. But if your friend, father, husband has nothing to do with the army, and even worse, if he has bad memories with it or your men just do not like the color of the khaki, why can we serve the table in such styles. Make a pleasant to your men, serve the table with your favorite flowers.

You can simply store the table with a green or blue tablecloth, suck the napkins in the tone.
You can also add various figures symbolizing the day of the Defender of the middle name, and even better if you ourselves do the decorations that you will remind you of your joint happy days together, about helping and protecting your men in relation to you.

What to cook for February 23?

February 23 is the only male day, entirely belonging to them. And, so men should be congratulated with a scope. Show more care than usual so that they felt that they had a holiday.

For a special mood you need to prepare a festive treat.
Desserts, mousses on a male holiday are not relevant. Saint salads are suitable, various sharp snacks.
Also, on the festive desk the culprits of the celebration, relevant alcoholic beverages.
Traditional recipes, type of turkey for Christmas, on February 23, no. And, thanks to this, you can show the maximum skill in cooking.

Above, we decided in what style we will cover the table, depending on the hobbies of your men, it is now necessary to determine the taste preferences and the place of the feast.

First we determine the place, the male holiday can be perfectly celebrated and outside the house, if you have, for example, there is a cottage, it will be perfectly frying a kebab. If you do not plan to sit at home, then field kitchens to help you, taste the delicious buckwheat porridge with tea right on the street.

It may well turn out if you have a holiday in nature, the so-called picnic.
Here you can do without lace tablecloths and crystal glasses. The main thing is the exquisite "hiking" dishes.
The table of the hiking table implies one-time plates, glasses. Now they are offered a lot of different sizes and colors. Again, you can take color in the style of "Militari" so that everything is in the subject. Cooked dishes decompose into containers and served in them to the table.

The main thing is that there is a lot of tasty and beautifully cooked. Dishes are usually prepared at home. They should be so not to be warmed up. That is, mostly - these are snacks and salads.

If the holiday is arranged for men colleagues, then the "office" version of the dishes can be exactly the same as in nature.

But if you still decide to celebrate at home, then the first thing you need to do is remember that you love your men.

It can be clarified as an alcohol man will prefer for a holiday, and the choice of dishes will depend on this, which will be on the holiday table.

On February 23, it is necessary to cook hot, snacks, salads, and, if there is a sweet tooth, then dessert. Many options. Consider some of them:

Maintenance of saltwater, with its stunning taste, love everything. The dish is not fast, but it is worth it. There are many recipes. This option is distinguished by the fact that it does not contain expensive products.

1.Svinin - 250 g
2. Cutter sausage - 250 g
3. Clad sausage - 250 g
4. Herry chicken - 250 g
5. Calm cucumbers - 250 g
6. Tomato - 50 g
7 Bow - 150 g
8. Olives - 50 g
9. Maslins- 50 g
10.Great brine - 100 g

Pork meat, boil for an hour on a slow fire, after removing the foam. Get to cool and cut. Chicken breast, cook for 20 minutes. And also, cool and cut into straws.
Sausage boiled and smoked, chopped, onions finely chop, cucumbers cut into small straws.
Meat ingredients fry with onions. Then add cucumbers and fry for another three minutes. The next step is to add a tomato, stew five minutes.
In the cooked broth omitted cooked meat and roasted vegetables with sausage. Pour the cucumber brine. After that - seasoning.
Serving lemon circle, olives and olives. You can add sour cream.

Meat "Three in One"

Three types of meat in one dish is an unmatched solution. It is very festive and, by sure to please men.

1. Winner or beef tenderloin- 500 g
2.Bekone or smoked meat- 300 g
3. White white - 100 ml
4. Hruge chicken - 2 pcs.
5.Wholenok- 2 teeth
6. Spices

Washed meat and breasts to dry and cut into small pieces. The same size. Salt meat, pepper, pour white wine. Remove in the refrigerator. The chicken is a little dismiss, squeeze garlic and add butter. It is recommended olive. A few hours later, pickled meat and chicken pieces, folding together in a couple, wrap in a strip of smoked meat or in bacon. Bacon ends secure toothpick.
On a lubricated oil, the baking sheets of folding cooked meat rolls, and bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees.
Serve, garnishing by any vegetables, or boiled rice.

You can cook a festive snack from the liver. And adding mushrooms there, you can turn the usual liver in the masterpiece of culinary art.

1. Damage liver - 500 g
2. Burry liver- 500 g
3.Yeta- 2 pcs.
4. Mold - 1/2 cup
5. Osol, pepper.

1. Mayonnaise - 300 g
2. Covers - 5 teeth
3. bow 1.
4. Carrot
5. Osol, vegetable oil.
6.Weva welded boiled eggs and one bunch of dill - for decoration.

Prepared liver Skip through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, spices, flour and mix everything, to homogeneous mass. It turns out hepatic dough. It should be like on pancakes.
Fry, like pancakes in a frying pan, smeared by oil.
Now, cut the onions, put out to transparency, add finely chopped carrots, salt and stew while carrots will not be soft. In Mayonnaise add garlic passed through the press. Mix. Hepatic cakes lubricate mayonnaise and lay one on another, shifting filling. The last crude is a little pick up, smear by mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated protein first, then the yolk. Decorate the dill greens. It is desirable that the snack stood a little to soak.
No festive table can do without salad. Men, as a rule, reluctantly change the culinary addiction. Therefore, it will be appropriate to offer something with the herring. Always win-win. Satisfying and very tasty.

1.Beclined - 2 pcs.
2. Carrot 2 pcs.
3. Potatoes 4 pcs.
4. bow 1 pc.
5. Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
6. Highly Single Clear1 pcs.
7. Makes 80 g
8. Salt, pepper.

Classic Salad Recipe

Separate herring. Rinse under running water, dry. Carefully remove all the insides, cut the fins. On the spine make a longitudinal incision. Near the tail to pick up the skin of the fish. Then, remove it
Now, it is necessary to separate the bones from fillets. Prying fillet from the spine and, pressing your finger to the bones, separating fish meat. Remove the spine.

Why is it important to part fish yourself? Only so you can be confident in its freshness.

Swift all vegetables in the skin. So they will be more starchy. Ready vegetables clean, onions cut finely cubes. Swim eggs screwed. Cut in cubes.

You need to pay attention to no bones.

When the preparation is completed, it can be started to lay the layers. All layers to miss mayonnaise.

The first layer - herring fillet, then layer onion. Then, grated potatoes. Again - onions. Touch carrots, then - eggs. The last beet, also grated on a large grater. From above - a large layer of mayonnaise.

Optionally, vegetable layers can be salted. Decorate the holiday, respectively.

If there is a desire, you can make a "royal herring under a fur coat." How? All, the same, just on top you need to make a layer of red caviar. And, decoration, and, truly - royal scope.

But the festive table must please and amaze. Therefore, you can prepare the present "Male" dish

1.Svinina 1 kg
2.Luk 3 pcs.
3. Theater oil - 50 ml
4.Pelect, salt and rosemary.

Cut the meat with large pieces, approximately 5 cm, onion rings. All mix and add spices to taste. Slide on wooden spanks, alternating, and decompose on the baking sheet. Fry in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees about one hour. The taste is no worse than on the fire.
Tips: Marinade at first can not be salted; withstand meat in marinade no more than two hours; Wooden shockts need to hold the forty minutes in cold water so that they are not burned.

If you cook from beef, then meat is tougher. So that the kebab is able to pour alkaline mineral water in the marinade.
Men are famous meaties, so the kebab can be applied to the first, and on the second, and even, instead of a compote.

Do not forget that the simplest dish, beautifully submitted to the table, raises the mood and develops appetite.

You can cook pizza. It will replace ordinary sandwiches.

Italian pizza recipe

First you need to prepare yeast dough. To get the right result, you need to take fresh yeast, not dry. Flour must be solid varieties. Do not use eggs, sugar - these products will make the dough heavy. It must be approached within two hours. It is not necessary to stretch it with a rolling pin, and fingers. Baking time - 10 minutes. At 280 degrees.

1. Fresh 10 g
2. Water 300 ml
3. Sol
4.Mack 2 glasses

Dilute yeast in water, add salt, flour, at the very end add a spoonful of olive oil. Knead the dough.
While the dough "rests", you need to cook a filling. The fillings should be exactly like test. Cheese is better to choose the type "Mozarella".

Ingredients for filling:
1.Sir 120 g
2. SALES 80 G.
3.Shampignons 80 g
4. Calling 7 pieces.
5.Osus tomato or ketchup

Cheese grate on the grater, cut into thin circles, olives and champignons, too, cut into thin plates. Stretch the dough, lay out the stuffing layers; Salami, mushrooms, cheese, olives.

In fact, pizza is prepared in stone ovens at a very high temperature, approximately 600 degrees. But the oven is quite a suitable option.
Let this holiday be unforgettable!

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