An original gift for the teacher for the new year. What to give a teacher to a woman. Handmade christmas ball

A difficult task confronts a person when the birthday of the educational mentor is coming. A question arises in my head about what to give to a female teacher. The present should be kind and interesting, but at the same time tactful and delicate. This issue can be approached from two sides: make a standard gift, present a bold and original present.

Personalized gifts

It is customary for women teachers to give flowers. A wonderful addition to a beautiful bouquet will be a vase for the beloved whichever. "Write the name of your teacher and a few wishes, we will apply them to the vase using laser engraving.

The most popular gifts for teachers are all kinds of sweets and candies. But even such a seemingly banal gift can be made bright and unusual. Order a personalized set of candy for the teacher, a sweet card, or fortune cookies. Such gifts are a great alternative to the usual sweets that everyone is used to.

Original gifts

What to give a teacher to a woman, if not a thing, thanks to which her students can relax a little from their educational activities. You can present an anti-clock "Who cares" as a gift. This clock runs the other way around, and the numbers are completely crumbling. Therefore, it is hardly possible to come to class with them on time.

Another interesting option, which is liked by all women without exception, are award medals and statuettes, for example, the Order For Irresistibility in Everything, the nickname "Best Class Teacher", a statuette with an individual design. A memorable gift that will decorate the owner's house is the best option on what to give to a female teacher, which is a gesture of gratitude.

Surprise the teacher with a cute and pleasant little thing, or rather, a living plant that needs to be grown. The whole highlight lies in the design: the flower seeds are in a tin can. After opening the original packaging and several spills, a real live sprout will appear on the windowsill. It is so pleasant to observe a fragrant forget-me-not or a daisy in your house during bad weather.

New Year is a holiday saturated with magic. It is associated not only with miracles, but also with troubles. They mean choosing a gift for the teacher for the New Year 2020. Students want to make a pleasant and unexpected surprise for the teacher. Therefore, together with their parents, they are looking for gifts in stores and do not know what to stop at. On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we decided to help you. In the article we will tell you about what to give the teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class.

How to choose a suitable present?

When buying a New Year's gift, a teacher needs to consider several factors:

  • man or woman - a flash drive made in the form of a tank or a car is not suitable for a woman. But the male teacher will definitely not like a soft toy or natural soap in the form of rose petals;
  • who is the present for - when buying a gift for a subject teacher, you can buy something inexpensive. For example, a set of candles "For Good Luck", a mug "Traffic Light", a holder for notes "New Year";
  • teacher age - a key aspect on which the choice of a New Year's gift directly depends. A young teacher can be presented with a modern gadget. For an older teacher, stationery, a leather-bound diary, and a beautiful notebook are more suitable.

Gift ideas for teachers for the New Year 2020 from the class are very diverse. Classic solutions include an engraved floor vase, a stylish photo frame, computer accessories. Original presentations include anti-clock "Funny Math", a pillow with a photograph.

Unusual gifts for the teacher

If you want to surprise the teacher and make a surprise, buy something original. It is not difficult to find an excellent gift for the teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class. To do this, you should use our tips:

  • gift honey for the class teacher - a personalized present that is good for your health. With its help, immunity is strengthened in winter. Honey contains valuable components. You can feast on them while sitting in front of the TV or at the computer;
  • galileo thermometer - a great gift for a physics or chemistry teacher. It is a glass flask with buoys floating inside. Depending on the temperature, they rise up or sink to the bottom. This is how the ambient temperature is determined;
  • lED lamp "Orchid" - a product that imitates a living houseplant. It practically does not differ from a real orchid. The lamp is powered by batteries. He creates a cozy atmosphere in the room;
  • metal pencil "Eternal" - a product made of tin alloy. The pencil never breaks. It doesn't need to be sharpened. The pencil is durable. When applied, small particles of tin alloy remain on the sheet of paper;
  • eco-watch that works on water, - an original thing. It functions as an alarm clock and clock. To start a special engine, you need to pour water into the clock. They will start working and the correct time will appear on the display;
  • book-safe "Romeo and Juliet" - a wonderful New Year's gift for a teacher who teaches foreign literature. Outwardly, the product looks like a real book. Inside it there is a cache for storing securities and securities;
  • a wooden box made in the shape of a pear, - a good gift for your beloved teacher. It is designed to accommodate jewelry and bijouterie. The box looks unusual and fits harmoniously into the modern interior;
  • photo calendar "Teacher" - a memorable gift made to order. Photos of the teacher and students flaunt on each page of the calendar. They are reminiscent of events that have been experienced by the whole class.

List of the best gifts for the teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class

What to present to the homeroom teacher in honor of the winter holiday? When choosing a gift for a teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class, you need to proceed from financial capabilities. If you have 1500-2000 rubles at your disposal, you can give preference to such interesting presentations:

  1. The original book holder.
  2. Tea set "London".
  3. Japanese Garden "Simple Solutions".
  4. Best Teacher T-shirt.
  5. Hanging organizer with multiple compartments.
  6. Laptop sleeve made of quality material.
  7. Kryptex card reader.
  8. Slate board on the wall.
  9. Decorative plate with a beautiful pattern.
  10. Newton's pendulum on a stand.

Create a video postcard "Favorite Teacher". Give the teacher good wishes and memories of the time spent together. To do this, you need to make a slide show of photographs and supplement it with congratulations on the winter holiday.

DIY New Year gifts

Teachers put a piece of their soul into their students and expect a return from them. This is not about material presentations, but about respect and care. You can show your love for the teacher with a handmade gift. Boys can carve a stand for indoor plants from wood and varnish it. Girls prefer confectionery skills. They can bake delicious cookies, cake or pie. The teacher will accept such gifts with great pleasure.

What else can you give a teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class? Suitable options include a picture embroidered with beads and natural soap with a pleasant scent. Schoolchildren also give teachers for the winter holiday scrapbooking notepads and patchwork blankets. If you wish, you can make a beautiful Christmas tree from scrap materials. To do this, you need cardboard, pasta and glue. First, a cone is created from cardboard. Then pasta is glued onto it. This is a painstaking process that requires perseverance and attentiveness. At the final stage, the tree is painted in some color. It can be green, gold, white. It depends on the wishes of the students.

Even for a winter holiday, the class teacher can be presented with a candle decorated with cinnamon sticks. This requires an ordinary candle, cinnamon sticks, elastic band and twine. It doesn't take long to create an interesting craft. First, an elastic band is attached to the candle. Then cinnamon sticks are inserted close to each other into the gum. After that, the product is decorated with twine.

What to give a teacher: choosing inexpensive gifts

If it is not customary for you to give expensive gifts, choose an inexpensive product. The teacher gives the students a lot of time, energy and knowledge. Therefore, for the winter holiday, you must definitely give something to the teacher. For the New Year 2020, the teacher can be given a present from the class, the cost of which is about 500 rubles. Here are some examples:

  • Cube alarm clock with changing lighting.
  • Pressed towel "Meow" or "Money in the New Year!"
  • Bars of gold paper clips.
  • Magic New Year's notebook.
  • Mini-lamp "New Year's tree".
  • LED flashlight for reading a book.
  • USB hub in the form of an octopus, mouse, beetle, apple, eggplant.
  • Photo book "Cool teacher".
  • A set of chocolates "With gratitude from the students."
  • Growing pencil.

Give the teacher a medal on a ribbon with the inscription "Golden Teacher" on it. This is a unique product that will amaze and delight the teacher.

Useful gifts for the New Year

Useful presents are always needed. They can be used at home, at work, on vacation. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to this category of products. Additionally, we want to give interesting gift ideas to the teacher for the New Year 2020 from the class:

  • table biofireplace - a device created on the basis of advanced technologies. It gives warmth and creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. The fireplace can be placed on the table and watched the flame for a long time;
  • pen with flash drive - a useful product necessary for work in an educational institution. It is a versatile tool that combines a pen and a USB stick. To personalize it, you can put an inscription in the form of the teacher's name and patronymic on the pen;
  • designer lamp - a stylish accessory for interior decoration. It is created using a photograph or original image. The luminaire illuminates the surrounding space and brings comfort to it;
  • tablecloth "New Year's forfeits" - thematic present for your favorite teacher. It is designed for a fun celebration of celebration. Drawings with unusual assignments are applied to the tablecloth. It is a pleasure to perform them;
  • relaxing night light "Hourglass" - a product that helps to sleep. Its essence is to create a soft glow. The light emanating from the lamp adjusts to a calm mood and puts you to sleep. The luminaire is battery operated and charged via a USB port;
  • blanket with sleeveswhich depicts deer and a beautiful ornament is a great gift for the New Year 2020. It is specially created for relaxation. You need to wrap yourself in a blanket and sit in an armchair on the couch. When using a blanket, your hands remain free. They can hold a TV remote control, a cup of hot tea, a tablet.

New Year 2020 is just around the corner. This is an amazing holiday that all people are looking forward to. The school teacher is no exception. Surprise him with a homemade presentation or a small holiday concert. You can also give the teacher a material gift from the entire class. This can be a musical flower pot, an e-book, a laser pointer for presentations.

The New Year is a truly magical holiday, as it embraces everyone with a pleasant bustle: both children and adults. On New Year's Eve, the question arises of what to give to dear and close people: friends, parents, teachers. In this article, we will look at what gifts to give teachers for the New Year.

Principles for choosing a gift

When choosing a gift for the New Year for a primary school teacher, it is necessary to take into account 2 points: it should not be something too intimate, personal, but at the same time the addressee should like the souvenir and become for him a good memory of a particular student. Considering the options for presentations, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances.

For example, for whom the surprise is intended - women or men. For example, a soft toy can be presented not to a man, but to a woman, while a set of a cigarette case and lighter will not suit a girl.

Gift budget

If there is a gift from the whole team, then you can buy something valuable, for example, a painting. But if he is individual - investing a lot of money in him is not worth it - this will put the teacher in an awkward position, since he will "oblige" him to answer in some way.

Who is the addressee?

This question refers to a subject student or class teacher. In the latter case, you can get to know the person better, his preferences and tastes, in addition, the gift can be personal, for example, something for a hobby, passion. If we talk about the subject matter, then you can choose for him something close to the topic of the course - for the geographer - a set of interactive maps, for the historian - miniatures of famous sculptures, for the musician - a beautiful stand in the form of a treble clef, for the English teacher - a dictionary of special vocabulary and etc.

Teacher age

You can give a young teacher a certain gadget, while older teachers can only give these things if you are absolutely sure that he understands what the device is intended for, and also knows how to use it.

Top leaders

If there is absolutely no desire to develop ideas for gifts for teachers for the New Year, you can use any of the ready-made options that have been "working" for many years. The list of these gifts includes:

For relaxation and rest

Not all of us realize how difficult school work really is. Therefore, teachers need to relax a little at least sometimes in the workplace. While the task of the students is to help the teacher in this by presenting an original gift to the teacher for the New Year:

Memorable gifts

No matter how offensive it is, school years fly quickly, therefore, each student will probably be pleased to leave something to their favorite teacher as a keepsake. This means that a non-functional, but original and memorable gift for the teacher for the New Year from the class is also a suitable option:

For family and home

When choosing a gift for a teacher for the New Year, one should not lose sight of the fact that even a very strict teacher, upon coming home, turns into an ordinary person who, of course, dreams of comfort in his own home. Therefore, everything that relates to home comfort will be a wonderful present:

  • Textile. This New Year gift for a teacher is more suitable for female teachers. In fact, what representative of the gentle sex would refuse a good set of bed linen or towels? True, in this case the word “quality” should be the main one.
  • Decorations. We usually decorate our homes with original pots for plants, paintings, candy bowls, etc. The main thing is to find not only a thing from the category of consumer goods or kitsch, but to buy a designer original item that can please the teacher and take its rightful place in his house.
  • Appliances. If the students of their teacher can please with a good steamer, multicooker or other device, maybe it is worth doing it? Of course, it is better to buy such gifts in a joint, but one such device will be much more useful than 20 simple trinkets.

Appetizing gifts

In this case, it is almost impossible not to please - there is a standard gentleman's set, which includes chocolate, tea and coffee. In order for the gift not to look trite, you can fantasize a little: buy a rare variety of coffee or tea, and also give a basket of fruits. In addition, you can purchase a set for making carving or sushi. There is no need to think that this present is suitable only for a woman - such a gift to a teacher for a man for the New Year will be pleasant for him and his family.

At the same time, you need to be careful with alcoholic beverages. It seems that a bottle of good wine or champagne is a common thing for the New Year, while alcohol definitely cannot be attributed to the eternal and good that teachers need to sow. Therefore, in this case, the decision must be made, depending on the specific case.

And finally ...

When choosing a gift for the teacher for the New Year, try to approach this process with heart, but not buy the first thing that comes across. After all, this holiday should bring the fulfillment of desires and joy to everyone without exception, including the most demanding and strict teachers.

The holiday is coming. Everything around - mailing lists, shop windows, advertising on TV - suggests that the chimes are about to strike, and the New Year 2018 will come into its own. And this means that it's time to stock up on gifts for the upcoming celebration. As you know, in addition to relatives and friends, it is customary to congratulate teachers on this holiday. And parents always wonder what to present to teachers for the New Year. So, scroll down and choose how to please teachers this year! We have collected for you the most interesting and relevant gifts for the upcoming Year of the Yellow Dog.

Classic gifts for teachers

The teaching profession is considered one of the most difficult in the world. But also one of the most demanded. Not only educational, but also educational responsibility falls on the shoulders of the teacher. Parents should appreciate the teacher's work and do not skimp on gratitude. And you can express your respect with a gift.

Gifts for teachers can be both universal and thematic

Among the traditional gifts that can be presented to both a male teacher and a female teacher are the following:

  • Book.As they say, a book is the best gift. And a book for a teacher is doubly the best gift. It is advisable to choose literature on the profile of the teacher. Then the present will definitely be interesting to him and will be to his taste.

    The magic begins with a book

  • Notebook or diary of the teacher. The teacher always has so many worries that you can't remember everything. Present him with an original notebook that will not let you forget any important event.
  • Christmas decorations.Why not? Each family has a Christmas tree for the New Year. Make your contribution to the decoration of the main beauty of the holiday.

    Modest and tasteful

  • A set of tea or coffee. Clarify what the teacher loves, and please him on a holiday with a beautiful set.
  • Souvenir.Just don't be banal. Nowadays, many new trends have appeared in contemporary art. Find out if the teacher is suddenly interested in such things, or perhaps collects them as well. Then you will definitely please with a gift.
  • Stationery.Now every stationery store has a section with unusual writing materials. For example, you can buy a pen that only writes when you dip it in an inkwell. Or engrave the teacher's initials on it. You will get a very original and unusual gift.
  • If funds allow, then a good gift for the teacher will be some electrical appliance or household appliances. It can be interestingly painted electric kettle, coffee maker, mixer or blender.

    The coffee maker will make the teacher's morning more cheerful

  • Flash drive.There are never too many flash drives for a modern teacher. It is important for the teacher to always have the necessary information with him, which can be carried with you anytime, anywhere.
  • Computer accessory. Comfortable mouse or mat for it. New keyboard. Don't be afraid to experiment. You can also buy a laser pointer. But this is only for a particularly advanced teacher. With its help, he can, without interruption, convey the material to the students, simultaneously showing slides.
  • Photo Frame.Thanks to this gift, the teacher will always have important memories of his students at hand.
  • Also, as a surprise for the New Year in the salon, you can order festive flower arrangementdecorated with fir branches, tinsel and fir toys. In addition to the bouquet, it will not be superfluous to purchase a beautiful vase... After all, flowers are often given to teachers. But the vessels for them may not be enough.

What to give a female teacher for the New Year?

Everybody loves gifts. And especially women. Here are some tips on what to give a female teacher, so that she feels not just a teacher, but also a lady.

  • Scented candles.Such little things always make the house cozy and raise the mood of its inhabitants. Find out the woman's favorite scent, and feel free to present her with a set of scented candles.

    You can decorate such gifts with your own hands.

  • Advent calendar. This gift will give you the opportunity to experience the holiday atmosphere like no other. Now you can find various varieties of such a calendar. We advise you to purchase a calendar in the form of a box, in which a woman can put all her treasures.
  • A bag.If you are familiar with the teacher, you may also know her taste. Pleasure her with a new stylish bag and then, most likely, after the New Year holidays, she will come to work with your gift and with a pleasant memory.

    If you are not sure about the style that the teacher likes, it is better to postpone such a serious gift.

  • Gift certificate to the store.If you still couldn't choose what to give your teacher for the New Year, present her with a gift certificate. Let her delight herself with a necessary and useful product or cosmetics.
  • A set of pillows.Every woman loves comfort. And many, many pleasant, soft pillows on the bed can create it practically from scratch.

    Lovely pillows will complement any sofa or bed

... and the male teacher?

According to statistics, men like to accept gifts no less than women. Therefore, if your child has a male teacher, feel free to go to the store for an original present. And we will help you with the selection of ideas.

  • Clock. Many will say that giving a watch is a bad omen. But why not give the teacher an interesting souvenir clock on the table so that he does not forget to take breaks during the lesson, thus giving both himself and your children a rest?
  • "Football" or "Hockey" gift.Find out if the man is a passionate fan of a football or hockey club. Then he will be glad to any gift with the symbols of his favorite team. And if you can get tickets for the next match, your surprise will be a direct hit on the target!

    If you are sure that your teacher is rooting for a certain team, you can please him with a fan gift.

  • Cufflinks. See if the male teacher often wears shirts. If so, feel free to give him a set of cufflinks. He will appreciate it.
  • Tie.A tie, correctly matched to the teacher's appearance, will definitely not remain on the shelf.

    Knowing that the teacher is a fan of the classics, you can donate one of its elements

  • Be guided by the teacher's professional activity. It is known that each teacher considers his subject the most important and interesting. If the teacher is really a zealous admirer of his work, then he will be glad of any thing related to his direct professional sphere. Focus on this - you won't go wrong.

Gifts with symbols of 2018

The symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. Such an animal as a dog has always been distinguished by special loyalty and devotion. Therefore, a gift to the teacher with the symbol of 2018 will be a sign that you wish him stability, achievements and glory. Here are some ideas:

DIY Gift Ideas

New Year is a time of new creative ideas and inspiration. When, if not now, to do handmade and bring to life long-cherished ideas? We have made an interesting selection of products that you can do yourself. There would be a desire.

  • Jar with sweets or wishes.You can take any vessel, decorate it at your discretion, fill it with various sweets and present it to the teacher. Some sweets can be attached with pieces of paper with wishes or predictions. It will turn out very, very nice.

    A modest but cute present

  • Postcard. Even if you are a mediocre artist, you can cut a bunch of interesting pictures and create an original congratulation collage from them.
  • DIY candles. Now on Pinterest you can find all sorts of tips on how to do this or that thing. Ask for help in making your own candle. You will be able to give it any look, color, and also fill it with the desired aroma.
  • You can also fill any vessel with any cosmetic accessories. It looks, at least, beautiful and festive.
  • Festive wreath.The wreath will serve as a decoration for the door of any home. Such a ceremony is an old tradition. It will be very touching to present the teacher with a gift that carries joy and goodness. Do not forget to mention that this tradition has been going on since ancient times.

    The wreath will always be in the theme

  • Picture.But if you are good at drawing, then it will be appropriate to give the teacher your own painting. A portrait or symbol of the year will be warmly received as a souvenir.
  • Christmas tree, snowman or handmade Christmas decorations.There will always be a place for such gifts. They fill the atmosphere of the house with a holiday and give a great mood.

    A funny snowman under a Christmas tree can also be made from a bottle

We have provided you with several gift ideas. By choosing any option, you will definitely not go wrong and will be able to express your gratitude to the person who plays the role of the child's caregiver outside your home. Teachers are mostly modest people and will appreciate any surprise. After all, the main thing is that you show attention and make it clear that their work is important to you, and that you appreciate it at its true worth.

Happy 2018!

Educators are very important people in the life of your child and your family. And so we are not only relatives and friends, but also teachers. What to present to those who practically every day sow what is reasonable, kind and eternal in school classes and kindergarten groups? Tatiana Nikolskaya, administrator of the Nash Lad Opportunity Center, mother of two sons, who has been engaged in the selection of gifts for teachers in kindergarten and school for more than 20 years, shares her opinion.

Holiday rules: how to choose and give

Buy as a whole class or group, not personally from your family. In the schools where my children studied, it was not customary to give gifts "from oneself". One who taught my son said: “I am not comfortable accepting gifts from my parents. They seem to oblige me to single out someone's children, but my credo is to treat everyone equally. The child is a good student - I am glad and will praise him, lagging behind - I will urge him on, and their parents should not influence my attitude towards children ”. And I agree with her.

Gifts from specific families, and not from the whole class, put the teacher in an awkward position, oblige him to provide a reciprocal courtesy. Which one? The teacher can only answer with a grade. And if he begins to undeservedly single out one student, other children - after all, they notice everything! - will conclude: "Petrov gave a gift, so he overestimates." Nothing good about that.

But I will not claim that all teachers in the world think the same thing. It all depends on the teacher himself and his team; in some schools, gifts from individual families are treated calmly.

Another situation is if you, as a mother, have established some kind of friendly relationship with a teacher. For example, I volunteer to help a teacher of literature, who leads the school. We just talk to her, talk on a variety of topics, not as a teacher and a student's mother. And if I give her gifts, then not as a teacher of my son, but as a person who is personally very sympathetic to me. I know that my gift will not embarrass her in any way, will not offend her.

The gift shouldn't be too cheap. Don't buy a trinket or an inexpensive souvenir. I think that in Moscow for 1000-2000 rubles you can find a decent option for a class teacher, and for a lesser amount - for subject teachers. After all, it will be a gift from the whole class, in which there are 20-30 people, and each family will need to hand over no more than 100 rubles.

Of course, it shouldn't be very expensive either. I know of cases when a teacher received a new smartphone from the class, or rather from the parents. In my opinion, this is overkill.

Present beautifully... Whatever you choose as a gift, think about beautiful packaging. And don't just let it be patterned paper that wraps your purchase for a fee at any mall, or a shiny bag. Now there are a lot of opportunities to come up with and independently make impressive packaging that will become part of the gift. At your service internet and shops for creativity. It will be great if you can not only beautifully wrap a gift, but also make a postcard.

Give in a solemn atmosphere. While the children are still young and cannot come up with and give a congratulatory speech themselves, hand over the gift with other parents. And not in a private setting, but in class before the lesson, in the presence of children, inviting them to join in the congratulations.

What gift to choose

Tea, coffee and candy

These gifts seem commonplace, but they are always necessary things. The main thing that I would recommend here is not to buy special "New Year" packages of ordinary cheap tea or coffee. In fact, this is the simplest and not always high-quality tea, just beautifully designed. The teacher will be pleased with the packaging, but the taste is unlikely. It should be tea and coffee, which you yourself would treat dear guests.

But candies in Christmas boxes, on the other hand, can turn out to be very good. Choose the products that you yourself have tried and are still satisfied. The teacher will be pleased that you presented him with the most delicious candies.

In my experience, "edible" gifts are most often at school and remain: teachers drink tea after school or. In my opinion, there is a good reason to be serious about choosing a gift.

Christmas decorations for home

Once my other parents and I gave Christmas decorations - three New Year's balls. These were not ordinary plain factory balls, but hand-painted items. Such a gift is really able to decorate the house and please its owner. But the symbol of the year - ceramic, glass, wooden, any dog, I think, is a bad option. Unless the teacher collects animal figurines.

Certificates for cosmetics and perfumery stores

Shower gel, perfume, mascara - gifts like these are very easy to go wrong and very personal. It is better to present a certificate from the class for the collected amount to a cosmetic store: it will definitely come in handy. And then the teacher herself will buy the perfume or cream that she needs. Yes, she will have to pay extra from her own money - after all, we are not talking about gift cards for 5,000 rubles or more. But at least she will choose what she wants.

In addition, such a gift is much more pleasant than the amount of money to which it is equivalent. After all, some parents think that money in an envelope is a normal option. In my opinion, this humiliates the teacher.

Theater or concert tickets

Many teachers love performances and live music, but they cannot always afford it. Ask the children to carefully find out what the teacher loves and what evening he has free. Do not buy tickets without understanding the tastes and capabilities of the teacher.

It used to be like this: you ask the teacher if he watched "", would like to go with our family and other parents. And if the teacher is interested, then we agreed that I would buy tickets for everyone, and simply gave this opportunity to go to the theater.

Our teacher watched "Eugene Onegin" on stage 10 times already, but she was still happy to go with everyone - just for the sake of communication.

Controversial gifts

Vase. This item should match the tastes of the teacher and the interior of his home. If you trust your own sense of beauty, when choosing a vase ask yourself: “Would I like to see this thing in my house? Wouldn't it be nice to put flowers in it? " Once I liked the option that I chose for the teacher so much that I bought the same vase for myself.

Book. As with the vase, this is an individual gift. You should know what the teacher likes to read and whether he likes to read at all, and what other books he does not have.

Organizer. This thing is useful on its own. But not every teacher uses it. And maybe he already has an organizer for next year. What will he do with multiple dated diaries?

In general, any teacher can always be asked what he likes, what he likes. This will help you choose a special gift for him based on the material capabilities of the parents.