Sun air and water testing for preschoolers. Intelligent quiz. Sun, air and water: our best friends. Folder - movement "" Hardening of the child's body "

Intro to the Quiz

Water is the basis of life. Even in ancient times, people have learned to respect water.

The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: " Water, you have neither taste nor smell, it is impossible to describe you, they are enjoying you, not knowing what you are?».

The scale of pollution of underground sources, rivers, seas, lakes and oceans with domestic and industrial effluents is so great that this has led to the fact that the reserves of water suitable for drinking are constantly decreasing. Therefore, we conclude that water must be protected.

The Water Quiz contains questions related to water and water conservation. A total of 22 questions are presented in the quiz. All questions of the quiz are answered.

1. They pour me, drink me, everyone needs me. Who am I?
Answer: water

2. In one fairy tale, the king, about to marry his daughter, announced a contest in which tricky questions were asked. One of the questions was: “What is everywhere?”

Answer:   water. She is in the air, on the earth and inside her

3. If you look at the globe, what color is it the most?
Answer:   blue blue

4. What does this color correspond to?
Answer:   it is the color of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds

5. What properties of water do you know?
Answer:   colorless, odorless, formless water

6. Is it possible to drink the water of the oceans, seas?
Answer:   no because it is salty

7. What water is suitable for drinking?
Answer:   fresh

8. Do you think fresh water supplies are limited or unlimited?
Answer:   are limited

9. If water supplies are limited, then what conclusion can be drawn?
Answer:   water must be protected

10. What is a careful attitude to water?
Answer:   Do not spend it thoughtlessly, do not clog water, make sure that the tap is completely closed when water is not being used.

11. Can a person live without water?
Answer:   no, he can not

For reference: a person himself can serve as an example of the important role of water in the body. In infancy, its amount in our body is 86%. As the body grows and develops, the proportion of water decreases. In an adult, it is no more - 60%.

12. Where do you think life originated? Where did the first living creatures live?
Answer:   in water

13. Can plants and animals live without water?
Answer:   no they can't

For reference: animals and plants are largely composed of water. The percentage of water in plants and animals varies from 50 to 99%.

14. What do we do with water?
Answer:   we drink, cook food, wash, swim, bathe, wash, create wealth (creation of production is possible only with the use of water), water plants, water animals.

15. What aggregative states of water do you know?
Answer:   solid ( ice snow), liquid ( water), gaseous ( steam).

16. What appeared on Earth before: water or life?
Answer:   water appeared much earlier than life

17. Where did the centers of human civilization originate?
Answer:   in the valleys of the Nile, Tiger, Efrat, Indus

18. You all know big cities: Moscow, Paris, London. What rivers are these cities on?
Answer:   Moscow - on the Moscow River, Paris - on the Seine River, London - on the River Thames.

19. Is water present in other planets, stars, comets?
Answer:   yes, present

20. Why does ice float in water?
Answer:   ice is lighter than water

22. For many years in the desert there has been a struggle for water. Deserts are coming. What do you think would happen if water came to the desert?
Answer:   instead of the desert a green oasis will appear

Final quiz provisions:

Water is the basis of life. Take care of the water! This is vital. Use water sparingly. Do not litter water.

More about water:

What journey did Droplet make? "Droplet's Journey" - you can read

You can learn proverbs about water

Publication Date: 10.09.2016

Short description:

material preview

Compiled by: educators

button Buttons

Novoselova N.I.

Kozlova E.A.

Everything around is green

Zalelo, blue!

Here is the summer!

Here is the summer!

With the warm sea

With bright light.

G. Lagzdyn

The project "Sun, air and water are our best friends!"

Type of project: informative - recreational - game.

Duration of the project:


It is no secret that the curiosity and cognitive interests of a preschooler are manifested in his attitude to the world around him. And in order to encourage children to independently expand and deepen their knowledge in the field of interest, namely, the properties of water, air and the sun, this project was developed, where children participate in various experiments.

The project involves not only all boys and girls, as well as their parents, it helps to consolidate children's knowledge of the properties of inanimate nature. This project is relevant, as it provides ample opportunities to strengthen not only the physical, mental, but also social health of the pupils, since it is very important to teach the child to think not only about himself but also about others, to teach him to live in harmony with others and with others .

Project Goals:

    Formation of ecological culture of pupils through the organization of cognitive research

    Strengthen the physical and mental health of children.

Project Objectives:

    To generalize and expand children's ideas about the surrounding world, ideas about the important components of health - the sun, air and water;

    Build knowledge that nature is a source of health;

    To develop cognitive interest, to form skills of experimentation;

    To expand sensory forms of contact with nature, the subject and social environment;

    Develop coordination and fine motor skills of the hands; Encourage children to take various actions with water and sand;

    To form friendships, the ability to interact;

    To increase the level of parental competence in the field of physical development of children.

Project participants:



    other family members.

    The relations of participants in the educational process are built on the basis of cooperation and respect.

    The child’s cooperation with adults in developing classes, the game form of NOD, reading fiction, an exhibition of drawings and crafts, tours, observation, independent children's activities, role-playing, didactic, verbal, board games.

    Visual propaganda - a combination of different types of visibility, the design of thematic exhibitions, stands.

    Counseling of parents by specialists of a preschool educational institution (a teacher with the right to teach physical education, senior nurse, senior medical assistant for BMP, speech therapist).

    Organization of leisure activities dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Expected Project Results:

    Each teacher, parent, child is an active participant in the project because of its capabilities.

    Each participant takes the initiative.

    Preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children through the cultivation of a conscious attitude to their health.

    Positive changes in the emotional sphere of family relationships.

    Parents gain basic knowledge of maintaining and promoting family health

    Enhancing the role of the family in shaping a healthy lifestyle

Stage 1. Preparatory work:

    Bringing to the project participants the importance of this problem.

    Selection of methodological, popular science and fiction, illustrative material on the project.

    Selection of material, toys, didactic games, attributes for gaming, cognitive activities

    Selection of material for the visual and productive activities of children.

    Development of lecture notes and thematic conversations.

    Compiling a file of didactic games for the upbringing and development of cultural and hygienic skills in younger preschoolers.

2 stage. Practical.

Long-term plan

1st week

"Summer is red, be with me!"

    Examining the pictures "Summer", "Summer Adventures", "Children in the Summer"

    Reading: N. Sladkov “The Bear and the Sun”, Slovak Tale “At the Sun Away”

    Conversations: “Summer has come red,” “What is sunstroke? "," We always play together "

    Drawing "Primroses"

    Etude “Call me affectionately”

    Experience: “Hello sunny bunny” (with mirrors, with foil)

    Didactic games: “A wonderful bag”, “Collect a picture”, “Which insect flies and which crawls”

    Role-playing game "Family"

    Listening to songs: music by E. Telecheev “The sun has a friend”, “The sun, the sun shines brightly on us”

    Musical and sports festival "Summer, oh, summer!"

Work with parents:

    Consultation for parents "Nutrition of the child in the summer"

    Folder - Traveling "Summer"

2nd week


    Examination of illustrations, photographs, pictures about health.

    Reading: “Charging,” L. Lyapisova. “I do not miss”, G. Ladonschikov

    Learning proverbs, sayings about health.

    Conversations: “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy”, “Safety lessons”, “Conversation about health, about cleanliness”

    Drawing with parents "My sports family"

    Application "Olympic rings"

    Presentation "Sports"

    Listening to music by V. Vitlin, V. Viktorov

“To charge”

    The plot and role-playing game "Sporting goods store".

    The mobile games “Hit the Basket”, “Football”, “Do Not Drop”, “Who is Faster”.

    A game with massage balls.

Work with parents:

    Consultation "Beautiful posture is the key to health"

3rd week

“Soap Bubble Day”

    Viewing photos on the topic "Where does soap and soap foam live?"

    Reading: I. Demyanov “Little Girl Smacking”, K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”.

    Conversations: “Friends of Moidodyr”, “On the Safe Handling of Soap”.

    Water drawing on asphalt

    Modeling "Colorful Bubble"

    Drawing "Look, the bubbles have blown apart"

    Experiments: “Acquaintance with foam”, “Adventure of bubbles”,

    Balloon Party Decoration

    Outdoor games: Catch the Bubble, Swell the Bubble, Catch the Bubbles

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

Work with parents:

    Dress Up and Color Balloon Show Contest

4th week

Sand Fantasy

    Reading poems about the sand B. Zakhoder, E Shalerova; short stories “Sand and Sunlight”, “Egg in the Sand”, “Tale of the Sands”

    Conversation using illustrations, didactic manuals: “What is under our feet?”, “Sand grains, what are they”, “Who needs sand for life”

    Sand painting Fantasy Sand

    Construction of sand "House for the sun"

    Experiments: "Sandy trickles", "Wonderful figures", "Imprints of our hands."

    Sand Games: “Modeling Sand Pies”, “Sand Men” (draw with pens on the sand), “Hourglass”.

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

    Competition "City of Masters" (for the best construction of sand ").

    Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Work with parents:

    Folder - moving "Environmental Education" (experiments with sand and water)

1st week

"Travel Droplets."

    Reading: V. Suteeva “Under the Mushroom”, “Droplet” G. Lyushnin, “Brook” T. Zhibrova.

    Conversations: "Water around us"; “Travel droplets”, “Water is needed by everyone”

    Drawing "Waves"

    Experiments with water: “Warm, cold water”, “Water - liquid”, “Colorful water”.

    Watching cartoons: “Kapitoshka”, “On the seas, on the waves”

    Didactic games: “Wash our pens”, “What a different water”, “Cut pictures”, “Floats, does not swim”.

    Listening, rain, ponds, audio recordings mp3 from the series "Sounds of Nature": "The Sound of the Sea", "Surf", "Music of the Rain", "Thunder", "Sounding Stream".

    Outdoor games: "Catch me," "On a level track," "Get in a circle," "Find the ball."

    Walking on massage mats.

    Riding bicycles, scooters.

Work with parents:

    Make a selection of folk signs of rain

    Consultation for parents: “We swim with benefit and pleasure”

2nd week

"We and nature"

    Weather observation

    Examining the Seasons albums

    Reading “Hello, Summer” by T. Bokov, “The Bear” by G. Ladonshchikov, “Seasons” by A. Kuznetsov, “What Does the Sun Look Like?” T. Bokova

    Conversations: “What grows in the country”, “Who lives in the grass?”

    Modeling "Berry Kingdom"

    Drawing Amanita

    Plot - role-playing game: "Walk in the forest"

    Games with natural material. “What tree is the leaf from?”, “Collect a bouquet”, “What happens round in nature?”

    Game for a walk: Rangers

    Outdoor games: "Trickle", "Edible - Inedible", "Name the animal" "Knock down the bumps" "Who will run faster."

    A game with massage balls.

    Labor in the garden (care for the beds with vegetable marrows)

Work with parents:

    Collection of natural material for manual labor.

3rd week

“The Sun is at a party !!!”

    Reading: “Caring Sun”, “The Sun is Resting”

    Conversations: "The fact that in sunny weather you need to wear a panama hat."

    Drawing the sun - in unconventional ways, we draw on the asphalt "Radiant Sun."

    Application teamwork “Give the sun a ray”

    Watching the cartoon "The Stolen Sun".

    Watching the sun on a walk.

    Didactic games: “Blots”, “Lay out the sun”, “Sun, air and water” - on clothespins, “Collect picture” - puzzles.

    Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, “Sun Bunnies”, “Find Your Color”, “Day - Night”

Work with parents:

    Consultation for parents "Caution - the sun!"

4th week

"Good water"

    Conversations: “On the safety of people on the water”, “Why do we need an umbrella?” "

    Occupation - entertainment "Vodichka-vodichka"

    Drawing "Rain, rain, cap-cap"

    Modeling cloud and rain

    Experiments with water: “Sweet and salty water”, “Sinking, not sinking”

    Didactic games: “Launch the boats”, “Catch a fish with a net and a fishing rod”, “Fold the picture”

    Outdoor games: “Sun and Rain”, Karasi and Pike ”,“ Droplets ”

    Viewing theatrical activities (on the flannelgraph) “The Boat” Slavina L. S. (preparatory and senior groups)

    Watching the cartoon: “By the seas, by the waves”

    Musical entertainment "Neptune Day"

    Invigorating gymnastics after sleep

Work with parents:

    Costume making for the holiday

    Consultation for parents: "Games with children in the fresh air"

1st week

"Sport is health".

    Examining illustrations with various sports.

    Memorizing sayings: “I will save my health, I will help myself”, “You cannot become strong instantly - temper yourself gradually.”

    Talk about the need to do morning exercises, "Health and Disease", "Talk about proper nutrition"

    Plasticine modeling. "Athletes".

    Sports activities "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family."

    Musical tale "Health Secrets"

    Collage design “We are Athletes”

    Listening to music: M. Starokodomsky, A. Kuznetsova “On charge”

    The role-playing game "Hospital"

    Didactic games: “My daily routine”, “Name correctly”, “Each thing has its own place”

    Outdoor games: “One, two, three - run!”

    Massage mats walking

Work with parents:

    Consultation for parents “Health through sport”

    Folder-folder "Physical education - the key to health

2nd week

"Invisible air."

    Examination of the album “Nature has no bad weather”, subject pictures on the topic

    Reading: A. Orlov “Wind is a Shepherd” A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” ”, (S. Marshak)“ Breeze ”, (E. Elova)“ Windy ”

    Conversations: about the wind, about its role in human life, “What kind of wind”, “What is air”, “Invisible air”, “Air around us”

    The construction of "Kite"

    Drawing up a story on the topic: "How the wind helps us and how it can harm us."

    Experiments with the wind: “We make waves”, “The wind is blowing - the boats are sailing”, “With ribbons”, “Where is the wind blowing from?”

    The plot and role-playing game: "Traveling on a ball."

    Outdoor games: “Pass the wind” (acceleration run), “Balloon”, “Wind”

    The game "Run the plane"

    Respiratory Gymnastics

    A game with massage balls.

Work with parents:

    Making toys for games with the wind (boats, boats, sultans).

    Consultation for parents "If you want to be healthy"

3rd week

Sunny week

    Reading and memorizing the nursery rhymes “The Sun”, “The Sun Show”, “The Sunshine Bucket”, “Burn-burn clearly!” E. Blaginina,

    Conversation "If There Weren't the Sun."

    Modeling: "The sun is radiant"

    Drawing: “A bright red spot appeared - this sun looked into our window”

    Drawing on the pavement “Circle my shadow”

    Observation of sunrise and sunset (if possible in a group, according to illustrations, with the help of parents at home).

    Dramatization of the fairy tale "Visiting the Sun."

    Didactic games: “What does it look like?”, “Rays for the sun”, “Choose by color”, “Collect the sun”.

    Outdoor games: "Sun Bunny", "Catch the Sun Bunny" "Hide from the Sun"

    Musical and didactic games: "On the paths of puddles", "The Sun and the Cloud"

    Physical education - song "I am in the sun"

    Listening to music: Hearing E. Grieg "Morning".

Work with parents:

  1. Folder - movement "" Hardening of the child's body "

4th week

Gifts of summer

    Conversations: “Red summer has passed”, “On the benefits and dangers of sun rays”, “How did you remember the summer”

    Reading the poem “So summer has arrived” V. Danko

    Modeling Vitamin Still Life

    Drawing on asphalt "Summer"

    Outdoor games: “Carousel”, “Shapes”, “Cross the bridge”, “Pass along a narrow path”, “Roll the ball into the goal”

    Musically - final entertainment "Goodbye, summer, goodbye!

Work with parents:

    Riddles from the garden (Creating a riddle book with parents)

    stage. The final.

    Wall newspaper “Here is our summer!

    Competition of crafts together with parents "Summer, oh summer"

    Application: "Goodbye, fun summer!"

    Round table “We share the experience of children's health”

    Photo exhibition “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

    Protection of the project on the pedagogical project MBDOU

    Final presentation of the project “Sun, air and water are our best friends”.

Thus, we can conclude that the work on this project allowed to expand the knowledge of children about the properties of water, air and the sun. It was possible to teach children to conduct simple experiments on their own. The participation of parents in joint creativity with children, in an outdoor event helped to strengthen child-parent relations. Children formed an initial idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle, motor activity of children and the general tone of the body increased. Both parents and children took great pleasure in exploring the theme “The sun, air and water are our best friends”.


    Replenish the file of art words on the topic under study.

    Extend work experience to other age groups.

    Use new forms of work with children and parents on this topic.


    G.P. Tugusheva, A.E. Chistyakova "Experimental Activities" ed. "Childhood Press", 2007

    O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina “The Unknown Nearby” - publishing house SC Sphere, 2010

    L. N. Prokhorova "Organization of the experimental activities of preschoolers." Guidelines - Arch Publishing 2005.

    L. N. Menshchikova "Experimental activities of children" ed. - 2009.

    The program “From Birth to School” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, A. A. Moscow 2012

    Advanced Planning for the From Birth to School Program, ed. - “teacher”, 2011

    Magazine "Preschool education" №11 / 2004

Internet resources:

    htt: p //

    htt: p //

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 83 of Rossosh

“The sun, air and water are our best friends!”

Teacher: Sycheva S.I.


Improving student health;

The development of physical qualities, beautiful posture, plastic movements;

Training in the ability to perform assigned tasks quickly and accurately;

Continuation of work on the formation of collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline, courage;

Fix the rules for sunbathing.

Leading:   Hello! We are pleased to welcome all participants to our sports festival.

Sport guys really need

We are very friends with sports

Sport is an assistant!

Sport is health!

Sport is a game!

Physical Education!

Leading:   What a guest in a hurry for a holiday

What is his name, find out!

Heal all, heal-

Kind ……

Doctor:   I’m a doctor, I treat patients

So that people do not get sick.

Anytime I rush to them,

In bad weather and in a snowstorm.

I can put a thermometer.

And prescribe pills,

Potato drops sweet

Who is sick here?

Do you guys like charging?

Then we will start the workout.

Musical rhythmic gymnastics

"The sun is radiant"

Aibolit.   Something is sad. There is no cheerful sun, let's all call him.

All shout in chorus:

Come on sunshine

Carry your rays!

The sun appears.

Sun.   Hello guys! How do you live?

Leading.   Guys, show the Sun how we live? Let's play the game "How do you live?"

Children in a circle, utter words and show.

Leading. How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going - Like this! (go on the spot)

How do you swim? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad? - Like this! (sad, head down)

How naughty? - Like this! (grimacing)

How are you shouting? - Like this! (shout: Ahhhhh ...!)

And how do you wave your mom next? - Like this! (waving hands).

Sun.   I see how well you live, how joyful you are, how many friends you have. I want to play a game with you too.

Game "Sun and Rain" (younger groups)

Aibolit:   And I want to play a game with the kids

“Who will put the thermometer faster” (Senior groups)

Children line up in three teams. “Degrees” are pins. Run to take a thermometer, put it under the arm, will return to the team, pass the baton.

Music sounds, a dunno with an inflatable frog appears.

Dunno all tanned.

Dunno:   Hello, here I am, misfortune happened to me. I was on a river and burned out in the sun, I don’t know why?

Aibolit.   But we know that the sun can be harmful and insidious .. all the time in the sun, especially. When it is very hot, it’s dangerous. Guys, tell a dunno what precautions you need to know so that there is no harm from the sun?

You can not with your head uncovered;

You can’t look at the sun, otherwise your eyes may hurt,

It is necessary to use sunblock;

On sunny days it is better to wear glasses;

You can’t sunbathe for a long time, you can sunbathe.

We must be friends with the sun carefully!

Let me cream you.

Dunno:   Thanks guys! Because you taught me how to be friends with the sun, I want to play with you.

Game "Who will fill the bucket with water faster" (Relay game)

Aibolit:   Guys, let's now remember the homework. We announced a contest for the best portrait of the sun.

All portraits of the sun are on the stand. Children in unison determine the winner.

The winners diplomas are awarded.

Festive disco.

“The sun, air and water are our best friends! "

Goal: Promote the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. To develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hardening procedures, to expand ideas about the important components of health - the sun, air and water, to form knowledge that nature is a source of health.


To expand children's ideas about inanimate nature: sun, air and water; - acquaint with the properties of air, water and their role in human life. - educate preschoolers the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Course progress: 1. Organizational moment.

Educator:   Guys, guess the riddles in order to find out what we are going to talk about today.

Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years,

It blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (The sun.)

If our hands are in wax

If blots sat on your nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will remove dirt from the face and hands? (Water.)

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the reverse holds the path.

He is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without him. (Air.)

2. conversation

Educator:   Remember the saying in which these words are.

Right. The sun, air and water are our best friends. This is the topic of today's lesson.

Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson. I invite you on an interesting journey. In the magic country "Valeology". I invited the Doctor of Healthy Lifestyle. But, trouble, he could not come. But he sent an email to our school.

Dear Guys! I cannot attend your lesson. But I will look forward to meeting you. I am sending you a parcel. In it you will find true friends who will help you soon
to come here.
Your Doctor HLS.

Guys, this is a package from the Doctor of Healthy Lifestyle. Let's see what's in it? (I open the package and get it: a flashlight, a balloon inflated with air, a bottle of water)

What interesting subjects. But Doctor HLS says that they are true friends? Who are they?

I take out the flashlight, turn it on and off. Why do we need a flashlight? What Doctor HLS meant. Why do we need a flashlight guys? He is shining. What items are still shining? The moon, a light bulb, the sun. And the sun what else can do? It warms. It gives warmth.

Illustration of the sun on a blackboard.

And to whom does it give light and warmth? To animals, plants, people.

And can we live without the light and heat of the sun? What will happen to us?

We will freeze, it will become cold, we will bump into each other.

What do we like to do in the sun?

1. Sunbathing
2. Bask.
3. From the sun, everyone is light and warm.

Why do we say that. Where the sun often sets, the doctor rarely comes there. So the sun can be called a medicine. It heals. Prevents many diseases. But any medicine requires action.

What harm can the sun bring us?

(pay attention to the slides)

1. Skin burn. 1. Gives warmth to plants and animals.
2. Sunstroke. 2. Sunbathing.
3. Plants, animals perish. 3. The sun, as a medicine.

Guys, let's all close our eyes and imagine that we are on the shore of a reservoir. The sun is shining. His rays caress our cheeks, nose, arms and legs. A breeze came in, blowing us from all sides. We feel pleased at his touch. We feel good. You are in a great mood. Opened all the eyes.

I take the ball and examine it. Suddenly he lowers. Guys, what happened to him? He was blown away, lowered. What was inside him? Air.

What do I need to do to get it puffed up again? Inflate. (Inflate).

A picture of air is posted on a blackboard.

Tell us what you know about the air? Can you show it with your finger, hug? What is he like? Invisible. Let's smell it. Does it smell? Not. It only tolerates other odors. Let's try? Do you have a taste? No taste.

Where can we feel it. Everywhere. In class, in a ball, in a balloon.

I show the children a fan. - What is it? Fan. Why do we need it. Who guessed? Let us wave our fans at ourselves, at a friend, at our guests. What did we feel? Breeze. The wind is the air that we set in motion.

Why do we need air?

To breathe. Can we live without air? Not!

Let's have an experiment. Pinch everything - nose and mouth. Your sensations. It has become hard. We are short of air. And what air should we breathe? Clean. Fresh.

3. Experience. I have bags, I suggest you breathe into this bag. (children breathe in the bag, holding it tightly around the mouth and nose)

Why did it become difficult to breathe? Little air.

How many knows how we breathe? Oxygen.

The oxygen that was used up in the bag was low and it became very difficult for us to breathe. But carbon dioxide has gathered in it, which is harmful to us. And not suitable for breathing.

Look how many of us are in this class today, we all breathe, it becomes stuffy. Why? Little oxygen. Where to get it? What needs to be done to fill the room with fresh air?

Must ventilate the room.

Open the window, doors.

Open the door, open the window or open the window,
Quickly let fresh air into the house.
(Children pass and sit at the tables)

Clean air is rich in oxygen. How does air affect our health?

Clean air protects against diseases. But contaminated, on the contrary, harms. (draw children's attention to the slides)

1. Black smoke from chimneys 1. Breathe in fresh air
2. Exhaust fumes from cars 2. Plant trees
3. Decay of garbage 3. Build sewage treatment plants

Air is another helper that helps us get into a magical land.

Guys, where does the bottle. I dont know. Can you tell me?

This is water!

Have you heard of water?
- They say it everywhere.
- In a puddle, sea, ocean.
- And a faucet.

Guys, look at the globe. This is the layout of our planet Earth. Why is it called the blue planet. A lot of blue. What does blue color mean? This is water! Why do we need water? Tell me.

What kind of water is it? Pure, salty, bitter, dirty, drinking.

There is a lot of water on our planet, but not all drinking water. A lot of salt water, but very little fresh. If it is not enough, what should be done? It needs to be saved. What does saving mean? Close the taps, take as much water as needed, protect it. What to protect from? From pollution.

What else can you tell about water? Do not remember? Then let's do some experiments.


You have cups on the tables. Each has water. Take each glass and look into it.

You see the bottom. So what kind of water? Transparent.

What color is it? Colorless.

Let's smell, smell? Not. So it has no smell.

Let's try it. Do you have a taste? Not. And when can she change the taste?

Look at what I'm doing. Relocating. What is she. Liquid.

What else is water? Hard. I show children the ice. If you hold the ice in your hand, what will it turn into? In water.


Do you like tea? How to make tea? It is necessary to boil water.

What comes out of a pot or kettle? This is steam! What can we say about water? That it turns into steam when boiled. The water is gaseous.

Guys, does water affect our health?

(draw children's attention to the slide)

1. Save water 1. Drink clean water
2. Do not clog water. 2. Follow personal hygiene rules.

Water is another helper that helps us get to the country of “Valeology”.

6. Physical education

Sun, air and water

Our faithful friends

(step on the spot)

Early in the morning we woke up

And reached the sun

(Stretch on toes)

To be healthy always

Water helps us

(Show that they are swimming)

Take a ball for a walk

Jump, run, do not be sad!

(Jump, pretending to hit the ball)

That's how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher. Children raise their hands through the sides up, climbing on toes.

By night, the sun will go down

Below, below, below. Children crouch, lowering their hands down.

Alright, alright Sun is laughing

And under the sun we

Fun life. Children walk on the spot, clapping their hands.

Guys, there’s something else in the package. I get a picture. How beautiful she is. I show children a picture. Doctor HLS sent us a picture of the country “Valeology”. Look how bright she is. Who helped us get to the magical country of “Valeology”? It is the sun, air and water.

7.Total: Now it’s winter outside, it’s cold, so I suggest you take bright colors and draw a radiant sun so that it becomes a little warmer in the group

To form an idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle; give children an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important air, water   and light for all life on earth, expand knowledge of the role of water, air, sun in human life;   to form knowledge that nature is a source of health; to form knowledge about personal hygiene items and the concept of personal hygiene.



Abstract on the topic:

“The sun, air and water are our best friends”


Ovcharenko M.M.




Goal:   to form an idea of \u200b\u200ba healthy lifestyle;give children an idea of \u200b\u200bhow important air is, water and light for all life on earth, expand knowledge about the role of water, airsun in human life; to form knowledge that nature is a source of health; to form knowledge about personal hygiene items and the concept of personal hygiene.



1. To expand the children's understanding of household items related to cultural and hygienic habits, that nature is a source of health.

2. To expand the idea of \u200b\u200bcultural and hygienic habits by means of fiction.


1. To form the ability to navigate in space.

2. Develop the ability to accurately perform movements in accordance with the text.


1. To form the ability to conduct a simple dialogue with adults and peers regarding the observance of cultural and hygienic habits.

2. Cultivate a desire to monitor their appearance and accuracy.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, solving riddles; reading the work of K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"; conversations with children: about the sun, air, water; about personal hygiene.

Equipment: tooth brushing scheme, blue ribbons,balloon , Pictures based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky: “The Stolen Sun”.

Class progress

Educator: guys, today we will go on a trip to the country"Zdravushka", and we will go by magical transport.Get on the carpet - the plane, close your eyes, say the magic words:

Our carpet rushes through the sky

Magic will happen now ...

So we arrived.

Tell me, guys, when you and I flew, what shone on our way?

Children: The Sun.

Educator: You heat the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling in the window

And your name is all ...

Children: the sun.

Educator : children, and what does the sun give us?

Children:   heat, light, sun tan, vitamin “D”.

Educator : right, with the sun we get a tan, take sun baths, we need vitamin D in order for our bones to be strong.

Educator: let's recall the work of K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun". (Showing pictures from the work). What happened to the beasts when the crocodile swallowed the red sun?

Children: the animals were scared, lost ...

Educator: a can people, animals, birds, plants, animals live without the sun?

Children: no.

Educator: right, without the sun there would be no life on our planet. But, the sun is a medicine that should be taken dosed and not overdo it. But in reasonable amounts, the sun heals. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed, which cannot be obtained with food. Vitamin D is good for our body in that it helps us grow and strengthens our bones. But if you do not follow certain rules, the sun can harm our body. When do you think the sun can be dangerous for us?

Children: in the summer.

Educator:   That's right, the sun is dangerous in the summer when it is very hot. In summer, we all go with the family to the sea, where we love to swim and sunbathe. Let’s remember what advice will help us when we sunbathe.


Sunbathe gradually, in moderation, without abusing a long exposure to the sun;

The duration of the first sunbath should be no more than 20-30 minutes;

Take sun baths in the morning from 7 to 12 hours, when the air is still clean and not overheated;

Be sure to protect your head from the sun with a scarf or panama;

Do not take sun baths in a fixed position.


Sun, air and water

Our faithful friends

(step on the spot)

Early in the morning we woke up

And reached the sun

(Stretch on toes)

To be healthy always

Water helps us

(Show that they are swimming)

Take a ball for a walk

Jump, run, do not be sad!

(Jump, pretending to hit the ball)

That's how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher. Children raise their hands through the sides up, climbing on toes.

By night, the sun will go down

Below, below, below. Children crouch, lowering their hands down.

Alright, alright Sun is laughing

And under the sun we

Fun life. Children walk on the spot, clapping their hands.

Teacher: guys let's all close our eyes and imagine that we are on the shore of a reservoir. The sun is shining. His rays caress our cheeks, nose, arms and legs. A breeze came in, blowing us from all sides. We feel pleased at his touch. We feel good. You are in a great mood. Opened all the eyes.

Educator : children, and an unusual guest came to us.

What is it?

Children: a ball.

Educator : for some reason he is blown away.What was inside him?

Children: Air.

Educator: what do I need to do to make it round again?

Children: inflate.

Educator: where can we feel the air ?.

Children: in a ball, a balloon, on the street.

Educator: why do we need air?

Children: to breathe.

Educator:   can we live without air?

Children: no.

Breathing exercises - exercise "Pogonchiki" by Strelnikova.

I. P - standing legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

Inhale through the nose, gently turn the head to the right shoulder, exhale through the mouth, head straight, inhale, smooth turn to the left shoulder, exhale.

Music sounds and Moidodyr enters

Moidodyr:   Hello kids

Girls and boys.

I am a great laver.

The famous Moidodyr.

Washbasin Head

And a washcloth commander.

Answer me.

Are you healthy

Children: Yes

Moidodyr: Are you clean?

Children: yes.

Moydodyr: are you friends with soap?

Children: yes.

Moydodyr: are you friends with water?

Children: yes.

Moidodyr:   Show me how you are friends with water, how you wash your hands (showing children the rules of washing their hands)

Reading and imitation of movements.

Faucet open your nose wash

Wash both eyes at once

Wash your ears, wash your neck, wash your neck thoroughly.

Wash yourself, wash yourself off, wash off the dirt, wash off the dirt.

Moidodyr:   and where can I find water?

Children:   in the river, brook, ocean ... (children's answers).

Game "Stream":   short ribbons laid out in different places of the group room, combine them into one "big river".

Moidodyr:   What personal hygiene items do you know?

Children:   comb, soap, toothbrush, paste ...

Moidodyr:   every morning and evening everyone needs to brush their teeth, because between the teeth there are leftovers. Consider brushing your teeth with children.

Do you guess my riddles?

Riddles :

As many as 25 cloves for curls and crests.

And under each under the clove, hair will lie in a row. (comb)

Bone back, stiff bristles,

He is friends with peppermint paste

Serves us diligently


Smooth and fragrant, washes very clean,

Everyone needs it. What is it? (soap).

If your hands are in wax

If there are blots on your nose,

Then she’s our first friend,

Removes dirt from the face and hands. (water)

Moidodyr : Well, well done, now I'm sure that you will always monitor the purity of your body, your health. Goodbye, guys.

Gives children soap.

Educator : Guys, here’s our journey and it’s come to an end, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten, let's take our places on the carpet - the plane.


Our carpet rushes through the sky

Magic will happen now ...

So we returned to kindergarten. Tell me, what did you find out, whom can we call our best friends?

Children : Sun, air and water are our best friends.

Educator : I wish you guys always be healthy,

But to achieve the result is impossible without labor.

Try not to be lazy - every time before eating,

Wash your hands with water before sitting down at the table.

And exercise every day in the morning,

And, of course, be tempered - it will help you like that!

Always breathe fresh air whenever possible.

You go for a walk, it will give you strength, friends!