Themes for New Year's corporate parties. Carrying out a New Year's corporate party on your own Budget corporate New Year

Work is not only an SMS about crediting the salary to the card. When getting a job in a company, people, along with money, also want to receive emotional “income” - pleasant communication, a comfortable workplace, satisfaction of ambitions, understanding management, and so on. Corporate events are one of the powerful tools that affect employee emotions. We will tell you how to organize a New Year's holiday so that everyone likes and remembers it.

Step 1. Decide on the format

It's no secret that the key to a successful corporate party is good food and drink. First, decide on the format of the holiday.

  • The Russian Table is a partial service banquet.
  • Banquet with classic (full) service. Guests sit at tables and waiters bring food.
  • The buffet and buffet are distinguished by the variety and types of dishes that lie on special tables, and the guests serve food themselves. In the second case, the format assumes a more thorough choice of dishes.
  • Cocktail - The focus is on drinks and light snacks, guests are free to walk and chat.
  • Bar - guests come to a special bar where the bartender offers various drinks.

Step 2. Distribute your budget

Here's a rough estimate of the budget to focus on.

  • Buffet 30-40% of the total budget
  • Site 10-15%
  • Decorations and techniques 10-15%
  • Program 20%
  • Production 5%
  • Transport, safety 5%
  • Marketing, gifts 5-10%
  • Agency work 5-15%
  • Playground: lease of a venue for an event; parking; cleaning; furniture rental; the work of local technical services; extracurricular work of involved specialists; electricity.
  • Nutrition: coffee, other drinks; snacks; buffet; lunches.
  • Audiovisual design: sound reinforcement system; lighting equipment; premises; services of technical support specialists; flowers, floristry; DJ services; services of a video director and sound engineer.
  • Equipment: translation equipment; rental of presentation equipment, screens; video recording and sound recording; Internet access during the event; translation booths; delivery and installation of equipment.
  • Program: honoraria to the presenter and speaker; fees for consultants and translators; artist royalties; cultural program, excursions.
  • Transport, accommodation: air tickets and accommodation for speakers; transport for participants; visa support; meeting, VIP-hall at airports; cargo delivery.
  • Security: insurance; security of the premises; an ambulance crew on duty.
  • Production: printed materials: brochures, invitations, name cards for guests, meeting schedule; souvenirs; badges; paraphernalia.
  • Agency activities: Event agency fees for scenario development and event administration; fees for PR specialists; promotional staff fees; photographer's fee; direct costs of the organizers; transport and travel; cellular, international communication.

How can you save money?

  1. Planning your event ahead of time will save you money. You can easily search for the best option for yourself in terms of price-quality ratio for all budget positions - from the venue and catering to artists.
  2. You can replace banquet seating with buffet lines.
  3. You can choose a more economical venue that nevertheless matches the level of your event.
  4. Reduce some production material.
  5. Replace star-rated numbers with less expensive ones.
  6. Reduce the number of meals without reducing the amount of food.
  7. Hire less expensive staff, but provide quality coaching, clear briefs, and motivate people.

What cannot be saved?

  1. The quality of production materials.
  2. Technical support (primarily light and sound).
  3. The amount of food and alcohol per person.
  4. Host Costs: A good host can save the event, and a bad host can ruin it.
  5. Anything related to the concept. If it is hard to read, this is an extremely negative factor in the perception and demotivation of the organizers. Better then to abandon the concept altogether.
  6. Everything related to energy supply and safety. Problems with them can lead to disruption of the event.

Step 3. Divide events into blocks

The first block is the official part, speeches of officials, appeals. Boring, but necessary. The second block is intellectual contests, numbers. The effects of alcohol have just begun. The third block is competitions and contests. You need to shake yourself up emotionally. The fourth block is physical and dynamic (but the competitive element is no longer so noticeable, since the effect of alcohol is already noticeable). The fifth block - uniting, calming elements.

Don't forget the musical numbers.

Here is an example of a New Year's corporate party with time markers.

  • Gathering guests. Duration up to one hour
  • Warming up: the official part, the first numbers. Duration up to 45 minutes.
  • Involvement: awards, toasts, performances by artists, contests, presenter's work. Duration up to one hour.
  • Culmination: show, star performance, contests, skits. Duration up to one hour.
  • Retention: artist performance, food, contests. Duration up to 30 minutes.
  • Final: logical point. Disco, completion.

Step 4. Writing the script

Now it's easy to write a script. The entertainment part will be taken over by the host, so there is no need to register contests. The content of the time blocks should be written in your script. What will the manager say? Who else will perform with him? When will there be music inserts? And when are the pauses?

In addition, guests will be constantly moving. Consider what guests can do in different areas. In one corner, you can organize board games, in the other - a place for socializing with tables and chairs.

As part of the show, meals can be prepared to be served to guests.

Step 5. Writing a speech for the speakers

The protracted official part may remain in the memory as the most boring thing that happened at the holiday. Of course, you cannot do without the words of the leaders from the stage, but think about whether it is necessary to bring statistics from the stage and so on. Maybe it's better to send this data to employees' emails?

The leader should not forget about the action. Maybe he'll come out in a Superman costume to congratulate everyone? Or will she sing? All in all, the secret to an effective official part is less words and more action!

Step 6. Coming up with chips

What will the current corporate party differ from the previous one? Who are the guest stars? Weak characteristic. Come up with a chip that will accompany your holiday. It can be some kind of ritual (to meet guests in a special way, to spend a holiday in an unusual style). Or you can invite a photographer and make beautiful avatars for everyone for social networks. The choice is yours.

Step 7. We approve the budget, book a room, look for a host

There is still enough time before the New Year, but already now it is worth calling the banquet halls in search of suitable premises, as well as negotiating with the hosts, photographers, agencies. It is better to do this after you have decided on the concept in order to conduct your searches in detail.

Corporate events are one of the powerful tools that affect employee emotions. This is a celebration in the circle of those people with whom you work every day. As a rule, on New Year's Eve, any organization makes such a gift for employees to mark the end of the last working year and to unite the team. We present to you a selection of interesting, funny, not banal and not vulgar contests. At the end of the list, you will find two videos with examples of contests.

50 original and interesting contests for a New Year's corporate party

  1. Contest "Toast by alphabet". It is usually held at the beginning of a corporate party to warm up. Have each participant make a toast with wishes. Only for a reason, but alphabetically, for the first it will begin with the letter "A", for the second with "B" and so on. For example: “A fragrant tangerine-Christmas tree for you New Year!”, “I'm afraid that as much happiness as I wish everyone in the New Year will not be carried away. But we will try! ”,“ Let's drink to our friendship, let it only become stronger in the New Year! ”. Etc ... The winner of the most original toast will be awarded... So let's raise our glasses! (Better with juice, since we have a large alphabet)
  2. Competition "Song in the Hat". In advance, you need to stock up on small pieces of paper, on each of which you should write some kind of New Year's word: tree, Olivier, cold, snowflakes, reindeer and so on. Put all these candy wrappers in a hat, and invite each guest in turn to get a piece of paper. Now the contestant must perform a small song, invented on the go, impromptu, necessarily several times using the word that he got. The person with the most original and funniest performance wins.
  3. Competition "Mandarin Relay". We offer a very interesting version of this entertainment, requiring two teams with the same number of participants. Each team member is assigned a player who puts a tangerine in the spoon and holds the spoon itself with both hands. Now the opponents must reach a certain landmark with a spoon and back to their team without dropping the citrus - if this happens, then the loser with a spoon returns to the starting point. Having reached the landmark and back, the participant passes the spoon to the next player. The team that will be the first to complete the task will win. Note that when carrying a tangerine, nothing can hold it.
  4. Competition "Fulfill the wish of Santa Claus". Participants line up. The host announces that by mistake Santa's bag with gifts fell into his hands, but only the owner himself can open it. To the music, the participants begin to pass the bag to the other end of the line, where Santa Claus is standing. However, the music is often turned off, and the one with the bag must perform some number for Santa Claus - tell a poem or anecdote, sing, dance, etc. The music should be stopped as often as possible so that the majority of those present show their talents. When the bag finally gets to Santa Claus, he solemnly presents gifts to everyone.
  5. Competition "Unusual Sculpture". This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they should sculpt a female figure with the help of adhesive tape. It is desirable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Women can be offered to mold a sculpture of a man. Some of the balloons may already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up on a sufficient number of non-inflated balloons and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of various sizes and shapes. Men who sculpt the funniest figure win.
  6. Competition "New Year's Chef". You will need a large sheet of paper and a marker. Participants of the competition draw out their forfeits in turn, which indicate a part of the boss's image (nose, ears, eyes, hair, etc.), which they have to draw. Then, also in turn and blindfolded, the participants come to the "canvas" and draw their details of the boss. Since he must be New Year's, then his clothes must also resemble the vestments of Santa Claus, and a lush beard must be present on his face. Everyone will have to show intuition so that their part of the body is in the right place, and you also need to place a sleigh, deer, a bag with gifts there.
  7. Competition "New Year's Nesmeyana". Everyone becomes in a circle, and the driver begins: he performs an action with his neighbor that will make him laugh. He can take his ear, pat on the shoulders, tap on the nose, click on the hand, touch the knee ... Everyone in the circle should repeat the same movement with their neighbor / neighbor. The one who laughs drops out. Then the driver makes the next movement, everyone repeats. If nobody laughed, a new movement. So to the last "not laughing".
  8. Competition "Nose for a Snowman". 2 stands are placed in front of the tree, large sheets with the image of snowmen are attached to them. Two or more people participate. They are blindfolded. On a signal, they should reach the snowmen and put their nose (it could be a carrot). Others help with words: to the left, to the right, lower, higher.
  9. Competition "The Lost Letter". Imagine that a letter suddenly disappeared from the alphabet. The players' task is to answer the questions asked by the presenter without using this letter. Questions can be both personal ("What's your name?"), And cognitive ("Capital of Italy?"). Sometimes the answers are too complicated, which makes the audience laugh. The main rule is that you can't hesitate with an answer, you need to give it within five seconds. Who does not cope with the task, he takes the place of the leader.
  10. Competition "Now I'll guess." For this game, you must have a musical selection with parts of melodies from various songs on the New Year and winter themes. All those sitting at the table are divided into two conventional teams. The presenter puts pieces of songs. The task of the teams is to guess the name of the song and the whole team to sing at least one verse. If the song is guessed, but it didn't work out, the move goes to the opposing team. A point is awarded to the players who sang the song. The team with the most points is considered the winner.
  11. Competition "Verbal jumble". The first participant thinks of any word and announces the first letter with which it begins. For example, the letter "B". To open the next letter, the rest of the participants try to explain to each other any word that also begins with "B". For example, one says: “This is such a sweet thing, they sell it in every supermarket” (meaning “banana”, and if one of the participants guessed it, then he says: “contact” and counts 5 seconds, after which they simultaneously voice the word. if during these 5 seconds the presenter does not understand what it is about and does not guess the fastest, then he is forced to say the next letter, for example "BA" and then the participants guess the word already on "Ba" and so on until they guess the whole word.
  12. Competition "Snowball". The presenter chooses three participants and gives them 3 balloons, a felt-tip pen and an adhesive tape. From this material, they must make a snowman. The winner is the one who manages the fastest and does not burst a single balloon.
  13. Contest "Thick Cheeked Lip Slap". You will need a bag of sucking sweets (like "Barberry"). 2 people are selected from the company. They start taking turns taking a piece of candy from the bag (in the hands of the host), putting it in their mouth (not allowed to swallow), and after each candy call their rival “fat-cheeked lip slap”. Whoever shoves more candy into his mouth and at the same time says the "magic phrase" will win.
  14. Guess the portrait competition. Participants sit in a circle. Each receives a piece of paper and a pencil. The task of the players is to draw a portrait of any of those present. When the drawings are ready, everyone begins to transfer their creations in a circle until they get back to their owners. During the transfer, everyone who gets a foreign drawing must guess who is depicted on it, and write the name of this person on the back of the sheet. The artist with the most correct answers wins.
  15. Competition "Big jackpot". All guests participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need a jar dipped in a bag or pasted over. The host takes turns with a bank to each guest and offers to make a contribution. Everyone should throw at least a few kopecks into the bank in order to live without debt in the new year. Then each guest in turn names the amount that was collected in the bank. The winner is the one whose answer is completely correct or closest to the correct amount. The winner takes the money jar for himself.
  16. Competition "Vocal Vocalist". The game involves 3 people. For its implementation, you will need texts of popular songs printed in large print (so that it is convenient for a person to read). Only performers should know the name of the song. The task of each participant is to sing their song with only vowels, without musical accompaniment. The winner is the performer whose song the rest of the guests guess.
  17. Competition "Musical Hat of Santa Claus". A hat is being prepared, in which pieces of paper with phrases from New Year's songs are put. The players pass it in a circle with musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the person who received the hat at that moment takes out a card with the word and must remember / sing a piece of the song where it occurs. You can play in teams. Then the cap is passed from representative to representative of each team. You can limit the duration of the task and reward the team for every guess... You can even write small phrases, so it will be easier to remember the song.
  18. Competition "Dance on the Ice". Any number of male-female pairs can participate in the competition. Newspapers will be needed for it (by the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each pair - this is their ice floe. The task of the participants is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You can't stand, the couple must dance. Participants who stepped outside the borders of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last remaining pair wins.
  19. Contest "Guess the Star". Participants are divided equally into 2 teams (women play against men especially gambling). For the competition, you need to prepare plates with the names of famous people (by the number of participants). From each team, 1 player is called in turn. They are blindfolded. The host shows their team a nameplate with the name of the celebrity. The task of the blindfolded player is to figure out exactly who is written on the plate within 1 minute. He can ask leading questions to his team. You can answer with one word: "Yes" or "No". The winner is the team whose players solve the most celebrities.
  20. Competition "I have never ...". A very popular and addictive fun that you might have seen in some foreign films. Each participant in the festive evening must utter a confession phrase that begins with the words: "I have never ...". Example: "I have never slept in a tent." People to whom this statement does not apply take a sip of wine. Further, some recognition is made by the next party participant, and those guests to whom the next recognition is not related, again take a sip of wine. Phrases can be fun, but each time they need to be more personal, for example, "I never slept naked." However, you should not get too carried away, so as not to give away your biggest secrets.
  21. Competition "Bows". To participate in the game, you need at least six people so that they are divided into teams of three. The gender of the players does not matter. One of the participants stands in the middle of the room, while two of his teammates are blindfolded. One of the partners is given ten ribbons, and he, at the sound signal, must tie them on the one who is standing in the middle of the room. The second partner, who is also blindfolded, looks for the bows by touch and unties them. In the second command, similar actions take place. The winner is the company that completes the task earlier.
  22. Competition "Beads for the Christmas tree". We need paper clips in large quantities (preferably multi-colored). Task: in the allotted time (5 minutes, no more) long chains are assembled to pleasant music ... Whoever has the "beads" longer than the opponents, that team wins.
  23. Contest "Sudden Inventory". For this competition of attentiveness, you need to pick up attributes - about 30 small objects (but the more the better) and spread them on the table, and then cover with a cloth. For example, you can take a pen, lighter, banana, paper clips, apple, stapler, glass, etc. Players are divided into several teams. The facilitator invites the participants to the table and announces to them that an urgent inventory is needed at the end of the year. He lifts the fabric for ten seconds and players must memorize as many items as possible. Then the cloth is lowered again, and the teams must write down everything that they have memorized within a minute. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
  24. Competition "Christmas tree at any cost". Participants with their Christmas decorations go to the middle of the room. Everyone is blindfolded and each is twisted several times around its axis. The task of each participant is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is and hang a toy on it. You cannot collapse. If the participant has chosen the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he will "bury himself in". To create confusion in the ranks of the participants, women can evenly spread around the room and stand in their way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy.
  25. Competition "New Year Film Fans". Pre-prepared cards with the names of New Year's films are written on scraps of paper and thrown into a hat. The first participant draws out one film, goes to the center / on the stage and without words tries to show any of the heroes of the picture he comes across. The most artistic participant wins, chosen by voting.
  26. Competition "Creative Santa Claus". Participants are selected, and pairs are formed from them (it is desirable that each "Snow Maiden" herself choose "Santa Claus"). Each pair is provided with props and attributes - a box with New Year's tinsel and decorations. The task of women is to dress up their partner in a limited time, making him a first-class Santa Claus and presenting him beautifully to the public. The winners are chosen by voting.
  27. Contest "Lottery" ... Having compiled a list of participants for the upcoming holiday in advance, ask each guest to come with their craft, packed in a colorful wrapper. However, for this competition it is not at all necessary to use crafts - we can talk about souvenirs or sweets in a certain price range. Stick numbers on all packages, and write the same numbers on small pieces of paper. Subsequently, each participant in the lottery will have to pull out his number from a special bag or just a hat.
  28. Competition "Mandarin Pyramid". Participants are divided into teams with the same number of people. At a certain distance from each team there is a pyramid of tangerines. At the start command, each participant runs to the pyramid, names one of the statutes or principles of the company, for example, confidentiality, discretion, and so on, takes one mandarin and runs back, passing the baton to the next participant. Of course, you cannot repeat yourself. The winner is the team that knows the charter of their company better than the others and the fastest to disassemble its tangerine pyramid.
  29. Competition "Frosty breath". A large enough snowflake cut out of paper is placed on the table in front of each participant. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. Held until everyone blows away their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, the presenter will say: “I won not the one who blew out his snowflake first, but the one who lastbecause he has such frosty breath that his snowflake is frozen to the table! "
  30. Competition "By touch". Two players are blindfolded and thick gloves or mittens are put on their hands. Guests stand in front of each contestant, and are given 10 seconds to guess by touch each guest. Players take turns playing. The winner is the one who completes the task faster. Subsequently, the next pair of players is determined.
  31. Competition "Meeting on skis". Several participants are selected. The guests are late for an important meeting, but the roads, as luck would have it, are covered with snow. Therefore, you need to get there on skis. Each participant receives two A4 sheets and two sticks. At the start command, the participants stand on skis (on two album sheets: one foot on one sheet, and the other on the other) and begin to move towards the goal in such a way that the sheets from under their feet do not disappear. The winner is the participant who arrives at the meeting faster than the others.
  32. Competition "New Year's Greetings to the President". Several participants are selected. Everyone becomes the president of the country for a minute and everyone gets their own 5 words according to their fantasies, which he must organically insert into his New Year's greetings. Words should be unusual to make congratulations funny, for example, rosette, chicken, fascist, avocado, evidence, helicopter, prison, lizard, salad, glove, glass, beans, Leontiev, etc. The "president" will receive a prize for the funniest and most intelligent congratulations.
  33. Competition "New Year's Crocodile". Participants are divided into two teams, in each of which one person is selected. The leader says some word to the chosen ones, and they should "show" it to their teams without making any sounds. The team that completes the task faster will win. You can play differently - one of the participants "shows" the word to everyone else, and the one who is the first to guess wins. To avoid suspicion that the word was invented on the go, we recommend that you write it down in advance on a piece of paper. Since we are talking about celebrating the New Year, it is advisable to come up with words on this topic.
  34. Competition "New Year's Picasso". Participants are given A4 sheets with arbitrary lines (all have the same image) and markers. The task is to finish painting on the New Year theme. Of course, everyone knows who in the team understands painting best of all. Here he or she will evaluate the results. Who's more interesting is the winner!
  35. Competition "New Year's rhymelette". Each guest, in turn, takes out his fant from the bag, in which 4 words of the New Year theme are indicated. The task of each participant is to compose his own rhyme for each word, for example, Santa Claus is a coconut, Snegurochka is a fool, chimes are speculators, a snowflake is a speck, and so on. After the presenter announces that now you need to compose a New Year's quatrain, using your words and rhymes to them. The guest who gets the funniest and most beautiful poem will receive a prize.
  36. Competition "New Year's Film". Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people, and within 5 minutes of preparation, each team must show their miniature from the Soviet film about the New Year, for example, "Irony of Fate", "Magicians", "Gentlemen of Fortune", "Carnival Night" and so on. ... For the best performance, the team will receive a bottle of champagne or a kilogram of tangerine.
  37. Contest "Transfer of Powers". The main attribute of the game is Santa Claus's New Year hat. All those wishing to take part sit in a circle. One of the players is wearing a Santa Claus hat. Each player must pass the cap to another player on the head without using hands. A participant who has lost his hat is eliminated from the game. The player remaining last receives this hat or another prepared prize as a gift.
  38. Competition "Rewrite history". Players are united in teams of 3-4 people. Each team is given its own list of famous historical figures from different times. The total number of historical names is at least eight people. The task of the players is to compose a funny story with the participation of all the characters within the agreed time. To make the stories even funnier, you can add cartoon or fairy tale characters to historical figures.
  39. Competition "Primorozilo". For the competition, you will need to prepare sheets of paper on which you need to write parts of the body, for example, lips, hand, leg, ear, little finger on the left hand, nose and put them in a Santa Claus hat. Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper, they must join each other with the indicated body parts. Thus, the two participants freeze to each other. The next participant approaches them, he and one of the first players take one piece of paper, freeze to each other. Another participant comes up and so on. Who can not resist - drops out of the competition... The rest are connected with each other by the same parts.
  40. Clothespins competition. Participants are selected, divided into pairs, blindfolded, and clothespins cling to any part of the clothes of all players. After the beep, you should try to remove all clothespins from your partner. The winner is the couple that completes the task faster than others. Of course, you need a leader who will supervise this process. The winner is the couple who have removed all the clothespins.
  41. Competition "Gender quiz". Corporate party participants are divided into two teams - women and men. The facilitator asks each team questions in turn. One point is awarded for the correct answer. The essence of the competition is that women are addressed to men from the field of cooking, cosmetics, fashion, etc. (for example, “what is microblading?”), and for women - men related to repairs, football, hockey, cars and others (for example, “where was the 2018 FIFA World Cup?”).
  42. Contest "Random Masquerade". Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimwear, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). The presenter switches the music on and off at different intervals. The music began to play, the participants began to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has a bag in his hands, he pulls out one thing and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. The one who is best dressed wins.
  43. Blind Drawing Competition. The competition is played by two people. So, the participants are tied behind their backs and placed behind them on an easel. Now players must arm themselves with felt-tip pens (hands remain behind their backs) and depict the symbol of the coming year on the canvas. The rest of the guests should act as fans and suggest in which direction the contestants should draw further - to the left, higher, and so on. The winner is the player who manages to more reliably portray the cheerful guardian of the year.
  44. Contest "Siamese twins". Participants unite in pairs (it is interesting if pairs are formed randomly, according to an extended lot). In each pair, partners stand with their backs to each other, their hands are tied. Now the "Siamese twins" must perform various tasks - run around the tree as quickly as possible, dance a waltz or other dance. It all depends on the size of the room. The jury closely monitors the "twins" and determines the most harmonious pair.
  45. Competition "Smeshinki". For all participants, the presenter gives words related to winter and the New Year. For example: snowflake, icicle, garland, tree, candles and the like. Then, each participant is asked a question requiring a description of an object or action: "How does the snow fall?", "Who are you?" other. The questions should be funny and interesting. The participant answers the question and then depicts his answer. For example: “I am snow, I fly in the air and fall to the ground” and depicts how this happens. The main condition is that no one should laugh. Whoever laughs leaves the game.
  46. Competition "Strange Telegram". Participants name 13 adjectives. For example, “strong”, “brown”, “sharp”, “young”, “lethargic”, “romantic”, etc. When the presenter has written down all the adjectives, he gets the text of the telegram, into which the missing adjectives from the list are inserted. And the text of the telegram is as follows: “... Grandfather Frost! All ... children are eagerly awaiting your ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances! Finally ... the New Year will come! I hate to talk about ... study. We promise that we will receive only ... ratings. So open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls! "
  47. Competition "Hold the Snowflake". This game is played by several players, the rest of the audience is fans. Each participant is given a snowflake - a small ball of cotton wool. At the command of the leader, the players throw snowflakes up and blow hard on them, trying to keep them in the air. The winner is the one who managed to keep the snowflake from falling to the ground the longest.
  48. Competition "Champanomania". Several players can participate in the competition. There are empty champagne flutes on one table, and champagne is poured in a large bowl at the other end of the room. The task is that each participant must fill their glass by transferring champagne with a spoon. The first one to fill his glass to the mark and drink it wins the competition and receives a prize.
  49. Competition "Cap of desires". The guests stand in a large circle near the Christmas tree, merry New Year's music sounds and Santa Claus's hat with phantoms goes in a circle. The presenter can turn off the music at any time, trying to do it so that each of the guests has a hat. On whom the music stops, he takes a phantom from a mitten and performs a certain action, for example, dances a hopak or transforms into a president and congratulates his people, or maybe sits on a twine or kisses a neighbor. In general, forfeits can be absolutely any (it all depends on the liberation of the company).
  50. Competition "New Year's Greetings for the Chief". The presenter will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The presenter asks such an innocent question: with which of the animals, birds or flowers (if the boss is a lady), each of you associates your boss. Then everyone goes out, names their association and depicts it, on command freeze - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything repeats - the whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the presenter announces that the employees decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant picture of Repin "We Didn't Expect" or a picture of an unknown author "Morning after a corporate party".

Video: ideas for contests

In this video you will see how a funny New Year's competition is held at a corporate party with signs on the back.

Good afternoon, dear lovers of boring holidays! Autumn has come, which means it's time to think about the scenario of the New Year's corporate party. Do you think this is a joke? Not at all!

The remaining months will fly by quickly, especially December, which is always busy with the hassle of gifts, purchases, annual reports.

Do you need a script at all? On the one hand, really, why complicate things and invent something, especially for a small team? The main thing is that there would be more food, alcohol, more fun music, and there it will somehow organize itself.

It is this approach that leads to the fact that the holidays become boring, monotonous, there is nothing to remember about them.

Have you ever wondered why things are much less pleasing than events? It's simple. We are happy with the purchase only once. And the event (holiday, travel) pleases in three stages:

  1. during preparation (happiness of anticipation);
  2. during the event itself;
  3. you can endlessly remember bright moments and be filled with positive emotions over and over again.

But since you are here, it means that you agree that corporate events should be organized, not spontaneous. Therefore, we finish with conversations and get down to business.

The script for the New Year's festive corporate party, which I propose to you, will be flexible, it is easy to adjust it to the age and professional characteristics of your favorite team.

Mandatory elements of each scenario:

  • Welcome speech by the host.
  • Congratulatory word from the head.
  • Contests.
  • Dance breaks.

A welcome word could be like this:

Dear friends! It's nice to see so many beautiful, smiling people today! There is very little left until the New Year, in which we look with hope and expectation of a miracle. Let's open the champagne and greet each other with a clink of glasses!

After the first glasses, it's time to move on to the entertainment program. We will not raise the audience immediately from the table, let's start with inactive contests.

Holiday lottery

Have a holiday lottery. The drawing of prizes will take place in several stages, which must be evenly distributed throughout the festive evening. Prepare lottery tickets in advance - these can be printed New Year pictures.

It is imperative to put numbers on each ticket. The main prize will be a piggy bank, into which each corporate party participant threw as many coins as his heart desires at the entrance in exchange for a lottery ticket.

With jack-then it is clear, it will be played at the very end. What else to use as a lottery win?

Here are the options:

  • the right to make a festive speech
  • the right to dance (drink together) with the chef
  • one extra day off at work
  • the right to be late for 30 minutes once
  • public praise from the leader
  • various inexpensive souvenir products (diary, notebook, pen, mug, etc.)

New Year's tales

When the guests get a little tired of drinking and eating, it's time to move on to action. Be sure to include a fairy tale-scene in the festive program. I will explain the essence of the idea, this will allow you to easily choose entertainment for any topic and improvise on the go.

So, you can take a ready-made fairy tale, the same turnip, a kolobok, but it will be much more interesting to take only the outline of the plot.

Suppose there was a prince, he once met a beautiful princess and fell in love, then, of course, she was kidnapped by an evil dragon, the prince went to save the girl, fought bravely, then everyone lived happily ever after.

This canvas is easy to adapt to the characteristics of the team.

Suppose a corporate office is planned at the dentists, which means that the girl will not be attacked by an evil dragon, but by complicated caries. And in the final, the prince will teach the victim the skills of oral hygiene so that such horror does not happen to her again.

Do you have a sales team? The prince will have to fight a terrible and terrible inspector, who wanted to bankrupt the kingdom-state with his fine. And in the final, teach the skills of conducting commodity accounting.

  • wig princess
  • crown prince
  • horse mask horse prince

Then we assign roles. Although the team is small, there are not enough three main characters, and it will not be funny. Therefore, we come up with as many additional characters as necessary so that there is enough for everyone: a prince's horse, a prince's sword, a tree, a gate, a princess's long braid, a breeze, and so on. We distribute them. The task of each actor is to go on stage when he is named and to show his creative abilities as much as possible.

The final text of the tale may be like this.

Once upon a time there was a prince who loved to walk in the royal garden and relax under a shady tree. One day he saw a princess, with a beautiful long braid, which was fluttering in a playful breeze. And immediately fell in love. But an evil dragon also fell in love with the princess, who did not know how to express his feelings, so he just burst through the gate into the garden and dragged the girl away. The prince sobbed long and inconsolably under the tree. Then he wiped away his tears, whistled like a hero, and his good horse came to the whistle. He pranced and flaunted before the prince, as if inviting him on a long journey. The prince jumped on his horse and galloped off. I rode for a long time. Both were tired, lay down a little, rested. They galloped on. The dragon is in sight! The prince drew his sword, which he had in his belt. And he began to beat the dragon with his sword. Defeated him. He took the princess, put her on a horse, and did not forget the sword, and they rode back. We returned home, closed the gates tightly so that no one else would burst in, and lived happily ever after.

Entertainment at the corporate party

Has the evening passed the middle? It's time to start your adult entertainment. We will choose the star of the dance floor. You need to invite five people (for example, to play the lottery is an honorable right). Competition conditions - you need to actively dance to the music, exactly following the instructions of the presenter.

The presenter's task is to cheer up the participants, joke and amuse the audience; the success of the competition also largely depends on this. The dance is given no more than 30 seconds.

  1. The first task is the easiest - to dance groovy rock and roll. When the music ends, the presenter chooses the most inactive dancer and asks to leave the competition with applause.
  2. The second task is to dance without using their legs (after all, the participants' legs are so tired, but does a real disco-dancer give up?).
  3. The third task is to dance while sitting on a chair only with your head and hands (the dancers have less strength, let's give them chairs so that they do not fall on the floor!).
  4. The fourth task - we dance with our face (our stars are completely exhausted, but the will to win is alive! While our face moves, we will dance!).

To applause, the winner is released from the stage, and the rest are invited to dance.

For the next competition, you will need either a stick 25-30 cm long, or a long balloon (these are used to make clown figures in the circus). Participants must be gathered in a circle.

The task is to transfer the ball to each other with your knees to the music. The one who drops is out of the game. Gradually, you need to complicate the task - to transfer not face to face, but back to face, back to back. You can change the direction of movement: clockwise, counterclockwise, transmit through one, in random order.

Cool New Year's holiday for beautiful ladies

There are no men in your team at all? So that's great! For a female team, it is worth offering a magical corporate party with rituals for fulfilling desires, attracting money and comic (and maybe quite serious) fortune-telling for the next year.

Men do not take this seriously, and for the beautiful half of humanity, such an unusual evening will be what the “doctor ordered”. Is the team very small, for example, kindergarten teachers and teachers? This camera format works even better.

Comic divination

For comic fortune-telling you will need to buy chocolate eggs with toys such as "Kinder-surprise". The presenter dressed as a gypsy or a witch-grandmother will enter the hall to the music with a bag of chocolate eggs and invite everyone to tell about what is expected in the coming year. Then he will invite those who wish to draw out the egg of fate for themselves. While the fortune teller walks around everyone present, the first have already opened their kinders and pulled out toys. Next, the presenter will have to connect imagination, as well as use the knowledge about the person in front of her (as in life!), And interpret the symbol that was caught in the egg. For example, if you come across a car, tell them that they will give you a car or they will drive the car for a whole year, or wait for a trip, or will "drive" the whole year, etc.

Let's say you come across a figurine of an animal, for example, a lion. Tell me, next year there will be a reliable and loyal defender nearby, or inner strength will wake up and desires will begin to come true. Nothing comes to mind right away? The presenter can beat this - take a break, say that she is setting up a communication channel with space.

A simpler version of fortune-telling is to prepare in advance a deck of "cards", each one should have a prediction-wish written on it. The fortuneteller will need to come up and offer to draw a card.

To fulfill your New Year's wishes, suggest the following ritual.

You will need magnets, buy something cute in advance according to the number of participants. Let everyone choose for themselves. Then it needs to be "charged". Gather in a circle, hold a magnet in your hand, imagine your desire as clearly as possible, and then say out loud: “The power of a magnet! Make my wish come true! " It is advisable to repeat it three times. The next step is to bring the magnet home and hang it on the refrigerator.

Letter with wishes

You can also suggest writing a letter to the Universe. Prepare slips of paper, pens, and pretty envelopes. Distribute to participants. Put on beautiful music. While it sounds, you need to write down your wishes for the coming year. Then seal the letter. It is recommended to open it for the next year and mark the anniversary.

Ritual "Money Rain"

To lure in money in the coming year, have a fun and enjoyable Money Rain ritual. You need to prepare several packs of toy money (rubles, dollars, euros). Pick up money songs, for example, "Money" of the "ABBA" group. To the music, you need to sprinkle each other with banknotes. You can stand in a circle, each will take turns to go to the center and swim in the rain.

Fulfilling desires

The following entertainment will also help with the fulfillment of desires. You need to prepare many, many balloons and markers. Distribute to each of them several balloons and a felt-tip pen. The task is to inflate a balloon and write on it a short wish for the next year, for example, husband, happiness, child, sea, etc.

Then everyone gets together and in a completely childish way, joyfully throw the balls into the air, and when they fall, they imagine how wishes come true. To cheerful music, of course.

Do not forget about simple fun like a round dance around the Christmas tree and summoning Santa Claus. It's always nice to return to childhood for a short time.

Since women love to be photographed and then share them on social networks, spend some time decorating a beautiful themed photo zone. It needs to be decorated with toys, bouquets of branches, shiny cloth, and gift boxes.

It is customary to give gifts to those present for the New Year. It is a pleasure to end the holiday with this ritual. In a small team, it is convenient to do the following - everyone buys a small gift within a predetermined amount. Gifts are packed and folded in a Santa Claus bag. At the end of the party, Santa Claus will come out and give everyone a gift.

New Year's tale of a miracle


  1. Santa Claus
  2. Snegur (guys in dance costumes of Snow Maidens)
  3. Lead in a penguin costume
  4. Lady Yaga
  5. Biker
  6. His girlfriend
  7. Her boyfriend

Scene 1

The action takes place in a bar. Instrumental melodic music sounds. The bartender stands at the bar and talks to a bearded biker. A huge homemade clock hangs on the wall (the hands are removed), the time shows 11:45

Buddy, the biker says, pour me something for the mood. And then just like that.

And you are not in a festive mood? - the bartender is surprised, pouring whiskey.

The biker drank in one gulp and waved his hand, wanting to repeat the drink.

Where from? Count it up, I had a fight with my own. She, you see, wants a miracle. An adult heifer, and there too. She lacks a fairy tale.

What should you give her a fairy tale? - the bartender asks calmly, cleaning the bar economically. It's not difficult. You understand, all girls want a miracle in the New Year.

And you there too, - the bearded man grinned, drinking again. Can I also dress up a Christmas tree? And to dress in a bunny? The joke made him laugh.

Well, why so? You can think of something original. The wise bartender does not concede, sly glancing at the already intoxicated interlocutor.

You shouldn't believe, miracles happen on New Year's Eve! Under these words, the biker was already falling asleep right on the bar. And he has a dream.

Scene 2

In the bar, the company celebrates the New Year. Loud music sounds, laughter and clinking glasses are heard. An elegant Christmas tree sparkles with colorful lights. His girlfriend Olesya in a beautiful evening dress flirts with a young man.

You are so charming! - he whispers in her ear, clinging to the girl in the dance. Where is your boyfriend?

Girl coquettishly giggled: - Come on! Again, somewhere with friends hung up. He doesn't see anything except his bike.

How can he not notice such a miracle as you? - the guy is sincerely surprised and presses her even more around the waist.

The presenter in a penguin costume enters the stage. There is a huge cylinder on the head.

Hello, our dear friends! I am glad to welcome all of you here, at this wonderful event-meeting of the New Year!

Everyone clapped their hands and shouted: "Hurray!"

An unforgettable evening and lots of pleasant surprises await you today. But most importantly, each of you today will surely have one single wish come true that you can make to the real Santa Claus and this, believe me, is not a joke! (applause and cheers sound)

Now let's call ... Who? What do you think?

All shouting: Grandfather Frost?

Leading: But no!

All: Snow Maiden?

Leading: Wrong again! I promised surprises, right? So we will not call Snegurochka, but ... Snegurov!

Scene 3

The song “Blue, blue frost lay on the wires, the dancers come out to it.

On the stage are guys in heels, in solid smart swimsuits (under the image of the Snow Maiden) with crowns on their heads. Snegurov dance (preferably in the Vogue style).

Leading: Now let's play a little! But before that I ask you to fill your glasses.

Competition number 1

So, I start to tell the quatrain, and you finish it one by one, okay?

- Quietly, quietly, slowly

- Snowflakes are falling.

- And paint on the ground

Viewers add: beautiful pictures!

Leading: you're doing great! Let's continue!

- Hello Dedushka Moroz!

- Where are my gifts?

- And then let's go to the sauna!

Viewers add: it will be hot there!

- Tuki-tuk, tuki-tuk,

- The sound of hooves is heard.

- The deer are in a hurry.

The spectator shouts: And the store is closed!

Everyone laughs and claps their hands.

Leading: - Well, since you yourself are talking about drinking, let's pour glasses and remember what good happened to you and your family this year. For which you are ready to thank the expiring year.

Competition number 2

Everyone is in a circle.

Romantic music sounds. The light goes out. The presenter lights a candle. Everyone who says a toast picks it up. It goes from one to the other.

Leading: Well, dear friends! We all have something to remember and for which to thank the expiring year. But the most important thing is that the coming one brings even more happy moments, more joy.

The cell phone rings. The presenter apologizes and leaves to talk. Music sounds, guests pour, have a snack, conduct conversations. The presenter returns, but continues to communicate on the phone. Fragmentary phrases are heard.

Leading: Well, dear, you know, I'm working! Don't shout at me! What other fur coat? Do you already have five of them? !! What? Are they old for you? Do you know who you are, love? You're a real bitch, no! WITCH!!!

Scene 4

The host again goes deeper into the hall.

And a gorgeous woman with a big false breast and a booty, big lips, a sleek and spoiled lady with a cell phone enters the stage. This is the host's favorite. She continues the dialogue with the presenter.

Lady: You didn't know that, DEAR! In short, a fur coat with you, you retired penguin! And in general ... (the lady sings to the soundtrack).

(The soundtrack of Alika Smekhova's song is turned on with the words “don't interrupt me, don't interrupt me! I haven't said everything yet!)

Then the lady looks around and smiles indulgently at those present.

Lady: - Ooooooo! I didn’t notice you ... Hello! You all heard? Right? So, I hope you understand my name and who I am? I am a famous person.

Guests make assumptions.

Lady: No, it's not that. Let's remember the fairy tale heroes. I am one of your dreams (flirts with men with a look). Alluring music sounds. The lady chooses a gentleman and dances with him on the verge of a private dance.

Lady: So? Have you guessed? Who am I? I'm Lady Yaga. Well, they used to call me a little differently. Baba Yaga, bone leg. But with modern technology, you can not only change the chest and lips, but also the legs, arms, and whatever you want! But no one will grow my penguin's brains. Here, by the way, he is.

The presenter appears.

Leading: Well, what are you doing here? I asked you to stay at home on Rublevka. By the way, did anyone recognize her? If so, I will sue a plastic surgeon! I spent so much money. Do you know how much it costs me, my friends? The benefits are zero. And only takes selfies all day long! Are there people in the room who have surpassed mine in taking pictures? Come on, prove yourself!

Competition number 3.

Perky music sounds. Snegurs (dancers) come out. The guests begin to be photographed in the funniest poses with the lady, the presenter and the Sneguros, each other. Photos are quickly printed and posted on the stand or on the wall. The best shots are discussed. A song is dedicated to the winners.

Drinks are poured, people are snacking. Communicate, have fun. Lady Yaga continues to flirt with men, kissing them with soft overlapping places.

The waiters serve hot drinks and drinks.

The presenter went to a small table on which there was a corrugation with tennis balls instead of eggs. But guests will feel that these are real eggs. The host sat down for him. I was sad.

Leading: Everything is fine, but I just don't understand why nobody is surprised, why am I in this funny suit? People, why don't you ask? Because this chicken washed all my dress suits! And she took this one in the Theater of the Young Spectator !!!

Lady Yaga approached the leader belligerently.

Lady Yaga: And what are we unhappy with? Are we all complaining? You already have two suits! One wedding, the second sports! And everything is not enough for him, everything is not enough!

Leading jumped up: Well, yes! But you, poor, have only five fur coats, the sixth, you see, it is necessary!

Lady Yaga: Oh you!!! (She swung at him.) The host turned around and backed up to the guests. The lady grabbed a corrugation with supposedly eggs and threw them at people. Tennis balls flew at the guests.

Music sounds, people drink and celebrate. They dance. The presenter is dancing with his lady.

Scene 5

Olesya makes her way through the crowd of guests to the host.

Olesya: Excuse me!

He is not distracted from the couple. The girl continued to pull on the suit and pound on the back.

Olesya: Sorry!

Host: What do you need, lovely girl?

Olesya: You promised us!

Leading through the music: What? I can not hear!

Olesya loudly: You promised us a miracle !!!

All were quiet. The music stopped.

Leading: Well (drawn out), child, you must understand, miracles do not happen. You are a grown girl!

Olesya I almost cried: You promised!

The guests were drawn to them.

But, indeed, you promised us all.

Olesya closed her eyes with her palms, going to cry. Lady Yaga hugged her.

Lady Yaga: Oh, these men! They can not do anything, only promise. Okay, don't cry, I will grant your wish. I'll shake it, so to speak, old. Tell me it in my ear.

The girls are whispering. A bright light comes on. The beam illuminates the bar, behind which the biker was already awake. He saw his beloved. She beckoned him with her hand. To romantic music, a guy and a girl meet and hug. They dance to beautiful music.

Grandfather Frost comes out.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year, my dears! With new happiness! May all your dreams come true! And most importantly, remember, miracles can be done not only by me and only on New Year's Eve! You yourself can delight and give miracles to your loved ones much more often!

All become in a round dance and to the song of the Accident "New Year" they dance in a round dance.

I hope the article helped you feel more confident in the preparation of the original festive New Year's corporate party, in the choice.

Best regards, Natalia Krasnova.

The problem of choosing a program for a New Year's corporate party is relevant both for small companies and for large ones. Such an event is a kind of team building that allows you to get to know your colleagues better and communicate with them in an informal setting. To organize a holiday, you will need a creative performer who will be responsible for organizational issues, raise funds (optional) and monitor the process of preparing and implementing the plan. It is very important for this position to choose someone who can really handle all this, and not someone who just has more free time than others. If it is not possible to do all this on your own, then you can contact a special agency for organizing holidays. But, of course, it would be much better to arrange it all with your own hands. In this article, we will consider original ideas on how to hold a New Year's corporate party 2019.

The age-old question "Where to start?" and there is no way around it. After all, the success of the celebration largely depends on this. Consider the following details:

  • number of employees (men and women);
  • age (average);
  • the presence of creative individuals in the team;
  • the amount you have.

Now, with regard to the organizational issues. Here you should adhere to the following sequence:

  • decide on the theme of the celebration (if your colleagues have approximately the same tastes, then there will be no problems, and if the preferences of all employees are fundamentally different, then the issue of choosing a theme can be resolved by universal suffrage);
  • choose a venue (according to the same principle as in the previous case): you can go to a cafe or restaurant or celebrate at home;
  • prepare from 5 to 10 contests (prepare prizes and details);
  • write a script (point by point) and select a leader (calculate the approximate time, leaving room for conversations, snacks and toasts);
  • compose a playlist for outdoor activities and dancing (choose cheerful and groovy music of domestic and foreign performers);
  • decorate the room (use various New Year and Christmas toys, garlands, tinsel, balloons and other decorative elements);
  • think over the New Year's menu (use disposable dishes that you don't have to wash later, cold snacks and drinks; make something like a buffet);
  • if the planned costs do not fit into the budget, optimize the program.

In fact, organizing a corporate party on the occasion of the New Year with your own hands is not so difficult. Let's consider in more detail interesting ideas for a New Year's corporate party, among which you will surely find something to your liking.

Master classes

If the team is not in the mood to actively dance to cheerful music, but prefers to quietly and peacefully spend time in a calm atmosphere, then master classes are what you need. They can be carried out both in the office and in a cafe or specialized studios. There are a lot of variations of this pastime, but the following are considered the most popular:

  • making chocolates;
  • baking gingerbread;
  • japanese calligraphy lessons;
  • oil painting;
  • wine tasting;
  • mk on floristry;
  • creation of handmade perfumes and cosmetics;
  • preparation of home warming mulled wine.

If you wish, you can arrange culinary battles: the celebration will take on a tinge of competition, and as a result, you will get a lot of delicious and original dishes, which will save you from organizing a banquet. This option is perfect for a female team.

Dance competitions

They can be organized in the form of master classes with the involvement of professional dancers and subsequent competitions between employees. We bring to your attention several options:

  • select 5 people who, in 10-20 minutes in the next room, should come up with a short dance number; the performers of the most spectacular dances are awarded (according to the collective);
  • organize a flash mob: a small group of employees prepares an unusual and original dance in advance (the idea is kept in the strictest secret from the rest), and then during a corporate party, on a prearranged signal, they begin to dance according to the domino principle to incendiary music, involving the rest of the participants in the dance;
  • you need to split into several teams and arrange a dance battle: on pieces of paper write the names of the songs, to the rhythms of which the participants will dance, and place them in a bag from which the team will pull them; given a few minutes to prepare and go into battle!

The most active and creative employees are awarded prizes.

Outdoor sports

After sitting in the four walls of the office for 9 hours in a row every day, you will hardly want to celebrate the approach of the new year there. But going out into nature will certainly appeal to the majority of employees, especially when it comes to a young team. Such a celebration has been in great demand recently, and therefore the range of services offered is quite large:

  • outdoor competitions (for example, running a race);
  • figure skating with elements of an entertainment program;
  • hockey (for those who are confident in skating);
  • a simplified biathlon or regular skiing;
  • curling.

Such entertainments will give a charge of cheerfulness, positiveness and many positive emotions. A buffet table can be arranged in a small hunting lodge, and barbecue on the grill for the main dish.

Themed parties

Another fun celebration option. Employees can be dressed up in spectacular carnival costumes, which in itself is conducive to a friendly and cheerful atmosphere. The room, as a rule, is decorated in accordance with the chosen theme, and unusual dishes and treats can be served on the table.

Classic themes:

  • historical (for example, the Middle Ages with sumptuous balls, 60s or 80s);
  • based on a popular film, TV series or television project;
  • pirate, knight or Hawaiian.

Ideas for New Year's outfits for a corporate event are best discussed with colleagues in advance.


Fun and exciting adventures in the quest rooms are conducive to team building. These relatively new events are gaining popularity rapidly. Having chosen a plot suitable for your company, immediately book the date and time, because on New Year's Eve demand for this service increases significantly, and you risk being left without a quest. An excellent option for a corporate party would be a quest designed specifically for you around the city or within the walls of the office with thematic tasks about your company or New Year's holidays (or about that and that together).

Ideas for New Year's corporate party 2019 in the office

Spending a holiday in your home office saves you the need to find a special room, which greatly simplifies the preparation process. The organization of the program and the decoration of the office should be entrusted to creative and creative employees, and it is better to leave the festive table to the female representatives (if the team is small, you can prepare snacks and other treats yourself). As for the "cultural program", there are many options:

  • an impromptu concert, during which everyone has to perform their favorite song;
  • arrange nominations for departments with the subsequent presentation of prizes;
  • karaoke (if there is no special equipment, you can use the presenter with the equipment);
  • intellectual games between teams;
  • photo session (for the organization, you can contact a professional studio, which will provide its own props);
  • creation of pictures on posters;
  • preparation of scenes from famous films using costumes;
  • show of chemical tricks: a non-standard event, the success of which is guaranteed.

This list can be easily supplemented with your own ideas and developments.

Watching "The Irony of Fate" will be a good idea for a New Year's corporate party.

We hope that the proposed ideas for organizing corporate events will be useful to you, but, of course, the final choice of the entertainment program is completely yours.

Passed creatively and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of the event.

We bring to your attention stylish and non-trivial ideas for unforgettable corporate events for every taste.

1 // Office-party

A corporate event that takes place in the format of social networks. Animators in capes with logos of popular applications perform on it, fences-installations for writing messages are installed, wall-newspapers are hung out with the ability to place photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, delight and pleasure are definitely guaranteed to them!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a group that has "singing talents." Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, which, according to Indian tradition, the participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

5 // Body art style

To create fantasy images of guests during the evening, face painting is applied to their faces, and a professional photographer and operator capture the created beauty on a camera.

6 // Game "Mafia"

It has already become traditional entertainment for a corporate event, which allows you to show the intuition and psychological qualities of the participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

A musical game for recognizing a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The winner is the team that guesses the song faster.

To immerse yourself in the world of economic strategies, you will need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Secrets of tricks

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting spectators as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive Science Show

In a company with “crazy scientists”, adults will also be interested in seeing chemical experiments and tricks, as well as participating in scientific experiments themselves.

12 // Game "The Sixth Sense"

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses together with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo session

With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images, in which they are captured by the photographer against the background of the corresponding interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With a cartoonist

If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

15 // Dance marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dances is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests demonstrate their skills to each other to the sound of music.

16 // Cooking duel

Two in one - both entertainment and a treat for the holiday. Under the guidance of a chef, guests will prepare delicious meals and have fun.

17 // Wine tasting

The invited sommelier will teach you how to use wine accessories and choose glasses for different types of wines, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

18 // Creative workshop

A great opportunity to have a good time and at the same time gain new knowledge. For women's groups, carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men's groups - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Quiz

This option will appeal to movie lovers. They will be offered to remember interesting facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // Olympic style

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard outdoor banquet tables, "heating stations" are installed for them.

21 // "Promenade Theater"

This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the action taking place and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the heroes.

With the help of professional decorators, an office or specially rented for a corporate party is stylized as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Comic auction

During it, serious "for sale" lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The one of the participants who offers the highest price for a mysterious item, buys it and demonstrates it to a curious audience.

24 // With animals

The trend of inviting trainers with animals to corporate parties has been gaining popularity in recent years. The spectacular culmination of the New Year's event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, the style of the guests' dress a la “country chic” - all these are elements of one of the latest festive trends.

26 // Welness-corporate

The trendy idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle can also be embodied in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to the Turkish hammam or Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

27 // On ATVs

Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through meadows, fields or forests. Car rental services are offered by various quad clubs.

28 // In a balloon

Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at dusk, when the sky around strikes the eyes of aeronautics participants with extraordinary colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

It is good to hold such a corporate party on the shore of a reservoir or near the pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

If the venue is an enclosed space, tanning lamps may be an alternative to sunbathing.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from party companies. With the help of professional stage directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the audience.

31 // Shooting a movie

With the assistance of the film process coordinators, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which takes place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the plot.

32 // Disco-corporate

The collective is divided into 3 teams, each of which, during several rounds, together represents different musical eras: 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). Everyone will get a charge of good mood from wonderful music!

33 // "Like Guinness"

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to establish professional records. The thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

For these and many other ideas for a corporate party, welcome to the agency " »!

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