New Year's greetings to colleagues. Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues. Funny New Year greetings for a woman

» Happy New Year 2017 to colleagues

New Year's greetings to colleagues in prose - congratulations in your own words

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and good, sincere love and joy, bright luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Happy New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish everyone a wonderful mood and vigor of the body, constant good luck in business and great success, great ideas and brilliant prospects, personal happiness and significant victories in life.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! May our dreams come true and all tasks be solved easily. Let our friendly team bypass the difficulties, and the career ladder will become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you high and rapid career growth, great and unbreakable success in your work, honest and fruitful cooperation, understanding and respect in the team, prosperity and prosperity in the house, New Year's happiness and true love in your personal life.

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. May this year be incredibly successful and profitable for each of you. May every working day please with the results of hard work and significant advancement in the career ladder. Let the activity know no obstacles and problems, and let life be filled with goodness and happiness.

Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms, colleagues! We have done a good job in the outgoing year, outlined a multitude of plans for the coming 12 months. Let everything that was conceived work out and be implemented as successfully as possible. I wish you health, your families, your relatives and friends. And prosperity and prosperity to our company. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! May this year, like a breath of fresh inspiration, bring you many ideas, suggestions, may every step and undertakings on your part be crowned with success. We wish you healthy stubbornness, inexhaustible energy, endless enthusiasm and, of course, financial well-being, as an assessment of your decent work.

Colleagues, this year was full of pleasant surprises, significant achievements, as well as minor disappointments. But you and I remained unshakable and persistent in winning new awards for our work. I wish all of us that with the change of the date on the calendar, in our life, too, all the changes were only for the better! Professional growth for us, new strategically important partners and successful contracts. The contribution of each of you is invaluable in our difficult business. Congratulations and wish you only prosperity in the New Year!

My dear colleagues, may this New Year knock on your door with a fairy tale and your life will be filled with miracles. May fate give you more and more gifts every day and spoil you with unexpected, and most importantly, pleasant surprises. I wish good luck to accompany you in everything - both in your personal life and, of course, in your professional endeavors. Step boldly towards the new, make incredible discoveries and fate will certainly thank you for your courage!

Another working year is coming to an end. Long-awaited holidays are ahead. I wish you a happy holidays, a happy new year. May the New Year be accompanied by good luck in business, in your personal life and good financial well-being. You truly deserve it!

New Year's greetings to colleagues

At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, a suit from Armani!
And let as much money as winter snow,
I sincerely wish you, colleague!
All that is listed, let it bring
New 20 ... year!

May the New Year bring stability
Growing income, wage bonuses.
Let everything in your house be a bunch,
And at work - just chocolate.
I wish everyone happiness and love,
Champagne sparkling in a glass.
Desires for you to make
And so that they all become reality.

Colleagues, the New Year is coming
And may you have the whole year
Great mood!
May you certainly be lucky
Let fate smile
Good luck floats to you,
And all dreams come true!

Let colleagues, New Year
Will bring us all -
More and more often.
So that mugs, cups themselves wash,
Computers didn't freeze
The bosses so as not to shout,
So that everyone is happy with a colleague, friend ...
Salary - on the second round!
And from work - pleasure,
Good pleasure to you everywhere,
Free trail, discounts on shopping,
So that life is like a fairy tale, the world is like dope.
To be proud of your kind
Warmth, comfort. Happy New Year!

May happiness come to you all
On a wonderful New Year holiday!
I want to wish you, colleagues,
In the career ladder of success
All just a lot of income,
Good health, steel!
May every moment and every hour
Only joy awaits you in life!

I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!
Let only happiness reign in the family
May health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!
I wish you all on this holiday
A lot of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of \u200b\u200blight
And many great successes!

I congratulate all colleagues
Happy New Year and I wish
So that the work does not torment,
Gave pleasure.
Optimism and positive
Let him join the team.
So that salaries are added
And more often they were issued -
Three or four times a month.
Well, all the pockets are wider!
So that the authorities do not bustle,
How loved you all loved,
The vacation was given on time ...
Well, about once a year.
Well, Santa Claus is kind
Will give happiness, love and blessings.
Let him advance you in the service
And he'll throw gifts!

Congratulations on the coming!
We sincerely want to wish everyone
So that there is no sadness in life,
So that you can keep up everywhere.
So that what is planned in the plan come true,
To keep money in your pocket.
So that you have a fun year
Among friends and pleasant troubles!

New Year is a reason to congratulate
All who believe in him are waiting for a miracle.
May it bring much joy
New Year to you when it comes!
Let him give you new goals,
Many different, desired victories.
Let everything be, what I wanted so much.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!

The year has passed so quickly
There was so much to do in him
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!
In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.
There is a lot of health, stronger than steel,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you faithful friends
And fruitful, bright days!

Happy New Year 2018 to colleagues in prose

My dear and dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish everything to start in a new way in the new year: to have new successes in activities, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All good and good!

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones will warm them with an invariable hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

My dear colleagues, I would like to sincerely and with great respect wish you a Happy New Year! I would like to wish you career growth, new success and prosperity, achievement of more and more new goals. And I would also like to wish each of you good health, self-confidence, creative inspiration and love in all its manifestations.

Dear Colleagues! So the New Year has come! You've all done a great job, and now is the time to celebrate the magical New Year's Eve. I wish each of you simple eternal happiness, because without it the world becomes gray. Health to you and your loved ones. New original ideas and grandiose promotions on the career ladder. May our wonderful team become even more friendly and together we are not afraid of any heights. Happy New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. I would like to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and constant good luck. May New Year's Eve fulfill the desire of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish you a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in him be healthy and loved, may great victories and brave achievements await us.

Let the old year be remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. May work be a joy in the new year, and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. May this year start successfully and beautifully. May everyone be very lucky from the first days. May hard work and zeal for work always be appreciated and rewarded. May each of us have their own victories and further advancement in the activities of each of us, and may life give everyone happiness and love. I wish you all happy holidays and wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! May your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all your innermost dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Dear Colleagues! It is a great luck to be with you in one friendly team, and, every day, jointly and amicably solve new, even difficult tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish health to you and those who are dear to you, so that success accompanies everything that has been planned, and that your innermost dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unthinkable way!

New Year's greetings are not in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! And I wish you always a stable income, big bonuses, long paid vacations. So that work is always a joy, so that there is mutual understanding at work and that the boss is a little kinder!

My dear colleagues! Happy New Year. I wish all of us to remain as friendly and cheerful. I wish you a festive mood, never know about grief, depression and sadness. I wish you great strength, colossal success and, of course, an increase in your salary.

Dear Colleagues. May the New Year bring new successes with it, both at work and outside. Let any conflicts be resolved easily and not forcedly, and moreover, bring worthy results.

Dear colleagues, New Year is approaching, and with it the long-awaited weekend. I wish them to be unforgettable, so that new impressions and positive emotions were overflowing. May the New Year bring good luck, profit and success to each of us.

Dear Colleagues! First of all, I would like to wish you success in your work, rapid career growth and that work does not turn into a routine routine, so that it has an element of celebration. Let this year be the turning point, the most memorable and the most fruitful. Happy Holidays!

Friends, employees, colleagues today I want to congratulate you! May the New Year bring understanding, success and joy into your life. May the snowy winter make you happy with goodness, and luck hurry to visit you. Always value and respect each other when preparing reports or making reports. Love jokes, joy - and your life will be more fun!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! We did a great job in the past year, so I wish all of us good luck, luck and inspiration in the coming year. I would also like to wish you a rapid career growth and that this year will give all of you extremely positive impressions and emotions. Happy Holidays!

Happy New Year, colleagues, I congratulate you! I wish you in the New Year to your salary - a salary multiplied for the coming year, so that the management appreciates your work, and thanks you for your work with a good bonus. I wish that the work was not a burden, but colossal achievements, career ladder and success in all matters! And let your family have comfort, warmth and grace throughout the coming year!

Happy New Year!
I wish to receive gifts under the Christmas tree: a magic wand that will fulfill all desires; reward for fruitful work, diligence; a scattering of diamonds from friends, love, luck, confidence, family, victories.

The outgoing year is about to close the doors behind itself. We did not work in vain in the last days of the outgoing year and collected for him a whole bag of unresolved problems, unpretentious disputes, unresolved strife, let him take everything away with him. New Year to us appear at night. New plans, projects, dreams, new meetings and new us. Happiness, love to all for long days, Happy holiday to all, my dears!

New Year's greetings in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues
My congratulations,
Success in your work,
Of course I do!
To new heights
You have achieved everything,
And the salaries are huge
To receive!
And to bring
Work is pleasure,
And there was joy at home
Health and tranquility!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Health, happiness, joy in everything,
Good luck, I wish you a lot of money.
Let adversity be overwhelming.
The coming year may bring for us
There are many successes in life and kindness,
Let all troubles go away as soon as possible
And friendship never leaves!

We worked, plowed -
Tired, we're tired!
Thank God New Year
He will come to us one of these days.
In the meantime, we are in anticipation
New Year's temptations
We will be with you the New Year
We mark in advance.
I wish you colleagues
So that, like smart strategists,
You are the troubles that you have known
Buried deep in the snow.
And on New Years now
So that happiness knocks at the door,
Without giving sadness a chance
Not then and not now.

On the New Year, I wish you happiness
Joyful events and love,
Happy life without bad weather
Nice gifts from fate
Good luck in job,
Good luck on your personal
Always be in fashion
The salary is decent,
May everything come true for you
And let it be only forever
Happy New Year,
My dear colleagues!

Well, colleagues, let's congratulate each other.
While the New Year's blizzard is outside the window,
And the hands of the clock have not yet closed,
Everyone smiled as quickly as possible.
On "two" - reached for the cherished dream.
To the one in the subconscious, there, in the depths.
On "three" - everyone drank a sip of wine,
So that life is ideal, luxurious!
And all for "four", "five", "six", "seven" and "eight"
We will ask Santa Claus for gifts,
And "nine" and "ten" then already let
Dispel all darkness, all sorrows and sadness.
So that this coming year, coming,
Was the most beautiful for everyone, the best!

What do they wish for the New Year?
It's nice to live without hassle
Enjoy every day
And be successful in everything.
I will not repeat myself
But I won't forget my colleagues
Wish in a career of growth,
And in income - only growth.
Many fun days
Loyal, sincere friends.
Well, so that Santa Claus
He took us to the Canary Islands!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if in the old something did not come true,
We do not diminish the level of desires,
So that Santa Claus tightened up.
May the coming year be great
The curve grows up on the chart,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and hindrances.
I wish you improvement and growth,
Less procrastination and problems
Complex issues are easy to solve.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and good luck
A year so that the whole passed without crying.
So that fortune smiles
And the career progressed.
To rest more
They did not know the troubles and sorrows.
To make plans all come true
And the pockets were filling.
What would Santa Claus
I brought you all gifts!

We wish you recognition in the New Year,
Profitable ways in business,
And in every area - prosperity.
And only good news!
And the bank account is always decent,
Careers take off to the very top
And the team is optimistic
And faith in tomorrow's success!

Happy New Year, I congratulate those
Who works with me every day.
Common work and our common success
We are undoubtedly united!
May this year bring all the benefits
To everyone who works in one team.
May it bring health and wealth,
And at the service of new concessions.
May this new year give
All health, joy and ... prizes.
May it bring many smiles
And with the bosses the best relationship!

Congratulations on the topic

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Reply to congratulations to colleagues at work

Words of gratitude to colleagues at work From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you I "Thank you!" I say, I thank you for your help and support. Always in difficult times ...

Happy New Year!
This year I wish you
So that wealth and luck
Were at the same time with you,
And health and luck
Flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all the bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Growth in your career has brought you,
And the Snow Maiden with her
Has brought a lot of income!

I sincerely congratulate everyone
And with all my heart I wish
Salary increases,
So that you are all rich.

Let the bosses not scold
Doesn't call on the carpet.
Let your career grow
As soon as the New Year comes.

And let every Snow Maiden
Receives a gift for a fur coat,
And her "Frosty Grandfather" -
"Mercedes" convertible.

In general, drink and walk,
And celebrate in full.
May the coming new year
It will only bring you joy.

May the new year bring
Much joyous trouble.
On the balance sheet - replenishment,
And in a career - promotions.

To close everything on time,
No problem and no hassle
To work for you with laughter.
Happiness, joy, success!

To a friendly team
He united us even stronger,
To go to work
We are always eager!

So we worked for a year,
The holiday is now waiting for everyone.
May your house be filled with good
Happiness, quiet joy, warmth.
I wish you a fabulous weekend
Colleagues, Happy New Year!

Every day is with you for the good,
We worked for a whole year!
And now of course it is necessary
Celebrate the New Year brightly!

To make it noisy and with fun
Everybody danced in a round dance.
And did not suffer from a hangover
You are on New Year's morning.

To you colleagues, I wish
Relax for everyone, take a walk.
To dream of everything
I tried to perform for a year.

Despite the bad weather,
Every day was nice.
And in January for you to work,
Come out all gaining strength.

May the coming year become better
Than all of you had the previous one.
So that failures all burn out,
Success in your every business.

In the family - comfort and prosperity,
Health was in order.
Work with inspiration, cheerfully,
For the future. Happy New Year!

Colleagues, put everything aside
And greet the New Year with admiration,
May he bring joy, warmth,
Enjoy your meetings, kindness and inspiration.

Will quietly penetrate every corner
Filling souls with magic and laughter
And give everyone a huge bag
With fun, happiness and great success!

We are with you every day,
From eight to five
The teams are better for us already,
Perhaps not to be found.

Happy New Year, I want you
Congratulate everyone, friends!
We can handle all the tasks
Where are you and me together.

Let's celebrate the New Year
With your family
I wish that without worries
All the holidays are over!

And in a newborn year
We'll meet again
To work and create
And get money!

The year has passed so quickly
There was so much to do in him
May you all in the new year
Successes and victories await!

In my heart I wish you comfort
And happiness every minute
In the family - mutual understanding,
In a career - only prosperity.

There is a lot of health, stronger than steel,
So that all dreams suddenly come true.
I wish you faithful friends
And fruitful, bright days!

I congratulate all colleagues,
After all, the New Year has come to us.
I sincerely wish you
Let your soul sing.

I wish that work
Was creative, beloved,
To difficult heights
They were all surmountable.

I wish peace at home
And don't know the bad days
And also in large volume
To receive joy, happiness.

May this magic day
All dreams come true
Peace to you, kindness and light,
And warmth!

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to everyone. In the New Year, I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, in raising children. To make all desires come true, only kind and sympathetic people met on the way, so that there were only tears in their eyes from happiness, and every new day brought a smile, and she never left her face!

Happy New Year to colleagues in prose

There could be no question of any success if our team had not taken up the task! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan ... but behind all the figures and calculations there is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process can be imagined and no idea can be realized. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and dreams and goals will find their embodiment! We wish your families peace and comfort! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work in verse

Please accept Happy New Year greetings
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the next year, you will have more patience,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
Profitable contracts, and it is better to have more,
And to the goal to come!

Happy New Year to colleagues from the bosses

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year at the festive table in the circle of your closest people, because the New Year is a family holiday. I would like to raise a festive glass for warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and well-being in every family!
Let the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate
Knocking at us - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only competent decisions!
And you have big incomes,
Good working days!
At home - joy, warmth,
A lot of all kinds of good!

Happy New Year to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers coll? Gues!
Nous vous pr? Sentons nos meilleurs v? Ux pour ce No? L qui s "annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d" optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ? S dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r? Alisations! Nous esp? Rons que l "ann? E qui s" annonce vous apportera assurance, s? R? Nit ?, chance et succ? S dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, congratulations sound like this:
Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!
Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will bring confidence, tranquility, luck and success in all your endeavors.\u003d263977

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year's celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the path of life.
May it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues in verse

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Will welcome the New Year
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus may not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give a prize to everyone for a year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team worked
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

We have worked fruitfully with you,
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We have already earned the Sabantuy.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I am happiness in the coming year,
Let success be systematic
In work, in relationships and in love.

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

My dear colleagues!
I have had great luck in my life - to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, solutions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about your sense of humor in case of failure!
Don't be afraid at work - intuition, surprise, experimentation, it's worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
I wish you happiness and success!

Official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Ladies and gentlemen!
Our team cordially wishes you a Happy New Year and wishes you and your company success and prosperity.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

With a beautiful and fluffy blanket
Winter has enveloped the trees and fields!
But it became warmer in my soul
We are waiting for New Year's joy, kindness!
May the New Year come soon
And he will bring us a lot of happiness!
And may everything that we dream of come true
Let the best happen in homes!

Dear esteemed colleagues!
Happy New Year to you!
And I wish you a lot of success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, biggest achievements!

Happy New Year in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year to your colleagues

How quickly time is running out.
Suddenly - once! - and New Year again!
And today I wish you
Less worries.
And if it's a hassle, then small.
So that the disease does not touch you.
And to slow down the arrows
The usual one completed the circle!

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are leaving the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new ahead that we have to go through together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring our team only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth! Happy new year dear friends!

Santa Claus let it be cool
The crisis will be kaput!
Let everyone be in business
Everything we wanted will be!
Waited for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The bosses are smiling
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries a statement,
And opposite all the names,
There is a prize for a miracle!
In, however, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to friends, colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows that we are waiting for him,
Wears a festive fur coat
And the magic staff is with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he's probably getting hot!
Well, we don't care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who is hungry for money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams of travel,
And he dreams of traveling the whole world!
Someone is waiting for the love of a crazy night
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor is going with friends to the bathhouse,
To steam up there wonderfully!
Well, I only want one thing
To have a lot and everything!
May everyone greet the New Year brightly
And they will receive all the desired gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide
I go to work with joy,
And I really want to tell you at times:
I won't find any other such!

May the New Year fulfill your wishes
Good luck - will not bypass anyone!
We will fill our glasses with champagne,
Let's drain them now for the New Year!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart,
May the days and nights be good!
Let the bosses worry less,
Let the bad go away as soon as possible!
In a career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

New Year greetings to colleagues original

I wish that in the new year your salaries will be increased by 150%, and that you will have more weekends. I wish your work schedule this year was as follows: 12.00 - the beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - the end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Though the snowdrifts prevent us from going,
Although the blizzard scares outside the window,
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
I wish you great success
Both in work and in deeds of love,
Let it fill with life, happiness, laughter
Year to come all hours and days.

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to wish each other a Happy New Year! Thinking, I thought about my wish and this is what I decided: may the New Year give each of you what you most want! I am sure that then you will want even more, so guess right away so that there is everything, more and at once. May everything come true, but for now let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,

What your heart desires!

We set off on a new hike.

To have a successful new year

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings to colleagues

As streams and rivers run to the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, colleagues,
We set off on a new hike.
Let you on different new paths
A joyful delight awaits
May rich experience help you,
To have a successful new year

Original congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Santa Claus let it be cool
The crisis will be kaput!
Let everyone be in business
Everything we wanted will be!
Waited for career growth
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The bosses are smiling
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries a statement,
And opposite all the names,
There is a prize for a miracle!
In, however, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! Well, now another year has passed when we all worked gloriously together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work gloriously, but also receive glorious money! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy! Happy New Year!

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues verses

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Admire nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
What your heart desires!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy new celebration!
May in the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If anything else, I'll bring it.
May women bloom with a smile
Let men believe in their success
May the bosses next year
Praises everyone for their work!

Original congratulations to business colleagues Happy New Year

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day - unprofitable - this is when we all together celebrate the best and richest New Year! Let our business bring us continuous income, and the expenses will be so small that we will not even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Happiness to you, gentlemen!

Happy New Year in verse to colleagues

In the New Year, I wish you, colleagues,
Let the blizzards carry away:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let everyone have their dacha!
Plans, figures and reports,
Let the worries go away soon!
New Year is already at the door
Open them quickly!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness rushes to everyone's house!

Comic Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and wish each of you that you finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats and kitties! And then the team will have a continuous purr, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system! This means that peace will finally reign, which does not have a very good effect on work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to your colleagues

Colleagues, a minute of attention!
I will tell you my wishes.
May the New Year come to us
It will bring good luck to all of us.
Let there be agreement with us
In work, as in a feast now.
Let our business flourish
And it will bring profit to all of us!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Day after day we worked successfully
Achieved fruit in business.
We are worthy of rest, of course,
There is also a reason - New Year has come!
So let's put aside the reports
Let's remember them only next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everyone to the table!

Happy New Year Quatrains to colleagues

I will tear off the last leaf of the calendar,
From the bottom of my heart I will tell my colleagues briefly!
Great happiness to you in the New Year,
Fulfill any dream faster!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish that in it
We've done quite well
Our business is great!
May only the joy of victory
It unites us forever!
We will leave all troubles
Forever behind!

Happy New Year to colleagues at work in verse

New Year's affairs,
Dances, songs until the morning!
The Christmas tree was brought to the office
And the table has already been set!
Soon Santa Claus will come
Winks with his right eye!
I wish all colleagues
He knows exactly what to wish!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look ...
There is a round ball on the tree -
From him love is on fire!
The heart burns with a flame
The cat looks embarrassed!
Purrs good to you
Tender passion until the morning
Every day or week ... ..
I believe him, of course!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new labor song!
Let's say together to the year: “Hello!
Come to us again! "
May it bring us success
May he save us from troubles
Removes all interference
On the road and way.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends!
This holiday promises us joy.
And you can't not believe us in happiness,
After all, only a believer - let him see ...
So let's wait for New Year
With new bread on a new table
May he bring happiness to all of us
And successes in hard work.

Cool Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear colleagues,
Happy New Year again.
Again we go to the race
New Year is calling us to the start.
We will not somehow trudge
You will not take us with any fear,
Only, mind you, let's not "mow"
And do not run into the bushes from half a circle.

Happy New Year 2011 to colleagues

Colleagues, we waited, came
Two thousand and eleven!
Let us have enough mental strength,
To live, work in the midst of all adversity.
Let the peaks seem now
As distant as the stars above
They will obey us, give an hour
We will be Olympus together all!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

Congratulations: Happy New Year
I bring you with respect -
Dear colleagues, my people,
I will give you for you, if necessary ...
I'll give it if I need a paycheck
Celebrate New Year, Christmas,
But I think it's probably better
If the boss makes a triumph!

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

Colleagues, dear friends!
How glad I am to congratulate you all!
Wonderful days have come -
I don't care about everyday life now.
I wish you a New Year
At a festive noisy table.
We are already ready for the celebration,
Leave things for later ...

Corporate greetings Happy New Year for colleagues

All year you work for the good of the company,
Today, colleagues, everything is for you!
We are a wonderful team, congratulations
Health, happiness and smiles at New Year's hour!

Collective congratulations are always the most popular. And a special role is always given to New Year's collective congratulations. Our wishes portal offers Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale in the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues will be received with joy if not only printed on a postcard and presented to each employee, but also pronounced at the festive table for all colleagues.

Long years of work with one team allows you to create a close-knit team capable of solving any issues. That is why I would like to congratulate the employees, the kind boss, and good work friends on the upcoming New Year holiday for responsible and good work. Holiday cards, formal congratulations in prose, or funky wishes in verse are great for conveying respect and understanding. You can send Happy New Year greetings to colleagues 2017 in personal emails or SMS messages. Short congratulations are perfect for unfamiliar employees with whom the sender rarely meets at work. But long congratulations on the New Year 2017 of the Rooster are optimal for colleagues with whom he constantly works and solves important problems.

Kind and cool congratulations to colleagues at work with the New 2017 Year of the Rooster in verse

You can congratulate colleagues at work both in the office and in an informal setting during a corporate party dedicated to the upcoming New Year of the Rooster. It is recommended to select wishes according to the personal relationship with a specific employee. If the congratulator communicates well with him in his free time, then congratulations can be cool, funny. An employee with whom he communicates exclusively during the work process is optimally suited with kind official words.

You can say congratulations to colleagues on the New Year 2017 during a feast held before the holiday as toasts. You can also rewrite them on purchased postcards and hand them on the New Year's Eve of the Rooster or after the weekend. Beautiful New Year greetings to colleagues at work can be sent on December 31 by SMS or e-mail. It is recommended to supplement the congratulation with a beautiful picture dedicated to the coming year of the Fire Rooster. You should also enter a couple of phrases from yourself: this will help personalize the congratulation.

May the New Year bring you

Prosperity and income.

May success accompany

So that you do not know the hindrances in anything.

May health be strong

The mind is enlightened, tenacious,

There is peace in the world, but harmony in families.

Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism

Travel and tourism,

In the showers - sunny weather.

Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

May the New Year bring good luck

The stability and income is immeasurable.

May it be generous with gifts this year,

Let the main peaks conquer.

I wish everyone happiness and love,

And the fulfillment of various desires.

Let the days be very bright.

And various impressions for you!

Happy New Year! With new happiness to you, colleagues and friends!

We cannot be sad about this.

The year of the cheerful Monkey, stumbling, runs to us

And it very sincerely promises untold riches.

On my own I want to add: peace and warmth to all of you,

So that hardships and sorrows never happen,

So that all wishes come true under the ringing chimes.

All the losses that were before were definitely found.

All, of course, success, without a thorny path,

So that everyone can climb the career ladder.

To work - like a holiday, full of a cup so that there is a house,

So that the year came sooner, everyone was comfortable in it.

Happy New Year

And with all my heart I wish

A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and good luck

A year so that the whole passed without crying.

So that fortune smiles

And the career progressed.

To rest more

They did not know the troubles and sorrows.

To make plans all come true

And the pockets were filling.

What would Santa Claus

I brought you all gifts!

What interesting congratulations can be sent to colleagues for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster?

When choosing congratulations for colleagues, you need to carefully read the content of each of the proposed poems and prose. They can include both standard wishes and supplemented by original texts. Be sure to pay attention to the features of a particular congratulation. A kind and interesting text is perfect for wishing an employee to achieve what he would certainly like. For example, many want to get a promotion at work or spend a long vacation abroad in the New Year of the Rooster. In the proposed options, you can find various congratulations that will help you beautifully wish the employee the fulfillment of his dreams.

Colleagues should also select cool New Year greetings based on personal relationships. If during the work some dislike was noticed on the part of a certain employee, you should not leave him without holiday greetings for the New Year of the Fire Rooster. After all, it is a warm attitude and special attention that will help to forget about past grievances, eliminate misunderstandings and establish strong working relationships. Indeed, not only the mood of each individual employee, but also the well-coordinated work of the entire team depends on good communication in the team.

Let colleagues, New Year

Will bring us all -

More and more often.

So that mugs, cups themselves wash,

Computers didn't freeze

The bosses so as not to shout,

So that everyone is glad to a colleague, friend ...

Salary - on the second round!

And from work - pleasure,

Good pleasure to you everywhere,

Free trail, discounts on shopping,

So that life is like a fairy tale, the world is like dope.

To be proud of your kind

Warmth, comfort. Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you new creative plans, the achievement of your goals, new achievements, interesting projects, mutual respect in the team, always feel the reliable shoulder of a colleague and, of course, material benefits!

Today is our working day,

But the heart asks for celebration

After all, the hour of the magic night is close!

From happiness - my head is spinning!

Best gifts to you, colleagues,

And money is a full wallet.

And be lucky forever

Get delight from life.

Work with eternal inspiration -

Run home at full steam.

You will certainly have bright miracles

Great success on all fronts!

May the New Year bring stability

Growing income, wage bonuses.

Let everything in your house be a bunch,

And at work - just chocolate.

I wish everyone happiness and love,

Champagne sparkling in a glass.

Desires for you to make

And so that they all become reality.

I wish colleagues in the New Year:

Regular salaries and bonuses,

Inexhaustible reserves

Iron, strong nerves,

More authentic lunches

More ideal than clients,

Easy annual reports,

Compliance with cost accounting.

Timely assistance,

Corporate without consequences

To every career jump

Happy New Year to us, colleagues!

Official congratulations in prose - wishes to colleagues for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

To the heads of the department or the entire company, an official congratulation of colleagues on the New Year 2017 will help to establish trust and indicate their special attention to each employee. Congratulations to the New Year can contain both words expressing hope for further fruitful cooperation, and indicate your respect for all employees. The attention paid before the coming New Year, accompanied by warm words, will be positively appreciated by the subordinates.

It is equally important to congratulate the heads of other departments or employees from the partner company before the New Year. Official New Year greetings to colleagues in prose are perfect for this purpose. They will help express your respect and respect for the entire department. Leaders can hand over New Year's greeting cards to partners at a personal meeting. The courier delivery of a personal (or corporate) gift along with a bottle of wine or champagne and a greeting card will also help to effectively congratulate partners. Such gestures indicate the attention of colleagues and can make the relationship between them more open or even friendly.

Colleagues, I wish you a successful New Year professionally and unforgettable in your personal life! May happiness, love and great wealth come to your homes. Let all the accumulated problems be resolved safely, and let getting rid of them bring big dividends! Clear horizons for you, many new peaks and enough strength to conquer them!

Dear Colleagues! Let me wish you a Happy New Year. I wish that with its onset, mutual understanding, support, optimism, enthusiasm and energy would burst into our friendly team without an invitation. And let the achievements of our team always be one step ahead of time and competitors!

Goodness to you in the New Year and happiness, fulfilled expectations and plans. I wish you a vacation, but so that in Tahiti, a small salary, but so that it does not fit into your wallet, happy holidays, but so that you remember at least half and can boast of how you celebrated them. I wish to grow in breadth, but only up the career ladder. Creative mood and light working days for you next year!

My dear and respected colleagues, I wish you all a Happy New Year. May good luck and happiness knock on everyone's door this New Year, may each of you fulfill his cherished dream and achieve his goals, may your soul be joyful and fun, may your family and friends always be around. Hooray!

My dear and dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish that in the new year everything will start anew, that there will be new successes in activities, new high results in work, new beginnings and new victories, new bright emotions and new happy events. All good and good.

Bright postcards - Happy New Year of the Rooster to colleagues, bosses and friends at work

A beautiful greeting card is perfect for presenting to employees during a corporate party or after the New Year. Typically, for such purposes, heads of companies and departments order printed materials: they select in advance the original design and beautiful text. In the New 2017 Year of the Rooster, the symbol of the year itself - the Fire Rooster - can flaunt as a cover on such postcards. Inside, you can add one of the proposed congratulations for employees, bosses or subordinates. In addition to real postcards, you can also use virtual congratulations with bright pictures. But no less attractive are the video postcards taken on the eve of the holiday. In them, leaders can tell:

  • about the company's achievements in the outgoing year;
  • about the goals of work in the upcoming 2017 Rooster;
  • about how they respect their colleagues, how much they trust.

Separately, video cards of New Year greetings to colleagues at work should include wishes of success, happiness, health. Particular attention should be paid to congratulating not only colleagues, but also his family. Such video postcards can be sent to your work email on December 31st. They will certainly be liked by all the sender's employees and will make them smile. An example of a good video postcard can be explored below:

Formal and friendly congratulations for colleagues are a special sign of attention that should not be forgotten by either the heads of departments or the management of the company itself. Before the New 2017 Year of the Rooster, it is imperative to prepare good wishes and congratulate employees. Prose and poems should be selected according to the status of the congratulator: they can be restrained and include cool texts. Happy New Year cards to colleagues 2017 should be especially honored. It is they who will help to beautifully express respect to employees and partners. But managers who are currently on vacation abroad or who are deciding important work issues in another city can electronically congratulate their colleagues using an original video postcard.

You can always find Happy New Year greetings to colleagues and partners in this section on the website. This holiday is one of the most anticipated. Many begin to prepare for it several months before and buy gifts. Do not forget about colleagues and postpone the preparation of wishes until the last moment. You can come up with New Year's greetings in prose to your colleague or copy ready-made versions from our website. A New Year's feast with loved ones is an obligatory ritual, but, as a rule, many gather and celebrate the holiday in advance with colleagues at work. Before a festive corporate event, prepare cool congratulations for your team and colleagues in advance. In this case, when the time comes for your toast-wishes, you will not fall "face down in the mud."

In order to perform well in front of colleagues at a festive corporate party, choose any short New Year greetings from this section. It will not be difficult to learn comic, funny, funny or beautiful rhymes. They are usually easy to remember. You can also send funny poems about the New Year for colleagues in the form of SMS if you cannot congratulate the person with whom you work side by side personally. He will still be pleased to receive a warm wish in the form of an SMS message, especially since it is quite difficult to get through by telephone or mobile communication for the new year due to its congestion.

Happy New Year!
We wish you prosperity
Don't be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

New wonderful prospects
Interesting proposals.
So that financial income
Yours has grown over this year.

Many joyful events
Innovation and discovery.
Different risks to avoid
And become even more successful.

We boldly confess to you:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the New Year come
Will bring you good luck!
Happy New Year.
We sincerely wish you:
May the whole next year
Prosperity brings.

Orders - only profitable,
And deals are only profitable,
Joint promotions,
A profitable investment.

And courage, and prospects,
There was a friendly team.
And happiness, joy, kindness,
Life to be fun!
New Year is a miracle, New Year is magic
So let him give only good,
Illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And will give you health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous, happy for you,
Will bring your wishes come true now!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
And I hasten to wish
Success, profit in work,
Great projects and ideas!

To make the work easy
The income is always big.
Let there be less controversy
In a huge business area!
May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success accompany
So that you do not know the hindrances in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, but harmony in families.
Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism
Travel and tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if in the old something did not come true,
We do not diminish the level of desires,
So that Santa Claus tightened up.

May the coming year be great
The curve grows up on the chart,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and hindrances.

I wish you improvement and growth,
Less procrastination and problems
Complex issues are easy to solve.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness, peace to all!

Happy New Year to a colleague in prose

Dear partners! I sincerely want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish this year to bring us new opportunities, fresh ideas and new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity at work and happiness in your personal life! Happy Holidays!
Dear partners! I wish you in the New Year global projects worthy of competitors, new discoveries, innovative proposals, great development prospects, interesting ideas, financial stability and prosperity!
Please accept my sincere New Year greetings from the entire team. Your energy and enthusiasm energizes us. We admire your wisdom and judgment. Your will and desire to win gives us strength and helps to lead the team forward. We will try to meet your hopes and expectations. Together with you we will move towards our common goal. I wish you health, prosperity and success!

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. We are always happy to attend your lessons. Your professionalism makes each lesson interesting and memorable. We would like to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and good mood. Happy New Year!
I would like to personally wish everyone in the New Year perfect harmony. Harmony in everything - let nothing bother you, let everything that you do, that they do for you, let all the people with whom you communicate will cause only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful thing that happened to you - there was a black streak in your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - white. And more - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if there is none, then hope! Happy New Year!
Dear colleagues, I am happy to congratulate all of you on the upcoming New Year holidays! I wish you great fun today, relax, chat in an informal atmosphere. May the friendly atmosphere prevailing here now remain unchanged during working hours. I believe that our close-knit team will show excellent results in the coming year and reach new heights. I wish all those present interesting work, mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, growth in income (both for the company as a whole and personal), and, of course, happiness, health and well-being!
Today we are celebrating the coming New Year together. And on the eve of such a wonderful holiday, I want to wish all employees of our company a New Year mood! Let harmony reign in your soul, let a smile shine on your face, let your heart rejoice. I wish the coming year to be no less successful than the past. Let all the bold plans come true, let the sales grow, let there be more good and different customers! I wish you all family well-being, financial stability, active workdays and exciting weekends and vacations!

We wish you a Happy New Year and, so as not to forget later, we congratulate you in advance on February 23, March 8, April 1, May 9, birthdays, September 1, November 7 and ... Happy next New Year. Until! We will write in a year! We!
May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, present new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones will warm with an invariable hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

For the coming New Year
It's time for colleagues to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!

Let customers become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only working success
Let Santa Claus carry in the bag,
And humor, joy, laughter,
And only the salary - seriously!
You are a little tired -
We urgently need to rest!
Whatever you wish,
I want to say one thing -

Happy New, best year!
Even though he is still young
But already loved by the people
Like a fairytale hero!

Let him bring, colleague,
Good luck and honor to you
And goodness from a big cart
Gives out very generously!
Snow was falling, blizzards were falling
And the frost deigned to joke -
We barely made it
On this New Year's holiday

Wish you happy days,
The mood is taking off
Delicious honey gingerbread
And feedback at work!

May the New Year give you
Millions of positive
And it won't poison you with champagne
Making life quite happy!
Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time of joyful joys!

Time of holiday fireworks
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!

Santa Claus has been waiting for a long time
He has a heavy bag
Let the gifts be super!
Let them shock you!

Short congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Please accept Happy New Year greetings
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the next year, you will have more patience,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
Profitable contracts, and it is better to have more,
And to the goal to come!
Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Will welcome the New Year
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus may not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give a prize to everyone for a year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team worked
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!
