Ideas for February 23 at work. Available unusual gifts

If you have a friendly team, you probably celebrate important dates together. Communication at the festive table allows you to better know each other and strengthens the corporate spirit. But for the holiday to leave only pleasant memories, it is necessary to organize it correctly.

How to cover the table for colleagues

To make a holiday to colleagues, it is not necessary to spend money on costly products and stand on the stove all night. If you treat preparation with fantasy, the corporateholder will be economical, but no less mental.

A properly decorated table for colleagues will allow fun to celebrate the holiday.

Since in office conditions, cover a full-fledged table with a serving difficult, preparation for the holiday should be as follows:

  • Buy a large number of paper and wet napkins.
  • Prepare dishes - plates, glasses, large and small cups. It is more convenient to buy plastic dishes, but the knives and forks are better to bring steel.
  • Buy 2-3 tablecloths, they can also be disposable.

Do not forget about garbage bags so that there is no difficulty with cleaning in the office after the holiday.

What to put on the table colleagues

The table for the corporate is more convenient to cover it in such a way that all the dishes and snacks do not need to cut a knife. From traditional Vaz with salads, too, better refuse. Optimal solution will be such dishes:

  • canape on slices of chopped cheese, sausages, vegetables or fruits;
  • small tartlets from dough filled with salads, patests or cheese cream;
  • pancakes with different stuffing;
  • pieces of meat, poultry or fish, baked or cooked in a grain;
  • sandwiches or pies;
  • meat, cheese, vegetable and fruit slicing.

If you are covering the table on February 23 male colleagues, offer them a kebab or sliced \u200b\u200bpizza sliced \u200b\u200bpieces. It is not necessary to prepare them yourself - use the service delivery service to the office. Another dish that men will define are in French meat or home casserole with meat filling, which does not lose taste and cold. Do not forget about the fact that such dishes are better cut into small portions.

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Initially, it was believed that this is a holiday of people who served or serve in the army. But today, very many women are guarding peace and peace with men, so this holiday has lost its original importance and has become just a feast of men. It doesn't matter what professions they have, how many years they served in the army or not - these are people who can always rely on in a difficult moment. Real advocates!

In our article, we would like to tell about how beautiful and interestingly cover the table for the holiday, which is to cook on February 23 to surprise and please your favorite men.

Table setting on February 23

For the festive table of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, a very important point is the serving. Therefore, it will be an excellent solution, serve cooked dishes in an unusual style. So that the main participants of the celebration, looking at the design of the dishes, understood - today their holiday!
You need your fantasy and designer talent.

Below you can see several options for how you can decorate dishes on February 23. It can be cut off dishes in the form of a star and salads in the form of a tank, or a soccer ball.

On the issue of decorating the table, it is best to repel from hobbies, classes and a hobby of your men. Many advise to make a table in the style of militaries or in the basic colors of the flag. But if your friend, father, husband has nothing to do with the army, and even worse, if he has bad memories with it or your men just do not like the color of the khaki, why can we serve the table in such styles. Make a pleasant to your men, serve the table with your favorite flowers.

You can simply store the table with a green or blue tablecloth, suck the napkins in the tone.
You can also add various figures symbolizing the day of the Defender of the middle name, and even better if you ourselves do the decorations that you will remind you of your joint happy days together, about helping and protecting your men in relation to you.

What to cook for February 23?

February 23 is the only male day, entirely belonging to them. And, so men should be congratulated with a scope. Show more care than usual so that they felt that they had a holiday.

For a special mood you need to prepare a festive treat.
Desserts, mousses on a male holiday are not relevant. Saint salads are suitable, various sharp snacks.
Also, on the festive desk the culprits of the celebration, relevant alcoholic beverages.
Traditional recipes, type of turkey for Christmas, on February 23, no. And, thanks to this, you can show the maximum skill in cooking.

Above, we decided in what style we will cover the table, depending on the hobbies of your men, it is now necessary to determine the taste preferences and the place of the feast.

First we determine the place, the male holiday can be perfectly celebrated and outside the house, if you have, for example, there is a cottage, it will be perfectly frying a kebab. If you do not plan to sit at home, then field kitchens to help you, taste the delicious buckwheat porridge with tea right on the street.

It may well turn out if you have a holiday in nature, the so-called picnic.
Here you can do without lace tablecloths and crystal glasses. The main thing is the exquisite "hiking" dishes.
The table of the hiking table implies one-time plates, glasses. Now they are offered a lot of different sizes and colors. Again, you can take color in the style of "Militari" so that everything is in the subject. Cooked dishes decompose into containers and served in them to the table.

The main thing is that there is a lot of tasty and beautifully cooked. Dishes are usually prepared at home. They should be so not to be warmed up. That is, mostly - these are snacks and salads.

If the holiday is arranged for men colleagues, then the "office" version of the dishes can be exactly the same as in nature.

But if you still decide to celebrate at home, then the first thing you need to do is remember that you love your men.

It can be clarified as an alcohol man will prefer for a holiday, and the choice of dishes will depend on this, which will be on the holiday table.

On February 23, it is necessary to cook hot, snacks, salads, and, if there is a sweet tooth, then dessert. Many options. Consider some of them:

Maintenance of saltwater, with its stunning taste, love everything. The dish is not fast, but it is worth it. There are many recipes. This option is distinguished by the fact that it does not contain expensive products.

1.Svinin - 250 g
2. Cutter sausage - 250 g
3. Clad sausage - 250 g
4. Herry chicken - 250 g
5. Calm cucumbers - 250 g
6. Tomato - 50 g
7 Bow - 150 g
8. Olives - 50 g
9. Maslins- 50 g
10.Great brine - 100 g

Pork meat, boil for an hour on a slow fire, after removing the foam. Get to cool and cut. Chicken breast, cook for 20 minutes. And also, cool and cut into straws.
Sausage boiled and smoked, chopped, onions finely chop, cucumbers cut into small straws.
Meat ingredients fry with onions. Then add cucumbers and fry for another three minutes. The next step is to add a tomato, stew five minutes.
In the cooked broth omitted cooked meat and roasted vegetables with sausage. Pour the cucumber brine. After that - seasoning.
Serving lemon circle, olives and olives. You can add sour cream.

Meat "Three in One"

Three types of meat in one dish is an unmatched solution. It is very festive and, by sure to please men.

1. Winner or beef tenderloin- 500 g
2.Bekone or smoked meat- 300 g
3. White white - 100 ml
4. Hruge chicken - 2 pcs.
5.Wholenok- 2 teeth
6. Spices

Washed meat and breasts to dry and cut into small pieces. The same size. Salt meat, pepper, pour white wine. Remove in the refrigerator. The chicken is a little dismiss, squeeze garlic and add butter. It is recommended olive. A few hours later, pickled meat and chicken pieces, folding together in a couple, wrap in a strip of smoked meat or in bacon. Bacon ends secure toothpick.
On a lubricated oil, the baking sheets of folding cooked meat rolls, and bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees.
Serve, garnishing by any vegetables, or boiled rice.

You can cook a festive snack from the liver. And adding mushrooms there, you can turn the usual liver in the masterpiece of culinary art.

1. Damage liver - 500 g
2. Burry liver- 500 g
3.Yeta- 2 pcs.
4. Mold - 1/2 cup
5. Osol, pepper.

1. Mayonnaise - 300 g
2. Covers - 5 teeth
3. bow 1.
4. Carrot
5. Osol, vegetable oil.
6.Weva welded boiled eggs and one bunch of dill - for decoration.

Prepared liver Skip through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, spices, flour and mix everything, to homogeneous mass. It turns out hepatic dough. It should be like on pancakes.
Fry, like pancakes in a frying pan, smeared by oil.
Now, cut the onions, put out to transparency, add finely chopped carrots, salt and stew while carrots will not be soft. In Mayonnaise add garlic passed through the press. Mix. Hepatic cakes lubricate mayonnaise and lay one on another, shifting filling. The last crude is a little pick up, smear by mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated protein first, then the yolk. Decorate the dill greens. It is desirable that the snack stood a little to soak.
No festive table can do without salad. Men, as a rule, reluctantly change the culinary addiction. Therefore, it will be appropriate to offer something with the herring. Always win-win. Satisfying and very tasty.

1.Beclined - 2 pcs.
2. Carrot 2 pcs.
3. Potatoes 4 pcs.
4. bow 1 pc.
5. Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
6. Highly Single Clear1 pcs.
7. Makes 80 g
8. Salt, pepper.

Classic Salad Recipe

Separate herring. Rinse under running water, dry. Carefully remove all the insides, cut the fins. On the spine make a longitudinal incision. Near the tail to pick up the skin of the fish. Then, remove it
Now, it is necessary to separate the bones from fillets. Prying fillet from the spine and, pressing your finger to the bones, separating fish meat. Remove the spine.

Why is it important to part fish yourself? Only so you can be confident in its freshness.

Swift all vegetables in the skin. So they will be more starchy. Ready vegetables clean, onions cut finely cubes. Swim eggs screwed. Cut in cubes.

You need to pay attention to no bones.

When the preparation is completed, it can be started to lay the layers. All layers to miss mayonnaise.

The first layer - herring fillet, then layer onion. Then, grated potatoes. Again - onions. Touch carrots, then - eggs. The last beet, also grated on a large grater. From above - a large layer of mayonnaise.

Optionally, vegetable layers can be salted. Decorate the holiday, respectively.

If there is a desire, you can make a "royal herring under a fur coat." How? All, the same, just on top you need to make a layer of red caviar. And, decoration, and, truly - royal scope.

But the festive table must please and amaze. Therefore, you can prepare the present "Male" dish

1.Svinina 1 kg
2.Luk 3 pcs.
3. Theater oil - 50 ml
4.Pelect, salt and rosemary.

Cut the meat with large pieces, approximately 5 cm, onion rings. All mix and add spices to taste. Slide on wooden spanks, alternating, and decompose on the baking sheet. Fry in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees about one hour. The taste is no worse than on the fire.
Tips: Marinade at first can not be salted; withstand meat in marinade no more than two hours; Wooden shockts need to hold the forty minutes in cold water so that they are not burned.

If you cook from beef, then meat is tougher. So that the kebab is able to pour alkaline mineral water in the marinade.
Men are famous meaties, so the kebab can be applied to the first, and on the second, and even, instead of a compote.

Do not forget that the simplest dish, beautifully submitted to the table, raises the mood and develops appetite.

You can cook pizza. It will replace ordinary sandwiches.

Italian pizza recipe

First you need to prepare yeast dough. To get the right result, you need to take fresh yeast, not dry. Flour must be solid varieties. Do not use eggs, sugar - these products will make the dough heavy. It must be approached within two hours. It is not necessary to stretch it with a rolling pin, and fingers. Baking time - 10 minutes. At 280 degrees.

1. Fresh 10 g
2. Water 300 ml
3. Sol
4.Mack 2 glasses

Dilute yeast in water, add salt, flour, at the very end add a spoonful of olive oil. Knead the dough.
While the dough "rests", you need to cook a filling. The fillings should be exactly like test. Cheese is better to choose the type "Mozarella".

Ingredients for filling:
1.Sir 120 g
2. SALES 80 G.
3.Shampignons 80 g
4. Calling 7 pieces.
5.Osus tomato or ketchup

Cheese grate on the grater, cut into thin circles, olives and champignons, too, cut into thin plates. Stretch the dough, lay out the stuffing layers; Salami, mushrooms, cheese, olives.

In fact, pizza is prepared in stone ovens at a very high temperature, approximately 600 degrees. But the oven is quite a suitable option.
Let this holiday be unforgettable!

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Very often, the cohesion of the collective, friendly relations with colleagues and a comfortable atmosphere in the office leads to the celebration of special days of the calendar with colleagues. And on February 23 - no exception. Today we will touch on the question "As noted on February 23 at work," because almost all offices and organizations celebrate this day, but mostly trite with food and drinking. And it is necessary for the holiday, firstly, I liked the perpetrators of the celebration, and secondly, was memorable.

How to celebrate February 23 at work

Remember, a holiday should start in the morning, so come to the office early and send to men-colleagues by email festive congratulations. You can do this in a poetic form, especially on the Internet you can find a bunch of interesting and funny risers-congratulations.

Well, if you do not have a computer for each member of your team, we advise you to make postcards in advance, you can be ordered from your enterprise emblem.

To note on February 23 at work it is interesting, you can cook a few posters 2-3 days before the holiday, make a wall newspaper and so on, that is, it will be a kind of big greeting cards for everyone.

You can prepare one funny stand, for example, by sticking the photos of men to celebrity bodies and funny signing them. For example, glue your guard's head on the shoulders of a gnome from a tale of Snow White.

During the day, try not to swear with male colleagues, show patience, remember, just once a year the day of all men comes, make men pleasant. On the evening you can arrange a feast, covering the table at home.

As else can be noted on February 23 at work. Distribute among yourself, who can bake what can buy, make the table be well covered. Do not buy cakes, it is better to bake pancakes instead and feed them with red caviar.

After a feast of men, you can invite to the nearest shopping center, and play billiards or bowling. Well, if your colleagues of the fans of some kind of team, give them tickets to the game from pets. But it should be done only if you are confident in the preferences of your colleagues, otherwise it will be just a useless gift.

If you have a common definite amount of men's gifts, count, the number of men in your organization, and sharing the amount of equally, try to buy each of them an individual gift.

For example, by the system administrator by addicting computer games, give a new Game industry. Hockey fan hand the stick and scarf. If you have time, order T-shirts with photos of men-colleagues and sign each tile.

February 23 at work - ideas for the holiday

If officially February 23 is referred to as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, then for many he has become a popular male day. Almost every year the female part of the working team and family congratulates her men with this significant holiday, and very often in enterprises and organizations make wall newspapers.

We note immediately, to make the wall newslette by February 23 at work will not be much difficult and even those who are far from drawing and journalism can take place for it, the main thing in this matter to show a little imagination.

- Watman Sheets (quantity depends on the size of the future newspaper);
- ordinary paints;
- PVA glue or silicate;
- scissors;
- colored paper;
- newspaper and journal cuttings will also need, in which they speak of military topics;
- Pads congratulations for every celebration culprit.

First we write the name of the wall newspaper to celebrate February 23 at work, for this we use bright colors or glue large letters cut from colored paper. This is a kind of attractive maneuver, the bright letters of your wall newspaper will be visible from afar, and it will be a guarantee that your wallpaper will certainly appreciate. As a rule, such an inscription should take no more than a quarter of the entire wall newspaper.

In the left upper part, we place the official compulsory congratulation on the holiday. Then, just below can be placed the news on the topic of the armed forces, cut them in advance from magazines and newspapers. The main thing is to choose news that will be interested in the male part of the team.

Also for the wall newspaper will need various poems about courage and fearless sex, you can take poems about the years of war, all these materials can be found on the Internet. In addition, the wallpaper can be supplemented with lighter materials, for example, humorous notes on the theme of army and service, various jokes on the army topic, the main thing is not to overdo it.

In addition, in the wall newsletter, you need to use photos of your team members, you can take ridiculous photos and sign these moments of life, and you can take ordinary photos and sign them taking into account the character of a personal employee. For example, a person who constantly swears with everyone can be labeled as "the most volatile", etc.

In the very end of the wall newspaper, you can hang a festive announcement in which it will be said about where and when the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland will be celebrated and in what form you should come to corporate. So you can make a wallpaper and note on February 23 at work interesting and exciting.

Modern world realities are such that the huge number of people have to spend most of the day in the office. That is why in many companies management makes everything necessary to create a heavier and friendly atmosphere in the team. And this is not surprising, because the success of the entire company depends on the relationship between employees.

Corporate festive activities in the office are one of the most popular and efficient ways to create a friendly atmosphere in the team. Therefore, in almost all offices there are corporate parties dedicated to one or another festive dates. Most often, the new year is celebrated at work. However, other holidays, many firms pay attention. For example, quite often in the offices is celebrated on February 23. Of course, we are talking only about those companies in which men and women work.

The holiday on February 23 was created as the day of the Red Army. That is how he entered the story. However, now there is no "Red Army". Therefore, it is not surprising that over time this celebration was transformed into something completely different. Now this day is honored not only by the military, but almost all male representatives. Congratulations are obtained both boys in schools and men in offices. That is, it is completely optional to try uniform in order to get February 23 congratulations.

Since the holiday on February 23 is very popular, it is quite explained that in many offices, corporate festive events are arranged in honor of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This is especially true for those companies in which approximately the same number of men and women. In this case, the ladies take on all organizational issues.

How to congratulate colleagues?

Planning the celebration of February 23 in the office, women are primarily wondering how to congratulate male colleagues. Of course, you can go along the simple way and find ready postcards and congratulatory styers on the Internet. However, if you want more original and interesting to approach this issue, then show fantasy.

Here are just a few ideas that will inspire you on the original congratulation of men:

1. Organize Surprise
During the day on February 22, agree with women to stay after work. Make it need in order to organize a surprise for colleagues. Left after work, decorate the office with green and brown balloons. If you can get a camouflage grid, then use it in the office decoration. Color all these office attributes so as to create a festive atmosphere. If you are not sure to deal with this task yourself, please contact a specialized firm that is engaged in the festive decoration of the premises.
Come on the morning of February 23 to work, the men will surely survive this festive military entoux in the office. The main thing is that none of the women fears colleagues. Otherwise, surprise will be spoiled.
2. Stengazeta
When was the last time you heard the word "wall newspaper"? Surely it was a long time ago, because now they can be found only in schools and other educational institutions. However, if you want to originally congratulate your colleagues on February 23, then make a festive wallpaper for office. Her subject can be absolutely. For example, you can create a wallpaper in the form of a "Dembel Album", "Community Maps" or "Military Reports". In general, manifest a fantasy.
3. Festive parade
One of the main elements of any military holiday is a solemn parade. So why don't you spend something like this in your office. Especially since this can be done without any problems.
In order to hold a solemn parade in the office, prepare everything you need for it. Order or make souvenir medals with cool inscriptions ("for an increase in sales", "For courage to communications with clients", "For merits to the company", etc.). In addition to medals, prepare the music that military parades usually pass.
On February 23, highlight all men in the office, turn on the military march and solemnly hand all the medals. Such a parade will surely give the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions to the entire team.
4. Agenda
For any man, receiving agenda from the military registration and enlistment office is always an extremely exciting moment. So why don't you make such agendas for men with whom you work in the office? Find on the Internet a sample of the official agenda from the military registration and enlistment office and type one instance for each employee. However, in the appearance item, specify not the address of the military registration and enlistment office, but the place where the banquet dedicated to the holiday will be held. With this you exactly surprise any colleague.

What to gift?

In addition to choosing a congratulation method, women face another rather difficult issue. They do not know what to give male colleagues for such a holiday as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. However, if women show fantasy, then fit suitable presents for colleagues.
Here are just a couple of ideas that will inspire you the acquisition of an original and useful gift for men:
Cups, caps, t-shirts, sweatshirts, lighters, phone covers and other little things with corporate symbolism companies. It will also be nice to look mugs with a military design. As for the covers for the smartphone, in order to make such a gift, you need to know about what phones are all your colleagues.
Almost always gifts for February 23 - this is something symbolic. However, if you want to really please the men with whom you work, then you will present something worthwhile. An ideal choice will be a gift coupon for a certain amount. Particularly relevant, such gifts will be in the event that there are much more women in the company than men.
It is not necessary that the gift to colleagues on February 23 was personal. Instead, you can look after men from your office a general present. That is, we are talking about such things that each of them will use. An excellent example of such a collective gift is a tennis table or aerokhokki. The main charm of such a present is that it contributes to the cohesion of the collective. However, before buying such a gift, talk to the director. The company's management should not be against putting a tennis table, aerokhokki or something similar in the office.
Festive table
By choosing a method of congratulations and a gift for colleagues, take care of the organization of a festive feast. Pay special attention to this point. From him largely depends on how the holiday will be held on February 23 in your office. In order for the festive table to match the Topic Celebration, come to this issue with a fantasy.

Here are some ideas that will help you cover a festive table in the office on February 23

1. Field kitchen
If you want to support a festive military entourage, then organize a festive feast in the style of field kitchen. Use for this aluminum mugs and bowls, bowlers and hiking spoons. As for food, its foundation should be a barley, stew and buckwheat. Of course, it can be diluted with some kind of delights, like cheese and sausages, but, no about salads and other similar dishes and speeches. If you cover a good festive table with a large selection of dishes, then give up the idea of \u200b\u200bfield kitchen.
2. Thematic cake
In many offices, the cake is an integral attribute of any festive corporate event. If you are on February 23, you want to organize a festive tea party in the office, then order in the confectionery themed cake in advance.
3. Cookies and sandwiches
No corporate direct without sandwiches. There will be no problems with this, because any girl will make any sandwich or a cupcake.
4. Drinks
In addition to food, take care of the choice of drinks. Preference is better to give the drinks that like men.
When you decide with the way of congratulations, pick up gifts and plan a festive feast, go to entertainment. Without this, you will not be able to organize a truly cheerful and original holiday on February 23 in the office. However, if you do not have time to come up with entertainment for the male half of your team, then buy a Party Box. In such boxes there is everything you need to organize a fun holiday. Although if you have time and desire, come up with entertainment yourself.


Decorate the office in the thematic style in advance. Green balls, above the door - protective grid, country flag. On the table, everyone can put a soldier's triangle in advance with the words of congratulations on all women's firms. It is advisable to write them from hand and blue ink.

You also need to decide whether you will cover the table for yours or not. If you still decide to cover, ask in advance what alcohol they prefer, otherwise the mood of beer lovers, forced to drink vodka or wine, will be slightly spoiled. You can make personal bottles for everyone by sticking a kind of labels, reflecting the character or surname.

Surprise men of an unusual snack. Refuse traditional canapes or sandwiches, instead, arrange the thematic holiday: in Russian folk style - with and medical, Japanese - Sake and Sushi, Eastern - with a pilaf of a lamb and samsa.

Instead of boring toasts and congratulatory poems with postcards, come up with the firms of the company a fun congratulation. For example, you can, put your blankets or military uniforms, sing a song about the army and your men-defenders. Girls possessing good vocal data or perfectly dancing can show a full-fledged concert number - for example, "Soldier Waltz". And do not forget to invite the director of the company to the dance.

If there are many men, and women are just 3-5, you can do without, but to spend this holiday with games and jokes. Arrange a fun lottery where the prizes will be things, at least remotely reminiscent of the service in the army - the soldier's belt, stew, tutu "Prima". And men will not remain forgotten, and gifts will get everyone, and have fun on glory. Spend a few games that reveal the secrets of your men or their attitude towards women. Prepare a cheerful quatrain on this topic, fold into the hat and let them pull them out of hats on the banner and read. Of course, you can, of course, prepare musical excerpts from different songs in advance, and when someone puts on a hat, at this moment there is some excerpt, as if illustrating the thoughts of a person.

If you are lost in choosing a gift, prefer to give a symbolic souvenir associated with the defense of the fatherland. No need to give a set of hygiene products for the hundredth time, it is better then to purchase solid beautiful keystores or purses, belts or lighters, certificates in a fitness club. And naturally, gifts for the director and simple workers of your department should be different. Among the original gifts is a clock with a symbols of a company or a comic image-cartoon of each man, a corporate calendar for 12 months with interesting photos of your men and aphorisms signatures for photos, pillows or a mug with a poetic comic wishes and image of each employee.