Eyebrow tattoo 3 d. Volumetric eyebrow tattooing techniques - a new era of permanent makeup. What you need to know before going to the salon

A real woman pays attention to her appearance. Clothes, figure, hairstyle, makeup - everything must be perfect! No one will dispute the opinion that the main emphasis in communicating with a person is on the eyes. Well-groomed eyes can radically change the stylistic image of a woman. Eyebrow tattoo 3d is a procedure that will help the fairer sex to look their best.

3d tattoo is fashionable

Eyebrow tattooing possibilities: beauty effect

Eyebrows are a part of a person's face that is directly involved in the perception of people around him. It is an easy matter to accentuate or spoil your appearance with these body parts. It would seem what a trifle, but how much depends on them. Surprised, restrained, cheerful, strict facial expression can be obtained when "playing" with the shape of the eyebrows.

From a historical perspective, it becomes clear that the ladies never left this part of the face alone - they shaved, plucked, tinted, painted. Modern women also attach great importance to the shape and color of their eyebrows.

Eyebrows also need to be looked after

To facilitate the care of this part of the face, modern cosmetology offers such a type of correction as a 3D eyebrow tattoo.

General information: price, eyelash method for eyebrows

3d eyebrows can be obtained by using the services of permanent makeup specialists. The essence of the procedure is to place paint of a certain color under the skin at the desired depth. The coloring pigment located in the epidermis allows you to maintain the desired shape and color for much longer than when tinting and correcting with tweezers.

The advantages of such makeup, literally and figuratively, are on the face:

How do eyebrow tattooing 3d in salons: technique of execution

Usually, a 3d session is carried out in several stages. The algorithm of actions of the wizard doing the procedure can be represented as follows:

    "Fitting" form and color. With a pencil of brown shades, they draw different options and choose the most suitable one.

  • The introduction of pain medications.
  • ... Under this buzzword is hidden, close to the natural tone, without drawing a contour.
  • Drawing hairs.
  • Actually, the 3D eyebrow tattoo itself, representing complex actions for the complex application of the first two stages.

The depth of the "occurrence" of the pigment substance is about ½ centimeter. The longevity of beautiful eyebrows, guaranteed by such a cosmetic session, is 5 years.

The 3d method should not be trusted to dubious beauty centers, and even more so to unlicensed salons. It is impossible to carry out such a procedure at home - you need special equipment, and it is inconvenient to draw for yourself.

Hair specialists can paint according to the European and Asian systems.

In the first case, tattoo artists depict hairs that are similar in length and growth direction to natural structures. Strokes of the same length are applied at regular intervals, do it from the bottom up, from the bridge of the nose to the temporal part.

The Asian way involves more complex manipulations. This procedure takes much longer and requires more diligence and skill on the part of a specialist. "Shading" in this case is of various types and is done taking into account the individual characteristics of the face of women. Eyebrows drawn in this way are closer to natural and look stylish and natural.

Do the procedure only with a master, at home you may not achieve the desired result and even ruin everything

Actions after a hair tattoo session

Women who have resorted to the procedure should remember that 3d eyebrow tattooing is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, microtrauma. The skin around the eyebrows will turn red, painful, and swollen. Over time, keratinized crusts will appear at the site of the wounds, then they will fall off and the skin will recover.

Everyone's skin sensitivity is different, be careful

It is not necessary to "help" the skin and pick out thin scars of the skin, so it is possible to injure the damaged layer even more and infect it. With patience, you can see new epidermis and beautiful eyebrows.

The rehabilitation period will pass faster if you follow all the advice of cosmetologists:

  1. do not be under direct ultraviolet light (outdoors, in a solarium);
  2. do not visit the sauna and bath (so as not to steam the skin);
  3. do not touch with funds;
  4. avoid mechanical stress.

Masters of their craft will teach women the correct recovery after tattooing - an hour after the procedure, the eyebrows are wiped with a decoction of chamomile (using a cotton pad) and smeared with D-panthenol. Fifteen minutes later using the herbal decoction disc.
Such sequential manipulations are repeated every two hours.

Stock up on essential medicines

It is advisable to do this three days after the 3D eyebrow tattoo has been done.


Eyebrows 3d is a great way out for women with a lack of time or in case of need for constant correction. But can everyone who dreams of external beauty afford a tattoo of this part of the face?

Contraindications to using this method:

  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • reduced blood clotting.


Be beautiful and healthy!

The specialists of the Eyes-N-Lips network of salons offer tattooing using the "3D effect" method, which allows you to perfectly adjust the shape and color of the eyebrows. 3D eyebrow tattooing is an innovative technique that will help to emphasize the individuality and expressiveness of a woman's face.

In the modern world, women are increasingly resorting to tattooing services to correct the shape and shade of their eyebrows and achieve the perfect effect. Today, new methods of permanent makeup appear, one of which is 3D tattooing.

Features of three-dimensional tattooing

3D eyebrow tattooing is a permanent makeup technique that involves the introduction of pigment under the skin at a shallow depth. The pattern is preserved for a longer time than with conventional staining. This is undoubtedly very convenient: a woman can not think about daily color adjustments and save her personal time for applying makeup.

The benefits of 3D tattooing are undeniable. Among them:

  • the technique combines the use of two methods: shading, as well as drawing each hair;
  • eyebrows after permanent makeup "3D effect" look as natural and aesthetically pleasing as possible;
  • after the 3D eyebrow tattooing procedure, the effect lasts longer than with other techniques.

Perhaps the only drawback of 3D permanent tattooing is its cost. But, doing a three-dimensional eyebrow tattoo, the price of which is higher than other types of permanent makeup, you can be sure that you will get the perfect result.

Stages of the procedure

Permanent eyebrow makeup, the price of which may differ, is performed using special tools and materials. Also, eyebrow tattooing with a three-dimensional effect requires high skill and certain skills, so it is impossible to do it yourself. In general, permanent eyebrow tattooing “Three-dimensional effect is produced in several stages, including:

  • consultation with a specialist;
  • coordination with the master of all the nuances of the procedure, namely the desired shape and shade of the eyebrows;
  • drawing the contours of the eyebrows with a pencil, selecting the ideal shape;
  • applying local anesthesia to the area where the tattoo will be performed;
  • drawing hairs with a hollow needle to a depth of about 0.5 mm.

The experts of the Eyes-N-Lips network of salons maintain complete sterility while performing 3D eyebrow tattooing, using gloves and disposable needles. After the procedure, correction is not required for 2-5 years: it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the exposure to specific external factors.

If you want to use our services, sign up for the first free consultation on 3D eyebrow tattooing. This can be done using the contacts indicated in the corresponding section of the site. The price for tattooing in our salons will pleasantly surprise you.

Recently, such methods of applying permanent makeup, which combine the techniques of several different techniques, have become more and more popular. And it is well deserved. Such a combination gives the best visual result and helps to simultaneously solve all the problems of the appearance of the eyebrows. These are the 3D and 6D tattoo techniques, and they will be discussed in this article.

What is 3D and 6D tattooing?

Despite the fact that these techniques are relatively new, they have already gained fame as the most effective for creating natural eyebrows. The 3D and 6D tattoo techniques are optimal for restoring the thickness and length of the eyebrows, filling in voids and bald patches. Working in such techniques, the master draws the finest strokes, which are visually almost indistinguishable from real hairs.

What are the features of 3D and 6D tattooing?

In fact, the 3D and 6D methods combine several tattoo techniques at once. 3D permanent makeup typically combines blending and hair styling to achieve amazing naturalness. It differs in that during the procedure the master uses not one, but several shades, and applies the strokes themselves in different directions and of different lengths. Thanks to this, the eyebrows look much fuller and fuller, and at the same time have a clear, elegant shape.

The 6D technique is considered the most difficult today, therefore it requires a high level of skill and artistic ability. This technique combines the techniques of shadow shading, hair technique and 3D tattooing. The process is long and laborious, but definitely worth all the effort.

What problems of eyebrow appearance does 3D and 6D tattooing solve?

Such progressive and perfect tattoo techniques as 3D and 6D help to correct all visual imperfections in the appearance of eyebrows in just one procedure, in particular:

Make sparse eyebrows much thicker.
Darken too light hairs.
Add width to thin eyebrows.
Mask scars and even out scars.
Forms clear contours.
Correct asymmetry.
They make the appearance of the eyebrows more harmonious and proportional to the shape of the face.

Before the procedure, it is important to tell the master about all the problematic points in the appearance of the eyebrows that you would like to correct with the help of 3D and 6D tattooing, so that the specialist can draw up an action plan and clearly understand what result you want to get.

Benefits of 3D and 6D tattooing

These tattoo techniques allow you to correct even the most obvious flaws in the appearance of the eyebrows, as well as to correct previous poor-quality work even in the most advanced cases. Among the main advantages of 3D and 6D tattooing are the following:

The ability to recreate eyebrows even in the absence of hairs on the browbones.
The eyebrows get a very neat and elegant look, thanks to the complex transition of shades and the play of shadows.
Gives the brows the desired length, width and thickness.
The procedure is atraumatic, so the regeneration period passes very quickly (up to 5 days) and without complications.
The pigment is injected under the skin to a depth of no more than 0.5 mm, so the paint does not spread, does not flow, does not change its color, and the effect lasts for about two years.

The list of advantages does not end there, because every woman will be able to add to it many more advantages that she will find in this procedure.

How is the 3D and 6D tattooing procedure?

The master-professional will begin with the appointment of a preliminary consultation, in which he will talk about all the nuances of the chosen technique and ways of preparing for the procedure. The session itself usually begins with the development of the future eyebrow pattern, the selection of the correct shades and shape. Next, the master will apply the anesthetic to the surface to be treated and begin to inject the pigment under the skin. After the procedure, it is possible to apply a sedative or a special disinfecting ointment.

How long does 3D and 6D tattoo last?

Permanent make-up performed in these techniques lasts about 2 years, but it is impossible to name the exact dates, since the removal of pigment from the layers of the skin is different for each person. Nevertheless, there are some factors that speed up this process - these include oily skin type, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, frequent use of scrubs and other aggressive cosmetics, professional facial cleansing.

In order for the tattoo to last longer on the skin, you need to use sunscreen, do not carry out cosmetic procedures in the eyebrow area, and, if possible, protect this area from any mechanical impact.

How to care for eyebrows after 3D and 6D tattooing?

The rules for caring for the wound surface after these procedures do not differ from others, and are as follows:

For 1 month, you need to abandon long-term water procedures.
Do not use hormonal ointments.
Do not touch the wound area until complete healing, do not peel off crusts and films.
Use sunscreen.
Do not scratch or rub your skin.
Lightly rub the skin with chlorhexidine to remove ichor.

Compliance with these rules will ensure rapid healing of the skin and the preservation of an even symmetrical pattern.

In her studio, Elena Olshanskaya provides a full range of 3D and 6D tattooing services. The master uses high quality hypoallergenic dyes and the latest equipment to achieve the perfect result. Elena Olshanskaya has extensive experience and a fine artistic taste, therefore, for each client, she perfectly selects the necessary shades and shape of eyebrows, allowing the tattoo to look great.

Why choose between hair and shadow tattoo when you can combine both techniques ?! Cosmetologists also thought so and decided to please customers with the WOW effect. Thick, voluminous, fluffy eyebrows, which are almost impossible to distinguish from natural ones, is the merit of a new method of permanent make-up, which, however, has its own characteristics.

Difference from other techniques

3D eyebrow tattooing is a combination of the hair method and pigment shading. The combination of different drawing techniques allows you to get the most natural eyebrows. Let's list the differences between 3D technology and standard eyebrow tattooing.

  1. The work can only be performed by a master with high qualifications and extensive work experience.
  2. The device is not in use. All contours are drawn by hand. Craftsmen prefer to apply strokes of different lengths and angles.
  3. For a standard permanent, brows use one pigment color. When creating a three-dimensional effect, take two or three colors. Sometimes several shades of dye are combined at once. The more colors are involved, the brighter and more saturated the outline will be.
  4. Simulation of additional volume.
  5. During shading, dark and light shades alternate, glare and shadows are applied.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now beauty salons offer at least five methods of permanent makeup to choose from. 3D tattooing is not suitable for all women; it requires consistent preparation and rehabilitation after. Therefore, before going to the procedure, carefully study its essence from all sides.

Arguments for":

  • tattoo masks light, rare, thin eyebrows;
  • suitable for blondes;
  • hides scars, scars in the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the needle;
  • the drawing does not need constant correction;
  • no need to additionally apply decorative cosmetics (pencil or gel);
  • facial flaws are visually corrected;
  • the effect lasts 2-3 years.

Arguments against":

  • the pores of the skin are clogged, comedones appear;
  • if the procedure is carried out regularly, the growth of one's own hair slows down;
  • a session of three-dimensional tattooing is long in time;
  • high price of the service.


Find a craftsman in advance who will make you a 3D permanent. The main thing is that the makeup artist is qualified, has a confirmed certificate and a license to provide services. Look at the portfolio of your master, it will be easier to assess the level of his work. Photos "before" and "after" the session are usually posted on the website or pages of the beauty salon in social networks. Focus on reviews from friends and colleagues. The advice of acquaintances is not always a reliable source of information, but sometimes you need to listen to them.

Before going to the salon, coordinate the outline with your master. Here you need to take into account the shape of the face, eyes, existing shortcomings. Raised, "surprised" eyebrows are very suitable for owners of a round face. For an oval shape, a smooth curve is a good option. Eyebrows "house" or slightly lowered towards the eyelid will transform a girl with a triangular face. Do not think that as a result, the look will become stern, sullen. The graceful strokes applied by the master's “stuffed” hand will not spoil the expression on the face.

We advise you to pre-select the color of future eyebrows. The palette of color fixers is varied, but here you need to rely on the color of your hair. Blondes face light brown shades, light brown - a brown outline with the addition of gray. Chocolate tone is recommended for brown-haired women, black for brunettes. The main thing is that the eyebrows look balanced on the face, do not "weigh down" it.

Immediately before the session:

  • do not drink alcohol;
  • wash your hair in advance (after tattooing, the drawing cannot be wetted for several days);
  • if the summer is hot, buy sunscreen in advance;
  • buy an ointment or gel for healing in advance;
  • do not go to the salon with eye makeup (this includes mascara, eyeshadow, cosmetic pencil)

How is the procedure

Session of 3D tattooing, drawing of eyebrows, in total lasts 1.5-2 hours. After the final selection of the color and shape of the future eyebrows, the application of the pigment will begin. The facial skin is sensitive, so you may experience pain during the procedure. Now all the masters actively use local anesthesia: an injection of an anesthetic or a cream-gel with a cooling effect.

At the first stage of permanent make-up, dye will be sprayed on. The pigments are evenly blended along the contour of the eyebrows. The second stage is to imitate real hairs. The master will make neat strokes with a maniple handle with fine needles.


Drawing takes most of the time, so make yourself comfortable in your chair and be patient.


After permanent makeup, the skin needs rehabilitation. Don't be discouraged by the reflection in the mirror immediately after the session.

Swelling, redness, and swelling in the eyebrow area is normal.

Healing will take at least 7-10 days even with proper care. For a quick recovery, adhere to the basic rules formulated by practicing cosmetologists.

  1. Protect your drawing from water, cleansing gels, and soaps.
  2. Do not sit in the steam room or sauna, steaming will slow down healing.
  3. Use antiseptics that do not contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Do not injure the crusts that form in the pattern area. They will dry out, and after a few days they will disappear by themselves.
  5. Use wound-healing ointments and creams to speed up regeneration. Treat your eyebrows with a cotton swab three to four times a day until fully restored.
  6. Do not expose the wound to ultraviolet rays. A solarium, a long walk in the scorching sun without applying protective equipment will cause complications.
  7. Hypothermia also negatively affects skin regeneration. In winter, do not walk for a long time in the cold, hide your forehead and eyebrows under a warm hat. If possible, use petroleum jelly or chap chapstick.

Permanent makeup is a minimal surgical intervention in the human body. Therefore, in the first stages of healing, the immune system will be vulnerable, weakened.

To protect yourself from infection, take vitamins, antiviral drugs. Colds and viral diseases will delay the regeneration process for another week or two.

Who is contraindicated

Three-dimensional tattooing, like any cosmetic procedure, has its limitations. You need to postpone the session if you have an exacerbation of skin diseases: dermatitis, allergies, rosacea. 3D permanent is contraindicated for pregnant women, people with acute respiratory infections. The service is prohibited for patients with diabetes, hemophilia, bronchial asthma.

You can not go to the makeup artist's office in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

Even taking into account all the requirements for the preparation and care of eyebrows, no one is immune from unexpected skin reactions and side effects. If you have edema, hematoma, bleeding area of \u200b\u200bthe tattoo, or if you feel bad for a long time, consult a doctor immediately. Timely medical care provided will bring a successful result.

Examples of 3D eyebrow tattooing (photo)

At your request, the beautician can create an imitation of un-plucked eyebrows, this style has become fashionable not so long ago. However, you should remember that such non-trivial solutions can quickly get bored, and then permanent makeup will have to be reduced with a laser or remover.

Eyebrow tattooing 3D is a relatively new technique of applying paints, which allows you to get the result as close as possible to the natural result. This is exactly the method by which you can restore the visibility of the eyebrows in the absence of hair in the browbone area or in the presence of significant bald spots in the eyebrows.

With this method, you can significantly raise the level of the eyebrows, and at the same time the tattoo will not look like a banal tattoo on bald skin.

How to get the desired effect?

The effect of natural eyebrows is obtained thanks to the special alternation of stripes of different colors. Dark hairs are taken as a basis, which are matched to the hair color or darker. And between the dark stripes of "hairs" put "shadows", the color of which is darker.

To create the effect, paints of 2-3 different shades are usually used. As a result, the hairs tattooed look really voluminous.

How is the procedure

You can see how 3D permanent eyebrow makeup is done in the following video.

Video: 3d permanent eyebrow makeup

When the procedure is carried out by a master of his craft, then everything seems easy and simple. However, it should be understood that behind this seeming simplicity is not only the stages of learning and obtaining the necessary experience, but also the understanding of style and harmony.

Care after 3D eyebrow tattoo

Remember that this is the same procedure as a regular tattoo. They differ only in the skill and professionalism of the master; for a beginner, tattooing in 3D technique is often beyond the power of a beginner. But the rules of care and the consequences of improper care for both techniques are the same.

The main stages of eyebrow tattoo care:

  • it is forbidden to rub eyebrows, scratch, tear off crusts;
  • the first two days we lubricate the eyebrow area with miramistin;
  • we use any healing creams so that the crusts do not come off prematurely and do not tighten the skin;
  • if the swelling does not go away for a long time, we take an antihistamine;
  • we protect the eyebrow area from ultraviolet radiation.

If you remove the crusts ahead of time, then there is a risk of getting light spots devoid of pigment. Sunlight, solarium lamp radiation will contribute to the rapid fading of the pigment with which the tattoo was performed.

Service prices

Before and after photos