Comic congratulations with gifts for the anniversary of a man. Comic birthday greetings with a presentation of cool gifts. Congratulations with gifts for the jubilee car

Comic birthday gifts - ideas and recommendations will help make your choice in favor of a bright and simple gift.

If you want to congratulate a woman or a man happy birthday with a notch of humor, do not forget some rules:

  • Do not joke below the belt, especially with a woman. It may not understand such jokes in the presence of relatives and loved ones.
  • Do not give men money hidden in socks or wrapped in inexpensive accessories.
  • Universal gifts must bear some sense, and not to be only for the sake of humor. Yet it is a birthday, not a day of laughter.

The video in this article will be superfluous, enough to go through the photo of the selection to understand what gifts it is better to choose for a gift.

Men perceive humorous gifts more often as something funny and cool. Without giving values \u200b\u200bto many things, even simple little things can set a genuine mood holiday.

You can make a fly swatter from simple canes and indoor slippers. The instruction is simple - glue, dry and apply in practice.

The tester for visualization - the more drank, the better you see the letter, however, larger. A glass can be used as a conventional container, but it is possible for a joke - to check the vision and litter of the glass.

A non-meaning person can give a t-shirt with a humorous inscription. If he is just going to marry, this thing will be to the place.

Ruor with an unforgettable inscription will not only serve as a sound amplifier, but also a classroom gift. Male will like to feel the commander at least in such a simple matter - to give orders and declare the next toast.

An unusual design safe can be positioned in a room or a cache, if any. Men will be able to decompose all their tools, hide secrets from his wife and even carry important and valuable things.

Not simple, but "smart", which will say how much you collected ash. Such a gift joke for a birthday is easy to make himself, applying the skills of the welder and an electron. Not trouble, if you did not hold the welding machine - buy such a souvenir in any jokes store.

Yes, yes, such a funny birthday present will cause delight from any man. As you know, the girl will not walk with such a lighter, and the man just give the opportunity to take care of the lady and give to see such a beauty. Reasons for jokes will be a bunch.

Do not want to play role-playing games, then we suggest playing sports-seductive - mega-sheet for real craftsmen. Which of men will not want to at least try themselves as a strategist, especially in bed.

From the souvenir area, such a symbolic gift will be to the place only as an addition to something more global. With humor, you can go to the presentation - to give a basket with goodies and sentenced so that it is always tasty and rich in it.

A miracle mirror, which is always nice to look, no matter how you look. Give a man to feel like an emperor of the morning awakening.

The price of such sets and the presents is not large, and to spend money on a surprise for fun sin not to take advantage of such a case. The best friend or buddy will appreciate the joke in the company of friends. But the girl is better to choose something delicate.

Here you will find a few more ideas of gifts:

Funny gifts for women

Cute and pretty jokes will be appropriate only among girls. They can discuss a variety of gifts among themselves, even poorly cooked. If we talk about surprises, then male friends are better to prepare something more "light" in the perception of comic gifts.

A peculiar desktop lamp that will look at the table. The leg resembles two of the hidden lovers from the extra eyes.

Such a rug perfectly manites look and looks good on the background of a naked tanned body. Any beauty will be happy to appear in a beautiful bathing suit.

You can envy the creators of such a postcard, where you can also add words of congratulations. The same object looks like indoor slippers, naturally, which no one will never wear. But he will always come in handy just in case.

Women's type of hours, when it does not matter what time it is now. Indeed, why are you interested in time, if you still be late for a date.

Such a simple gift can be given to a woman who has no shortcomings. One only she will have to eat, proving that it is ideal, and no minuses have been revealed.

Tableware with funny motivating inscriptions will always please the girl, especially the one that does not need diets. So, for the future, it can be prepersed for himself with her beloved if suddenly the extra kilograms will appear.

The thing, of course, is useful in the kitchen, but carries a comic meaning. No one will donate the portion of Macaron, to eat them in a plate above until 6 pm.

If the camouflage form is made for disguise, then the apron for a woman from the same fabric and colors will mask it under an ideal housewife. And in the house, the scout!

Or such funprises:

Here you chose a comic birthday gift for congratulations to your favorite friend, relative or lover. Now let's move on to the option of creating your own masterpiece - imagine that you are a god of humor, and now make a grand congratulation.

Read the same:

Comic gift - do ourselves

Below is a gift surprise for a birthday, which can be cooked independently.

For work you will need:

  • Bubble from under tablets;
  • Small candy;
  • Jelly worms;
  • Markers;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Printer.

Open the packaging of small candies. Select suitable sweets in color, you can divide them in the color scheme of them into several jars.

Jelly worms Telect the same principle as candy.

Take a jar from under pills, you can and the old empty bottle.

Clean it from the content, remove the sticker and glue from the old inscription.

Print the inscription on paper on the printer, or draw markers on the bottles of the name of sweet "tablets".

An alternative option can be made of several jars - divide candy and sweets according to the structure and colors, place them in jars and sign. Set is ready - sweet help will benefit all the happiness hormone suffering from lack.

Tip: If you want to make gifts to multiple birthday books, or congratulate a pair, create two bottles. It is also appropriate to put in jars from the syrups of chocolate and other goodies.

Universal Presents

The very presents that can be given to both men and women. In this matter, the main thing is to find the golden middleweight in the application of a gift.

Sold in jokes stores, on the Internet, and can be done. Box - according to the principle of addition (origami), printing image - Internet and printer to help. Filler - sweets and other goodies.

Does he also need a remedy for fatigue and depression. He with his beloved, and on the contrary, will be able to break the plate on happiness, which is offered just for such a case. Why beat the kitchen utensils when I really want to quarrel, as in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

A man or woman can give an interesting option for wall clock. Let the birthday party and not a mathematician or physicist, let him / she / she on "you", the present will additionally teach the mind to mind.

When you want to fly on the journey, but you need to have a plane landing. This is such an indecent sticker in the form of dollar bills on the torn side of the suitcase will surprise many fellow travelers and security services. Stickers are also sold in the form of prohibited preparations in bags, weapons and jewels.

Keychain with a secret that also beeps. He publishes the sound loud, and even pleases the owner of a surprise - an unexpected and funny sight, if you try the keychain for the first time.

When there is no chance on the loss, and the second half is not separated from the obligation to perform gaming debt. The main thing is that the game becomes a surprise, but in the male company jokes for the sake of too, you can also try to play friends.

Consider, wanted to try an experiment with a light bulb? Now it is possible - without consequences and pain, fear and risk. Lamp lollipop will allow you to experience the real feelings of adrenaline.

Comic souvenir, which theoretically you can use. He made from the real red brick, the weight impressive. So now if there are such weighty arguments, someone is unlikely to argue with you. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry with you, but it is better to leave at home for memory.

Such comic birthday gifts will make any holiday cheerful and bright. Do not forget about alternative gifts, where it is appropriate, since it is not always a person with a good sense of humor will be able to appreciate your efforts.

And do not forget, your birthday will be as follows - get ready for the reversal step and reserve forces to laugh from the soul.

In the video you will find a few more ideas of gifts:

Here is your baby

Baby - Golley.
We need to dress it.
So as not to frozen the child.

So as not to frozen the head,
Cape we stretch deftly. (give the cape)

So that something else did not happen
And the bottom of the underwear would not be watched,
Well, what are you laughing with whom does not happen?
Pampers us, in general, does not prevent (give diapers)

And if the bad will come
How to calm the child in moments?
Nipple in the mouth so as not shouting
He knew that life and more silently (give the pacifier).

Popular articles:

We will cover the eyes of birthday
I am intrigue for all 100!
What a gift with hand
So is it waiting for a long time ago?

Welcome, new, delightful,
And what is it - while the secret is.
Only to her, the beauty of captivating
We hand out what is not yet.

Accept congratulations comic,
And be happy every day,
How long we were in search of
Gift is just obsession.

Well, open soon your eyes!
And here is a surprise!
He is yours! Hooray!

Let me give you a gift
He is of course from the soul,
It is beautiful, useful, barking,
We hurry to use them.

Remember friends, of course
More often to visit guests.
Be a grazing shop
Tasty husband treat.

So that the eyes glowed with happiness,
Sponges fluffy from love,
And blush only from passion
Your cheeks were burning!

(As a gift, accompanied by this poem, any kitchen utensils, dishes, household kitchen appliances can be suitable, can be a culinary book, a tablecloth, etc.)

We thought ourselves here,

The whole evening reasoned:
What is a man
Crushed - flying milestone ???

Is happiness in baubles -
In vases from crystal, pillows?
In a given little river,
Ile on the finger rings?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

In the store we sealed,
And bought a present!

Miracle Apron - Wallet,
You think about his friend !!!

Apron is good by itself
Six pockets you will find!

The first "for friends" pocket!
It always lies a glass!
And in order to drive
When you need to pour !!!

For "love" pocket second!

there is a surprise big!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here is an earring candle!
And bills for flowers
To be to sex you are ready !!!

Third our pocket "Parents"
Happy and night you call you!
And to always be -
You need to buy a card!

And the fourth "kids ours"
And for them hold pockets!
Children need that guys?
Well, of course the money !!!

Fifth here pocket "job"
Our main concern!
Board yourself buy!
Not one, and immediately three !!!

And the sixth pockets "Your"
The most affectionate, native.
From him that you will take
To myself with love to tech.
We did not bother for you
Not tired and ruble.

From us a gift
We are a good word remember.
Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you a richly!

The birthday girl is beautiful,
Birthday Dear,
We came to you with a gift
With a bag full, big.

What is there? You guess!
You have long dreamed about
And today enjoy!
Owner you became ...

(At this moment you get the desired gift for handing a man happy birthday)

With him now do not part,
Sleep with him putting
Boast your gift
And your friends are loved!

Hello, sweet girlfriend!
Happy Birthday to You!
We will congratulate unusual
And gifts handed personally!

1.) Here is a gift for the soul,
Surprise do not rush
Gentle sponge
Kisses will be worth! (Pomade)

2.) And this gift is important!
Even if it is paper.
He always helps
Never fails! (Roll toilet paper)

3.) If the hole appeared,
Something, somewhere, was proud
That is certainly useful
Our gift for the maiden. (Threads and needles can be in the set)

4.) If everything is bad in the mirror,
They say the French strictly:
Just hair abyss,
Our shampoo is always with you! (Shampoo)

5.) so that the legs do not hurt,
Did not frozen, did not sweat
Give slippers to you
Do your foot fit? (Slippers)

6.) You are a big sweet tooth,
We know for sure!
We give you candy,
From his big soul! (Candy)

7.) To burn light in the house,
Our gift will come in handy
It's a light bulb you
Our red maiden! (Light bulb)

8.) You are not going to Lohudro
Here, take a comb take.
Shreds in the mane stroll,
Many people are seduced.

9.) Finally give a handle,
To paint the pay!

Birthday Imast
And the question stood before us
What a gift to us to buy?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what kind of hat is a dying,
Guys on the sight.
But, it seems like, not for the season
Summer Stamus hat

Well, I will not give it
And I will give the Bundan then! (Bandana)
Here in the bandan you are beautiful,
Only somehow so playfully.

No, let's in order:
Give us another hat.
Communication with sports will be strong
If we give a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap now
And she sits faintly,
Yes, and the color is not the topic at all,
No, I will throw this.

So that it is funny then to be
Cap you need to give
Remove all this nonsense -
Dressed as a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
This is the royal crown! (crown).

For the birthday, we give the pelvis, it will always be just.

You can wash the floors in it, you can milk cows,

You can collect berries, after drunking to blow up,

You can wash with him in the bath, he and there you come in handy,

You can wash in it linen, you can use the ass,

You can sow flour and hang on a bitch

You can ride from the slide, he always come in handy,

And how will it (.50.60 ...) We will come to you again

Cook for us around us, but find a bigger spoon,

We are the okroshka in the pelvis, we firm the anniversary,

In general, you will store it, do not break it wrong

In the yard do not leave and remove into place,

Happy anniversary, congratulations, everyone now wish to drink

Which stack, who, and we drink out of it.

Congratulations Men hold in the hands of brooms, like bouquets, and gifts: washup, cap, massage mittens, brush for legs, buty, thermometer.
First: who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a bunching squad!
Third: everyone will get it, we will warm up.
Come, people, bolder!
Fourth: very dirty people here ...
Fifth: recording for five years ahead!
Sixth: But today excitement
And such a message ...
Together: in our hall more couple
In honor of (name) - Jubilee!

First: we give a friend, we are a washway,
Tri, rustly, we do not feel sorry
If not only a fool -
You will be red, like cancer! (give the washcloth)
Together: Oh, Ah, Eh, Wow, emits, Brothers, Spirit!

Second: we give a hat on curls,
And when there will be no kudrey,
Sharp with a cap -
You will be a bath hero! (give a bath hat)
Together: Eh, Wow, ah, oh, and the parks are not bad at all!

Third: So that fat from the sides was removed -
Urgently give massage,
Oh, sorry, Massager,
So that you always have the body of ter! (give a massage mitten)
Together: Eh, Wow, Ah, oh, you are the spares of the fat person!

Fourth: Do you decide to swim in Thames,
Then use this pumice,
British, ordinary guys,
No need to scare heels! (give Penza)
Together: Ah, Wow, Oh, Eh, you are not sin!

Fifth: we will give this whip to,
If it is hot,
Beer from her bread,
This day would remember!
Together: Oh, oh, oh, wow, we would be a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you went through
And the park with more than disturbed,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe even shrinks even!
Together: Wow, Eh, Oh, Ah, the broom is the last sweep!

First: you, (name), our friend,
Pull the whole glass!
We have than to pay -
We can give a broom! (Assign their brooms).

Hello, well done man!
We came to the name day!
Yes with hands not empty
And the gifts are funny!

1.) In the morning you get up from the sofa,
And run in the bath,
So that the beard shave
There is no foam again, eat!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift for shaving foam)

2.) So shaved, combed
And the shirt looked after
That's the times! Well, where is the tie?
Well, where am I his business?

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift a beautiful tie)

3.) Dressed up to work,
It's time to have breakfast,
Coffee drink, where is the cup?
Ugh you, in a sink, dirty ...

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift mug)

4.) You run to work,
With a delay, trembling ...
Before sun get up
Creek, do not forget!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift alarm clock)

5.) You came to work -
Documents - a bunch!
Handles do not have, as for evil,
Well, sad case!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift Ballpoint pen)

6.) At work you are tired,
Doszagal car
Oh, as snow
Lob's glass!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift for a snow cleaning brush)

7.) And so that the wife waited for the house,
From desire died
Let me give you something ...
Although you yourself: Oh-go!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift Viagra)

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift calculator)

Finally, we wish
So that all the dreams come true,
And gifts were useful
And the case came!

All choir: - After all, we, because we, all gifts - just class !!!

"To get this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most remarkable components -" transparency ", in order to live the life of the jubilee, as the height and depth of the spring sky. Let him never raid clouds. They took the "fortress" because it is needed in overcoming vital difficulties. Added "degrees" so that they always be at the mark +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and the energy of the jubilee. "Light digestibility", so that all good, kind, bright came to his house. And "light dizziness" from happiness, love and fun. "

Terms of use of vodka:

It follows it then:
a) when the soul will ask for;
b) when the soul reaches;
c) when the soul is drowning;
d) after the bath or soul;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself in a vertical position;

2. Hold from children up to 16 years and from his wife;

3. Take care of fire;

4. Use under undiluted form, necessarily with a good snack;

5. With excessive vapor - poisonous ..

Although you are today a birthday boy
Lovel wreath you do not shine.
Take better you from us Lavra leaf bouquet (give the bay leaf)

Do not think to get angry -
Nail in the farm will come in handy (give a nail)

Wanted to give a flashlight
But we only found the ball (give the ball)

When you go walk,
So that the trousers with you did not sleep,
You have with you
This pin from steel (give a pin)

In this cup, this is poured
And slowly remove (give a cup)

After a wine gland to eat -
The thing is very important.
Here you have instead of a sleeve
Paper napkin (give a napkin)

And on the sweet we
There is a candy for you (give candy)

You got flowers, roses.
They are not faded in the cold (give a postcard with roses).

Hand the birthday girl is a big box wrapped with beautiful gift paper and with a beautiful bow.
Leading: (Name of the Jubilee), Try, Guess, and then open. This is 10 gifts in one! This is a puzzle gift, well, here's a hint.

1. This is the symbol of the beginning and end of the day!

2. This is an indicator of health!

3. This is the main achievement of human civilization!

4. This is a cosmonaut's dream!

5. This is the best friend of the booklement!

6. This is the answer to the question: "Where is the salary?"

7. This is something before anyone if it does not know, then bends your knees!

8. This is the saddle of the most voracious horse in the world!

9. This is porn xerox!

10. Well, the latter is the last chord in today's anniversary! Well, now open!

(The jubilee unfolds, and there is a seat with a lid for the toilet.)

Dear our birthday!
Although you already [and not] Filternicker,
Still joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the birthdays -
Also a reason for the gift.
Because - see yourself! -
We came here with gifts.

Birthday, dear!
We are to you - with all my heart!
But first-ka - pour.
Veday, respect for people!
No, we do not need alcohol,
We would like this
To only refresh your throat!
And let's start to give you
All that we took with you.
This is still a big work -
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
Jubilee road road
We are generously exciting.
And without requiring rewards
Start. All ready?
We are for a friend dear
Nothing regretted
Dotted barely barely.

(On these words, a large box is carried out, in which all the cooked gifts are folded, and begin to take each item alternately and read cool poems about every gift).

Gift number 1.

See what:
Here it is written: "Water".
And although there are no water here
We emphasize this moment:
After all, a bottle, even empty,
But what beautiful!
It is suitable at once.
Well, first, it is a vase.
Secondly - the dishes are
And not only for a bouquet:
For water and for compote,
And for tea with Bergamot.

Gift number 2.

Here is another "hello":
Put from cigarettes.
And "Hi" - from childhood he:
Remember - Summer, Stadium ...
Statercutter on Fizre ...
Sowing in the yard ...
Cigarettes were also -
You will not deny anything?
Although you do not smoke for a long time,
Putchka give daris anyway.
It is only worth throwing a look
To understand: Knight - poison!
Why do you ask, pack? -
You will hide in it a snack!

(these words are presented in cigarette pack - preferably empty)

Gift number 3.

Look out the same way
This bank is from under beer!
You can make a rattle,
Very nice toy -
Throw the coins of the pair!
What is not the joy of jubilee?
Rattle - isn't it?
And piggy bank for coins.

(these words are presented with an empty beer can be presented)

Gift number 4.

Here you have a present
Under the name of the Eurocent
If simply - a penny
Of the excellent stainless steel.
For what? So it's not a secret:
From presented coins
Birthday nice!
Let's not take the present back!
This is money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(present a coin and throw it into the already donated jar from the beer)

Gift number 5.

Here is another surprise,
Not a fad, not a caprication:
This is a candy candy.
Why do you ask, is it?
I want to infect an example:
Will become a collector!
This is the first instance.
Do you understand, jubilee?
Who buys pictures,
Who collects coins ...
Faltika reliable still:
After all, paintings are more expensive!
And, giving friends candy,
Falki shoot at the same time.

(in this place they are presented with candy candy)

Gift number 6.

And from steel refractory
We give you a pin.
You ask: why would you suddenly?
For gum! Understood friend?
You will say, maybe: "What is?
After all, now linen is another -
From "TRUSSARD", from "Dior" ... "-
Yes, what is the conversation?
But take friends not to flock,
Just like that - just in case!

(these words are presented with a conventional steel pin)

Gift number 7.

Look here, friend:
It is the matches of the box!
Chant, little thing? No not like this:
This is not a trifle.
Let you even not tourist,
Not an avid climber
But you will be able to
Like a fire in the soul!

(on these words present boxes of matches)

Gift number 8.

Give you we are glad
This tube from lipstick.
And although it is completely empty,
But beautiful women's mouth
He keeps touch.
Ay yes Tubik! Ploy!
And I can give advice:
Throw it in the pocket of the enemy!
Will revenge him in full
For you his wife!

(There is an empty tube from lipstick on this place)

Gift number 9.

See what charm:
Although still in place the jaw,
For teeth - eye yes eye!
We give me ... now, now ...
(swarming in the box)

Jubilee Accept ready
This thread for teeth?
Oh, it seems to be stolen ...
But we repent hardly -
Thread is simple, usual
Somehow actually actually.
And made a mistake - not trouble:
We will be useful!

(In these words, the coil of ordinary threads is presented, you can not new)

Gift number 10.

And now it's seriously
We solve the "dental question".
It is pasta. Yes, dental!
Aromatic one!
We know, tried too ...
True, we are doubtful:
Is it worth it to give?
For a new buy
We did not have time today.
But give - in fact!

(In these words, a toothpaste tube is presented - in accordance with the text it follows this case to take exactly the toothpaste tube)

Gift number 11.

Giving a cup! Yes friends?
Look - she is yours!
Know, did you search for her at home?
We see - a cup of familiar.
What for? The answer here is simple:
Wonderful toast sounds
Well, you're as usual.
From dishes drink usual!
And imagine that you are drinking tea:
Not drunk and do not miss!
Drink "Pepsi", if hot.
Drink it is better from the gift?

(A cup belonging to the birthday room is presented in these words)

Gift number 12.

Everything, ended gifts.
But no: the envelope without a brand!
The reason will suddenly
And the converter is at hand!
At least a letter, and at least a note -
After all, to the mail the way is not free!
However, it is better not to pull,
And in the converter look!

(these words are presented with envelopes with money prepared as a gift)

And now we have it all
To roll together "Hurray"!

(All guests pick up and many times honored the celebration of the celebration)

[In the event that not money is assumed as a gift, and something else, donors will behave independently poems a gift].

Hello, our long-awaited day
We came here not in vain,
The table is covered, nyliza wine glasses,
Can the holiday of October?
Maybe we meet the new year?
Or Maja came here?
Birthday Covered
Among us - newborn
We congratulate all her
But, and drink it from a glass,
The idea is not given!
We will give this nipple.
Let suck - it's time
And for us for her health
To drink a long time!
Let it grow and does not hurt
Collects us once a year.
It would be health,
And the rest will come!

In this gentle and affectionate evening, when the relatives are already all at the table
You accept my gift is a modest one - a nasal three-wire handkerchief.
(I give the jubilee a pre-prepared handkerchief.)
I bought it in Orenburg, I care about you, as a mother.
I am ready to you, dear, not a handkerchief - to give a towel.
(I hand the jubilee towel.)
Let everyone jealous in the hall, we will not disappear guests.
So that my gifts were not stolen, I will ask all the napkins to distribute.
(Napkins are distributed to all those present.)
Age is not only because of the years when hot blood is in the veins.
So let's fill the glasses for the jubilee and faith in love!

Happy Birthday Congratulations, you wish you all the kind. We give the technique to you, and fashion clothes. To remove quickly apartments with a marvelous car, in the reflection very simple our "Rate" vacuum cleaner. He will upset any nose, will remove all your chaos. Gently in the handles you will take, in different sides, Mahnesh MiG Dirt from the whole apartment will split - there is no dust. He will not take a lot of places, in any crack will enter. Saves Kilowatt, does not buzz and lose weight. It will be glistened in the house, there's no dust to fly. (broom)

Here is the device "Just in case" in his life he is the best assistant, with him and grief - not trouble. He will always help you. And the name of the sonorous enema is a scientific. It is not difficult to apply it, we will apply the instructions. (enema)
Use it every day and will pass your migraine slags all of you he will lead to a slim body look. In general, we are talking to you, in life he will not be replaced. With an extensive throat, you can rinse the throat when repairing the same apartment you can spray the paint. Once with him in the country, you spray bushes and then how crazy blooms everywhere. I think you made sure that you give you a miracle and now in life you can safely go with him together.

As for the outfit, you will soon be put on you, you will be chic Baba and Madonna - just a shadow. Winter cowards on the cotton are suitable as it is impossible, because in November, cold on the courtyard. Quickly put on men to laughter. You are not so difficult to warm up and frozen it is not possible to wear hot rates to live any strumbs. (diapers)

Here is your baby

Baby - Golley.
We need to dress it.
So as not to frozen the child.

So as not to frozen the head,
Cape we stretch deftly. (give the cape)

So that something else did not happen
And the bottom of the underwear would not be watched,
Well, what are you laughing with whom does not happen?
Pampers us, in general, does not prevent (give diapers)

And if the bad will come
How to calm the child in moments?
Nipple in the mouth so as not shouting
He knew that life and more silently (give the pacifier).

We will cover the eyes of birthday
I am intrigue for all 100!
What a gift with hand
So is it waiting for a long time ago?

Welcome, new, delightful,
And what is it - while the secret is.
Only to her, the beauty of captivating
We hand out what is not yet.

Accept congratulations comic,
And be happy every day,
How long we were in search of
Gift is just obsession.

Well, open soon your eyes!
And here is a surprise!
He is yours! Hooray!

Let me give you a gift
He is of course from the soul,
It is beautiful, useful, barking,
We hurry to use them.

Remember friends, of course
More often to visit guests.
Be a grazing shop
Tasty husband treat.

So that the eyes glowed with happiness,
Sponges fluffy from love,
And blush only from passion
Your cheeks were burning!

(As a gift, accompanied by this poem, any kitchen utensils, dishes, household kitchen appliances can be suitable, can be a culinary book, a tablecloth, etc.)

We thought ourselves here,

The whole evening reasoned:
What is a man
Crushed - flying milestone ???

Is happiness in baubles -
In vases from crystal, pillows?
In a given little river,
Ile on the finger rings?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

In the store we sealed,
And bought a present!

Miracle Apron - Wallet,
You think about his friend !!!

Apron is good by itself
Six pockets you will find!

The first "for friends" pocket!
It always lies a glass!
And in order to drive
When you need to pour !!!

For "love" pocket second!

there is a surprise big!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here is an earring candle!
And bills for flowers
To be to sex you are ready !!!

Third our pocket "Parents"
Happy and night you call you!
And to always be -
You need to buy a card!

And the fourth "kids ours"
And for them hold pockets!
Children need that guys?
Well, of course the money !!!

Fifth here pocket "job"
Our main concern!
Board yourself buy!
Not one, and immediately three !!!

And the sixth pockets "Your"
The most affectionate, native.
From him that you will take
To myself with love to tech.
We did not bother for you
Not tired and ruble.

From us a gift
We are a good word remember.
Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you a richly!

The birthday girl is beautiful,
Birthday Dear,
We came to you with a gift
With a bag full, big.

What is there? You guess!
You have long dreamed about
And today enjoy!
Owner you became ...

Let the entrance waiting for Rolls Royce,
All the best to you, good luck,
Sign with the inscription "Hero"
At the two-storey cottage,
Beautiful wife, friends
And the mother-in-law that is not angry.
I wish this cool day
Dance and have fun!

I wish the sea of \u200b\u200badventure!
Cheerful, devotees!
Shopping new - without torment,
And summer holiday - without clauses.
I wish the girls beautiful,
A huge birthday cake
Bosses - always courtesy
And Birthday is the highest grade!

I wish you a lot to smile
Be the winner in everything
I wish to dress stylish
And be in your work well done!
I wish that on the horizon
There was no teaching and clouds.
In order to some front,
You were addressed and mighty!

I wish to be irresistible
Be the indicator of the manner
I wish to be indispensable
In any of the areas needed in the life.
So that the money did not get the chickens,
To make a career in the mountain
Delight to your nature
Any girl came.

I wish to combine with luck
Any female dreams.
Possess the sea to the sea class
Be the ideal of beauty
Give diamonds without parsing,
Pumped and slim to be
Suit wearing a chic at time,
Bristle stop wearing ...
Then all women in the world
We will be conquered.
But you have all these
Stick. You are so playboy!

Let there be many adventures
Machines, cigars, beautiful ladies.
Let there be no chagrin.
And money whole kilogram
Let a house in the safe expects
Let the sea stand on the sea.
Let the "Bentley" sparkle in the garage
And in it from the yacht key lies.

I wish to be a handsome macho
And women boldly conquer!
I wish joy, good luck
And never lose heart!
I wish to win the lottery
Two million and "Porsche",
To jolie was yours
And so that Spring was in the soul!

I wish never shave
And so that the bristles did not grow.
I wish to achieve a lot
Scoring, at the same time, on business.
Let everything in life succeed
Patriarchate reigns in the family,
Let your luck be poured on you,
Like Niagara Falls!

Let your life be beautiful!
Let it be all type-top!
The efforts are not in vain!
Roads - but no signs "Stop"!
I wish the holidays - without everyday life!
And drinkers - no hangover!
Work - monetary, easy!
And eternal fun!

To not wise long,
I decided to give
Root valuable drug
For soul and for health
"Khren - Uppa", "Stren Ponadl",
Klasi is always on the table.
To forget our problems,
Holding clasi and in soup and porridge.
If you are tormented by montraga,
Fuck on bread and a boiler of the smear.
And so that there were no problems
All things are putting on horseradish.
There is every vitamin in it,
Budrost will add strength.
To work to dawn,
Strong sodium head.
He is from the Bitner Balsam
And if they pester
You can send everyone to hell!

Change beads from macaroni

We can not you on the birthday of dear gifts to give
Because with such prices, we will not buy anything anywhere.
But do not think that we are not attentive, you are more expensive than gifts of anyone,
Just we are wonderful on this day only to love you.
At least we can not you on the birthday of dear gifts to give
But nevertheless, with great efforts, we could buy something.
And we want to wish you the Sea of \u200b\u200bHappiness, Health, Love,,
And give you a necklace, and you put on your shoulders.
You are from moli, frost keep it, in it, you will have a dawn and sunset,
At an hour, hungry for himself, herself, and do not need huge costs.
If sadness and sorrows will visit you, overclocked them miracle miracles,
And sell this gift wonderful, and buy Dear Mercedes.

"And we have a present for you!" After the words of the leading guests must shout together:
"And we, and we have a present for you!"

We are not in vain today
Together gathered, friends!
Everywhere jokes, congratulations,
Wanted to the birthday of the birthday.
Birthday is just
We will congratulate it now!
Well, guests, connect
And shout that there is forces,
Like someone for something
Very bit too much.

Hello, sweet girlfriend!
Happy Birthday to You!
We will congratulate unusual
And gifts handed personally!

1.) Here is a gift for the soul,
Surprise do not rush
Gentle sponge
Kisses will be worth! (Pomade)

2.) And this gift is important!
Even if it is paper.
He always helps
Never fails! (Roll toilet paper)

3.) If the hole appeared,
Something, somewhere, was proud
That is certainly useful
Our gift for the maiden. (Threads and needles can be in the set)

4.) If everything is bad in the mirror,
They say the French strictly:
Just hair abyss,
Our shampoo is always with you! (Shampoo)

5.) so that the legs do not hurt,
Did not frozen, did not sweat
Give slippers to you
Do your foot fit? (Slippers)

6.) You are a big sweet tooth,
We know for sure!
We give you candy,
From his big soul! (Candy)

7.) To burn light in the house,
Our gift will come in handy
It's a light bulb you
Our red maiden! (Light bulb)

8.) You are not going to Lohudro
Here, take a comb take.
Shreds in the mane stroll,
Many people are seduced.

9.) Finally give a handle,
To paint the pay!

Birthday Imast
And the question stood before us
What a gift to us to buy?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what kind of hat is a dying,
Guys on the sight.
But, it seems like, not for the season
Summer Stamus hat

Well, I will not give it
And I will give the Bundan then! (Bandana)
Here in the bandan you are beautiful,
Only somehow so playfully.

No, let's in order:
Give us another hat.
Communication with sports will be strong
If we give a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap now
And she sits faintly,
Yes, and the color is not the topic at all,
No, I will throw this.

So that it is funny then to be
Cap you need to give
Remove all this nonsense -
Dressed as a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
This is the royal crown! (crown).

For the birthday, we give the pelvis, it will always be just.

You can wash the floors in it, you can milk cows,

You can collect berries, after drunking to blow up,

You can wash with him in the bath, he and there you come in handy,

You can wash in it linen, you can use the ass,

You can sow flour and hang on a bitch

You can ride from the slide, he always come in handy,

And how will it (.50.60 ...) We will come to you again

Cook for us around us, but find a bigger spoon,

We are the okroshka in the pelvis, we firm the anniversary,

In general, you will store it, do not break it wrong

In the yard do not leave and remove into place,

Happy anniversary, congratulations, everyone now wish to drink

Which stack, who, and we drink out of it.

Congratulations Men hold in the hands of brooms, like bouquets, and gifts: washup, cap, massage mittens, brush for legs, buty, thermometer.
First: who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a bunching squad!
Third: everyone will get it, we will warm up.
Come, people, bolder!
Fourth: very dirty people here ...
Fifth: recording for five years ahead!
Sixth: But today excitement
And such a message ...
Together: in our hall more couple
In honor of (name) - Jubilee!

First: we give a friend, we are a washway,
Tri, rustly, we do not feel sorry
If not only a fool -
You will be red, like cancer! (give the washcloth)
Together: Oh, Ah, Eh, Wow, emits, Brothers, Spirit!

Second: we give a hat on curls,
And when there will be no kudrey,
Sharp with a cap -
You will be a bath hero! (give a bath hat)
Together: Eh, Wow, ah, oh, and the parks are not bad at all!

Third: So that fat from the sides was removed -
Urgently give massage,
Oh, sorry, Massager,
So that you always have the body of ter! (give a massage mitten)
Together: Eh, Wow, Ah, oh, you are the spares of the fat person!

Fourth: Do you decide to swim in Thames,
Then use this pumice,
British, ordinary guys,
No need to scare heels! (give Penza)
Together: Ah, Wow, Oh, Eh, you are not sin!

Fifth: we will give this whip to,
If it is hot,
Beer from her bread,
This day would remember!
Together: Oh, oh, oh, wow, we would be a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you went through
And the park with more than disturbed,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe even shrinks even!
Together: Wow, Eh, Oh, Ah, the broom is the last sweep!

First: you, (name), our friend,
Pull the whole glass!
We have than to pay -
We can give a broom! (Assign their brooms).

Hello, well done man!
We came to the name day!
Yes with hands not empty
And the gifts are funny!

1.) In the morning you get up from the sofa,
And run in the bath,
So that the beard shave
There is no foam again, eat!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift for shaving foam)

2.) So shaved, combed
And the shirt looked after
That's the times! Well, where is the tie?
Well, where am I his business?

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift a beautiful tie)

3.) Dressed up to work,
It's time to have breakfast,
Coffee drink, where is the cup?
Ugh you, in a sink, dirty ...

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift mug)

4.) You run to work,
With a delay, trembling ...
Before sun get up
Creek, do not forget!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift alarm clock)

5.) You came to work -
Documents - a bunch!
Handles do not have, as for evil,
Well, sad case!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift Ballpoint pen)

6.) At work you are tired,
Doszagal car
Oh, as snow
Lob's glass!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift for a snow cleaning brush)

7.) And so that the wife waited for the house,
From desire died
Let me give you something ...
Although you yourself: Oh-go!

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift Viagra)

All choir: - And we, and we have a gift for you! (As a gift calculator)

Finally, we wish
So that all the dreams come true,
And gifts were useful
And the case came!

All choir: - After all, we, because we, all gifts - just class !!!

I wish to plant trees
Alley, Sons Rota
Raise Houses village.
Customize your wife.
And after the righteous work
Holidays come from work:
No need to build companies,
Plant children, raise homes ...

Let be the beer and fishing!
Garage, hunting and football!
Metallol home dump
And with her immortal rock and roll!
Let it be with angelic patience
Move your wife.
Well, after all, at least on the birthday,
She will be patient ...

I wish to live, not knowing grief!
Cheerful to be and not to trust!
I wish the house to have by the sea,
But, mostly in Penthouse live.
I wish the limousine huge
And in it champagne with caviar ...
Such a gifts are immodest
Will give someone else!

From distant from Siberia,
From deaf taiga places
You sent a parcel.
Here even there is an opis.

Although the life is shy,
And glimpse is not visible
But hell's drugs
Save everyone, obviously.
Namazh you fucking
Famous places,
And will be provided
Life for you to one hundred years!

Collection of herbs Taiga Herbralif
On recipes for old
Prepared this collection.
He is just like a guidance
Make an emphasis on it.

Garlic and leek
You are always friends with them.
Friendship of this value.
And they will save you
From all diseases and ailment!

Live water (brine)
Kohl at night the feast lasts,
And in the morning my head hurts
Glass - Another such water
You will not hurt you.

Elixir Youth (Moonshine)
And drink this drink
Every day you take.
And five - six teaspoons
Add in tea Ile coffee add.

He is a pill pill useful
He helps from a hundred illnesses:
From Handra, cholera, from typhoid and plague,
From dehumancake, from scabies, gold
And every other bonuses.

From insomnia, Schalu and other infection.
Accepted at any time of the day,
But not on an empty stomach.
Look, garlic, lard,
Khrenovina or in Mundra Potatoshina!

Beets and cabbage
In vegetables, all vitamins.
This ahead goes.
He himself will smoke all wrinkles
And the blush will bring.

Gifts, postcards and greetings
Cause wonderful sensations.
To reveal to us,
Glasses should be pouring.

Hello, dear friends! Immediately I want to clarify that the word "funny" refers to the slang vocabulary, and means a joke, a cheerful output. But how to successfully joke, inventing the presentation of a birthday gift with a joke, I will tell you in this article. Surely you have experience in presenting cool things that you remember your relatives, friends and acquaintances in the pleasant sense of the word.

Indeed, a memorable surprise is when unusual. And funny things just help winningly stand out among the standard presents. Therefore, I do not at least detract from the merits of classic gifts, joking things are still of great importance on the holiday. But you should not think that any joke is suitable, on the contrary, not so easy to cheer the birthday girl, guests. Therefore, the presentation of a surprise for a birthday with a joke is responsible.

What do you need to know?

  • First, the very birthman. Is it ready to understand your idea whether it is possible to consider him a man with humor? Maybe a person dreams of a new smartphone.
  • Secondly, if you know for sure that your friend will understand a hint, will be delighted with the arrival of you, then get ready in advance, taking into account the nuances. The fact is that such things require perhaps more time than ordinary. It is advisable to think over everything to the smallest detail so that there is no zaminka so that everything worked on time.
  • Third, a joke joke, and something useful should be preferably present. Such with us morals: I need to benefit from presented. Therefore, after a cheerless thing, handing out, even if you do not expensive, but a useful thing. Nevertheless, congratulations on his birthday should be not only for laughter, but also sincere.

Funny congratulations to the birthday man

Funny option can be imprisoned not even in the present, but just as you beat him. This is enough to be original, raise the mood to the perpetrator of the celebration and guests. Funny poems will attract attention, walked all those present, perhaps will be a nail of the program.

Comic billets you can prepare yourself, converting a famous song or dedicate to the owner of the poetry house. Friendly cartoon also belongs to the billets with humor. People who understand, appreciate such fun, leave such congratulations into memory, happy with pleasure to tell children and grandchildren.

Following comic verses, a present is usually awarded. If he is the same character as the congratulatory text, then we can assume it is the logical conclusion of your surprise. And if you still think the scenario of the presentation of a funny subject, then the present speech will be. What can include the script of what is happening?

  • If you congratulate a few people, then the script reflects the distribution of roles with the speech of each speaker.
  • All replicas, scenes, songs also include a script, indicating the event sequence.
  • It is indicated by the timing of events, if you need to adhere to time.
  • Also in the script indicates who presents a gift who helps and so on.

Gift with joke woman

For starters, find out if you can joke with a woman who is going to give a subject with humor. A woman who appreciates such things will be satisfied for his birthday, will remember him without offense.

Women can give:

  • Tableclothwhich jokes for the sake of sake can be called self-bare. In words, note that it is given as a reward a better hostess, so that she always covers the table for long-awaited guests.
  • Small matYou called as a carpet airplane. Words to note that he is given by the avid traveler.
  • The closest people can afford to hand jewelry casketAt the same time say, to be full full of box with diamonds. And since they themselves can not find that diamond, which is created precisely for her, give only a box.

Gift with a joke girl

  • A girl who adores music can be presented langular accordionwhich will easily fit in the handbag. Suggest to use it, for example, in a minibus or in "traffic jams".
  • You can donate radio, one in one like an iPhone. When congratulating, note that, looking at him, you can represent, as if it is a real iPhone.
  • Case from tablet Also will cheer the girl if at the same time say that it is the beginning of her dreams, get a cool tablet for a holiday.
  • Student can be donated alarm clock, outwardly similar to a regular pager.
  • Beach hat With a hint of rest on the sea. Let her bring her dream.
  • Hanger, preferably bright, expensive. Present it as if it is a hanger for martial fur coats or sable.

In itself, the presentation of a fun subject can accompany the original poem. It can be a comic toast, a poster that you did in advance. Or a transparency, also ordered in advance, stretched at the time of congratulations in front of the bedroom windows. Song under karaoke, which will be performed by friends.

If there is no time to prepare the festive text, you can pick up a postcard with a funny pattern, beating her handing, reading what is written.

It is difficult to come up with something unusual when it seems that everything was already. However, it is worth thinking how to surprise the birthday room. Perhaps it will be a special quest invented for your friend a team of professionals. Or the magician, whom you invite the day of jam. Comic focuses will definitely wore the culprit celebrations and guests.

Gifts man

Perhaps most men, with pleasure react to ideas with humor.

  • Dachin Men can be given instead of chipping for weeding - swordwhich "magic" way will help shed grass.
  • Hunter, fisherman or just a fan of nature to offer Kizzy boots. They can be called boogus-fractures, specifying that they will help him always and everywhere.
  • Buy hat-invisible. This is an ordinary riot hat with a slot for the eyes. If it appears unnoticed, you can use it.
  • A man who builds a house or dreams of him, present mailbox. Let the dream come true!
  • Lover of water adventure will like circle to rescue. Especially if a man dreams of his own boat or rubber boat.

Presenting small gifts

Sometimes it happens to congratulate cleanly symbolically, handing a small presentation. It may be a small lighter in the form of lipstick, flash drive in the form of an animal figurine, a set of buttons, etc. And so that the little thing is simply not lost and looked in the background of others no less interesting, it is worth the wrap "in a hundred clothes".

In a word, the bulk packaging will attract not only attention, but intrigues, which is there in the package. In addition to numerous wrappers, you can put a small object in a large box with paper, offering a birthday name in this packaging a bauble designed to him. Thus, you will get a small scene, which you can take on the phone, right there by sending the perpetrator of the celebration. Words in the scene can be both improvisation and pre-thought-out.

Any gift is attention. It is not necessary to be an artist to cheer the birthday girl, guests.

A little fantasy! Festive mood will cause a smile, will give an unforgettable emotion. Therefore, you joke from the soul, laugh, because the laughter prolongs life! Give things with pleasant tricks, write comic greetings, surprise others, surprise yourself. This can be done, for example, using a conventional banana and smelting:

Bright holidays for you, grateful birthdaynikov! Rada always help you! I will be grateful if we recommend us to friends, colleagues, relatives. Do not forget to subscribe to updating our blog. Good luck with a gift!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva