Chastushki on the 25th anniversary of the wedding. Chastushki at the Wedding: Traditions and Entertainment. Chastushki under the harmony about the wedding

Ah, this Russian wedding, its unique scope and color. What a wedding will cost without harmonica (without accordion) and without chastushki: cheerful, barustic, mischievous. Moreover, not only people at the age inherent in the desire to throw out the knees, beat the fraci and silently sing these national quatrains. And young people embraced by universal fun and entered into rage, refuses the rhythms of modern music in order to show themselves in all its glory and shine wit. After all, each chastushka carries humorous notes and a joking form. But at the same time in every joke there is some truth.

There is a great many chastushki on various topics, but not all of them are suitable for wedding fun. Many of them may seem inappropriate and perceived with the offend. I offer you a selection of wedding chastushk, which can be divided into several parts. So…

Chastushki for a wedding for guests

These chastushki can perform all guests, regardless of their status and degree of kinship. Universal chastushki, which can later be used annually, at each wedding: starting from paper and finishing (and, if you are lucky, then on platinum).

How beautiful are we

Both bride and groom.

I will collect all the strength

I will drink Litra for them.

Breaking tables from the don

Paul from dance to the word.

All relatives, friends, neighbors

Drink for young wine.

I put on the wedding,

Feet fell.

My skirt burst into

Stretched harmonica wider

Overlook her fur.

Freshly "Three Four"

For the health of the groom!

Ah Beautiful Bride,

Why are you good.

Everything is so well, everything is in place,

And a wonderful soul.

Congratulations for guests

When all the words are told, all the toaths are listed, and the soul is still rushing, these chastushki will come to them by way. Successful wishes will appreciate the perpetrators of the celebration, and all those present at the wedding.

Let love always live

In your clean souls.

And nothing dreams flight

Your will not break.

Our we are newlyweds

Congratulations from Soul

Happiness to you let all moments

In life will be good.

Do not swear, do not get sick

And live up to one hundred years.

Save and Lelte

Your love, bright light.

Let your son be born,

And daughter too

And let there be thunders

Everything is similar to you.

Good luck to you

I want big.

And let your life

Bright like a show.

Chastushki for the bride

This selection of chastushki is quite suitable for the bride. But it is not rebiring and guests from the face of the bride sing these unpaired couplets.

Ah, my mother-in-law,

Be to me you are kind.

My mother will call you

Only we do not touch us.

I my mother-in-law

Mamou called.

And for it she me

Jeep adjusted.

Svetra will respect

Pope he will be.

If it is offended,

We will judge us.

Eh, your parents are ours,

Soon grandchildren will go.

Will boil them porridge

You will not give peace.

Mom, dad, beet, mother-in-law,

Take a dance.

Young do not spoil blood,

Throw off on the stroller.

Chastushki for the groom

These chastushki could sing at the wedding a representative of a strong half of the family tandem, mean, groom. If it is not endowed with vocal abilities, or by virtue of other reasons, he refuses their execution, then for it they can make guests a man.

My mother-in-law is good

Good, like mom.

Only to us you do not bother

We will cope with ourselves.

With the test, I think we can

Common with him Language will find.

About hunting about fishing

Talk to head.

Mamou called

Made her nice.

And beloved son-in-law became

Immediately probably.

I will love my wife

Long, purely true.

I will bring, I will not beat

Abstaining, probably

Guests are our dear

Do not skip the gifts.

We will take any:

Ruble, dollars, Evra.

Chastushki can be composed of themselves, using information about your newlyweds. For example, we composed with her husband specifically for them.

But on the snack of the chastushki for the wedding from the group "Balagan"

And wedding chastushki from Putin and Medvedev


Noisy cheerful wedding is unthinkable without mischievous chastushk and comic couplets. Chastushki can perform everything: newlyweds and their parents, bridesmaids and friends of the bridegroom, Tamada, guests, and just passersby who wanted to congratulate newlyweds with their first common family holiday.

In the traditional rustic wedding, the chastushki began to sound from the very beginning, when the groom with friends and guests went to her parents' house. The deserted and noisy wedding procession was marked by the village, accompanied by songs and gyrovets. On the way, other guests joined him, making their share of fun in the procession. You can follow this wonderful custom today. It is not necessary to get drunk on luxury machines directly to the entrance or a gait, - you can leave the transport of the way, and arrange an incendiary show right on the street, shook the imagination of passersby.

Well, then the chastushki can melt when buying a bride and in all other events. In the form of chastushki can sound for young and, appeals, punishes and. Well, the competition of chastushki among guests and relatives can be arranged, even if you spend the wedding in a very narrow circle.

Well, if there is a skillful harmonist or a balala retreat, which will easily play performers, because live music is always more incended.

When choosing or developing your own wedding scenario, turn on several chastushki in it, which will be able to perform leading, witnesses or someone from guests. Such will not pass unnoticed, and it is certainly for sure to connect lovers to sing and dance, because almost everyone is able to recall a couple of troops of the chastulent couplets, and some manage to compose the chastushki right on the go.

We offer you a selection of couplets distributed on topics so that you can find it easy for you. Well, then the fun at your wedding depends only on you.

Books are different,
Thick and thin.
We are at the wedding
All chastushki call!

I see, I want a bride
Groom kiss
Stop drinking, let's together
We will shout "bitterly"!

I will give everything for the sake of cute!
There is no such beautiful anywhere!
You are alone and better not!

As the groom beautiful and stait
And the bride is good
The taste of champagne is pleasant ...
Oh, walk my soul!

Grandma learned me
How do i husband respect me ...
Fed, drove away -
And then - Turning to bed!

We are at the wedding boyko dance,
And wine and drink vodka,
Handle we are in each other Masha
Songs ringing ...

On such a cheerful wedding
I walk the first time.
Pull the glass is more fully
I am coming about the stock!

Tired of the wills of the will,
I am a cute married share
I will help my husband -
Buy perfume and dresses.

Docused Big Bulldog
The mother-in-law is skinny.
From the bite immediately died -
I was poisoned.

Wine rivers let me be poured
There will be all of us fun
Guests are happily laughing
And shout: "More piles."

What are you girls, do not see
Ali words do not know?
Al your curves legs
Do you hide under the table?

I do not work you
You can not be afraid.
I do not want girls
Forty years stay.

Today is the golden wedding,
Jubilees congratulations.
That in love the years were rushed,
And I never got up.

Mom with dad jubilees,
And for the whole family an example.
50 in legal marriage,
So not everyone would have managed.

Eighteen thousand two hundred
The glorious days were fucked by marriage.
Golden happy chain,
Do not destroy anything.

We know life did not indulge
Every different happened.
Golden since now evening
Golden put candles.

Kolya wedding,
We generously shook you.
Petal, grain, candy,
Golden more coin.

You have a big anniversary
Congratulations on the soul.
On the wedding dance, come on,
Male youth inviting.

Congratulations, congratulations,
Toasts, toasts, do not learn.
What would I say a word
It is necessary to take the turn.

Let's say toast, and crying "bitterly!"
The life of spouses sweetened.
Let them go a little longer,
So far we eat plenty.

Now the glorious anniversary
A hundred friends came to visit.
Ringing laugh glasses ringing
Bullet grandchildren under the table.

Dear jubilers,
Being for happiness we are glasses.
So that the children are healthy, grandchildren,
So that you did not know boredom with them.

Give us soon advice,
How to live together so many years.
Well, how to fall in love,
So that left does not strive?

I propose brothers, so
We will drink for every year.
To the precipitate do not fall,
In the push, we will pour.

Since the tradition is so
So so be.
Jubilees need rings,
Gold to give.

You are friendly on your finger,
Rings wear
We will "Gorky!" we scream
And you pour us.

Golden scarf bride
After all, half a century lived together.
Together in happiness and in suffering
They carried out all the tests.

A lot is told to each other,
Warm words and formidable phrases.
And now our cerebrals congratulate
And raise a glass for you.

Together you are already half a century,
Sucking - not to disclose.
We will shout you - "bitterly!"
And kisses out loud.

We wish you health
Long, happy days.
So that you pleased grandchildren,
Every year everything is stronger.

We are traditions dish,
Kalach wedding carry.
To live life without problems,
It is necessary to eat a piece of everything.

We drink Kalach vodka,
Generous table, snacks Darkness.
Then potatoes, then selled,
All the estimate we are with a bang.

At the table we sit down,
Behind the bride watched.
Will it happen again
Wedding bouquet throw.

With golden border dishes
Golden confetti.
Golden Jubilees,
For many years you are ahead.

Good visit to sit.
Shout "bitter!" not tired
And lobby Od Sing.

We leave for a long time,
And waggered five,
We are on the emerald wedding,
We will "Gorky!" You scream.

Chastushki by year pig 2019 -
Chastushki to wedding anniversaries. Catalog.-
Chastushki for all occasions. Catalog.

Photo from the Internet


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Well, what is the wedding costs without fun, without joking-booms? And among the folk wedding humor, wedding chastushki is an outstanding place - funny, perky, sometimes even a bit puffy, with oil jokes - but still hotly beloved and able to cheer and entertain guests. We present the attention of readers a collection of wedding chastushk.

Like a butterfly, flick,
Like a beehogo buzz!
Because I'm today,
Girls, get married!

Oh, woven the match
Me yes on Sunday
Still you love me
And not this Xenia!

I have a cute ride,
On his lend camp,
Still traces remained
He has a bodie!

I'm not afraid of mother-in-law
I am a bold girl!
And walking down the street,
Like a whites swan!

I wore the groom,
Roses and lily,
Under the window I was jumping,
The songs are unloved!
I then told him:
"If you want, get married",
And from your vocal,
I'm not at all the joy of life!

Oh, my mother-in-law,
Look at me!
I'm so good son-in-law
Even better - nowhere to take!

I gave a daughter
And dance, and sing!
Starting from now,
The mother-in-law will call me!

Blood boils in the veins
I am glad for my son,
I now call my mother-in-law,
And son - a man!

Wedding sing and have fun
Dance before falling
Daughter married gave
Groom as a reward!

Do not look for me, Mom!
I loved gypsies,
I sit with him I am on the horse,
Remember, please, me!

Oh, daughter-in-law, take care,
My son
Tea to him and pies
Serve, Milk!

Oh, walk, having fun
Guests dear!
I became a young wife I,
Going for Cyril!

I slap in your hands,
What is it good!
A year came up with me,
Finally married!

If mom shows,
I am my favorite
My mom will not give
Our surname!

His loved one
On the Internet met.
It turned out my neighbor!
How did I not notice?

I have big plans
I want to get married!
I will rise early today,
I'll go my husband!

How many boys around,
Eyes scatter!
I will not get married ...
All of them do I like!

I'm cute inviting me
For viewing to the cinema!
Said that we walter
On places for kisses!

My father-in-law!
Let's go fishing!
You take your wife,
I'll take a natalka!

I am snewed with my beet
Uncle He's good!
I'll buy a skirt,
And he is Kalosha!

I am gathered about children,
I did not eat, did not drink.
My dear tried
Triple immediately gave birth!

I wonder this morning
Married Ivan!
I will be faithful to my wife,
Just gently be with me!

Do not live without you,
My dear!
You have a father tycoon
And who is mine - I do not know!

I'm talking today
I will not go to your sweet.
I am she about the universe
Always scratching nonsense!

Today I finally
I go with cute under the crown!
I did not want for a long time
Finally flew away!

Loved the pilot,
Nice youth.
There was such a brave.
Once flew away.

Wah, save me, Allah,
Saw Milk in Bigudah!
In principle, beautiful!
It is a pity that jealous!

I got married early
Gorky now crying.
At girlfriends graduation
And I'm a twin nanchu.

I won't love you.
Long you have a language.
I'm even longer
But I'm used to him.

Throw I decided my husband
I do not want to see him.
Buys me iris
Chocolate I want!

My wife is fucking.
For me, the kitlet is sorry for her.
Wants to do me, brothers,
New Vegetarian!

Bucked in the store
All sorts of spirits!
And now fragrant,
I attract the grooms!

I gave the mother-in-law "Tack",
So that she rolled!
And she is five days in a row
Scary indignant!

With mother-in-law we girlfriends
Standing steel!
Relationships are
Very atypical!

He fascinated me
Immediately married.
Did not have time to agree
On the other I decided to marry!

In vain today Breala's feet,
And pulled out an eyebrow
My dear me came to me
It can be seen, love ended!

I do not want a suit for the wedding,
I will be better in jeans,
I don't care what to go
Marry you!

I do not understand something, girls,
I am not marrying.
It turned out, teeth are rare,
Feet form a circle!

If I become a sex bomb,
I do not cut your senses.
All men's population
Stacks will lay!

She has a foot curved
Not at all waist,
Nothing nose is big,
House but in Italy!

I invited expensive
In the river to swim.
How she undressed,
I began to doubt!

I have Milenok shouter,
Climbs to kiss.
Well, I'm still shunter -
It began to undress!

I was dearweed
On a farewell hand stood
I see, very much.
And kissing is shy!

I hug cute
Long waist sought!
Carried on the ear every break,
Experience, probably no!

Already married girlfriends
I am all the girls!
Suitable figure
I do not find myself.

I do not kiss me
Says, prevents his nose!
And I will supply-ka from anger
I'll sleep with him!

We got married with you
In the church married!
We are now indelible,
What are you sealing?

My mother-in-law is best!
The lady is non-conflict!
Lack of only one -
Too appetizing!

I'm in pancakes
Strongly coming
And then in their pants
I barely fit!

Oh, you, son-in-law my dear!
Be a good husband
Yes work, not benissed,
We don't need a drone!

I was going to the wedding,
Scored billwords
Already a neighbor frightened,
Screamed: "Lord!"

Invest invited
Only the day did not specify!
And now every day,
I support my woven!

I have not twenty years old
And I'm not married all!
My grandfather woven me
Looking for, well, it is necessary!

Loved the sailor,
Do not order your heart
I'm on the beach while
And he is in the long flight!

I put in a row I bow,
Rowing a carrot!
What good mistress,
I will prove my mother-in-law!

Daughter married gave
From myself tear off!
You love her, son-ink,
How to a row of topolak!

Friend, because you are young
Just started to shave!
And fell in love with all souls,
And he managed to marry!

I invited cute,
Ride with a hill
So I drove my soups
What am I now with the baby!

I wanted to marry
Just choose some
Girls are married for a long time,
Behind the Germans and Greeks!

I walked around the boulevard,
I walked around the river!
I am bride with heat, with heat,
Where are the guys?

I am a fitting girl,
No one gets married
I laugh at all the ringing,
People offended!

I was looking for myself a bride
Fixed all heels,
I will tell you, to be honest,
I like men!

Oh, you, my future,
You are so kind
Kohl you will not go borrowed ruble,
We will immediately cobre!

To see the holiday, you need to come up with an original turn of events. Therefore, the inalienable part of the celebration are chastushki on | | .

Varieties of chastushk and their features

1.Mix chastushki:

Dear chastushki must be present at any wedding. They will give a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions present. They are easily remembered and reading them from a paper will not be a lot of work. Below are chastushki for guests, for newlyweds and for parents of young.

1. There is a good reason today -

Sing chastushki and dance.

Congratulations to you, mother-in-law,

You have great son-in-law.

2. Moloda, be obedient

Perform a husband's decrees,

But, and the husband be faithful

Do not Bay Wife on Nervam!

3. On a beautiful spouse,

Without the need, my husband, do not be angry,

Be with her gentle and meek,

So as not to hurt the lacaround.

All reproaches from beloved

Kiss drown!

4. In the test, everything is reasonable!

Loves daughter on the mind!

Money takes away

Girl gives a girl for her husband.

2. Cles with wishes:

When all the kind words have already been expressed and it seems that it is impossible to come up with a congratulation, you will be helped by chastushki.

1.We of their newlyweds

We are glad to congratulate with the soul

Happiness to you let all surprises

In life will be good.

2. Be reason, do not swear

Accommodate up to one hundred years

Store, take care

Your love is a beautiful color.

3. My son will be born,

Little daughter

Let us be thoroughly

You are very similar!

4. I want a well-being

Right as a television show.

3. Blue chastushki:

Line chastushki with the original text will raise the mood to all those present.

1. Processing Bulldog Healthy

Mother's leg, skinny

From the bite immediately died -

The mother-in-law poisoned.

2. Passed asterisk from heaven

Yes, on the straight line.

Milk will translate me

Yes, on your surname.

3. Came came, said - "I'm marrying"!

I fell and sit.

Tomorrow grandmother's daughter

Says: "I am going to marry!"

4. How to our garden

White fluff flies.

If the guy does not kiss

Burning to glorify!

4. Highups under the harmony about the wedding:

A good chastushka under merry folk music will raise the mood and pulls into the dance.


We came to this wedding,

So that the bride is praising!

And let go for it

There will be a winery to fill!

Understand winch

Eh, character - gold!

But now she has freedom

No no way!

Wash, come up with dinner -

That's all her things!

Well, why do she need

All this fuss!

Groom should be concrete

Also pray a few words:

For the bride, he is true

Make it all ready for a long time!

Let her wear on her hands

Flowers gives every day!

If you forget -

Will we remind!

Imagine him

It should be drunk!

To go to football with friends -

He can hardly have time!

Earn finance

He tries stronger!

If the pockets are empty -

What will feed the children!

And the kids kiss

He intends to full house!

He is sure of all one hundred

That the wife agrees!

We need to drink

Far from one

To live forever together

Straight to the golden wedding!

So let's cry "Gorky"!

And on the Abychard Nalme!

We sang a lot of chastushki -

It is necessary to wash the throat!

5. Powers on a silver wedding:

Twenty-five years anniversary is a long time for a relationship. For this reason, there are no few good chastoshos.

1.Serbro shines now

Time runs fast!

Young couple your

Good, wonderful!

Twenty five - a considerable time

Time gave you a lesson!

Everyone managed and could

Putting kids!

Kids grew a long time ago

And achieved a lot!

I wish you from the soul,

In life more sweets!

Live together and enjoy

Conduct at home!

I wish you all the soul

Live to the wedding golden!

2.Serbro deserves

Your life is family

Our gift is prepared

For love of the net.

6.Chelms to the Golden Wedding:

To live side by side of fifty years is not given to each pair. But the years who lived before that day, the anniversaries necessarily celebrate this event. For this celebration, no little chastushki was invented.

1. Walker Wedding, Golden Wedding,

Bird cool!

Together you are half a century,

Couples are better in the world!

Gold family sparkles

Much happiness promises!

Together be, at least a hundred years,

Invite for lunch!

Baby children with you

Grandchildren - just the highest class!

2. Sidim at the wedding at the table

And young wish

So that all your life passed in love,

And there were full wallets.

We offer watch a video selection of chastushki at the wedding.

Wishes for the wedding

1. Today is clear this day

There are two ways to be awake!

I wish life to live together

So that all the alarms were forgotten

To love each other.

Drink sadness and bad weather!

And understand that this is happiness.

  1. Congratulations to the young, and I wish different:

So that silent mother-in-law and mother-in-law safe,

The father-in-law so good and rich you always sponsored

Well, the mother-in-law so as not greedy, also invested.

3. Forewing you, newlyweds! Let your family nest keep warm and comfort! Vortex, move the feathers to each other and grow your chicks!

These videos will show excellent versions of musical congratulations.

Choose entertainment with mind. Make your wedding unforgettable.

Nastya: "I have a music gift in the form of chastushki at the wedding. Positive rushed by the river. "

Oleg: "Recently, a friend celebrated a wedding. Tamada sang very funny chastushki. I liked the guests. "