What gifts to give grandparents on the day of an elderly man. On the day of an elderly person, you can congratulate the older generation using postcards or crafts how to make a poster for the Day of the Elderly

Ekaterina Semenkova

In October, we celebrated a wonderful holiday - day elderly man. On this day, congratulations took our grandparents. We decided that a festive matinee with songs and dances is, of course, wonderful, but also wall newspaper With congratulations will not be too much.

I asked my parents in advance to bring photos of children with grandparents, scanned them (so as not to spoil the photo, and we began to create.

Each photo has become a middle of a flower, and all the flowers we "set" in a vase on which a wonderful greeting is written.

Dear our grandparents!

We respect all of you respect!

And today, on this day, autumn,

With day elderly congratulations!

We wish you no lives without twist,

So for happiness there were reasons.

Grandmother and grandfather - kindness inside!

Grandma and Grandpa, you need us so much!

In the upper left corner, placed information about this enough "young" holiday

All the guys were very pleased with such a gift, with pleasure they showed their grandparents to comrades. Well, the grandmothers themselves and grandfathers repeated many times "Thank you!" His grandchildren and granddaughs!

Publications on the topic:

On October 1, the International Day of Elderly is celebrated. The decision to this was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990. First day.

October 1 - All-Russian Day of the Elderly. We in our preparatory group offered children together with parents to prepare.

Every year on October 1, the whole world celebrates the day of an elderly person. On the eve of this day in kindergarten "Ryabinushka", the village of Kirillovo took place a festive.

In MBDOU "Kindergarten" Smile "a solemn event was held under the amazing name" of the year, not a misfortune! "Dedicated to the Day of the elderly. On.

Event dedicated to the Day of the Elderly Day of the elderly person 1. Mattering people, the heart of the young, how many ways you are, roads. Vedas 1. Loved hotly, and the children raged,.

The exercise is made with his own hands in the younger group. I wanted to come up with something original. I hope that it turned out. The basis of the crafts was heart.

Scenario concert for the Day of the Elderly Man Tasks: to bring up respect for the older generation, the desire to take care and help; Call an emotional response to help grandmothers.

Scenario of the concert dedicated to the "Day of the Elderly Man" with the photo report leading Dear guests! We invited you to the holiday to express.

In the Russian Federation on October 1, 2018 there is a holiday of an elderly person. On this day, you can congratulate the representatives of the older generation using postcards or crafts performed by their own hands. Currently, there is a large selection of gifts on this day. Relevant will be a congratulation in prose to the elderly. The main thing is that warm words in honor of the celebration said sincerely and from the whole soul.

With the help of a greeting card, you can show the significance of an elderly person for the modern generation.

It is worth expressing words of gratitude for the life experience that the older generation transmits the younger generation.

You should congratulate the elderly with their celebration.

On this day, you need to wish the perpetrators of the holiday for many years of life and good health.

It is necessary to show elderly people that they are very important in the modern world.

Crafts on an elderly day on October 1, 2018

You can draw a picture on which grandparents will be depicted. For example, the back plan of the image will consist of the courtyard of the house, and the trees and the garden will be drawn. Next to Grandma and Grandfather play grandchildren, and walking livestock. Flowers and other plants grow on the clearing. This image is charged by positive and childhood spirit.

On the day of an elderly person, you can make crafts in the form of a man's hand. You can attach images of the heart to fingers. For this craft, you should take multi-colored paper. Do not use cardboard, as it will be very hard to keep the form. This handicraft can symbolize the love that the young generation gives the older generation.

Relevant to a gift on the day of an elderly person will be a postcard made by hand. To do this, you can choose cardboard or conventional colored paper. Variations of postcards There are a lot. An interesting option will be a cannon, in which the edges will not be even, and for example, in the form of a wave. Inside the postcard you can attach a congratulatory photo or write warm words from hand.

On the day of an elderly person, you can draw a poster to the older generation. You can also depict your grandparents on it. Next to them will be drawn a tree with autumn leaves. And in the middle is a hand with a heart that symbolizes the limitless love for the elder generation.

You can make a volumetric craft on the elderly person. To do this, it follows from colored paper to cut the colors heads, and get the edges of the petals with the help of scissors. The basis of a congratulatory craft will be in the form of a heart. At the edges, placing flowers, and inside the postcard to write warm words of congratulations.

Congratulations in prose on an elderly day on October 1, 2018

On this day, attention should be paid to the main perpetrators of the celebration.

The whole Country October 1, 2018 celebrates the day of an elderly person! I would like to wish you to stay always in the perfect location of the Spirit. Have as much warm and sunny days as possible. Let health be strong all year round, and the younger generation will always always come to your aid.

In this wonderful holiday, sincerely congratulate the main perpetrator of the celebration! I want to wish you human happiness, more smiles and good. Let relatives and close people always surround you with their support. You deserve the most warm words and admirations.

Happy Elderly! Let the kindness and care become your faithful satellites in life. Inside, have harmony and comfort. Let nightinga sing in the heart, which remind of beautiful moments from life. Have a lot of friends and attention from loved ones.

With a wonderful autumn holiday you! I wish you to wake up with a smile on your face and wonderfully spend every day. Let the heart please and laugh like in youth, and the soul is filled with happiness. Have a lot of pleasant meetings with interesting people, as well as good health.

Happy older generation! Let the age are not a barrier to implement the most cherished desires. Have a lot of joyful moments in life. Let each last day be filled with special love and happiness. Stay always a healthy and cheerful man.

With a wonderful holiday of an elderly person! Let the interesting moments of youth warme your heart with cold autumn evenings. Continue your life path, opening up with each day unknown events. Let love loved ones inspire you to new discoveries and achievements.

On October 1, a wonderful holiday is celebrated around the world, dedicated to the most kind and caring people on the entire planet, our grandparents. Celebrate it since 1991. As a rule, the elders call people who have reached retirement age. They are so nice to receive gifts from their children and grandchildren in such a significant day, especially if they are made with their own hands. In our master class, we will tell about how to make postcards for the day dedicated to every elderly person, step-by-step and with their own hands. And let's start, perhaps, with one not a difficult postcard with a step-by-step explanation of actions, as well as with the attached photo.

Of course, this postcard is not like masterpieces at all, which are produced in printing companies and are created on expensive machines, but it is the most beautiful and expensive, because it will be made by the hands of children for your favorite grandparents.

Mastery handsome postcards for the Day of the Elderly Hands

To make this postcard, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • color paper, color cardboard sheet, A4 size;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • simple pencil;
  • line.
Create a masterpiece gradually:
  1. First you need to decide what size will our greeting card, what color, what text you will write and, just thinking all these little things, we can abandon it to its manufacture. First prepare items to decorate the postcard. To do this, you will need to cut 9 circles, but you need them to have different diameter.
  2. The next step needs to make cuts in them by sharing it on 16 equal parts.
  3. Then we start rounding the edges of the circle so that they remind us of the flower petals.
  4. Now we need to give them the volume and for this we begin to fold each petal in half.
  1. There have been such wonderful billets of future flowers. Now we proceed to the collection of our colors. We do this as follows: take the circle the largest in size, they attach a mug of medium sized to it and then the smallest circle. So do with three florals. As a result, they should work out like in the picture.
  2. We take green paper and proceed to chopping leaves to decorate our flowers.
  1. Prepare all the decorative elements, we can start collecting our postcard. We take the prepared sheet of cardboard and begin to attach all the elements alternately. First attach flowers, and then leaves. We have them, as you like fantasy.
  2. Then we cut several thin bands and with the help of scissors we try to make a spiral, and then we attach it to the postcard, again to your taste.
  3. It turned out such a colorful and autumn card, now it remains for small, it needs to be signed.
  4. You can still on the reverse side, write some beautiful verse dedicated to our elderly or just beautiful and very soulful words that not only take them, but also warm themselves.

This postcard can be done with the child at home or offer it to do in school. It is suitable for children of 1- 2 class.

Consider another master class to create a postcard, but a little more complicated. It is suitable for older kids, about 3-4 class. This postcard will be performed using scrapbooking technology. To do this, we will need materials and tools:

  • Sheets of colored paper;
  • Pictures on the topic;
  • Various curly holes;
  • Scissors, you can both simple and curly;
  • Glue.

Now proceed to the manufacture of directly the postcard itself:

  1. First, take a piece of paper, fold it in half, measure 5 cm from the edge of the sheet. Lock the line, then with the help of scissors cut a sheet strictly along the line.
  2. Then we take a sheet of another color and, using the curly scissors, cut off the one-eyed meter from it.
  3. After the postcard is prepared, proceed to the decor. With the help of curly holes, cut out flowers, twigs and butterflies. In the resulting flower petals bend in half, we also do the same with leaves.
  4. Now we take a sheet of white paper and also with the help of a hole punch strips, but already 1.5 centimeters width. They decorate the postcard at the edges.
  5. After all the decorative elements are ready, you can begin to secure them on the postcard. You can stir in your taste. You can first glue the Grannik's postcard and grandparents first, and then decorated with flowers, branches, strips and butterflies.

I suggest the attention of another enough easy master - class. For this we need:

  • a sheet of cardboard, preferably white;
  • sheets of colored paper;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
Step-by-step creation:
  1. To begin with, a cardboard sheet is folded in half, in one half the window and cut it using scissors.
  2. The next step make up a turn. Here we can glue the thematic picture or draw something. We can immediately write a congratulation whether a poem or just words are wishes. Now you need to decorate the window on the reverse side. Take pieces of fabric and attach them from above so that they look like a blind. At the bottom of them, too, must be fixed with strips of paper.
  3. Now you can proceed with the decoration of the title leaf. To do this, you can cut various flowers, leaflets, twigs and decorate it to your liking. The main thing to with the soul.

Video selection on the subject of the article

In addition to our master classes, add more video to create postcards for the Day of the Elderly. Which will be useful and interesting in creating postcards on this topic. Pleasant creative success! And give pleasant emotions with your favorite and expensive grandparents!

Each modern child who visits the kindergarten or school has grandparents. And, probably, many are known that a special holiday called such people called - the day of an elderly person. Of course, this celebration implies a cheerful pastime with songs and dances for the elderly. Of course, the celebration does not work out without gifts that the kids are mastered independently. In this article we decided to submit for you crafts for the Day of the Elderly man so that you can make them with your own hands.

The best perfect ideas


Sweets love everything without exception. Therefore, this gift will be happy to take absolutely all people. For the manufacture of this gift it is worth using:

  • Small candy,
  • Cardboard sleeve and chewing,
  • Tape and packaging paper
  • Paper, scissors and tape.


  1. A cardboard cylinder is primarily wrapped with packing paper.
  2. On the left side, paper is fastened with scotch.
  3. Packing tape at the next stage is tied beautifully. You can make even curls.
  4. In the right side of the cylinder, fold sweets and chewing.
  5. Now it remains to sign this present and give it an elderly person.

The chandelier of the cones.

If you decide to make a cradle on the day of an elderly person, then you will probably be interesting for many crafts that are offered here. Crafts for this holiday can also be created from natural materials. For another crafts, use:

  • Screws semiring,
  • Cones and sequins
  • PVA glue.


  1. First of all, the screw is screwed into each bump.
  2. On the ends of the pains of cones are glued.
  3. Sequins sprinkle on glue.
  4. Then, when the bumps can be dried away, you can fasten the cones to the chandelier.
  5. Such a useful gift will definitely be a useful person for everyone.

Mosaic for flower pot.

Interesting and perfectly will look and another gift. And if you are looking for children's crafts on the day of an elderly person, then you can look at the next option. To make it worth using the following materials:

  • Several CDs,
  • Plastic pot and acrylic paint,
  • PVA glue and scissors.

On a note! To create crafts requires pieces of disks. Therefore, the disk is cut through scissors. And it is recommended to do it in glasses.


  1. The disc is cut into pieces that have different shapes and sizes.
  2. Glue is glued on the flower pot. Then gradually glue a piece of disk pieces. At the same time, there is a place between the details.
  3. Purley the pot and give him the opportunity to dry.
  4. After the exercise dry spaces between pieces of disks is scratched with acrylic paint.

Original flowers.

The exhibition of crafts to the Day of the elderly person can not do without something beautiful. Flowers are a traditional gift option. But it is best to give those flowers that will save their beauty for a long time. The following materials are already used here:

  • Flower wire and coffee filters.
  • Watercolor and pliers.
  • On a note! Instead of filters, fine paper is used, which can be corrugated.


  1. For crafts use 4 filters from under coffee.
  2. Filters add up to a bunch, and after half.
  3. In order for the petals to have a beautiful form of their edge cut off the wavy line.
  4. The first half of the filters is postponed, and the other is cut into a few more cm.
  5. After that, the filters unfold and lay out on a flat surface. At the same time, small shapes are laid out from above large. Then, the middle of the filters is sketched with wire. First, the wire skeins half and bend. The space is left between the holes.
  6. Using your fingers, squeeze the paper. Rising her up and spinning slightly. So they do with each filter.
  7. The base of bud, further, is wrapped with wire.
  8. Green adhesive tape is winding up the flower stem up to the base of the bud.
  9. If you wish, the filters can be painted in the colors that you like.

Flowers in a cone.

On the eve of this wonderful holiday, you can create a lot. For example, you can make a lot of beautiful crafts that children can also create. For the next product, take:

  • Waffle cone and stationery knife.
  • PVA glue, colored paper and scissors.


  1. A quarter of a circle is cut from the sheet of color, by means of which the cone is turned around.
  2. The cone turns on the same paper, and after the ends it is fixed with glue.
  3. Now the petals are glued in a checker order. It is done around the skewers. After that, the glue is applied to the tip of the cone and the bud is glued to it.
  4. Leafs cut out of green paper, and after them are glued to the cone.

Gift panel.

We continue to list the crafts for the Day of the Elderly, who you will make your own hands. In almost every house there are old CDs. And just this item may be the basis for your craft. Create this you will be from plasticine. From this material, you can create completely different items that will be glued to the disk. Using also plasticine, you can create an inscription, for example, for your beloved grandmother or grandfather.

Unusual handicraft.

You probably noticed that the next exercise in the garden to the Day of the elderly man looks interesting. And indeed it is. To create it, vegetables were used, namely potatoes. Face features are also created from berries and small tomatoes. And the hair and the beard can be made of threads.

Potatoes can be seated in some beautiful basket.

Crafts from felt.

The child of the oldest age can always please his grandmother with something very beautiful. For example, her portrait can be made of felt. Everything is simple here. Used pink and gray felt. From the same material, the features of the face and glasses for the grandmother are cut.


Use these tips to create very beautiful products for your favorite grandparents.

Because of the downloaded schedule, we often lack time to give it to your moms, dads, grandparents. But there is such a day in a year when all attention should belong to them. And postcards for the Day of the elderly man with their own hands will be very powerful, because older people love to receive things made by the hands of their loved grandchildren and children as a gift.

Shadow of memory

The technique of this postcard is very simple, 1-2 class will cope with this task without difficulty.

To start work, you will need to stock the necessary materials. Decorative diverse cardboard or paper for scrapbooking autumn colors, scissors, glue and black colored paper.

When everything is collected, you can start. We make the basis of the postcard. Cardboard sheet bend in half and put it under the press to hold the form well. From black paper cut the silhouettes of grandparents, and the child.

You can draw shadows yourself. You can also use the template:

Stick shadows and printed wishes on the cardboard basis, decorate at will. Example of a congratulatory text:

Your invaluable experience, your knowledge
You are ready to transfer us.
Allow me to express recognition
Long years, health wish!

Your years is the wealth!
So much you have something to tell!
We are ready to admire you!
With you, an example is ready to take!

That's what you succeed in the result:

Flower bouquet

Give your expensive people a bouquet of autumn colors, which, besides, are made by your hands and in the form of a postcard. The technique is quite simple, so if your child will help you, then 3-4 class can cope.

To do this, you will need to stock with the necessary materials: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil and ruler.

Now you can proceed to work. From color paper cut nine circles of different diameters. Cut the edge to fifteen sixteen parts. Now with scissors, give trimming the form of petals.

Now, bend your fingers to the petals of the edges inside and impose three mug one on the other from the largest in diameter to the smallest. How to do, look at the link below.

From the green paper, cut the sheets and fingers form just like petals.

Decoration for our postcard is ready. Now it remains to collect all together. At the front side of the crafts, attach flowers and leaves with glue. You can decorate the swirling tape paper. Look at the photo from below:

It remains only to sign a postcard and write a congratulatory message. That's what happens according to the result.

Simple postcard

This postcard model is very simple and because of this, great for children.

All you need is a stencil of autumn leaves, a piece of cardboard, yellow colored paper, glue and scissors.

When everything is assembled, you can start. From the paper of yellow, cut the maple leaf and from the paper of another color to the number one.

Cardboard fold in half and cut two segments on the bend. Shoot them inward and stick the maple leaf on it.

Now glue the number one to the leaf, on it all. You can additionally decorate to your taste.

Video on the topic

For your convenience, see the selection of video on this topic.