Corner in ds family traditions. Family traditions as a means of creating a single space for the development of the child in the family and kindergarten. How to fill a patriotic corner in a nursery

MADOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 18 "Funny Swifts"


parent club work

third meeting


head of DOW

I.V. Kostyukova

Correctional teacher

A.N. Shchukin


parent club

"My Sunshine"

topic of the meeting : "Family traditions"


  1. Build respect for your family members,a sense of pride in the traditions of his family, a desire to continue them and actively participate in them.
  2. Attract parents to work together in kindergarten.
  3. To create conditions for summarizing family experience in upbringing, respect for family traditions.
  4. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents; the search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.


  • cD with songs
  • emblems for all meeting participants in the form of the sun
  • transparent vase
  • containers from kinder (10-15pcs.)
  • cookies, sour cream, cake decorations (for cake)
  • video series "Travel"
  • semolina, trays for each participant
  • plastic bottles, gouache, PVA glue, brushes
  • multi-colored napkins, threads, scissors
  • flower basket

Club work:

At the entrance, parents are offered from"Cups of wisdom"   take one ball in which a well-known statement on the topic is written at the beginning of the club’s work, read it to everyone and express their opinion. (opinion exchange).


“If you think a year ahead, plant a seed. If you are thinking a decade ahead, plant a tree. If you think forever, educate a person. "

(Eastern wisdom)

A genuine school of upholding warmth, sincerity and responsiveness is a family; kind, gentle, caring relationships with mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brothers, sisters is a real family tradition.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness ...

  (Emil Zola)

How to start a new tradition? Everything is very simple - you need to be near the children. Any serious business is better argued if it becomes a game.

Family traditions are events, holidays, customs that are inherent in any particular family.

Family traditions - they can be understood in different ways. We can assume that these are traditions supported by one family (for example, to celebrate all birthdays in the family circle, well, or when the whole family glues New Year's toys on the Christmas tree every new year).

And if the family tradition is within the clan, then it is to go to a certain place every year, for example, or that a woman in this family marries in a certain outfit, and that the first-born is always called by a certain name.

Family traditions are those usual actions that have already settled in the family as mandatory, such as celebrating birthdays together or holding a family council. But it may be some other norms of behavior.

Family traditions - these are some traditions that are transmitted in the family from generation to generation, for example, to get together for the new year.

These are specific actions performed by all family members.

They carry, washed away the unity of the family.

The family is that primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

"What the father does, the son also tries to do."


“One good example is better than a hundred words.”


The child learns what he sees in his home:

Parents are an example of this.

Who is rude to his wife and children, who loves the language of profligacy,

Let him remember that he will more than receive from them everything that he teaches.

Now behaving decently is not in fashion has become, and usually.

And the female sex, disgracing itself, began to swear in a conversation.

Husbands are an example for their wives, and children learn from them.

If children see us and hear us, we are responsible for our deeds.

And for the words: it is easy to push children on a bad path.

(S. Brandt)

Customs in the family or family traditions is a kind of indicator of well-being and happiness in the family.

Family traditions are not the past, they are always tomorrow.

The family must have its own archive: letters, medals of fathers, grandfathers, a history of a kind and surname. Of course - a family album.


You probably already guessed what the conversation will be about today.

Yes, we will talk with you about:"Family traditions".

It is no secret that family ties are the strongest, most permanent, most reliable. Warmth, support, advice from relatives, their help will accompany each of us all our lives, even if you live in different parts of the country. What is family? This is a house, this is mom and dad, grandparents, love and care, work and joy, unhappiness and sadness, habits and traditions.

I will tell you one legend.

In ancient times, one family lived, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumors about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word was written 100 times on the sheet -"Understanding".

Understanding   - This is the best of the traditions of all families!

Family tradition is the spiritual atmosphere of the home. When people truly appreciate, respect and love each other, then their family has an interesting life together.

We are pleased to give our loved ones pleasure, give them gifts, arrange holidays for them.

Some traditions have passed on to us from our parents, some we create ourselves.

We are well aware that following traditions is the path to family unity.

Let's share our family traditions today

1 tradition of the Vedas A.N.

“Not red hut corners, but red pies!”

The most common tradition is hospitality, a good meeting of guests.

What does a good meeting of guests mean?

This is a smile, a good mood and of course a good table.

Today I will talk about my family tradition.

I have lived in Kazakhstan for a long time. For the inhabitants of that country, different peoples lived there: Russians, Germans, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Greeks ... the most important thing for the hostess is the meeting of the guests, this is the table. Coming to visit, you do not have time to take off your shoes, they put you at the table, offer nuts, raisins, oriental sweets and of course tea in beautiful bowls

Arriving in Russia, I have preserved these good traditions. I really like to receive guests, and I try to always have something to surprise them, quickly set the table.

Here is a quick quick recipe from me.(We do it all together)

MASTER - CLASS - Cake "Ray"

A layer of cookies, any sweet.

A layer of sour cream.

And so a few layers.

The last layer can be rubbed with cookies or chocolate, or decorated with fruit. In 20-30 minutes the cake is ready for tea!

Bon Appetit!

(At the end of the master class, the Presenter gives everyone the magazine “I Love Cooking”).

Speech therapist. ON THE.

Today I want to plant yougame: "White Sands"

(drawing with a finger on a decoy).

Skorikov family.

I graduated from the design institute, I was very interested in creating various crafts. When I started a family, I introduced the tradition to my family on weekends, we make crafts, gifts for myself, for friends and relatives. And today I want to make a small souvenir with you.

(Everyone does, painting plastic bottles. Gouache mixed with PVA glue is used)


“Poetic page”

Polite words

Having met a hare, a hedgehog neighbor
Tells him: "..."(Hi!)

And his neighbor is eared
He answers: "Hedgehog, ..."


To Octopus Flounder
I swam on Monday
  And on Tuesday goodbye
She said: "..."(Goodbye!)

Clumsy Doggie Costik
The mouse stepped on the tail.
They would fight
But he said "..."(Sorry!)

Wagtail with a Berezhka

Drop the worm
And for the fish treat
She gurgled: "..."(Thanks!)

Fat Cow Lula
She ate hay and sneezed.
To not sneeze again

We will tell her: "..."

(Be healthy!)

Says Fox Matryona:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, but you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t! ”
You, Fox, do not complain
And say: "..."(You are welcome!)

Tsar Gundei gave Ivan
  Five nails for salvation,
  And Ivanushka the king
  Is talking: "…"(Thank you!)

From the swamp crocodile
Did not go out the longest.
Toad council members
They gave him a prize for it -
Awarded a parrot
And shouted: "..."(Congratulations!)

Bull daisies mowed down
And the sheep invited.
That one ate a treat
But he said: "..."


Deer at two o’clock
A fox came to visit.
Deer and deer

They said to her: "..."

(Good afternoon!)

Ohrimenko family

Traditions of our family"Musical evenings."Grandmothers, grandfathers, friends come, sometimes we arrange costumed performances.

A small sketch of our musical evening Anastasia Nikolaevna performs a piece of music.

Vedas. A.N.

Let's continue the musical pause and dance a fun dance with the children.

Musical pause:

Dance of mom and baby:   “You have it with me!”

Sidulov family

MASTER CLASS - "Magic pigtails"

Vedas. A.N.

There is also a good tradition of giving people flowers. Let us with all our hearts with great warmth and love make many beautiful flowers and give, to each otherand it will be our goodTRADITION.

MASTER - CLASS - “Flowers of Love”

(flowers are made of multi-colored napkins and put in a basket, it turns out a basket with flowers)


Sings a guitar:

  “It's great that we are all here today, gathered ...”

We are 1000% sure that



After all, we are so happy with them!

Joint photo and tea party

Created 10/06/2016 11:41 Updated 10/06/2016 11:41

What is tradition? This action or order of things, established by time, repeated unchanged over and over again. This is what you ultimately get used to and what you take for granted. Each family has certain traditions. Good or bad, harmful or useful, consciously and purposefully created or developed on their own. It can be a variety of traditions, not always in a good understanding of the word, but they are certainly present.

Well, think of family traditions! Family traditions   - This is the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which consists of: daily routine, lifestyle, customs, as well as the habits of the inhabitants.

A good family tradition unites the family, it gives the child an ineradicable feeling of unity with father and mother, closeness with brothers and sisters, confidence that he is not alone, he will always be supported, understood and protected. From childhood, this inherent feeling of some kind of guarantee will remain with the child for life. And in many ways will help him!

The existence of good family traditions helps the child understand his own personality, personality, and reveal his abilities and talents. After all, knowing that you are different from someone (namely, that such a glorious tradition exists in your family) helps to assert itself and fulfill itself. Traditions form in our children many other positive features: sociability, responsibility, love and understanding, sincerity, the ability to forgive, initiative and so on.

A variety of family traditions. For some reason, most of us, when it comes to family traditions, have noisy feasts in the association about the upcoming holiday or, at best, a joint decoration of the New Year tree. But traditions are not only holidays. This is a way of life. This is what is customary in the family: respect elders, help each other, do work together, arrange Sunday dinners. And the beauty is that traditions can be very different.

And start a tradition of any issue (except for frankly adult and scandalous questions, of course) to decide on a family council with the constant participation of children and the mandatory consideration of their opinions. And then, years later, they will call you and visit you, if only because they will discuss with you the latest events in their lives.

Start creating traditions from the moment you create a family. And with the advent of children - continue them and start new ones. Reading a bedtime story and a bedtime kiss is a very good tradition!

When creating traditions, remember the important:

  • tradition should be carried out regularly, and not from time to time;
  • tradition should be enjoyable and enjoyable for all family members;
  • tradition should be effective: to surprise, delight, be remembered;
  • form a tradition with love, for the good, and not for establishing a rigid educational framework.

Having created a tradition, take care of it. Current trends are such that family traditions in our lives are becoming less and less. More precisely, they exist, but those that are formed to replace the former do not always have a positive effect on the upbringing of children. The tradition, when a woman works from morning to night, and a man sits at home, is equally dangerous for both his son and daughter. The tradition when parents, in addition to work, no longer find time and desire, negatively affects children of any age. Such a family habit will also negatively affect the development of the child: so that children do not interfere with their parents' rest after a working day, many include cartoons for children or allow them to play computer games all evening. No matter how useful and developing the game is, it will never replace a child with lively communication with family members. It will be much more useful to take the child with instructions to help mom prepare dinner, set the table, and go to the grocery store with dad. Such a family tradition will allow the child to feel like an independent, necessary, important member of the family. And in the course of communication, the child will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things: what needs to be put in the soup, about useful and harmful products, about the rules for laying the table. And naming all the necessary utensils for lunch, dinner or tea drinking will allow the child to enrich the dictionary: bread box for bread, sugar bowl for sugar, pepper shaker, salt shaker, butterdish, etc. It turns out great - the child is busy, learns a lot of new things, communicates, feels necessary.

If on weekends you like to sleep for a long time, sit at home watching TV all day, remember this is a bad tradition! Its result may be a deterioration in the health status of both adults and the child. You can’t abruptly change the regime, and a day without walking will certainly not be good for health. Do not be lazy, get up! Dress the child and take a walk: remember the games of your childhood and tell (or better, show) the children about them. The tradition of Sunday walks will certainly give you positive emotions, allow you to get closer to the baby, and most importantly - teach your child to understand that the family is the main part of his life and a reliable fortress. Traditions do not have to be many. They just have to be. This is the childhood of your children, with which they especially remember him.

Therefore, take care of your good family traditions and pass them on to your children so that they can pass on to their own. Passing traditions from generation to generation is a sacred process. It is very pleasant to pass on the traditions of your childhood to children or grandchildren. So give them the opportunity too - to have something to remember and tell.

MBU d / s No. 52 "Golden Beehive"
Selivanova Julia Vasilievna

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Raising from a small child a citizen and a patriot who loves his homeland will help a patriotic corner in kindergarten. Its design depends on the age characteristics of the kids, because the information should be accessible to children's understanding.

What is it for?

The education of a patriot cannot be successful without resorting to the culture and history of his land. Today, much of the life of our ancestors has been lost and forgotten, the way of life of the people has changed dramatically, and we turn so little to our roots, because the unique culture of the Russian people has been formed for centuries and is saturated with various customs, traditions and rites.

The knowledge and understanding of folk culture, the desire to join in its further development in the future will become the motives for the active creative activity of a person, if you start patriotic education from early childhood.

With their own hands, it will help teachers and parents to organically introduce the child to the world around them, to introduce them to their native culture, eternal and beautiful.

Where to start?

It’s still difficult for kids who have just come to kindergarten to think in terms of the city, country, culture. For them, the homeland is their closest environment, therefore, the information about the house and family that should be available to children of this age should contain a patriotic corner in the kindergarten. Design 1 younger group requires a simple but vibrant. It is important to attract the attention of children, to arouse their interest. At this age, speech is actively formed, so everything should contribute to development, encourage the baby to recognize, name. At first, children can simply watch the activities of adults who view albums, naming them in the photo of all family members. Gradually, imitating adults, they themselves will begin to do this.

How to fill a patriotic corner in a nursery?

This can be any material on social and moral development:

  • Thematic folders containing illustrations, with images of family members demonstrating their relationships, care, joint affairs.
  • Photo album "My Family" with images of pupils in a family environment.
  • The album or exhibition "Here we live" in which you can place photographs, illustrations or mock-ups of streets or various architectural buildings (kindergarten, school, houses where children live, other objects of the city).
  • Exhibitions introducing the origins of Russian folk culture, which can contain a variety of antiquities, traditional toys (wooden and talismans, artifacts (painted nesting dolls, trays and other utensils with Gorodets, Khokhloma and Dymkovo toys, embroidered towels, scarves, knitted napkins, tablecloths and other items).

Fiction, folklore works - songs, jokes, nursery rhymes and fairy tales - can also be placed in a patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design of the nursery implies colorful and understandable, it should not contain a lot of text, it is better if it is visual material that attracts the attention of children and their parents. It is important to remember the safety requirements, which are the same for all corners: all materials must be placed so that they cannot fall or injure the child. Sharp corners or edges are not allowed.

Children over - tasks are more difficult

Understanding four-year-old children becomes more accessible to more complex concepts, therefore, supplementing and developing the topics covered in younger groups, teachers and parents continue the direction of education we are considering, placing new materials in a patriotic corner in the kindergarten. Design should affect the development of the personality of the child. It is important that not only literature, illustrations and didactic materials are used for it, but also elements of independent and joint activity. Preschoolers can play with friends or with adults, mastering the posted materials, making interactive communication.

The design of the patriotic should be beautiful, vibrant, attractive and interesting for children. There can be nothing damaged, broken, torn. It is good if the colors and shades used are correctly combined with each other, pleasant for the child’s eyes. All materials are updated from time to time.

In the middle group, most patriotic work takes place in and out of classes. These are deliberate walks along the nearby streets and acquaintance with the administrative buildings located on them (a shop, pharmacy, post office, etc.), reading fiction, talking with children about the nature of their native city. All new information that children receive must be supported by materials in a patriotic corner.

Filling for the middle group

The following materials will be interesting and useful for development for children of this age:

  • illustrations of family holidays and traditions, fiction on moral topics;
  • photo materials, illustrations, albums, postcards, thematic folders introducing the history of the native city, its famous inhabitants, sights;
  • exhibits introducing preschoolers to traditional culture: ancient objects, folk toys, samples of decorative and applied art, thematic;
  • works of folk art - from songs to fairy tales;
  • symbols of state, region and city.

What are we calling homeland?

The older ones complicate the tasks of patriotic education, children continue to get to know their native land, study not only their city, but also the region and country, and receive information on state symbols, the historical past of Russia, and the national calendar.

Complicated material placed in a patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design is complemented by children's and family creative work. So, for example, continuing to study the topic “My Family”, children with parents create a family coat of arms or a family tree. Family albums placed in a corner, which children like to view and show to each other, will be interesting.

From hometown to country

Various materials on such topics as “How did the city originate?”, “What is produced in our city?”, “Culture of my city”, “Famous countrymen”, “During the Great Patriotic War”, “Sights” will help to continue acquaintance with the native city , "Architecture". Parents and carers together can create a selection of poems about the city.

The map of the village and its symbols should also fill up the patriotic corner in the kindergarten. The design of the exhibition about the native land may contain symbols and a map of the region, information about its cities and famous places, and when the children receive this information, they will be ready to get acquainted with their native country. There is no way to do without a map of Russia. Modern printing issues special children's cards containing material accessible to children's understanding. And, of course, Russian symbols should appear in a prominent place - the coat of arms, flag, anthem and portrait of the president.

About culture, defenders of the Fatherland and planet Earth

In addition to local history information, other topics and directions contribute to patriotic education.

If the necessary material is available, information about how the culture of our people was born is placed in a patriotic corner. It can be thematic exhibitions “How did people live in Russia?”, “What are old things told about?”, “From the history of Russian folk costume”, “How did people walk and have fun?”, “People’s calendar” and others.

Information about the defenders of the Fatherland is also able to replenish the patriotic corner in kindergarten. The design (photo below) of exhibitions about the heroes of the Russian land, the Great Patriotic War and the Russian army can arouse the interest of boys, form their desire to become a defender of their homeland.

The global task of patriotic education is the formation in children of the concept that the planet Earth is our common home, and all who live on it should live in peace. Children need to be introduced to the living conditions of people in other parts of the planet, their customs and traditions.

If teachers and parents are interested in educating a young citizen, the result will not be long in coming, and a corner of patriotic education will help in this.

  for parents
  “Each family has its own traditions”


In order for a person to truly honor the memory of his ancestors, respect the Fatherland, and feel responsibility for his homeland, he must be educated in this way. With calls to love his city, his homeland, nothing can be done. The environment, lifestyle in the family, relationships in the children's team all form in the baby a sense of love for the place where he lives.
   Inheritance of moral values \u200b\u200bin preschool age is the most natural, and therefore true, way of moral and patriotic education, since in preschool age the role of emotional experiences that a child receives as a result of a moral situation and the moral choice is very important. It is then that he gains experience in moral activity. Such experience needs to be supported, encouraged, and created the conditions for its development.
   Parenting begins with the relationship that prevails in the family between parents. In the minds of children, habits like adults, tastes, addictions, preferences are put off long before the process of awareness of what is happening begins. Indeed, the construction of children's behavior follows the example of copying. It is the family that gives rise to a sense of continuity of generations, and through this, involvement in a kind of history, and the development of the ideals of patriotism. And when raising children, no other institution can replace the family; it is to it that the leading role in the formation of the personality of the child belongs.
   It is with the family that the introduction to culture begins, the child masters the foundations of material and spiritual culture. In family conditions, human forms of behavior are also formed: thinking and speech, orientation in the world of objects and relationships, moral qualities, aspirations, ideals. Children are brought up not only by parents as such, but also by the family life that is taking shape.
  A family    - this is the first team in which the beginnings of morality begin to take shape in a young child. The moral health of the family, its spiritual values \u200b\u200band, therefore, its potential educational opportunities can be judged by the traditions established in it. Thus, family traditions are the main means of transmitting socio-cultural values, family norms, establishing its relations with objects that are included in the scope of its life.
Tradition translated from Latin means "transmission." Tradition is that which has passed from one generation to another, which is inherited from previous generations (attitudes, tastes, ideas, customs). (Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova). If you are transported to your childhood, then along with your beloved people, native walls, something special will appear in your mind that is unique to your family. This “something” is a family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times, firmly settled in children's memory, and is already inextricably linked to a certain reaction to any event with bright colors of various impressive little things.
   Each has its own: joint reading of an interesting book; ceremonial service for a family holiday; bedtime story; family exit to the Victory Day parade; delicious grandmother's apple pie; evening, when everyone gathered for evening tea and told each other about the events of the day; DIY gifts for family members.
   Many examples of different family traditions can be cited. Common in them is the trepidation with which everyone remembers them, the desire to transfer them to their family. If your family has no traditions, think of them. It will make your life the childhood of your children is much richer.
   But, unfortunately, many young parents do not know what traditions are, what they matter in preserving and strengthening the family, what help they can provide in raising children. Therefore, it is very important to convey to them information about the value of family traditions, arouse a desire to preserve existing and create new family traditions.
   What family traditions can a young family have for itself? Here are some examples.
Drawing up the family tree of your family. To begin with, the family traditions of Russia have never been without the science of genealogy: it was embarrassing not to know the genealogy, and the most insulting nickname was "Ivan, who does not remember kinship." Compiling a detailed pedigree, your family tree was an integral part of the traditions of each family. By the way, to honor the memory of their relatives, to remember those who left this world, also belong to the original Russian traditions, as well as the constant care of elderly parents. There is also a wonderful custom to name a child in honor of one of the family members (there are so-called “family names”). In addition, the assignment of a middle name is considered to be our unique tradition. When the baby is born, he immediately receives a part of the name of the clan by the "nickname" of his father. Patronymic distinguishes a person from the namesake, sheds light on kinship (son-father) and expresses respect. Calling someone by middle name means being polite to him. The name can also be given according to church books, clergy, in honor of the saint, who is honored on the birthday of the child. Each of us is a successor of a kind. The roots of every kind, like the roots of a tree go far back to antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers and protects their ancestors. It will be very good if you start collecting a story of your kind in the family. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants.
   A long-standing Russian tradition is the transfer and storage of things belonging to distant (and not so) ancestors, their descendants. For example, great-grandmother’s casket or great-grandfather’s watch, grandfather’s field binoculars, grandmother’s homemade doll - family relics that are stored for many years and passed on to the younger generation. The history of things becomes not only the property of a single family, but also the history of the people and the whole of the motherland as a whole.
Family archives. Each family should have its own archive - letters of honor from grandfathers and fathers, the history of their merits, their work, the history of their family and surname. Indeed, over the years, our grandchildren will want to know how we lived. After all, the life assigned to us is short, but it is in our power to leave a memory of it.
Family album. When cameras appeared, people started compiling, and then storing, family albums. This custom has successfully survived to our days - probably most of them have old albums with photographs of relatives dear to their hearts, maybe already deceased. This is a simple and understandable thing for a child, but very exciting and interesting. The selection of photos, the design of the pages of the photo album is exactly the communication that the older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents. A specific image in the photograph is associated with a particular story from the life of family members, which causes a keen interest in the child and stimulates memorization.
Family holidays.   Celebrating holidays in the family, we show children a model of their relaxation and leisure activities. Having matured, just like us, our children will also have a rest. Let no one in your house feel lonely and unnecessary. Children, regardless of age, must participate in the preparation for any holiday. Involve your child in making gifts for all family members: birthday, other family events. To plant or not children at the “adult” table - parents decide in different ways. You can ask the baby not to stay at the table, but you can cover him and other children with a separate table. Remember that in a family celebration, the child is as a full member as a mother, like dad, grandfather or grandmother.
Another thing is children's parties.   Here the child is the main person. If the holiday is specially organized, has its own program, then the birthday or New Year tree will be truly joyful, festive for both children and adults.
Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions . Each nation has its own culture, customs and traditions. Adults should promote the familiarization of children with the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a celebration for the whole family. In the evening it’s good to discuss what you’ve seen with all family members.
Reading in the family circle.   Home reading is one of the means of spiritual and moral education. Moreover, it not only enriches both children and their parents with knowledge about the purity of relationships, obedience, conscience, good and evil, but also brings together all family members, relatives and friends of different generations and different life experiences. Family reading is the most accessible and shortest way to familiarize ourselves with the life experiences of our ancestors and is a wonderful way to develop the child’s mental abilities.
Collecting. It is very good if there is such a tradition in the family, if not, then you can offer to collect any collections at home, especially after visiting museums. As a result of this, the child awakens the need for creative activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of other people. You can collect anything, most importantly, rely on the interests of the child. A variety of collections will captivate and interest not only your child, but also other family members. You can collect cones, pebbles, shells, various beads, buttons, watches, candy wrappers, dolls, soldiers, etc. Visiting exhibitions and museums can give you an impetus in this type of activity. Then you can arrange your own exhibitions of your collection for friends and relatives. And it happens that parents themselves have been collecting things for a long time and the child takes an active part in this.
Family outdoor recreation.   Nature has a huge impact on the development of the personality of a preschooler, and walking and hiking have a beneficial effect on human health. How nice it is to get the whole family on a hike, go on a picnic, to the cottage. Wandering along forest paths or a meadow, swimming in the river, watching the life of insects, looking at unfamiliar plants, collecting natural material for crafts. Children love to eat in a forest clearing. And adults must teach the child to behave correctly in nature: to clean up garbage, not to make noise, not to break the bushes, etc. If such trips become a tradition, then the child will wait and prepare for them, trying to spend time in nature more interesting and more useful. .
   Create your family traditions and keep them safe! But will it be fun home performances, a special New Year’s meal, or “your” family song, performed at the holiday table or under the Christmas tree, is not so important. The main thing is that after many, many years the child who has already matured will recall the family New Year with joy and hidden sadness and would like to revive the traditions of the parental home in his own family.

Didactic game
  “Favorite in our family”
  for children 5-7 years old

"Favorite in our family."
  (5 - 7 years old)
  Purpose: Consolidation of children's ideas about themselves, family, relatives, about their favorite activities in the family.
  Clarify children's ideas about their beloved interests and tastes of their loved ones;
  To teach to display in the picture your favorite activities, the interests of family members;
  To form feelings of affection, mutual assistance, joy from the organization of joint actions in the family;
  Education of humane feelings.
  Game Content:
Children are invited to sketch their favorite on a sheet: food, a toy, a book, a case, a TV show, etc.
  The child tells what he painted, comments on what he likes, what he loves.
  Then he draws what mom, dad, sister and other family members love (who has someone in the family).
  After the favorite activities of relatives are drawn, the child finds out whether there is a common, beloved among all family members. Draws and talks using phrases:
  "In our family everyone loves ..."
  “Everyone in our family likes it ...”
  “These are ours, we love, we like ...”

Styles of family education.
  Means and methods of pedagogical impact in the communication of parents with a child

To be an ideal parent, you need to learn to follow the rule of three "P": acceptance, cognition, understanding.
   The character of the child is the result of family education, and its manifestation can be seen in the third year of life. The style of family education is the characteristic ability of parents to communicate with the child, the use of certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which is expressed in verbal influence. Each family has its own communication style. The ability to interact with children is very important.
  Researchers say parents talk with their children about 20 minutes a day. Of these, 10 minutes are necessary to give directions. Scientists have determined that there are several models of communication, and therefore education: authoritarian, democratic, conniving, chaotic and ward.
   Authoritarian style - all decisions are made by parents who believe that the child must obey their will and authority in everything.
   Democratic style - (authoritative, cooperation) - parents encourage the responsibility and independence of their children, taking into account their age-related capabilities, respect the personality of the child, accept him for who he is.
   The conniving style - (liberal, condescending, hypo-custody) - the child is not properly guided, practically does not know the prohibitions and restrictions on the part of the parents and does not follow the instructions of the parents.
   Chaotic style - (inconsistent leadership) - lack of a unified approach to upbringing, disagreement in the choice of educational means between parents.
   The guardianship style - (hyper-care, concentration of attention on the child) - the desire to constantly be around the child, to solve all his problems for him.
  Memo for parents.

What to do and not to do with a preschool child.
  DO it!
  1. Be always fit, fit and in a good mood.
  2. Rejoice at the son (daughter).
3. Speak in a caring, encouraging tone.
  4. Listen carefully to the child without interrupting. Set clear requirements for it.
  5. Explain simply and clearly.
  7. Be patient.
  8. First, ask “What?”, And then “Why?” and why?".
  9. Read every day and discuss what you read.
  10. Encourage games with other children.
  11. Try to have your child help you around the house.
  12. Be an example for a child; let him see how you enjoy reading books and magazines.
  13. Do not lose your sense of humor.
  14. Play different games with your child.
  15. More often consult with specialists, other parents, read books on education.
  1. Do not interrupt the child, let him speak.
  2. Do not ask a lot of questions.
  3. Do not force the child to do what he is not ready for.
  4. Do not force him to do something if the child is tired, upset.
  5. Do not constantly repeat "Do Not Redo."
  6. Do not criticize the child in the presence of other people.
  7. Do not compare a child with a brother, neighbor, friend.
  8. Do not come up with a lot of rules, he stops paying attention to them.
  9. Do not be idle before the eyes of the child.
  10. If in doubt what to do, do not rush.

Educator Kapustina N.N.
  MBDOU №31 pos. Lime

  Zhanna Rushanovna Fedina

In our kindergarten was held competition"Family traditions".

Children and parents took part in it with pleasure.

goal: rebirth family traditions

Family traditions   - This is the atmosphere of the house, lifestyle and habits of all residents of the house. A child accepts the world through the eyes of parents. They are an example to him.

Each family has its own traditions: this is a summer vacation, Sunday walks, lunch together, evening tea drinking. etc. Some families keep traditions of their ancestors. And others families have no traditions.

Participating in competition, parents think about this problem and naturally come up with their own traditionswhich, perhaps in the future, will remain in their family. Tradition   it is something natural, repeating, memorable. Very good kitchen to create family traditions. It will be great if the family gathers on Sunday for Sunday dinner or lunch. Or grandchildren help grandmother bake pies, or maybe mom and dad make dumplings with a child. Or maybe it will be a trip to nature or fishing.

What are you for? traditions? What do they give the child? Firstly, it is pride in your family, secondly, an unforgettable experience, and thirdly, stability in the family.