Caucasian toasts, parables, jokes on the anniversary of a woman. Caucasian toasts, parables, jokes for anniversary women toasts for a birthday woman 45

45 years old is such an age when everything that has been done is already behind, but the most interesting thing is still ahead. This is the age when you did a lot and was worthy of the highest praise, but still need to achieve a lot. This is when you are already wise and experienced, but the child sits in the soul, thirsty and fame. This is when you are the best for everyone, but the starry hour will come very soon. So let's congratulate our jubilee today and wish health, and tomorrow - success in all the coming life!

For your 45
I do not blush
Keep everyone surprised
Forget problems!

I drink for youth, for beauty,
For your beautiful years,
I drink for life, I drink for the dream,
You never be sad!

Every anniversary is famous in his own way: in sixteen you are happy about the hopes for the "adult" life, you are twenty convinced that it is prescribed to pay, thirty in the first success of children, in forty you bring the first results, to forty-five you enter the taste of unpredictable life. Let all the best take place on time!

Today, when we gathered at such a significant occasion as forty-five years of our birthday, I want to raise a glass for him and say that there are the most important things in life, but they are not at all things. These are feelings - faith, hope and love! So let these most important things are always present in the life of our jubilee!

Anniversary is always more than just a birthday. So on such a day I want to wish that all the desires come true, but only in the "forty-step-painting" size. And from myself I wish for strength and health all anniversaries in the same bodiment of the arrangement of the Spirit.

It is said that in 45 - Baba berry again. So raise the same glasses for the 45th anniversary of our berry. Let the conceived to come into reality!

On the day of your 45th anniversary I want to raise a glass for your life and then gained momentum. After all, what is 45 years old? This is age when life has already become partly clear, and you surround our relatives and relatives. For your future acts and happiness, which waits for you ahead!

The fortieth anniversary was noted, it was impossible - the sign is bad. Well, even if everything is bad, together with this admission, will remain behind, because today you are 45, and on this birthday you can "break away in full". Have fun and "ignite"! Let all your life will be, as if today's anniversary, bright, festive, fun and carefree.

In 45, a new page opens in life. From now on, it is possible to radically rewrite your life. The main thing is what you want to wish you, the jubilee, is not to stop dreaming. Put yourself goals, work on yourself, and they will be implemented. But remember, believe in your dream, only then you will get a positive response!

It is said that in our life there is no accidents and coincidences! Everything happens exactly when you need! I want to raise a glass for our birthday, let in his life even the most unprecedented coincidences lead to the desired results!

Children are already adults, the work is stable. What then wish in 45? Probably understanding, patience, forget all the bitterness and resentment. Let this year fly as in a fairy tale. Be desired and beloved woman!

Today, with the joy of "our sweet berry" with 45 years anniversary, congratulations. Let music always play music, life wisdom with a young burrow is combined, and desires without problems come true.

Despite the fact that you have an anniversary today and is completed, you are perfect, beautiful, young and charming. Keep the best qualities for a long time. Let your children and grandchildren be proud of you. I wish you only the best! For you!

Dear birthday girl, congratulations on a wonderful birthday, with an anniversary, with the 45th anniversary! Let the magic fairy tale be this day, let him bring a lot of Westa and only good. Thank you for the fate for seeing this beautiful world!

It is said that you can escape from all anything, but only from yourself. I want to raise a glass in honor of this beautiful woman and wish her never to run away from myself. That's it for her always run!

45 To you today,
I congratulate me,
You are wonderful, excellent,
You are driving all men crazy!

Stay so much so
For you today I drink,
Happy anniversary congratulations
Frank your dream!

What a miracle, be 45 so beautiful and desirable! Let today, in the anniversary, pours joy of the stream. Let the music playing, happily smiling friends. Let it be bad for good correct, everything in life is possible quickly and easily! For you!

We lower the exaggerated comparison with the berry. And it's not about the Babo now we will talk. Our dear birthday girl is charming, like a nymph and is also elegant in bends and movements. But today, I want to drink not for her beautiful shape, but for the flexibility of mind and the positive, which she adds one of its presence. For your 45!

Not in vain speak 45 - you are berries again. That's right, like a berry juicy and bright overflowing in the sun, so you shine and emit good. You can only envy your activity, and the lives of all people around you are made saturated and unforgettable. Continue in the same direction - instill optimism in the head of even the most boring people!

They say that in forty-five, like a berry again. We drink for the birthday day! So that she was a blush, like ripe strawberry and poured by beauty and wisdom with each new anniversary. We wish in the life of a clear sun, let him warm our berry with its rays.

Our berry today,
All beautiful and mile
She has an excellent reason
Celebrates anniversary!

Let you drink today
Standing, and straight to the bottom,
I wish you from the heart
Happiness, joy, good!

Our berry, congratulations on you,
And I wish from the soul today
In order to live in life,
And so that everything is fine!

In order not to know the burning soul,
So that your beauty is always blooming,
To be young and fresh
I drink today to the bottom for you!

45 To you today,
In such a wonderful anniversary
I wish health
New, fresh ideas!

I wish by the sea
Dacha build yourself
So that the soul did not know pain,
So that everyone is beautiful!

For you, for your happiness,
I will drink now to the bottom,
You're smart, sweet, beautiful,
Whether you always!

For the birthday!

45 To you today,
And wish a long life
Joy, good!

I drink today for happiness,
Per delight and beauty,
You shine like the sun
Improving bold dreams!

Be rich and beloved
And on full live
God let pass by
Not sad, do not be sad!

It is said that you can escape from all anything, but only from yourself. I want to raise a glass in honor of this beautiful woman and wish her never to run away from myself. That's it for her always run!

45 To you today,
I congratulate me,
You are wonderful, excellent,
You are driving all men crazy!

Stay so much so
For you today I drink,
Happy anniversary congratulations
Frank your dream!

Funny toasts for 45 years old woman
Anniversary 45 years is a day that can not be skid. On the congratulations are collected unique toasts with an anniversary woman.


Toasts for 45 years

Anniversary toast 45 years

Toasts in prose and verses on 45th and summer.

Toast in verse for 45 years.

Fly like birds over the sea -
Our many years of year.
"45" is a little bit much?
We ask us a question always.
This age of wisdom value,
After all, you have enough of you.
We wish the lives fair
To smile you fate.
Many cash equivalents
We wish you to chain.
From love, from joy, from happiness,
Songs ringing from morning to night.
Let Fortuna in the hands rushes
And always with you nearby.
Happy anniversary, congratulations together
Wine wines on the edge!

Well, here and forty five -
I congratulate the anniversary!
I wish you trouble not to know
Everything else - the swear!
Support you and help -
Native, close, friends.
Wish You happiness and health,
And will be long years!

Toast for 45 years in prose.

On the day of your birthday, on the day of the 45th anniversary, I want to raise a glass for your wisdom and experience. As they say in the film "Moscow I do not believe in tears" - at 45 years old life is just beginning. And if you believe this statement, then today you are just starting your life path, but at the same time you already have extensive knowledge and invaluable life experience. So let's drink for your wisdom at such a young age. Happy anniversary!

There is a reason to meet again
On the days are very joyful these.
To you today - "45",
You can no younger in the world!
Small and fun you,
Not today. And in our power
We wish you love
Good luck - Mountains, the sea - happiness!
Love light and hotly
Easy to see everything around
Live in health yet
At forty five years old - three times!

Today we have a reason -
After all, the anniversary and birthday!
We will not lose moments -
After all, they are quickly flying!
And we drink friends for
To in your forty five!
You always looked at 5,
And there was no doubt about it!

For "45" there were only -
Days of joyful, well, and adversity.
So let them fight happily
Your future happy year!
And never on your shoulders
Does not fall the load of everyday trouble.
Wish You happiness and health
For many, many long years!

Toast for 45 years old woman.

Fly the year, as if fluff with poplars,
And sad, accomplishing their gaze,
But the year - not the trouble, "45" - nonsense,
Kohl friends are faithful.
Just need to always be funny, alive,
Smile to friends and acquaintances
And his soul to be always young
At work, with friends and at home!

Today everyone is slimmer and younger
You are so gentle, wise and cheerful,
And speaking in truth, unlikely -
That this date came to you.
Let him behave happy road
And luck is waiting for you on the way,
45, believe me, not so much
Only 15 after thirty!

"45" - a wonderful age,
It's time, happiness and love,
And "berry" you are called no wonder,
All nightingale sing your soul.
We gave you the whole world I wanted
Lights of stars and mesh face.
So that, as before, we sang together with us,
And all the desires are fulfilled!

Toasts for 45 years
The collector of the toast to the 45th anniversary from the "Toast to the Anniversary" section will help you choose beautiful and gentle words to congratulate the jubilee.


Beautiful and funny cool toasts for 45 years old woman

Forty five is not even age, but a polite reminder that a woman is good, like a ripe berry. We wish to know all the beauty of maturity, to keep the charm in your heart and the charm of youth, everything is also to remain charming and cute.
For the birthday!

No matter how hard that I tried to build you by this arrogance saying about the similarities of women and berries, I assure you - it concerns only "Bab." But a beautiful mature girl in 45 is more like a bouquet of beautiful and expensive colors, which pleases everyone around! Happy Birthday! All the best to you, do not stop at what happened!

In 45, the woman becomes more free. Children adults, beauty is present, courage and experience at least debug. Excellent set for madness. I wish adventures, explosive emotions. Enjoy your freedom!

I ask everyone to raise my glasses in honor of our beautiful jubilee! May love in her life will always be love. After all, this is a feeling that seems to be fresh air, heals the soul and heart. Let her, often breathe with full of breasts with this air. Let her dreams embody and she always shines with the light of happiness!

45 To you today,
And wish a long life
Joy, good!

I drink today for happiness,
Per delight and beauty,
You shine like the sun
Improving bold dreams!

Be rich and beloved
And on full live
God let pass by
Not sad, do not be sad!

45 To you today,
In such a wonderful anniversary
I wish health
New, fresh ideas!

I wish by the sea
Dacha build yourself
So that the soul did not know pain,
So that everyone is beautiful!

For you, for your happiness,
I will drink now to the bottom,
You're smart, sweet, beautiful,
Whether you always!

As they say in forty-five - Baba Berry again! Flower and pour on with your beauty, boasting health, be in prosperity, let your love bloom in your soul, and luck will be at hand! Let your subsequent anniversaries you will only get better!

45, and you are beautiful
As if the rose you bloomed,
I drink for happiness, for your wealth,
To be loved!

Happy anniversary, vivid impressions,
Smile, rejoice, blooms,
And I wish inspiration
So that your dreams are fulfilled!

Our berry today,
All beautiful and mile
She has an excellent reason
Celebrates anniversary!

Let you drink today
Standing, and straight to the bottom,
I wish you from the heart
Happiness, joy, good!

In the section "Beautiful and cool funny toasts for 45 years, a woman in short SMS and verses (prose)" are presented with beautiful congratulations on various topics. Here you can pick up suitable words in a beautiful poem form. After all, we can not always express in words what we experience.

Hani / 2018.
Beautiful congratulations in verses - copyright materials. When using materials, an active link to the site is required.

Beautiful and funny cool toasts for 45 years old woman
The Fanies ~ Hani collected modern beautiful and funny cool toasts for 45 years old woman, in verse and prose. Surprisingly original and easily memorable. Please make dear people.

In this significant day, accept our congratulations on the anniversary! You saw only good moments in my life. Moored days of their colleagues and friends, you painted like an artist. You can always hear only warm words that sound like music. And, of course, without fear make decisions as a talented director of his destiny. Therefore, your life is similar to a wonderful movie. Let the film will never end!

45 years is age when life force and energy are combined with experience and self-confidence. This is the age when younth errors have long passed, and the challenges of old age will not appear soon. This is an age when you can sum up some results, but it is still too early to stop. This is the age when everything is balanced. I wish to keep this balance, this balance is not only in 45, but also in 85. Let anything in life there will be too little or too much. Happy Birthday!

What is 45 years old, this age when true wisdom appears in the eyes, this is the age when you start breathing with full breasts. At 45, a person is already completely deprived of unnecessary illusions (only necessary) remain), and at the same time he has no fatigue. Therefore, with the 45th anniversary of you! And let your age bring you good luck!

Dear jubique! Today a significant day is your birthday! Everything was in your life: and bad, and good, but today the time to remember only the best. And let what was in the life of a glorious, repeated, again and again bringing joy and happiness. And let all the unkind let go and rush. I wish you many more years to live a serene, getting pleasure from life!

45 years is the age of real achievements. This is the age when the number of years goes into the quality of cases. And I want to wish you, let your 45 years bring you only joy and victory! And let you ahead still waiting a lot of new, interesting and enjoyable!

You know that not only in this nice day, but in any other I wish you only from the pure heart and very sincerely the most beautiful and cheerful !!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, loyal friends, festive mood, execution of cherished desires and creative accomplishments! Happy anniversary!

I wish every moment to feel the patronage of the goddess Venus, be hotly beloved and demanded by destiny! Through the anniversary to go through the life of a light gait, with a smile and shining from happiness with their eyes! Stay a seductive, desired, charming lady and a pleasant companion!

My dear friend! Congratulations on the anniversary! This holiday comes to us not so often, therefore, it is necessary to note it so that it is still to remember it for a very long time. The hint is understandable? Invent something unusual - you can do it. Waiting for a lot of positive, and you wait a lot of a lot of gifts!

Time is inexorable flowing forward, carrying out more of the past years from us, but the memories of them always stay with you, like faithful friends who, despite the distance dividing us, is always nearby. In your anniversary, we are very pleased that we can congratulate you in person, we are glad to get together for a festive table, raise glasses in your honor and remember young years. And we all wish you random health, love, happiness, favorable fortune and eternal youth in the shower!

You, native, 55. We want to thank you for the wisdom of parental councils, for the ability to always help everyone, for the example of mother and hostess, and for your hands are gold. Let the Lord send you a blessing, let his health and forces give all the saints.

We have been familiar for many years, and always admired me, like a lot of kindness, spiritual heat, and the ability to make the world around more beautifully! There are few of such amazing women in the world, and therefore you are worthy of all the best, what I sincerely and wish you!

My friend, I want to say in your holiday that you were always, and you remain a fairly example of courage, nobility and warmth. I wish the great victories and accomplishments, I wish not to know the offense and chagrin. Good luck, success in everything! Let it be happy your home!

Forty five - anniversary is an important, symbolic feature of the golden mid life. Imported important experience, life priorities are placed, and with valuable luggage in the heart and soul you will go on life further. After all, ahead is so much desired, not yet achieved and not coming, so interesting and necessary. So we wish the soul not to grow old, from every life situation to publish the winner, and with faith, hope, love to perceive every turn of fate. And there will always be those who sincerely love you and wishes happiness, health, optimism from every day, peace in the family and harmony in the soul today. Give your heat loving you and be a bright example of Fortune Pet.

Your desire was to celebrate your anniversary without noise and bustle in the close company of the closest people. I want to say that today I am very glad to be among the chosen people you invited to your birthday. I want to wish you the ocean of love and happiness, because you, like no one deserve them. I think all those present agree with the fact that in the world there are few women like you - the same modest, smart, kind and patient. You are wonderful, you are extraordinary, and I wish you always to stay myself!

On the anniversary of 45 years, the most popular quote is words from the song: "In 45 baba berry again!" This is a young anniversary that collects not only a family feast, but also large companies of old friends, colleagues, distant relatives. For 45 years, congratulations in verses and prose should be the most bright and optimistic. At this age, some have already appeared grandchildren, other women are looking forward to them. Children grow up, life changes, but there are still so many plans and desires ahead. Pick up one of the best congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the woman on the anniversary (Galina, Hope, Olga, etc.) to express the best wishes.

Best congratulations on 45 years old woman in verse

On the anniversary you 45
I wish prosperity,
Let Dust become a shallow VMIG
Any test.
It will not be difficult to decide
Working moments
Let all the time they say
In favor of compliments.
I wish to feel myself
Confident, beautiful,
Health and success
Love madly passionate!

You have a task:
Have fun and walk.
With anniversary 45.
You will congratulate you!
Let the head spinning
From gifts, compliments,
There is still so many ahead
The most memorable moments.
How much still still have
Alterate important things!
Forty five - the beginning of life,
Where is the dream - not there is a limit!

You have a very young date today, important
In 45, each minute will be more valuable.
When children grow rapidly, the world is changing around,
Time does not succumb to us, it runs, it is not shy.
I wish you in happiness with my head to plunge,
In the direction of his dreams at this time turn!

Beautiful congratulations on an anniversary 45 years old woman in prose

It is said that optimisticly customized ladies are not added with age, but returned. Such women live as they feel, and it is so difficult to determine their true age. You are one of these stunning ladies, and we wish you not to consider your years, and consider the successes, joyful moments and events that fill your life with real female happiness. Love and prosperity!

Women's beauty is an amazing thing. Over the years, it is increasingly emphasized by the beauty of the inner, spirituality, the sharpness of the mind and mature wisdom. For 45 years old, you meet your anniversary with a stunning beauty: proud, smart, judicial, attractive, perky and charming. I wish you besides your beauty of a huge stock of health and love!

The happiness of a woman lies in the well-being of her children, their ability to be grateful. You have a wonderful family and many real friends, so you are so happy. All that remains for 45 years anniversary is good health!

Funny congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the friend in verse

With anniversary 45
Faithful girlfriend.
How many years and how many winters
Do we know each other?
How much we worried
Having fun together
Rested and walked
Quarrel, put up?
How much laughter, joy
Sincere confessions
Small young pieces
And big desires?
I am a friend of the best
I will predict good luck
And in addition to it -
Mansion and cottage!

You, girlfriend-berry, I wish in 45
Dance, light, as if in 25!
You can forget today about all your concerns,
There are no dishes in washing, no troublesome work.
Today there are friends, a family narrow circle,
Let our toasts and songs hear everything around!

Happy anniversary congratulations
I am a faithful girlfriend,
I can't imagine life
With you, probably!
With whom happiness, joy
Could I share?
And to whom for help
In Mount to contact?
You are so kind
Wise, native,
What I feel with you
There is not one in the world!
Wishes Accept:
Let love warm you
Youth of Ogonek
Let him burn, not smolder!

Original greetings for 45 years colleague in prose

(School Director, Chief Accountant, etc.)Colleague! On this day, I wish you with a smile look back and feel pride over the past years. Persistent and diligent work accompanies you all my life. But the main work for a woman is still working on creating a happy family. With this task you coped brilliantly! We wish you on the 45th anniversary with the ease of incarnate new dreams, feel your beloved and the youngest!

With the 45th anniversary of you! I wish you a colleague, to experience as much pleasure as possible: in work, in the family, in communication with friends, in everyday affairs and the most ordinary trifles. Let the fate be always favorable to you, and intuition suggests the right decisions, both in business and in personal life!

How many concepts are laid in the word "success." For one, this is a brilliant career, for another - a successful marriage, the third considers success to his personal development, sport or unique talent. And from the whole team we want to wish you success absolutely in all life aspects. Let faith in themselves and their loved ones will help you to overcome any doubts, and good health - any difficulties.

Comic and cool congratulations on 45 years old woman in prose

Beautiful woman often compare with a beautiful flower. But being a flower in 25 is not as interesting as being a berry in 45! Mattering a ripe, tasted the sweet taste of life, juicy and delightful berries Congratulations on the anniversary! We wish love, happiness, health and well-being!

In the anniversary of 45 years I want to tell you a little secret: romance lies not at the age, but in the ability to be interesting. I wish to take this secret to the rule, losing the expense of the years and winter, and will be spinning in a happy dance with reliable and infinite success. Let love inspires, friendship supports, and the gratitude of children adds even more strength.

The life of each of us, like a cool and very fast descent from a snowy mountain on a sleigh. You are walking forward, you can't stop time and never know whether this road will be smooth. In the anniversary of 45 years we wish you easily maneuvering between difficulties and adversity, following the easiest road. Let you never bring strong health and reliable sleigh!

Today you are forty-five and that means you have become 45 times more beautiful and wiser than on your birthday. We wish you, dear birthday, and further multiply all the best qualities in yourself. And we will be happy to watch this wonderful process!